championship Gymnasts Aspiring Gymsports will need a larger wall to display photos of their Otago champions, if results from the Otago Gymnastic Championships are anything to go by.
pet READ Tibetan terrier Sharna is a good listener.
THUR 04.08.16 - WED 10.08.16
Lifetime work on glaciers recognised GLENDA TURNBULL he International Glaciological Society (IGS), based in the Scott Polar Institute, in Cambridge, England, has awarded its Richardson Medal to Dr Trevor Chinn, of Lake Hawea. The Richardson Medal is awarded from time to time in recognition of outstanding service contributions to the International Glaciological Society and to glaciology. This is only the tenth time the medal has been awarded since 1993. The medal will be presented to Trevor at a symposium in Wellington next February. When the society rang Trevor to tell him of the award he was speechless. “It is a great honour to receive the medal from the society. It never entered my mind that I would receive an international award. I was a little bit amazed,” Trevor said. Trevor grew up in Hokitika and has always been interested in the mountains. While
studying at the University of Cantebury he joined the Cantebury University tramping club. “It changed my life. I loved running around the mountains, it was great fun,” he said. Trevor has contributed to the study of glaciology in New Zealand for many years, earning the title of the “Godfather of New Zealand glaciology” and publishing numerous papers resulting from his research into the glaciers of New Zealand and Antarctica. He began his work in the Ministry of Works and Development in 1965, measuring the Tasman Glacier for supplies to the hydrodam scheme. During the International Hydrological Decade in the 1960s, Trevor chose to base his studies on the Ivory Glacier, at the head of the Waitaha River on the West Coast. He compiled the inventory of New Zealand Glaciers for the World Glacier Inventory, and has spent many years photographing, mapping and measuring New Zealand’s 3150 glaciers. Continues page 2
More rockfall possible from slip DANIELLE BUTLER
rivers have been warned to be cautious travelling on State Highway 6 from Hawea to Makarora following a rock slip which closed the road on Sunday (July 31). The road is now open but down to one lane of traffic, and New Zealand Transport Agency’s southern region media manager Frances Adank said, “Drivers are encouraged to travel this highway during hours of daylight currently, particularly given that snow is coming and there may be more rockfalls.” As the Wanaka Sun went to print, the road was yet to fully reopen and safety work was still ongoing at the site of the slip, between Sheepskin Creek and Boundary Creek at the neck of Lake Wanaka. Pictured: The rock slip not long after it occurred on Sunday. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
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Church youth feed ski workers GLENDA TURNBULL Around 70 ski resort workers turned up for the Wanaka Presbyterian Church free dinner on Tuesday August 2. The dinner is being provided every second Tuesday until the end of the ski season, to help out the workers who were left without income due to the late arrival of snow.
Presbyterian Church young adults group member Ryan Lobb said, “This is the third dinner we have put on since the beginning of the ski season. We have a great group of ladies that have been keen to cook and we wanted to help the workers who had a tough time at the beginning of the season.” Pictured: Johanna Vermeulen, Jenni McDougall and Alison Southwick busy serving the ski workers on Tuesday night.
Reading to pets programme expands DANIELLE BUTLER Since Tibetan terrier Sharna began visiting schools to hear children read last year, her listening ear has proven so successful that she is branching out. Sharna, who spent six months visiting children at Holy Family Catholic School and Wanaka Primary School, took a trip to Wanaka Library last Thursday (July 28) to give home-schooled children the chance to read to her. Owner Janine Taylor ran the six-month pilot programme in Wanaka at the end of last year for Outreach Therapy Pets, a joint initiative of St John and SPCA Otago to improve confidence in children with reading difficulties. Upper Clutha team leader at Wanaka Library Sue Gwilliam said that they were hoping to expand the programme to different parts of the community and to Hawea Library. “I had never heard of anything like this before and it was a bit of a gamble, but it turned out to be amazing, and Sharna was so lovely everyone wanted to take her home,” Sue said. Janine said, “It is still a pilot programme at the moment, but the initial meeting with the home-
schooled children went well, so we are hoping that we can be involved with them on a monthly basis, as well as with other groups at the library.”
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Building communities PAGE 2
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Ed Taylor stands for Wanaka Community Board election GLENDA TURNBULL Ed Taylor has thrown his hat into the ring, announcing he will be standing for the Wanaka Community Board at the local body elections in October. Ed said his passion for the area has not waned since he and his family moved here 13 years ago. “I still pinch myself when I take the time to sit back and enjoy the sheer beauty of this area and the passionate people who live here,” he said. Making Wanaka a place for everyone, working towards a more diversified economy, lake and river water quality and harnessing the potential of Wanaka Airport are some of the major concerns for Ed. “We need to have housing and employment options for anyone who wants to live in the Upper Clutha. I believe we need to have more housing options. There is demand for more apartments, terrace housing and townhouses. I support moves by the council to re-zone areas close to the CBD for higher density housing,” Ed said.
When it comes to transport Ed wants to see more done to make it easier for pedestrians and cyclists to get around town, encouraging locals to get out of their cars. He believes that a diversified economy is vital to the growth of our town. “We need to be continually exploring options which can bring better paying jobs to Wanaka.” One area which he believes has plenty of potential to grow good paying jobs is Wanaka Airport. “There are already up to 200 people a day working out at the airport with some of the helicopter maintenance companies working two shifts and weekends to meet demand.” Ed believes we need to get serious about monitoring water quality in our lakes and rivers. “I know there are various groups working in this area and that there is some monitoring already underway. Maybe we need to get everyone together for a water summit to map out a way forward.” Nominations for the local body elections close on August 12.
Lifetimes work on glaciers Continued from page 1 This data set has formed the basis of New Zealand’s present alpine climate change research, involving scientists from universities and crown research institutes. He has collaborated with numerous others in the field, written individual papers for international journals, and contributed chapters for several books collated by glaciologists throughout the globe. Currently, he is contracted to NIWA to make annual surveys of the
glaciers of the Southern Alps. Trevor has written articles for IGS annual publications the Journal of Glaciology and the Annals of Glaciology. He has written for many other international journals including the New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, and New Zealand Journal of Hydrology. Trevor is pictured (on the front page) in the “chair of glaciology”, which was flown in by helicopter, at the Ivory Glacier in August 1976.
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THURSDAY 04.08.16 - WEDNESDAY 10.08.16
Earthquake damage risk hangs over future of Tarras Church GLENDA TURNBULL The future of the Tarras Church is in limbo after a recent meeting between the Upper Clutha Presbyterian Parish (UCPP) and Tarras residents. The UCPP held the meeting to explain why it wished to sell the property and to listen to local people’s views on this. The land on which the Tarras Church stands was gifted to the Presbyterian Church in 1921 by Malvern Downs. Local parishioners built the church, and later obtained significant financial support from the Presbyterian Synod to help meet outstanding debts. UCPP elder Michael Hyndman said, “the Parish has operated the Tarras Church as a community church for a long time, enabling both Presbyterian and Anglican-led worship services. This sharing arrangement has been managed since 1958 under a joint use agreement overseen by the Tarras Combined Church Committee.” The last Presbyterian member moved from the Tarras district in 2014 and shortly thereafter Presbyterian-led worship ceased at the Tarras Church. The church continues to be used by the Anglican church and is also periodically used for weddings, funerals and
Christmas and Easter services. Tarras community committee spokesperson Felicity Hayman said there were quite a few at the meeting who said they felt the church was a well loved community asset. “It is still regularly used by the community and the initial indication from the meeting was that the community doesn’t want to lose it. It’s been part of the Tarras area for nearly 100 years,” Felicity said. Another issue with the church building is that consulting engineers have advised the UCPP the Tarras Church is earthquake prone and does not comply with today’s minimum building code standard of ⅓ NBS. The remedial work could cost up to $150,000. Felicity said they are currently obtaining their own report. “The committee are currently doing due diligence and obtaining an engineer’s report to understand what the community group would be taking on,” she said. The UCPP is waiting for a response from the Tarras committee and will not make a decision about the sale of the property until then. “We (UCPP) are keeping an open mind about the sale outcome particulars and will continue the discussion with the Tarras community committee once they have made their investigations,” Michael said.
New fire station set to open
GLENDA TURNBULL After many years of planning, the new fire station will be operational on Saturday, August 20. The new state of the art building includes three appliance bays with exhaust extraction, wash area for cleaning down the BA sets, training room, locker room with 40 lockers, kitchen, canteen, operation room, additional offices, showers, bathrooms and storage areas. Wanaka fire chief Ian Galloway is delighted with the new facility. “The new station has been on the go for the last ten years and it is great to see it finally come to fruition,” Ian said. The station has two appliances, a truck and a generator which will be housed under the same roof for the first time.
There are currently 32 volunteer fire fighters together with Ian as chief and Garth Campbell as deputy chief fire officer. “In the last recruitment we had 16 applicants for six positions. The calibre of applicants was amazing. We have some good people coming through. We are really fortunate,” Ian said. The building was constructed by Breen Construction and has been built to 1L4 earthquake standard. “We can run the whole station on the generator in a civil emergency and the building has the highest earthquake standard, so the building could be the headquarters for any civil emergency that occurred in the area,” Ian said. The official opening for the facility will be held on November 12, but Ian said there will be an open day in the near future to give the community an opportunity to check out the new facility.
Council’s status reassessed DANIELLE BUTLER Corrective action taken by Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) in order to retain its Building Control Authority status will be reassessed in October, in response to concerns raised in an audit earlier this year. QLDC has now submitted its full response to International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ), outlining actions taken to address the ten “corrective action requests” by IANZ when an audit of how the council fulfils its building consent functions identified deficiencies in May. If IANZ deems there to be enough evidence of initial implementation, then QLDC will retain its accreditation for now, going through to a full reassessment in October. QLDC chief executive Mike Theelen
said in a report last month, “A large amount of work has been undertaken to address the systems and process issues that the IANZ assessment identified. More is still required to ensure we continue to improve on the way we do our business.” As part of this, the council is recruiting six new members of staff within building services to ensure that consent applications are processed within the statutory 20 working days. Mike Theelen said, “While [July] shows still a low percentage of consents being issued within the statutory timeframe, we are starting to see a turnaround.” QLDC communications advisor Rebecca Pitts said that the timeframe for building consents being allocated for processing was now down from 39 days to nine days.
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Thefts from vehicles continues STAFF REPORTER Lock your vehicle and take valuables with you is the advice Wanaka Police is giving again this week. Constable Aubury Martin reported in Crimeline last week that there had been a spate of vehicles broken into around Wanaka. A van on Plantation Road, a vehicle parked at the end of Riverbank Road and a vehicle parked at the Mount Roy carpark have had items taken from them. Vehicles parked at carparks have been targeted also. This week another theft was THE WANAKA SUN
reported, this time on Tyndall Street, where items of value were stolen from a vehicle. “If you see suspicious behaviour near vehicles please call us,” Senior Constable Bruce Mclean said in Crimeline. “I would rather attend what may have looked suspicious and be innocent than not attend and find out we could have caught an offender in the act.” Also this week, a vehicle was reported unlawfully taken. It was located fully locked the next street over. Senior Constable Bruce Mclean said it was possible that the driver forgot where it had been parked.
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THURSDAY 04.08.16 - WEDNESDAY 10.08.16
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THURSDAY 04.08.16 - WEDNESDAY 10.08.16
Donations for local groups STAFF REPORTER Wanaka Ukuleles Incorporated, Wanaka Golf Club Inc, Wanaka Search and Rescue, and Kahu Youth Trust were just four of the 28 community organisations to benefit from the Otago Community Trust’s recent round of donations. Wanaka Search and Rescue has received a donation of $8000 which will assist the organisation to purchase specialist rescue gear, including a FRED easy defibrillator and a flotation collar for a basket stretcher. It will also provide funding for helicopter training time for rescue volunteers. A significant part of the Wanaka SAR budget is dedicated to helicopter time with an estimated 80 percent of its operations involving the use of helicopters due to the challenging nature of the local terrain. A donation of $10,000 has been given to Kahu Youth Trust. The OCT donation will assist with the cost of running youth programmes and events in the Wanaka area. Youth Team member Angie Lister said the donation would help fund activities such as the boys and girls adventure club and the drop-
in sessions. “These are a huge part of Kahu Youth which attracts the youth of Upper Clutha and allows them to have a safe space to hang out in,” Angie said. “The funds also help us subsidise workshops and clubs so they are affordable to families in the area. We are very grateful to the Otago Community Trust for their support.” Thanks to a $1500 donation from OCT, a year of fundraising is over for Wanaka Ukuleles as the group has “pretty much” reached their target towards the purchase of sound equipment. “It is very exciting and will be a new learning experience for most of the group who don't know much about mics and mixing desks,” Wanaka Ukuleles band leader Rachel Pearson-Irvin said. “Often the songs we play have different parts/layers. A lot of the picking, lead parts and singing harmonies get lost without proper amplification.” A donation of $6000 to the Wanaka Golf Club will help with the cost of refurbishing the club rooms and building a storage shed. The Otago Community Trust gave a total of $169,270 in July.
Celebrations for wine industry ambassador programme STAFF REPORTER Central Otago Pinot Noir Ltd’s E’Sensual event has come to a close after celebrating its tenth anniversary and the 150th E’Sensual guest hosted in the region since the first event in 2007. E’Sensual is targeted at international and national wine specialists who enjoy a first-hand taste of what the Central Otago wine industry has to offer. “Our guests learn about the diverse terroir, the subtleties and surprises of our wines, and of course, the passion behind the labels; the people who work and thrive in often unforgiving conditions here in Central to produce show-
stopping wines,” event manager Vikki Kircher said. No more than 18 guests take part in the Central Otago wine industry ambassador programme at any one time and, with participating wineries capped at 20, Vikki said the group is a “perfect size for wineries get to know our guests, and those guests spend plenty of one-on-one time with winemakers, owners or viticulturists.” Paul Pujol from Prophet’s Rock, one of the wineries involved in this year’s event, said he was delighted with the calibre of the guests. “What makes it so worthwhile is that our wines and our region really resonate with these industry leaders. When we send them home as ambassadors for our wines we know they will open up new PHOTO: JANYNE FLETCHER business opportunities for us.” Pictured: E’Sensual guest Russ Mills tasting a Central Otago pinot noir.
Consultant opposes Peninsula Bay plan change Planets visible in night sky in August GLENDA TURNBULL A private consultant contracted to the Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) has recommended that Plan Change 51 at Peninsula Bay be rejected. Independent hearing commissioners David Mead, Andrew Henderson and Councillor Mel Gazzard have been appointed to hear and determine the proposed plan change submitted by Peninsula Bay Joint Investments Pty Ltd which seeks to re-zone 6ha of open space to create 26 residential lots. QLDC private consultant Victoria Jones states in her report to the commissioners that she recommends the change be rejected in their entirety. She outlines five reasons for her recommendation in the report: The effects on landscape and visual amenity will be significant; There will be ecological losses as a result of the
plan change; Recreational amenity will be irreversibly compromised; The long term effects of developing the land outweigh the short term benefits of developing the land; and there is considerable uncertainty regarding the future use of the open space zone and the effectiveness of the proposed rules. There were 207 submissions received with 216 different points with a majority seeking the complete and unconditional rejection of the plan change. The report also provides recommended provisions if the commissioners decide to grant approval. Mitchell Partnerships Ltd, planners for the developers, considered the landscape and visual effects of the proposed plan “will have localised effects only” and will result “in a net positive effect on the ecological values of the site”. The hearing commences on Monday August 8 at the Lake Wanaka Centre.
GLENDA TURNBULL There will be a feast of planet watching for stargazers in Wanaka over August, with all five bright planets visible throughout the month. Dunedin Astronomical Society member Martin Unwin said Venus, Mercury and Jupiter will be strung out in the early evening sky along a diagonal line to the northwest above the Matukituki Valley in the early days of the month. “Venus will be bright and obvious above Fog Peak from about 6:15 pm - 6.45pm. Jupiter becomes visible higher and further to the north over the Buchanan Peaks from about 6:30 pm. As the sky darkens Mercury, the faintest of the three, will appear as a small white point one third of the way from Venus to Jupiter,” Martin said. From August 4 to 6 the crescent moon visits each planet in turn, making them very easy to identify. The moon lies just to the left of Venus on August 4, above and a little right of Mercury on August 5, and just above Jupiter on August 6. “Once you have identified each planet, you should have little trouble following the trio for the
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rest of the month. Venus and Mercury climb ever higher into the evening sky, while Jupiter sinks towards them.” On August 19 the three form a right angled triangle, with Mercury and Jupiter at the top, and Venus directly below Mercury. Jupiter continues to descend towards Venus, passing it on the evening of August 28. “This will be quite a spectacle: the two planets are the brightest objects in the night sky after the Moon, and will appear to be almost touching,” Martin said. At the start of the month Mars (bright red) and Saturn (creamy yellow) will form a right angled triangle with Antares, a red giant 550 light years distant and the brightest star in the region. Under some conditions Antares can appear as bright as Mars, hence its name: anti-Ares, or Rival of Mars. Mars and Antares will be at their closest on August 24, with Mars directly between Saturn and Antares. Binoculars will enhance the colours of all three objects, and should show them in the same field of view. They will remain visible throughout the evening.
THURSDAY 04.08.16 - WEDNESDAY 10.08.16
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Toiletries drive for foster kids DANIELLE BUTLER Drop-off points have sprung up around Wanaka and Hawea for toiletries to be dropped off to assist older children in foster care. Volunteers have organised the toiletries appeal for Foster Hope NZ, following the success of its pyjama drive last month, in which more than $600 was raised over just two days, purchasing more than 65 pairs of pyjamas for foster children in Otago. Otago coordinator Juanita Willems said that it is great to gain some interest in Central Otago this year, where previously people have not
known much about Foster Hope NZ’s appeals. “Obviously we would love to be in a position to not need this stuff, but unfortunately we are and the response we had from people wanting to help after the PJ drive was really cool. We are really short on a lot of personal care items so if people can donate them that is really great,” Juanita said. Toiletries such as hairbrushes, combs, toothpaste, roll on deodorants, female sanitary products, baby wipes and nappies of all sizes can be dropped into Holy Family School, Wanaka Four Square and Hawea Flat School.
Revology chair takes out gold GLENDA TURNBULL Wanaka Volunteer Fire Brigade didn’t have far to go yesterday when they attended a call out at Post Office Lane.
Wanaka start-up company Revology has taken out gold for the product design of their chair at the prestigious 2016 Melbourne Design Awards. Alex Guichard and Monique Kelly founded the company two years ago and developed their sustainable chair with the help of product designer Philippe Guichard. Phillippe has his own design studio in Melbourne and Alex approached him in October 2014 to help design the chair. Alex, who comes from a background in composites, wanted to work with a new generation of composite materials. Now that the design phase is complete, Monique said the biggest challenge is to get the product to the market. “We have all the technical detail of the chair organised and we are now in the marketing stage. It has been a super fun experience,” Monique said. The team are excited about their win. “When you work hard on a project and love
Funding boost for Cromwell projects STAFF REPORTER The enhancement of the entranceway to Cromwell from State Highway 8 near Deadman’s Points Bridge has received a funding boost of $16,000, provided by Central Lakes Trust (CLT). The project is being overseen by the Central Otago District Council (CODC) and will consist of contouring the shoulder areas of the state highway with large rocks covered with gravel, weed matting, topsoil and plantings. “This project will produce an attractive entrance-way which shows that the community has pride in the
appearance of the town and it will tie in well with upgrade of the Big Fruit project which is currently underway,” CODC parks and recreation manager, Mathew Begg, said. “No ongoing costs are expected as the NZ Transport Agency had agreed to maintain the area so that it is weed and litter-free.” A second Cromwell project has also been provided with funding. The Central Otago Sports Turf Trust has received $40,000 for seating and security equipment in its new amenities building which is expected to be completed early in 2017. The total amount approved by CLT so far this financial year is now more than $900,000.
Vigilance at truckstops urged After several people have inadvertently filled up their vehicles with diesel exhaust fluid, the Automobile Association has issued a nationwide warning to motorists to be extra vigilant when buying fuel at truckstops. “The AA has had reports from motorists who have mistakenly thought this product was petrol or diesel or an additive, and put it into their fuel tanks. In each case, the
car has been started, resulting in irreparable damage,” AA PetrolWatch spokesperson Mark Stockdale said. Diesel Exhaust Fluid is known by various brand names including AdBlue, Alliedblue, GoClear, Z DEC. It is injected into the exhaust systems of late-model trucks and some new light diesel vehicles to reduce emissions. Mark said it is neither a fuel nor a fuel additive and it is not meant to go in the fuel tank.
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what you do and how you do it, it is so rewarding to get outside recognition that what you are doing is good. This is the first big milestone we have passed and means a lot to us all on many different levels,” Monique said. Revology brand and marketing director Arna Craig said Revology has had a global focus from day one. “Being based in Wanaka is part of our story. It is a great place to be able to run a company from. We have the infrastructure in Wanaka to go global from day one. The more businesses we have like this in Wanaka the better it is,” Arna said. The chair is the first design by the company. The chair legs and lumbar support are made out of flax fibre composite and the seat is made out of sugar-based resin. “The whole process of making the chair is non-toxic from the start. The company is focused on a sustainable product design using a material which is non-fossil fuel based,” Monique said. Pictured: Revology team members from left Arna Craig, Anna Begg, Monique Kelly and Alex Guichard with the winning chair.
The Wanaka and Queenstown market is full of small business owners who are working hard to grow into more substantial operations. The issue many find is that once their business starts to take off that’s when they need more funds to grow or even buy a house. This can create a disconnect, as typically banks will only consider a business’ past trading history when determining its ability to repay a new loan. Borrowing money then becomes difficult, not to mention frustrating, as even though cash flow may be strong, lenders may not be interested if there is insufficient proof to back this up. As a result many business owners have to delay buying or building a home or expanding their business until the new financial year. Businesses that have been trading for less than two years are often in a similar boat. So what are the options available for business owners wanting to buy or build a home? One option is to work with your accountant/financial planner to establish your cash flow position and profit position. Investing this time early to get the books
THURSDAY 04.08.16 - WEDNESDAY 10.08.16
in order can offer rewards when it’s time to apply for a loan later. Having documentation to prove income from an accountant and understanding the process can help get you where you want to be faster, easier, and sooner than you thought possible. If you’re self-employed and would like to explore all your finance options regardless if you want to buy or build your own home or fund business expansion, a Mike Pero Adviser can help. Simply call your local finance expert Mark on 021 275 5129 for an obligation free discussion and to take a step closer to owning your own home.
Mark Magill Adviser/Franchise Owner Mike Pero - Wanaka PAGE 7
" I have never known a project for the good of the whole community, and visitors, to generate such ill-informed negative opinions.” (Karl Hall, Wanaka resident)
We on the list below are very pleased to let it be known that we strongly support the Wanaka Watersports Facility on the approved site and we commend the Commissioners for reaching a decision which we believe will greatly benefit our district. We hope the whole community can now come together to allow a prompt start on the building. Ben Acland Hamish Acland Hannah Acland Kevin Alderson Sharon Alderson Matthew Alexander Anna Allan Dougal Allan Amy Allan Miles Allan Clare Allison Mike Allison Richard Anderson Jennie Anderson Brian Anderson Jennifer Anderson Stacey Anderson Sharon Arlidge Rachael Ashby Cyril Ashby Vicki Ashton Susan Austed Adrian Austin Jill Austin David Ayres Ian Bagley Jill Bagley Inge Bahle Elaine Baldwin Keith Baldwin Tony Baldwin Charlotte Baldwin Pete Barham Wyndham Barkman Joan Barkman John Barlow Marilyn Barlow Bruce Barnett Jacqui Barnett Kirsty Barr Pauline Bastion Mike Bayliss Barbara Bayliss Guy Beange Meridee Beange Mandy Bell Jerry Bell Angela Bell Graham Berry Ross Black Sue Black Leonie Blanc Nic Blennerhassett John Blennerhassett Jill Blennerhassett Hamish Blennerhassett Stewart Blennerhassett Jennie Blennerhassett Christopher vBooth Simon Bowden Al Bowler Andrew Bowmar Celia Bowmar Cindy Bowmar Nick Bowmar & family Lesley Boyd Rick Boyd Jackie Boyd Mike Boyle Henry Boyle Sophie Boyle Kaye Brake Gordon Brander Peta Brown Chris Brown Rachel Brown Stephen Brown Kate Brown Rob Bruce Jill Bruce Riley Bruce Alex Bruce Corey Bruce Karen Bruce Saasha Bruce Lincoln Bruce Eachann Bruce Lorraine Bruce Denise Buckley Jason Buckley
Todd Buckley Josh Buckley Lizzie Burdon Tim Burdon Sarah Burdon Richard Burdon Allan Carmichael Peter Carroll Rachel Cassaidy La Cavanagh John Charrington Lynley Charteris John Charteris Peter Chamberlyne Lynne Clay Brian Cleugh Maureen Cleugh Mark Cockroft Chris Colbourne Jack Colbourne Tim Colbourne Alan Collie Steve Collie Andrew Conachie Hani Conachie Judith Conway Warren Conway Brian Cooke Aimie Cotter Melanie Craig Sara Crawford Helena Crawford Trevor Crawford Julia Croft Paul Croft Celia Crosbie` Scope Media John Cruickshank Braden Currie Sally Currie Logan Curtis John Darby Bredon Darvill-Jackson Tim Davis Catherine Davis Matt Davison Bill Day Karen Day Jacob Day Pamela de Beer Gina Dempster Sheryl Dickinson Aubrey Dixon Eileen Donoghue Tony Donoghue Alison Doran John Doran Pete Dorrington Amanda Dorset Kevin Duggan Caroline Dumas Peter Duncan Marilyn Duncan Robert Duncan Lynette Duncan Blair Duncan Kylie Duncan Kane Duncan Sam Dupont Eion Edgar Jan Edgar Jim Edwards Mark Elliott Nadia Ellis Mel Ewing Charlie Ewing Pip Ewing Ben Fahy Sarah Fahy Joyce Fairhurst Adam Fairmaid Sarah Fairmaid Ian Farrant Rachel Farrant Ralph Fegan Lynne Fegan Ken Fergus Bev Fergus Anna Findlay Penny Fisher
Gerald Fitzgerald Belinda Fitzgerald Clare Fitzpatrick Marie Ford Jeff Forsee Pat Frengley Sally Frengley Bruno Galloway Marg Galloway Neil Garden Ada Garrett John Garrett Narelle Garrick Murray Garrick Sharyn Gingell-Kent Kevin Gingell-Kent Cilla Glasson Tim Glasson Bill Godsall Kelly Gooch Andrea Gooch Grant Gordon Lyn Gordon John Gordon Mark Gould Rose Gould Linda Gowing Ann Grant Ali Grant Brad Grant Janie Grant Latoya Grant Clare Griffin Jo Guest Vittorio Guglietta Karen Guglietta Scott Gullery Steve Gurney Lynne Guy Tony Guy Chris Hadfield Liz Hadida Catherine Haig Bill Haig Karl Hall Amanda Hanafin Michelle Harrison Ruth Harrison Steve Hart Kay Hart Will Harvey Joy Harvey Patrick Harvey Victoria Haydon Lois Haynes Jeremy Haynes Sandy Hazledine Ket Hazledine Kirsty Hazledine Peter Hazledine Graeme Head Allen Heads Sarah Heath Aaron Heath Jeremy Heath Ruth Heath Nikki Heath & family Mags Helles Gwen Hendry Tim Herrick Mark Hervey Kirsty Hewitt Peter Hewitt Bernie Hewson Anna Hiatt Jonette Hodge Paul Hodgson Mick Hollyer Prue Hollyer CB Holmes FM Holmes Mark Hook Brian Hopley Maree Hopley Bron Horner Devon Hotop Fe Howie Brent Huddleston Robyn Huddleston Diana Hudson
AJ Humphries Cedric Hurring Jaime Hutter Anna Kate Hutter Murray Hyndman Robin Inkster Amanda Inkster Mingo Innes & family Neil Ives Stephen Jaquiery Kate Jerram Lesley Johnston Michael Johnston Skip Johnston Margo Johnston Merryn Johnston Mike Johnston Janey Johnston Rob Johnston Peter Jolly Debbie Jolly Dave Jones Jo Jones Scott Jones Rod Jones Barbara Kane Allan Kane Monique Kelly Gavin Kennedy Heather Kerr Dave Kerr Glenys Kerr Jeff Kerr Paul Kerr Peter King Richard King Andrew King Ginette Kitto Brian Knapp Karolyn Knapp Jackie Knight Rusty Knight Duffy Krook Peter Lamb Rieke Lamb John Lamont Debi Lawry Jo Leamon Mary Lee John Lee Sam Lee Hayley Lee Cherie LePrevost Smith Catherine Little Bryan Lloyd Gill Loughan Bev Lovelock Russell Lovelock Alice Lovelock Trudi Lowe-Gibbon Tussock Lucas Lucy Lucas Ben Lucas Anny Lucas Dave Lumsden Craig Lyon Barb Macandrew Bruce Macandrew Roger Macassey Sue Macassey WM Macdonald Tracey Mackay Sally MacKay Don MacKay Pete Macpherson Alistair Madill Janet Malloch Jane Malloch Ruth Malloch Sarah Malloch David Malloch Colin Mantell Jeremy Martin Gina Matete Sharyn Mathias Eveline Maute Pam McBride Graham McCambridge Jo McCaughan Nicky McCone
Guy McCone Gill McCone John McCone Ross McCulloch Anna McCulloch Lisa McFarlane Jo McGregor Hamish McGregor Alan McKay Sue McKay Diana McLachlan Bob McLachlan Rafe McLean John McLean Greer McLean Debra McLennan Andrew McLeod Karen McLeod Ray McLeod Ian McNabb John McRae Emily McRae Pam McRae Bob McRae Nicole Meldrum Kim Meredith-Jones Sam Metcalfe Robyn Lee Millar Jo Millis Nick Mills Jo Mills Lois Mills Tim Morris Michael Morris Sandy Morris Sylvia Morris Wayne Moss Kevin Mulqueen Aleisha Murphy Greg Murray David Murray Keith Murray Andrea Murray Victoria Murray Orr Ros Nelson Alyson Nelson Alex Nelson Ray Newel Margaret Newel Jodi Newman Rhiann Nicholl Nigel Nicholl Ben Nichols Katarina Nicholson Kim Nicol Roger North Shonaagh North Rory O’Brien Rachel O’Connell Maude O’Connell Claire O’Connell Sean O’Connell Jacqui O’Donnell Nicky O’Malley Penny O’Meara Simon O’Meara & family David O’Sullivan Nickie Overton Leigh Overton Catherine Owen Mary Palmer Paula Parker John Parnell Kim Parry Tania Pearce family Raymond Peat Nathaniel Peat J Peat Bryony Peat Andrew Penniket Sue Penniket Charlotte Penniket Sarah Perriam Raewyn Phipps Shane Pilkinton Melanie Pinfold Stuart Pinfold Damon Plimmer Tony Poole Ingrid Poole
Grainne Power Shannon Pratt Tom Pryde Will Radford Claire Radford Andy Ramsden Michelle Read John Rigby Sarah Ritchie Duncan Ritchie Liz Ritchie Lulu Roberts Hilary Robinson Ruth Robson Peter Robson Roy Rose Danielle Ross Ian Ross Mary-Louise Roulston David Roulston Jerry Rowley Shirl Rowley Bill Roxburgh Ginny Rutledge Dan Rutledge Tessa Ryder Barbi Sarginson Mike Saunders Jane Saunders Kate Savage Campbell Savage Trevor Savage Norma Savage Lindsey Schofield Trevor Scott Nickie Scurr Robbie Selby Philip Selby Charlotte Severn Maree Shaw Max Shepherd Laraine Shepherd Kate Sidey Michael Sidey Joukje Siebenga Hugh Simmers Sandra Simmers Shelley Simon Glenn Sinclair ORC Eddy Sligo Matt Smail Pete Smallfield Quentin Smith Kate Smith Dale Smith Anton Smith Lane Smith Dinah Smith Acton Smith Hilary Smith Lynne Smith Steve Smith Di Somerville Richard Somerville Sally Soper David Spence-Reid Sharron Stace Chris Stace Guy Steven Graham Stewart Lesly Stewart Stephanie Still Craig Still Dylan Stock Jo-Anne Stock Leigh Stock David Stone Sheelagh` Stone Fran Tate Gary Tate Ben Taylor Debbie Taylor Matt Taylor Graham Taylor Gilly Taylor Hamish Taylor Rob Taylor Sarah Taylor Sue Templeton
Garry Templeton Dave Thacker Krystle Theunissen Eric Thomson Chrissie Thomson Graeme Thomson John Timu Kas Timu Karen Tippett Gavin Tippett Alex Todd Jodi Todd Kim Tomlin Peter Townsend Paul Tregea Annie Trengrovet Gay Turner Malcolm Turner Jon Urpens Megan Van Mark Verbiest Sally Verbiest Derek Wales Myra Wales Joss Walker Rod Walker Alycia Walker Alice Wallis Tim Wallis Prue Wallis Annabel Wallis Lydia Wallis Carrie Wallis Matt Wallis & family Jonathan Wallis & family Toby Wallis & family Nick Wallis & family Ally Walsh Ray Walsh Ian Warburton Peter Wardell Jane Wardell Patrick Waser Celia Waser Ally Waser Emma Waser Siobhan Waterhouse Doug Watson Anna Watson-Taylor Jane Watson-Taylor Steve Watson-Taylor Heather Wellman Tony Wellman Steve Welsh Danae Weston Linda Wheeler Ray Wheeler Lawry White Peter Whiting Helen Wightman Alan Wilkie Lea Wilkie Matt Williams Lyn Williamson Geoff Wilson Ben Wilson Sharon Wilson Brendon Wilson Cameron Wilson Dawn Wilson Terry Wilson Michele Wilson Rob Wilton Gretel Wilton Grant Winsloe Lynette Winsloe Bridget Wren Scott Wright Bevin Young John Young Judy Young Port Chalmers Rowing Club Wanaka Sport & Recreation Action Group
This list, the initiative of Andrew McLeod, was compiled to give some idea of the support in this district for the Commissioners' recent decision. Inevitably not everyone who might wish to have their name on it could be reached, for which we apologise. If you would like your support to be noted please email Prue Wallis at PAGE 8
THURSDAY 04.08.16 - WEDNESDAY 10.08.16
Snowfall to continue around South Island STAFF REPORTER A severe weather warning issued by the MetService predicts further snowfall warning around the South Island. A complex low pressure system which moved onto the country from the south Tasman Sea yesterday, is expected to move slowly northeastwards across New Zealand today and tomorrow (Thursday and Friday), bringing rain to many parts of the country, with snow lowering to low levels about the east of the South Island. NZ Transport Agency journey manager Lee Wright said drivers should not get complacent with conditions improving in some places as more snow is forecast in places like the Lindis Pass, Lewis Pass and SH73/ Porters Pass. “Please check the MetService for updates,” Lee said. “Those travelling through alpine passes or travelling in the south of the South Island and inland areas should carry chains regardless and know how to put them on. Chains are for the drivers’ and road users’ safety so please ensure you have them and know how to put them on. Allow extra time.” Snowfall will be extensive in the South Island through to midday today across interior Southland, Otago and the south of Canterbury, expand-
ing to middle and northern Canterbury mainly above 300m. Meanwhile, ski fields are experiencing the benefits of new snow with further increases in snow base expected through this weekend. Cardrona Alpine Resort has had more than 50cm of snow in the last week, while Treble Cone reported 10cm of snow in 24 hours yesterday. NIWA scientists and field teams will engage in the first snow mobilisation of winter this week to make the most of what is expected to be the largest and longest wintry blast of the year. A snow mobilisation is initiated by NIWA hydrologist Christian Zammit who analyses weather forecasts for potential locations of significant snowfall. His aim is to ensure teams collect as much information on the snowfall as possible to add to NIWA’s database and to assist clients such as electricity providers and building regulators. NIWA is also asking for public help to measure the snow. With little scientific data available about snow in New Zealand, people can play an important role in helping scientists understand the risk to buildings and infrastructure, such as powerlines. Instructions on how to take snow measurements are available at Pictured: Satellite image of the approaching storm over New Zealand. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
VIEWPOINT Common sense talking
It was truly disheartening to read comments regarding the watersport facility which mentioned that a “minority” should not be allowed to construct such
a building. When minority is used in terms of the human race, it is, in my opinion, tantamount to racism. Just because a group is in the minority does not mean that they somehow do not deserve facilities. (And we’re talking about a shed for their boats here, a shower after a swim, not, as someone suggested a 10-storey hotel or a casino.) This is a building for boats which are used on the water. Simple. I don’t expect – I am not involved with the group so this is just some common sense talking – that they decided to locate the building where they have just to annoy people, to have a lengthy resource consent process, to get tied up and bogged down. No. I expect – and this I know from following the process – that they chose the spot they chose because no other location was suitable. They did search for other places but, and think about this now, a location close to shore, by a sheltered non-motorised area of the lake, makes it the only common-sense place for the building. So to those who want to keep a minority down – shame on you. We don’t all play rugby but they have a pitch and club room, we don’t all play soccer but they have a pitch too, and the courts for netball, basketball, futsal and the like – they are now in place. We don’t all have to be involved, to allow, and to provide for the good of the whole community. And to those who believe this is setting a precedent. You will still have your voice when any other construction is publicly notified. And you will probably have a stronger argument. Because from where I see it – no hotel, no casino, no café nor bar needs to be by the lake. A building for boats, however, does.
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Emily Bell
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SPORT RESULTS Please send sports results to in the following format by Monday noon of each week for inclusion. Lake Hawea Golf Stableford 1st Kelly MacKenzie 40 on CB 2nd Allan Easte 40 3rd Dougal Rowley 39 4th Steve Smith 38 5th Gerard Haggart 37 6th Ian Brown 37. Closest to Pin No 1 Steve Smith. Closest to Pin No 5 Men, The Ever Popular Rick Johnston. Nearly Hole In One, Ian Brown. Two’s, Tim McKay No 10. Birdies / Net Eagles Hole No. 11, JACKPOTS. Wanaka Stadium Bowls Monday Edgewater Trophy 1 R Muir R Hurley A Turnbull 2 D Urquhart M Young D Minson 3 S Hurley J Leith I Urquhart Tuesday morning 2x4x2 1 C Keiweit & C Carr 2 N Brown & B McKenzie 3 B McMillan & M Steel Tuesday Afternoon 2x4x2 1 I Brown & N
Matheson 2 G Thomas & B Thorburn 3D Paterson & J Maddison Tuesday evening Trades 1 R Bruce B Osborne S Nyhof 2 M Prince M Gould J Oakes 3 L Hughes S Grant D Minson Wednesday afternoon Triples 1 D Studholme F Duncan E Baldwin 2 M Morrish M Campbell Y Gale 3 D Cameron M Steel R Robertson Wednesday evening Trades 1 Shot Bowls 2 Trail Enders 3 Bad Neighbours Thursday afternoon Triples 1 F McRae F Duncan G Cameron 2 I Brown H Thayer I McGregor 3 D Urquhart K Urquhart
Let the community know your views.
M Hardy Thursday evening Trades 1 R Anderson E King L Jocelyn 2 R McNeilly R Muir D Slee 3 G Dowdall M Wight N Walker Friday Progressive Skips 1 J Lischner 2 M Firman 3 J Maddison 3rds 1 J Bryant 2 R Hannon 3 M Smyth Leads 1 S Morris 2 B Thorburn 3 F Beardsley Saturday Studholme Trophy 1 Albert Town 70 2 Beacon Point 58 3 Hawea 50 4 Village 41 5 Meadowstone 41 6 Rippon Lea 33 7 Scurr Heights 31 8 Pembroke 25.
THURSDAY 04.08.16 - WEDNESDAY 10.08.16
Wanaka 69-73 Helwick Street
8 A 4 F 4 J 2023 sqm P
Wanaka 705 Aubrey Road
Little Mt Iron for Sale So close to Wanaka and yet with 27ha (approx 65 acres) encompassing the slopes & peak of Little Mt Iron you can be assured that by buying this real estate you are buying an outstanding natural landscape giving you peace & privacy on the outskirts of town. Make this your opportunity and contact us for more details on this stunning and unique real estate opportunity.
Deadline Sale Offers by 4pm 24th August 2016 (unless sold prior) View Saturday 1pm or By Appointment Duncan and Kelly Good 0274 488 321
Deadline Sale Offers by 4pm 15th August 2016 (unless sold prior) View By Appointment Anna Findlay 0274 383 640
Wanaka 76b Lismore Street
3 A 2 F 2 I
Albert Town Lot 125 Kingfisher Crescent
Lismore’s Luxurious Landscape Lismore Street boasts Wanaka’s finest views from an amphitheater of snowcapped alps, lake blue depths & grassy green foreground. Spectacular views are spread before like a visual feast you as you enter your secure elevated apartment with double garage and lift to your front door. This is an ideal destination for you & your family. Viewings by arrangement only - call now.
Titled Soon! A great choice here, sunny with mountain views, just down the road from the daycare and cafe, across the road from the walking track, nearby to two reserves and close to Aubrey Road for quick access to Wanaka. Continue on with the owners building plans or design your own build, titles expected in August, pay 10% deposit and balance on title. Call today for more info.
For Sale $1,795,000 View By Appointment Joss Harris 021 220 7693 Jayne MacDonald 021 909 821
For Sale $299,000 View By Appointment Jo Sedon 0274 454 590,
Lake Hawea 35 Hewson Crescent
3 A 1 F
Lake Hawea 33 Hewson Crescent
First Homebuyers - You’re Not Forgotten We know how tough this market is on first homebuyers, but we’ve got you covered. A three bedroom kick starter, featuring concrete flooring and a lovely private and sheltered garden with vege patch in its fully fenced yard. With resource consent in place to build a garage there is room to add potential. It’s time to get your foot in the door and step up to owning your own home.
3 A 2 F 2 I Quick Action Needed! This smart design of this home is immediately evident as you walk through the door to the open plan hub of the home, built with sun, warmth and efficiency for heating in mind. Modern and stylish timber features in this custom made kitchen with concrete benchtop and recycled telegraph poles. This is one not to be missed. Auction 3pm, Friday 12 August 2016 (unless sold prior) Ray White Office, 1 Helwick Street, Wanaka View Sat & Wed 1pm or By Appointment Jo Sedon 0274 454 590,
For Sale $475,000 View Sat 12.15pm or By Appointment Jo Sedon 0274 454 590, LICENSED (REAA 2008)
Lake Hawea 155 Capell Avenue
27 ha P
Central Wanaka Development Opportunity Here is your final chance to own a half acre of mature land in the heart of Old Wanaka. The 2023 sqm block that makes up half of the original Wanaka Motels site, will be accessed from Upton Street, and currently has 4 x two bedroom flats returning $1200 pw, to ensure a healthy return to complement your capital growth.
3 A 2 F 4 I
Lake Hawea 147 Capell Avenue
Hawea Haven First time offered to the market, the owners have had splendid memorable holidays here and it’s now time for a new family to enjoy. Rarely found in this established location with a larger section, mature grounds with fruit trees and close to the shores of Lake Hawea. Opportunities like this are scarce at the moment so don’t miss out, call today. Auction 3pm, Friday 12th August 2016 (unless sold prior) Ray White Office, 1 Helwick Street, Wanaka View Sat & Wed 2pm or By Appointment Jo Sedon 0274 454 590, LICENSED (REAA 2008)
3 A 1 F 2 I Catch of the Day Lots of family fun times to be had in this beauty, with 2 bedrooms, bathroom & living area upstairs where you can relax on the deck soaking up the views, and a separate bunkroom downstairs for the kids. A private secluded back yard on a super large 1,369m2 section. Don’t miss this opportunity to buy in the popular established area of Lake Hawea. Auction 3pm, Friday 12th August 2016 (unless sold prior) Ray White Office, 1 Helwick Street, Wanaka View Sat & Wed 2.45pm or By Appointment Jo Sedon 0274 454 590, LICENSED (REAA 2008) PAGE 10
THURSDAY 04.08.16 - WEDNESDAY 10.08.16
What you don’t know you don’t know Culinary medal for Otago GLENDA TURNBULL Two of New Zealand’s top climate scientists will be answering questions about climate change and how it will affect New Zealanders at the Royal Society of New Zealand Ten by Ten talk - Ten things you didn’t know about climate change tomorrow (Friday August 5). Professors Tim Naish and James Renwick of Victoria University of Wellington have been speaking around the country about this topic. James, pictured, is a professor of physical geography and Tim is director of the Antarctic Research Centre at Victoria University. “Everybody has heard of climate change and how it is redefining coastlines and making calamitous weather events more frequent, but how does climate change impact on New Zealanders directly and what can we do about it?” James said. Tim has shown that Antarctica is highly sensitive to small increases in temperature that can
cause marked responses such as rises in global sea level and loss of the vast Ross Ice Shelf. “The rock and ice cores serve as time machines to look at how the Antarctic ice sheets affected global sea-level in past warmer periods and what this means for our future,” Tim said. “We encourage everyone to come along with all their burning questions about climate change and we will do our best to answer them.” President of the Royal Society of New Zealand emeritus professor Richard Bedford said,“It is critical to communicate clearly New Zealand’s sensitivities to climate change and the need for responsive systems to address them. All New Zealanders will be affected and must be involved in the discussion. We hope activities such as this Ten by Ten series can act as a basis for a wider national conversation.” The talk will be held at the Presbyterian Hall in Tenby Street at 6pm. Tickets are free but should be booked online through the Royal Society website.
Road reporters wanted STAFF REPORTER The NZ Transport Agency is encouraging Queenstown Lakes travellers to become on-the-spot travel reporters this winter to help keep the highways safer and everyone better informed about possible road hazards and winter conditions. The trial runs between July and the end of September. The tool integrates locally-supplied information with the NZTA’s existing traffic and travel web information on road conditions, area warnings, snow, ice, road closures and delays and it includes the district council’s local roads and road condition information on key routes. “This really is one network in action for customers,” NZTA journey manager Lee Wright said. Successfully trialled in the Queenstown Lakes district last winter, the winter road report trial and road conditions tool has been extended to other parts of the southern region.
“Using the real-time observations of travellers on the network, the Transport Agency will have access to more timely and accurate information that can be shared to make everyone’s journey safer and more predictable,” Lee said. The trial is part of a wider research project being undertaken by the Transport Agency and Abley Transportation Consultants to investigate the value of having an interactive winter road conditions tool that provides a more complete update on the state highways and local roads. The “Road Reporter” can provide localised reports about hazards like crashes, slips, black ice and heavy snow by using their smartphone or tablet by going online at winterjourneys. These reports are assessed and verified against other sources and responded to accordingly to ensure the best real-time information about road conditions can be provided. In the meantime, follow the Wanaka Sun Facebook page for up-to-date weather and road reports.
Polytech Cromwell chefs
STAFF REPORTER A team from Otago Polytechnic’s Cromwell Campus have won bronze medals at the prestigious annual Nestlé Toque d’Or student culinary competition. Culinary students Lakhbir Singh and Emma Waser, pictured, went head-to-head with hospitality students from around the country to win bronze at the Auckland event.
Restaurant service student Gurpreet Singh, who also formed part of the team, also picked up a bronze medal. Event organiser and New Zealand Chefs Association president Graham Hawkes said, “Aside from the competitive component, the event also puts the students in front of some of the most highly-regarded culinary professionals from New Zealand which opens new doors to rewarding career opportunities.
N O T I C E B O A R D Amended Meeting Schedule The QLDC August Meeting Schedule has been amended as follows: Additional Meeting: Resource Consent Hearing (Scott Family Trust) – Crowne Plaza Hotel (Level 3), Queenstown. Tuesday 23 August 2016 at 10.00am.
Closure of Streets to Ordinary Vehicular Traffic PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1974, notice is hereby given that consideration will be given, at the Wanaka Community Board meeting, Armstrong Room, Lake Wanaka Centre, Wanaka, on 14 September 2016, to the closure of the following roads to ordinary vehicular traffic, for the purpose of holding the annual Upper Clutha A & P Show 2017: Road to be Closed: Period of Closure:
McDougall Street from Ardmore Street to Brownston Street, Wanaka 0800 Thursday 9 March 2017 to 0900 Sunday 12 March 2017
It will be an offence under the above regulations for any person otherwise than under authority of an authorised permit to use the roads for ordinary vehicular traffic during the period of closure. Those who have any concerns regarding the above closures, please contact Sarah Mitchell at APL Property Limited on 021 244 9988 or by email before 1700 on Friday 26 August 2016.
Closure of Streets to Ordinary Vehicular Traffic PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1974, notice is hereby given that consideration will be given, at the Property Subcommittee meeting, Council Chambers, 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown on 25 August 2016, to the possible closures of the following road to ordinary vehicular traffic for the purpose of holding the Light Up Wanaka Street Festivals 2016: Weather Contingency Days Road to be Closed: Periods of Closure:
Lower Helwick Street between Ardmore Street and Dunmore Street Thursday 1 September 2016 1400 to 2100 (previously approved) or Thursday 8 September 2016 1400 to 2100 if weather conditions require Thursday 6 October 2016 1400 to 2100 (previously approved) or Thursday 13 October 2016 1400 to 2100 if weather conditions require
It will be an offence under the above regulations for any person otherwise than under authority of an authorised permit to use the roads for ordinary vehicular traffic during the period of closure.
Polished Concrete Specialists
Those who have any concerns regarding the above closures, please contact Sarah Mitchell at APL Property Limited on 021 244 9988 or by email before 1700 on Friday 12 August 2016.
Floors – Worktops – Hearths – Precast Panels Concrete prep - Glue and Paint removal Rob - 022 193 1080 THE WANAKA SUN
THURSDAY 04.08.16 - WEDNESDAY 10.08.16 Private Bag 50072 | 47 Ardmore Street Wanaka | Phone 03 443 0024
SERVICES WANAKA PHARMACY is your local pharmacy. We’re the big pharmacy at the top of Helwick Street - open until 7pm every single day. Ph 443 8000 FREE LEGAL ADVICE available at Community Networks delivered by the Dunedin Community Law Centre on Wednesday 3 August . Please call Community Networks on 443 7799 *NEW* Brushless carwash to book your appointment. NOT FOR profit workshop: ‘Courageous Conversations’. Facilitated by Community N e t wo r k s Wanaka and delivered by the Otago Chamber of Commerce, Wed 3 August, LAUNDROMAT - LPG - SHOWER - ATM 1.30-4.30pm, CONVENIENCE STORE - CARWASH W a n a k a . Payment of $40 on registration. For further information, or to register, please contact 0800 42 49 68 or kim@otagochamber. WHEELS TO DUNSTAN –free shuttle service to Dunstan Hospital or Alexandra specialist appointments,
also linking with the St Johns Health Shuttle to Dunedin Hospital. For bookings please call Community Networks on 03 443 7799 before 3pm the day before. FREE COMPUTER lessons for older people - Community Networks is offering one-to-one or small group lessons in your own home on your own device. If you are interested or know of friends or neighbours who are struggling please call in to Community Networks or phone 03 443 779. Our thanks go to the Synod of Otago and Southland for providing the funds for this project. CAN YOU no longer drive? The Total Mobility Scheme provides subsidised taxi services to people who have an impairment that prevents them from being able to drive. Contact Community Networks for more information on 443 7799. JP SERVICES are available at Community Networks every Tuesday from 1pm and Friday from 10.30am. Please book your appointment by ringing Community Networks 03 443 7799. BOWEN THERAPY available in Albert Town .call or text cathy rodgers 02102201898 SEWING REPAIRS and alterations. Nothing too small or too big. Please call to discuss. Sue 0272472181
BODY & MIND REIKI SHARE. ALBERT TOWN. Tues 9 Aug 3-5 pm, Thur 11 Aug 7.15 - 9.15 pm. Reconnect. Ph Maryann 021 1101160
EMPLOYMENT Gardener “They are the reason I’m here.”
QLDC is seeking a reliable and enthusiastic person to be part of the Horticultural Team; responsible for the day to day seasonal maintenance and development of gardens in the Wanaka area.
Ronnie Wilson is a valued Enliven Wanaka Careworker of over five years’ experience who values the positive impact residents have in her working day.
The successful candidate will • Enjoy working outdoors • Be physically fit • Have existing amenity horticulture or gardening skills (preferably with relevant qualifications) • Have an eye for detail • Work as part of a team • Hold a full driving licence
“Their smiles and greetings when you start each shift are very special.”
We are looking for someone with a sense of humour who takes pride in their work. They will be personable and professional. This is a full time position. In return, we offer training and a fantastic working environment. Interested?
Ronnie says she’s formed some great friendships with other staff members: “There’s great teamwork here and someone is always available to help.
Applications close 9 August 2016 To find out more & apply online visit:
“Even though it’s hard work it’s a very rewarding job with very helpful training and support meetings.” We need more Careworkers like Ronnie to work at both Aspiring Enliven Care Centre that opens early October, and Elmlsie House. You don't need to be an experienced careworker because we ensure you are fully trained and comfortable in your abilities before you start your part-time or full-time role. We even pay you while you gain the skills required to become a practical, respectful and considerate careworker.
NOTICES WANAKA Salvation Army Family Store. Opening Hours – Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm, Saturday 9.30am – 4pm. We look forward to seeing you here! DONATIONS KINDLY received. Please drop them into the Salvation Army Family store or ph 443 5068 to book a pick up. BUSINESS NETWORKING International. The Wanaka chapter of BNI meets weekly at 7am Tuesday morning. Great networking opportunity to grow your business. Contact Rosie Ford for information 021 189 6671 WANAKA PRIMARY School ‘Op Shop’ open Tues & Thurs - 12 midday to 4pm. Use Koru Way entrance, off Totara Terrace, alongside the steps.
CHILD CARE Wanted. Albert Town 2 and 5 yrs Every Wednesday and Thursday 3-5 pm. Ph Kirsten 021541204
WHATS ON MINDFUL PARENTING course, Tuesdays for 10 weeks, starting August 9th. Choose from three venues and time options, morning, afternoon or evening. For more information contact Nicola 0273584465, Frankie 0277882315, or visit
Wanaka’s snowchain specialists. Cars from $79, Laurdromat -- shower full 4WD selection. Laurdromat shower -- LPG LPG -- carwash carwash -ATM. Redeem your ATM. fitting Redeem your FUELUP FUELUP FREE & discount supermarket fuel vouchers supermarket discount vouchers at at sizing demo.fuelFree Caltex Wanaka. WiFi for laundromat
FOR SALE AORAKI Salmon variety 360g pack $20. Delivered fresh to your door. Fundraiser for MAC hockey. Contact janis.sandri@ or 0272021288 CHEESE ROLL fundraiser for local Laura Hay on the 13 August - $8 per dozen white or brown bread ring or text Carolyn 0272538009 to order
WANTED VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED at The Salvation Army Family store if you have some free time and would like to be part of a team which makes a difference, come and see us.
CBD Map 61 CBD Map 61
Caltex Wanaka. Free WiFi for laundromat customers. Large convenience store with
customers. Large convenience store with Open 6amgroceries, groceries, hot hot food, food, flowers, flowers, party party ice, ice, snow automotive 11pm daily snow chains, chains, automotive supplies. supplies. Open 6am - 11 pm daily.
Open 6am - 11 pm daily. Carwash A Laundromat A 19 19 Ardmore Ardmore Street, Street, Wanaka Wanaka P Coffee P +64 +64 3 3 443 443 7868 7868 F +64 3 443 1600 F +64 3 443 1600 Shower E E LPG W W Convenience store
HU SONG on this Thursday 4th August 6pm Plunket room. Welcome regulars and newcomers. Koha. More info pls phone 4437388 Lyn CHEESE ROLLS for sale on Sunday the 14 August outside Mitre 10 and on Monday 15 August outside New World or to order ring or text Carolyn 0272538009
SALES CONSULTANT G.J. Gardner Homes is NZ’s leading group housing company. We are looking for a Sales Consultant to join our Wanaka team. We are seeking an experienced sales professional, or a person who believes they have what it takes to sell new homes, who wishes to have fantastic earning potential and enjoy the support and training provided by being a part of the sales team of NZ’s favourite home builder. To be successful in this role you will need to have: • Self motivation, as you are • Good attention to detail remunerated based on your own results • Keen interest to learn and improve • Superior communication skills • Desire to win and succeed If you believe you have the necessary attributes and can provide positive input in a team environment please forward your application now. Applications close: 26th August 2016 Manager, GJ Gardner Homes P.O. Box 2446, Wakatipu Email:
NZ’s No1 home builder
DROP IN SESSION Otago Regional Councillor Gary Kelliher will be at Urban Grind Café, Ardmore St, Wanaka Saturday 6th August 8.30am - 10.00am
Our HR Advisor Jason Sargeant is available Wanaka from Tuesday 2—9 August, including over the weekend, to personally answer your questions about being a Careworker. Contact Jason on 027 233 8970, or drop off your CV to Enliven Wanaka Manager Jacqui Boylen at Elmslie House, Stone St, Wanaka, any time.
Visit for full details. our services PAGE 12
If you have any issue you wish to discuss please feel free to drop in. THURSDAY 04.08.16 - WEDNESDAY 10.08.16
Ceiling could be people’s choice DANIELLE BUTLER After their success in making it to Smokefree Rockquest’s top 30, Mount Aspiring College band Ceiling has missed out on a spot in the top eight, although this could change with some support from their fans. Five bands and three solo artists
were selected to perform in September’s national final in Auckland, and Ceiling are still in the running to join them, as contenders for the People’s Choice award. Luke Burke, Ella Maluschnig, Tom Reaney and Morgan Allen, pictured, can be voted for by texting ceiling to 8466. Voting closes on August 22 at 2pm.
21st birthday for playgroup
$5000 regional scholarship GLENDA TURNBULL Queenstown Roost Mortgage Brokers and AMP are offering someone the chance to follow their dreams with the help of a $5000 AMP Regional Scholarship. The scheme is open to talented people in the Otago community to help them undertake projects of any size and description. Queenstown Roost Mortgage Broker Emma Pullar, said the AMP Scholarship programme provides a meaningful way for the company to give back to a community that has supported them for the past nine years. “We are part of a creatively rich community; one with ambition, talent and drive and we are keen to support this where we can. We are incredibly privileged to meet a broad range of applicants through the scholarship process; the spirit of the
people we learn about is astounding and we are proud to provide a helping hand to those with such epic dreams,” Emma said. In 2013, Arrowtown singer-songwriter Holly Arrowsmith received $10,000 to assist with recording and touring a full-length blues/folk album. Earlier this year, Holly, pictured, was awarded New Zealand music industry highest honour - a Tui Award - for the album. This year 14 adviser businesses in the AMP financial adviser network will each offer a $5000 scholarship to help someone in their region reach their goals. Over the past 18 years AMP Scholarships have provided more than $2 million to help more than 180 recipients achieve their dreams and this year a total of up to $200,000 is available to help talented and determined Kiwis pursue their dreams nationwide. Applications are open until August 25.
Parents, caregivers and children celebrated Wanaka Playgroup’s 21st birthday last week alongside playgroup staff past and present. Playgroup president Kelli McArthur
and new coordinator Anna Magrath are pictured with Jonah, Chloe and Rio enjoying their cake, with faces painted courtesy of Cheeky Chops’ Emily Sancha.
A guide for newcomers to the Queenstown Lakes District is due to be released next week. The council appealed to residents in the area in March, to ask them what they wish they had known before they moved here. Queenstown Lakes District Council communi-
Interim CE for Southern DHB STAFF REPORTER Nelson Marlborough Health chief executive Chris Fleming has been seconded to Southern DHB as interim chief executive. “Chris is an experienced CEO who has previously worked with Southern DHB, and will provide effective ongoing leadership for the DHB’s Owning our Future strategy as we seek a permanent appointment to the CEO role,” Southern DHB commissioner, Kathy Grant, said. Chris will join the DHB in mid-September for approximately six months while the recruitment process takes place. “We appreciate the support of THE WANAKA SUN
Nelson Marlborough Health in assisting us during this period. We look forward to welcoming Chris into the role, and working with him in the months ahead,” Kathy said. Chris has worked in the health sector for 23 years in a wide variety of roles including chief financial officer, general manager planning and funding, general manager surgical and ambulatory, and director of population health, planning and performance. He has been the chief executive officer of Nelson Marlborough Health since February 2013 and previously the South Canterbury District Health Board CEO for five years. He and his wife will relocate to Dunedin for the period of the secondment.
cations advisor Rebecca Pitts said, “The Newcomers Guide to the District is all about providing a bit of local knowledge for someone new to town, so getting set up, where to look for jobs and accommodation, settling into the community and things like that.” Rebecca said that the guide is currently being printed and should be available within the next week.
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THURSDAY 04.08.16 - WEDNESDAY 10.08.16
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Social programmes to suit parents THIN LIZZY HIGH DEFINITION INSTANT MAKE-OVER KIT This great little gift is all you need for an instant high definition. The iconic 6in1 Professional Powder compact, together with Flawless Fibre application brush instantly illuminates the face with a natural, healthy glow. Finish off your look with new Allday Flexi Mascara and Precision Liquid Eye Liner
FLash is a lash conditioning serum at an affordable price with a powerful promise. Get long, sexy curled lashes fast. Physician formulated and tested. Safe for sensitive eyes. Money-back guarantee. Easy 3 step application. Safe. Easy. Effective”
Buy two brushes and receive a free brush cleaning spray JIMMY CHOO EDP 60ML $124.99
GLENDA TURNBULL Wanaka Ski and Snowsports Club is offering a new social locals programme at Cardrona Alpine Resort this season. The five-week programme is held on the weekends and would suit parents with children in Hobbits or the High Performance Centre who want a less intensive skills development experience. There are also social ski programmes offered at Treble Cone, including the Sunday women’s social locals and the locals freeride which would suit parents with
children in the Riders and Sliders programme. The Wanaka Ski and Snowsports Club’s Grassroots programme offers funding for children to participate in the snowsports training offered by Treble Cone and Cardrona Alpine Resort. The club raises funds for the programme mainly through its race events, which also provide opportunities for local athletes to compete on their home mountains. The money raised is used to support top local athletes to compete in the northern hemisphere. Pictured: Social skiers at Ohau last year.
The work has been done STAFF REPORTER In just two weeks, Wanaka’s Tony Dodds will compete in the 2016 Rio Olympics. The triathlete’s race will be held at 11am local time on August 18 ( 2am NZT, August 19). He will finish training at altitude this week and travel to Banyoles, Spain, for ten days at sea level before
heading to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. “It has been a massive feat to get here, and now I finally feel like I have come together and am ready to go,” Tony said in his blog “... the work has been done and now it is all about putting a cap on it until the race.” Fellow local Olympic triathlete Nicky Samuels will race at 2am, August 21 (NZT).
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Free delivery to Wanaka, Cromwell and surrounds, PO boxes in Makarora, Cromwell, Haast, Wanaka, Albert Town and Hawea. Also distributed to businesses in the Wanaka business district Average circulation: 15,000 weekly.
Phone: 03 443 5252 Fax: 03 443 5250 Editor: Ruth Blunt Journalists: Danielle Butler Glenda Turnbull Social media: Nikki Heath Graphic design:
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Advertising: Benn Ashford 021 786740 Admin: 03 443 5252 Mail: PO Box 697, Wanaka
Deadlines: Display Advertising 4pm Friday prior to publication. Classified Advertising 5pm Monday prior Text: 0220 786 778 Subscriptions: $175 within NZ (including GST) per year. Overseas rates on request. Remittances to PO Box 697, Wanaka, NZ While every care is taken in the publication of advertisements, the publisher cannot be held responsible for errors or their subsequent effects. The right is reserved to alter, abbreviate, omit or reclassify advertisements for any reason. No portion of the content of the Wanaka Sun may be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the publisher.
THURSDAY 04.08.16 - WEDNESDAY 10.08.16
Kiwi kite surfers on the move in Europe
DANIELLE BUTLER Team Kiwi Kite Surfers is still making its way through Europe in a Suzuki Jimney to raise money for the Upper Clutha Children’s Medical Trust (UCCMT) and Cool Earth charity. So far, $3355 has been raised, with a spokesperson for UCCMT saying that they were very grateful to have been chosen by the team. Wanaka Helicopters instructor Dazza Sherwin and friend Leon Ford crossed the start line of the Mongol Rally in England on July 17, and since then have encountered only a few
issues, from needing a new radiator to losing their car keys. Dazza wrote on the pair’s blog, “It’s great to be on the road, we’ve had no drama so far driving on the right side and the Jimney is going extremely well with all the fixes.” Dazza and Leon’s goal before they reach the finish line on August 26 in Russia is to kiteboard in as many places along the way as possible, although a lack of wind has not made this easy so far. Pictured: Dazza at the ANZAC memorial in Ypres/Ieper, Belgium, STAFF REPORTER which the pair visited while waiting for the car’s radiator to be replaced.
FIS season starts
Avalanche triggered in Hidden Valley area GLENDA TURNBULL A size two avalanche was triggered by a group of skiers in an out-of-bounds area near Treble Cone in the Hidden Valley area on Sunday July 31. The avalanche was up to half a metre deep in open terrain. The four people in the group were not caught in it and skied out safely. Before leaving the area the group checked the debris for other skiers and carried out a transceiver sweep of the site which did not reveal any signals. The group also searched for visual tracks and along the full
Cardrona Alpine Resort and Wanaka Ski and Snowsports Club hosted the first International Ski Federation (FIS) races of the Australasian season on Monday and Tuesday (August 2 and 3), with 130 racers competing in giant slalom (GS) and slalom. Competitors coped well with the fresh snow and flat light which made for challenging racing in Monday’s GS, with Wanaka’s Piera Hudson and Queenstown’s Adam Barwood finishing on the podium. “I think the surface conditions were way better than anyone expected them to be with all the recent snowfall and the course workers did an awesome job to keep the courses maintained for a field of 130 plus,” Piera said. Piera was in second place after the first runs, but she went on to win the women’s race 0.46 seconds ahead of Americans Stephanie Lebby in second and Storm Klomhaus in third. “The first race of the season is always interesting,” Piera said. “I wasn't fully in race mode so to be in second position after first run with nearly a second on
length of the debris, and did not find any evidence of other individuals or groups in the area at the time. Treble Cone marketing and sales manager Sophie Luther said, “A phone call was received at Treble Cone by a member of the public who saw the party searching the debris. Treble Cone immediately initiated its search and rescue procedures and informed Wanaka police.” A helicopter took two Treble Cone patrollers along with two search dogs and their handlers to the area to carry out a final search of the debris. After the search the area was declared clear.
the clock to make up was good for me because it forced me to step it up, which I thankfully did.” Adam Barwood finished in second place in the men’s GS, 0.82s behind British racer Jack Gower and Matej Prielozny (SVK) in third place. Piera and Adam will be competing in the New Zealand Alpine National Championships and Coronet Cup scheduled to be held at Coronet Peak Ski Field next week. Piera is the defending NZ women’s GS and slalom champion. Wanaka’s Ben Richards - who secured podium spots in prestigious junior level events during a highly successful Northern Hemisphere season – put down a blistering first run time in the GS which saw him jump from start bib 89 to 12th place. An error on his second run saw him ski out of the course. Racers awoke to clear skies for Tuesday’s slalom races and cold overnight temperatures meant firmer course conditions. Treble Cone Race Academy athletes dominated the men’s podium with Hansi Schwaiger (GER) first, Keegan Sharp (CAN) second and Logan Martin (USA) third. Ben Richards put together another impressive performance with the third fastest time on the second run. He finished 16th overall. Pictured: Ben Richards competing at the Whistler Cup in April.
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THURSDAY 04.08.16 - WEDNESDAY 10.08.16
Student champs hit the slopes DANIELLE BUTLER Student skiers and snowboarders went up against each other last week in Mount Aspiring College’s annual ski and snowboarding championships. Students from years seven to 13 took part in the championships, held at Cardrona on Wednesday July 27. Year ten student Kate Richards topped the female ski-cross results and female skiers’ giant slalom, while year 12’s Ben Richards took the male top spot in the same category. Year 11’s Zoi Sadowski-Sinnott came top in both the female snowboarding giant slalom and the snowboard-cross results, followed closely by Lucy Hayes, with year 13’s Toby Murray coming top of the male snowboarding giant slalom. Male ski-cross was won by year 12’s Janus Staufenberg, with year 13’s Josh O’Regan coming first in the male snowboard-cross competition. Sports co-ordinator Jacky Toepfer congratulated all competitors for their “superb sportsmanship” and said that it was a great day.
Gymnasts excel at Otago Championships PHOTO: SUPPLIED
GLENDA TURNBULL Aspiring Gymsports will need a larger wall to display photos of their Otago champions, if results from the recent Otago Gymnastic Championships are anything to go by. The club produced three Otago champions last weekend in Dunedin, after their gymnasts faced tough competition from Christchurch, Timaru, Geraldine, Waimate, Queenstown, Dunedin and Invercargill. In only their second competition this year, Hunter Cranfield and James Watson
obtained personal best performances and podium places in Men’s Artistic Gymnastics (MAG) level one. Hunter was placed first in all six apparatus and James was placed second, gaining his first podium finish. Also competing, in his second competition of the year, Thomas Mitchell placed third overall while earning the title of Otago champion in MAG level two. Isabella Soper (pictured) competed in Women's Artistic Gymnastics (WAG) step five and took out the Otago championship as top Otago finisher. Isabella and her
teammate Sophie Stalker are the first two gymnasts from Wanaka to compete in national level step five. Aspiring Gymsport gymnasts will compete at the Southland Championships in Invercargill this weekend providing another opportunity for them to compete in a big stadium in the run up to the national championships. The New Zealand Gymnastic Championships are being held in Invercargill at the ILT stadium for the first time in September. Pictured: James Watson, Hunter Cranfield and Thomas Mitchell.
THURSDAY 04.08.16 - WEDNESDAY 10.08.16