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the best and most read weekly newspaper in wanaka
Thur 08.09.11 - wed 14.09.11
Hawea Flat school children welcomed the Irish Rugby team to New Zealand. PHOTO: wanaka.tv
Don’t cry for me... page 2
He’s got the look page 3
Meeting Knitsy page 5
World class welcome Charlotte Trundle Local school children, dressed in green, travelled to Queenstown Airport last Thursday to welcome the Irish rugby team. The Queenstown Lakes District Council invited twohundredchildrenfrom Hawea Flat, Glenorchy, Garston, Makarora and Tarras primary schools to the official welcome. Hawea Flat primary school teacher Jo McLeary said it was a really good experience for the children. “The day was fantastic and went without a hitch.” The Irish team stopped for autographs and photos
with fans before being treated to a traditional Maori welcome. Brian O’Driscoll then led the team in a rendition of ‘Ride On’ by Irish singer
Ireland back rower Stephen Ferris sent a tweet soon after: “Awesome to finally be here in New Zealand – and what a welcome at
It was great to see the airport welcoming crowd topped up by 200 kids. Christy Moore. “The Irish team captain Brian O’Driscoll thanked the children for the great welcome, which was really nice and touching,” Jo said. A highlight for the Hawea Flat school children was meeting All Black Ali Williams.
Queenstown Airport.” QLDC Rugby World Cup coordinator Jono Sutherland described the event as a huge success. “The kids had a fantastic day out and it was great to see the airport welcoming crowd topped up by 200
kids, many wearing green and carrying creations they made especially for the occasion,” he said. The children finished off the day with a barbeque lunch and a pool party at Alpine Aqualand put on by Lakes Leisure and QLDC. Ireland’s first pool game is against the United States in New Plymouth this Sunday. A large number of rugby fans from Wanaka will travel to Dunedin for Ireland’s fixture against Italy on October 2. Rugby World Cup 2011 action kicks off at 8.30pm tomorrow (Friday) with hosts New Zealand facing Tonga at Eden Park.
Issac Anderson, 2. PHOTO: charlotte trundle
Meeting the All Blacks From left, Gabriel Jefferson, 4, and Louie Hose, 3.
PHOTO: charlotte trundle
Teens in top five page 8
Read online:
Oanaka Educare preschoolers, clad in black ‘Team Oanaka’ t-shirts, took a trip to Cromwell to meet some of their All Black heroes last Friday. Children, parents and teachers went to Anderson Park where they met Brad Thorn, Corey Jane and Owen Franks. Teacher Patrick Kerns said going to meet the All Blacks was a great experience. “The children were very excited. They had been practising the haka and the national anthem in preparation,” he said. Abi Croft, 5, was excited to meet her favourite team. “They are going to win the rugby games,” she said.
Water safety is key
Marathon man
Recent incidents spark warning
Laura Williamson “Ask a local.” This is the plea from Queenstown Lakes District Council harbourmaster Marty Black after two incidents in two days on local waterways. Estonian tramper Andre Lipand was rescued two weeks ago by Wanaka LandSAR volunteers after he attempted to navigate the Siberia Stream alone by raft. The next day, 25-yearold German chef Rene Weissange, who had been living in Lake Hawea, went missing while kayaking alone from Hawea to Timaru Creek. Marty describes both incidents as “frustrating”. He said that despite
signage, warnings in the press and a wealth of available information, individuals continued to underestimate the dangers of local waterways. In Marty’s opinion,
In the Siberia Stream search and rescue, Marty said Andre went somewhere he shouldn’t have been and didn’t ask for advice before he went.
We have plenty of talented people around here who are more than happy to help. Rene’s kayak was not adequate for open water, with no buoyancy and limited freeboard. Weather conditions on the Monday changed late in the day, with a strong westerly, turning Lake Hawea into a “place you wouldn’t want to be.”
Simple precautions might have meant a different outcome in both cases, Marty said. Anyone planning to venture out on any waterway should first check with someone from the area with local knowledge. “We have plenty of talented people
around here who are more than happy to help.” It was also crucial to have a Plan B in case things went wrong and you ended up in the water. “Will you kayak float, do you have something you can wave, do you have a cell phone in a plastic bag?” Failing to plan could end in tragedy, he said, something he had witnessed all too often. Marty asked that local residents “watch out” for visitors. He praised the efforts of LandSAR and other volunteers who had dedicated more than 200 hours to the Lake Hawea search and rescue alone.
Jup ran 62km in nine hours from Queenstown to finish with support on Ardmore Street. PHOTO: Rick Zwaan
Charlotte Trundle Local man Jup Brown has completed the first week of his quest to run the length of New Zealand to raise funds for the Stroke Foundation of New Zealand. The 38year-oldplumberarrived in Wanaka on Tuesday evening accompanied by a fire engine and a greeting party. “It was absolutely amazing! We had the fire brigade come along with the sirens and the
lights going, and all the people out front in the bars along the lakefront gave us a standing ovation and clapped,” Jup said. “ I just can’t thank them enough.” They raised $334 from a collection along Ardmore Street. Yesterday Jup enjoyed a rest day and in the evening a fundraiser was held at Mint Bar for the cause. So far he has run at least a marathon every day. “I still feel confident. I had a pain
barrier today, but I knew that was coming,” he said. “I’ve just got to box on through that and come out the other end. I’m looking forward to it, with lots of people waiting to join us along the way.” The start of Jup’s run coincides with Stroke Awareness Week. He hopes to arrive in Cape Reinga around November 7. See sunspots for details
Don’t cry for me... Charlotte Trundle Local teenager Joshua O’Donnell-Fluit is one of 91 lucky young New Zealanders who will be team flag bearers during the Rugby World
believe it when I got picked. I am really going to enjoy this experience and have a lot of fun.” Emirates’ New Zealand manager Chris Lethbridge and Rugby World Cup 1987 winning former All Black
I couldn’t believe it when I got picked. I am really going to enjoy this experience.
Joshua O’Donnell-Fluit will be flying the Argentinean flag this weekend for the Rugby World Cup. PHOTO: charlotte trundle
Cup 2011. Josh entered the competition for 14- to 16year-olds on the Emirates’ website, where he had to write 50 words about why he wanted to be a flag bearer. “Our whole family is rugby mad so I wrote about how I would love to go to the World Cup,” Josh said. “I couldn’t
Grant Fox selected the winning teens. “It has been a much more exacting process than we expected, such has been the calibre of the entries,” Chris said. Josh travels Otago stadium this Saturday where he will hold the Argentinean flag at the England versus Argentina game.
Paint it black
PHOTO: supplied
Young entrepreneurs from Mount Aspiring College have produced a black and white “roll ‘n’ go” face-paint compact which will be worn by All Blacks supporters all around the country. Back Black Enterprise team Elle Scurr, left, and Abbi Ayre, right, Sina Schaal and Ashley Campbell have just secured a nationwide order for their product and have sold more than 5000 units since its release. “It is very exciting to be selling the product nationally and get such a positive response,” Back Black managing director Elle Scurr said. Enterprise Studies is a Year 13 course at Mount Aspiring College run in conjunction with The Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme. The course is designed to take students through the process of setting up and running a small business. Charlotte Trundle
Thursday 08 September to Wednesday 14 September 2011
Dairy farm concerns Laura Williamson A group of Hawea Flat residents have banded together to voice their concerns about dairy farming in the region. Preserve Our Water (POW) has emerged in wake of news that earthworks are underway on a large-scale dairy farm conversion at Hawea Flat’s Camphill Flat Station. POW spokesperson Mark Thomas, of Hawea Flat, said their purpose was not to block dairy farming, but to ensure it was safe. “We are really interested in facts, not anti-dairying hysteria, and if the farmers concerned and the Otago Regional Council can guarantee the safety of our drinking water then great, but the reality is that has not been the case anywhere in New Zealand so far.” John Threlfall, director of
environmentalinformation and science for the Otago Regional Council, said he understood the group’s concerns. However, he said the ORC was working closely with Camphill Flat Station owners Jim and Jenny Cooper, who
far more intensive than other forms of farming historically practiced in Hawea Flat and that POW would lobby for a district plan change so proposals for any future dairy farms have to be publicly notified.
We are really interested in facts, not anti-dairying hysteria. were doing everything “by the book”. “They will be putting into place best practice to ensure that leachate does not become a problem.” The ORC were installing two channel lysimetres at Camphill Flat Station to monitor effluent and irrigation run-off. Because dairy farming is a permitted activity in the rural zone, consent is non-notified. Mark said dairy farming was
The group is working with the Hawea Community Association to organise a public meeting within the next two weeks where people can express their concerns to the Otago Regional Council. John said that anyone with questions could attend the upcoming ORC water forum on Tuesday at 11am at the Presbyterian Hall in Cromwell.
He’s got the look Charlotte Trundle FormerMountAspiring College student Joshua Perry not only graced the runway at New Zealand Fashion week but met his idol from New Zealand’s Next Top Model. Josh, 19, has cerebral palsy and hopes to be the most famous disabled model in the world. Josh modelled for Christchurch label MisteR and was ecstatic to book the job. “I was pretty nervous but it was such a great experience to meet all the designers and celebrities. I hope to be asked to model next year,” he said. A highlight of his catwalk
debut was meeting New Zealand’s Next Top Model judge Colin Mathura-Jeffree. “Josh wants to be a model, that drive alone should give him a career. I’m excited that he wants to model as a career, and I’ll respectfully look at him as one, and secondarily as a guy in a wheelchair,” he said. Josh is studying business in Christchurch and is looking for an agent to progress his modelling and acting career. “People will hire him and people won’t hire him,” Colin said, “but most importantly I think he looked fabulous on the runway.”
Josh Perry modelling at Fashion Week. PHOTO: Ruby Jack Photography
Thursday 08 September to Wednesday 14 September 2011
Mini fashion
inbrief Cycling for Ireland … and stout A group of 30 Irish rugby fans are set to cycle through Wanaka on September 24 as part of 1000km journey. The group will be cycling from Christchurch to Dunedin via the West Coast to watch Ireland play in the World Cup. They hope to raise €100,000 for the Irish Rugby Football Union Charitable Trust to help seriously injured players. Andy Hunt, of the cycle tour company Natural High which is coordinating the ride, said he had made special preparations to keep the cyclists motivated. “We plan to have a cargo bike with a keg of Guinness on the back which might entice them to keep going when it gets tough.”
Kylie Cooper with photos of Ciara Hovey. PHOTO: supplied
Poetry promotion Jacky Ashe from Cromwell won the Wanaka Sun ticket giveaway to see Sam Hunt at Luggate Hall this Sunday with this poem: He came to visit us after 40 years around We love his cappers & expressions abound Scruffy poet with the powerful emotions To hear him we chase the Sun’s promotions A kiwi classic poet if I win I’ll save a pound
Riverrun series The arrival of spring heralds the start of the Kathmandu Riverrun Trail Series which this year will feature four trail runs over the Lake Wanaka region. The opening event will take place on Saturday October 1 on the Hawea River Track and offers a 5km, 10 km and half marathon options. Race two on the February 18, 2012 is a 14.1km run from Albert Town to Luggate on the Clutha River Track. Race three is on the April 14 from Glendhu Bay to Wanaka’s Roy’s Bay via the Damper Bay and Waterfall Creek Track, 14.3km, with race four taking place on May 19, 2012 on the Outlet Track.
Ensemble beyond genre Eclectic Auckland fourpiece Beyondsemble bring their unique sound to the Riverhouse this Tuesday, their third time performing at the unique riverside venue and the group’s first tour with Arts On Tour NZ. Known as ‘the ensemble beyond genre’, Beyondsemble performs in a range of musical styles, bringing together Celtic, Eastern European and Gypsy with Latin and tango rhythms as well
as improvising in jazz, swing and rock. “I’ve played in numerous bands and dreamed about creating one band that could play it all,” Beyondsemble’s Craig Denham said. “This band can.” The band, which provided the pre-show music for the 2010 World of Wearable Art awards in Wellington, will launch its first studio album, Beyondsemble, on this tour.
A mini fashion show raised more than $750 for Wanaka toddler Ciara Hovey who is undergoing treatment for a rare form of cancer. The UnderCoverWear evening held at the Albert Town Tavern had an interactive fashion show, entertainment, bubbles and spot prizes. “We are really amateur models. I don’t think we have a career in fashion but we wanted to do it to help,” organiser Kylie Cooper said. Kylie reported that Ciara has been doing well after her last check-up. “She is happy and bubbly and it is hoped by her parents she will be back at daycare soon.” Charlotte Trundle
Ice cream day
The children and staff of Aspiring Beginnings were treated to ice cream on Random Act of Kindness Day when locally-made Pure New Zealand ice cream was delivered to their door.
Thursday 08 September to Wednesday 14 September 2011
Wanaka bands left off stage Laura Williamson Partygoers loved the atmosphere at the 100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games Downtown Sessions stage, but some were disappointed to see so few Wanaka acts perform. The stage, located at the corner of Ardmore and Helwick Streets, was a venue for medal ceremonies and entertainment.
Knitsy with the package from Titahi Bay Kindergarten children. PHOTO: charlotte trundle
Water meter compliance
She suggested the Shaping Our Future forums as a place to make suggestion on how the wider Wanaka community could publicise and support its vibrant music scene. “One of the ideas of the forums is to pull people here, keep people here and give people rewards for being here that aren’t just financial. There’s nothing wrong with being a
Farmers in the Otago region are being reminded to ensure their water meters are installed correctly, following recent compliance issues with water measurement. Otago Regional Council (ORC) audit compliance figures for the year to June indicate that some meters had not been installed correctly. In some cases this resulted in some consent holders not sending their installation certification in on time. ORC group manager of regional services Jeff Donaldson said the consent holders were advised of the findings and asked to rectify the matter with their installer. Jeff said it was important for water users to remember that they, as a consent holder, rather than the installer, were liable for any issues associated with faulty installation of meters. ORC has been working with users in recent months to ensure all rural water takes in Otago are metered. The council is helping farmers and growers understand how new government regulations governing the measurement and reporting of water takes will affect them.
It would have been nice to have artists and musicians from both Queenstown and Wanaka. Sam Hudson, station manager at Wanaka Beats, said the stage represented a missed opportunity for local musicians. “It was fantastic to have it here in Wanaka, but it would have been nice to have artists and musicians from both Queenstown and Wanaka.” Sam said she didn’t blame Winter Games organisers for the lack of Wanaka talent on show, but that the Wanaka community could be more proactive about promoting local performers, especially younger acts who would benefit from the exposure an international event would bring.
bit protectionist.” Local musician Glenn Hight (G Man) who played at the venue after one medal ceremony said the stage and location were “awesome”. However, he felt that, as the venue was based in Wanaka, “at least half of the music there should have been local.” W i n t e r G a m e s festival manager Malcolm Blakely said bands playing at the Wanaka venue were sourced through Rockformation, a Queenstownbased charitable foundation formed by parents to help promote young musicians.
Meeting Knitsy Charlotte Trundle Knitsy, wearing woolen gloves and a hat, kept her identity secret while she opened a package sent from her littlest fans in
Knitsy said. “I am gladsomethinggood has come out of this and has encouraged the children to be creative.” She started knitting at six years old, creating clothes for
of art which start a new narrative or conversation,” Knitsy said. She has spent hours making her creations and hand dyes the wool. “When I yarn bomb an area I get a lot of
When I yarn bomb an area I get a lot
Lucky reader wins JJ Rayward won our Father’s Day giveaway of a photo-shoot with Wanaka TV’s Antony Hansen. “My dad, me and my three brothers enjoy lots of things but I think it would be fun to have some family photos of the five of us around Lake Wanaka to give to mum,” JJ wrote in an email to the Wanaka Sun. The winners of the Stanley tool pack giveaway have yet to be drawn as the tools have been delayed in transit. Thanks for all the entries, we hope to pick the winners soon.
of adrenaline, I feel a big naughty. Wellington. The decorated shoe box, filled with cards, letters, flowers and small hats for the “knitting fairy”, was sent from Titahi Bay Kindergarten children in Wellington. “The package is so sweet, I am overwhelmed,”
her dolls. “I always enjoyed knitting and being creative.” She explained that her woolly creations such as the art easel, cupcakes, dog poo, zebra creation and kokako had a special message and meaning. “I like to do pieces
Thursday 08 September to Wednesday 14 September 2011
adrenaline, I feel a big naughty,” she said. She was touched the preschoolers had made contact and hoped to keep in touch. “I have never heard of someone being famous and being unknown. I enjoy it.”
sunnews Experience Maybelline’s new ‘FIT ME’ range
With up to $20 OFF Maybelline products
Thursday September 15 2pm - 6pm
Luke Sanders, 13, Storm Dalton, 14, from WYCM and Snow Park’s Sally Norman. PHOTO: supplied
open until 7pm - 7 days PH 443 8000 Top of Helwick St, Wanaka
We’re busy as ever down here at Kahu Youth. We have two Blue Moon events coming up, a holiday programme to organise and we’re organising our ‘Tent on the Park’, cardboard boat race and the Stonewood Homes Street Parade at this year’s Willowridge Wanakafest too! Wanaka’s Young Change Makers have been busy as well. Here they are to tell you about a fantastic initiative they are running:
360 for 350
Saturday September 24 is International 350 Day. This year we have organised “360 4 350” at Snow Park NZ. Snow Park will allow free runs all morning, the catch being you don’t use the lift! There will also be 20 percent off lift passes for the afternoon session for anyone who takes part. They are awesome! We are doing this to raise awareness that carbon in our atmosphere should be 350 parts per million, but
over the past few years it has climbed to 391. You may ask why the carbon parts in the atmosphere are something to be concerned about. The more carbon parts per million in the atmosphere, the faster global warming will progress. If the parts per million reach 450, the average global temperature will be two degrees higher than now, meaning that places like Snow Park may not exist. Years from now, future
Thursday 08 September to Wednesday 14 September 2011
generations will not be able to do all the great stuff that we are able to do. This is why we are making a stand now. So come on Wanaka, grab your gear and come shred and show us your 360 for 350! For more information on the boat races, parades or ‘360 for 350’: contact Rich or Angie on 443 5880, kahu.youth@xtra. co.nz or Facebook ‘Kahuyouth Wanaka’.
Old site creates interest
Avenue Q giveaway The winner of two tickets to the musical Avenue Q at the Fortune Theatre in Dunedin is Alan Ford, whose favourite Sesame Street character is Grover.
About 20 people attended a meeting held on Tuesday night to discuss potential uses of the old Wanaka Primary School site on Tenby Street. Heather Kerr of Wanaka Community Creative Spaces said that she was “pleasantly surprised by the level of interest”. Heather, along with fellow Wanaka artist Christy Rolfe, started the group to explore using otherwise “wasted spaces” to benefit arts and community groups. Heather said they would now prepare a report for property managers Darroch Ltd. They would then hold a further open day for those who had expressed interest in using the site. Laura Williamson
Grant for displaced school children
It’s about time
Laura Williamson
Wanaka businesses will be pleased to see new road signs at the junction of Highways 6 and 84. The signage previously directed traffic to turn left, in the direction of Luggate, for Queenstown and right for Wanaka. The new signage indicates Queenstown (via Crown Range) in the Wanaka direction. Leigh Stock, president
of the Wanaka Chamber of Commerce, called the new wording “fantastic news from a business point of
The change was initiated by the Wanaka Community Board and implemented by the New Zealand Transport
It’s fantastic news from a business point of view. view”. He said that the old signage offered only one option for Queenstown, meaning out of towners heading south might bypass Wanaka altogether.
Agency. Community Board chairman Lyal Cocks said Lake Wanaka Tourism had also been pushing for the change, which had a “net benefit for Wanaka”. PHOTO: wanaka.tv
Fishing author goes global Wanaka author Derek Grzelewski has seen his book The Trout Diaries sold into the American market. US publisher Stackpole Press have picked up the book and the American release is scheduled for January 2012. Release in the US, which is both elusive
for and sought after by many New Zealand writers, means a much wider readership for Derek. The first order from Stackpole equals the entire New Zealand print run so far, and he has received review requests from Alaska, Quebec and the UK. Derek said the book
had international appeal for two reasons. One is the high standard of our fishing. “Fly fishing in New Zealand is like the Himalayas are for climbers. There’s no better place in the world.” But, he said, it’s not all about the fish. The book also delves into themes
such as loss and life’s priorities. “We go to the rivers in good times to celebrate and in times of crisis to find solace. The rivers are there for us in all kinds of situations.” This, he said, is something readers from anywhere, fishermen or not, could relate to.
Applications close this week for a Red Cross grant designed to assist children who were displaced as a result of the February 22 earthquake in Christchurch. The Displaced School Children Grant offers $250 per child, to assist with costs such as new uniforms, fees, replacing items that were left behind, or other costs associated with the need to move quickly. Approximately 31 primary-aged students and 12 secondary students who moved to the Wanaka area following the Christchurch earthquake remain enrolled at local schools. More information on the grant can be found on their website. Applications close on Friday, September 9.
New warbird for Wanaka Warbirds over Wanaka Community Trust has welcomed the arrival of a Strikemaster light attack aircraft, which will be permanently displayed at the Warbirds and Wheels visitor attraction. The RNZAF has provided the Strikemaster aircraft on loan to the WOWCT. George Wallis, the spokesperson for Warbirds & Wheels, said the Strikemaster will be a valuable asset. “These aircraft will be a significant draw card for visitors to our region. It will also provide plenty of enjoyment and education for future generations,” he said. The Strikemaster aircraft was withdrawn from service by the Air Force in 1991 and replaced by the Aermacchi MB339CB. It has since remained at Ohakea as part of the museum’s exhibition centre until 2007, and thereafter been in storage. Located at the Wanaka Airport, Warbirds and Wheels is scheduled to open in November 2011.
Derek Grzelewski. PHOTO: supplied
Thursday 08 September to Wednesday 14 September 2011
crimescene Forced entry Offenders forced entry into a home on Frye Crescent on September 4. They caused damage to the interior of the house before leaving with several alcoholic drinks. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact Wanaka Police.
Board stolen On September 4, a snowboard was left in the drying room at the Purple Cow backpackers and was stolen during the short time it was left unattended. “Take care of your property and keep a look out for any suspicious characters,” Constable Martin Barham said.
Dinosaur park damage The Otago Cleaning Services have reported that four toilet doors at the Dinosaur Park have been damaged. The offender or offenders have kicked in the locked doors damaging the locks.
Roof walk A car parked on Roche Street was walked over between August 8 and September 2, resulting in a dented roof. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact Constable Mel Twyman.
Drink driving Three drivers were charged with drink driving related offences this week, including one who crashed their car into a lamp post on Mt Aspiring Road. The driver provided a breath sample, which was over three times the legal limit.
If you have information on any crimes call 0800CRIMESTOPPER (0800555111).
Teens in top five Two budding film-makers from Mount Aspiring College have won a camera, a day’s training with an industry professional, and the chance to go to Singapore. Year 9 students Mikaela Cooper and Daisy ThorPoet were top tier winners in the Kid Witness News (KWN) short film competition. Entrants were asked to create and develop a storyboard for a short documentary film based on one of two themes: ‘communication’ or ‘the environment’. Mikaela and Daisy’s storyboard for their film The Invitation, a modern message-in-a-bottle tale of a lonely girl who sends a cell phone away on a balloon flight, was chosen as one of the top five in the country. The students won a Panasonic Broadcast Quality camera and editing software for their school, as well as a day of mentoring from television commercial director Blu Steven. They now have until November 1 to complete a finished film. The winning film-makers will travel to Singapore to compete in the Asia-Pacific finals.
Thursday 08 September to Wednesday 14 September 2011
Action mouse
Local skaters at Wanaka Primary school with author Chad Kolcze. PHOTO: wanaka.tv
Charlotte Trundle Former professional snowboarder Chad Kolcze skateboarded with children at Wanaka Primary School this week to promote the New Zealand launch of his action sports book series Maiso the Action Mouse. His books are aimed at promoting physical activity and literacy, helping curve the obesity crisis and getting boys into reading. Chad has strong ties to
Wanaka as his best friend Tom Willmott is the head coach of the New Zealand snowboard team. “It’s such a great place to
Lowther said when authors came to the school to meet students it encouraged them be more passionate about
It’s such a great place to launch the books as people love action sports here. launch the books as people love action sports here,” Chad said. Wanaka Primary School librarian Pip
reading and writing. Chad started creating the Skate Session books when his son Maiso was 11 months old.
“Entering the world of kids’ books I came to realise there weren’t any sports related books on the market. A sports enthusiast myself, I was empowered to change this.” The school held a ‘dress like a skateboarder’ mufti day to coincide with the launch. There are two books available in the Maiso the Action Mouse series: Surf Safari and Skate Session. He hopes to publish a snowboarding version soon.
Handcrafts a big hit! More than 300 people attended the Aspiring Quilters’ exhibition last Saturday at Lake Wanaka Centre. “We were thrilled with the number,” exhibition convener Denise Bunn said. “Quilting is becoming fashionable again and is really before the public eye. There is a far greater interest in handcrafted things now in this age of mass production.” The exhibition featured more than 60 works by local artists, and was the first show to display pieces created solely by members of Aspiring Quilters. A raffle on the day raised $1500 for the Cancer Society.
Denise Bunn checks out “Popourri”, a quilt by Trish Hewett. PHOTO: laura williamson
Built to take a shake Wanaka’s new police station will not only be bigger and better, it will be safer and stronger. According to Senior Sergeant Allan Grindell, the station will be level 4 compliant, one of the highest structural specifications for emergency service building construction in New Zealand. This means that the station would be one of the few buildings in Wanaka built specifically to withstand an event such as a large earthquake, making it a potential location for Civil Defence headquarters. The station would be self-sufficient for up to 48 hours, with access to its own power and water. Plans for the new building, and its proposed site on Ballantyne Road, were on display at an information session at the Lake Wanaka Centre last Saturday. The new space would accommodate up to 18 staff, provide extra space for meetings and community groups, as well as operations rooms for search and rescue. It would replace the current police station on Helwick Street, which, according to Sergeant Grindell, was built in the 1970s for two to three staff members, and is, he said, “well past its used date”.
Thursday 08 September to Wednesday 14 September 2011
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Thursday 08 September to Wednesday 14 September 2011
Thursday 08 September to Wednesday 14 September 2011
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s e p a c s d n a l Urban
HUNTS is on Novice hunters can upgrade their skills at the Upper Clutha Deerstalkers HUNTS course which begins on September 15. HUNTS coordinator Dan Orbell said that five of the ten places have been filled for the course that focuses on competence and confidence in basic bush craft, safety and hunting skills. The course includes a weekend hunting trip. “We are going for a 100 percent success rate this year as we are in the field for two days,” Dan said.
Georgia team coming to Wanaka Local school children will get to spend quality time with the Georgia rugby team on Thursday. The team will then enjoy a barbecue at the Upper Clutha Rugby Club followed by activities including a 4x4 excursion, rabbit shooting and a possible lake trip. QLDC deputy mayor Lyal Cocks said it was really great the team had chosen to visit Wanaka. “We will look after them and show them some good kiwi hospitality,” he said.
Sonia Jones of Wanaka (left) and gallery manager Melissa Reimer at the preview of the Urban Landscapes exhibition, currently showing at Gallery Thirty Three. PHOTO: wanaka.tv
shapingourfuture Twenty people attended the first Shaping Our Future meeting at the Cardrona Community Hall last Thursday. The focus was ‘vision and values’. Attendees were invited to discuss what they valued about their community, what they hoped for the future, and how the community might get there. Several common themes emerged. Participants said they valued a
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close sense of community, and having a great place to raise children. They identified their stewardship of the land as important in valley development, but said the gradual loss of freedom to do what they thought best was a disappointment. Future goals identified included maintaining a closely connected community, especially by retaining regular community events.
Thursday 08 September to Wednesday 14 September 2011
Development along the lines of a quaint but bustling historic preserve would keep the local character while enabling growth, and all growth should be sustainable. Co-facilitator Dave Roberts said the quote that summed up the evening was “old world charm with new world services”. The next local Shaping Our Future meeting will at the Hawea Flat Hall on September 14 at 5.30pm.
sunviews editorial
BOARD Is it my imagination....or are the blue bags getting smaller...and smaller? David Munro - what a poet couldn’t agree more. It’s not just a fish and chip shop it’s a restaurant and bar too! if u don’t like it go somewhere else problem solved =) To the person who last week said their rates had jumped 50% should look at their account properly. Stop bagging QLDC for no reason. Are only people with an extensive vocabulary allowed to voice their opinions? Learn to laugh with people as opposed to at them. Where is your intestinal fortitude? <name supplied> Nothing makes my blood boil more than drivers that follow too close. Either pass or back off. Just because you are a police officer does not give you the right to endanger other drivers. Why not have annual burn-off of Wanaka lifestyle reserve to enable better access to the environment for our tourists? Only a fool breaks the 2 second rule. If any one rear ended a cop car they would be prosecuted. But when a cop rear ends some one it needs to be investigated. To the people who exercise their three dogs several times a day at stoney creek, pick up your dog poop. Don’t use our back yard as a toilet use your own. Yuk. Re cowardly comments. If you claim right of free speech you have the responsibility to put your name to those comments. <name supplied> To the property manager and mother of 1 you have all of Wanaka and more supporting you! MOO MOO POO POO BOO HOO Shame on qldc & lwt for condoning destructive philistine vegetation burning. Don’t they understand the concept & importance of biodiversity? Hope council takes some responsibility - Xmas/NY back 2 back ROW cars driving over speed bumps, walkers crossing everywhere cos they have ROW! Good Luck 2 us all. local regional councils around the country are having massive problems and spending big $$ trying to clean up the waterways messed up by farming and we still allow a large scale one to start up beside our 2 major rivers. real smart Has anyone living in the vicinity of the proposed dairy farm stopped to think what will happen to the value of their properties? Of course they will go down. who wants to live near a dairy farm? But your rates won’t go down. If the dairy farm does go ahead we should insist all the monitoring of ground water quality and amount of water taken is done regularly and results published.
In case you hadn’t noticed, the Rugby World Cup kicks off tomorrow. This has fostered a fair bit of spirited debate in the Wanaka Sun office, which this week boasted an international crew, with staff members from New Zealand, Ireland, England and Canada. Comments regarding the upcoming event ranged from “this year, it’s ours” (from the New Zealanders and, optimistically, the Englishman), to “what’s the big deal, it’s not like anyone’s wearing ice skates” (from the Canadian), to the persistent, lusty singing of traditional rugby anthems (the Irish woman). What our small office represented was a microcosm of Wanaka, which as a resort town, is a global town. This is never more apparent than when an international event kicks off, whether it be the RWC, or the 100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games, or Challenge Wanaka. The flags come out, the accents get a little stronger, and the ribbing begins. What a gift. As residents of Wanaka we get to enjoy both the benefits of life in small-town New Zealand and the variety of living in an international community. Call it a melting pot. Call it a mosaic. This is a place that is both of New Zealand and of the world. Which means someone around here is bound to be happy no matter who hoists the Webb Ellis Cup on October 23. As long as it’s not you know who. Or those other guys. That wouldn’t do at all.
May the road rise up to meet you. Art gallery
Dear Knitsy... We would like to thank you most sincerely for contributing to our programme and our knitting journey. The children were very excited when the parcel arrived and saw the heart. Which has pride of place on our wall, surrounded by the clippings and documentation relating to this experience. We also made pictures of sheep made out of the wool one of our teachers brought in from a newly shorn lamb. They are at the moment experimenting with the dying of wool. So not only have you helped create a new generation of knitters you inspired us to take them on a journey, involving the whole process of wool, learning about newspapers, sending and receiving mail, where other places are and contributing to the community. It has been a fun and enriching experience, with the present from you the icing on the cake! We have just heard that the knitting craze has reached the local school, through siblings of kindergarten children and wool and needles have been requested by the children, for their special handson area. So thank you from the whole of the Titahi Bay Kindergarten and community for your inspiration. Titahi Bay Kindergarten Wellington
write to the editor... Let the community know your views, email your letter to:
Remember Hendo’s Hole? In Wanaka they want to build Charrington’s Black Hole, an exclusive club for overseas and out-of-town art snobs. Someone please tell Johnny that this is not Sydney and should never be treated as such. Here’s an idea, next time a decision needs to be made about the placement of important infrastructure why not ask the true locals. Ask the children of Wanaka what they want, it’s their future not yours. If the youth of Wanaka would have been asked where to put the new sports centre I bet they would have told you to put it at Lismore Park next to the schools so that it could easily be used everyday. Instead the sports centre is being placed out near the airport so tourists will have easy access, brilliant planning. Through the hard work and dedication of a few local artists the Wanaka Arts Centre has become a vibrant, dynamic working Arts Centre. Why would anyone want to replace that with a crystal palace? The proposal for this multimillion dollar white elephant is nothing more than a naive pipe dream. Why not ask the hundreds of local kids that attend affordable art classes and music lessons at the Wanaka Arts Centre what they want to do with the place. You want to know about the future of Wanaka, ask the future of Wanaka, ask the children, their wisdom will amaze you. Bruce Thompson Wanaka
*200 words or less
2010 figures - dairy industry alone made 11 billion dollars export earnings, tourism 9 billion. Whatever your views do not underestimate the value of agriculture. people often confuse statements about dairy running parallel to tourism in export numbers with agriculture as a whole - which must be worth around 15-16 billion. I would prefer to see dog poo naturally decomposing in the dirt over being bundled away in plastic bags to the landfill any day! Dog owners should defy the plastic rubbish brigade but please do cover poo with rocks or push off track w stick, thanks. Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep & doesn’t know where to find them. Let’s burn off the hill & they’ll come home, leaving no wildlife behind them!
The views expressed in the text board and in the Letters to the Editor are those of the author alone and not necessarily those of the Wanaka Sun.
021 986 786 Thursday 08 September to Wednesday 14 September 2011
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sunclassifieds employment
Free Text-Classifieds for sale
for sale
Fruit Trees: Buy 1 and get another half price at Cromwell Gardenland, 80 Barry Avenue.
1996 Mitsubishi Legnum. Petrol 1.8 engine. 260000km. $500 sound system. Current rego. For sale $800. Call 0220112219
HEALTH AWARENESS: Massage Therapy - deep tissue - relaxation - therapeutic. Lymphatic drainage. Reiki. Call Madeleine 0273221507 Experienced and committed therapist.
To the good folks at Snowdrifta thank you for the snow and good times had by all. Cheers from Montessori Children’s House.
Wanaka Rowing Club free come and try it sessions. Saturday 17 & Wednesday 21 September. Text Amanda 021 247 8879
HUNTS course: Sept 15 – Oct 31. Phone Murray Burns (443 5506) to book. Only 5 spaces left.
Kelvinator washing machine 4 sale. $40 bit noisy but does the trick. 443 9570 after 5.30pm. Toyota Estima van, 157km, 1993, very tidy. Towbar. Ph 4434499 1998 diesel Caldina 4 sale 219000 km. No rego since may, current wof. new waterpump, cambelt. $2500 ono. Joel 0221269201
1986 NISSAN Kingcab new wof firewood cage great work truck $1500 ono 0221506820 Subaru Legacy, manual, 1995, 282000kms reliable, well maintained, wof & reg until October €2000 call or txt 0220797736 20 concrete sheer bolts and rods. Offers 0212988796.
Huge Garage Sale. Wanaka Lakehouse. 9am Sunday 10th. Top quality. Lots of stuff. 27 Penrith Park Drive. 4436568.
Cool sleep-out or back country hut. 6.6 x 3.6. Comes apart 4 easy transport. Offers 0212988796
Character cottage for sale with 2 separate sleep-outs. Large 1692msq section. $290,000 ono. Ph 03436355 or view on Trade Me #402751477
Improve your garden this spring with a big bag of sheep manure only $4. 0278299228. 18-19kg
TOYOTA CAMRY 1991, 196,000Kms, great condition, great runner. $2000 ono, call 0277499922 or 4434369 anytime :) Kiwi fruit banana chutney from Pirate Pickles at the Wanaka farmers market 4 to 6 Thursday in Spencer House Mall Subaru Legacy Stationwagon, 1994, allwheel drive, manual. 2 owners, current reg & WOF, goes well. $2000 ono. Phone 021 064 1017. Car 4 sale, 1991 Mazda Familia, Manual 4 gears, 230000km, good economical town car. Valid REG WOF. $1100 Txt 0211381052 Whitebait Scoop net for sale. Used twice. Like new. $75.00 Ph or text 0276318445 Bengal chutney from Pirate Pickles at the Wanaka farmers market 4 to 6 Thursday in Spencer House Mall Support MAC enterprise, ‘I love CH CH’ T - Shirts on sale @ YOHEI Great motorbike Suzuki Intruder 250cc year 2010 excellent condition $5899. To enjoy the best of spring on the road. 0211875629. Hot lime pickle from Pirate Pickles at the Wanaka farmers market 4 to 6 Thursday in Spencer House Mall Toyota Vista 1995 Auto 195000km good condition $2500 call 4438967 or 0210373030
Old style Simpson washing machine, goes fine, loose lid, free to good home. Ph 4434499
services Positive earth landscaping and garden maintenance natural stone paving ph 4431324 WANAKA WINDOW cleaning professional, friendly, efficient service. Enjoy those bluebird winter views. High, awkward windows a specialty. Paolo 0210572505 / 4432420 Peak Construction Cleaning Services. Builders, present the owners new home to them absolutely spotless! For a competitive quote call Margo 021 277 5787 Icon Project Management. Need competitive, independent, professional management, quantity surveying & cost control for your upcoming building project? Call Richard 021488692 Karuna @ Health2000. When you need to relax or need to work out stress book a massage with Dannielle 0226152231 C OUNSELLO R / FA M I LY THERAPIST Meg Bryant MNZAC, ACC reg. Family Court approved. For children, youth, families, relationships, mother & baby issues and individual adult issues. Ph 021270 0866 for an appointment. megbryant1@yahoo. co.nz
CV writing services and interview coaching - call Cherilyn 021 665 013 Hands in Harmony - therapeutic massage for health and wellbeing. Call Lee ph: 443 1447 or 027 333 4909 www.handsinharmony.yolasite.com Fencing 0274573539
Stonemason Available for consultations, design approaches, and labour. Large local portfolio. Call Nick J on 0211143280
Free professional Wedding photography. Local photography student seeks wedding to shoot for final portfolio. Call 443 4015, 0211316683 Wanted house to rent over Christmas New Year Professional couple with two teenage children (15yr, 14yr) phone 03 4892273 or 021 2927040. Wanted to rent 3 bedroom home with garaging. Phone 4439300 Jude smith
Hair thou Art workshop & mobile...organic haircare, Luminart colour with kakadu plum, bamboo extract, sunflower & olive. Ph 443 9545
Local Nanny available for school holidays. Qualified ski instructor and training to be an early childhood teacher. Have great references. Call Cat on 0274244500.
Equine physiotherapy.... Equissage. An essential tool for horse maintenance, recovery & rehabilitation, balancing, aligning, harmonizing your horse. Ph Kirstin 027 229 8960
ADMIN ASSISTANT available for casual or permanent work: filing, systematising, emailing, data entry or just answering the phone - contact 0221331101
All types of fencing and gates. Wrought iron. Timber. Colour steel. Post and rail. Glass and steel balustrades. 4434078 0272080175 Handyman Service 4434078 0272080175 Colour steel fencing. Same both sides. Handy solutions 0272080175 Next time you visit the doctor why not save yourself some waiting time? Ask one of the friendly receptionists at Wanaka Medical Centre or Aspiring Medical Centre to send your prescription on ahead to Wanaka Pharmacy and we will prepare it for you as you drive back to town. Another free service provided by Wanaka Pharmacy and your doctor.
thanks Aspiring Beginnings would like to thank Tracey and Richard from Pure New Zealand ice cream for our delicious treats on Random Act of Kindness Day. Keep New Zealand Beautiful - Wastebusters would like to thank everyone who helped clean-up around Wanaka. A great job was job was done by all.
NANNY available for casual or permanent work. EXPERIENCED with newborns - toddlers - preschoolers. First Aid qualified. Excellent references. Call 0221331101 HORSE RIDERS are you looking for horses to ride in Wanaka? Opportunity for capable riders with experience riding young horses. Self-contained accommodation also available. Call Nikki Heath at Pembroke Stud 027 2467835 or see www.facebook.com/PembrokeStud PEASTRAW wanted. Small quantity, can pick up. 443 4O79
notices Jup supporters can text STROKE to 5339 to make an instant $3 donation to the Stroke Foundation. Baptist house church 10am this Sunday, 6 Ewing Place, Mt Iron. Ph 4434499 Fun, fun, fun for all - 19th November - watch Sunspots for more details soon. Salsa lessons Thursdays 7 pm Presbyterian Hall, Tenby Street. Everyone welcome. Call 021837995 for info
Happy fathers day to the best daddies in the world, Sean and Geoff, and the best pa in the world we love you lots Sophia, Alice and Jules xxx SAM HUNT at the Luggate Hall. Tickets still available, but selling fast. Don’t miss out on a legend – tickets $15 from Wanaka Fine Wines, Helwick Street, cash only.
Beyondsemble at The Riverhouse, Tuesday 13 September, 7.30pm. Tickets $25 from Video Ezy. Wheels to Dunstan. Do you need to get to Dunstan Hospital? Ph 443 7709 before 3pm to book your seat on the Free Shuttle. Your medical centre may have moved but your pharmacy is still right here! Wanaka Pharmacy - serving the Upper Clutha for 40 years & here for you daily until 7pm at the top of Helwick St. The Rotary Club of Wanaka meets weekly @ 6.00pm @ Oakridge Grand Mercure. JP SERVICES at Community Networks, Tuesdays 1pm, Fridays 10.30am. For appointments call 4437799, Wanaka Pharmacy Healthy Rewards lets you earn 1 reward point for every dollar you spend!! Room for rent in Hawea double en suit $120 + power & wifi ph 0278410879 or 4435132 after 7pm. Wheels to Dunstan: Bookings for this free service to Dunstan Hospital or specialist appointments in Alexandra can be made at Community Networks 443 7799 before 3pm the day before. IRD are at Community Networks Thursday 22 September 9am-12pm for personal tax queries. Call 443 7799 for an appointment Wanaka Pharmacy Healthy Rewards lets you earn 1 reward point for every dollar you spend!!
02 20 786 778 text message only - deadline Tuesday 4pm 20 word limit - standard network rates apply Page 14
for sale
sport results Wanaka Bowls Results Tuesday Pairs: 1. Don Urquhart and Jude Davey, 2. Ray Newell and Geoff Thomas, 3. Kerry Suckling and Ross Davey. Friday Progressive Skips: 1. George Russell, 2. Kay Chartres, 3. Norman Matheson. Seconds 1. Trevor Tovey, 2. Neil Collings, 3. John Barton. Leads, 1. Fred Anderson, 2. Stu Landsborough, 3. Barry Miskimmin. Tarras Golf results: Women’s Clark Trophy-Maire McElrea 44 Stablefords, Kate Norman 42, Pat Holder 41, Jan Allen 41, Avril Templeton 40, Cheryl Sinnamon 35. Best 2nd shot on No’s 1 and 10-Gilly Taylor. Men’s South African StablefordTom Moore and Bonar Rowley 93 Stablefords, Beau Trevathan and Bonar Rowley 80 by lot, Dave Trevathan and Graeme Rive 80, Craig Still and Allan Kane 79, Robert Pearson and Ken Galloway 79. MEDAL & LGU & PUTTING 04/09/2011. MEN 1st. Peter Hart 76.12.64, 2nd. Richard Henderson 86.12.64, 3rd Tim Cotter 78.11.67, Ed King 93.26.67. LADIES 1st. Marie McElrea 106.35.71. PUTTING Tim Cotter 27. NEAREST THE PIN Red Stevenson. TWOS. Red Stevenson Tim Cotter. Bridge Results: Aspiring Stakes 3. North/South:- Clare Scurr, Deirdre Lynch 67.26% 1. John Lyness, Laraine Shepherd 66.04% 2. Tony & Janice Munden 57.24% 3. East/West:- Jan Lyness, Max Shepherd 60.80% 1. Ian McDonald, Boyd Ottrey 59.09% 2. Alan Chisholm, Ken Muir 58.68% 3. Series Winners:- John Lyness, Laraine Shepherd 60.39% 1. Alan Chisholm, Ken Muir 56.93% 2 Friday Bridge 2nd September: North/South:Margaret Hunt, Mary-Gibson Collings 65.99% 1. Morag Chisholm, Pamela Buchanan 57.48% 2. Jan Lyness, Heather Wellman 53.40% 3. East/West:- Ena Leckie, Errol Kelly 69.44% 1. Karolyn Macandrew, Lynda Hodge 59.30% 2. Daphne Stewart, Vivienne Christie 59.30% 3.
Thursday 08 September to Wednesday 14 September 2011
wanaka Golf results Saturday Ladies – 3rd September - Medal & Putting Medal Putting 1 Nora Hastings, 66 1 Anne Moffat 2 Avril Templeton, 68 Helen Thirkell, 68 Nearest to the Pin Hole No. 4 Coral Cooper sponsored by Ritual Cafe Hole No. 15 Anne Brown - sponsored by Café Gusto Saturday Men - 3rd September - Anderson Electrical Medal Division 1 Division 2 1 Tony Brent, 66 1 Bob McRae, 67 2 Bill Grigor, 68 William Hunter, 67 3 Carrick Jones, Dylan Stock Glenn Tattersall, 67 & Arthur Dovey, 70 Division 3 Division 4 1 Anthony Donoghue, 60 1 Allan Kelly, 64 2 Michael Hetherington, 65 2 Ken Copland, 65 Russel Leary, 65 3 Mike Kelly & John McRae, 68 Tuesday Ladies 30th August - Home Pennants Stbfd/ Vets Tray Division 1 Division 2 1 Susie Rankin, 42 1 Sue Collinson, 37 2 Penny Wilson, 38 Jenny Pryde, 37 3 Anne McKenzie & Anne Moffat, 37 3 Edith Cunningham & May Moffat, 36 Division 3 Division 4 1 Avril Templeton, 36 1 Nan Hogan, 44 Coral Cooper, 36 2 Margaret McKenzie, 41 3 Margaret Marshall & Chris Willson, 35, 3 Carolyn Wallace, 39 Nearest to the Pin Hole No. 4 Jenny Laing - sponsored by Barb Bayliss Hole No. 6 Yeverley McCarthy - sponsored by Yeverley McCarthy Hole No. 13 Liz Garden - sponsored by Harcourts Property Management Hole No. 15 Edith Cunningham - sponsored by National Bank Wednesday Men - 31st August - Bradley Nuttal Meatpack Day Division 1 Division 2 1 Jeff Kerr, 39 1 Stephen Popperwell, 40 2 Carrick Jones, 37 Ray Leckie, 40 Stuart Corser (Peninsula), 37 3 Russel Leary, 3 9 Nearest to the Pin Hole No. 2 Stuart Corser - sponsored by Wanaka Trading Post Hole No. 4 John Barton - sponsored by Bullock Bar Hole No. 6 Gareth Brown - sponsored by Four Square Hole No. 13 Russel Leary - sponsored by Bradley Nuttal Hole No. 15 Arthur Dovey - sponsored by Bradley Nuttal Longest Putt on No. 9 - John Hogan - sponsored by Ali Babers Hair Stylist Thursday Nine Hole Ladies - 1st September - Nett Nett 1 Daille Rogers, 31 2 Stephanie Still, 35 3 Norma
sunclassifieds open homes Address
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4pm 8/09/11
2pm 9/09/11
1pm 10/09/11 Auction
PANELBEATERS SOUTHERN LAKES PANELBEATING Specialist in all your insurance requirements. Located at 27 Gordon Road, phone 443 1613
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3pm 11/09/11 $995,000
By 3pm 11/09/11 Negotiation
3:30 11/09/11 $595,000
3:30 11/09/11 $697,000
Issue 521 Thursday 08 September 2011
circulation: 8,500 Phone: 03 443 5252 Fax: 03 443 5250 Text view: 021 986 786 Text classified: 022 0786 778 Address: Top of the escalator, Spencer House, Wanaka Postal: PO Box 697, Wanaka
Editor: Sue Wards theeditor@thewanakasun.co.nz Journalist: Charlotte Trundle journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz Production: Adam Hall production@thewanakasun.co.nz Advertising: Jude Smith - marketing@thewanakasun.co.nz Ronnie Hopkinson sales@thewanakasun.co.nz, Office Supervisor: Ruth Bolger admin@thewanakasun.co.nz Printed by: Guardian Print, Ashburton Delivered by: Wanaka Rowing Club Published by: Wanaka Sun (2003) Ltd
Thursday 08 September to Wednesday 14 September 2011
Page 15
inbrief Registration open for Junior Nationals Snow Sports New Zealand will once again host the Junior Ski and Snowboard National Championships, scheduled for September 26 to 30 at Cardrona Alpine Resort. Online registration is open and is on a first come, first served basis.
Otago uni defend title
Jossi Wells on his way to first place in the Freeski Open slopestyle. PHOTO: Camilla Stoddart
Charlotte Trundle Wanaka freestyle skiers competed against the best in the world at the North Face Freeski Open of New Zealand. In the freeski slopestyle at Snow Park local hero Jossi Wells finished on top of the podium. “I feel as if I’m on top of the world today. It’s great to land on my feet again.” In second was Canada’s Charles Gagnier with his brother Vincent in third. In the women’s finals Kim Lamarre
(CAN) finished in the number one spot, followed by overall world champion Devin Logan (USA), and Rose Battersby (NZ) in third. Wanaka women dominated in the halfpipe competition, with Amy Sheehan and Janina Kuzma placing second and third respectively. First place went to Devin Logan of the USA. “I’m stoked that the wind died down for us,” Amy said. “It was great to ride with all my friends again. It’s nice to
be back up there, back into it and doing well.” In the men’s halfpipe competition American skier Taylor Seaton placed first, followed by his countrymen David Wise in second and Gus Kenworthy in third. After winning the slopestyle, Jossi pulled out of the halfpipe competition. “My knee is a bit sore today. I decided to be proactive and prevent possible injury so that I can keep charging hard for the rest of the season.”
The Uni Snow Games attracted a wide range of students, competitors, volunteers and event organisers, who made the most of their time in Wanaka. More than 90 competitors took part in this year’s events which included big air, halfpipe, gravity cross, giant slalom and cross country at Treble Cone, Cardrona and Snow Farm. Otago University successfully defended their title, winning the Michael Forrestal Memorial Shield for the eighth consecutive year. Competitors representing Otago University won almost half of the 26 titles on offer throughout the week to dominate the overall campus points standings, ahead of the University of Canterbury who finished second and Auckland University, who claimed third place. Despite only having three competitors, Queenstown Resort College placed fourth. Massey University Palmerston North won the small campus shield.
Top of the class
Mount Aspiring College teams competed well at the South Island Secondary School Ski & Snowboard Champs held at Cardrona Alpine Resort last weekend. Pictured competing in the snowboard gravity X is Fraser Dowling (centre), on his way to win, with team mates Tim Herbert and Joss McAlpin. PHOTO: Andy Woods
Talent take on local terrain Charlotte Trundle Local snow sports athletes stood out against a top international field at the K2 Big Mountain Chill Series. The four day big mountain ski and snowboard event saw competitors from
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all around the world compete on some of New Zealand’s best freeride terrain at Mt Olympus and Craigieburn ski fields. The combined results decided the overall series placings. Treble Cone ski instructor Jamie Adcock (UK) won the men’s ski division
with Canterbury’s Tom Brownlee close behind in second. Wanaka-based Harry Giddings placed third after a great showing at Mt Olympus. For the first time the women’s ski title was shared between Wanakabased Tori Beattie and Australian Hannah
Fisher. Australian Sabrina Fiebig won the women’s snowboard division title with Ruari MacFarlane (NZ) winning the men’s snowboard division. The K2 Big Mountain Chill Series acts as a qualifier for the Northern hemisphere world Freeride Tour.
Thursday 08 September to Wednesday 14 September 2011
Masters on snow Treble Cone hosted the 2011 Ski Masters on Sunday September 4. Masters skiers (30+) competed in the dual run GS event on Lower Main Street before attending a lunch at the day lodge followed by the prize-giving. Pictured is masters’ ski racer Alison Duder.