Wanaka Sun 2 - 8 April 2015

Page 1

Plans for Luggate development Luggate has “an important role to play” in development in the Upper Clutha, one of the area’s main developers says. PAGE 2

WPS to hold election Wanaka Primary School has been given permission to return to self-governance by the Ministry of Education. PAGE 3

THUR 02.04.15 - WED 08.04.15


inside: Warbirds and Wheels manager Naomi Lindsay and director Robert Duncan with Chitty. Robert is dressed in what is believed to be the original costume worn by Dick Van Dyke, who played Caractacus Potts in the film. Story page 13

Festival ends with special guest PAGE 5


Working bee PAGE 7

First tracks on trail ride PAGE 11

First comp PAGE 20

3…2…1...We have liftoff! Jessica Maddock Wanaka Sun NASA says the balloon it launched from Wanaka last Friday is “performing extremely well” and, as of yesterday afternoon, was more than onefifth of the way around earth. NASA’s balloon programme chief, Debbie Fairbrother, rated the success of the launch as ten out of ten, saying it was very likely NASA staff would return to Wanaka next year to launch another balloon. A successful launch on just the second attempt – the first attempt on Otago Anniversary Day was cancelled when the

wind conditions became unsuitable – was a dream scenario, she said. It took 24 attempts to launch a balloon from Sweden in 2012. As of yesterday afternoon, the helium-filled balloon had travelled nearly 4000 nautical miles since leaving New Zealand north of Oamaru on Friday afternoon, and it had been deemed safe to begin flying over South America. That part of the journey was expected to begin at 4am today, New Zealand time. The Wanaka-based mission was a test run for launching super pressure balloons from this latitude, of about 44 degrees

south. NASA also had other goals, including keeping the balloon airborne for as long as possible – the record is 54 days, but NASA believes the balloons can fly for 100 days – and at a constant altitude of about 33kms. “The altitude performance of the balloon continues to be exceptional,” Ms Fairbrother said. “We’re very pleased with the balloon behaviour to date.” While the test balloon launched from Wanaka was not carrying equipment, these balloons are used to transport universities’ space research gear to the stratosphere. They can carry the weight of three

small cars. Future Wanaka-based missions d epend ed on ongoing funding for the balloon programme from the United States Government, but Ms Fairbrother said she had no reason to think that would not be forthcoming. Wanaka Airport operations manager, Ralph Fegan, who has worked with NASA for four years to confirm Wanaka as a launch base, was thrilled with the success of the mission and was confident it could lead to a long-term association with the organisation. Queenstown Lakes deputy mayor Lyal Cocks said the economic benefit was

already apparent – through NASA’s provision of ultra-fast broadband at the airport – and would grow if a regular launch base was established at the airport. NASA said the balloon – likened in size to Dunedin’s 30,000-seat covered stadium at cruise altitude - may be visible, particularly at sunrise and sunset, from the southern hemisphere’s mid-latitude countries, including New Zealand,Argentina,Australiaand South Africa. Its progress can be tracked online via http://www. csbf.nasa.gov/newzealand/ wanaka.htm. See page 2 for balloon photo.


Easter events round-up

Plans for Luggate development

Wanaka to host NZ Jetsprints The New Zealand Jet Sprint Championships 2015 will be held near Wanaka this Saturday. Round five of the national competition takes place at the Oxbow Aqua Track. Glen Head and Darryn Todd will be looking for a place on the podium in the superboats, and will be up against Rob Coley and Pat Dillon. Gates open at 11am.

Staff Reporter Wanaka Sun

Open Day for Model A Cars The National Model A Ford car meet will have an open day at Pembroke Park this Sunday from 10am until 2pm. A fundraiser for Wanaka St John, the public is invited along to look at the Model As for a gold coin donation. A total of 155 cars produced from 1928 to 1931 will be on display. St John will put proceeds from the fundraiser towards its building extension, which involves adding two rooms to the facility. Arts Society Easter Exhibition The Wanaka Arts Society has added a bright new category to its 2015 Easter Exhibition. The works echo the title “ONEFIFTYART “ by measuring 150x150mm and selling for $150. There will also be a display of beautiful quilts, a weaver’s working loom and a working visual artist. The exhibition will be held in the Wanaka Primary School hall. The opening times are Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10am until 6pm and Monday from 10am until 3.30pm. There is $5 door entry fee.

Luggate has “an important role to play” in development in the Upper Clutha, one of the area’s main developers says. Allan Dippie’s company Willowridge Developments, which is behind many of Wanaka’s residential subdivisions, is considering buying the partially-completed Luggate Park subdivision. It is currently owned by Auckland company Dentils Ltd. It was established by Luggate Holdings Ltd and

the Dunedin City Councilowned company, Delta, has also had an interest in the land. The first three stages of the subdivision have been completed, comprising nearly 100 sections on about 30ha. Mr Dippie said he supported the original plan for the final two stages, which was for about 160 sections – of at least 800sqm each – on 50ha, including recreational and ecological areas. He has made a conditional offer for the land. Among the conditions is the

Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) extending resource consent for the final two stages, which is due to expire later this year. Mr Dippie said he needed to speak to the QLDC and more Luggate residents before making a decision on whether to buy the land “to see if it’s viable,” but the locals he had spoken to to-date supported expansion of the township. “We’re still very much in the due diligence stage. “But it seems like a lovely little community. There’s affordable

housing. I’ve spoken to a few locals who are keen for it to be developed further and services added, maybe a café and more recreational-type things. “The people I’ve spoken to are incredibly passionate about their village.” Allan Dippie said development of the Luggate Park subdivision stalled during the recession and the community now needed the backing of a development company which had a reputation for “getting things done” to give it confidence.

NASA’s super pressure balloon shortly after lift-off from Wanaka Airport last Friday. The helium-filled balloon expands to the size of Dunedin’s 30,000-seat covered stadium by the time it reaches its cruise height of 33kms.



THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15


WPS to hold election Jessica Maddock Wanaka Sun Wanaka Primary School has been given permission to return to self-governance by the Ministry of Education. Aspects of the school have been managed by ministry-appointed commissioner, Terri Johnstone, whose background includes conflict resolution and cultural change, since last year, after problems,

which have not been detailed, resulted in most of the Board of Trustees resigning. The new board will comprise five parentelected trustees, the school principal Wendy Bamford and a staff representative. On the advice of Ms Johnstone, the ministry will appoint an external advisor on a temporary basis, to help the transition to the new board and guide the new trustees

through a strategic planning process. The school used to have six parent-elected trustees. The number had been reduced to bring it in line with most other schools. Nominations for trustees will close on April 16 at midday and a “meet-the-nominees evening” will be held on April 20. If there are more than five nominations, an election will be held on April 30. Ms Johnstone’s role of

commissioner will end on May 6, with the new board taking over the following day. To bring the school’s election cycle back in line with the national school elections, three of the new trustees will be in office for a one-year term and the other two for a twoand-a-half year term. People interested in becoming a trustee are invited to contact Ms Johnstone to discuss the role.

Jet racing confirmed for WOW Next year’s Warbirds Over Wanaka airshow will again feature jet racing, after inaugural races at the last show were a huge crowd-pleaser. Airshow general manager, Ed Taylor, said the races would involve at least one aircraft which has been flown in the world-famous Reno Air Races. “This aircraft has competed several times at Reno under the name ‘Screaming Eagle’ and the Viper engine means it will shake things up for our jet racing next year.” A group of local aviators and businessmen have also bought a L29 Jet with a Viper engine, which will be based in Wanaka and used for public rides. The inaugural jet racing at last year’s airshow saw three visiting pilots representing the United States taking on three of New Zealand’s best, in a series of races over the three days of the show. “The Kiwis took out the first three placings at the end of the weekend and the Americans vowed to return with faster aircraft to even up the score,” Mr Taylor said.

Reaching your customers You’ve got something to sell - but who wants to know about it? The words and images on your website and on other online sources aren’t just for human visitors. Wanaka- based writer Tim Brewster has raised the online profile of businesses and organisations in a range of industries, both here and overseas. “The search engines used by the people who are seeking your goods and services need to be able to find it first. “Ensuring you have well-crafted content as part of your digital strategy is a vital part of taking control and ownership of your online space.” Key digital facts in NZ: • Internet fibre connections trebled in 2014 from the previous year with smartphone use reaching the 3.7 million mark ( Statistics NZ)

• Search is trusted. In a 2015 survey of 33,000 individuals, across a range of businesses and industries in 27 countries. 72% said they trusted online search engines, compared to 64% who trusted traditional media outlets (Edelman). • Tourism tech. Online bookings and independent travellers using connected devices while travelling have increased exponentially in the past two years. • Farmers online. A 2014 Neilsen’s survey shows rural broadband connections have increased by 90% since 2012 and 53% of farmers own a smartphone. 36% also have a tablet device at home. Contact Tim for an obligation-free discussion about your businesses’ marketing needs.

info@timbrewster.co.nz 0276886830 timbrewster.co.nz

THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15



Successful Senior Chef cooking classes Maddy Harker Wanaka Sun Senior Chef, a cooking class for older adults, has wrapped up its first eight-week programme. Facilitator Binsey Pender said the class has been a great success and the second set of sessions is filling fast. Bookings are essential for those wishing to join. “The amazing response we’ve had represents a real need in the community for this kind of thing,” Binsey said. The sessions, which last about three hours, are made up of three different parts: first, a discussion about food and cooking, the group then cook a meal and, lastly, they eat together and discuss the meal. The group – which is capped at ten people – said they were all really enjoying the course and loved sharing recipe ideas, tips and tricks and socialising with new people. Binsey came up with the idea of running a cooking class for older people in Wanaka when, while caring for an older gentleman, she realised he wasn’t cooking. “It can be a cycle: not cooking can lead to low energy and the low energy can then reduce the desire to cook. “The course is designed to help older people with cooking and nutrition. It could be someone newer to cooking, someone who now has time on their hands, or someone who has lost their confidence with cooking and wants to learn some new skills.” The course covers more than just cooking



– learning about nutrition and budgeting are also important aspects. “Last week we went to the supermarket and looked at price comparison, budgeting and different cuts (of meat). We discuss nutrition and the unique dietary needs of older people. Everyone shares their ideas and I’ve learnt a lot from it too. And there’s a great social aspect to the course. This group have all gotten along really well.” The class has had a breakfast session, making smoothies, omelettes and two types of muesli; they’ve made chilli con carne, quiche, salads, roast dinners and more. On the final day, the class made soup and dessert. The first two courses have been funded by Age Concern Otago and Binsey hopes to gain funding for future courses, given the interest from the community.

THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15

Each eight-week series, which is free to attend, costs approximately $3000 to run. This includes the food, venue hire, a cookbook and associated costs. “People are getting a lot out of it and it would be fantastic to get funding for more classes,” she said. Monetary contributions would help to fund future courses, but food, a venue or other contributions would also be appreciated. For more information about the course, or to book a spot, or to contribute, contact Binsey by calling 443 5515 or 027 646 8856, or emailing gandbpender@xtra.co.nz Pictured (from left): Binsey Perder (facilitator), Donald McLeay, Bill Macdonald, Mike Nelson, Neville Gray, Linette Burgh, Arthur Kemp, Garth White and Graeme Brown.


Festival ends with special guest Maddy Harker Wanaka Sun The Outspoken Festival of Words and Storytelling ended last weekend with a visit from special guest Joy Cowley. Joy - famous in New Zealand and abroad for her wide range of writing, from children’s books to anthologies and everything in-between – visited Wanaka on Saturday and Sunday to hold a workshop and a presentation. On Saturday Joy gave a children’s writing workshop at the Lake Wanaka Centre, the first one she had held in New Zealand in seven years. Joy said she noticed a distinct difference between New Zealanders and other nations when it came to writing. “When I’ve done writing workshops in other countries, I’ve noticed that individualism is not admired. There has been educational emphasis on conformity, politeness, patriotism, and the residue in adults tends to inhibit creativity. Kiwi writers tend to be individual in style which is why it is difficult to talk about a New Zealand style. We have here an education system and a DIY tradition that encourages the potential of the individual.” Festival organiser Liz Breslin described the workshop, which was attended by over 30 people, as “brilliant. “Joy was really generous with her time. She


looked at the different elements of storytelling like plot and dialogue, which are especially important for young kids.” Joy described the workshop as lively and said she was pleased at the number of participants, which was over double the amount expected. “It’s good to see so many people interested in writing for children,” she said. The event attracted a wide variety of people, from novices to published writers, including a backpacker passing through Wanaka who was working on the first draft of a fantasy book, a woman from Nelson and a daughter and father who had come together. Joy’s inspiration for children’s books often comes from kids

themselves, “who can be so honest and true to themselves. “I remember when a girl described a very cold morning: “The birds were puffed up like popcorn.” Expressions like that connect immediately to the child within. Of course it makes us want to write for children.” On Sunday Joy gave a talk at the Holy Family Catholic School about spirituality. Joy looked at spiritual metaphors and encouraged the group to look at how those metaphors played out in their own lives. Joy said inspiration for her writing can come from all sorts of things and her spirituality and Catholic faith were among these. Another more unlikely source of inspiration for Joy: wine. “I also get a lot of inspiration from a glass of wine. My capacity for wine is limited, one glass I’m in love with the world, two I’m the source of all wisdom, three I’m sick. So I stay with the one glass and let the world fill me up with its stories. It just happens.” Joy, who is most well-known for her children’s stories, began the venture to help her son Edward who, like her, was slow to learn reading skills. Her first picture book, The Duck and the Gun, was published in 1969 and since then Joy has published another 40 picture books. She is also active in helping teachers to support those with reading difficulties and, in this capacity, has written around 500 books.

YAMI grants confirmed Three grants have been confirmed for the inaugural Youth and Adults in the Music Industry summit, to be held in Wanaka on May 16 and 17. Creative Communities, the Central Lakes Arts Support Scheme and the Otago Community Trust have confirmed grants to support the summit. An online “Boosted” campaign is also underway to help cover the remaining costs and organisers hope to raise $5000 to fund the workshops and showcases. Boosted is a crowdfunding initiative similar to Kickstarter. To donate to the event, visit boosted.org.nz and search for YAMI.

THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15





This will be a short working week for many with the Easter Holiday period commencing on Friday. With the holiday period, of course the roads will be busy. So it is appropriate that I remind everyone that we will have patrols out and about and on the open roads in particular. Our focus will be on speed and unsafe driving.

Every month the Wanaka Camera Club will share some tips and ideas about how to capture a perfect moment...

Did you know that: • New Zealand Police attend and/or report on an average of 39,126 crashes each year. • That is 107 crashes per day, 30 of which result in someone suffering personal injury. • A person is injured every 35 minutes. That is why we enforce our road safety laws. On Friday night, staff attended a crash in Hawea Flat involving a car and motorbike. The rider of the motorbike was more than four times over the legal breath alcohol limit. He is obviously off to court. Thankfully he was not too badly injured. There were four arrests during the past week – for indecent assault, disorderly behaviour likely to cause violence and two for unlawfully taking a motor vehicle. Three young people from Hawea have been referred to Youth Aid because they were found unlawfully in a building. Two Wanaka people were also suspended from driving this week due to an accumulation of demerit points. Over the previous weekend, two bicycles were stolen from the bike stands at Mount Aspiring College. Please lock your bikes up if you cannot take them home overnight. Have an enjoyable and safe Easter. For non-emergency advice or assistance from Wanaka Police call 443 7272. You can also find us on Facebook. In an emergency always dial 111. To provide information anonymously, call the organisation CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111


Focusing on the alpine scenery The opening of the ski fields is a wonderful opportunity for photographers to take some great action pictures against a background of stunning alpine scenery. Although taking pictures of skiers and boarders is both exhilarating and fun, a little knowledge of camera technique is needed to prevent images being rather dull and underexposed with burnt-out highlights and to instead produce shots with real impact. To take successful pictures of winter sports we need to take a look at how the three key elements (aperture, shutter speed and ISO) work together to produce a perfect exposure. Also, because winter alpine scenes can be very “contrasty,” it is helpful to look additionally at a few other elements (exposure compensation and histogram readings) to get the very best possible result. The choice of shutter speed in winter sports is a critical factor. Although there is no hard-and-fast rule for shutter speed and it takes time to learn which speed gives us a particular effect, as a guide, a very fast shutter speed is needed to capture sharply not only the skier, but also the powder clouds produced. When shooting skiers from a few metres away (or when fully zoomed in), a shutter speed above 1/1000 second is needed to prevent the subject from becoming blurred.


We also need to consider where the skier is coming from. For example, if the subject is directly above and coming straight towards us, he or she will actually be moving less fast (as far as the camera is concerned) compared to shooting the subject from the side - even though actual travelling speed will be exactly the same. The Wanaka Camera Club is dedicated to help improve the skills of anyone interested in photography. We welcome

THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15

anyone to join us, irrespective of their photographic ability - if you know nothing about photography, we will teach you. Come along and see what we can do for you. We had a fabulous turnout at our last meeting on March 9 and were treated to a wonderful presentation by Jesse Summers about photographing the night sky. Our next meeting will be held on Monday April 13, 7.30pm, in the St John Rooms on Link Way.


Oanaka Educare working bee

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Numerous outdoor improvements have been made at the Oanaka Educare preschool thanks to a working bee last Saturday, head teacher and manager Kylie Arnesen says. Oanaka Educare extended their outdoor covered deck, created a herb garden, a larger vegetable garden and planted native species, among other projects. “We had an amazing response from the community and we are delighted with what has been achieved,” said Kylie, who estimated 30 to 35 people helped. The company Jolly Earthworks provided free use of one of its trucks for the day and Hirepool loaned a digger. “The community help means that our budget for play areas can be utilised better and we appreciate all the help,” said Kylie. Pictured (from front): Tasman Jefferies, Oscar Nichol, Eve Pfahlert, Cohen Spear, Lucas Nichol, Arliese Whitehead, Kylie Arnesen and Basil Raynes. - Maddy Harker

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Money management course A 20-week Certificate in Money Management course will soon be offered in Wanaka, through Te Wananga o Aotearoa. The fully funded one-night-a-week course is a great opportunity to learn more about the finances that affect everyone, including optimising debt, good and bad use of credit, personal attitude to risk, analysis of investments available and how to access them, retirement planning, protecting assets, wills, trusts, purchasing a property and valuing a business among other issues. For course details, contact Mylrea Bell on 443 1738 or 027 443 9942

THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15



THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15

THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15



THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15

WANAKA TRAIL RIDE First tracks on Wanaka Trail Ride

Organisers of the Wanaka Trail Ride fundraiser need 100 volunteers to assist with marshalling, first aid, catering, parking, registration, gear checking, course set-up and signage. Nicolle Masters, chair of the Wanaka Primary School Parents’ Forum, said similar charity trail rides around New Zealand raise thousands of dollars for good causes and she hoped the event would become an annual fundraiser for both schools. “Our goal is to attract 300 entrants. We’ve been busy spreading the word amongst local riders and South Island clubs, so we’re optimistic about raising a good total and giving entrants an amazing experience,” she said. Anyone wanting more information should visit www. wanakatrailride.co.nz.

Staff Reporter Wanaka Sun Motorbike trail riders have a rare opportunity to explore tracts of private high country farmland near Wanaka next month and help raise funds for two local schools. The inaugural Wanaka Trail Ride will take place on Sunday April 26, during the Anzac Holiday weekend, and is expected to attract enthusiasts from across the South Island. The specially-designed course includes family, intermediate and expert loops taking in Deep Creek, Long Gully and Lindis Peaks Stations, between Tarras and Wanaka. Landowners Denis Nyhon and Barbara Annan are providing special access for the event. All proceeds will be split equally between the Montessori Children’s House Wanaka pre-school and Wanaka Primary School. Parents from both schools formed a partnership last year to

Trail Ride volunteers wanted


pool resources and ensure all money raised from the ride would directly benefit local school children. In addition to the main loops there will also be a “pee wee” track for junior riders just starting out in the sport. With places limited, organisers are urging

anyone interested in taking part to pre-register before Friday April 17 via the event’s website www. wanakatrailride.co.nz. Pre-registration attracts a discounted rate of $45 for adults and $65 per family (of two adults with up to three children aged 16 and younger). On the

THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15

day, entries cost $50 and $70 respectively. Pictured getting ready to ride: Jamie Masters, 8, Campbell Masters, 6, Quinn Blasby, 5, Raven King, 3, and Radek King, 5, are all taking part in the upcoming Wanaka Trail Ride.



Kapahaka performance Salmond Architecture is excited about moving to 21 Gordon Road, Wanaka Pictured from left: Doug Robinson, James Gourlay and Anne Salmond.

by side with Salmond Architecture at 21 Gordon Road. ne nty





floor of Unit M, with plenty of visitor parking , the opportunity to open our office to the outside, and flexibility for the future. High Performance Houses is also moving premises and will continue to work side


Salmond Architecture is excited about moving to 21 Gordon Road, Wanaka At Salmond Architecture we have been designing residential, commercial and community buildings in Wanaka , Queenstown, Otago and Christchurch over the last decade. It will be business as usual in our new premises and we look forward to welcoming clients, colleagues and suppliers. After nearly a decade of working from 4 Helwick Street, we will now be occupying the ground





Staff Reporter Wanaka Sun Wanaka and Hawea school children delighted an enthusiastic crowd of parents and teachers at the annual Kapahaka – Uruuruwhenua Festival at Molyneux Park in Alexandra last Sunday. Master of Ceremonies Paul Tamati said this year’s festival was the largest yet. Fifteen schools from Central Otago were represented, with the furthest afield coming from Mount Cook Aoraki School. The highlight for Paul this year was seeing a small kapahaka group from a new school, St John’s in Maniototo, perform first. Goldfields Primary School was also a standout performer with an original waiata. “It’s


become a slicker and slicker show,” Paul said. Locally, Wanaka Primary School “is always a hard team to beat,” he said, but Hawea Flat School’s close community produces something interesting each time. “I always wonder what

they’re going to pull out,” Paul said. REAP-employed Maori language co-ordinator for primary schools, MaryAnne Tamati, known to the children as Whaea MaryAnne, has been working with schools this term to prepare for the festival.

After two waiata from each school, there was a group performance of Stan Walker’s contemporary waiata “Aotearoa,” which ended dramatically as the clouds opened. The children finished the show with a final waiata in the rain.

Community pool discussion telephone 03 443 4546 mobile 027 4474055 anne@salmondarchitecture.co.nz


The Wanaka Community Board is hosting a discussion session for swimming pool users and others who would like to share their views on the design “needs and wants” for the new Wanaka pools. It will be held on April 7 at 7pm in the Armstrong Room at the Lake Wanaka Centre.

THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Maddy Harker Wanaka Sun The original Chitty Chitty Bang Bang vehicle has arrived in Wanaka and is being exhibited at the Warbirds and Wheels Attraction and Diner. Chitty made a trip down to the Wanaka lakefront on Tuesday afternoon and is now parked at Warbirds and Wheels until the end of the month. The museum’s manager, Naomi Lindsay, said things have been “crazy” since Chitty arrived. “It’s already been so popular. The thing that is so unique and great about Chitty is that she appeals to everyone from five to 95, so it’s a real honour to have Chitty here and have so many people interested in seeing her.” The rarely-seen vehicle has been loaned to Warbirds and Wheels by film director Sir Peter Jackson. “We had a competition going to win the chance to be the first member of the public to see Chitty. The lady who won was over the moon. When she saw Chitty she was crying - she said she couldn’t express how much it meant to her. The film is really sentimental for a lot of people,” Naomi said. There were several ‘’Chitty’s” built for the much-loved 1968

film of the same name, but this one, known as GEN11, is the only one that actually works. The number plate was inspired by the Latin word “genii,” meaning magical creature or being. The 1968 musical film was loosely based on Ian Fleming’s novel Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang: The Magical Car. Fleming took his inspiration for

paintings of all things motorised and was a car engineer before swapping his spanners for paintbrushes. The painting will then be signed by Sir Peter Jackson and auctioned, with all proceeds being donated to Upper Clutha Medical Children’s Trust. GEN11 was owned by Pierre Picton until 2011 when it was

When she saw Chitty she was crying - she said she couldn’t express how much it meant to her. The film is really sentimental for a lot of people. Chitty from a series of aero-engine racing cars built in Poland in the 1920s. The cars were nicknamed Chitty Bang Bang because of the sound they made during start-up. In conjunction with the exhibition of Chitty, Warbirds and Wheels has announced it will run an artist-in-residence event from April 13 to 19. Queenstownbased Julian Ford is the chosen artist. He will be in residence for the week to paint Chitty and speak and offer insight to budding artists and the general public. Julian is well-known for his

bought by Sir Peter Jackson and shipped to New Zealand. Chitty will be on display at Warbirds and Wheels seven days a week until April 30, between 9am and 5pm. As well as the exhibition and the artist-in-residence event, Warbirds and Wheels will be holding a children’s day on April 12 and three night screenings of the film for adults on April 16, 17 and 18 with a museum, movie and meal package for $40. Visit the Warbirds and Wheels website for more information.

THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15


sunsport Bruce takes silver at Maadi Cup Mount Aspiring College rower Riley Bruce narrowly missed winning gold at this year’s Maadi Cup. The 16-year-old won gold when he was 14 and again the following year, but this year the title went to Braeden Camp, of St Peters College in Cambridge, by .30 of a second. Riley Homan was the only other athlete representing MAC at this year’s event.

Thousands raised for tennis Staff Reporter Wanaka Sun Wanaka’s junior tennis players served brunch to 130 people on Sunday at an event which raised $32,000 for the club. Fundraiser co-ordinator Doug Clarke said members of the Wanaka community and the junior players’ parents had donated many items and services for silent and live auctions, in a “wonderful” display of support. The junior players’ coach for the past ten years, Perry Crockett’s contribution was acknowledged at the event, with several junior Wanaka players having represented the southern region at the national championships over the past two years. As the guest speaker, Crockett entertained with anecdotes from


his professional playing experiences, before teaming up with Michael Geologo, who is ranked third in the New Zealand 12-and-under grade, for an exhibition match with the club’s top players, Ian Jurczyluk and Richard Anderson. The junior club

championship finals were then played, with Annie Timu pushing Ines Stephanie to a super tiebreaker before Stephanie prevailed, to win the girls’ singles. Rory McLean took out the boys’ singles. The most improved player awards went to Angus Cagney (boys) and Martha

Toghill (girls). Pictured: Fundraising brunch organiser Tracy Gibson (centre) with the junior tennis players who served the food, from left: Judy Chisholm, Alex Plimmer, Rory Mclean, Ines Stephanie, Noah Holmes and Jake Nicholson.

Central Otago Soccer kicks off Staff Reporter Wanaka Sun The Central Otago football league season kicked off in style with both Wanaka men’s teams having to play on Wednesday and Saturday last week. After narrowly missing out on the league title on the final game of the season last year, Wanaka A was hoping for a positive start at home against local rivals, the Wanaka Braves. The tie was played on Wednesday evening at Pembroke Park. It was a slightly one-sided affair, with Wanaka A running out 9-0 victors and Allan Carmichael (3), Paul Hodgson (2), Jiffy Griffiths (2), Ian bell (1) and Scotty Belsham (1) all scoring. The Braves put up a real fight in the second half and will look forward to welcoming back key



members of their squad who were missing this time round. On Saturday, Wanaka A made the short trip over the hill to face Lakes United at the Queenstown Events Centre. Lakes finished a respectable third last season and it was a

THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15

tough game. Both teams carved out several chances, but in the end it was to be a tale of two penalties. In the other game of the day, the Wanaka Braves went down 5-0 to the Wakatipu Football Club.


Northlake juniors charge Staff Reporter Wanaka Sun Rain did little to dampen the enthusiasm of 140 children who ran, cycled and slid at last Saturday’s Northlake junior duathlon. Organised by Sally Currie and her husband, world multisport champion and Coast to Coast title-holder Braden Currie, the event raised $2700 for the Wanaka, Hawea Flat and Holy Family Catholic schools. “We really enjoy hosting this event for the kids. It gives us a chance to show kids that sport

is fun and encourages children to just give things like this a go in a fun and safe environment” Sally Currie said.

The Wanaka Firetruck hosted the famous slipand-slide feature on the last leg of the run, which she said appeared to be


a highlight for many of the children, including her husband Braden. For results see page 19.

Inaugural tweed ride for Wanaka Maddy Harker Wanaka Sun Wanaka’s first-ever tweed ride will take place on April 10. Tweed rides are about celebrating the golden age of cycling - dapper chaps, elegant ladies and vintage bicycles. They began in London but are gaining popularity around the world, with recent tweed rides held in Wellington and

Invercargill. Organisers, Babu Blatt and Matt Quirk from Good Rotations bicycle shop, said locals and visitors are invited to join in. “It’s open to everyone with a bike, a love of dress-up and a sense of fun,” Babu said. Gather at Good Rotations on Anderson Road at 5.30pm for a 6pm ride which will last about an hour.

Dress in your mid-century woollens, tweeds or anything channelling traditional British cycling attire, pack a thermos of tea and bring your bike – the more vintage the better - plus a lantern or bike light. The ride will finish on the lakefront at around 7pm. The Inaugural Wanaka Tweed Ride is weather-dependent, so keep an eye on the Facebook page for any changes.

THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15




Beau-James defends title Staff Reporter Wanaka Sun Cardrona New Zealand freeskier Beau-James Wells has successfully defended his junior world halfpipe title and Hawea Flat’s Finn Bilous was placed seventh at the Federation (FIS) Freestyle Skiing Junior World Championships

in Italy last week. The results round off a good showing from local skiers at the top international level for their age group, with Wells also winning a silver medal in slopestyle and Bilous placing ninth in the event. Strong performances at the event, as

well as at the FIS Snowboard Junior World Championships earlier this month, mean New Zealand has now secured the maximum number of quota spots – one for each discipline freeski and snowboard, slopestyle and halfpipe – for next year’s Youth Olympic Winter Games.

5-6years: Boys: 1st: Lucas Haig, 2nd: Heath Murphy, 3rd: Noha Purnell. Girls: 1st: Zoe Nicholsan, 2nd: Isla Taylor, 3rd: Eden McKay; 7-8years: Boys: 1st: Tay Simpson, 2nd Zavier Taylor, 3rd Arlo Hanning. Girls: 1st: Tara Hewitt, 2nd: Asha Murphy 3rd: Mya Walker. 9-10years: Boys: 1st: Sasha Parize-baker, 2nd: Finn Thompson, 3rd: Clark West. Girls: 1st: Scarlett Norman, 2nd Bella Sairgeson, 3rd: Lyla Chamberlain.

Aspiring College (Jayden Fisher, Graig Murray, Paul Wright, Teegan Vink); The Squadron Cashmere High School ( Nick Smith, Ed Cory- Wright, Matt McNeil, Scott Smith; Roxburgh High Pharmacy Roxburgh Area School, (Tiaan McKinnel, Jonty McKinnel. Jack Lennan, Jesse Moore. Mixed Teams: Crom 1 Cromwell College Tegan Buchanan, Carter McAuliffe, Lain McMillan, Bob Wardill; Seagar and Partners Mt Aspiring College, Rosie Spearing, Emily RoseJames, Ellis Meyer- Budge, Liam McFall; MGS1 Middleton Grange High School Joshua Janssen, Reuben Scott, Holly Broom, Elise Stevens. Girls: Cashmere High School Team No Name, Annaliese Elliot, Penny Mouat, Sophie Harrison, Katie Cory – Wright; Nuns in Sneakers Garin College Amy Loulton, Ollie Willbourne, Julia Froeling, Merianna Haldane. Crom2 Cromwell College Emma Paton, Emma Smith, Georgia Franklin, Hayley McAullife.

sport results WANAKA BRIDGE CLUB RESULTS. Cardrona Stakes 3. North/South:- Allan Kelly, Deirdre Lynch 67.26%1. Mark Harry, Heather Wellman 57.59%2. Errol Kelly, John Lyness 56.55%3. East/West:Max Shepherd, Terry Wilson 61.18%1. Dorothy & Ian McDonald 59.42%2. Mary GibsonCollings, Jo Wallis 59.32%3. Friday Bridge 27 March. North/ South:- Jan Cunningham, Josey McKenzie 66.10%1. David Brewer, Lynne Fegan 60.80%2. Lyla & Bryan Hensley 57.20%3. East/West:- Gabby Marshall, Claire Romeril 72.16%1. John Mercer, Pam Miller 64.02%2. Joy Baxter, Daphne Stewart 62.88%3. Matukituki Pairs 1. North/South:- Kate Gibbons, Ian McDonald 58.33% 1. Karolyn Macandrew, Shona Watt 55.90%2. Ruth Coghill, Noeline Goldsbrough 55.56%3. East/ West:- Denise & Alan Bunn 62.70%1. Gerarda Herlihy, Tommie Munns 59.92%2. Denise Bruns, Peter Hart 53.97%3. NORTHLAKE



LAKE HAWEA GOLF CLUB 29th March 2015 Stableford (hidden Holes) Odd numbers 1-17: 1st Rick Johnston 26, 2nd Dick Sullivan 22, 3rd = Rin Niovara, Scott Read 19. Closest to the pin No 1 Murray Nyhon No 5 Bryan Burgess Twos: No 5 Kahu Vincent. Birdies, Net Eagles: No17 Rick Johnston, Scott Read, Gerry Browne. Pennants Presidents Grade: Lake Hawea bt Arrowtown 5 ½ to ½ SISS ADVENTURE RACE CHAMPIONSHIPS: Boys: Wanaka Joinery and Glass, Mt

THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15






EDITORIAL What an interesting few weeks we’ve had in Wanaka. NASA launched a balloon and then a few days later apparently Sir Peter Jackson was seen flying over the lake in the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Car. A media source reported that it appeared NASA had something to do with the unauthorised flight, and used special technology to get it airborne. Perhaps Sir Peter was looking at the site for the new Ruby Island water-park facility. It was reported on local radio on April 1 that the island had been sold to a private overseas investor. The multi-level water-park facility was going to have a 30-metre high waterslide with fireworks every night. Could’ve fooled us. Now Easter is upon us with another busy weekend of events coming up and, with the end of daylight saving, the last official sign of summer. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Great show Sorry I am a week late congratulating the organisers of the Wanaka A & P show, where has this week gone? What a great show it was, bigger and better, a feeling of being much more spread out. Well, done guys and gals. What was interesting was that there seemed a lot more furniture stands, a sign of the times? What was slightly disappointing is still not a lot of sustainability stands. Which brings me conveniently to the exciting expectant announcement by the council as to what style / product they have decided to use on the roof of the new sports building to supply all of the electricity for such a high-consumption facility. How exciting and envious am I, of their opportunity to decide the position and angle of such a large semi-flat roof space, with so many products and options available, they can dictate the building to suit the product, for now and the future. Products that are now more efficient and lower in costs, against consumption than ever before. With easy accessible formulas for payback times and reverse buybacks. Be it that history shows that it is only a matter of time before the NZ government has to bow to environmental pressure and follow European legislation that demands a positive incentivised surplus buyback from the utility companies. I just can’t wait. Mark Hadida

Issue 707 Thursday April 02, 2015 Free delivery to Wanaka, Wanaka surrounds and Cromwell urban and rural mailboxes, PO boxes in Makarora, Cromwell, Haast, Wanaka, Albert Town, Hawea. Distributed to motels, hotels and cafes plus businesses in the Wanaka central business district and to drop boxes in Wanaka and Cromwell.

Phone: 03 443 5252 Fax: 03 443 5250 Text view: 021 0849 0001 Text classified: 022 0786 778 www.thewanakasun.co.nz Address: 5 Gordon Road, Wanaka Postal: PO Box 697, Wanaka Editorial manager: Aimee Wilson editor@thewanakasun.co.nz Journalists: Jessica Maddock journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz Caroline Harker newsdesk@thewanakasun.co.nz Production: Damian Foster production@thewanakasun.co.nz Advertising: Janine Taylor marketing@thewanakasun.co.nz Linnet Julius advertising@thewanakasun.co.nz Accounts: Anita Hill admin@thewanakasun.co.nz

THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15


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HOT QIGONG at Hot Yoga Fusion. Come and enjoy deep relaxation for body and mind rejuvenation. Friday 7.15pm. Contact: James 027 528 0396 wanakaqi@gmail.com

SMARTMOTION RECENTLY added to our electric bicycle range. Good Rotations, your local e-bike specialist. 34 Anderson Road, Wanaka, www. goodrotations.co, 03.4434349.

LYMPHATIC CLEARANCE: Support immune system, relieve lymphoedema, swelling, pain. Cleanse. Gentle relaxing therapeutic treatment. Ph Maryann 03 4436463, 021 1101160

WANT YOUR colours done? Always look your best? Book an appointment with experienced Colour Consultant 4439425 FUN FUN fun! Come try the original Surly Fatbike. Rent/demo/sales. Good Rotations, 34 Anderson rd, Wanaka, www.goodrotations.co, 034434349.

RELAX WITH LOMI LOMI MASSAGE: Therapeutic Hawaiian - calming, flowing, nurturing. Peaceful surroundings. Ph Maryann 03 4436463, 021 1101160 Aloha!

WANT TO give your bicycle wings? LEKKIE Summit electric motor kits are the perfect solution! Good Rotations, www.goodrotations.co, 034434349.


REDUCE YOUR restricted licence time with the Street Talk defensive driving course. Call Nicky at Aspiring Drivers to book 0210607310 DRIVING LESSONS available. Call Nicky at Aspiring Drivers to book your lesson for professional driving instruction. 0210607310

AYURVEDA MASSAGE or another Ayurvedic treatment: A unique experience of self healing and relaxation. Call Martin 443 5712. www.ayurvedaora. com

TIME TO Discover some of our local wineries in style. 0800 WINETRAIL wanakawinetours.com

3 NIGHT Autumn Revive Retreat - Awareness, Find Balance and Vitality! www.nirvanaretreat.co.nz or call 034432252 Mob: 021464527 for details.

5% EASTER SALE OAK FLOORING from $66.50/m2. 15mm thick, 4mm solid oak. www.summitflooring.co.nz or email sales@summitflooring.co.nz.

HU SONG at Wanaka Wellness Centre this thursday 2nd March 6pm to 6.30pm All welcome. Gold coin donation Ph 4437388 www.eckankar. husong.org

WANAKLEAN DOG - Grooming, clipping and bathing. Right here in Wanaka! Call Emily on 0275110282 to make an appointment.

MASSAGE THERAPY. Sports-,Deep tissue-,Relaxation-,Pregnancy massage. Effective and rejuvenating. Ursula Krebs, Dip. Massage Therapist CH/ NZ. Phone: 027 6602271.

DOG GONE It!!! Autumn is here. Don’t wait until the cold is biting. Call Wanaklean Dog today! 0275110282. HAVING TROUBLE with your visa?Need immigration advice? Contact your local adviser for a confidential chat info@easyvisa.co.nz 021 0244 1380

POST-NATAL PILATES - restore your body after pregnancy and childbirth. Bubs welcome too! Call/text 0212078486

DOG WALKING and pet sitting in Wanaka and surrounding areas. Call for more info and prices 0221629851

PREGNANCY PILATES - suitable for 2nd/3rd trimester. Stay strong, flexible and healthy throughout your pregnancy. Call/text 0212078486

HIRE ME FOR WOOD STACKING! $5 per cubic metre. 13 and keen! Text or ring Nicholas at 022 097 4596.

WHETHER IT’S massage ,beauty or make up ,our team of internationally qualified therapists will ensure you look and feel your best . Massage in Wanaka. Ph 03 443 8448.

YAMI - Youth and Adults in the Music Industry - learn from the pros how to build a career in the music industry - www.yami.nz

ASPIRING MASSAGE WANAKA. Est 2004. Trevor Bailey. Full time massage since 1994 USA/NZ. Ph 4432993 or 0274222455. www.aspiringmassagewanaka.co.nz

SPEAK WITH Confidence Workshop, public speaking coaching. May 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Constructive, supportive, fun! Contact Lee Ball: 027 333 4909 leeball40@gmail.com ww.leeballcommunications.nz

METAMORPHIC FOOT massage facilitates healing flow throughout the body’s meridians. Subtle yet profoundly relaxing. Temporary clinical session rate $25. Jennifer Rumore 022 097 4596

FLAT HEAD CAFE for cold local beer and wine, great coffee and friendly staff. SH6 open 7 days.

ARE YOU drawn to experience your own inner essence more deeply? Enjoy a Soul Centered Energy Healing clinical session. $25 temporarily. Jennifer Rumore 022 097 4596

WILSON’S PEST Control & Window cleaning. Spider & Fly treatments. Do it once, do it well. Licensed & Accredited. Call anytime 03 443 6652 or www. wilsonservices.co.nz

GENTLE YOGA with Jennifer Rumore. Tues, Weds in Wanaka 9:30AM, Thurs Hawea 9:30AM. $12 classes & all welcome! 022 097 4596.

WANAKA DISTRICTS Club, for affordable family dining and great bar prices. Join for just $20 per year.

FREE GUIDED MEDITATION! The flame in your heart is the beginning of a fire that will transform the world. www.living-presence.org/?page_id=61

CARAVAN OR TRAILER CUSTOM DESIGN, FABRICATION, REPAIR, RESTORATION. Put Steve Rumore’s skill, experience, & passion to work for you! 027 222 6600

CANCER CALLS all hands to the pump for nurturing. GENTLE YOGA can help patients, supporters, and more. 9:30 Tuesdays at St Johns rooms. 022 097 4596

DIGGERS MAKE short work of your OUTDOOR PROJECTS! Call TERRA SERVICES for good, fast, efficient performance. Rave reviews! Steve Rumore 027 222 6600

MOBILE INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE by Sarah Millwater Dip IIHHT 1 hour $70 treating head, neck, shoulders & pressure points 4435267 / 021 059 5639 AWAKENING THE Senses Retreat @ Lookout Lodge 8th-10th May contact Sarah for more information 4435267 / 0210595639 millwaterpitt@hotmail. com

WANAKA PHARMACY is your local pharmacy. We’re the big pharmacy at the top of Helwick Street - open until 7pm every single day. Ph 443 8000 A MESSAGE from New Zealand Fire Service: Have your chimneys cleaned at least once a year.

for sale KIRBY VACUUM offers.0223119113

wanted and





URGENT! NEED a place to live please? Local female with gorgeous dog.we are mature, tidy, caring. References available ph 0276602271

FOR SALE Trek Fuel 90 Mtn bike,full suspension,size L,good condition.$300 021 686 441.

20 YEAR old Male doing Rookie Academy looking for Accommodation from July till September. Please phone Jack on 0278401072.

ENTERPRISING MAC student offering $20 banana boxes FULL of fine macrocarpa handsplit kindling. Ring or text Nicholas. 022 097 4596

CASUAL WORK WANTED by 23-year-old graduate, until August. Lots of experience: cleaning, babysitting, office work, hospo, general household help. Please text or call Maddy Harker on 0278740573.

BEAUTIFUL CHINA tea cup bird feeders, great for attracting wax eyes and bell birds to your garden. Makes the perfect present. $25. Phone or text 021 680 110


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED on walking bus or crossing point one morning a week term 2. We need help! Kirsty 0272005111 kirstybarr1@gmail.com MASSAGE IN Wanaka is looking for a senior massage therapist for The winter season . Send CV to massageinwanaka@gmail.com or Ph 03 443 8448.


EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER required. Age 20+ years, vehicle and current first aid certified. Apply to info@babysittingwanaka.com

A MESSAGE from New Zealand Fire Service: Dirty chimneys can cause chimney fires.

CLEAN SUPERMARKET BAGS required, please drop these into the Wanaka Salvation Army Family Store

ANNUAL GENERAL Meeting of the Upper Clutha Hockey Club 7.30pm, 22 April at Lone Star.

RETIRED US couple looking to rent apt/house for 5 months (Nov25-Apr15). astone5583@aol.com

ANNUAL GENERAL Meeting of the Friends of Holy Family Catholic School, 5pm, 30 April at school.

VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED. The Salvation Army Family Store, Wanaka requires your help. Please enquire at our store or phone 03 443 5068

WANAKA SALVATION Army Family Store Opening Hours - Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 9.30am-4pm. We look forward to seeing you there! WHO’S BEEN to Archangel or Bannock Brae? There are lots of fabulous local wine stories that we want to share with you! www.wanakawinetours.com WINETRAIL (946387)


DONATIONS KINDLY received. Please drop into the store or for larger items phone the Salvation Army Family Store on 03 443 5068

NEED A portable chiller trailer for your function or wedding? Come and speak to us at Wanaka Liquor Centre. 1 Ardmore Street. Ph 03 443 1466

A MESSAGE from New Zealand Fire Service: Chimney fires can cause house fires.

FRIDAY, SATURDAY cruise out at Eden Bar, Live Music, Free Bar-snacks, $5 handles $6 house wine, see you there.

BUSINESS NETWORKING International. The Wanaka chapter of BNI meets weekly at 7am Tuesday morning. Great networking opportunity to grow your business. Contact Rudy for information 027 703 4037

BRA PROFESSIONALLY fitted 200 sizes so you will get a perfect fit - Beautiful design NO underwire private appointment ph 443 9425

TOUR SPAIN with Julie Le Clerc May /June Small Group Fantastic Itinerary More information Email julie@julieleclerc.com or local call 443 9425 WANAKA PRIMARY School ‘Op Shop’ open Tues & Thurs - 12 midday to 4pm. Use Koru Way entrance, off Totara Terrace, alongside the steps.

PROSTHESIS (BREAST form) local fitter Registered with Ministry of Health and will take care of your claim Appointment phone 443 9425 EDEN BAR, Jam Nite every Thursday. Play the in house instruments or your own. $5 tap beer from 7pm. INLAND REVENUE are at Community Networks Wednesday 22 April 9am 12.00pm. For help with personal or business tax,child support,student loans or family tax credits. Please call 4437799 to make an appointment.

services A MESSAGE from New Zealand Fire Service: Get your chimneys’ cleaned before winter. EASTER/AUTUMN ART SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION available, Albert Town. Queenbed room. Suit nonsmoking, quietliving, respectful couple/single. Ph Maryann 03 4436463, 021 1101160 WANAKA FURNITURE DESIGN for all your bespoke furniture needs. From kitchens, bedrooms vanities to repair work. Free quotations www.wanakafurnituredesign.co.nz 021 067 9615 TIMBAFORM TREE Protectors and Fence Panels. See our listings on Trade Me. HAVE YOUR next PRIVATE function at Eden Bar, Great Deals, always a relaxed place to be. Ph027 2802809 for enquiries. MINI MUSCLES Indoor Movement, Music and Play at Proactive Gym. Every Friday. 9.30am for crawlers & walkers under 2 years, 10.30am for 2, 3 & 4 year olds & 11am for babies. Everyone welcome. $5 p/hr, $1 for extra children. WHY NOT Try Somthing Differnt? Eden Bar, 54 Reece Cresent, open from 12 noon, pool, $5 handles, Have some fun!

COMMUNITY LAW for legal advice are at Community Networks Wednesday 8 April12- 2.30pm Call 4437799 to make an appointment. MANAGING DIFFICULT SITUATIONS. Not for profit training 28 May 1.30-4.30. Visit www.communitynetworks.co.nz or call 443 7799 SUCCESSFUL FUNDING APPLICATIONS. Not for profit training 12 May 6-9pm. Visit www.communitynetworks.co.nz or call 443 7799 COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS IN THE WORKPLACE. Not for profit training 4 May 9.30-12.30. Visit www.communitynetworks.co.nz or call 443 7799

what’s on EASTER HUNT start hunting the town this weekend to find your amazing treats from Opulence Hair. HAPPY EASTER WANAKA TWEED Ride: Friday April 10th, 6-7pm. Sport your finest tweed and ride your classic bicycle! BEYONDORGANICNZTOUR.COM COMING to Wanaka 5/6 April. Growing orchards with nature. Ben Elms 0210786747 PERMACULTURE ORCHARD film and discussion evening. 7pm Sat. St. John’s rooms. $20 on the door. ALL THE markets this Sunday! The craft market is being joined by the farmers market, Pembroke park, from 10 am SUNDAY CRAFT market is on at Pembroke Park this week! From 10am, for handmade N.Z arts and crafts direct from the artists to you! EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA! Egg hunt, giant bubbles, face painting & more. Sunday 5th April 10am-12pm. Tickets @ Bistro Gentil. NZ JETSPRINT Champs Easter Saturday 4th April Gates open from 11am. Oxbow Adventures Aqua Track 995 Wanaka Luggate Highway. Details Facebook Wanaka Jetsprints EASTER ART Exhibition. 3-6 April. Wanaka primary school. Opens daily 10am - 6pm. Ending 3pm Monday. Ironside drive off kings drive. EASTER ART Exhibition. Opens 7 pm thursday 2 april. Ten bucks entry includes refreshments. Wanaka primary ironside drIve off kings . LAKE HAWEA Golf Club’s Easter Ambrose Tournament Sunday 5th April $20pp start time 12 Midday Teams made up on the day

WHEELS TO DUNSTAN:Free daily transport to Dunstan Hospital & Alexandra specialist appointments. Also connects to Dunedin Hospital transport. For bookings call 4437799

THE AUTUMN Apple Drive is on again! Sunday 19 April, 10am-4pm, Rippon Hall. Start picking soon!

JP SERVICES at Community Networks Tuesdays 1-2pm and Fridays 10.3011.30. Appointments essential. Call 4437799

LALALAND LOUNGE Bar Wanaka. Open daily from 4pm – 2.30am. Upstairs, 99 Ardmore Street.

FREE BUDGET ADVICE available at Community Networks by appointment. Call 4437799 or email info@communitynetworks.co.nz

advertise here...

THREE CHAIRS Hair Salon Autumn special with Stephanie. 1/2 head of foils, cut and blow wave $100. Ph 443 5898

For FREE listing text your advert to

02 20 786 778

P 03 443 5252 E marketing@thewanakasun.co.nz sales@thewanakasun.co.nz or advertising@thewanakasun.co.nz

20 word limit - deadline Tuesday 4pm standard network rates apply PAGE 18

THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15

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advertise in the... P 03 443 5252 E marketing@thewanakasun.co.nz sales@thewanakasun.co.nz or advertising@thewanakasun.co.nz

THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15



MAC’s adventurous weekend Staff Reporter Wanaka Sun Strong performances by Mount Aspiring College teams at last weekend’s South Island Secondary Schools’ 12hour adventure race championships point to a good future for the school in the sport. MAC fielded eight teams, five of which finished in the top eight. “I’m still on a high after the weekend,” MAC sports coordinator Jacky Toepfer said. One of the MAC teams which


was placed fourth in the male event had two 14-year-olds, Sam Coupland and Ty Sargisson, competing

against senior boys. Toepfer said she was impressed with the course, which was a really well thought-

out combination of disciplines, with teams orienteering, cycling, abseiling, kayaking and trekking in the hills and waterways around Cromwell. A total of 36 teams, from Nelson to Invercargill, took part, with the MAC Wanaka Joinery and Glass team the fastest overall in a time of 7:14. Pictured: MAC’s adventurous achievers… Craig Murray, 16, Jayden Fisher, 16, Paul Wright, 17, Teegan Vink, 17.

Trampolinists first comp Skyla Coll, Elizabeth Pell and Alice Howard (pictured) recently attended their first trampolining competition in Christchurch, joining young athletes from Canterbury Trampolining clubs. Despite limited experience on the competition equipment at the venue, the three girls came away with good results. Alice, 11, competing at level 4, was placed a creditable sixth against considerably more experienced and older girls. Skyla and Elizabeth, age 5 and 6, competed at level 2 alongside nine and ten-year-olds. Skyla was placed fifth overall and Elizabeth fourth. In the Double Mini Trampoline competition, Alice Howard was placed fifth at level 4, Skyla Coll fifth at level 2 and Elizabeth Pell third at level 2. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


THURSDAY 02.04.15 - WEDNESDAY 08.04.15

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