Wanaka Sun | 22 - 28 September 2016 | Edition 784

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Gearing up for the Special Olympics.


NEW DOG CLUB When Leone Ward proposed forming a group for fun dog agility, she was overwhelmed by the response she got from the community.

PAGE 3 thewanakasun.co.nz

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THUR 22.09.16 - WED 29.09.16


Clean up day makes a difference GLENDA TURNBULL journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz

tured right) cleaned up around the school, Kirimoko and Sticky Forest. HFCS teacher Kirsten Moore said, “the students found many interesting objects such as a gutter, a deer head and clothing. It was disappointing to find illegal rubbish dumping at Sticky Forest. Over 15 large bags were collected in an hour and a half with most of the rubbish being building site waste.” The Wanaka Sun approached two local builders about the amount of building site waste collected. A spokesperson for Stonewood Homes Central Otago said their company was really conscious of containing any rubbish on work sites. “We have skips on all our sites and our project managers go around on a regular basis to make sure the tradesmen are putting the rubbish in the skips. The managers take photos if they are not and make the tradesman accountable for it.” Turnkey Homes client liaison manager Mel Mueller said that the company was proactive in contain-

he whole community came together last week to clean up Wanaka, Hawea, Luggate and surrounding areas as part of the annual Keep NZ Beautiful campaign. About 40 Don’t Chuck Your Muck volunteers got together last Wednesday, September 14 to pick up rubbish on the lakefront, Anderson Road, Aubrey Road and part of the Wanaka-Luggate Highway. Organisers Mandy Kain, Toad Innes and Barney Sundstrum were thrilled with the amount of people who turned up to help, but appalled at the amount of rubbish they collected. Toad said that there never used to be glass on the beaches in Wanaka. “It used to be beautiful. It is sad to see bottles and glass on the beach making it unsafe for our children and grandchildren to play.” At the end of the two hour clean-up there was a huge amount of rubbish collected (pictured below with some of the volunteers). “Our long term plan is to not pick up rubbish, but educate people to stop throwing their rubbish onto the side of the roads or letting it blow away. We collected a lot of building site material today. Be responsible for your rubbish,” Mandy said. Students at Holy Family Catholic School (pic-



ing rubbish at their building sites and reducing rubbish going to landfill. “We have a recycling programme in place on our sites. We have designated bins for cans, cardboard, paper and polystyrene and we have skips on site for all other rubbish. It is very difficult to keep control of all rubbish, especially in our windy environment,

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but we work very hard to keep tidy sites and to keep our rubbish under control,” Mel said. Lake Guardians and Hawea community members collected a huge trailer-load of recyclable material, together with two trailer loads of general rubbish. Over 500kg of waste was cleaned up from roadsides around the Hawea area. Luggate community group collected 23 bags of rubbish, a total of 80kg from the roadside around Luggate. .

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Trust formed to address Pledge against plastic success water quality issues GLENDA TURNBULL journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz The Guardians of Lake Wanaka have launched a new trust to address the issues of declining water quality in the lake. Lake Wanaka Trust (LWT) has been formed as a registered charity with the Charities Commission with Jeff Donaldson, Maggie Lawton, Calum MacLeod and Don Robertson being appointed trustees. LWT chairman Russell McGeorge said, “the purpose of the trust includes working with community groups and other organisations to safeguard and enhance the health and water quality of Lake Wanaka, and the wider catchment. To achieve this, the trust will seek and distribute funds to raise community awareness, support the development of management plans, and encourage research and monitoring of the lake and catchment.” The trust will also work through schools, community education groups and tertiary education institutions to “encourage and facilitate educational projects and programmes to foster better understanding and more involvement in freshwater management and the science it depends on”. The first initiative of the trust is

the development of an Alpine Lakes Research Education Centre (ALREC) to support the management of the iconic South Island alpine lakes, rivers and other freshwater ecosystems. The centre will be established on the Fish and Game site in Wanaka and an agreement has been reached between Lake Wanaka Trust, Fish and Game and the University of Otago to help safeguard the lakes long-term health. ALREC will be developed in conjunction with Otago Regional Council, the Ministry for Environment, Department of Conservation, Land Information New Zealand, Queenstown Lakes District Council and Federated Farmers. Involvement with freshwater researchers from other organisations such as NIWA, and the Cawthron Institute will also be encouraged. “The trust is keen to talk to community groups and individuals wishing to become members of the trust,” Russell said. In addition to research ALREC, which is currently in development stage, will provide an education and outreach facility for the local community and school groups who want to know more about and be involved in maintaining the health and beauty of their freshwater environment.

Organisations to strike a chord with committee GLENDA TURNBULL journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz In recent months Volunteering Central has noticed an increase of requests for committee members for local non-profit organisations. There is a wide variety of clubs in the local area, including sports clubs, children’s organisations and community groups seeking volunteers. Mostly, these organisations find their committee members from those directly involved in the group. However there are times when organisations need to look further afield to fill the positions. Volunteering Central senior coordinator Gillian White wrote in its recent newsletter groups seeking new committee members should ensure they take a good look at how they are viewed in the wider community. “Is it an appealing place to volunteer? Are the benefits to volunteers and the members/community clear? Is the timing of the role flexible and

therefore open to more potential volunteers? If an organisation can say yes to these answers then they should think about where to promote their roles - with their local volunteer centre, targeted promotion to likely groups of potential volunteers and wider promotion to the general community.” There is a lot of competition out there for volunteers and they need to strike a chord with potential volunteers. “There needs to be something that ignites a volunteer’s interest and a positive, friendly and efficient person on the end of the phone to deal with volunteer enquiries,” Gillian said. Volunteer Central is working with groups in Central to try and gain more committee members. “It is a hard task but if groups can take stock and reflect on some of these issues, we hope they will be successful in their quest for new people who will bring about fresh ideas to the range of local groups out there.”

STAFF REPORTER editor@thewanakasun.co.nz

Seventeen days and 197 pledges has made Plastic Bag Free Wanaka’s Pledge Me campaign a success. The campaign reached its funding goal of $5500 with 23 days left to go and people are still pledging with more than $6000 raised to date. “We are absolutely blown away,” PBFW founder Anna van Riel said. “We hoped that the crowd funding campaign would be a success, but to meet our target with three weeks still to go is unbelievable.” Anna said all the 200 Limited Edition Wanaka bags have been sold through the Pledge Me site. “If you haven’t got your name on one yet, don’t fret. Sewing kits for the limited edition bags are now up for sale on the Pledge Me site and we are working on some extra special options to put up over the next three weeks. The sewing team has been experimenting with some denim bags made from funky recycled jeans, that we think look stunning.” A stainless steel drink bottle and reusable glass cup with the Plastic Bag Free Wanaka logo are also for sale on the site. The 200 limited edition bags are being sewn through sewing bees and volunteer home-sewers, with some “super sewers” making ten or more bags each. “An astounding number of home-sewing kits have gone out, and the one-off bags are slowly making their way back to us. We have had folks from as far as Queenstown jump on board to help,” Anna said. But, Anna said, the project is not “stitched up” just yet. “We would love to hear from more people keen to sew bags at home.” PBFW will use the funds to release a commercially-made reusable Wanaka bag at an affordable


price, with any extra funds gathered through the campaign paying for a larger print run of bags and to work towards the group’s goal of making Wanaka plastic bag free by 2019. To donate or secure your PBFW branded goodie, go to pledgeme.co.nz before October 10 and search for Wanaka Bag. Two more sewing bees are planned today (Thursday, September 22) from 6pm to 9pm and on Saturday October 8 from 9.30am – 12.30pm at Mount Aspiring College, rooms 23 and 24. Anyone interested in home-sewing can email gina@wanakawastebusters.co.nz. Pictured: Anna van Riel shows off a denim bag made from recycled jeans.

Water new plants on Ruby Island, asks trust A planting day was held at Ruby Island last week by Te Kakano Aotearoa Trust and the Ruby Island Management Committee, with 75 porcupine and coprosma brunnea plants planted by 18 volunteers. The species were chosen as they are great habitats for the resident lizards.

Te Kakano’s Andrew Penniket said “it was important to get the plants in the ground before it gets too dry.” The plants have been marked on the Wanaka township side of the island. “It would be great if island visitors could assist in watering the plants over the warmer months.”

Donations to help make lasting change Presbyterian Support Otago will be hosting the inaugural Family Works Guardian Angel Day today (Thursday) in Dunedin, Alexandra, Cromwell and Wanaka. Members of the Family Works team will be at each Guardian Angel stand, with ones at New World Cromwell and Paper Plus Wanaka between 11am-2pm, to answer questions about the services and explain what a difference $1 a day can make. Guardian Angels give a $1 a day to help Otago children and families in need make

lasting change in their lives. Family Works has supported more than 5600 people with counselling services, social work, food parcels, housing and budget advice, advocacy and training in the past year. The most common issues Family Works see are poverty and hunger, unsafe housing and emotional stress, leading to or caused by relationship breakdown. Donations can also be made online at psotago.org.nz

www.rachelbrownwcb.com PAGE 2

THURSDAY 22.09.16 - WEDNESDAY 29.09.16


Blessing of the Stones SUN NEWS



Blessing of the stones to help save historic TarrasFUNDRAISER Church GLENDA TURNBULL journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz


Apprentice of the year award STAFF REPORTER editor@thewanakasun.co.nz Wanaka apprentice Caleb Nicol was awarded Central Otago Apprentice of the Year at the Motor Trade Association Southern Mainland Regional awards on Saturday, September 17. Caleb works for Grant Evans and Nicky McCarty at Wanaka Auto Repairs and is undertaking the National Certificate in Motor Industry Automotive Electrical Engineering. He has been an apprentice for two and half years. Most apprentices take three to four years to complete their apprenticeship, depending on their progress on out of job training. “Caleb is my first apprentice,” Grant said. But he intends on having

further apprentices in the future. “This is a very select process to ensure that the candidate falls within the criteria required by our business.” Grant said he was proud when Caleb accepted the apprenticeship, knowing he is going to have a good future in the trade. “I only wish more young people would look at a career in the automotive industry as it is a technical and challenging industry with many benefits.” The event was held at the Bill Richardson Transport Museum in Invercargill. Pictured: Caleb, with Nicky and Grant, shows off his trophy, certificate, plaque and a $200 tool voucher from Repco.

Feedback on ACC levy setting STAFF REPORTER editor@thewanakasun.co.nz ACC is seeking feedback about levy setting for the 2017 to 2019 period, as part of a consultation process running from September 21 to October 19, 2016 at shapeyouracc. co.nz. “ACC belongs to every New Zealander and the levy consultation process provides everyone with an opportunity to tell us what they think,” ACC board chair, Dame Paula Rebstock, said. “This feedback is important as it helps us to form our proposals as well as challenge our thinking on levies.” There will be changes to some levies in the coming year and ACC is working to ensure levies are fair, to help its customers understand the levy-setting process, the part it plays

and the value they receive in return, Dame Paula said. “While we will be making every effort to reduce levies where possible, as more New Zealanders benefit from the support we provide, we will continue to experience increases in medical and compensation costs. ACC has also achieved healthy investment returns over the last few years, which reduces the total levies we need to collect. For two of the three levies, this means we will see a reduction.” A summary of the levy proposals include: A 10 percent reduction in the work levy for businesses and major changes to workplace safety incentive programmes. An increase in the earners’ levy of 3 percent for employees due to a rise in claims. A reduction of up to 13 percent to petrol and registration levies for car owners.



The Tarras community is holding a fundraiser to save the Tarras Church on Saturday September 24 at 11am. The Tarras Church has been put up for sale by the owners, the Presbyterian Church, and the Tarras community is proposing to purchase the property to preserve the church for future generations as a multi-purpose community amenity. One of the concerns about the church building was that significant earthquake proofing work would have to be carried out to make the building safe. Tarras Community Action Group member John Perriam said the group had received an engineer’s PHOTO: SUPPLIED report which has been encouraging and they will can pass onto next generation. Thefor linkfuture with generatio be presenting the resultsThe of the reportcommunity at the next are proposing Tarras to the preserve their church the Tarras church is very strong, so it is going to be community meeting. purpose community amenity. To achieve this they would need to purchase the lan “We have a united unanimous mandate from the a very great occasion,” John said. MembersChurch, of the Arrowtown, Lowburn and community that this is the they want thedirection currentthat owners, the Presbyterian who are putting the church up for sa Cardrona curling clubs will have their curling to move to try and preserve the church for future stones blessed. The ceremony includes eating a generations,” John said. Everyone welcome small piece of haggis and partaking of a dram of The fundraiser is a kickstart to cover the costs of single malt. The ceremony will be followed by a the engineer’s report and stabilisation costs. BYO lunch, refreshments, live auction and display The day will begin with a Blessing of the Stones Saturday, 24atSeptember of heritage curling stones Bendigo Historic at the Tarras Church. 12.30pm. Langbein and Stones at Tarrasfrom Church forAnnabel Blessing of the “It is a first doing the blessing with curling 11am Homestead Ted Hewetson will be guests of honour. stones. Curling stones get passed on from one followed by For further information contact John Perriam on generation to the next and the community feel that 027 2453027 or bendigo@xtra.co.nz 12.30 at Bendigo Historic Homestead for BYO lunch and re the church is one of the few community assets we


Live Auction

INBRIEF including curling stones, helicopter flights, Highlands Park, gardening serv experience, local wines and products Wanakafest: not gone just resting GLENDA TURNBULL journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz

The decision was made last week to post-

poneof thehonour event until next year. Guests Annabel Langbein and Ted Hewetson “We still have the resource consent to run Display of Heritage Curling Stone Collection The annual October festival Wanakafest will the festival and we have interested parties who Scottish theme not go ahead this year, despite efforts by want to put the festival together, but it was all Sausage winetotasting forthis small donation Trustee Richard Elvey and his team. a bitsizzle late inand the day get it offavailable the ground

The annual event has been run for many year. We have decided to wait 12 months and years and included a street parade and party, Community Action Group:in Felicity Bev Batchelar deliver a festival 2017 Hayman, that everyone can be and John Perriam Rotary duck race, polar plunge, cardboard Contacts: 027 2453027 or bendigo@xtra.co.nz proud of.John It is Perriam not gone it is just resting for a boat race and live music on the lakefront. year. Watch space,” said. Spin Lucasthis 03 445 2885Richard or spin.ninemile@gmail.com

Daylight savings starts this weekend GLENDA TURNBULL journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz It is time to turn your clocks forward one hour this Sunday September 25, for the start of daylight saving. The official start is when 2am

becomes 3am on Sunday morning. The period of daylight saving runs from the last Sunday in September until the first Sunday in April. The time change means there will be more light in the evening to get out and enjoy activities after school and work.



THURSDAY 22.09.16 - WEDNESDAY 29.09.16



Wanaka Sun fashion guide: Shoes


TRUDIE MILLAR Fashion correspondant Flat shoes have made a huge entrance this spring. Sporting metallic fabrics, studded detailing, patterned, strappy, embellished, pointed - there are no boundaries, just have fun! They are the ‘it’ shoe for the season, so I have some great tips on how to wear them. Pointed toe flats are my favourite. They elongate and extend your legs, they have been in style for a few years, and are not going anywhere. They are a little bit naughty and sexy. It’s a shoe that can easily transition from night to day. They do have a reputation for being uncomfortable, so make sure the pointed part is longer than your toe so they don’t get squished. Leather and suede are best as they are breathable, and mould to your foot avoiding blisters. If you have high arches an insole is a good idea. It is better to reveal more of your foot as it gives the illusion of a longer leg. Sandals and toe posts are great options for a flat shoe. Be sure to expose your ankle when wearing flats with pants, as they don’t give you the

height boost that heels do. Roll up your cuffs and let your flats be on display. If you are petite, match the detailing with fine lace-ups or delicate floral embellishments. A fuller figure should steer clear of delicate details as they can make your ankles appear bigger and be disproportionate to your frame. Instead, go for bold features such as studs. If your legs are heavy, avoid short ankle straps unless they are flesh toned, not too thick and not too tight. Instantly tone down a mini skirt or a short dress with flats. Too much sexy in one outfit does not equal chic! Flat shoes with long hemlines such a maxi skirts give a relaxed cool vibe, perfect for the weekend. Menswear inspired flats can be tricky to pull off. Tassel details, loafer styles are very chic but they can cut off the ankle. Flats are so comfy you may want to wear them all the time, I do! Black tends to be more dressy, and colourful is more playful and casual. A pointed toe is more dressy than a rounded toe. Matt is casual, patent leather or metallics are more dressy. So treat your feet this season. A girl can never have too many shoes!

Wanaka Sun dining guide


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New dog club for Wanaka GLENDA TURNBULL journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz When Leone Ward put a post on Facebook asking if anyone was interested in forming a group for fun dog agility in Wanaka, she was overwhelmed by the response she got from the community. With so much interest in the idea, Leone made enquiries with the council to see if they could allocate some land for the club and get some funding. “To be eligible for funding we needed to form a club and become an incorporated society so we can apply for equipment,” Leone said. Last week the fledgling group met to discuss what they wanted for the club.

“A group of us have decided to set up Wanaka Dog Club, initially for agility and then other dog activities. We are in the process of forming an incorporated society so we can apply for funding. There are a lot of dogs in Wanaka and people want to exercise them and have them socialise with other dogs in a safe environment,” Leone said. The group is looking for an area of about one to five acres, preferably with a building they can use for storage. “If there is anyone that may have suitable land that we may be able to use, we would like to hear from them,” Leone said. The next meeting for the group will be at the St John meeting rooms at 7pm on September 28. Baxter is pictured walking the plank.

Shared records system to go live STAFF REPORTER editor@thewanakasun.co.nz Health providers in the catchment covered by the Southern District Health Board and WellSouth will have access to a shared patient records system from Tuesday September 27. Southern DHB chief medical officer Dr Nigel Millar said “moving to the shared patient records system, HealthOne, is a great initiative which puts patient safety first.” HealthOne is a secure system that respects patient privacy. Patient information – such as health conditions, test results, medications and allergies – is available to authorised healthcare

providers who can only see relevant information when they are treating a patient. Dr Nigel Millar said it will mean better care for patients. “For many people, visiting a GP or being admitted to hospital can be daunting. HealthOne can reduce some of that stress for people. There will be less need for patients to repeat themselves or remember the details of the medications they have been prescribed.” Wanaka Medical Centre and Aspiring Medical Centre are among the 89 percent of GPs to have already signed up to the system. People can opt out or request specific information is not shared by calling freephone 0508 837 872 or emailing privacy@healthone.org.nz.

Distinguished professor presents lecture STAFF REPORTER editor@thewanakasun.co.nz Big Steps Forward: Osteoporosis and Bone Disease is the next lecture hosted by the Wanaka branch of Royal Society NZ. It is the 2016 Rutherford Lecture, a partnership between the Royal Society of NZ and the Health Research Council and is supported by Osteoporosis NZ. Distinguished Professor Ian Reid, MD FRSNZ, will discuss the impact and treatment of bone diseases including osteoporosis and Paget's disease. Keeping bones strong over a lifetime is a longstanding challenge for medical health research and treatment. Ian Reid's 30-year research career has led to discoveries and new treatments that can improve bone health. His research is supported by

the Health Research Council of New Zealand. Distinguished professor Ian Reid is a distinguished professor in medicine at the University of Auckland,where he is deputy dean of the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. His research interests include calcium metabolism and osteoporosis. He is a past-president of the International Bone and Mineral Society and a recipient of the Bartter Award from the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research and the Haddad Award from the European Calcified Tissue Society. In 2015 he was awarded the Liley Medal and the 2016 Rutherford Medal and together with his research group received the 2015 Prime Minister's Science Prize. The lecture will be held at the Presbyterian Community Centre on Friday, September 30.


Project of the year award GLENDA TURNBULL journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz Queenstown Airport Corporation (QAC) has won the Beca Project of the Year Award, for the airport’s successful runway widening and overlay to allow after-dark flights, at the New Zealand Airports Conference in Nelson. Queenstown is the fastestgrowing airport in Australasia, with a record 1.65 million passengers during the 12 months to June 2016, reflecting a sustained pattern of passenger growth. QAC has undertaken a series of infrastructure improvements including a $17 million international terminal upgrade, and in 2012, QAC formed a working group of technical experts from Airways NZ, Air New Zealand, Jetstar and Qantas to prepare a Foundation Safety Case for after-dark flights. After getting the go ahead for the project, the $19.65 million runway and lighting upgrade had to be finished by April 2016, before the 2016 winter ski season, to allow time for regulatory inspections, approvals and test flights in May 2016. Beca principal/technical director, airports, Tristan Hughes said the award was fully deserved for a truly

collaborative effort between all parties. “The various packages of work which were successfully completed will provide not only an easing of capacity constraints for the airport but will also provide a huge boost for tourism for the region.” QAC general operations manager Mike Clay said the award was unexpected. “We knew we were up against some stiff competition because there is a lot going on in airports around New Zealand. The real driver for us was that Queenstown Airport is growing exponentially but in winter our operational hours were restricted to daylight-only which held us back to eight hours a day.” “This project has effectively doubled our operational usage in winter and delivered a long-term growth opportunity for the airport and the region’s visitor sector. It could not have been achieved without the commitment and collaboration of our partners across the aviation industry and we are delighted with the results.” Pictured: Dan Easterby and George Leidig (Downer), Richard Holyoake (Beca), Craig McKenzie (Downer), Colin Keel and Mike Clay (QAC), and Doug Forsyth (Downer).

Green Love your Snow breakfast GLENDA TURNBULL journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz Green Party co-leader James Shaw is concerned about the impacts of climate change on our winters and is visiting Wanaka with Hayley Holt next Monday September 26 to talk to locals about the issue. “You live, work and play in the heart of one of our most beautiful

snow-filled regions and we want to hear your thoughts about the opportunities and potential risks to your community. Join me for coffee and muffins and share all the reasons you #LoveSnow,” James said. James and Hayley will be at Beanie Cafe from 7.30 to 8.30am. Register your interest with dave. butler-peck@parliament.govt.nz.

Nobles, peasants and knights at festival STAFF REPORTER editor@thewanakasun.co.nz Organisers of the Holy Family School Medieval Festival are hoping to turn time back with attendees dressing up for the occasion. “We would love people to come dressed up in medieval garb,” Grainne Power, one of the organisers, said. “This can be anything from the peasant/serf clothing, which is as simple as a loose tunic/shirt and leggings, to the more elaborate noble men and women's outfits.” Grainne said costumes could be hired locally from Hoopla or, if there is sufficient interest they may be able to negotiate a deal from Christchurch’s Petticoat Lane. Anyone interested in hiring costumes can contact Grainne on fots@holyfamilywanaka.school.nz. But, Grainne said, dressing up is not compulsory to attend the November 5 event. Rippon Hall will be transformed on the day into a medieval village complete with artisan crafts, a knights' encampment, roving musicians and THE WANAKA SUN

peddlers among other things. An opening procession, from Rippon driveway to the hall, will be led by Central Otago's town cryer, followed by the musicians from the Dunedin Medieval and Renaissance Society. Armoured knights will be present followed by anyone else who chooses to dress up in medievalinspired costumes. Horsemanship displays and hobby horse jousting, trebuchet/catapult firing and period dancing, costume making and calligraphy workshops are just a few of the many activities planned for the event. There will also be free demonstrations and hands-on activities suitable for all ages. The closing procession will be similar to the opening procession but, as attendees will have had the opportunity to make and accessorise costumes on the day, the town crier, Paddy-Ann Pemberton, will judge the best costumes. Paddy-Ann will be teaching children at Holy Family how to write a cry tomorrow (Friday, September 23) as there will be a town crying competition on the day. THURSDAY 22.09.16 - WEDNESDAY 29.09.16

Alba Plumbing Gas and Heating is a new company in the Wanaka area, owned and operated by Gordon McTavish (Certifying Plumber, Gasfitter, and Drainlayer). Gordon lived and worked in Germany for over 13 years, and brought that experience to Wanaka in 2005 where he's been ever since. Our goals are simple. Look after the clients, offer the best service possible, and take pride in your work! We are dedicated, professional and most importantly listen to our client’s needs and wants. - Plumbing and Gas - Drainage systems - New builds

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Mini mountain winners STAFF REPORTER editor@thewanakasun.co.nz Further to our report on the overall winners of the Southern Lakes Youth Freeride Tour last week, here are the winners of the Pump Mini Mountain, which was the third and final stop on the tour. It took place in Upper Sinclair’s in the Home Basin at Treble Cone. Poppy Freeman (female, ski, under-8) 72.33; Dylan Brown (male, ski, under-8) 79.00; Jalen Carleton (male, snowboard, under-8) 73.00; Anise Maclean (female,

ski, under-10) 80.00; Vincent Gerrard (male, ski, under-10) 80.33; Zavier Taylor (male, snowboard, under-10) 70.67; Yasmin Coombe, pictured, (female, ski, under-12) 77.67; Luca Harringtonn (male, ski, under-12) 93.00; Jack Jeffs (male, snowboard, under-12) 74.67; Shaneil Coupe(female, ski, under-14) 82.67; Marcus Hetherington (male, ski, under-14) 84.00; Timo Fitzpatrick (male, snowboard, under-14) 78.67; Isabella Thomsson (female, ski, under-16) 79.33; Henry Freeman (male, ski, under-16) 71.67.


Feminine focus on Perfect Woman comp GLENDA TURNBULL journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz

Head Injury in Children

Despite helmets for risky activities, kids still hit their heads and suffer concussion. There are degrees of Dr Susie Meyer concussion and BSc, BHB, MBChB, the worst ones FRNZCGP result in a short period of unconsciousness, known as a “knock out”. A “knock out” can result in memory loss of events prior to the injury – technically called retrograde amnesia. If the person can remember the moments before the impact it is considered a lesser injury than if they can only recall yesterday’s events. Symptoms can include poor balance, odd behaviour, repetition of questions, and vomiting. These usually resolve over a few hours. Symptoms that persist longer, even after a mild injury, are recurring headache, irritability, fragile emotions, and intolerance to noises. Once they have been checked over by your GP, most children can be cared for at home. Full recovery can take days or sometimes weeks. For a lot of these kids, headaches appear to have resolved, until they get physically active or use their minds. Unfortunately, having a head injury is boring! Rest, sleep and time are the best remedies for progressing a full recovery. Participating in activities such as physical play, reading, watching TV or playing computer games can bring back the headache. While recovering, children will feel better if they have a low stimulus environment and avoid large groups of people. A gradual return to normal activity may mean that they attend school for half days in the interim. If you have on-going concerns, get them checked out by your doctor.

Women from around New Zealand will once again descend on Wanaka’s Bullock Bar during Labour Weekend October 22 – 23 for the challenge to become the Perfect Woman 2016. This year the competition is back with a new sponsor. Stonewood Homes (Central Otago) Ltd has taken on the naming rights of the event which is now to be called The Stonewood Homes Perfect Woman Competition. Competition founder, Stew Burt says, “It is fantastic to have Stonewood Homes as our major sponsor as they fit so well with the concept of the perfect woman,

being a typical Kiwi girl who can do anything both around the home and in our marvelous outdoors.” Stonewood Homes Wanaka area owner, Mark Harry said, “ We see this as an excellent fit for our brand as women tend to be the main decision makers when building new homes.” The event will be different to previous years, focusing more on the feminine side of "The Perfect Woman.” The event created huge media attention back in 2002 when first launched by then Wanaka publican Stew Burt to help lift sales during what used to be a very quiet time for Wanaka. It has run each year since apart from two, both times for the Wanaka Bullock Bar to change hands.

The event has become a major fundraiser for The Canlive Cancer Trust set up by Stew and his late wife Liz Burt after visiting The Gawler Foundation in Australia. The Trust runs annual retreats around Wanaka, now taken by Dr Ian and Dr Ruth Gawler. Day one will see the women performing various tasks from straining a fence wire and backing a trailer to making a batch of scones and designing their first Stonewood Home. Day two will see the top ten qualifiers complete more specialised tasks like jet boat driving, digging a fence post in and being a domestic goddess. The winner will receive $1000 cash and bragging rights for a year.

Voting underway, special votes available Voting is underway in this year’s local body elections, with delivery of voting papers completed yesterday (Wednesday). Queenstown Lakes District electoral officer Jane Robertson is encouraging anyone who has not received their voting papers in the mail this week to visit the council’s offices and make a special vote. That will enable them to take part

in choosing the district’s new mayor, councillors and Wanaka Community Board. The election also includes the Dunstan Constituency of the Otago Regional Council. People who are not on the electoral roll can enrol and cast a special vote, provided they are at least 18 years old, are a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, and have lived at their current

address for at least one month. Special votes are available until midday on Saturday October 8, when the election closes. Making a mistake when voting doesn’t necessarily mean the voting paper needs to be replaced, Ms Robertson says. “Provided the voter’s intention is clear, then crossing out a “tick” for the wrong candidate doesn’t invalidate the ballot paper,” Janes said.

Call: 443 0725 www.aspiringmedical.co.nz 23 Cardrona Valley Road, Wanaka PAGE 6

THURSDAY 22.09.16 - WEDNESDAY 29.09.16





Letters to the Editor editor@thewanakasun.co.nz/ Senior children from Holy Family Catholic School cleaned up around Kirimoko and Sticky Forest as part of the annual Keep NZ Beautiful campaign. They were not impressed with what they found: Dear Wanaka, We were really disappointed with the rubbish that we found when we went for a walk around Kirimoko and Sticky Forest. 1. We found an illegal dumping i.e. jumpers, a bag of hair, dog poo. 2. Sadly we found a lot of broken bottles, smashed glass and metal cans. 3. Building site rubbish was unacceptable. 4. We also found polystyrene, New World bags, cardboard and popped balloons, one jersey, one pair of underwear and some un-owned socks, one sold sign and a butter knife. All together two of our classes got six bags of garbage WANAKA KEEP OUR TOWN RUBBISH FREE. From Indigo (Year 6) and Lily (Year 5), both age 10. Dear editor, It was very disappointing at the amount of rubbish I found in Sticky Forest. There was also a lot of cigarettes. If people could put their rubbish in the bin, it would make a big difference. We only have one world and we need to look after it. From Emily (Year 5), age 9. Dear editor, On Friday my school walked around sticky forest to collect rubbish for Clean­up NZ week and we were very disappointed at the the amount of rubbish that we found, especially the amount of glass and building rubbish. There was one illegal dumping and we weren’t impressed by it, in that there was cigarettes, dog poo in bags, glass, cans and plastic drink bottles and bags. Some people found very unusual items like clothing, bones, paint brushes, and water pipes. In the end we came back with about six big bags of rubbish. I hope that the people of Wanaka can take more responsibility for their rubbish. Yours sincerely, Lottie (Year 5), age 10. Dear editor, I am extremely disappointed about the amount of rubbish in our environment. There was a lot of disgusting rubbish and rather a lot from building sites. We need to look after our only environment because it is a beautiful place. The more we pick up the better it is. Everybody should take responsibility for what we have and not waste this one and only world. When the rubbish is in the bin, it will create a safer cleaner place to live. This will be a great thing if everyone helps just a little bit. Yours sincerely Amy (Year 5), age 9.

Sponsored by

Blessing of the Stones SAVE THE TARRAS CHURCH FUNDRAISER The Tarras community are proposing to preserve their church for future generations as a multi-purpose community amenity. To achieve this they would need to purchase the land and building from the current owners, the Presbyterian Church, who are putting the church up for sale.

Everyone welcome Saturday, 24 September 11am at Tarras Church for Blessing of the Stones followed by 12.30 at Bendigo Historic Homestead for BYO lunch and refreshments and Live Auction including curling stones, helicopter flights, Highlands Park, gardening services, whitebaiting experience, local wines and products Guests of honour Annabel Langbein and Ted Hewetson Display of Heritage Curling Stone Collection Scottish theme Sausage sizzle and wine tasting available for small donation Community Action Group: Felicity Hayman, Bev Batchelar and John Perriam Contacts: John Perriam 027 2453027 or bendigo@xtra.co. .nz Spin Lucas 03 445 2885 or spin.ninemile@gmail.com

The Wanaka Sun is delivered to mailboxes across Wanaka and the surrounding areas.

Are you or any of your friends not getting the Wanaka Sun delivered? Give us a call now on 03 4435252 and we will make sure our new contractor delivers to you! THE WANAKA SUN

THURSDAY 22.09.16 - WEDNESDAY 29.09.16





memorable. Hiking and showcasing the outdoors is an expectation. This position is for the Summer months and operates with multi day rosters requiring successive overnight stays at the remotely HOST/GUIDE Choose New Zealand’s Favourite No.1 Builder se wChoose Zealand’s New Zealand’s Choose New Favourite Zealand’s New Favourite Zealand’s No.1 Favourite Builder No.1 Favourite Builder No.1 Builder No.1 Builder located Minaret Station Alpine Lodge. The successful applicant will ideally be flexible, Minaret Station Alpine Lodge is a family owned accommodating, show initiative, be comfortable tourism business operating as a division of flying, and hold a current First Aid certificate. The Alpine Group Limited. Based in Wanaka, No.Homes, 1 in New Value,Homes, No. 1 in New Homes, 1 in No. Value, 1 inNo. Value, No. 11 inin No. New Value, 1 No. Homes, in New 1No. in Value, 1Homes, in New we specialise No. in Guided Hunting, Guided Fishing, Heli-Skiing, Heli-Adventures guests No. 1 in No. Service 1 with in Service No. 1 in Service No. 1 in ServiceNo. 1 in Service accommodated and hosted in New Zealand’s Great reputation Great Lodge. reputation Great reputation Great reputation Great reputation most remote Luxury We require an experienced, well presented and Proventocommitment to quality Proven commitment Proven commitment Proven to quality commitment Proven to quality commitment to quality quality hardworking Host/Guide to join our dedicated team at Minaret Station Alpinecontract Lodge. Fixed contract Fixed price FixedThis contract price Fixedprice contract Fixed price contract price pivotal role is dual purpose. The successful completion times Agreed Agreed completion completion Agreed times completion Agreed times completion timesAgreed times applicant will be an active and amiable individual with exceptional people skills, who has an affinity Full project management Full project Full management project Fullmanagement projectFull management project management and understanding of New Zealand's outdoors and high country. The ability totorelate well toservice Commitment to customer service Commitment Commitment Commitment customer to customer Commitment to customer serviceto service customer service discerning guests and clients from all over Experienced, Experienced, Experienced, friendly team team friendly team friendly team friendly Enquiries and applications to: team the world is paramount, as is friendly theExperienced, ability to Experienced, recruitment@alpinegroup.co.nz host them at the lodge and make their stay Quality products

Make the Wise Choice ake ehe Make the Wise the Wise the Wise Choice Wise Choice Choice Choice

Night Porter/Housekeeper Not Afraid Of Things That Go Bump In The Night! Trouble Sleeping? This could be the 30 hours a week job for you Night Porter at Cromwell’s Only Hotel & Tourist Centre Bumps in the night, unusual requests from guests, occasional emergency situations; they’re all part of what makes life interesting for the night porter at Cromwell’s only hotel and tourist centre. Always a great place to work, it will be even better when multi-million dollar work is completed in early December. As night porter you must be trustworthy, personable and reliable with no family commitments or health issues that could mean last minute calls to say you can’t come to work. To help you keep wide awake and blood circulating during the wee small hours, housekeeping is part of the job. Attention to detail and pride in work well done is a must. For this Tues – Fri (so you still get Saturday night to go out) 10.30pm – 6am opportunity send your CV to executive housekeeper Alison at Alison@Thegate.nz or phone 027 52 64 754 between 9am and 2pm.


Quality Quality productsproducts Quality products Quality products

Great range Greatofrange plans Great of range plans Great of plans range ofGreat plans range of plans

CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR More choice and flexibility More choice Moreand choice More flexibility and choice flexibility More andchoice flexibility and flexibility

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Unbeatable VALUE Unbeatable Unbeatable VALUE Unbeatable VALUEUnbeatable VALUE VALUE G.J. Gardner Homes is NZ’s leading group housing company. We are looking for a Construction toYour join our Wanaka team.assurance Your final assurance is this YourSupervisor final Your assurance final assurance final is this Your assurance is final this is this is this We are seeking a confident person with strong self motivation and a keen eye for simple fact – more New Zealanders simple fact simple – more fact simple – New more fact Zealanders simple New – more Zealanders fact New – more Zealanders New Zealanders quality workmanship. trusttheir G.J. Gardner trusttoG.J. trust Gardner G.J. Gardner toG.J. build trust Gardner totheir build G.J. to their Gardner build to build their to build their You will need be able totrust prioritise and meet deadlines. Customerhomes focus and timeliness is imperative as well any as strong communication to homes any otherskills builder. than homes any than homes other any builder. than other homes any builder. other than builder. otherthan builder. liaise with both contractors and customers. If you have a building or contract management background this could be an ideal opportunity. QueeNstoWN/WaNaka oFFiCes shoWhoMes WN/WaNaka ka es QueeNstoWN/WaNaka oFFiCes shoWhoMes oFFiCes shoWhoMes oFFiCes shoWhoMes shoWhoMes We offer a friendly and positive working environment and excellent remuneration including Jack’s Point Wanaka Lower shotover Frankton Wanaka Jack’sshotover Point Jack’s Point Jack’s Point Jack’s Point aka WanakaWanaka Wanaka Lower shotover Lower shotover Lower Lower shotover Frankton Wanaka Wanaka Wanaka vehicle and phone. 2 Hackett Cres 33–35 Reece CresAubrey 39 Stalker Rd Cres 70 Glenda Corner Aubrey Hackett Cres 2 Hackett Cres 2Rd Hackett Cres 2 Hackett es 5 Reece 33–35 Cres 33–35 Reece Cres 39 Rd 39Corner Stalker Rd392 Stalker 39 Stalker Rd 70 Glenda Dr Reece CornerCres Aubrey Corner RdDrAubrey Corner RdStalker Aubrey Rd Rd Rd Ph: (03) 442 8840 Ph: 443 2196 (03) 442 442 8840 Ph: (03) 442 8840 &8840 Mount Linton Ave Ph:(03) (03) 442 Ph: 8840 (03) 442 8840 Ph: (03) 442Ph: 8840 Ph: close (03) 8840 September 03) 6 443 Ph: 2196 Ph: (03) 443 2196 (03)(03) 442Ph: 8840 (03) 442Linton 8840 Ph: 442 Ph: (03) 442 8840 40 Ph: (03) 2196 442(03) 8840 &443 Mount Linton & Mount Ave Linton &Ph: Mount Ave Linton &Ave Mount Ave Applications 30th If you believe you have the necessary OPEN Wed – Sun OPEN – (03) Fri WedWed – Friday Mon Ph: (03) 2196 OPEN Wed –Friday Sun443 Wed –OPEN Sun WedOPEN – Sun OPEN – Sun N –OPEN Fri – Fri Mon – OPEN Fri OPEN Mon –Fri Fri2196 OPEN WedMon OPEN – Ph: Friday Wed –OPEN Friday –OPEN OPEN Wed – Friday OPEN ri Mon Mon Ph: (03) 443Ph: 2196 (03)–443 Ph: (03) 443 2196 443 2196Wed Email: chris.hogan@gjgardner.co.nz 1pm – 4pm 9am – 5pm – 4pm 8.30am–5pm – Sun 1pm – 4pmOPEN 1pm –Wed 4pm 1pm – 4pm 1pm1pm – 4pm –5pm 9am–5pm 1pm –Wed 4pm – 4pm – 4pm 1pm – 4pm 8.30am –9am–5pm 5pm OPEN Wed OPEN – Sun Wed –OPEN Sun –1pm Sun OPEN Wed1pm – Sun attributes and can provide positive 1pm – 4pm 1pm–4pm 1pm–4pm 1pm – 4pm – 4pm Post: PO Box 2446, Wakatipu, input in a team environment1pm please Queenstown 9349 forward your application now.

Wanaka Marina Limited wishes to advise that in terms of the company’s resource consent conditions, there will be chemical weed control measures taking place from the 10th October 2016 until 31st October 2016 depending on weather conditions. The chemical, Diquat, will be applied within 25 metres of the marina structure by ERMA approved licensed applicator, Landcare Services Limited. Access to the marina and surrounding water ways will be restricted during the period of application. Signage will be placed in the area to notify to public of the restricted access. This notice is given in accordance with the Otago Regional Council Water Use & Management policy under clause 12:7.1.1ii For further details please feel free to contact the applicator Graeme Larcombe on 027-222 5467 or the Marina Secretary Shane Gibson on 03-443-0086.

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N O T I C E B O A R D Meeting Schedule for October 2016 Public Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 46 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 that meetings of the Council will be held as listed below, during the month of October 2016.

Commercial For Lease Spencer House Mall

1 Tenancy Left

Unit 7 Frederick Street


$200.00 per sqm/pa $833+gst+opex pm

District Licencing Committee Hearing – Court Room 2, Queenstown Court, Stanley Street, Queenstown. Monday 3 October 2016 at 9.30am.

Businesses For Sale

Elmslie Job Vacancies • Cook • Housekeeper • Gardener/Grounds Person Full details on-line at psotago.org.nz/jobs

Proposed District Plan Hearings – Hearings to consider submissions to the QLDC Proposed District Plan will commence on 10 October 2016 on the following chapters: • Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 – Residential For detailed information on these hearings please see our website www.qldc.govt.nz/planning/district-plan/proposed-district-plan/

$1,950,000+ gst (if any)

Luggate Hotel (Freehold)

60 Main Road

In2Learning Centre

115 Kings Drive

The Brooklyn Barber

3/31 Dunmore Street

The Yard

14 Reece Crescent

$222,000 + gst (if any) By Negotiation Price on Application

Audit and Risk Committee – Council Chambers, 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown. Tuesday 4 October 2016 at 8.30am. Queenstown Lakes District Council – Council Chambers, 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown. Thursday 6 October 2016 at 1.00pm. Resource Consent Hearing – Crowne Plaza Hotel’s Boardroom (Level 3), Beach Street, Queenstown. Wednesday 19 October 2016 at 10.00am. These meetings are open to the public with the exception of the Audit & Risk Committee, which will be held with the public excluded, pursuant to Sections 7(2)(b) (ii) and 7(2)(h) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

our services


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Wanaka Real Estate Ltd (Licensed REAA (2008)

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Private Bag 50072 | 47 Ardmore Street Wanaka | Phone 03 443 0024


THURSDAY 22.09.16 - WEDNESDAY 29.09.16






2004 MAZDA Bounty STX double cab, canopy, 152,000 kms , nudge bar, good condition. $13,500. Please ph 0276011377.

SUNDAY CRAFT Markets start next month!!! Stallholder application forms are at the QLDC, Wanaka Library or from sundaymarkets@hotmail.com Content advisory: distressing baby cries, post-natal depression and sweary language.


LOSING FAITH a play by Liz Breslin directed by Fiona Armstrong

WANAKA SALVATION Army Family Store. Opening Hours – Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm, Saturday 9.30am – 4pm. We look forward to seeing you here!

Sept 27-30, 7.30pm Oct 1st, 11am

DONATIONS KINDLY received. Please drop them into the Salvation Army Family store or ph 443 5068 to book a pick up. BUSINESS NETWORKING International. The Wanaka chapter of BNI meets weekly at 7am Tuesday morning. Great networking opportunity to grow your business. Contact Rosie Ford for information 021 189 6671 WANAKA PRIMARY School ‘Op Shop’ open Tues & Thurs - 12 midday to 4pm. Use Koru Way entrance, off Totara Terrace, alongside the steps. RAGS, RAGS, rags ... little ones, big ones, cotton ones and drop cloths, available from the Wanaka Salvation Army Family Store 443 5068

SERVICES WANAKA Pharmacy is your local pharmacy. We’re the big pharmacy at the top of Helwick Street open until 7pm every single day. Ph 443 8000

*NEW* Brushless carwash


buy tickets (cash please) $20 at Pembroke Wines

HEATER METRE RULE keep everything 1 metre away from the heater

Basically Bush WANTED Possum Skins All Sizes, Best Price Phone Rick 027 249 7592 | 03 249 7592

THE SCHOOL Holiday Club is back, starting 26 September! Check out our website for more details and how to book: www.communitynetworks.co.nz. ALSO, IF you’d like to volunteer for the Holiday Club please get in touch – ph. 443 7799


INLAND REVENUE are at Community Networks, Wednesday 21 September, 9am – 12.30pm. If you need help with your Tax return, Family Tax credits or the changes to Child support give Community Networks a call on 03 443 7799 to make an appointment for this free service. WHEELS TO DUNSTAN –free shuttle service to Dunstan Hospital or Alexandra specialist appointments, also linking with the St Johns Health Shuttle to Dunedin Hospital. For bookings please call Community Networks on 03 443 7799 before 3pm the day before.


CAN YOU no longer drive? The Total Mobility Scheme provides subsidised taxi services to people who have an impairment that prevents them from being able to drive. Contact Community Networks for more information on 443 7799.


JP SERVICES are available at Community Networks every Tuesday from 1pm and Friday from 10.30am. Please book your appointment by ringing Community Networks 03 443 7799.



The Wanaka Sun are pleased to provide limited design work as a free WANTED “Heater metre rule” courtesy service. Radiated heat can VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED at The Salvation Army Family if you have some time and would Please store reply with your approval or free any changes to your advert ASAP. We can provide 2 PROOFS ONLY so please be thorough when like to be part of a team which makes a difference, come and see us. ignite material closer checking your advert. SEWING FOLK needed for our last two sewing drivesIffor Plastic Bag Free Wanaka. Bring and we do not receive a response by 12 noonmachine Tuesday on the week of than 1 meter. plate to share to room 24 at MAC on Thur 22nd 6-9pm and Sat 8th Oct 1-4pm. publication your advert will be printed as shown. advertisingproof Do not dry wet firewood on top of the firebox. COBBLER Please reply with your approval or any changes to your advert ASAP. We allow 2 PROOFS ONLY so please be thorough when checking your advert.


If we do not receive a response by 12 noon Tuesday on the week of publication your advert will be printed as shown below.



New location Repairs, Possum has Products, TheShoe cold weather finally arrived, so come Trophies,Street Keys 67 Brownston on in and treat your shoes to a non slip sole. (the mini putt(the building) 67 Brownston Street mini putt building) Your heels also be due for some repairs, Phone:may 03 443 9999 Relocation specials -we Key can cuttingcertainly do that as well. % the 20at - PetCobblers tag engravingInn we also offer a wide range Down OFF - Watch battery fittings of possum products to keep you nice and snug. Open late on Fridays (until 7pm)

67 Brownston Street (the mini putt building) Phone: 03 443 9999 SOUTHERN SOLE

We are relocating... to 67 Brownston Street (the mini putt building) on Monday 4th November.


Thank you for your support over the last 4 years and we look forward to seeing you in our new shop.

The Stonemasons Ltd Jim Edwards jimstonemason@xtra.co.nz 0276 994 269


Thought about upgrading your original windows to double glazing? NOT TO SCALE

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©This advert has been created as a service of The Wanaka Sun. It cannot be reproduced without permission, (a charge will apply).

©Thisifadvert has been created as athis service of The Wanaka Sun. please It cannotcontact be reproduced without you would like to use material elsewhere the office onpermission, 03 443 5252 if you would like to use this material elsewhere please contact the office on 03 443 5252 (a charge will apply).



For an obligation free quote call Kris today 022 135 6997 Email: kris@doubleglazeit.co.nz www.doubleglazeit.co.nz


Penny’s Home Care Professional Trustworthy Friendly Reliable

Personal care, Dementia care, 24 hour care, Palliative care, Medication assistance, Transport to appointments. Penny Fisher RN MBA 03

443 1929 - 027 343 4776


Free delivery to Wanaka, Cromwell and surrounds, PO boxes in Makarora, Cromwell, Haast, Wanaka, Albert Town and Hawea. Also distributed to businesses in the Wanaka business district Average circulation: 15,000 weekly.

Phone: 03 443 5252 Fax: 03 443 5250 Editor: Ruth Blunt editor@thewanakasun.co.nz Journalists: Danielle Butler newsdesk@thewanakasun.co.nz Glenda Turnbull journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz Social media: Nikki Heath nikki@pembroke.co.nz Graphic design: Little Studio production@thewanakasun.co.nz Advertising: Benn Ashford 021 786740 marketing@thewanakasun.co.nz Admin: 03 443 5252 admin@thewanakasun.co.nz Mail: PO Box 697, Wanaka Deadlines: Display Advertising

4pm Friday prior to publication. marketing@thewanakasun.co.nz 021 786 740 Classified Advertising 5pm Monday prior Text: 0220 786 778 Subscriptions: $175 within NZ (including GST) per year. Overseas rates on request. Remittances to PO Box 697, Wanaka, NZ

While every care is taken in the publication of advertisements, the publisher cannot be held responsible for errors or their subsequent effects. The right is reserved to alter, abbreviate, omit or reclassify advertisements for any reason. No portion of the content of the Wanaka Sun may be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the publisher.


vermin control

commercial & domestic safe & effective bait station installation


03 443 1150 M: 027 4391 675 0800 225 552 THURSDAY 22.09.16 - WEDNESDAY 29.09.16

we’ll take care of it




Snow Farm season finishes GLENDA TURNBULL journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz

More time to learn...

Snow Farm will be closed after Sunday until Labour weekend when it will reopen for spring and summer activities including tramping, mountain biking, Christmas parties and overnight stays in its two backcountry huts, wellness retreats and events including the Pioneer and Big Easy mountain bike challenges Snow Farm NZ is owned by Queenstown Lakes District Council and managed as a recreational reserve in perpetuity by the Pisa Alpine Charitable Trust.


There are great deals for locals at Snow Farm this weekend as they celebrate the end of its winter season with one final locals' day this Sunday. Everyone gets 50 percent off full day packages for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing on Sunday and kids are invited to bring up their favourite cuddly toy for a teddy bears’ picnic out on the snow.

> Buy a 4 day kids’ programme these school holidays, get another half price!

Netball service awards presented

> Extended lift hours: 8.30am - 5pm! > Valid Sept. 24 - Oct. 9 Ts & Cs apply.


HEALTHY DEALS THIS WEEK Phone: 03 443 8000 Top of Helwick Street, Wanaka



Always read the label. Use only as directed. Supplementary to and not a replacement for a balanced diet. Bayer New Zealand Limited, Auckland. CH-00633


Nuromol is a pharmacy medicine. Medicines have benefits and some have risks. Always read the label and use only as directed. Ask your pharmacist if symptoms persist, you have side effects, or if you have any questions about this product. Marketed by Reckitt Benckiser, Auckland, New Zealand.



Breastfeeding is a nutritionally demanding time and increased nutrient levels are required to support the needs of breastfeeding mum’s for baby’s ongoing healthy development. Elevit Breastfeeding has been specifically tailored to support a woman’s increased nutritional needs during breastfeeding for their baby’s ongoing healthy development.

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Heineken 12 pack


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Please inform reception of your card number.

Magnesium FX 1000 may be useful to support healthy heart function; muscle relaxation; sleep and relaxation; nervous system balance; PMT associated with cramps and changes in mood; anxiety, mood & irritability. Supplementation with magnesium may also provide support to sufferers of migraine headaches.

SPORTS RESULTS Please send sports results to sports@thewanakasun.co.nz in the following format by Monday noon of each week for inclusion.

Fallover. Sportsmanship – Hannah Carter, Abby Mcpherson, Julie Ramsay, Vicky Lilley.

Mt Tarras Golf Club results

Wanaka Progressive Bowls

Senior Championship-Holger Reinecke beat Skip Johnston. Yev McCarthy beat Jan Gibson Intermediate Championship-Graeme Rive beat Ken Galloway. Sue Macassey beat Jane Wardell Junior Championship-Murray Hyndman beat Doug Wilson. Jan Allen beat Gilly Taylor

Skips 1 G Russell 2 S Culverwell 3 M Baxter Thirds 1 P Gray 2 J Bryant 3 R Hannan Leads 1 D Wayte 2 B Thorburn 3 J Rich

Lake Hawea Netball Club prizegiving (players per team): Most Improved – Rebecca Mclean, Amy Bowbyes, Vicky Craig, Jenny Booth. Most Valuable – Jen Ferguson, Mary-Clare Muir, Barbi Sarginson, Casey


held open trials to form three teams, one in each grade (A grade, Senior Reserve and B grade). This year the club was represented in competition by four teams. Nicky Allum said, when she was presented with the service award, that was their vision when they started the club. The club awards were also presented. The Dee Sarginson Service and Contribution award was presented to Sonya Bostock, the Edna Capell Memorial for Strivers was awarded to Beth Chaney and the Most Outstanding Shooter award went to Kelly Wright. Prizes were also awarded for most improved, most valuable and sportsmanship players per team, see sports results (below).

We are very pleased to offer a $5 discount to enrolled patients who have a Community Services Card or High Use Health Card.



Lake Hawea Netball Club has held its prizegiving night with services awards presented for the first time this year. Three members of the club were recognised for their service to the club: Sonya Bostock, Nicky Allum and Carolyn Murray. All three were instrumental in the club’s formation in 2008, and have worked tirelessly since then playing, coaching, umpiring and fundraising for the club. Only one Hawea team played in the Netball Upper Clutha competition in 1997 and for the following decade just one team competed, but in 2008 one team wasn’t enough to cater for all the people who wanted to play. The club was formed and it

THURSDAY 22.09.16 - WEDNESDAY 29.09.16

Lake Hawea Golf Medal & Putting 1st Gerard Haggart 85/20/65 2nd Stew Burt 84/18/66 3rd Steve Smith 80/14/66 4th Lyall Gray 86/19/67 5th Dougal Rowley 82/15/67 6th Murray Nyhon 82/13/69 7th Rick Johnston 82/13/69 (We don’t usually go to 7th but guess why this week?). Putting Lyall Gray 28 Ken McCutcheon 28. Closest to the pin No5: Lynn Stuart. Birdies / Net Eagles Hole 15: Stew Burt




Ben Blanche gearing up Cardrona Games wraps up STAFF REPORTER sports@thewanakasun.co.nz The Special Olympics World Winter Games will get underway in just under six months and one Cromwell athlete will be there along with 12 other athletes from Special Olympics New Zealand. Alpine skier, Ben Blanche, 29, has been competing with Special Olympics Central Otago since 2005. “Over the years I have also done ten pin bowling and swimming, but I really enjoy the skiing best,” Ben said. “My favourite part of Special Olympics is the ski weekends and ski camps. I get to make friends and I get to go skiing every day.” Ben also plays cricket for the Cromwell Senior Reserves. His mother Patsy Blanche said Ben started playing sport at Cromwell College when one of the teachers suggested he try cricket. “Which he loved and is still playing today, for the Cromwell Senior Reserve team,” she said. “He watches rugby, Olympics, and loves NZ rugby competitions.” Ben started skiing with the school and from there he got involved with the Special Olympics ski programme. “He loves that so much,” she said.

Ben competed at the 2011 and 2015 National Winter Games in Cardrona, winning three medals in 2015. He is hoping for a World Winter Games medal too. More than 3000 athletes from 108 nations will travel to Graz, Schladming and Ramsau in Austria to compete across nine sports. Special Olympics New Zealand will be represented in alpine skiing and snowboarding. Head of Delegation Brian Benn is pleased with how the team is progressing with their training, “We have been fortunate to have three snow camps recently, two at the Cardrona Alpine Resort in Wanaka and one at the Whakapapa skifield in Ohakune. These camps enable our athletes to have a week of training and competition against each other and other Special Olympics athletes. It also enables coaches to engage with team members, which is critical when athletes are spread across the country.” Each athlete attending the Games must raise their own funds to travel to and compete in the World Winter Games. Special Olympics New Zealand is running a ‘Sponsor an Athlete’ programme where people can donate on specialolympics.org. nz and support an athlete.

STAFF REPORTER sports@thewanakasun.co.nz The finals of the men’s and women’s snowboard slopestyle and a second freeski slopestyle event were held on day two of competition at the Cardrona Games. Local rider Zoi Sadowski Synnott and Canadian rider, five-time X Games medallist, Sebastien Toutant were the respective winners of the snowboard competition. In a repeat of day one’s results, Kelly Sildaru (EST) and James Woods (GB) took home top honours in freeski. Kelly won with 91 points, Yuna Koga (JPN) was placed second on 85.3 and was judged trick of the day for women’s freeski with a switch left nine tail grab and Sarah Hoeflin (SUI) was placed third on 80.3 points. Zoi Sadowski Synott dominated the women’s snowboard competition with her smooth style and technical tricks, scoring 75.3. Kiwis Natalie Good and Corrah Phillips finished in second and third place. Sebastian’s technical tricks scored 91.3 for the win. Japan’s Hiroaki Kunitaki’s impressive second run earned him a second place on 82.3 points, and 16-year-old Kiwi Tiarn Collins finished in third place on 80 points. While James Woods bagged another victory, second and third places went to US competitors Peter Raich and Ryan Stevenson respectively for

their execution of rail tricks and technical jump lines. An overall freeski prize was awarded based on combined placings over two days of competition. James was placed first, Tasei Yamamoto (JPN) was placed second and Ryan Stevenson third. The women’s overall freeski prizes went to Kelly Sildaru in first followed by Yuna Koga and Sarah Hoeflin. Eighty freeski and snowboard athletes were treated to clear, calm conditions for the final day of competition at the Games on Thursday. With no shortage of impressive and technical tricks on display, amplitude proved to be a deciding factor in the finals. Kelly Sidaru (EST) PHOTO: SUPPLIED claimed her third win in three days in women’s freeski while Taylor Seaton (USA) secured the win in men’s freeski, beating top qualifier Cardrona NZ Park & Pipe team rider, 15-year-old Nico Porteous, by 95 points to 94. Kwang-Jin Kim of Korea scored 91 for a third place finish. Kelly proved that she is at the forefront of progression in women’s freeski and never looked in doubt for the win, scoring 95 in her second run. Saori Suzuki and Yurie Watable of Japan placed second and third. Kurumi Imai and Naito Ando, both from Japan, were the respective winners of female and male snowboard. Emily Arthur and Junna Asaya completed the women’s podium, with Naito Ando and Andre Hoeflich second and third in the men’s competition.

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THURSDAY 22.09.16 - WEDNESDAY 29.09.16




Wrong foot forward 5-day desert challenge


GLENDA TURNBULL journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz Local man Tony Culshaw is on his way to Australia to compete in the five-day Simpson Desert Bike Challenge 2016 on September 27. The first challenge was run in 2005 and each September competitors gather at Purni Bore, South Australia on the western edge of the Simpson Desert for the annual bike challenge. Last year only six competitors completed the race. The competitors travel 600km on fat bikes, traversing around 700 sand dunes, salt lakes, cattle stations and plains ending at the classic Aussie icon, the Birdsville Hotel. The event raises funds for the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Australia and each competitor raises sponsorship. Tony discovered the joys of fat biking a couple of years ago. “I saw these mountain bikes with huge fat tyres and decided I would have a go. It is an amazing bike, it goes over everything,” Tony said. Tony (pictured with his bike up at Snow Farm where he has spent many hours training) said he saw the race and decided to give it a go.

“It is a middle-age crisis. It was either a maserati, a 24-year-old blonde or this race. I think the race is probably the cheap option,” Tony said. Tony has been training for the event for the last few months, has lost 15kg, completely changed his diet and employed a personal trainer to help him get ready. “I am on a no-carb, no-sugar diet. Aaron Callaghan from Peak 40 talked me through it and said it would be the best thing to help me get through the challenge and it’s worked,” Tony said. After the many hundreds of kilometres of training over the last few months, and turning the heater up to 40 degrees celsius in his study, Tony’s wife Jeanette said the only downside to the whole experience has been the expensive power bills. “Last month our power bill was over $900,” she said, but she is right behind Tony in his bid to complete the race. “I said go for it. Enjoy the snakes, spiders and scorpions, you can have them to yourself!” she said. You can follow Tony’s progress at snow2sand.org, where you can also sponsor him.


STAFF REPORTER sports@thewanakasun.co.nz Wanaka’s Braden Currie put the wrong foot forward when he slid across the Xterra Pan America Championship finish line on Sunday. In a photo finish with Josiah Middaugh, Braden thrust forward the foot that did not have his timing device on it and reigning Xterra World Champion Middaugh won by 7/100th of a second. It is the closest finish in Xterra’s 21-year history. Braden had led the 1.5km swim, 28km mountain bike and 10km trail run race until the last 5m. Sprinting down the finish chute, he still had a four

second advantage but in the final metres Josiah edged alongside and Braden slid a leg forward under the line. “If only I knew which foot my timing chip was on,” he said. The closeness of this race has only fueled his fire and increased his commitment to his main goal of becoming a World Xterra Champion this year, which is held in Hawaii on October 23. “I intend to put everything into the next five weeks and our plan is to stay in Lake Tahoe after the Pan Am Champs and train. It is the best possible training environment I could hope for going into the Hawaiian event.”

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THURSDAY 22.09.16 - WEDNESDAY 29.09.16


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