12 - 18 September 2019 | Edition 939

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Concerns measles on its way

Hai tēnei wiki Kā Tirohaka: Whāraki 17 He Mahi: Whāraki 19 Kā Para: Whāraki 20

Herd immunity not guaranteed.


Congratulations to Michelle Tetzlaff

Phone: 03 443 8000 Top of Helwick St, Wānaka

NZ Lifeguard of the Year.




RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19



Season ends with victory over Queenstown

Story on page 15


Nova Valintine Ruis eludes the tackle of a Rovers player before scoring.

Kia kaha te reo Māori ērā te hao nui o Taramainuku e tō ana ki te uru Tū hāhā ana te whenua, tū hāhā ana te rangi E rere Mata-au mōteatea noa rā ki tai Aue aue mō kōutou kua wheturangitia, Haere, haere, haere atu rā Kua meatia, he taonga te reo Māori. He reo tuku iho mai i ngā atua tawhito o ō tātou tīpuna. Me he wairere tāuwhiuhwi, me he ngāhere ketekete nō nehe. Kei tō te reo Māori he tangi mapu kau pērā i te hau


Kei a ia te oro whati kau o te tai. Koia te reo o te taiao, koia taku mounga. Kua kitea nei e tō tātou reanga te aranga o te reo Māori 12 ngā tau ahau i whakaako ai te reo ki aku tauira tē kautehia engari i ahau e tipu ana ngū ana te rangona o te reo kōrerotia ki Wānaka nei. Ko te whakaaro whānui o te hāpori nei, o Aotearoa katoa he reo mate te Reo Māori, he reo kōrerotia e ngā kaumātua kuia Māori anake. E ai ki te ture reo māori 2016 Ko te reo Māori he reo

mō Aotearoa katoa. Pakeha mai, Māori mai, tauiwi mai. He tohu whai mana mō tātou katoa ngā uri o Aotearoa. I kī mai tōku kaumatua “ina kitea te Māori e kōrero Māori ana ka mea mai te Ao- He pai te reo Māori mō te Māori. Ka kitea ana te hunga Pākeha e kōrero āori ana ka meatia- he pai te reo Māori mō te ao. Ka ora te reo Māori i tēnā i tēnā o tātou e kōrero Māori ana. Ka ako ana te tangata, ka hua te mārama o tā Eva Ricard kohakī “Anō te pai te tūākana teina e noho ana i raro i te whakaaro kotahi”.

Nō reira kia kaha tonu tātou ki te hāpai tō tātou “Aotearoatanga” mā Te Reo Māori hei taonga puiaki kia mōhio te ao, he mana motuhake tō Aotearoa, ahakoa te maha o ōna iwi, kei runga tātou i te waka kotahi kia whai atu te pae tawhiti, te koingo o ngā tīpuna, ara, kia tū ake tātou hei kaitiaki mō ngā taonga o koro mā o kui mā, kia tū hoki tātou hei kaitiaki mō ngā uri whakaheke. Kia kaha te reo kia ora tātou. Translation on page 2

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NATIONWIDE 2016 / 2017

Sun News

Hāwea and Wānaka are both below the 95 percent vaccination rate required for herd immunity.


Concerns over measles making its way to Wānaka Emma Conyngham


Local schools have sent out warnings to parents that measles may be on its way to the Wānaka district as 19 confirmed measles cases hit Queenstown. Wānaka’s general vaccination rate for six-month-old babies is 78.05 percent, whilst Hāwea’s is 71.15 percent. For 60-monthold children, Wānaka’s vaccination rate is 90.91 percent whilst Hāwea’s is 84 percent. The measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine is given at 15 months, and four years old. The opposition to vaccinations has risen in recent years on the back of fake news spread by social media. Professor Ross Lawrenson, professor of population health, University of Waikato Medical Research Centre said it is very difficult to get people to understand the seriousness of the measles situation. "[It’s] Difficult really. Six percent will get pneumonia, some will get inflammation of the brain and one or two in 1000 will die. So far we are lucky to have no deaths. Young babies and the immunocompromised are most at risk." He continued, "For something like measles, which is highly infectious, a vaccination rate of 95 percent is probably needed to protect those such as infants who are vulnerable. The spread of cases suggests we are at the point where herd immunity in some communities has broken down." SDHB senior communications advisor Vanessa Barratt said that the herd immunity in SDHB was generally very good due to having one of the highest vaccination rates in NZ, although pockets of low vaccination rates around Wānaka district mean there may be individual cases of measles, or even multiple cases in our community. Nikki Turner, head of the Immunisation Advisory Centre said there have always been communities that have refused to vaccinate. These are often those who live “alternative” lifestyles,


Kia Kaha to the Māori language It has been said that te reo Māori is a treasure. It is a language passed down from the ancient gods of our ancestors. It can be as the free flowing roar of the waterfall Or as the noisy forests of old Te reo Māori contains the sobbing of the gentle breeze and the roar of the pounding surf. It is indeed the language of our environment It is indeed precious to me beyond compare. Our generation has witnessed a revitalisation of te reo Māori. I have been teaching te reo in our community for 12 years now and have had countless students come to learn, but whilst I was growing up, te reo was not at all heard. The dominant thought in this community and in New Zealand in general was that Māori was a dead language used only by Māori elders. The Māori Language Act 2016 makes clear te reo Māori is for every New Zealander and is a valued part of our national identity. All who learn te reo Māori help to secure its future as a living, dynamic and rich language.

seen in parts of the Coromandel, Raglan, Waiheke Island, Hokitika, and Golden Bay. “Anti-vaccination sentiment tends to group together, so we can have geographic or social groups of very high rates of decline. They all share the concerns together and create their own little patches and then there is real risk of disease spreading in these groups.” Professor Michael Baker, Professor of Public Health at the University of Otago, emphasised the role of herd immunity in keeping unvaccinated people safe; "Herd immunity, or population protection, occurs when a sufficiently large proportion of a population are immune to prevent the spread of an infectious disease that is passed between people. Because measles is highly infectious the level of immunity to interrupt spread is high, at around 95 percent. This figure assumes that the immunity is uniformly high, so if there are pockets of lower vaccine coverage (immunity gaps), measles can still spread rapidly in those groups. For a number of reasons, New Zealand has some immunity gaps where measles immunity is significantly lower than 95 percent, notably in teenagers and younger adults. So technically, we have probably never had full herd immunity and the highly infectious measles virus is now finding those immunity gaps." Both Wānaka and Hāwea are below the 95 percent threshold making the district’s vulnerability to measles, higher than other districts within the SDHB. The SDHB recommends one MMR vaccination at 15-months-old and one vaccination at four-years-old. Adults who are unsure of their immunity status are encouraged to get vaccinated as soon as possible. It is never too late. Those born between 1970 and 1990 are a focus for current vaccination campaigns because their parents and/or doctor may not have a readily available record of their immunisations. This group tends to travel a lot and have young children, adding to the risk factors.


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As you learn, we come to appreciate that diversity is a key to unity.” Kia Kaha! My elder said to me “when Māori are seen talking Māori to each other the world says, ‘Māori is good for Māori’. When non Māori are seen talking in Māori, the world says, ‘Māori is good for the world.’” Te Reo is thus kept alive by each and every one of us who use it. Through this understanding we bring fruition to the wisdom of Eva Rickard’s words “how brilliant it is when we can all share the bonds of kinship through common interest (not common heritage).” Therefore may we continue to uplift our New Zealand identity through celebrating te reo Māori as a valued treasure so the world knows, we are unique. Though we are made of many races, our culture is realised through the aspirations of our ancestors that we of this generation be as guardians not only to our histories but also to our future. May te reo carry these stories for ever. – By Jeromy Van Riel

No consent ‘ignored’ by Council Emma Conyngham


Queenstown house hunter, Jonathan Sanders is frustrated at being shut out of the housing market by investors who buy up the lower priced houses, only to put them on Air Bnb. “We recently lost out on another property in Frankton to someone who bid just that little bit higher. It's now been promptly listed on Airbnb as a holiday home. We are so frustrated at the housing market and how hard it is for us to get into our first home, when so much of the town is going to shortterm accommodation,” he said. Sanders’ frustration propelled him into some detective work which has dug up a potential can of worms. “I have been researching this a lot and it seems the crazy thing is that most of this short-term accommodation is actually illegal! I've been talking to a Council Duty Planner who has been advising that new rules have come in that require most properties to have a resource consent from the Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) before they are used for short-term accommodation. So I have spent several hours comparing many, many (honestly probably over 100) listings on Airbnb to the Council's consent database — most don't have a consent!!” Sanders went back to the Duty Planners to ask why the rules were not being enforced. “They told me (quietly) that another QLDC team is responsible for enforcement.. but they don't really actually enforce airbnb properties... only if there

is a complaint. So essentially selectively ignoring the problem.” So how does Council monitor the number of nights and who has, and who hasn't, notified correctly or applied for consent? “Monitoring and enforcement of visitor accommodation activities is undertaken by the QLDC monitoring and enforcement department,” says Jack Barlow from QLDC. “All monitoring and action undertaken is guided by the enforcement and prosecution strategy and our monitoring prioritisation strategy.” The question however, isn’t whether there is a formal monitoring strategy on paper. The question is, is it being enforced and if so, how? On this, the reply was somewhat ambiguous. “Appropriate enforcement action is undertaken in accordance with the enforcement strategy. In the past, Council has successfully prosecuted people who flout rules relating to short-term letting.” However there was no definitive answer as to how thorough the monitoring was, or how it was done. Are properties on holiday sites cross checked by door-knocking enforcement officers? Are the financial records that correspond to the number of nights a house has been let, submitted to council for annual auditing? “Complaints from members of the public are only one way we are advised of potentially non-compliant visitor accommodation activities,” said Barlow. “Other departments within Council actively advise our department of potential non-compliance and we actively monitor resource consents processed for visitor accommodation activities.”

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Sun News


One flight every 10 minutes ‘fundamentally flawed’ says QAC Emma Conyngham


PHOTO:Recreation Aotearoa

2019 Lifeguard of the Year Michelle Tetzlaff.

Wānaka’s own wins national Lifeguard of the Year Abby Costen


Wānaka Recreation Centre crew member Michelle Tetzlaff has been named New Zealand Lifeguard of the Year at the 2019 Aquatics Award, which took place in Queenstown last Wednesday. The ceremony aims to encourage recognition and development within the aquatics industry and the top individual award is pegged for the lifeguard who has made the most noteworthy contribution to his or her facility and the sector. Tetzlaff said, “Her colleagues at Wānaka Pool say that she is very dedicated and has a fantastic rapport with customers. Frequent visitors to the pool have described her as ‘a breath of fresh air’ and say that the pool wouldn’t be the same without her.” QLDC sport and recreation manager Simon Battrick said, “This national recognition is fully deserved. As we were putting Michelle’s nomination together words like friendly, helpful, professional, dedicated, respected

and supportive kept cropping up. It’s clear that customers and colleagues alike truly appreciate her work ethic and positive attitude”. Tetzlaff began working at the old Wānaka Community Pool back in 2011 after relocating from Auckland. As a gifted competitive swimmer, she was selected to join the national development squad ahead of the 2000 Olympics and later went on to coach her son, who twice made it to the national junior championships. During the awards ceremony, it was also confirmed that the pan-Crown Range team, made up of Matteo Navone, Craig Pritchard, Georgia Murty and Michelle Tetzlaff herself, had finished second at the New Zealand Lifeguard Championships held at Alpine Aqualand on September 2. Battrick added, “Having the awards ceremony and lifeguard championships in Queenstown as part of Recreation Aotearoa’s annual Waves Conference has been a fantastic opportunity to showcase our facilities and indeed the whole district to recreation industry leaders from across the country”.

The Wānaka Stakeholders Group (WSG) released a report on Monday with their estimates of flight traffic based on an investment of $400 million and their numbers are staggering. Author Richard Somerville believes there could be a plane taking off or landing every ten minutes at Wānaka Airport. The analysis concludes that “a market return on $400 million requires an annual throughput of 3.14 million passengers in order to cover costs and provide a commercial return in line with broadly similar commercial airport operations. In physical terms, this is going to result in 26,200 flights in or out of Wānaka Airport each year, or one flight every 10 minutes (based on a 12-hour flying window per day).” For critics who accuse this report of being biased, Somerville states, “My work has been peer reviewed, the result of which was that my analysis and fundamental approach was found to be solid. My methodology is outlined in detail in this document.” However, Colin Keel, Executive Officer QAC, said Somerville’s underlying assumptions were fundamentally flawed. “The analysis prepared by Mr Somerville has been commissioned by the Wānaka Stakeholders Group to support its opposition to the development of Wānaka Airport,” said Keel. “QAC was not contacted by Mr Somerville prior to the analysis being shared publicly. QAC does not propose to comment on the fundamentally flawed analysis except to say the quality of any analysis depends on the accuracy and reasonableness of the underlying assumptions. The assumptions which appear to underlie the Wānaka Stakeholders Group’s analysis do not reflect the basis on which QAC would proceed with development at Wānaka Airport and

Report author Richard Somerville.


as a result grossly exaggerate any likely outcome. For example, any investment would be spread over a 25+ year period and not all spent up-front, with only a portion being required to re-introduce scheduled services. “Further, airport revenues are not solely based on passenger activity, as airports have varied revenue streams which the analysis only considers in a cursory manner. QAC will wait for QLDC to undertake its economic and social impact assessments and share the district spatial plan being developed with Government before providing more detail on any future airport development planning."

Lake Hāwea celebrated on postage stamp ALLISON MCLEAN


A visit to a NZ Post will afford you the opportunity to share an iconic image of Lake Hāwea on your letters. The new $4 stamp is part of a collection of six iconic locations on Te Araroa, New Zealand’s 3000km-long walking and tramping trail, that were released on September 4. Walking the length of New Zealand, from Cape Reinga to Bluff, is a rite of passage for many New Zealanders. The stamp collection’s release is aligned with the start of the upcoming walking season, which starts on October 1. Te Araroa Trust chief executive Mark Weatherall said he was ‘humbled’ to see the trail appear on stamps issued by New Zealand’s postal service. “They say you’ve made it if you’re on a postage stamp, so this is a great honour for Te Araroa trail.” He said his team enjoyed working with NZ Post to suggest the featured locations and provide information about different trail sections. The Te Araroa Trail stamp series was designed by NZ Post’s Hannah Fortune whose inspiration came from photos donated by five Te Araroa walkers. The stamps come in


The Lake Hāwea stamp from the Te Araroa Trail scenic stamp issue, released on September 4.

$1.30, $2.60, $3.30 and $4 denominations. In 2018 to 2019, more than 1100 people walked the length of Te Araroa trail and tens of thousands more walked individual sections of the trail.

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Sun News


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RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19


Sun News


Bake someone happy


Can you help bake meals for people in need?

The group of Wānaka and Hāwea locals give up some of their free time to cook and bake for other locals who are unwell, going through Northlake's KiwiBuild homes were too expensive for first home buyers. a hard time, or have children that are unwell, and for the elderly. Do you have an hour to spare this weekend? Food for Love is Anyone interested in finding out more, becoming a volunteer calling for volunteers to whip up family-sized meals for its 20 or nominating someone in need can get in touch with Food for current nominees. Love via its Facebook page, @Foodforlove1.

Abby Costen


Affordable housing becomes more attainable

Local man challenges himself to support cancer research

Geoff Lurajud, of Cromwell, and his work colleagues at HeliSupport New Zealand Limited in Wānaka.



A local man is spinning his wheels to make a difference for the survivors and families of those affected by prostate and testicular cancers in New Zealand. Geoff Lurajud, of Cromwell, and Tom Van Der Burg, of Christchurch, are best mates who are challenging themselves to ride 220km this Saturday during the PlaceMakers Southern Scooter Challenge 2019. The challenge is not a race, per se, rather an awareness-raising and fundraising event to support Prostate Cancer Southland and Hospice Southland. The endurance race will navigate the men, along with about 100 other teams on scooters, from Bluff ’s Stirling Point up to Queenstown. “The scooter has been brought out of hiding since the [2016

PHOTO:Fiona Thomas

Trans Alpine Scooter Safari], and is themed as a ‘heli-scooter’ for this 2019 run,” Lurajud told the Wānaka Sun. “The scooter has survived two teenagers, some commuting work by me and the 2016 run, so it’s part of the family.” Lurajud’s works at HeliSupport New Zealand Limited, based in Wānaka; the company was a major sponsor of the duo, who converted their scooter into a helicopter. By the time this article went to print, Lurajud and Van Der Burg had raised more than $4400 for the challenge. “After some research I have found that more than 3000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and an average of 600 die per year in New Zealand alone,” said Lurajud. “For me personally working within the aviation industry, and it being mostly male dominated, I feel that I need to get out the message of awareness.” To learn more about Lurajud’s and Van Der Burg’s team or to donate to the cause, visit http://bit.ly/2k8I8qV.

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A reform to the KiwiBuild scheme could translate to positive news for the Wānaka community after the Government revamped the affordable housing policy last week. The flagship KiwiBuild, which launched last year and aimed to build 100,000 homes in ten years in an effort to tackle the NZ housing crisis, has been 'reset,' with Wānaka being cited as part of the problem. The Government noted that KiwiBuild homes built in the Northlake development proved to have little demand from first-time home buyers after sporting a reported price tag of around $645,000. Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust (QLCHT), executive officer Julie Scott said, "They're a little bit overpriced for what they are in terms of their value compared to what's available on the open market." Noting genuine first-time buyers in the area, she said, "There are teachers, nurses, police, tradespeople, bar staff, retail management– everyone who's on pretty much less than $100,000 household income." In 2007, Queenstown Lakes District Council initiated the creation of the independent, not-for-profit QLCHT to manage and deliver affordable housing solutions to those in the local community who cannot afford it. In accordance to the visions and goals of the Mayoral Housing Affordability Taskforce for housing in the community, Council confirmed the Trust, an independent entity, as its preferred partner for receiving contributions by Council to help in the Trust's delivery of retained affordable housing in the district. Under QLCHT’s Secure Home programme, new homes have been successfully placed since its launch last March and more are reportedly in the works.

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PHOTO:Wānaka Sun

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RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19

Scott said the Government's recent reset of its affordable housing policy is 'fantastic news' for the hundreds of people on the Secure Home waiting list. "If we can receive financial assistance from the Government, we can help even more than currently anticipated and speed up the process," she said. The Government's new measures include big changes, such as a $400m progressive home ownership scheme for up to 4000 families and increased support for first-time home buyers. "With previous Government assistance for progressive home ownership, we helped more than 100 households into their own homes over a 10-year period," said Scott. The reset will also make changes to the Welcome Home Loan and HomeStart grant, which allow buyers to get Governmentguaranteed loans and $10,000 grants for deposit–the deposit required from first-time home buyers has been reduced from 10 percent down to five percent. "The challenge of saving for a 10 percent deposit in our district is seriously challenging when rents are the highest in the country relative to income," said Scott. The Government has also removed the ban of having multiple parties purchase the homes and reduced the time one has to live in the property from around three years down to one year (for one-bedrooms and studios). In regards to KiwiBuild, there is no announced new target. Housing Minister Megan Woods said the Government would instead focus on building as many homes as it could. It is unclear if the amended terms will make Northlake’s KiwiBuild homes a viable option, but Scott said it could be a possibility. "I think there is an opportunity for the stars to align and for that to happen, yeah absolutely."

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Sun News


Proposals sought for impact assessments PHOTO:Wānaka Sun archives

Wānaka Airport

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Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) is looking for independent consultants to undertake Economic and Social Impact Assessments on the effects of possibly expanding Queenstown and Wānaka Airports. On Monday, Council announced it had published a Request for Proposals (RFP) on the Government GETS system. QLDC chief executive Mike Theelan said that, as the majority stakeholder in Queenstown Airport Corporation (QAC), Council is keen to ensure its strategic direction to the Board is well informed. QLDC is looking for recommended approaches for undertaking an assessment of the social and economic effects ‘of a number of possible futures for the airport,’ including ‘growth in Wānaka Airport and/or Queenstown Airport, constraining growth at both or either location and increased collaboration with other regional airports,’ as stated by QLDC. The intent to undertake the Economic and Social Assessments was signalled in Mayor Jim Boult’s speech on August 8, and the decision to undertake the assessment was considered at the extraordinary Council meeting on August 26. Theelan said there will be ‘some who will now scrutinise the RFP to find fault or predetermination.’ He said the RFP was deliberately neutral and simple in its approach to help the experts shape the right proposal. “Frankly the voice we now want to hear is from independent professionals in this space as to how best we should approach this work,” said Theelan. “In addition to the economic value propositions for the district, Council is also aware of the growing effect of airport traffic on social licence, particularly through recent heightened debate based on incomplete and inaccurate information,” he added. “So we need to understand and measure the social impacts, both positive and negative, of possible changes linked to the two airports to inform decision-making and the community debate.” He said Council was aware of the ‘many different perspectives on possible development,’ which is why it wanted to make sure that any community engagement is ‘well-informed, balanced and captures a wide range of community views and opinions.’ The assesment’s outputs will be used to inform the QAC 2020-2022 Statement of Intent that will be drafted for March 2020. The RFP is published on www.gets.govt.nz until October 4 at 5pm.

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RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19

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Sun News


Skate Club celebrates 25th Anniversary

From left to right: David Penrose, Tom Pryde, Mark Owens, Aoibheann Monaghan, and Leslie Van Gelder.


Wildlife Trust gets a boost Ollie Blyth


Last week, the Wakatipu Wildlife Trust was thrilled to be able to accept a donation of $75,000 from the Hugo Charitable Trust, which will go towards making the Wakatipu Basin predator free. The trust, founded in 2017, began with 6 smaller trapping groups which encouraged residents to band together and trap in their own backyards. Since then, the trust has grown to 38 trapping groups that have helped in decreasing the predatory pest population in the Wakatipu area. Chairman of the Trust Tom Pryde said that, “we’re so appreciative of the generosity of the Hugo Charitable Trust in supporting us so that we can fund our Executive Officer role and cover our office overhead. Everyone likes to fund traps but without someone to coordinate the efforts we can’t do the

major work that needs doing.” Leslie Van Gelder, the WWT’s Executive Officer, added that she is, “amazed by the generosity of the Hugo Charitable Trust,” and that, “it’s this kind of philanthropy that makes for enduring change and will make a huge difference towards what the WWT will be able to accomplish now and in the future.” The Hugo Charitable Trust was founded in May of 2017 by Maryanne Green, the eldest daughter of the late Irish philanthropist Hugh (Hugo) Green. The charity aims to ‘give back to the people of New Zealand’ and has, this year, donated to 143 charities and in excess of $3.5 million towards the benefit of kiwis nationwide. Green said that, “we can see first-hand the positive impact WWT’s trapping programme has had on the Lake Hayes area in terms of the increase in native birdlife,” she added that, “protecting New Zealand’s unique The Wānaka Skate Park biodiversity will provide many environmental, social, economic and intrinsic benefits and is a responsibility we all share.” Ollie Blyth

PHOTO:Wānaka Skateboard Club


Local performs Mihi Whakatau at Winter Games Ollie Blyth


Wānaka resident, Joe Waide, performed the Mihi Whakatau at the cross country skiing event at the Winter Games up Snow Farm last week, becoming the first to open the event with a Māori welcome. Waide operates the local tour business WanaHaka which has run a variety of tour services in both the Wānaka and Queenstown area for the last three years. This includes offering delivering the Mihi Whakatau to families, weddings and other groups in the region. Waide said that he was “reached out to by management at the Snow Farm. They had heard… from other tourism businesses that I work around town in delivering cultural connections with their manuhiri (visitors) and the personalised connection way in how I deliver it.” Waide’s Mihi Whakatau was an official welcome to the athletes from all over the world. He was also excited that, “Former Prime Minister Helen Clark came straight up to me as a spectator and patron and complimented me on my delivery and connection.” Waide also said that he has great connection to the Upper Clutha area through his heritage, “my great, great, great grandfather was one of the first settlers of Wānaka. He then moved to Hāwea Flat and had a farm in Tarras. I have articles from the Cromwell Argus and Otago Witness from 1882-1900 so I have a deep relational connection from both a Māori and European history.”

The Wānaka Stateboard Club will be celebrating their 25 year anniversary next weekend, and have organised a number of community events to celebrate and fundraise. The club has partnered with the Wānaka Mental Health Peer Support Group and will be raising funds for both groups over the weekend’s programme of events, which is open to the wider Upper Clutha community. The skateboard club was founded in 1995 by local skateboarding trailblazers Olly Burke and Reon Morland after the Queenstown Lakes District Council passed a by-law banning skateboarding in Wānaka town. Burke, who was head boy of Mount Aspiring College at the time, said that they had to find an alternative solution to allow them to practise their sport, “between ourselves and the staff at MAC… we formed the basis of the Wānaka Skateboard Club. The late Mike Allison who was Headmaster let us put a rail on the school tennis court. This gave us a legal place to practice our sport. After that we PHOTO:supplied started fundraising for skateboard facilities. We Joe Waide performing the Mihi Whakatau acquired a secondhand skateboard halfpipe He also added that through his position at WanaHaka, he from Queenstown and drove over with five of wishes to; “empower our manuhiri to be guardians and protectors us and dismantled the whole ramp and drove of the land on their travels around our beautiful whenua (land).” it back to Wānaka in the same day. This was the

The most important regional council election ever Listen to & question ALL the ORC candidates Cr Michael Laws and ORC candidate Alexa Forbes have arranged a public meeting for ALL the ORC candidates in Wanaka, this Sunday. Phill Hunt has arranged the venue. Candidates present will be Graeme Bell, Richard Bowman, Alexa Forbes, Phill Hunt, Gary Kelliher and Michael Laws. Dunstan elects three of the 12 councillors that govern the ORC.

Sunday, 15 September at 2pm • St John’s Hall, 4 Links Road, Wanaka

base of one of the first ramps in Wānaka.” From Friday 20 to Sunday 22 September, the WSC will be hosting a number of community focused events. On Friday 20, at 6pm there will be an art exhibition/sale at Rhyme and Reason brewery featuring local and international artists. Saturday 21 will be a Wānaka Skate Tour around three iconic local skate areas for local skate enthusiasts. That evening, three local bands will be featured at Post Office Lane from 7pm onwards. “On Sunday 22 we have a skate/ snow contest to be held at Cardrona Resort and the Rabbit Hole Café,” said Burke. “The Wānaka Skate Club held New Zealand’s First Skate and Snow Back in 1996-7 so it’s great to see the return of this event after 20 years.” Burke said that since the club’s founding, he has witnessed a great development in skate culture in Wānaka, “the main changes I’ve seen in the last 25 years is the attitude and image of skateboarding... Similar to what happened to snowboarding in the 2000s, skateboarding is now an Olympic sport.” The fundraising events next weekend aim to contribute to further improve both the skate facilities as well as the skate culture in Wānaka. He would like to thank all of the members of the Upper Clutha Community for their support over the past 25 years, and encourages those interested in donating to the Club to email him at wanakaskatecollective@gmail.com.

New Patients and Visitors Welcome All new enrolled patients receive a free half hour nurse appointment. Phone 03 443 0710 any time. 23 Cardrona Valley Road, Wanaka www.WanakaMedical.co.nz Wanaka Medical - Leading the Way


RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19


Sun News


It’s the perfect time to do a bit of spring cleaning, isn’t it?

look after the planet every day of the year." From 12pm to 3pm on Saturday September 14 Kaha Youth is running its fourth annual group clean up of Lismore Park and to join in, locals can contact Kaha Youth on 0275709268 or email kahu.youth@xtra.co.nz. Kahu Youth workers Richard Elvey and Sarah Blechert said, “In the past around 20 or so volunteers from all ages and walks of life have come along to help, and we hope to see the same amount, if not more, join in this time. It’s such a simple and easy way of giving back to this community – so come along and give us a hand, we'll have chocolate!”. The Albert Town Community Association has teamed up with The Wānaka Upper Clutha Lions Club to organise another clean-up event on September 14, which will be taking place in Albert Town from 9.30am to noon. PHOTO:Julian Apse An ATCA representative said, “Everybody welcome, Lake Wānaka, Wānaka. including children. Meet at McMurdo Park, Dale St. We will supply bags and gloves but best if you bring your own gloves. We finish with refreshments and spot prizes and the opportunity to meet other Albertonians”. KNZB is partnered with Waste Management and Envirowaste, which allows volunteers to dispose of the rubbish collected for free at selected transfer stations. This year, KNZB is also embracing the plasticfree movement and reducing its carbon footprint by encouraging volunteers to arrange their own clean up kits using sustainable resources. Resources such as event guides, posters, volunteer registration forms and certificates are available to download online via the KNZB website once an event has been registered. PHOTO:Supplied PHOTO:Supplied Find out more about the local clean up events at knzb. Wānaka Dog Walking & Pet Sitting team member Wānaka Dog Walking & Pet Sitting business owner org.nz/clean-up-week-2019/. Jade Howe with Milo. Emily Robertson.

Abby Costen


Keep New Zealand Beautiful is once again calling for Kiwis to ‘Do The Right Thing’ and partake in G.J. Gardner Homes Clean Up Week, which runs from September 9-18. Last Monday G.J Gardner supplied gloves, rubbish bags and took away the rubbish collected for a clean-up event, attended by members of Wānaka Primary School, at Bremner Bay – a favourite picnic and swimming spot in Wānaka during warmer months according to Lake Wānaka Tourism. KNZB CEO Heather Saunderson said, “G.J. Gardner Homes Clean Up Week is one of the biggest initiatives in our calendar. It’s an opportunity for businesses and community groups plus individual New Zealanders to be empowered to do the right thing. Through our accumulated actions we create a movement against littering that reaches every corner of the country. In early September we will be announcing the results of the National Litter Audit, and while I can’t reveal specifics at this point, I can say that this year’s Clean Up Week is more important than ever to protect Aotearoa”. KNZB celebrity ambassador and television news journalist Michael Van de Elzen said, "It's so very important to maintain our clean, green image. For me personally Keep New Zealand Beautiful means that we are always aware of our everyday actions that help play our part as a responsible citizen of this beautiful country. It's so important that we educate the next generation about looking after the planet so involving our children in Clean Up Week is a fun but also powerful way to inspire them to

The Otago Community Trust is a community-owned charitable trust that provides grants to assist community projects that make a significant and positive contribution to the people of Otago. Through our grants, we endeavour to make our Otago communities stronger, more vibrant and better connected. Southern Lakes Arts Festival Trust Photo by Ray Tiddy

Funding Snapshot


$11.3M Above: Aspiring Biodiversity Trust

Our 2018/19 financial year has been busy. We have been privileged to be able to continue to support hundreds of community projects across the Otago region. We approved $931,910 in grants to the Queenstown-Lakes area between 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019. Check out the community groups we have funded below.

Otago Wide

Queenstown Lakes District


Total Value of Grants Approved


to Community Projects



Central Otago District


Waitaki District


Dunedin City


to Education

Clutha District Queenstown-Lakes District Grants 1 April 2018 - 31 March 2019 Alpine Community Development Trust


Aspiring Biodiversity Trust


Cavalcade Host Town Comm Inc


Challenge Wanaka Sports Trust


Hawea Flat School


Southern Lakes Arts Festival Trust The Showgrounds Community Sports Centre Trust The Upper Clutha Sports Community Trust



Kahu Youth Trust


Wanaka Guide and Scout Group


NZ Mountain Film Festival Charitable Trust


QLDC - New Year's Eve Celebration


Snow Farm NZ Limited Snow Sports NZ Inc


$100,000 $51,500



Hollyford Conservation Trust

to Sport & Recreation

$2.17M to Environment & Heritage


to Arts & Culture


Wanaka Primary School


Wanaka Search and Rescue Inc


Wanaka Watersports Facility Trust



Upper Clutha Music Festival Wanaka Golf Club Inc

Mt Aspiring College



Wheels at Wanaka Charitable Trust


Winter Games NZ Trust




Annual Public Meeting

Contact Us

Monday 23 September Dunedin Public Art Gallery 4.30-6.30pm

0800 10 12 40 info@oct.org.nz www.oct.org.nz

RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19

Queenstown-Lakes Community Groups Supported

Go to


to view the 2018/19 Annual Report


Sun News


Share My Pet founders, Lili Wenzel and David Johnson, with two dogs, Miss Muppet and Snout, and mini pony Gem


A great community cat-titude Abby Costen


Share My Pet has teamed up with Cat Rescue Wānaka to host an event on September 19 to raise money and awareness for the cats of Wānaka. The Thursday event, which runs from 10am to 2pm at Kai Whakapai, will involve fun competitions as well as the chance to win a hamper full of kitty treats and toys worth over $100. Share My Pet connects pet lovers around the country and gives 50 percent of its profits to registered animal welfare charities, and Wānaka Cat Rescue is a charitable organisation dedicated to caring for local stray cats. Founded by wife and husband Lili Wenzel and David Johnson, the online platform Share My Pet already has more than 700 people onboard nationwide. The team plans to host ‘Doggy First Dates’ in pet-friendly cafes in Marlborough, Canterbury and Otago, including a visit to the iconic Cardrona Hotel, as well as meet with partner

charities and visit universities and rest homes – to share the message about the benefits of pet companionship. “Pet sharing is a growing global movement,'' said Wenzel. “There are a lot of reasons people can’t have pets; whether they’re flatting, move around a lot, or have financial or health restrictions. On the flip side, there are people with pets who would love their animals to have extra companionship, with someone they know and trust.” Participants can sign up via the website to view profiles of people with pets to share, or others with love to spare, and set up meetings. Wenzel added, “Being a sharer or a carer – or both – can involve things like dog-walking, cuddle-time, extra grooming for dogs, cats, rabbits, horses – it’s all-inclusive! Even feeding and holiday care.” The Share My Pet roadshow stops at Blenheim, Christchurch, Queenstown, Wānaka and Dunedin, plus Canterbury’s new cat café and the Four Paws Marathon, before heading back to the founders’ hometown in Nelson. Find out more at sharemypet.co.nz or catrescueWānaka.co.nz.

Kappa well priced, comfortable mattress and base sets Single $529 • Double $629

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KAHU YOUTH by Rayner Swartz Nordic sofa with reversible chaise, dark grey + light grey options Was $2,299 Reduced to $1,799

Kahu Youth has announced their spring holiday programme which will be a thrill ride.


Spring holiday programme a thrill adventure As the days begin to lengthen and the cold starts to fade away, we here at Kahu youth are excitedly peeling off our jackets as Spring approaches. Woohoo! We have just revealed our school holiday program running from October 1 to October 11. Keeping the youth interacting and engaged helps grow young and healthy minds, and trying out and succeeding at new things raises self-esteem and opens doors to many new possible hobbies and interests. With that in mind we have devised a fantastically wild and varied schedule; whether they feel like embracing the high-energy adventurer within, or they just feel like kicking back with their feet up, we’ve got something for them. Kicking off the break we get straight


into white-water rafting, so prepare to feel the adrenaline rush as you whizz down the river and feel the impressive forces propel you. On the second, we are hosting a trip to the movies, where we get to relax and see the hottest film on offer, with a cookie or popcorn provided, yum. For the third we head to Realm, New Zealand’s most advanced fully immersive virtual reality experience, get warped to entirely new worlds with the amazing VR on offer in a wide selection of games and simulations! Not to mention the fourth, where we are combining with Queenstown and Cromwell to create a giant, epic game of paintball; prepare to run, roll and shoot in this massive paint explosion of hysterical fun! The next week of the holidays we start with a frisbee golf day on the eighth,

we get wet and wild at the Wānaka swimming pool on the ninth, and on the tenth we head to Queenstown to SITE trampoline, where we unleash the inner acrobat in this bouncing extravaganza! Great holidays often end with a flight, and here we are no different, we’re heading to the indoor skydive centre in Queenstown, iFLY. Experience freefall as you float in a cushion of air. Wow-owow, what a line-up! Make sure you sign up early for as many as you want, because entries are limited. We sure are excited about getting these holidays rolling with a blast, and we want everyone to come with us! For more information on any of this, flick us an email at kahu.youth@xtra.co.nz or call us on 03 443 5880. RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19

Woodenforge Recycled timber hall table Was $649 Now $499 1400/1800 extension table Was $1,499 Now $1,099 Sanctuary luxury 1.5m headboards, limited stocks, in colours pearl & champagne only RRP $1,299 All Reduced to

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Sun News

Crimeline Bopp C Calvin Constable, NZPD The week has brought a mixture of jobs for the Police. We attended a crash in the Cardrona Valley where a car ended up in the river; luckily no one was injured during this incident. Police received multiple calls during the week relating to poor driving. We encourage you to call us whenever you see this. It allows us to stop and speak to the driver, sometimes resulting in just educating them, other times your call may be the second or third complaint for this driver which we prioritise with urgency. It is technically a crime to go onto somebody’s property and pick their flowers and fruit if you do not have the owner’s permission. If you fancy some flowers and would like a clipping, just knock and ask if you may have a sample. There was one report of this during the week. Police attended several family harm incidents. We took another report of skis and poles being stolen from Cardrona Ski Resort, scallywag behaviour! If these were taken by mistake then please return them. An individual at a local watering hole decided the fire needed more wood, so placed a bar stool in it. Enquiries are ongoing as to who this is and the evidence is strong. If this was you, best get in front of it and confess at the Police Station. A drink driver was caught after being snapped speeding, a big ticket coming their way. A report was taken of items being stolen from a car. Always lock your vehicle and don’t leave anything enticing for opportunist thieves. It was quite appalling to see on Saturday morning general carnage around the place. This type of behaviour continued into the evening and a general sense of disorder plagued the town. Sadly it is what happens when people consume more alcohol than they can handle. The evidence was visible on Sunday morning. Have a great week everyone and stay safe. I have noticed an obvious decrease in the amount of speeders in town so that is great to see, thank you for that.


Little hands get green fingers PHOTO:Supplied

Thai green coconut soup served at Rhyme and Reason Brewery’s Queer Soup Night last Tuesday.

Love is love Abby Costen



Planting flaxes are Ziptrek guide Kenny Wynter with (from left to right) Jack Sides (11), Amelia Hancock (10), Olive Sinclair (10) and Hana Jones (10) from Wānaka Primary School.

Emma Conyngham


Staff from Queenstown’s eco-tourism company Ziptrek Ecotours joined greenfingered students to plant flaxes and native grasses as part of a nationwide Paper4Trees programme. Ziptrek’s sustainability commitment means it has been a gold sponsor of the Paper4Trees programmes for the past seven years. On Tuesday, it supported students from eight schools from Cromwell,

Wānaka, Alexandra, Queenstown, Tarras and Clyde, in planting over 40 flax and toi toi plants in the Matakauri Wetlands on the outskirts of Queenstown. Paper4trees is a waste minimisation and tree planting initiative that rewards schools and preschools with one native plant for every two cubic metres of paper and cardboard recycled. The initiative is supported by the Otago Regional Council, Wānaka Wastebusters and the Queenstown Lakes District Council, with QLDC Mayor Jim Boult praising their efforts.

This year’s Winter Pride event schedule was jam-packed with a wide array of vibrant celebrations, from a Cards Against Humanity games night to a Military Party and speed dating to a Habana Cocktail Master Class. Cardrona Alpine Resort hosted a week of on-mountain pride festivities, from September 1-7, including dress-up days, a pizzeria lunch and a flag parade, encouraging both locals and visitors to come together and celebrate diversity. Not directly associated with Winter Pride but by the same token, last Tuesday Rhyme and Reason Brewery in Wānaka threw a Queer Soup Night, organised by Chrissie Lahood. Lahood said, “Queer Soup Night started in Brooklyn New York three years ago by Chef Liz Alpern to get queer people together for a party with soup at its centre and has expanded to lots of cities around

the USA. A friend Tanja Schwindt and I were chatting about getting more social stuff happening for our Wānaka community and I’d heard about QSN in a Julia Turshen podcast. We emailed them and they were stoked to bring us into the QSN family. It’s the first time there’s been one in the Southern Hemisphere!”. All of the money collected from soup purchases will be donated to a local charity and the funds raised from last Tuesday’s event is already set to be gifted to Kahu Youth. Queer Soup Night goer Shaun said, “I wish I knew about all of you sooner. I’ve been here since November and it would’ve been great to be part of the community”. Queer Soup Night goer Nisse added, “It was great to see so many people from the queer community come together. It was great to feel part of something bigger.”

SEPT. 9-16, 2019 3 D AY S . 3 D I S C I P L I N E S . R I D E R -J U D G E D . The most stacked start list the world has ever seen. Head to cardrona.com/jwinvitational or the Cardrona Snow Reports group on Facebook for daily event updates.


RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19


Sun News


No signs a sign of the times Emma Conyngham



Minaret Station Alpine Lodge near Lake Wānaka.

Wānaka luxury lodge lands global tourism award ALLISON MCLEAN


Wānaka can now say it offers the ‘best sporting resort’ in the world. American Airlines inflight magazine, Celebrated Living, bestowed the coveted honour upon Minaret Station Alpine Lodge late last month. It was the only property across New Zealand, Australia and the South Pacific to be recognised in the airline’s 2019 Platinum List Awards, which were voted upon. “We are delighted to have been recognised with this global award,” said Jonathan Wallis, managing director of The Alpine Group, which owns Minaret Station. “Our team are driven to provide truly unique experiences for our guests.”

The private, luxury lodge is located in a remote glacial valley on about 20,000 hectares of property near Lake Wānaka and is only accessible by helicopter as there is no road access directly to the grounds. There are a total of four chalets on site, which are able to accommodate up to eight guests at a time who are offered unique ‘backyard’ experiences, such as touring through Fiordland National Park, heliskiing and hiking. Minaret Station has signed the Tourism Sustainability Commitment, which is managed by the Tourism Industry Aotearoa to ensure economic, environmental and social sustainability throughout New Zealand’s tourism industry. The lodge operates mostly using hydro-electricity generated from a nearby waterfall, and all water to the lodge comes from the station’s rainfall and snowmelt.

Whilst there are clusters of election signs posted all around Wanaka, two candidates are deliberately going signless this campaign. Ed Taylor and Chris Hadfield, both running for the Wānaka Community Board, decided to kiss the eye-sores goodbye. “I’ve got one left from last year that wasn’t vandalised. I had two others. What’s the point? They’re only going to get vandalised,” said Taylor. “For two weekends in a row, these signs here [outside the DOC centre] have been vandalised and last weekend it was the signs down by the showgrounds and they’ve got to be replaced, and it’s a cost,” he said. In the last election, the cost of signage varied between candidates. According to the election expense returns, Calum MacLeod spent $0, Ed Taylor spent $264.50, Quentin Smith spent $543.54, Ruth Harrison spent $937.32 and Jim Boult spent $3404. Despite being candidates competing for the same seat, the pair are friends who decided to ditch the signs when having coffee at Hadfield’s cafe, Ritual. The majority of signs are made of corflute (corrugated plastic); and around New Zealand for every council, this equates to a lot of plastic

PHOTO:The Wānaka Sun

Hadfield and Taylor are going signless this election

waste. It’s a large plastic load without the vandalism, but when signs need replacing every weekend, the plastic footprint explodes. Hadfield said it was an easy decision, “For me, it’s a half-half decision. The decision was made when I came into work on Saturday morning and all the signs were vandalised. And also because it’s a lot of plastic.” How this decision will affect their campaign is unknown. “If you lose by three votes do you think, ‘I should have used a sign?’” Taylor continued. “Ask me on October 12,” said Hadfield wryly.

ORC candidate meetings finalised Abby Costen


A series of public meetings have been arranged expressly for Otago Regional Council candidates – Cr Michael Laws, Cr Graeme Bell, Richard Bowman, Alexa Forbes, Phill Hunt and Gary Kelliher. All six candidates have confirmed their attendance for all meetings. The public meeting based in Wānaka is planned to take place on September 15 at 2pm at St John’s Hall on Links Road.

Otago Regional Council is responsible for managing the environment and works with the community to try to ensure the sustainable use of Otago’s land, air and water resources. Laws, a current Dunstan Ward councillor, said, “There is a huge change coming around the ORC board table with five councillors retiring, and a genuine contest for places in the powerful Dunedin Ward.” Laws believes this year’s elections will be the most important since the Otago Regional Council’s formation in 1989.

September 19-21

Lake Wanaka Centre ay’s y’s Frid a d s r u h

D OUT re SOL a s w o ’s sh aturday

and S

7PM /P for r sale P ss Rehearsal o o d h $30 cas 019 Dre mber 2 l offer: e ia t c p a e e S Sp 8 th sday 1 ers rsal Wedne ard hold Dress Rehea C ld o perG how l for Su ale P/P* for S at 7PM Specia s er 2019 r b o m o e d t p h 18th Se rGold Card $20 cas esday, n d upe e W on ts per S e k ic t PM 2 at 6.30 * max. n e p o s E door SERVIC R A B NO



RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19


Sun News


CLYDE BUSINESSES Bike It Now! is all about you


GREAT BIKE FOR ALL TRAILS 2019 Specialized Women’s Pitch 27.5” Tyres, Shimano 24 speed




Cromwell Store (next to the i-Site). Open 7 days

0800 245 366 PHOTO:Supplied

Bike It Now! in Clyde.

Clyde’s Bike It Now! is pedalling forward with ways to simplify and amplify the cycling experience. The one-stopcycle-shop started six years ago today (September 12) in Clyde to open the door for customers to increase their access to the Southern Lakes outdoors, whether that be through high-quality bike hires, bike tours, bike retail, bike servicing or shopping for bike clothing or accessories. Originally purchased as a small hire operation and tours, the operators saw a market for a full cycling shop. The owners Lisa Joyce, Duncan Randall and Kathryn Fletcher (Fletch) have curated a variety of bike brand offerings, including Scott, Specialized, Trek, Avanti and Merida. “We consider ourselves to be one of the leading electric bike (e-bike) retailers, with our range of bikes and in-store knowledge of the various systems available,” said Joyce. “Our bike mechanics can help you out with any servicing you may require, including sorting out your fork and shock servicing.” Joyce said the Clyde shop steadily grew, evolved and was at the start of the ‘e-bike error.’ “The e-bikes have changed significantly and, without sounding like bike snobs, we now only stock e-bikes with a Mid Drive Pedal Assist Motor system,” she said. “These are, by far, better balanced and

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easier for people to ride, especially if the riders are getting back into cycling after many years away." She added, “It took a little while for the e-bikes to be accepted by the ‘real cyclists.’ If it means that people are getting out and about, no matter how, then this has to benefit bike riders physically and mentally." The owner trio said that due to a great deal of local demand from their customers in and around Cromwell, they saw a need for a Bike It Now! shop in the area. “We opened our Cromwell store at the end of June; it has been very well received and is always a hive of activity,” said Joyce. “We pride ourselves on the personal touch, hence our tag line of ‘Because we are all about you!’” They owners are also all about their customers who are curious about their service offerings; guests can come into the shop and book a demo ride for starters. Bike It Now! is open seven days a week at 25 Holloway Street in Clyde. Both store locations will be moving to summer hours starting September 27—Clyde: 8:30am until 5pm on weekdays and 9am until 4pm on weekends; Cromwell (2E in the Mall): 9am until 5pm on weekdays and 10am until 3pm on Saturday (closed Sunday). For more information, call 0800 Bike Now (0800 245 366).

OPEN 7 DAYS 19 SUNDERLAND ST CLYDE P: 03 449 3204 E: touchyarns@xtra.co.nz www.touchyarns.co.nz @touchyarns.nz



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2016- 2



For all your Advertising needs - please contact adrep@thewanakasun.co.nz or call 021 956 740 WHĀRAKI 12

RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19


Sun News



Vision for healthy waterways J Julie Perry


Abby Costen


Secretary - Upper Clutha Lakes Trust

At a second water forum held in Wānaka last Monday, Shaping our Future’s Upper Clutha Water Taskforce shared a simple vision for freshwater: pure water, healthy ecosystems, engaged community. Each part of the vision supports and relies on the other two parts. The taskforce has met regularly over the past 15 months, developing a range of draft recommendations towards achieving the vision. The recommendations were grouped into three categories: leadership and management; community culture — education and awareness; research and monitoring. A short survey is available this week for anyone wishing to provide feedback on the taskforce’s vision and recommendations www.surveymonkey.com/r/UCFreshwater Those attending the forum recognised the need for action. While changes to water quality and ecosystem health are already evident to many, it may take decades for the impacts of growth and land-use change to fully materialise. Current regulation, monitoring and enforcement is not robust, resulting in damage to our sensitive environment, for example by stormwater runoff from development activities. Water monitoring samples taken from the middle of lakes and several kilometres downstream of wastewater outflows are not a true reflection of our district’s water quality. The Ministry for the Environment’s recently released Action for Healthy Waterways incorporates a commitment from the government to stop the degradation of waterways, so that water quality is materially improving within five years, and to

Possible new wastewater plant for Cardrona


Upper Clutha Water Taskforce shared a simple vision for freshwater: pure water, healthy ecosystems, engaged community.

restore them to a healthy state within a generation. The government has redrafted the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, requiring councils to measure and manage a broader range of ecosystem health attributes. Our community is not prepared to wait for water quality to deteriorate further before taking action to protect what we have here in the Upper Clutha. The Upper Clutha Lakes Trust (UCLT) is currently facilitating the development of an Integrated Catchment Management Plan for the Upper Clutha and is also establishing the Alpine Lakes Research and Education Centre in Wānaka. The work

being done by UCLT and groups such as Friends of Bullock Creek and Touchstone would not be possible without the support of volunteers. Achieving the vision for freshwater in the Upper Clutha requires meaningful support and commitment from QLDC, ORC and central government and collaboration between residents, visitors, iwi, landowners and businesses. Working together, we will better understand how to ensure that our individual actions won’t degrade water quality or harm the environment, so future generations continue to enjoy the benefits of pure water, healthy ecosystems and an engaged community.

RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19

Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) has announced it is working with the investors of Mount Cardrona Station to consider the option of engaging in the design and build of a significantly improved wastewater infrastructure for Cardrona Valley. Peter Hansby, QLDC general manager of property and infrastructure, welcomed the opportunity and said, “With a growing resident and visitor population in Cardrona, the Council needs to ensure wastewater service capacity is both increased and improved to be able to meet the demand in a timely manner. The Cardrona community is experiencing rapid change and a new solution for wastewater is imperative”. Hansby added, “At this stage the Council is keen to understand the feasibility of a proposed solution and what the possible investment would be. There are still a number of details to work through before an agreement, costs and timings for the project are finalised and Council’s involvement is confirmed. But a new treatment plant could potentially cater for wastewater flows arriving from the Cardrona Village, Cardrona Alpine Resort and the Mount Cardrona Station residential and visitor accommodation alpine resort zone. If Council can deliver a more cost effective wastewater solution by working collaboratively with private providers that will be a great outcome for the whole community”. The directors of Mount Cardrona Station, Chris Morton and Andrew Spencer, said, “the wastewater scheme will play a big part in supporting the projected growth in the Cardrona catchment”. Hansby clarified that any Council investment needs to be subject to approval by the full Council, which would include establishing how the investment would be funded, such as through development contributions, as well as the future operating costs that may impact residential and commercial rates.


Sun News


Time for action on Government’s healthy waterways plan ALLISON MCLEAN


Otago Regional Council (ORC) and Otago Fish and Game (OFG) are welcoming the Government's newest action plan for healthy waterways, but they also say time will tell on whether or not it will make a difference. Last Thursday (September 5), the Government announced a plan for 'action for healthy waterways.’ The proposals, which are open for feedback, aim to clean up New Zealand's freshwater sources. The environment ministry reports that years of pollution have made twothirds of all rivers unswimmable and threaten extinction to three-quarters of NZ's native freshwater fish species. "Our rivers, lakes and wetlands are under serious threat after years of neglect," said environment minister David Parker. "We can't continue to go on like we are." The new recommendations include higher standards in summer swimming spots, imposing regulations for farmers, such as restricting any further intensification of land use after June 2020 (like new irrigation or conversion to dairying), higher protection of wetlands and streams as well as an amended Drinking Water


National Environment Standard and proposed Wastewater National Environmental Standard. During last week's announcement, the Government said farming practices have 'improved markedly' in the past 20 years, but said, 'there is still work to be done.' Some farmers say they are being 'pushed out and their livelihoods overlooked.' "It becomes very hard to continue economically farming animals or growing vegetables under a regime like this," said Federated Farmers environment and water spokesperson Chris Allen, who referenced nitrogen reduction requirements. On the contrary, ORC chair Stephen Woodhead said the proposals outlined a welcome plan of environmental reform. "They are asking us all to do more and to move faster, and we welcome the clarity the package provides,” he said. Woodhead continued, "Overall these policies will give ORC further tools to protect and restore Otago waterways. That said, there will be challenges for us and for our communities in meeting the government's expectations." Woodhead said ORC will need to work through the proposals in detail to understand how they may


Nicole Danielson from Wānaka Primary School collecting her free meal deal prize after reading five chapter books

The Erik’s Fish and Chips Reading Challenge Abby Costen


A view of Lake Wānaka as seen from Roys Peak Track.

affect their water work. "We'll be communicating their implications with our communities when we have greater clarity." OFG chief executive Ian Hadland said the document is 'a good first step for waterway improvement in Otago.' "We will have to wait to see if the final document has the teeth it needs to make a difference,” he said. Hadland said that many of the guidelines would need to be made mandatory in order to see any noticeable improvements in water

PHOTO:Wānaka Sun

quality and quantity in the coming years. "The ORC's response to the document has been very encouraging so far with a clean determination to act quickly and implement any tighter rules if passed down by Government,” he said. "We look forward to working alongside the ORC to achieve that." For more information in person, the ministry for the environment will be hosting a roadshow to talk about their proposals at Crown Plaza Queenstown this Saturday from 12pm to 2pm.

RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19

Wānaka Primary School has teamed up with Erik’s Fish and Chips, based on Ardmore Street, to create a tasty new initiative to encourage its pupils to start reading chapter books. The students are required to read five chapter books, of which they record on a special card, in order to win a free Kid’s Meal Deal at Erik’s Fish and Chips Anna Arndt of Erik’s Fish and Chips originally suggested the idea to the school, believing the challenge would have been a great method of stimulating her own son – a food-lover – to take on chapter books when learning to read. Arndt said, “It is wonderful to see the pride on the students’ faces when they come in with the card to receive their free fish and chips”. Librarian Melissa Ashby of Wānaka Primary School, who helped develop the concept, said, “The success of the reading challenge has really taken her by surprise and the children are really engaged in it.”. In the future Erik’s Fish and Chips hopes to roll the initiative out to any local schools that are interested.



Season ends with victory over Queenstown Sports reporter


PHOTO:Susan Helmore

Gaia Fercot, Olivia Helmore, Charlie Helmore and Ewenn Fercot at the Kangaroo Hoppet 2019.

Local girl hops to third in Australia cross-country race Sports reporter


A Wānaka girl has placed third in one of Australasia’s biggest long-distance, crosscountry ski races. Twelve-year-old Olivia Helmore raced in the Kangaroo Hoppet 2019 in Falls Creek, Victoria, Australia, on August 24; she came in third in the Women’s Under 14 category during her seven kilometre Joey Hoppet race. Thirteen people from town, Arrrowtown and Queenstown, all members of the Waiorau Nordic Sports Club, participated in the race’s 29th edition. “The ski club were generous to provide some funding towards the children competing in this event, which is raised from a club fundraising event at Warbirds Over Wānaka every second year,” said fellow racer Susan Helmore of Wānaka. Olivia Helmore, Charlie

Helmore, 10, Gaia Fercot, 10, and Ewenn Fercot, 8, all participated in the event for the first time; they have been in weekly lessons at Snow Farm and training for this race all winter. “It was really awesome,” said Charlie Helmore. “It was the best ski race I’ve ever done.” “Marie Fercot skied the seven kilometre Joey Hoppet whilst towing her youngest daughter in a ski trailer, an impressive feat, said Susan Helmore. “I skied my first ever cross-country race after just learning to skate ski this year and came third in my age category.” She added, “Phillipa Dobson-Brown added the hoppet to her list of 21km ski races. James Helmore skied his first ever 42km ski race. Eric Billoud came third in his age category, and Benoit Fercot skied 42kms in an impressive time of 02:32:00.” Ernie Maluschnig had to pull out after the first lap of his 42km race due

to injury. Susan Helmore told the Wānaka Sun that several people were surprised that there is snow in Australia. “They were even more surprised when we told them we are going to do a ski race there,” she said. The group stayed in the small town of Mount Beauty. “It wasn’t until you drive up the long and windy road that you come across snow in amongst the gum trees, and that is where the ski trails are,” said Susan Helmore. “In summer, the cross-country ski trails are actually a road that connects two valleys over a hydroelectric dam.” The Kangaroo Hoppet is part of the Worldloppet, which is an international federation for cross-country skiing and includes 20 races around the world, including the Merino Muster, which was recently hosted at Snow Farm NZ on August 31.



Wānaka hosted Queenstown Rovers in their final game at the Wānaka Recreation Centre. Wānaka had the experienced trio of Carmichael, Hodgson and Grehan returning to the starting 11 along with young goalkeeper, Britton Dowling. The opening 20 minutes had both teams struggling to gain dominance and there were very few shots at goal from either side. Queenstown was first to break the deadlock when they scored in the 30th minute. A deep corner wasn't cleared by Wānaka and a loose ball was pounced on by a Rovers’ striker who swivelled and volleyed into Wānaka’s net from twelve yards out. The remainder of the half was fairly even and halftime came with Rovers up 0-1. The second half and Wānaka showed more urgency as they looked to get back into the game. It was Queenstown however, who scored against the run of play when a through ball had keeper Dowling hesitate. This allowed the Rovers’ striker to get the vital touch to score passed the stranded keeper; 2 - 0 down after 50 minutes and Wānaka needed to show their metal. Barry Grehan gained possession and dribbled past opponents and released Pleskun inside the box to give Wānaka the goal they required to get them back a foothold in the game. Wānaka now started to dominate midfield and it was Pleskun again who threatened with a run and shot which had Boccatis saving at his near post. Wānaka continued to dominate possession and drive forward and got the equaliser they

deserved in the 80th minute. A left wing corner by Toa Roode was swung in and the first contact had the ball deflecting back across goal to an unmarked Weston Bell. He attacked the ball and hit a right foot volley which flew in off the crossbar from 14 yards out. This sent the team and their supporters into a brief state of euphoria; 2 - 2 with 10 minutes to play. Wānaka were looking for another goal and continued to attack and found it in the 85th minute when Roode showed silky skills to beat players and then released Pleskun with a well timed pass. Pleskun drove across goal which drew defenders, enabling him to back heel to the supporting Nova Valintine Ruis. He found himself free in Rovers’ 18 yard box and calmly put Wānaka 3 - 2 up with a well placed left foot shot. Just rewards for Vali and Wānaka who were now threatening to score every time they drove forward. Wānaka found the net again when a trademark Pleskun run left defenders in his wake and as he accelerated into Rovers 18 yard box he showed great vision to square a pass to an unmarked Roode. He hit a first time right foot shot low past Boccatis in Rovers’ goal. A confident finish from Roode who had a great game turning defenders inside out all day when in possession. After 90 minutes and with four minutes of injury time to play Wānaka enjoyed the 4-2 score and the knowledge they had beaten big brother Queenstown but more importantly continued a run of five consecutive wins which will guarantee them finishing in at least third place. A fitting end to a first long season for Wānaka Premiers in the Southern League. Read all about the whole season’s trials and tribulations next week in the season closing report.

Sun Sport



RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19

Selectrix Plan tatio

n Rd


Sun Sport


Braden Currie booked for 2020 World Ironman Championship ALLISON MCLEAN


Wānaka’s Braden Currie announced he will take on the 2020 World Ironman 70.3 Championship in Taupō; his placement was guaranteed after his win at the Ironman 70.3 Sunshine Coast last Sunday. With a race finish time of 03:44:47 last weekend, it was the first time Currie, 33, has won in the Sunshine Coast, and the massive win offers a confidence-boost to his upcoming

Ironman World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, on October 12. The Ironman 70.3 Sunshine Coast’s location was only 30 minutes away from the Red Bull athlete’s winter training base in Noosa. Currie described last Sunday’s swim as ‘one of the best in the world’ with the water registering at 21.6 degrees Celsius for the one-lap swim. Currie, 33, opted to not travel to Nice, France, for the 2019 World Ironman 70.3 Championships last weekend, choosing instead to concentrate on qualifying for Taupō next year and

cementing his build-up to Hawaii. “My body feels pretty good to be honest,” he said. “The big focus for me is in five weeks’ time in Kona and, although I’m happy to win this race, I won’t be celebrating for too long. Training will start back next week with my last build phase towards racing in Hawaii.”

Currie, the current Asia-Pacific Ironman champion, has secured many of his previous 70.3 victories on home territory, including two Taupō wins and a win in Santa Cruz, California, United States. The World Ironman 70.3 Championship in Taupō is scheduled on September 7, 2020.

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Red Bull athlete Braden Currie.




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N o t i c e b o a rd | P a p a P ā n u i

Amendment to September Meeting Schedule Meeting cancellation:

Resource Consent Hearing (Abbeyfield Construction Ltd RM181382) – previously advertised as taking place on Tuesday 17 September 2019 has been cancelled. The meeting of the QLDC Community & Services Committee – previously advertised as taking place on Thursday 19 September 2019 has been cancelled.

Closure of Streets to Ordinary Vehicular Traffic PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1974, notice is hereby given that consideration will be given by the Queenstown Lakes District Council under delegated authority, to the closure of the following roads to ordinary vehicular traffic for the purpose of holding the annual QLDC New Year’s Eve Celebrations - Wanaka: Roads to be Closed: Period of Closure:

Ardmore Street Log Cabin Layby (excluding buses) 0800 Tuesday 31 December 2019 to 0300 Wednesday 1 January 2020

Roads to be Closed: Period of Closure:

Ardmore Street from Dungarvon Street to Lakeside Road 1700 Tuesday 31 December 2019 to 0300 Wednesday 1 January 2020

Roads to be Closed: Period of Closure:

Helwick Street from Ardmore Street to Dunmore Street 1700 Tuesday 31 December 2019 to 0300 Wednesday 1 January 2020

It will be an offence under the above regulations for any person otherwise than under authority of an authorised permit to use the roads for ordinary vehicular traffic during the period of closure.

Phone: 03 443 8000 Top of Helwick Street, Wānaka OPENING HOURS: 8AM TO 7PM 7 DAYS WHĀRAKI 16

RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19

Those who have any concerns regarding the above closures, please contact Sarah Mitchell at APL Property Limited on 021 244 9988 or by email sarah.mitchell@aplproperty.co.nz before 5.00pm on Monday 23 September 2019.

Private Bag 50072 | 47 Ardmore Street Wānaka Phone 03 443 0024 | www.qldc.govt.nz


Sun Views



Meeting our local achievers

Our weekly cartoonist, Penbroke Abby Costen


Sean O’Connell of Wānaka Signs has been doodling for The Wānaka Sun since 2008 under the stage name Penbroke – a play on the word ‘Pembroke’. O’Connell has a degree in Industrial Design (Engineering) from the National College of Art and Design in Dublin and takes his inspiration for his, mainly hand-drawn, cartoons from the newspaper’s articles each week. Throughout the years the cartoonist has been influenced by a variety of other illustrators and cartoonists, such as Brendan McCarthy and Carlos Esquerra whose work he came across in his collection of 15-20 years’ worth of 2000 AD, a weekly British sci-fi comic. O’Connell said, “Gerald Scarfe, the English political cartoonist and caricaturist, is amazing. He did all of the stuff for Pink Floyd’s The Wall album and film. Tom Matthews and Leunig are excellent Irish and Australian cartoonists and illustrators respectively, and of course, here in Otago, Garrick Tremain.” O’Connell’s all-time favourite is Ronald Searle, the artist and satirical cartoonist most renowned for creating St Trinian’s School and his collaboration on the Molesworth book series. O’Connell added, “a good cartoon should be clever, strike a nerve, make you think and not necessarily be funny, although I prefer them when they are.” Sean O’Connell, cartoonist for The Wānaka Sun since 2008.

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LETTER TO THE EDITOR To submit a letter for possible publication in the Wānaka Sun, please send it via email to editor@thewanakasun.co.nz. PHOTO:Supplied

Letters can also be sent by private message on our Facebook page. Letters may be edited or abridged. Letters of no more than 300 words are preferred.


The macron has landed Mōrena! It’s Māori Language Week and I am really happy to finally move our spelling into the 21st Century by ensuring we spell Māori words correctly. From now on, the tohutō (macron) will be used in all Māori words, meaning Wanaka becomes Wānaka, and Hawea becomes Hāwea. According to the Māori Language Commission, (Te Taura Whiri o te Reo Māori), “The modern Māori alphabet has both ‘long’ and ‘short’ vowels (a,e,i,o,u and ā,ē,ī,ō,ū). In written Māori the difference can change the meaning: kākā means ‘parrot’; kakā is to be red hot and kaka is a garment.” So it may be small, but the macron matters. It was the naming of the new school Te Kura O Take Kārara that sparked this decision. If young children are taught to respect and learn te reo Māori from a young age, then there is a greater chance they will grow into bilingual, or at least more respectful, multicultural citizens. But to absorb this at a cellular level, they need to see it in adults and mentors — they need to see us pronouncing words properly, and spelling

them correctly. Personally, I have struggled with pronouncing place names correctly because to be honest, I feel like a bit of an idiot. It feels strange. My mouth doesn’t do it easily and I feel a bit try-hard. But sitting with that discomfort gently in my lap, I press on and give it a go anyway and if someone thinks I sound like a virtuesignalling, liberal try-hard then that’s on them, not me. This is not about being ‘politically correct’ — just, ‘correct’. Admittedly, none of the staff at the Wānaka Sun speaks te reo Māori and we know we may make mistakes as we make this transition, but we’d rather try to do the right thing and get it wrong, than sit safely doing nothing. But, if you spot any mistakes, please let us know! And for you grammarphiles out there, te reo Māori means the Māori language; with Māori being the only proper noun to be capped, which is why we are writing te reo in lower case. Ngā mihi Emma

Holy Family School has spaces available for both Catholic and non Catholic families in the Intermediate area (Year 7& 8) of the school for the 2020 year. Because of our strong sense of family and small size, we are able to provide opportunities for all of our students to shine in our supportive, safe environment, where the individuality of each student is celebrated. We are proud of our numerous intervention programmes that both support and extend learners. We place a high value on providing our Year 7 & 8 students with opportunities to develop important leadership attributes and positive relationships which will help them in the future. For more information or an enrolment form, check out our website: www.holyfamilywanaka.school.nz. To organise a visit please contact our principal Jo McKay: principal@holyfamilywanaka.school.nz



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New Zealand Specialist’s wanted!!

Operations Group, Wanaka Be part of bringing New Zealand’s recreation, historic and natural heritage to life for every visitor. Are you enthusiastic about education and enjoy engaging with others? We are looking for a creative, self-motivated person with excellent people skills. The focus of the position will be on creating experiences to tell our stories in Te Wāhipounamu to visitors at key sites in Central Otago. This is a fixed-term position for 27 weeks working 40 hours per seven-day period. The purpose of the position is to: • promote the cultural, historic and conservation values of Te Wāhipounamu through interpretation • tell our stories at key visitor sites • design and deliver a summer interpretation visitor program.

Want to sell New Zealand, we are looking for more people to join our sales team. We are here in Wanaka and need you to help us design great New Zealand wide holidays for our visitors. NZFT is New Zealand’s leading and fastest growing inbound tour operator. We own and operate 8 different brands creating holidays to New Zealand for people from all over the world, especially Australia, USA, Canada and the UK. What we want. The facts: • We want people who are well organized and great communicators. We can train you on almost everything else. • It’s hard work especially during the busy seasons. Our expectations on customer service are legendary in the industry. • Our customers are active every day and so are we – which means there are some rostered weekend shifts and public holidays. Don’t worry – you get paid extra for that! • Commitment to giving it your best shot. • You must be entitled to work in NZ for a minimum of 2 years.

The ideal applicant will have: • a proven ability to think creatively and show initiative • excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including proven ability to bring stories to life • experience with engaging with iwi and tangata whenua to achieve a collective goal • a positive attitude and experience working with others • a sound knowledge of conservation • a valid, full driver’s licence • eligibility to work in New Zealand, including a valid work visa covering the whole period of employment if you are not a New Zealand citizen or resident.

What you get. The facts: • A full time well paid position. Base salary + commission. • A constant flow of well qualified enquiry. • The best technology in the industry to help you earn the best pay in this sector of tourism. • Great support and training. • Modern lakefront office on Ardmore Street in Wanaka

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RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19

Wānaka Salvation Army Family Store. Opening Hours – Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm, Saturday 9.30am – 4pm. We look forward to seeing you here! Donations kindly received. Please drop them into the Salvation Army Family store or ph 443 5068 to book a pick up. Cut rags (100% cotton) and drop cloths, only $7 for a big bag. Now in the yard container at Wastebusters. Open 9-5 seven days. Rags, rags, rags ... little ones, big ones, cotton ones and drop cloths, available from the Wānaka Salvation Army Family Store 443 5068. Business Networking International. The Wānaka chapter of BNI meets weekly at 7am Tuesday morning. Great networking opportunity to grow your business. Contact Randal Dobbs for information 021 973 043.

10/26/2017 11:38:28 AM

WANTED Merino, if anyone has any Merino clothing to spare could you kindly drop it into the Salvation Army Family Store, 48 Helwick Street Wanted by the Salvation Army Family Store, if any one has any spare pillow cases we would love them, please just drop them into the store, thanks. The Salvation Army Family Store is desperately needing good quality mens clothing and shoes. If you could please just drop these into the store or phone for a pick up for large amounts. Volunteers welcomed at The Salvation Army Family store if you have some free time and would like to be part of a team which makes a difference, come and see us.

THANKS Thanks to everyone who comes to Wastebusters to donate goods, shop and recycle. Your support helps us work for zero waste and a resourceful community.


Sun Classifieds






Be part of the small team responsible for producing our popular weekly newspaper.

The Wanaka Sun is seeking an enthusiastic, driven and outgoing salesperson to join its media sales team, selling across print and digital news platforms.

• You will have the relevant journalism qualifications, and a minimum of two years' experience writing for a recognised media organisation. • You will have existing local contacts and the ability to connect with the wider community. • You will also have an eye for community news, strong writing ability and photography skills, and the ability to meet strict deadlines.

Based in Wanaka, this position is for 20 hours per week with an immediate start. This is a fantastic opportunity for a passionate journalist who enjoys a challenge! If this sounds you, please forward your application with your CV and cover letter to:

The Editor, The Wānaka Sun, PO Box 697, Wānaka, editor@thewanakasun.co.nz

Position responsibilities include but are not limited to: • Reach monthly revenue targets • New business acquisition • Develop key client and business relationships • Prepare advertising proposals • Maintenance of client and revenue records • Provide weekly sales reports to management We’re looking for someone who has: • A proven history of success in a sales or business development role; preferably from within the media industry • Strong interpersonal skills with an ability to develop effective business relationships • Excellent communication, presentation and negotiation skills • Self-motivation, resilience and the ability to achieve objectives and goals within company guidelines • A strong sense of accountability and an attention to detail • Ideally a formal qualification in business or marketing This is a fantastic opportunity for a passionate Sales Executive who enjoys a challenge! If this sounds you, please forward your application, including covering letter, resume and two professional referees to: Benn Ashford, The Wānaka Sun, PO Box 697, Wānaka, admin@thewanakasun.co.nz

STAFF REQUIRED Our busy summer season is nearly here, and we are recruiting for team members to fulfil roles, both part time and full time. • Barista / Café Staff • Restaurant Wait Staff • Kitchen Hand • Chef de Partie We are a 7 day a week business, so some weekend and evening work is required. If you are motivated, energetic, enjoy working in a fast paced environment and can keep calm in a crisis we would love to hear from you. Please send your CV to: recruit@olivers.co.nz or call in to see us at 34 Sunderland St, Clyde Applicants must have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa.

SERVICES Wanaka Pharmacy is your local pharmacy. We’re the big pharmacy at the top of Helwick Street - open from 8am until 7pm every single day. Ph 443 8000. WHEELS TO DUNSTAN - free shuttle service is available to Dunstan Hospital or Alexandra specialist appointments, also linking with the St John Health Shuttle to Dunedin Hospital. For bookings, please call Community Networks on 443 7799. JP SERVICES are available at Community Networks every Tuesday from 1pm2pm and Friday from 10:30-11:30am. Please book your appointment by ringing Community Networks on 03 443 7799.

INLAND REVENUE are at Community Networks, Wednesday 25 September 2019. If you need help with your Tax return, Family tax credits or any other enquiry give Inland revenue a call on 03 951 2109 to make a booking. OUR COMMUNITY FOODBANK winter wishlist for donations are very much appreciated - Rice & pasta, tinned fish/meat, breakfast cereals, single serve meals, crackers, frozen food items and children's lunchbox items. Thank you to the Wanaka community for your ongoing support of our foodbank.


SEASONAL GREENKEEPER REQUIRED The Wanaka Golf Club has a position available on the greens staff team for a seasonal greenkeeper, the contract will run from November through to March. Work schedule can be tailored to fit the right candidate. If your interested please email David at greenkeeper@wanakagolf.co.nz

SPORTS RESULTS Please send sports results to sports@thewanakasun. co.nz by Tuesday at noon. Results should be unformatted and presented in the body of the email.

Tarras Golf Tournament results Men’s 4BBB-B. Lucas & B. Trevathan 57 nett, D. Allen & D. Agnew 58 cb., R. Norman & S. Pinfold 58, B. Rowley & J. Trevathan 59 cb., M. Dowling & C. Sinclair 59. Individual Scores, Junior: D. Allen 64 (best over field), B. Trevathan 65. Intermediate: T. Studholme 68, P. Mavor 70. Senior-S. Gerken 71, H. Reinecke 72. Best Gross: G. Barbara 78. John Annan Memorial Trophy: D. Allen & D. Agnew (Tarras). Women’s 4BBB Stableford: J. Gibson & B. Annan (Tarras) 48, J. Crosby & S. Williamson (Dunstan) 46 cb., C. Emerson & J. Moran (Omakau) 46, P. Jennings & H. Hiscock (Rox) 44 cb., H. Scott (Omakau) & A. Rowley (Lake Hāwea) 44. Nearest the Pin: L. Clague (Alex) & M. Hall (Maniototo). Straightest Drive: M. Hall. Two’s: J Mulholland (Cromwell) & G. Todd (Dipton). Wānaka Bridge Club Results Monday – Aspiring Stakes 1 North/ South: 1st Murray Pryde Shona Watt 61.54% 2nd Terry Wilson Ken Roberts 57.12% 3rd Michael Chapman – Smith Liz Hawker 54.42%. East/ West: 1st Brian McCandless Alan Chisholm 62.31% 2nd Mark Harry Heather Wellman 60.19% 3rd Jenny Pryde Sherril Harries 58.27%. Wednesday – Bronze Champ Pairs 9 North/South: 1st Suzanne Ewing Lyn Hill 57.44% 2nd Jude Gunn Noeline Munro 56.25% 3rd Robyn Gilchrist Noelene Raffills 52.08% East/ West: 1st John Schwarz Alan Bunn 58.04% 2nd Bruce Cathie Kate Summers 55.95% 3rd Jacqui Roberts Kay Ross 55.06%. Friday 6 September - Handicap: North/ South 1st Barbara Waterworth Heather Wellman 64.94% 2nd Alwyne Haworth Carolyn Field 56.37% 3rd Eleanor Jessep Pam Miller 53.65% East/ West 1st Hans Limacher Claire Williams 58.77% 2nd Lynne Fegan Georgie Roberts 58.25% 3rd Bridget McCaughan Noeline Munro 52.16%.



Free delivery to Wānaka, Cromwell and surrounds, PO boxes in Makarora, Cromwell, Haast, Wānaka, Albert Town and Hāwea. Also distributed to businesses in the Wānaka business district Average circulation: 15,000 weekly. Phone: 03 443 5252 • Fax: 03 443 5250 Editor: Emma Conyngham • editor@thewanakasun.co.nz Journalist: Allison McLean • journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz Ollie Blyth • journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz Abby Costen • newsdesk@thewanakasun.co.nz Advertising: 021 956 740 adrep@thewanakasun.co.nz Admin: Benn Ashford • 021 956 740 admin@thewanakasun.co.nz Mail: PO Box 697, Wānaka

RĀPARE 12.09.19 - RĀAPA 18.09.19

Deadlines: Display Advertising

4pm Friday prior to publication. adrep@thewanakasun.co.nz 021 786 740

Classified Advertising

5pm Monday prior Text: 0220 786 778 admin@thewanakasun.co.nz


$175 within NZ (including GST) per year. Overseas rates on request. Remittances to PO Box 697, Wānaka, NZ.



Sun Sport


Thriving clubs need trained volunteers Abby Costen


PHOTO: Iain McGregor

Wānaka’s own Miguel Porteous competing in the FIS Ski World Cup Halfpipe

That's a wrap for Winter Games 2019 Abby Costen


Day 16, the day of the Trans-Tasman Challenge and FIS Freeski World Cup Halfpipe Finals, which took place last Saturday at Queenstown Ice Arena and Cardrona Alpine Resort respectively, marked the end of QRC Winter Games NZ 2019, fuelled by Forsyth Barr. Participants of the Freeski World Cup Halfpipe Mens Finals included two-time reigning world

champion Aaron Blunck from USA, 2018/19 halfpipe crystal globe winner Simon D’Artois from Canada and Wānaka’s own Miguel Porteous – who all contributed to the formation of a ‘spectacular showdown’. Bingqiang Mao and Eileen Gu of China emerged as the winners of the Men’s and Women’s Finals. “It feels incredible,” said Gu. “This is my halfpipe World Cup podium, it’s also my first halfpipe World Cup ever. This is way more than I could ever have expected and I’m super happy with how

I performed today.” Kiwi Miguel Porteous took a heavy crash on his first run and therefore did not start his second or third runs but thankfully sidestepped major injury. On the back of their game one success, the New Zealand Ice Blacks gained the Trans-Tasman Challenge Cup presented by Queenstown Resort College with a 5-3 victory over the Australia Mighty Roos. Find full results and highlights from the event at wintergamesnz.kiwi.

A greater selection of workshops are now on offer to the Otago community, thanks to presentations made by QLDC and Volunteering Central earlier this year on ‘creating a vibrant club or community group’. The top three issues identified by the Wānaka region that require assistance with were governance, funding and committee roles. Therefore, a growing range of courses are also now available, such as ‘minute taking and strategic planning’, ‘accounting for non-accountants and roles of a treasurer’ and ‘volunteer engagement – getting it right’. The Otago Chamber of Commerce, with the help of Gillian White from Volunteering Central, intend to run the first two courses about volunteer engagement in Queenstown on October 30. Tiny Carruthers from Sport Central is presently promoting a social media course in Alexandra. Carruthers has expressed his appreciation of the chance to attend minute taking and treasurer courses based in Wānaka and believes it’s now up to locals to support these courses in order to ensure availability in the future. Carruther said, “Although treasurer and secretary roles aren’t the most glamorous topic, if clubs and community groups want to thrive, these core roles needed to be nailed. Groups are finding it increasingly difficult to attract committee members so by giving individuals the skills and confidence, hopefully they will put their hand up to volunteer. Existing committees need to be proactive and encourage new members to attend these courses for succession planning”.

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