Wanaka Sun | 23 - 29 Mar 2017 | Edition 810

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building women


Frenchy’s toolbox empowers girls.


lAURA TAKES ON MANY ROLES Local writer Laura Williamson will have a busy week at the Festival of Colour in her roles of author, performer and Schoolfest coordinator.

PAGE 3 thewanakasun.co.nz

28 Reece Crescent Wanaka ph 03 443 8176 | www.guthriebowron.co.nz


THUR 23.03.17 - WED 29.03.17



Tandem for trafficking D



tandem bike called Kindness passed through Wanaka last week cycled by one man who has a mission to help victims of human trafficking. Naresh Kumar cycled the entire length of the country in 35 days to raise money for Tearfund NZ and its #StandWithHer campaign, finishing his challenge last week. The athlete’s support for the cause comes from an incident in Nepal in which he was approached by a man offering to sell him sex with young girls. “I felt such outrage, such anger. This is what is happening right under our nose. We need to be their voice,” Naresh, who cycled up to 100km a day, said. “You feel pain on this journey but it is nothing compared to what these children go through on a daily basis.” Around 140 people across the country joined Auckland where he will auction KindNaresh on his tandem bike for sections of the ness, thanking everyone he met along journey and he is now making his way back to the way.



Naresh’s goal was to raise $20,000 for nate visit give.everydayhero.com/nz/freedomseat. the charity, but his total is now more Pictured: Naresh cycles with a supporter on his than $42,000 and counting. To do- journey.

water bottling consents “insignificant” GLENDA TURNBULL



ton attended the resource consent hearing for the Okuru application in Haast last Friday March 17 because of her growing concerns over export of New Zealand water. “I found out about the Okuru application through the Bung the Bore Facebook page. I was amazed that something could get to this stage with so few people knowing about it. I’m not happy that this public resource can be taken by one company to profit from it,” Leeann said. Leeann said she understood the local people’s point of view wanting to get something sustainable and increase jobs in the area, but there needed to be more consultation with

6A Galloway Terrace, Wanaka


he Otago Regional Council (ORC) has briefed its councillors on water consents at its meeting held on Wednesday March 22 after it was revealed two consents had been granted to bottle and export millions of litres of water from Mount Aspiring National Park and the Dart River. ORC councillor Michael Laws asked for information in an email to the ORC Chairman. Michael Laws said, “As a new councillor I was completely unaware of the consent until the news story, and would like to know how many other such consents linger in the ORC files, that have the capacity to embarrass us and run counter to existing or proposed council water policy.” Two resource consents have been highlighted in

recent weeks. The first, a resource consent applied for in the Westland District Council, is for Okuru Enterprises Limited to construct, maintain and operate a bulk water export facility at Tuning Fork Creek and Jackson Bay/ Neils Beach. The second is for Koha Water Limited to extract 236 million litres of water per year from a unique underground aquifer located in the Dart River Valley consented to by ORC. Local residents are becoming increasingly vocal about the potential bottling and sale of our water overseas. Lake Hawea resident Leeann Mor-

Deadline Private Treaty (unless sold prior)

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the public. “It is the process I’m not in favour of. The councils seem to be able to okay these projects because the consents are non-notifiable. The public is kept completely in the dark. That is what has to change. People need to have a say in what happens,” Leeann said. ORC consent manager Chris Shaw confirmed in a memorandum there are currently three consents issued for bottling water in Otago. The first, issued to JM Love in 1996 gives consent to take 4493 cubic metres per year and is for domestic purposes and irrigation of one hectare. The second, issued to Green Ocean Group in 1998, gives consent to take 87,600 cubic metres per year and is for small-scale bottling and domestic purposes. The third is for Koha Water Limited consent issued in 2007. Continues on page 2

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4pm, Thurs 30 Mar 2017

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Hunter Valley Station access Otago water bottling consents “insignificant” conditions misrepresented Continued from page 1 To date this consent has not been used and will expire in 2019 unless an extension is sought. The memorandum stated this was a “small water take and equivalent to the water used by a small irrigated farm.” The memorandum also highlighted that in assessing the Koha Water application the nearest bore to the consent holder’s activity was over one kilometre away. “The assessment using Schedule 5B of the Regional Plan Water showed that at one kilometre from the proposed take the drawdown effect would be less than one centimetre and therefore the overall effect would be no more than minor. Consequently the application had

to be processed as a non-notified application. The three consents ORC has issued for bottling water represent 0.15 percent of all takes and 0.05 percent of all consents. This equates to 0.0037 percent of Otago’s water allocation per year,” Chris stated. The memorandum went on to say “the environmental impact of current water bottling consents in Otago is insignificant and at a level where it would be difficult to measure any adverse effect. It is highly unlikely that any further proposals to botting water in Otago would have any effect that was more than minor - any such effect could be controlled using the resource consent process.”

Food awards finalists S



Wanaka caterer Tineke Sutton’s Taste of the Alps, Vineyard Pinot Noir Quince Jelly was named as a finalist in the Earth - Crafted category of the Outstanding NZ Food Producer Awards. A panel of ten expert food judges tasted more than 150 products from 82 growers, farmers and crafted producers in early March at the Fresh Factory in Auckland for the inaugural awards. Fifty-eight products were chosen as finalists, with the range including seafood, buffalo milk, goats, sheep and cow cheeses, non-alcoholic drinks and cordials, relishes, pickles, sauces and

baked goods. “Being named as a finalist means producers are the ‘best of the best’,” Outstanding NZ Food Producer Awards organiser Kathie Bartley said, Head Judge Lauraine Jacobs said, “It was exciting to judge these new awards and see so many innovative and interesting products. It reinforces my view that in New Zealand we have some of the finest food in the world, whether it is straight from the farm or ocean, or has been valueadded to meet the demand of a world seeking sustainably produced food filled with flavour.” Outstanding NZ Food Producer Award category winners and People’s Choice winners will be announced in Auckland on Thursday April 27.

NASA prepares for take off S



The window for NASA’s third Super Balloon launch opens on Saturday March 25, meaning that the balloon could be launched as early as the next few days. While all operational tests are currently being carried out to ensure that the balloon is ready to launch, the weather will play a major role in when it can be done. Winds need to be light and flowing in a reliable direction and managers will assess conditions 13 hours before

the beginning of initial launch preparations to determine whether or not they are suitable for launch. MetService currently predicts light winds and rain for Saturday. Residents using Mount Barker Road are advised that it will not be closed for the launch this year, however road users should prepare for the closure of State Highway 6 for a short time. The highway will be closed from approximately 100m away from the airport gate to Luggate once balloon inflation starts, as per previous launches.




Graeme Todd, lawyer for and director of Orange Lakes (NZ) Limited the proposed purchaser of the Leasehold of Hunter Valley Station on the shores of Lake Hawea, has suggested a number of access organisations, including Federated Mountain Clubs, have misrepresented in the media the true position concerning the proposed conditions of access. In an email to the Wanaka Sun, Graeme Todd confirmed Orange Lakes (NZ) Limited had entered into a conditional agreement to purchase Hunter Valley Station and that the decision from the Overseas Investment Act included conditions on public access through the Station. “My client has volunteered conditions on public access through Hunter Valley Station if and when its purchase is concluded. These conditions have been adopted by and included in the conditions of consent issued under the Overseas Investment Act,” he said. “The decision has a comprehensive response to issues of access and why there are practical and legal limitations on granting unrestricted access by foot, cycle, horse and vehicles (including motorbikes) that access groups have been seeking through the farm, which I remind you is private property.” Graeme added “there was nothing to prevent the Upper Clutha Tracks Trust establishing a net-

work of huts on the Conservation Estate” and that “his client would be extremely supportive” in that respect. He also stated his client had no issue with access being gained to the Hawea Conservation Estate by the other routes which currently exist. “I note none of the groups have acknowledged the existence of these other routes and have given the mistaken impression to the media that access through Hunter Valley Station is the only access to the Hawea Conservation Park, when that is clearly not factually correct.” A spokesperson for the Department of Conservation confirmed that there are a number of other ways to access the Hawea Conservation Park. These include the Dingleburn Peninsula - Lake Hawea Track via Dingle Burn Station Road, the Timaru River Track which is part of the Te Araroa Trail, the Boundary Creek Track off State Highway 6, Sawyer Burn Track via Kids Bush Campground and a number of routes including the Wills, Cameron and Upper Makarora valleys. Graeme said his client looks forward to further dialogue with the access groups, which has been ongoing for over 18 months, and said this fact was not acknowledged by many of the groups. “What my client objects to is conducting such dialogue through the media and the continual mistruths being promulgated by the groups and other individuals in the media,” he said.

Royal Society earthquake talk S



Professor Mark Stirling will provide an overview of the seismology, surface ruptures and landslides produced by the Mw7.8 on November 14, 2016 at the next Royal Society Talk. He will discuss the Kaikoura earthquake in the context of the current version of the national seismic hazard model (NSHM) for New Zealand. A total of 13 faults or fault zones ruptured along a circa 180km-long zone during the earthquake, including some that were unknown prior to the event. Mark is an earthquake scientist with a multidisciplinary background in geology and seismology. He obtained his PhD at the University of Nevada Reno, and his BSc and MSc(Hons) at the

University of Otago. He is specialised in the integration of geological, seismological and geodetic datasets for seismotectonic and seismic hazard modelling. He moved to his present position as the inaugural chair of earthquake science at the University of Otago in February 2016, and prior to that was a principal scientist at GNS Science. Mark has been the recipient of two Otto Glogau Awards from the New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineering for his publications, was society president from 2004-2006, and was made a fellow of the society in 2007. The talk, titled The Magnitude 7.8 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake: What we saw and what we learned, will be held on Friday March 31, 6pm, at the Presbyterian Community Centre.

Neighbourhood support pot-luck dinner G



Lake Hawea Neighbourhood Support is planning a pot-luck dinner to mark Neighbours Day Aotearoa, on Friday March 24. Organisers hope the dinner will bring members of the community together to help develop Neighbourhood Support in the Hawea area.

Children are welcome, with activities arranged for them. People attending are asked to bring either a main or dessert and a prize for the raffle. Organisers said it was important that they had a strong active community which is great to be part of and where residents can all feel safe and secure. The dinner will be held at the Lake Hawea Community Centre beginning at 5.30pm.

NZ Army training exercises in Cromwell D



Military vehicles and soldiers with weapons may be spotted on Cromwell’s streets this week, which is all part of an army training exercise. New Zealand Army has been conducting Exercise Henry Tucker throughout the lower South Island since March 11 and plans to be in Cromwell between March 24 and 30. Training activities can also include the firing of blank ammunition and explosions from simulation pyrotechnics. PAGE 2

THURSDAY 23.03.17 - WEDNESDAY 29.03.17

Sergeant Jamie Rollo said that the troops would be staying at Cromwell Racecourse, but that all training was normally done out of the way of civilians. “We’ll mainly be operating up in the hills and mountains although people may notice the heavy vehicles moving around the area,” Sergeant Rollo said. “We’ll be in small convoys of about five vehicles and are the same as normal road users, having to abide by normal road rules.” He added that this would be on main and rural roads, not moving into residential areas.




Lake water lab-in-a-box D



Lake snow and water quality will be highlighted at a family fun day next month. Lab at the Lake, hosted by Catchments Otago and Otago Regional Council, will offer an insight into water quality monitoring and the research into lake snow. The lake’s life including fish, invertebrates, zooplankton and algae will be on show in the Lab-in-a-Box, a mobile science laboratory in a shipping container. Land Air Water Aotearoa will also be at the event and visitors can learn about Good Water in Otago, Check Clean Dry and snow melt mapping


using drones. Lab at the Lake takes place on Sunday April 2 from 10am to 1pm on the market corner of Pembroke Park.

Missing Christmas banner G PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Proposed new home for Coastguard G



Wanaka Lakes Coastguard is in the early stages of establishing a permanent “home” for the unit at Eely Point beside the Scout Den. WLC president Jonathan Walmisley said, “We have discussed six sites with Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) Parks and Recreation and APL Property and are now preparing to apply for a lease from QLDC for a site at Eely Point adjacent to the Scout Den. This site was selected as it offers the quickest response time and is relatively well hidden from both Lake Wanaka and Lakeside Road.” The group’s boats and other equipment are currently stored at the showgrounds and the present launch time takes between 30 to 90 minutes from the time Police notify Coastguard of a call out. The launch time varies on the time of year. The new preferred site of Eely Point will cut launch time by at least 20 minutes. Initial consultation undertaken by WLC has included Ngai Tahu, Upper Clutha Environmental Society and Wanaka Hawea Reserves Trust. “These parties have indicated that there are no objections to the site or construction as far as they are concerned. The next step is attending a work-

shop with the Wanaka Community Board later this month to present our plans and drawings to them,” Jonathan said. The group will self fund the application to lease. Stage two of the project will be to apply for resource consent, and WLC is currently looking at ways to do that. “Stage three is the building process and initial discussions with Otago Community Trust and Central Lakes Trust have given us hope that they will contribute heavily to the build. If everything went to plan we may have resource consent by the end of the year and look at having the building completed in 2018/19,” Jonathan said. The request for the 33 year lease is expected to go before the Wanaka Community Board in May and if approved the group will apply for resource consent. Profile poles have been placed on the proposed site as part of early consultation with the community. “I am absolutely convinced there will be some objections, but we hope that the community will realise the Coastguard needs a home and the ideal place for it is near the lake,” Jonathan said. Pictured: Jonathan Walmisley at Eely Point near profile poles for the proposed coastguard building with the Scout Den in the background.

Trust offers shared ownership G



Eleven new Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust (QLCHT) homes in Riverside Park, Albert Town are nearing completion. The sections were gifted to the QLCHT by Riverside Park developer, Infinity Investment Group, last year for affordable housing. The sections have a market value of around $1.8m. The homes were constructed by Breen Construction and are all three-bedroom homes. QLCHT executive officer Julie Scott said the properties would be available from May. “Six of the properties will sell into shared ownership and five will remain rentals. We have had a strong response for both shared ownership and renting, but we are prioritising families at this stage,” Julie said. As yet none of the rental properties have been allocated. To be eligible to participate in the Shared Ownership Programme applicants must use the

property exclusively as the household’s primary residence. The combined household income must not exceed a certain level and applicants must raise a minimum five percent deposit of the entire property price themselves. Applicants must also remain a New Zealand permanent resident or citizen and at least one family member must be in full time employment in the Queenstown Lakes District. The price range for the properties was between $520,000 and $540,000. “All QLCHT properties are sold at current market value. We don't sell at discounted values as that would provide an unfair advantage to the purchaser and not deliver on the retention mechanism QLCHT provides,” Julie said. The programme is aimed at assisting lower income residents into their first home, with the trust owning a portion of the home in conjunction with the first home buyer. The household has the opportunity to buy the Trust’s share after a period of joint ownership. One home remains on sale in the Programme.



The community Christmas banner hung at the entrance to the lakeside park at the end of Helwick Street has gone missing in action. Jen Anderson organises Delta to erect and dismantle the Christmas decorations each year and when they went to take down the banner in the week after Christmas it had disappeared. “I had been away and when I got back I went to pick up

all the decorations from Delta and they said it wasn’t there when they went to take it down. Really, where are you going to put this banner up? Has anyone taken the banner down for some innocent reason and has a good knowledge of where it is? The banner is worth between $300-$400 and it would be good to get it back, no questions asked,” Jen said. If you have any information about the whereabouts of the banner, you can get in contact with us here at the Wanaka Sun.

Risky trees to be removed S



Several poplar trees on Ballantyne Road are numbered among the 409 trees around the district identified for removal by Queenstown Lakes District Council contractors. A recent survey of all the trees that are within fall distance of the district’s roads, carried out by QLDC, identified more than 400 trees that could potentially pose a risk to the public. QLDC said the risk is in part due to previous tree falls having caused injury and property damage. The majority of these trees are on the public road reserve while the

remainder are on private land. Contractors will be removing any trees identified as potentially dangerous from the road reserve over the next eight months. They will also be working with private land-owners to have potentially dangerous trees that have been identified on private land removed at the same time. QLDC has developed an interactive map which allows you to see where there are trees that have been identified as potentially dangerous. Visit the following link and either enter a street name or address to see if there are any potentially dangerous trees in your area - qldc.maps.arcgis. com/apps/webappviewer/. NOBODY IN THE WORLD SELLS MORE REAL ESTATE THAN RE/MAX

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THURSDAY 23.03.17 - WEDNESDAY 29.03.17





Cellar door’s grand opening D



Archangel celebrated the official opening of its wine lounge and cellar door last week by American female powerhouse Joan Manley-Houlton. Joan, whose achievements include being the first female vice-president of Time Incorporated and one of the first female executives in America, opened the vineyard’s new facility on Friday March 17. Back in 2010, Joan was also Archangel’s first visitor alongside brother Tim Daniels.

Director of the family-owned vineyard, which has a heritage dating back to a war-torn Poland in 1940, Mary Zurakowski said she was honoured to welcome Joan to the grand opening. “We’re absolutely humbled by the amount of people that turned up. It has been wonderful to share something that has been a long time coming and great to get to this point where we can celebrate it with friends, family and everyone involved,” Mary said. Pictured: Joan Manley Houlton and Mary Zurakowski at the opening.

2 Brownston Street, Wanaka Phone (03) 443 6641




Building female empowerment D



Youth worker Claire ‘Frenchy’ French has opened her toolbox to empower young women in building. Kahu Youth’s new youth worker, pictured, has been teaching build workshops at the girls adventure club using the skills and experience it took for her to build her own tiny house. “It’s really fun for me and great for building a connection with the girls. It’s about using the skills that I have learnt and have found useful in my life,” Frenchy said. “I wouldn’t have built the house that I have built without having those fantastic opportunities and

someone there to mentor me.” Frenchy said that the three week project, which sees the girls designing and building jewellery, money and collection boxes using hammers, nails, wood glue, power drills and paint, has brought the girls together as a group. “A few of the girls were really not confident about using the tools, but with a bit of guidance and encouragement they gained confidence.” “Building is a very male driven industry and activity and I want to change that through positive participation," Frenchy said. The girls adventure club is full for this term but Kahu Youth offers drop-in sessions on Fridays and Saturdays until 10pm for 11-24 year olds, with a gold coin donation for dinner.

Take some time to “have a cuppa” After being overwhelmed by responses to its 3 Questions Survey, Link Upper Clutha wants to help local residents participate in this weekend’s Neighbours Day Aotearoa. LINK is planning to distribute as many “have a cuppa” packs into letterboxes as they can. Each pack contains two tea bags and a few ideas for connecting with your neighbours.

LINK suggests five simple ways to connect with your neighbours: Invite them over for a cuppa and conversation, share magazines and books, share contact details - especially important in an emergency, share produce or flowers from your garden and organise a neighbourhood gathering. LINK need volunteers to help deliver “have a cuppa” packs on Thursday and Friday, March 22 and 23. If you can help contact sophie@link.org.nz. For more ideas and neighbourly activities visit: neighboursday.org.nz

THURSDAY 23.03.17 - WEDNESDAY 29.03.17










QLDC Mayor Jim Boult focuses on the issues facing Wanaka and surrounds


The Wanaka Sun is teacher for a day G



The Wanaka Sun was given the opportunity last week to visit a class of year eight students at Mount Aspiring College (MAC) to help them edit their newspaper stories about the Wanaka A&P show. The students visited the show in teams of three and interviewed different stall holders, came up with an angle and wrote up their story using the information they had gathered. MAC year eight teacher Jane Watson-Taylor said one of the genres she was focusing on this term was report writing. “As part of the curriculum we introduce students to different genre during the year. I thought it would be great to go to the A&P Show to interview a stall holder to teach the students how to

write a newspaper story,” Jane said. On Thursday and Friday, March 16 and 17, I sat down with students one-on-one and went through what they had written. We looked at the Who, What, When, Where and Why concept. The stories were checked for accuracy and structure and ideas were suggested for title headings. The students did a great job with their stories. I asked Jane why she asked me along. “It makes writing real for them. This is what reporters do and they can see the connection between what they learn in the classroom and a person who does that job in real life,” Jane said. Judging from the stories I saw last week, there may be a few budding journalists to look out for in the future. Pictured: MAC year eight students with their teacher Jane Watson-Taylor.

Central Otago Awards entries open S



Wanaka’s businesses and career-driven individuals are encouraged to celebrate their success by applying for the Central Otago Awards. People have until May 18 to nominate for the biennial awards, designed to recognise businesses and individuals who are achieving great things and exemplifying the spirit of the region. Businesses of all sizes are encouraged to enter the Business Excellence Award category, while

young people achieving outstanding results in their chosen career can enter the new Young Professional category. There are also community service and apprentice and youth categories. Awards regional identity manager Shirley Howden said that the community should get involved by nominating someone or encouraging someone they think should enter the business excellence category. “The awards are about honouring excellence, innovation, big hearts and the amazing contribution many make to our region,” Shirley said.

For a town-bred boy, the annual Invercargill A&P Show used to be something to look forward to. On what I recall used to be called “People’s Day”, the shops would shut for the afternoon, all the city schools had a half-day holiday, and everyone went to the showground. Candyfloss in our sticky hands, we’d wander round the exhibits, admire the sheep and cattle, the goats, pigs and poultry, and envy the riders on their well-groomed horses and ponies. The nearest most of us got to experiencing the thrill of riding at the show was on the merry-go-round, but that was a lot of fun too. The ultimate highlight for me though, was the motorcycle “wall of death” – hands up if you are old enough to know what that was! Even allowing that everything to do with childhood looks bigger, brighter and better in hindsight, that afternoon at the show was always a great time. When my wife Karen and I visited the Upper Clutha Show this month I was transported back to those memories straight away. The whole atmosphere was exactly what I remembered – right down to the sticky candyfloss, the impressive livestock and those impeccably groomed horses and their talented riders. The Topp Twins are always good for a laugh, and as for the Jack Russell Race – that was absolute mayhem, and a hilarious contrast with the well trained dogs competing in the sheepdog trials later in the afternoon. More than that – the show was a huge event which attracted a large number of visitors to Wanaka, boosted the local economy and gave the “townies” a chance to see a slice of rural life and skills that we can only admire.

Stonewood Homes new showhome Open Saturday & Sunday 12 noon to 3pm at 64 Infinity Drive, Peninsula Bay Everyone welcome. Come and meet the Stonewood Team and see what Stonewood can do for you. THE WANAKA SUN

THURSDAY 23.03.17 - WEDNESDAY 29.03.17


After going the rounds at the show, we sauntered into town and had the misfortune to witness cultures colliding in a different sort of way when two vehicles crashed right in front of us. Regrettably, it appeared to be another case of a visiting driver being insufficiently aware of our road rules and the need to maintain constant situational awareness. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries but it could have been far worse. Don’t get me wrong – I thoroughly support travellers who drive themselves around our region. Most visitors navigate their way around without any trouble, and it’s worth remembering that someone from Auckland can be just as distracted by our scenery as a visitor from Asia or Europe. I do, however, also support the need to encourage further education of overseas drivers who are often unaware of our rather unique driving conditions. I will continue to pursue this with the NZ Transport Agency. Finally, it’s great to welcome NASA back to town, preparing for their third high pressure balloon launch into near space from Wanaka airport. The development of a dedicated launch pad is a sign of NASA’s commitment to our district and also reduces the impact that launch preparations have on other airport users. NASA’s presence in our community doesn’t just put Wanaka on the world stage at launch time. There is a very real benefit in having our school students exposed to NASA’s scientific projects, high tech engineering and international cooperation. I am looking forward to meeting some of the crew this week and finding out more about their operation.


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THURSDAY 23.03.17 - WEDNESDAY 29.03.17




Celebrating the autumn harvest S



The fifth Autumn Apple Drive will be held on April 2 at the Rippon Hall. Dominic Stayne, a local farmer who left his career as a surveyor to grow and harvest fruit and vegetables, was one of the original crew who helped get the Apple Drive up and running. Dom returns each year with his bespoke rimu apple press to help create hundreds of litres of apple juice from locally foraged apples. “It keeps alive the tradition of harvest as a communal activity” Dom said. The Rippon Hall will be transformed into a busy, messy, place of chopping, mulching and learning for the annual event. Yohann Bourdin, the vineyard’s event manager said, "Harvest is the key time of year for us at Rippon when we celebrate, quite literally, the fruit of the team's labour. The Apple Drive coincides perfectly as a day on which to celebrate another Wanaka harvest. This is the fifth Apple Drive that we have held at The

Rippon Hall and it has been wonderful to see people returning year on year at the same time that new faces join us." Last year over 140 people turned up and a tonne of apples and pears were transformed into hundreds of jars of chutney under the watchful eye of Lorne Knight. “Everyone who came got stuck in and all left with some bounty from the season and all the knowledge they needed to make cider and chutney at home,” he said. The day will begin at 9.30am with workshops running on the hour from 11am. They will include cider making with A&P show winner Chris Riley, growing and harvesting nuts with Lisa Johnston, how to integrate herbs into your life with Rochana Moon and chef Evelyn Vallillee will demonstrate ways PHOTO: SUPPLIED to reduce food waste at home and create tasty dishes from items that often go to waste. Pictured: Petrina Duncan from Local Food Wanaka and Lorne Knight from Pirate Pickles at the 2016 Autumn Apple Drive.

Three roles in festival for local writer G



Local writer Laura Williamson is looking forward to a busy week at the Festival of Colour in her roles of author, performer and Schoolfest coordinator. This is the second time Laura has coordinated the Schoolfest programme. She spent 10 years teaching history, english and media at Mount Aspiring College (MAC) and has a lot of connections within the school community. Schoolfest offers children the opportunity to experience the professional arts first hand and learn from industry veterans. It features a variety of special musical and theatrical performances along with workshops and talk sessions, all suited to different age groups from Years 1-13. Laura said it has always been an important part of the main event. “Schoolfest gives students face-to-face, handson experiences working with the kind of artists and performers they don't often have the chance to meet living in a rural area,” she said. “They also get to see ‘real world’ examples of some of the creative skills they learn in school, like art, writing and performance.” On Friday April 7, at 12pm, Laura will be joined by Lloyd Geering to discuss the cycling culture in New Zealand in “On your Bike”. “That came about because I had a book published last year called The Bike and Beyond. Cycling in New Zealand is a big topic around the country right now, and certainly as a journalist it comes up more and more. Local government is looking at ways to develop everyday cycling in Wanaka and last year



Pre-schoolers trip back in time D



Kids learning about transport have taken a trip back in time to see how people travelled many years ago. Riverside Educare’s Kahu room of three to five year olds has been studying transport throughout history and have so far taken a ride in a 1928 T Ford and on the back of a horse and cart, pictured. Purebred Clydesdale horse Mac

came from Bendigo Station to visit the children at school on Tuesday March 21 with owner Zara Macdonald. Early childhood teacher Sophie Gregg said that the children had taken all the books out of the library about transport, but seeing it for themselves really brought it alive. “They’re so excited and it’s great to have Mac and Zara here. We like to support the children’s interests and make links with the community as much as we can,” Sophie said.

Slow response to carpooling G



Response to the Queenstown Lakes District Council’s new carpooling scheme has been slow, with only 37 applications approved so far, seven of them from Wanaka. The scheme offers free carparks in central Queenstown for vehicles with at least three ride-sharing members aboard. The revamped scheme was launched by Mayor Jim Boult in February, replacing an earlier version that was no longer meeting QLDC’s aim of reducing the amount of traffic coming in and out of Queenstown. “Carpooling is a pragmatic way of

reducing the number of vehicles on our roads, freeing up carparks and reducing our community’s carbon footprint,” Mayor Boult said. The new scheme has 29 free carparks at the Boundary Street and Ballarat Street carparks for vehicles carrying three or more carpooling permit holders. There are 100 permits available to commuters living further afield than Queenstown and the area along Frankton Road/Queenstown Hill. Permits will be allocated on a firstcome, first-served basis, and be valid for 12 months. Applications to join the new carpooling scheme remain open.

we had Bikevember which was all about creating a positive cycling culture in the town,” Laura said. Laura will also appear in The Blue Moments Project on the night of April 7, a mix of spoken word, jazz and blues. The spoken word and song lyrics have been written by Laura, with the music composed by Angela Mote, a former MAC Head of Music. “It is a collaborative project between the two of us. She took a number of my poems and wrote music to them,” Laura said. All the other band members are from Luggate, Wanaka, Tarras and Queenstown. “It is great to see local productions on stage rubbing shoulders with really high profile performers from around the world and it is fantastic to have a festival like that in Wanaka,” Laura said. Pictured: The Blue Moments Project - Karen Hattaway, Jeff Sinnott, Dominic Stayne, Graeme Perkins, Laura Williamson and Angela Mote.



The Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust is nearing completion of 11 new homes in Riverside Park, Albert Town. There is ​just one cosy three bedroom, single garage home left for sale into our Shared Ownership programme.

The Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust is nearing completion of 11 new homes in Riverside Park, Albert Town. There is just one cosy three bedroom, single garage home left for sale into our Shared Ownership programme. The Shared Ownership program is aimed at assisting lower income residents into their first home, with the Trust owning a portion of the home in conjunction with the first home buyer. The household has the opportunity to buy the Trust’s share after a period of joint ownership. To learn more and register your interest log on to www.qlcht.org.nz Shared Ownership. Eligibility criteria, practical examples, testimonials and frequently asked questions are covered. Do not delay in registering your interest, this house will be keenly sought after! The Shared Ownership program is aimed at assisting lower income residents into their first home, with the Trust owning a portion of the home in conjunction with the first home buyer. The household has the opportunity to buy the Trust’s share after a period of joint ownership.

To learn more and register your interest log on to ​www.qlcht.org.nz Shared Ownership. Eligibility criteria, practical examples, testimonials and frequently asked questions are covered. Do not delay in registering your interest, this house will be keenly sought after!


THURSDAY 23.03.17 - WEDNESDAY 29.03.17




Mac Futsal Boys off to Wellington Next Tuesday, March 28, the Mount Aspiring College Senior Boys A futsal team will travel to Wellington to compete in the NZ Secondary School futsal (indoor soccer) championships. About 40 senior boys teams, including the best college futsal teams in the country, will contest the three-day tournament. The MAC team has played together since they competed against older teams in the Wanaka Sunday Footsal League last July. Since then they have worked hard and the results have started to show. With the help of some local men's teams the MAC boys have prepared for the tournament by playing some friendly games and have performed well. For most of the team this will be their last chance

at the tournament and the team’s goal is to improve on their 19th placing from last year. The MAC senior boys A futsal team consists of Fletcher Cavanagh (year 11), Ben Hadida (year 13), Rory Hannon (year 13), Adam Hewson (year 13), Matt McLean (year 13), Alex Plimmer (year 12), Tom Reaney (year 13), Mitchell Regan (year 12), Rimu Roode (year 13), Toa Roode (year 10). They are coached by Leon Roode, managed by Cameron Flude and the back up squad members are Jack Williams (year 13), Daniel Hadida (year 11) and Weston Bell (year 10). To follow the progress of the team in Wellington like their Facebook page @macfutsalwanaka. -thewanakasun.co.nz


SUNDAY MUSIC End your epic weekend listening to live music, drinking wine and gazing at the stunning view of Lake Wanaka. Live every Sunday. Different every week. 5-7pm.

The Salvation Army Family Store PLEASE HELPwould USlike TO FILL Wanaka to say a bigUP THE big thankBANK you to all our COMMUNITY FOOD AT COMMUNITY amazing volunteers. NETWORKS We would not receive the wonderful compliments on the presentation

atmosphere without all your FOR EVERYand PRODUCT YOU DONATE FROM hours of hard work and support. THE LIST BELOW YOU CAN PURCHASE AN ITEM OF The store generates funds to help people inOR needAinPAIR our community, CLOTHING OF SHOES with your help and kindness this is FOR JUST 50 CENTS. (Excludes Merino & swimwear) helping to transform people’s lives. Rice and Pasta If you would like to join our wonderful team of volunteers please call in to Tinned fish/ meat 48 Helwick Street – Wanaka for a chat Spreads Jam and peanut butter Breakfast cereals Toilet paper and toiletry items eg toothpaste Baby food Children’s lunch box food items Thursday 30 March and Friday 31 March 9 – 5 pm

Job Vacancy – School Holiday Club Coordinator Community Networks Wanaka is looking for an enthusiastic person to coordinate our School Holiday Club, mid-March to mid-May 2017 (short-term contract). For further information and a position description please visit our website: www.communitynetworks.co.nz or email Kate@communitynetworks.co.nz. Applications close 5pm on Monday 6 March.


THURSDAY 23.03.17 - WEDNESDAY 29.03.17




Corey in the medals S



Sit-skier Corey Peters has claimed a silver medal at the test event held in PyeongChang. The test event also doubled as The World Para Alpine Skiing and World Para Snowboard World Cup Finals. The event, which began on March 11, brought mixed fortunes for the New Zealand athletes. Corey was the fastest skier on course in the downhill training and looked set to claim victory on race day, PHOTO: ALEXANDRE SOCCI recording the fastest time splits all the way through the course before hitting a bump and skidding out just three gates from the finish line. Team mate Adam Hall also recorded a DNF in the men’s journey to full Pure course ranking. Richard Anderson of fourth placed team Torpedo standing downhill. 7, pictured, will also speak of his experiences at the evening. Adventurer Bob McLachlan and first time competitor Franck Bocamy, who finished in second place with team Best Foot Forward NZ on the pursuit course, will also talk about their journeys. The presentation evening takes place at 7pm on Wednesday March 29 at Speights Ale House.

GODZone teams talk D



This year’s GODZone competitors will tell their tales at a presentation evening in Wanaka next week. Wanaka athlete and member of Pure course winning team Tiki Tour Floortje Grimmet will talk about her experiences while Kai Whaka Pai team member Shonagh North will talk about her team’s

The skiers were back in action on March 14 with Adam finishing 16th in the standing category and Corey finishing tenth in sitting category in super-G - the race was changed from super-combined due to soft conditions. The following day they competed again in super-G with Corey saying before the race he wanted to “make amends … by attacking the hill and the course with much more controlled aggression”. He did just that, skiing into first place with a 1.5 second lead PHOTO: SUPPLIED before Dutch teenager Jeroen Kampschreur took the win with just 0.86 seconds ahead of Corey. Corey now has a third in the SuperG World Cup rankings. Adam finished eighth in the men’s standing super-G race.


Meeting Schedule for April 2017 The following meetings will be held, during April 2017: District Licencing Committee Hearing – Court Room 2, Queenstown Court, Stanley Street, Queenstown. Thursday 6 April 2017 at 10.00am. Community & Services Committee - Council Chambers, 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown. Thursday 6 April 2017 at 10.00am. Resource Consent Hearing (Woodlot Properties Ltd) – Crowne Plaza Hotel (Level 3), Beach Street, Queenstown. Tuesday 11 April 2017 at 10.00am. Resource Consent Hearing (Ballantyne Barker Holdings Ltd) – Edgewater Resort (Pavilion), Sargood Drive, Wanaka. Wednesday 19 April 2017 at 10.00am. Queenstown Lakes District Council – Lake Hawea Community Centre, Myra Street, Lake Hawea. Thursday 20 April 2017 at 1.00pm. Resource Consent Hearing (Criffel Deer Ltd) – Edgewater Resort (Pavilion), Sargood Drive, Wanaka. Thursday 20 April 2017 at 1.00pm and Friday 21 April 2017 at 10.00am. Planning & Strategy Committee – Council Chambers, 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown. Thursday 27 April 2017 at 10.00am. Meeting dates, times and venues are subject to change. The above meetings are open to the public. Some meetings may have items of business that will be discussed with the public excluded, as set out by the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. This notice is published in accordance with Section 46 of the Local Government Act Mike Theelen Chief Executive

The 2017/18 Events Strategy Funding Round Opens This Month


Wanaka’s bobsled team S



Local athletes are taking inspiration from Jamaica and a family film favourite in their attempt at this year’s Oxfam Trailwalker. Ryan Lobb of Wanaka and Dan Cullen of Cromwell will join Wellington’s Matt Landreth and Auckland’s Ben Mai to make up team Cool Runnings, inspired by the movie about the Jamaican bobsled team’s bid in the 1988 Winter Olympics, in their third time at the Trailwalker. The team has a strong track record at the event, having completed it in the fastest time twice in 2014 and in 2013, when it was so speedy that its support crew didn’t make it to the first checkpoint in time THE WANAKA SUN

to meet it. Each team must raise at least $2500 for Oxfam’s work fighting poverty in the Pacific to take part in the 100km event, this year held on March 25 to 26. “I’ve done quite a few other races, so to speak, which are kind of races amongst profit. This one is obviously quite different and because of that it seemed like quite a cool thing to be a part of,” Ryan, pictured with his team, said. “You can still race the race and push yourself, but at the same time it’s actually going towards benefitting others. Obviously training and racing and stuff can be a bit of a selfish pursuit at times so the fact that you can kind of do something to help someone at the same time is nice.” THURSDAY 23.03.17 - WEDNESDAY 29.03.17

The funding round aligns to the Events Strategy 2015-18 to“promote and support a balanced portfolio of sporting and cultural events that meet community objectives for the district as a whole in respect of recreational activities, community infrastructure and economic growth” Applications for this fund should be completed with reference to the Queenstown Lakes District Events Strategy. Please note we have updated the application form and guideline document to assist with the application process. Please contact the Events Office to register your intent to apply for this funding events@qldc.govt.nz or call 03 441 0499 Applications open: Monday 20 March 2017 Applications close: Friday 21 April 2017 Decision made by: Thursday 29 June 2017

How to ask QLDC for Funding Ever wondered how organisations get Council funding for their projects? QLDC is demystifying the process – come to the Queenstown Events Centre at 6pm on 27 March and find out about QLDC’s annual plan and budgets work, and how you can use that process to ask the Council to support your projects. Queenstown Events Centre: 27 March, 6pm

www.qldc.govt.nz Private Bag 50072 | 47 Ardmore Street Wanaka | Phone 03 443 0024


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The highly experienced and professional team at Southern Lakes Panel Beaters is expanding and has changed its focus from panel and paint to sole collision repair. The company, which is a member of the Collision Repair Association, has chosen to specialise in collision repair, including replacing and repairing auto glass and reconditioning hazy and yellowed headlights, so that it can provide its customers with more efficient results. Southern Lakes Panel Beaters’ Simon Laughton said, “we are no longer doing caravans, boats and other bits and pieces so we can focus on in getting carsworkshop back to their Or pop to our –


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Off Ballantyne Road Directory Page highlights leading businesses, creating a strong sales platform to promote the area. This feature page will run on a fortnightly basis giving each business the opportunity to have their say in a free advertorial during the promotional period. Book in for this fantastic marketing opportunity now.



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THURSDAY 23.03.17 - WEDNESDAY 29.03.17








HALF MARATHON TRAINING DIARY Week 11 Danielle is a journalist at the Wanaka Sun and is training for the half marathon which is part of the Wanaka Sun Marathon event on April 8.




I’m writing this the morning after completing my longest run so far at 14km which is also creeping close to the longest distance I’ve ever run in one go. I’m not unhappy with how I did, but it doesn’t fill me with confidence either. We ran from home along the Waterfall Creek track up to the undulating Millennium Track, which defeated me on a couple of its steeper inclines. Breathing and dehydration caused me trouble and although I didn’t stop altogether, I did walk for a few seconds on a couple of occasions, which I couldn’t help feel a little disappointed about at the time. Having slept on it though, I’m just pleased that I did it as I’ve been quite nervous about the longer runs and have been avoiding them as of late. Lessons learnt from this one are to practise better breathing techniques and take a bigger water bottle! I got another supportive email from Martin McKone who told me not to worry about walking and assured me that he does it too as it’s the body’s way of telling you that it needs a rest. The main thing is to keep walking and not stop, as then it will feel almost impossible to start again (for me anyway!). After mentioning my alcohol intake last week,

he also gave me a very polite reminder that I need to be more careful about what I’m putting in to my body as the big day draws closer. I’ve seen this for myself in the past week, with a heavy night last Saturday hindering me for days. I don’t want a knock back like that again, so I’m being more mindful of what I eat and drink. I never thought I’d say it, but following a really nutritious and healthy food plan for the past ten weeks has actually put me off a lot of the junk I used to eat. I find that although I still love a good treat, I notice the negative effects of overindulging much more and am inclined not to do it as much now. Eating good food has really made me realise that some of the stuff I used to eat was pure garbage. We also only have three weeks left of our 12 week bootcamp challenge which has been keeping me massively motivated and I’m actually not wanting it to end. Bootcamp trainer Tawna put on a free yoga session with Olympic snowboarder and yogi Christy Prior last week. Having never done yoga properly before, it was a great variation for me and my training, and a chance to try something new. After so many failed attempts over the years, I never thought I’d be able to take on a fully healthy lifestyle that I actually enjoy. Variation has been key and I find myself wanting to eat well and exercise now, which I never thought I’d say! Until next week guys, good luck in whatever challenges you’re attempting. Danielle.

GREBE DIARY 23 March 19 2017.


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ISSUE 810 Free delivery to Wanaka, Cromwell and surrounds, PO boxes in Makarora, Cromwell, Haast, Wanaka, Albert Town and Hawea. Also distributed to businesses in the Wanaka business district Average circulation: 15,000 weekly.

Phone: 03 443 5252 Fax: 03 443 5250 Editor: Ruth Blunt editor@thewanakasun.co.nz Journalists: Danielle Butler newsdesk@thewanakasun.co.nz Glenda Turnbull journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz Social media: Nikki Heath nikki@pembroke.co.nz

Graphic design: Damian Foster production@thewanakasun.co.nz Advertising: Leon Durbin 021 786 740 marketing@thewanakasun.co.nz Admin: Benn Ashford 021 956 740 admin@thewanakasun.co.nz Mail: PO Box 697, Wanaka

Deadlines: Display Advertising

4pm Friday prior to publication. marketing@thewanakasun.co.nz 021 786 740 Classified Advertising 5pm Monday prior Text: 0220 786 778 Subscriptions: $175 within NZ (including GST) per year. Overseas rates on request. Remittances to PO Box 697, Wanaka, NZ PHOTO: SUPPLIED

I have two other grebe related matters to attend to and after that we can wrap it up for the season. Bronwen recorded that the gizzard of the dead grebe was stuffed with feathers and noted that this behaviour was well known in birding circles. I too have watched grebes eat their own feathers and, even more interestingly, dip a feather in the water and feed it to their chicks. It seems to make very little sense, for the nutritional value would be about as much as the average toenail. Feathers, hair and toenails are all formed of keratin. So why do they do this? There are a number of theories and I am not sure that I am comfortable with the most popular ones. The most favoured is that feathers, once in the stomach act as a cushion to sharp fish bones, and thus prevent damage to the stomach. From time to


time “feather balls” containing fish bones are regurgitated. There are heaps of fish-eating birds in the world, but grebes, fish-eaters, appear to be the only ones that eat their own feathers in addition to feeding them to their young. Theory number two agrees in principle with theory number one above, but in addition to cleaning fish bones out of the stomach, the feathered mass also collects up parasites that might be in the bird’s stomach, thus preventing serious infestations. My immediate response to that is to suggest that any self-respecting parasite would not fall for that one. Umm. I may pass that one back to Bronwen. In the above photo one of a pair of grebes passes a feather to its mate who in turn fed it to its chick. John Darby

THURSDAY 23.03.17 - WEDNESDAY 29.03.17


Write to the editor Let the community know your views. editor@thewanakasun.co.nz or Text: 0220 786 778 PAGE 11



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NOTICES WANAKA SALVATION Army Family Store. Opening Hours – Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm, Saturday 9.30am – 4pm. We look forward to seeing you here! DONATIONS KINDLY received. Please drop them into the Salvation Army Family store or ph 443 5068 to book a pick up. BUSINESS NETWORKING International. The Wanaka chapter of BNI meets weekly at 7am Tuesday morning. Great networking opportunity to grow your business. Contact Rosie Ford for information 021 189 6671 RAGS, RAGS, rags ... little ones, big ones, cotton ones and drop cloths, available from the Wanaka Salvation Army Family Store 443 5068 CELLULAR HEALTH Recovery. Public talk Thursday 30th March 7.30pm. Presbyterian Community Room. $2 entry 0272218371

SERVICES WANAKA Pharmacy is your local pharmacy. We’re the big pharmacy at the top of Helwick Street - open until 8pm every single day. Ph 443 8000 INLAND REVENUE are at Community Networks on Wednesday 29 March. If you need help with your Tax return, Family Tax credits, IRD number or Child support give Community Networks a call on 03 443 7799 to make an appointment for this free service. FREE COMPUTER/SMARTPHONE assistance – offered by MAC students at Community Networks, Tuesdays from 3.30pm. Bookings essential, ph. 443 7799.

VOLUNTEERS WANTED for Visiting Service Companionship for Older People project. Can you spare a bit of time to visit one our senior citizens, to have a chat or go for an outing once a - week? Both men and women welcome. For more information please call Community Networks 443 7799 or email championforolderpeople@gmail.com JP SERVICES are available at Community Networks every Tuesday from 1pm and Friday from 10.30am. Please book your appointment by ringing Community Networks 03 443 7799. SAFETALK (SUICIDE awareness for everyone). Suicide is a community concern and prevention starts in the community. Are you interested in becoming more confident in knowing what to do if someone is feeling vulnerable? The SafeTALK workshop helps expand the reach of suicide intervention skills in communities around the world. Open to everyone over 17 yrs. Wednesday 12 April, 5.30pm – 8:30pm, $10. Bookings/payments /enquiries: contact Community Networks: 03 443 7799 / info@communitynetworks.co.nz

WANTED VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED at The Salvation Army Family store if you have some free time and would like to be part of a team which makes a difference, come and see us. PARENT OR community helper needed Monday mornings on Mt Iron walking bus in term 2. Fun social rewarding. kirstybarr1@gmail.com, 0272005111

For further details please feel free to contact the applicator Graeme Larcombe on 027-222 5467 or the Marina Secretary Shane Gibson on 03-443-0086.

COMMERCIAL 21 Brownston Street, Wanaka Top floor Brownston House Fully leased with four tenancies Centrally located Ample public parking Lake and mountain views 531 sqm $2,000,000 plus GST (if any)

Business For Sale

Sassy Pants, Spencer House Mall • • • •

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Landscape business Fleet of vehicles Extensive plant inventory Excellent returns 300m2 on 3,172m2 $360,000 (plus gst if any)

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Please call Roger on 0221741867 or call in and see Head Chef Anna Holden at Kai Whakapai. Please note a temporary chef position is also available until this role is filled.



LOCALS, WANT TO WORK AT TC THIS SEASON? WE WANT YOU TO! Employment applications open online on 3rd April.

On behalf of Queenstown Lakes District Council and Downer, Delta Utility Services Ltd wishes to advise residents of the Queenstown Lakes Districts Council of the intention to apply herbicides to un-wanted weed growth and pest plants. This work is carried out as part of the road maintenance contract CT16-007 and includes roadsides and footpaths.

Go to www.treblecone.com to submit your application Work will commence and be part of the TC crew in on the 1st April 2017. Steve Wilkes, Delta 2017 - Roll on winter! Utility Services Ltd,

Anna Findlay


PEST PLANT CONTROL SPRAYING On behalf of Queenstown Lakes District Council and Downer, Delta Utility Services Ltd wishes to advise residents of the Queenstown Lakes Districts Council of the intention to apply herbicides to un-wanted weed growth and pest plants. This work is carried out as part of the road maintenance contract CT16-007 and includes roadsides and footpaths. Work will commence on the 1st April 2017. Steve Wilkes, Delta Utility Services Ltd, PO Box 1404, Dunedin.



PEST PLANT CONTROL SPRAYING On behalf of Queenstown Lakes District Council and Downer, Delta Utility Services Ltd wishes to advise residents of the Queenstown Lakes Districts Council of the intention to apply herbicides to un-wanted weed growth and pest plants. This work is carried out as part of the road maintenance contract CT16-007 and includes roadsides and footpaths. Work will commence on the 1st April 2017. Steve Wilkes, Delta Utility Services Ltd, PO Box 1404, Dunedin.

Wanaka Sun (13x1)

We’re after a solid marketeer who can takeODT, the (14x1) The Mirror (14x1) lead delivering both in-house marketing and consultancy work supporting SME business owners in the region. With at least 3 years’ experience at marketing manager level or above, you’re confident with all aspects of planning and delivering marketing tactics from brand development to creating promoU Proof read by:_______________________________ With: _______________________________ Date:_______________________________ te tional materials to managing social media. You’re also a great copywriter and get the best from suppliers. A marketing qualification and previous consultancy experience would be ideal. In exchange, we’re offering good pay, colleagues with GSOH and flexible hours – part time to start with. job: C57491 PLE

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225 sqm For Sale or for Lease Ground-floor of Spencer House Mall Centrally located Call Harry Briggs for further information

Ray White Wanaka 03 443 8912 1 Helwick Street, Wanaka wanaka.nz@raywhite.com www.rwwanaka.com

Kai Whakapai cafe-bar seeks a mature competent reliable and skilled full time chef for a permanent long term role. This is a senior position, where you would often in charge of the kitchen. The role would be primarily daytimes, 5 days per week including weekends. Salary negotiable but good - depending on experience.

PO Box 1404, Dunedin.

Commercial For Sale • • • • • •



NOTICE Wanaka Marina Limited wishes to advise that in terms of the company’s resource consent conditions, there will be chemical weed control measures taking place from the 20th March 2017 until 8th April 2017 depending on weather conditions. The chemical, Diquat, will be applied within 25 metres of the marina structure by ERMA approved licensed applicator, Landcare Services Limited. Access to the marina and surrounding water ways will be restricted during the period of application. Signage will be placed in the area to notify to public of the restricted access. This notice is given in accordance with the Otago Regional Council Water Use & Management policy under clause 12:7.1.1ii


Harry Briggs

Please send your CV size: 14x1 & 13x1 and any samples of your work to collaborationwanaka@gmail.compublication ODT The Mirror (Queenstown) THURSDAY 23.03.17 - WEDNESDAY 29.03.17 Wanaka Sun

locals online format: mono thewanakasun.co.nz run date position sort cost (excl gst) Sat 25 Mar public notices Wed 22 Mar public notices Thurs 23 Mar public notices

14x1 14x1 13x1

$140.00 $98.00 $84.50 PAGE 13

that adve und rece adve to c adve pos Can med fee



HEALTHY DEALS THIS WEEK Phone: 03 443 8000 Top of Helwick Street, Wanaka


Titans tackle tough course ESSENTIAL BASICS




Twelve Titans helped raise hundreds for Wanaka LandSAR at the weekend, tackling a 3.5km obstacle course to claim Wanaka Titan status. The inaugural Wanaka Titans course saw participants tackling tyre squats, water runs, army crawls and skipping with a twist on Saturday


March 18. Organiser Martin McKone said that the event had raised around $550 for Wanaka LandSAR and that planning for another one later this year would start soon. “Wanaka Titans was fun and those who entered really enjoyed the challenge and are keen for another,” Martin said. Pictured: Participants after achieving Titan status.



ESSENTIAL BASICS *Applies to selected Sanderson products

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Athletes shine at Nationals *Hurry!

Offer valid while stocks or until advislast ed


Offer valid while stocks last or until advise d


Offer valid while stocks last or until ad 31/0 vis3/ed17




Wanaka athletes Sammy Burke and Laura McCulloch had outstanding performances at the New Zealand Athletics Championships held in Hamilton last weekend. Having just moved up age groups Sammy Burke (17) took silver in her debut under-20 5000m in 17:16 minutes. Coach Val Burke said, “She raced a brilliant race, taking silver in a sprint finish for second and third.” On Sunday Sammy ran the 1500m and again had a strong race, finishing fourth in 4:43 minutes. “Sammy won the Otago 3000m champs last week, setting a new Otago record, so we knew she was holding good form,” Val said. Next heads to SydOffeweek r valiSammy dwith the New Zealand ney, whilAustralia, e s team ckstolashave athleticsto t her first experio r u n ti l a vised ence at the dAustralian Track Champi-





d below ts as picture produc d Sanderson 23.03.17 - WEDNESDAY 29.03.17 *Applies to selecteTHURSDAY

onships. She will be competing in the 5000m and 1500m race there before coming back to Dunedin to run in the South Island Championships. Laura McCulloch (17) missed the Secondary Schools National Championships in December and has only had two outings on the track this season. “We knew she was going to be fast as last weekend she won the Otago Championships braking 60 seconds for the first time in the 400m,” Val said. Laura ran a one second personal best (58.98) in Hamilton and finished a creditable fifth place. Laura also competed in the 4x100m and 4x400m relay for Otago. She will head to Invercargill next weekend to race in the Southland-Otago Championships where she will be looking to keep improving on her recent form. Pictured: Laura McCulloch and Sammy Burke at the NZ Athletics Championships. THE WANAKA SUN




Aspiring trampolinists shine G PHOTO: DANIELLE BUTLER

Waterskier scoops silver medals D



Teenage waterskier Meg Harraway came away from the Australia vs New Zealand Waterskiing Championships with two silver medals last week. The 15-year-old Wanaka girl, pictured, said that the competition, held in Myuna Bay, Newcastle, Australia was made tougher by rain and wind. Despite this, Meg made a 30m jump for the first

time, achieved personal bests in all three of her events and gained silver medals in the under-17 girls slalom and the team event. “It was my first year in the under-17s so I didn’t know what sort of competition I had. I wasn’t really expecting much but I’m really happy,” Meg said. Meg now has her sights set on the junior world championships in 2018 and will be aiming to get high results in her competitions for the next two years to put her in a strong position.



Aspiring Gymsports Club trampolinists competed in their first event for 2017 at the National Qualifying Tumbling and Trampolining Championships in Christchurch last weekend. Athletes attended from all over the South and North Island and the standard was extremely high. Eight club members competed on trampoline, double mini trampoline and synchronised trampolining with the locals athletes all receiving good placings and medals within their respective age groups. Deia Carson-Wolfe and Sophie Stalker competed in the tumbling events, finishing in first and second place respectively. Deia was also presented with a special award for earning the highest score of any of the competitors across all age groups. Other notable results included Skyla Coll who was placed first in all her events in the eight and under category, Izzy Percy was placed third in 11 -12 year double mini trampoline

and was placed first in synchro with her partner Caoimhe Heath. Imogen Dougherty and Deia Cason-Wolfe were placed second in synchro whilst the pairing of Sophie Stalker with Alisha Brooke from Dunedin gained third place in 15-16 year age group. In the 9-10 year individual trampoline disciplines, Elizabeth Pell was in second place followed closely by Jessica Penney going into the finals. Jessica performed a great final voluntary routine finishing on the podium ahead of the other Aspiring athletes. Deia, Imogen, Caoimhe, Jessica and Elizabeth qualified for the National Gymsports Finals later in the year while about 20 club members aged 4-15 will compete against other South Island competitors at an event in April. Aspiring head coach Catherine Pell said, “The club’s competitive programme continues to strengthen with a large number of the youngsters competing either at the highest national level or at regional competitions. All performances and results were outstanding and well deserved.”

Sport 10 League comes to Wanaka


Strong start to season for WYFC S



Wanaka Youth Football Club kicked off the Central Otago Men's Football League season with a convincing 3-6 win over Lakes United on Saturday at the Queenstown event centre. The team, sporting their new black and pink kit (pictured), got off to a strong start and had a few early opportunities but it was Lakes who scored first. WYFC hit back, with Tom Smith putting a nice ball through for Rory Hannon who put the ball in the back of the net. Lakes again took the lead to go into halfway with a 2-1 lead. WYFC conceded another goal after the break. When the older Lakes players started to tire, the younger, fitter youth team started to attack the Lakes defences and control the play with their midfield of Tom Smith, Ben Hadida, Rimu Roode and Alex Plimmer. Ben made a strong run through the THE WANAKA SUN

middle, sending a beautiful ball through for Adam Hewson who slotted it in to make the score 3-2. A perfect pass from Alex to Adam led to the equaliser as Adam netted his second goal. Moments later, Adam set up Rimu, who kept control of the ball to score despite getting tangled up with the defence. The back three of Chris Byrne, Levi Vink and Jake Nicholson played well, with left back Jake making a desperate clearing kick off the goal line to deny Lakes a goal 15 minutes from the end. WYFC midfield rallied again with Rimu posting a good ball to Adam Hewson who scored his hat-trick. Minutes later Adam added his fourth goal to the score sheet to seal the win of 3-6. Caleb Nicol was solid in goal and there were good contributions from Tom Reaney as well as Finlay Nolet, Sam Facer and Fabio Domingues off the bench. Rory Hannon had a brilliant game up front supported by Ben Hadida, Rimu Roode, Chris Byrne and Adam Hewson. THURSDAY 23.03.17 - WEDNESDAY 29.03.17

Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) Sports and Recreation is seeking registrations for a new sporting competition starting in April, to be held at the Wanaka Recreation Centre. Sport 10 League is a fun competition where ten teams compete against each other in ten sports and has been running in Queenstown since 2012. QLDC recreation programmes manager Shantelle Cockroft-Gerken said they have had a really positive response to the league so far. “People seem to be really excited about something new like this coming to Wanaka. The league always fills quickly and we always have a waiting

list,” Shantelle said. “The ten sports scheduled are basketball, futsal, hockey, volleyball, turbo touch, four corner soccer, floorball, netball, dodgeball and we have a mystery week. The great thing about this league is it is super social and the main focus is having fun. The vibe is always entertaining as friends get to play ten completely different sports together,” she said. The league requires a minimum of two females on the court at all times. Games will be held on Monday nights between 6pm and 9pm, starting on April 3. Teams can be registered by contacting Shantelle at shantelle.cockroft-gerken@ qldc.govt.nz -Glenda Turnbull WS

SPORTS RESULTS Please send your sports results to sports@thewanakasun.co.nz by 4pm Monday prior to print for inclusion in this section. Wanaka Bridge Bronze Champ (Wed) N/S 1st Jeanette Gillies, Maureen Hawke 60.58%. 2nd Jude Gunn, Noeline Munro 57.50%. 3rd Jason Benton, Shona Watt 52.88%. E/W 1st John Hogg, Dennis Pezaro 61.92%. 2nd Tommie Munns, Neil Robinson 55%. 3rd Hans Limacher, Claire Williams 53.27% Silver Champ (Mon) N/S 1st Ian McDonald, Errol Kelly 56.59%. 2nd Helen Cornwell, Boyd Ottrey 55.63%. 3rd Heather Wellman, Murray Pryde 55.08% E/W 1st Allan Kelly, Georgie Roberts 60.30%. 2nd Jan Anderson, Jan Baird 57.55%. 3rd Marion Furneaux, Jenny Pryde 54.67% Friday Afternoon N/S

1st Deidre Lynch, Josey McKenzie 62.70%, 2nd Daphne Stewart, Gerarda Herlihy 61.38%. 3rd Lynne Fegan, David Brewer 57.41% E/W 1st Sherril Harries, Maggie Stratford 59.52%. 2nd Vivienne Christie, Jenny Muir 57.44%. 3rd Sheryl Struwick, Joy Baxter 55.06%. Lake Hawea Golf Club Sunday’s competition 19/03/2017 Rabbit Stableford. 1st Rick Johnston,Red Stevenson,Scott Read and Steve Wallace. 2nd Neil Matchett,Chris Morrow Tony Anderson and Dick Sullivan. Closest To the Pin No1 Men Tony Anderson Closest to the Pin No5 Men Chris Morrow Ladies Bernadette Raffee. Two’s No 1 Neil Matchett No 14 Chris Morrow Birdies/net Eagle Hole No 1 Neil Matchett.



THURSDAY 23.03.17 - WEDNESDAY 29.03.17


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