INSIDE THIS WEEK FARMING: PAGE 9 jobs: PAGE 13 sport: Page 16
PAGE 5 Sightings in Otago increase.
MATARIKI SUPPORT NEEDED PAGE 7 Kahu Youth call for sponsorship of annual Maori New Year event.
PAGE 3 thewanakasun.co.nz THUR 25.05.17 - WED 31.05.17
Wanaka’s latest lot of year 12 and 13 Mount Aspiring College students celebrated their Casino Royale-themed formal at the Lake Wanaka Centre last Saturday night (May 20). The school took to social media to praise a “fantastic event” thanking everyone who made it happen and everyone who participated in a “truly memorable night”. Samantha Garrick, Hannah Humphreys, Sam Howard, Grace Lee and Greer Porter, all 16, are pictured at the formal. PHOTO: DANIEL CHEW
lake snow funding UNDER MICROSCOPE D
Dr Schallenberg highlighted that he previously had several applications for funding to research lake snow turned down including one by Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) in 2012, one by the ORC in 2015 and one for $78,000 spread over two years to study lake snow by the University of Otago’s research committee in 2015. The university’s research committee also declined a proposal by both Dr Schallenberg and Dr Travis Ingram for $30,000 annually to study
lake snow. The university’s deputy vice chancellor research and enterprise professor Richard Blaikie told the Wanaka Sun that the research committee does not publicly release feedback on individual applications for research funding so as to preserve the ability for “free and frank discussion” to take place surrounding applications. “In most cases funding is not awarded purely because there are more fundable projects submitted than funding available. Because requests for funding far outweigh the available funding (in 2016 the ratio was 2:1), applications are therefore ranked to determine which applications will be funded.” Continues on page 3
ressure is mounting on local bodies to do more to tackle invasive weeds and algae in Lakes Wanaka and Hawea, as reasons for previous lack of funding begin to emerge. University of Otago Research Fellow and freshwater scientist Dr Marc Schallenberg, who has been vocal on the issue of lake snow in the region’s lakes for some time, identified the need for more information on lake snow and the algae species Lindavia Intermedia responsible for creating it at a public meeting earlier this year in Wanaka.
“Changes are happening in these lakes and more and more robust information on the lakes is needed. It’s a complex problem and we need high quality monitoring data to allow sensitive changes to be detected,” Dr Schallenberg said. “Samples collected from outflow monitoring that has been done in these lakes so far is inadequate to analyse any trends. Better lake monitoring is possible to collect fantastic data and these lakes are worth monitoring.”
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Pair research plastic D
Rock stacks considered unsafe D
As lake levels remain low, more rock stacks, a popular feature of scenic photo opportunities, are appearing on its shore and lake users have warned of potential dangers. The building of rock stacks has long been popular practice for picturesque photos by lakes, rivers, waterfalls and beaches. This week Eco Wanaka Adventures owner Chris
Riley pointed out the potential risks when lake levels rise again and put a plea out to the public not to build rock stacks. “Please don’t build rock stacks at low lake levels that boats, water skiers or kite surfers will hit at high lake levels. This is causing a dangerous precedent and is extremely dangerous,” Chris said. Queenstown Lakes District harbourmaster Marty Black said that people should be cautious of what they are building around the lake when it is at low level. Pictured: A rock stack at Bremner Bay.
Te Kakano on national stage S
Wanaka’s Te Kakano Aotearoa Trust (Te Kakano) has been selected as a finalist in the community leadership category at this year’s Green Ribbon Awards. The awards recognise outstanding contributions by individuals, communities and organisations to protect and manage New Zealand’s environment. Over ten years Te Kakano has engaged with the local community to replant thousands of trees in the Upper Clutha area and has been applauded for raising awareness of how individuals, groups and organisations can get involved and make a difference to the environment.
As well as continuing to thrive in Wanaka with more projects than ever, it is now assisting other communities to replicate its success in their own towns. Representatives of the trust will attend the Green Ribbon Awards ceremony in Wellington early next month to hear the announcement of the winners in each category. Community liaison and development manager for Te Kakano, Megan Williams, said that being a finalist in the national awards was a fantastic tribute to more than 1000 volunteers. “(The volunteers) have contributed over 22,000 hours caring for and planting approximately 24,000 plants. It is fitting that in our tenth year with more projects than ever, we are recognised in this way,” Megan said.
A Wanaka couple researching plastic pollution around the Pacific Ocean are almost six months into their three year expedition carrying out environmental, educational and conservation work. Management consultant Ross Greenwood and Cromwell College teacher Chris Greenwood set sail on their Joshua design sailboat Sula in December 2016 to carry out research and collect samples of plastic pollution for the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) ocean modeller Dr Eric Behrens. After sailing around the south of New Zealand, trawling for plastic pollution in areas including Milford Sound, Fiordland and Stewart Island, the couple are now preparing for the next stage of their journey to Patagonia via the remote islands of southern French Polynesia. Speaking from Lyttleton earlier this week, Ross said the pair were waiting for a decent weather window and better winds before they could head off, with their departure expected for Tuesday May 23. “We’ve had to hide from a few gales
so far but have had very good sheltered anchorages and generally had quite decent weather, which is good as it’s not a difficult job if conditions are favourable, so we feel like we’re achieving something worthwhile,” Ross said. “It’s been fantastic and we’ve had an amazing time. We’ve done a lot of trawling for plastic in just about everywhere we went and have sent all our research off to NIWA.” Ross said that the pair suspected they had found evidence of microbeads, microplastics found in shower gels and many other household products, in their trawler but were hoping that they hadn’t. “These plastics have a lot to answer for. They’re designed specifically small enough so they get flushed easily through water processing treatment plants and they are creating oceans of plastic smog, in some places reducing visibility to metres,” Ross said. The couple are awaiting the results of their current samples and now have a 20 to 25 day journey ahead before they reach the islands of French Polynesia, where they will continue their research. Ross is pictured with the plastic trawler.
Golden Guitars finalist Wanaka’s country singer/songwriter Jody Direen, pictured, has made the finals of this year’s Golden Guitar Awards. Jody’s latest and third album Shake Up is a contender for best country music album alongside Hamilton County Bluegrass Band’s These Old Hands and Phil Doublet’s Endless Highway. The winners will be announced at the New Zealand Golden Guitar Awards ceremony in Gore on June 1.
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THURSDAY 25.05.17 - WEDNESDAY 31.05.17
Fourth contender stands G
The ballot paper for the up-coming Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) by-election has increased to four with the nomination of Wayne Hudson. Wayne (pictured) is a semi-retired commercial lawyer who has focused his 30-year career on the technology business sector, advising on commercialising intellectual property, buying and selling tech businesses, capitalraising and structuring start-up businesses. His company WHIPIT Limited consults with technology start-up companies, preparing them for growth, investment and sale. Wayne and his wife Jane moved from Auckland to Wanaka in 2014 and Wayne is actively involved in the community, mentoring a number of Wanaka start-up businesses including Tourism Ticker, kin-2-kin, Insiteful, and MeMini. He is also a mentor for the Angelic Drop-in Centre at the CUBE, Wanaka, and is a presenter and trained facilitator for the Wanaka Co.starters business development programme. Wayne is a director of a number of technology-driven companies and was on the steering group for the Centre for Space Science Technology in Alexandra. Wayne is a keen sportsman and is the current President of the Wanaka Ski and Snowsports Club, a competitive cyclist and a member of the Wanaka Tramping Club. He is a former President of Cycling New Zealand and holds 17 national titles in fencing, having competed for New Zealand
from 1975 to 1992. Wayne said the main focus for Wanaka and its surrounding areas must be long-range infrastructure and asset planning. “I strongly believe we need clear, considered and decisive planning for our area’s future. I will be a strong voice lobbying for Wanaka and its future needs and will work hard as part of the QLDC team and Wanaka Community Board members to develop a sensitive approach to growth in order to enhance and protect our area,” Wayne said. “We do not want to be playing catch up on infrastructure issues (such as roading) the way Queenstown is, and we need early planning to cope with the pressures of our fastgrowing area.” “We also need to address water quality issues and maximise opportunities to develop, while still protecting recreational and tourism assets, such as the Sticky Forest, for all recreational users,” he said.
Lack of lake snow funding Continued from page 1 “The research committee receives over 200 research grant applications each year and in the years that Marc’s applications were received, he fell outside the funding category,” Professor Blaikie said. He said that the panel assesses each application against criteria which includes the objectives of the research, how the research method has been designed and the proposed method of execution, the personnel involved and their experience, the novelty of the proposal and whether this has already been tried before, and what long term outcome will result from the research. In regards to Dr Schallenberg’s declined application to QLDC in 2012 for $46,000 to study lake snow in Lake Wanaka for one year, QLDC’s records manager Barbara East said that no documentation in relation to the proposal could be located. “We note that water quality management is a function of the Otago Regional Council. Council has been asked to consider funding in its draft annual plan round by the Upper Clutha Water Group and we have recently pledged support to the University of Otago who are applying for funding for a major research project to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE),” Barbara said. ORC communications team leader Mark Peart said that Dr Schallenberg’s request for co-funding in 2015 to support a research proposal to THE WANAKA SUN
MBIE to study lakes throughout the country was declined as it arrived too close to the application deadline. Mark added that it had nothing to do with the merits of his proposal but the ORC was unable to consider it in time. Last year, the ORC provided around $30,000 to Phil Novis of Landcare Research’s genetics work on the lake snow organism, with the total amount committed to the investigation and management of the effects of lake snow by the council currently sitting at $112,000. The University of Otago’s research committee also granted $27,000 in March for a year’s worth of research into lake snow by Dr Schallenberg and Dr Ingram. The University of Otago and Catchments Otago have submitted a proposal to the MBIE endeavour fund in collaboration with stakeholders, including QLDC and ORC, and other research organisations to gather scientific knowledge and understanding of lake snow. The ORC’s technical committee met in March and were presented with the findings of a lake snow workshop held late last year, deciding that a “substantial proportion” of the Catchments Otago proposal aligns directly with the research priorities outlined during the workshop and would be the most effective way of delivering much of the priority research. The outcome of the MBIE proposal will be known in September.
New Fire Truck for Makarora G
The Otago Rural Fire Authority (OFRA) delivered a new fire truck to Makarora fire chief Heather Pennycook in Wanaka last Thursday May 19. ORFA deputy principal rural fire officer Pete Scarlet, pictured handing over the keys of the brand new specially built fire appliance to Heather, said the truck will be a significant improvement on their current vehicle. “The truck is brand new, purpose-built by ORFA in Clyde and has taken about nine months from concept to completion. The vehicle has the latest technology and equipment available for fighting vegetation fires and attending motor vehicle accidents,” Pete said.
The truck is the first double cab in Otago, costing $100,000 with modifications. The old truck, which had been in service for seven years, will be transported to Clyde where it will be used as a spare. Heather has been the Makarora fire chief for four years and said the new appliance will make a big difference. “The benefit of having the double cabin is huge. Our old appliance only had room for three crew members, now we can fit up to six. It means we will be able to attend a callout without having to take additional crew members in another vehicle,” Heather said. There are around 60 ORFA vehicles currently in use in Otago and the Makarora truck is one of 12 new vehicles ORFA is currently rolling out in the region.
Report sightings of Myrtle Rust S
Queenstown Lakes District Council has asked residents to keep an eye out for the invasive myrtle rust in gardens, a fungal disease that could have a severe impact on New Zealand natives including põhutukawa and mãnuka, and introduced species such as eucalyptus
and feijoa. If you come across it - take a photo of the affected plant, make a note of its location, and call the Ministry for Primary Industries immediately on 0800 80 99 66. If everyone keeps an eye out for it and reports it immediately, we might be able to beat this. For more information visit the DOC website: www.doc.govt.nz/myrtlerust.
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New citizens welcomed Pop-up restaurant returns to Rippon
Mayor Jim Boult welcomed more of Wanaka’s residents to New Zealand citizenship last week in the Queenstown Lakes District Council’s latest citizenship ceremony. Suzanne Weir, Rebecca Bisset, Krishnendu Chakroborty, Lindy-Marie
Clarbull, Andrew Terry Hailey, Anna May Sinclair, Janus Staufenberg, Julius Wolf Staufenberg, Ulrich Staufenberg and Anke Staufenberg were among the rest of the district’s new citizens, pictured with Mayor Boult.
Animal welfare app launched S
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has launched a mobile app that helps farmers, transporters, stock agents and veterinarians determine whether an animal is fit for transport. Developed with industry and vets, the app is an easy and efficient tool to help people make the right decision for the welfare of animals. It consolidates available information into one place and doesn't require internet access, which makes it suitable for on-farm use. MPI director of verification services Dr Chris Kebbell said most people in the primary sectors are well aware of the fitness for transport requirements, but MPI veterinarians at processing plants still see some animals arrive that should not have been transported. "Animal welfare is everyone's responsibility and farmers, transporters, stock agents and veterinarians all have a role to play in ensuring
only fit animals are transported. The information in the app is based on the transport requirements in the codes of welfare for dairy cattle, deer, sheep and beef cattle," Dr Kebbell said. The app is a tool to improve voluntary compliance with animal welfare requirements and was developed under MPI's Safeguarding our Animals, Safeguarding our Reputation Programme. "One of the ways we achieve this is through the development of resources to support owners and people in charge of animals. There has been demand for this tool and many are excited that it's now available. We've had great feedback so far," Dr Kebbell said. Recently implemented regulations for young calves are also contained in the app and new fitness regulations currently under development will be updated to the app once implemented. Download the app on iTunes or Google Play and search 'fit for transport.'
Snow is in the forecast for this coming week, the town is beginning to fill up with shredders and, to coin a now all-too familiar phrase, winter is coming. With the change of season now very much on the mind, we are very excited to announce that Rippon is once again teaming up with Chef Sam Metcalfe for a five week opening of The Chef’s Table this winter. Rippon events manager Yohann Bourdin said, “Sam cooked up a storm last winter at The Chef’s Table and we are thrilled to have him back again this year. We had a wonderful mix of après-skiers, families, locals and winter visitors alike, many of whom returned time and again, and the word seemed to spread like wildfire. With such a positive reception from the community, it took very little to convince us all that we should reopen for the coming season.” Other than the finer points of the menu, very little has changed from last year. The roaring fire, the very local drinks list, the communal tables and the sharing plates will be very much in evidence along with live music every Sunday afternoon
from 4pm. Remaining too will be the chef’s table itself in the Rippon Hall kitchen, seating up to ten people where you can watch Sam and his team working their magic. “One of the great things about cooking for The Chef’s Table was knowing so many of the people enjoyed their evenings with us. Wanaka may be growing but The Chef’s Table reinforced what a great and close-knit community we still have here.” “To be cooking for so many friends and acquaintances added a very informal and special element to the pop-up. The openness of the terrace for après-ski and having the chef’s table itself in the kitchen really added to the enjoyment and allowed far greater interaction with the guests,” Sam said. The Chef’s Table opens at The Rippon Hall on Friday June 16 for five weeks with the final night of opening Sunday July 23. Open six days (closed Mondays) from 4pm for après-ski drinks and dinner. Bookings are strongly recommended to avoid disappointment. Larger lunches are available where possible with prior bookings. For all enquiries and reservations, please email pop-up@rippon.co.nz or call 021 152 9707. Advertorial
ECG machine for Dunstan Hospital G
Representatives from the Rotary clubs of Wanaka, Cromwell and Alexandra presented a new ECG machine to members of the Dunstan Hospital nursing team on Monday May 22. More than $13,000 was raised by the clubs to enable the purchase of the ECG machine with
wireless monitoring capability, adding flexibility in the hospital environment, together with three vital signs monitors. Rotary Club Presidents Margaret West (Wanaka), Carolyn Martin (Alexandra), Bonnie Miller Perry (Cromwell), and project leader Fin White (Cromwell) presented the new machine to nursing team members Charge Nurse Richard Klahn, Joss Willyams and Kirsty Deans.
Pink parade for anti-bullying Housing Accord to include Wanaka D
Some of the district’s schools will erupt into colour tomorrow (Friday 26) to recognise Pink Shirt Day, the final day of New Zealand’s Bullying Free Week. Hawea Flat School and Mount Aspiring College (MAC) will turn pink, with students encouraged to dress in pink and take part in games and activities to make a statement against bullying and promote the mental health and wellbeing of young people. Hawea Flat will also donate some of the funds from its $5 lunch to the Mental Health Foundation, while MAC will donate its mufti day funds to the foundation. MAC student and Sticks ‘n Stones secretary Bella Fraser said the aim of getting students to wear pink was to show their support for the global event and to stand up against bullyTHE WANAKA SUN
ing, spreading acceptance, respect, compassion and kindness. Meanwhile, all schools across the district have been spreading the message of bullying prevention throughout Bullying Free Week. Mental Health Foundation chief executive Shaun Robinson said that more than 1000 schools, workplaces and community groups across the country have registered for this Pink Shirt Day, showing that New Zealanders are saying no to bullying and yes to kindness. “New Zealand’s diversity should be celebrated. Everyone deserves to feel safe, valued and respected, but bullying is a significant problem in our country. We know that students who are bullied are more likely to experience symptoms of depression and anxiety and avoid going to school. We must work together to say no to bullying and to support each other on Pink Shirt Day and every day,” Shaun said.
Wanaka will be included in the extended scope of the Queenstown-Lakes Housing accord, Building and Construction Minister Dr Nick Smith and Queenstown-Lakes Mayor Jim Boult announced today. Residential building activity has more than doubled in Queenstown since the Accord was signed in 2014, with the latest figures showing $512 million in investment in the year to March 2017 compared with $256 million in 2014. The Queenstown-Lakes Housing Accord increases the supply of housing in the district by speeding up the consenting process for developments and freeing up new areas of land for housing. The Council is required to monitor the number of sections and buildings consented against targets agreed between the Minister and the Mayor. “We are planning to extend the scope of the Accord to support improved housing supply across the wider Queenstown-Lakes District, including Wanaka, and are working on new targets for the next three years to support growth. Our discussions
THURSDAY 25.05.17 - WEDNESDAY 31.05.17
today also included how the Government can support the Council’s infrastructure and opportunities for using surplus Crown land to support growth in housing,” Mayor Boult said. Monitoring reports released today show 1634 consents have been issued to date with the target of 1750 likely to be exceeded with six months to go. “We have made progress, with seven special housing areas with capacity for 950 additional homes being approved in Queenstown. We need to do more given the strong tourism sector and ongoing population growth in the district,” Dr Smith said after meeting Mayor Boult today. Mayor Boult said the demand for housing across the district is stronger than ever, and he is supportive of any measures that can help local families get into their own homes. “The cost of housing is a serious issue in our district and something this Council is working hard to address, both through the special housing accord and the Mayoral Housing Taskforce. An extension of this legislation will lead to more affordable housing stock being available for those who need it and, as such, I will recommend that our Council supports the Government initiative,” Mayor Boult said. PAGE 5
Southern District Health Board confirms whooping cough D
A small cluster of whooping cough cases in Alexandra have prompted warnings to women in their final three months of pregnancy to make sure they are immunised. Southern District Health Board (DHB) has confirmed that six cases of pertussis, more
commonly known as whooping cough, have been reported in Alexandra over the past three weeks. Southern DHB public health nurse Mike O’Brien said that the disease is always present in the community and is not uncommon, with over 1100 cases throughout the country in the past 12 months. “When GPs pick it up they’re supposed to let us know that it exists so we find we
have little clusters reported. We often see spikes and while we haven’t seen any cases in Alexandra for a while, it’s normal for us to have little clusters every now and then,” Mike said. Whooping cough is a highly infectious disease that manifests as a slight cough and runny nose before more severe bouts of coughing which can last up to three months.
It is most serious for young children, particularly those under 12 months, which is why the vaccination is free for all women in the final three months of pregnancy, giving their unborn baby immunity through the mother until his or her first vaccination. Mike said that at this time of year the most important things to remember for anyone feeling unwell with a cough are to stay at home until symptoms resolve, be up to date with influenza and pertussis vaccinations, visit the GP if symptoms don’t resolve and follow basic hygiene practices.
Lake swimmers safe Police attended to three swimmers who appeared to be having trouble in Roys Bay on Sunday afternoon (May 21). A police spokesperson said that police were alerted at around 3.30pm, but once at the scene discovered that the swimmers were fine and had just been conducting a training swim.
N O T I C E B O A R D Resource Consent Application Resource Management Act 1991
Meeting Schedule for June 2017 The following meetings will be held, during June 2017: Hearing of Submissions to the QLDC Annual Plan for 2017-18 – Armstrong Room, Lake Wanaka Centre, Wanaka. Thursday 1 June 2017 at 9.30am. Resource Consent Hearing (Woodlot Properties Ltd) – Crowne Plaza Hotel (Level 3), Beach Street, Queenstown. Wednesday 7 June 2017 at 11.00am. Planning & Strategy Committee - Council Chambers, 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown. Thursday 8 June 2017 at 10.00am. Hearing of Submissions on Lease Variation - Pisa Alpine Charitable Trust Meeting Room, Wanaka Recreation Centre. Thursday 8 June 2017 at 10.00am. Appeals Subcommittee – Council Chambers, 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown. Thursday 8 June 2017 at 10.30am or at the conclusion of the Planning & Strategy Committee whichever is the latter. This meeting will be held with the public excluded, pursuant to Section 7(2)(g) and Section 7(2)(i) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Audit, Finance & Risk Committee - Council Chambers, 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown. Thursday 8 June 2017 at 1.30pm. Infrastructure Committee - Council Chambers, 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown. Thursday 15 June 2017 at 10.00am. Resource Consent Hearing (K MCTaggart & J Crane) – Crowne Plaza Hotel (Level 3), Beach Street, Queenstown. Friday 16 June 2017 at 10.00am. Resource Consent Hearing (P Gordon & HGW Trustees Limited) – Edgewater Resort (Pavilion), Sargood Drive, Wanaka. Tuesday 20 June 2017 at 10.30am. Wanaka Community Board – Fire Station Meeting Room, Wanaka. Thursday 22 June 2017 at 10.00am. Queenstown Lakes District Council – Council Chambers, 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown. Friday 23 June 2017 at 8.00am. Meeting dates, times and venues are subject to change. The above meetings are open to the public. Some meetings may have items of business that will be discussed with the public excluded, as set out by the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. This notice is published in accordance with Section 46 of the Local Government Act. Mike Theelen Chief Executive
Amended Meeting Schedule The QLDC May Meeting Schedule has been amended as follows: Additional Meeting: Hearing of Submissions on the Coronet Forest Management Plan 2017 Council Chambers, 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown. Monday, 29 May 2017 at 10.00am.
Details of the resource consent application and submission forms are available in the offices at Queenstown Lakes District Council, 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown; 74 Shotover Street, Queenstown; 33-35 Reece Crescent, Wanaka and 47 Ardmore Street, Wanaka during normal office hours (8.00am to 5.00pm). You can also download these from our website: www.qldc.govt.nz 1. J & V Urquhart & Checketts McKay Trustees Limited (RM170055) What is proposed: To undertake a five lot subdivision and identify five residential building platforms, two of which are around existing dwellings. The location in respect of which this application relates is situated at: Nook Road, Hawea , legally described Lot 1 Deposited Plan 432226 and Section 12 Block XIII Lower Hawea Survey District and Section 3-5 Survey Office Plan 436839. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE FOR APPLICANT: C/- C Hughes and Associates Ltd PO Box 599 Wanaka 9343 wanaka@chasurveyors.co.nz The Council planner processing this application on behalf of the Council is Jenny Carter, who may be contacted by phone at 021 632 849 or email jenny.carter@qldc.govt.nz 2. J & A Nichol (RM170299) What is proposed: Resource consent is sought to subdivide Lot 1 DP 21489 into three fee simple lots and to establish a building platform on each lot. The proposed building platform on Lot 1 will be around the existing dwelling and accessory building, with vacant platforms created on Lots 2 and 3. The location in respect of which this application relates is situated at: 118 Faulks Road, Wanaka, legally described as Lot 1 Deposited Plan 21469 contained in Computer Freehold Register OT13B/347 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE FOR APPLICANT: C/- Dan Curley IP Solutions Limited dan@ipsolutions.nz
Central Otago Alcohol and Drug Service 03 214 5786
Depression Support Line 0800 111 757 Lifeline 0800 543 354
Youthline 0800 37 66 33
Healthline 0800 611 116
Alcohol & drug Helpline 0800 787 797 In crisis phone the Mental Health Emergency team 0800 467 846
Understanding Depression
For young people: www.thelowdown.co.nz For adults: www.depression.org.nz
The Council planner processing this application on behalf of the Council is Andrew Woodford, who may be contacted by phone at 03 450 1726 or e-mail andrew.woodford@qldc.govt.nz Submissions will be received until 23 June 2017, and must be served on the Consent Authority, Queenstown Lakes District Council, Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348, or email rcsubmission@qldc.govt.nz. These must be dated, signed by you, and include the following information: 1. 2.
Your name, postal address, telephone number, and fax number if applicable. Details of the application in respect of which you are making the submission including location and the Resource Consent number. Whether you support or oppose the application. Your submission, with reasons. The decision you wish the consent authority to make. Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission.
Any person may make a submission on the application, but a person who is a trade competitor of the applicant may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the application relates that:
The lowest or any proposal will not necessarily be accepted.
Queenstown Lakes Family Centre 03 441 4331
Central Otago Mental Health Services 03 440 4308
A list of local counsellors can be found on our website www.communitynetworks.co.nz
Proposals are invited from suitably experienced contractors for the above Council contract.
Tenders must be submitted by email to james.price@aplproperty.co.nz by 5.00pm on 16 June 2017.
Tautoko Suicide crisis support line 0508 828 865
Aspiring Medical Centre 03 443 0725
3. 4. 5. 6.
RFP documents are available on our website or from APL Property (Level 1, 50 Stanley Street, Queenstown), or by phoning James Price on 03 442 7133 or email james.price@aplproperty.co.nz
Wanaka Medical Centre 03 443 0710
Request for Proposal – Cleaning of Queenstown Lakes District Council Sport and Recreational Facilities The general nature of work involves the daily cleaning and supply of consumables in order to maintain Council’s recreational facilities buildings to a professional standard. Buildings are located in Queenstown, Frankton, Arrowtown and Wanaka.
When life gets tough...
a. b.
adversely affects the environment; and does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.
You may make a submission in writing or electronically to Queenstown Lakes District Council (details below). The submission should be in the format of Form 13. Copies of this form are available on the website: www.qldc.govt.nz/planning/resourceconsents/ Address for Service for Consent Authority: Queenstown Lakes District Council Private Bag 50072 Queenstown 9348 Phone: 03 441 0499 Email: rcsubmission@qldc.govt.nz Dated: 25 May 2017
www.qldc.govt.nz Private PAGE 6
THURSDAY 25.05.17 - WEDNESDAY 31.05.17
Students at Rippon Matariki in need of support S
Computing students have been busy creating sensors which have been placed amongst the grapes at Rippon vineyard to monitor the environment. The year 11 Mount Aspiring College students began working with the vineyard as part of their level one computing course to develop basic electronic sensor systems, python software programs and web media outcomes. The electronic sensors are handheld devices or linked with radio transmitters which send data to the internet to measure air or soil temperature, soil moisture levels, light levels and water tank levels. Head of computing Denise Bruns said that working with the vineyard provided the students with authentic learning experiences. “The course aims to utilise the vineyard as a real world context in which to develop electronic, programming and web media outcomes and this is a very real world project suitable for our local area and local students,” Denise said. Student Chicane Cooper, who built a device to read moisture levels in the ground, said that the hardest part was transferring the components of
his project from a breadboard to a stronger, more reliable solder board. “We were shown where the vines were, where the compost was and also had a tour of the Te Kakano gardens filled with many plants and the history of the place. After a few trips to the vineyard, we picked a site for our projects and after final testing in class, we brought our finished project to the vineyard,” Chicane said. Pictured: Placing the sensors on posts at Rippon.
Kahu Youth is calling out for support to continue its annual lakefront Matariki celebrations. Each year the local youth charity celebrates the Maori New Year with fireworks, bonfires, performances from local students and kapa haka groups, cultural and creative workshops and a hangi and spit to feed more than 600. The youth and community event, held at the Dinosaur Park in June, is in need of support from local businesses and/or individuals for this year’s celebration. Youth worker Richard Elvey said that the annual celebrations had become a community event celebrating the beginning of winter. “This is an event that belongs to Wanaka, and it can’t happen without the generosity and hard work of local businesses and individuals,” Richard said. “There is only so much money that can be raised from local grants, and we need the rest to come from the community. We have come up with all sorts of cool benefits and promotional opportunities right up to pushing the fireworks button.” Matariki costs more than $10,000, which doesn’t include the thousands of dollars of in-kind contributions from Radio Wanaka, Roy FM and Queenstown Lakes District Council and the hundreds of labour hours from Kahu Youth staff and volunteers. The trust has raised over half the amount needed through grants from Central Lakes Trust, Creative Communities and Smokefree Wanaka and is now
calling on the Wanaka community for donations and sponsorship to make up the shortfall. Anyone interested in sponsoring Matariki can call youth workers Rich or Frenchy on 443 5880.
Apartments Selling Now * from $499,000
Architecturally designed one, two and three bedroom apartments set in the heart of the village to be completed mid-2018 The Aspiring Lifestyle Retirement Village offers a holiday lifestyle all year round. Our residents enjoy a wealth of facilities including: indoor pool; bar; dining; lounges; putting green; croquet lawn; library; cinema; and even a hair salon. PLUS residents rest easy in the knowledge that their future needs are taken care of with priority access to the newly opened Aspiring Enliven Care Centre, which offers premium rest home, hospital and dementia care. Find out how you can become part of this special community.
Call Ursula on 443 6660 Visit us: open week days from 11am to 3pm 14 Golf Course Road, Wanaka www.aspiringvillage.co.nz
*Villas and apartments old under Occupation Right Agreement. Ask our sales manager for details.
THURSDAY 25.05.17 - WEDNESDAY 31.05.17
Wanaka 1115 Aubrey Road
5 A 2 C 1 D 4 F 2 I
Wanaka 28 Infinity Drive
Large Practical Home on an Acre This sprawling 5 bedroom home is loaded with potential for income seekers or large families looking for the home of their dreams. The home has multiple living areas and four ensuited bedrooms on separate wings which will delight a family full of teenagers, or give it the potential to hit Airbnb and help fund your lifestyle. Call now to find out more! Auction 2.00pm, Friday 16 June 2017 (unless sold prior) View Wed, Sat & Sun 12pm or by appointment www.rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21694 rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21694 Anna Findlay 0274 383 640 anna.findlay@raywhite.com
For Sale $1,200,000 View Sat 2pm, Wed 12pm or by appointment www.rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21712 rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21712 Duncan and Kelly Good 0274 488 321 duncan.kelly@raywhite.com
Lake Hawea 155 Lakeview Terrace
1012 sqm P
Wanaka 18 Wineberry Lane
Top of the Rise As elevated as you can get bare land on Lakeview Terrace, this build site sits pretty on a grassy knoll with views to the four corners of the earth - Lake Hawea to the north, Cardrona to the south, glacially carved green valleys towards the east and our own Mount Maude rearing out of the lake to the west. Call now for more information.
For Sale By Negotiation View by appointment www.rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21708 rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21708 Anna Findlay 0274 383 640 anna.findlay@raywhite.com
4 A 2 F 1 N
Wanaka 3 Sargood Drive
4 A 2 F 2 I
Retro by Reserve Dual access into this elevated site, that sits perched by a Reserve, ensures ease of access and plenty of parking before you move inside to relax. The home boasts four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a wrap around verandah, complete with hammocks, that provides an ideal area to sit back and bask in the sunshine while soaking in the elevated mountain views.
Sheltered Sanctuary Ripponlea is famous for boasting one of the calmest locations in Wanaka. The wind can be belting up the lake, white caps and all, but here at 3 Sargood you may only feel a gentle breeze. Top that off with its fantastic location so close to the lake and town, and this address has everything going for it. The house, while retro, is very comfortable, with clever split level living.
Auction 3.00pm, Friday 2 June 2017 (unless sold prior) View Sat 1pm & Wed 2pm or by appointment www.rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21689 rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21689 Duncan and Kelly Good 0274 488 321 duncan.kelly@raywhite.com
Deadline Sale 4pm, Thur 8th June 2017 (unless sold prior) View Sat 4pm, Wed 1pm or by appointment www.rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21691 rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21691 Duncan and Kelly Good 0274 488 321 duncan.kelly@raywhite.com
Wanaka 4 Barclay Place
4165 sqm P Lock in the Builder - Titled section Here is your chance to grab an elevated titled 4165m2 piece of land off established Aubrey Road. Great views to the surrounding mountains and set between already built homes. Wineberry Lane is a quiet private location and offers a superb lifestyle all within the town boundary and within close vicinity to the schools. Call to view and for further information.
For Sale $500,000 View by appointment www.rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21714 rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21714 Joss Harris 021 220 7693 joss.harris@raywhite.com Jayne MacDonald 021 909 821 jayne.macdonald@raywhite.com
Wanaka 11 Rob Roy Lane
4 A 2 C 2 F 2 I Excellent & Established This four bedroom family home, formally the Infinity Showhome, sits on this lovely elevated and spacious section in the established end of Peninsula Bay, giving you peace of mind knowing exactly what is around you and that your views are secure. The layout is both functional and free flowing, whether you are looking for separate spaces for the kids, or entertaining out onto the sunny deck.
770 sqm P
Wanaka Lot 1, 61 Eely Point Road
Get planning and start building Can’t find the house of your dreams and tired of the open home circuit? Why settle for someone else’s vision when you can create your own and build exactly what you want. With titled sections so few and far between you’ll be amazed to see what’s on offer here in Peak View Heights. With extensive mountain views and some views of the lake, this is an ideal blank canvas. For Sale $499,000 View by appointment www.rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21709 rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21709 Fiona Reid 0274 859 651 fiona.reid@raywhite.com LICENSED (REAA 2008)
955 sqm P Eely Point Woodland Famous for its wooded seclusion, shelter and privacy, Eely Point Rd offers up this family heirloom in a long-forgotten grove in the heart of Wanaka’s golden triangle. Hidden in a family portfolio for generations, this wee gem is unearthed as a 955m2 parcel of land that is potentially subdividable. This is a woodchopper’s dream! Auction 2pm, Friday 16th June (unless sold prior) View by appointment www.rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21651 rwwanaka.co.nz/WNK21651 Joss Harris & Jayne MacDonald 021 220 7693 021 909 821 joss.harris@raywhite.com, jayne.macdonald@raywhite.com LICENSED (REAA 2008)
rwwanaka.co.nz PAGE 8
THURSDAY 25.05.17 - WEDNESDAY 31.05.17
A monthly column by Kim Reilly, Federated Farmers South Island regional policy manager, on issues affecting the Upper Clutha’s rural community…
40 years of QEII: a reason to celebrate At last week’s Southland Federated Farmers Annual General Meeting, one of the presenters included the quote “We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children”. A great example of this philosophy in action is that of the scores of landowners who each year voluntarily concede portions of their land at their own expense to the QEII National Trust, protecting the public good values on that land forever. This year we mark the 40th anniversary of the QEII National Trust, which is a good news story that all New Zealanders should celebrate. What many members of the public may not realise is that farmers were key to the establishment of the QEII National Trust, with Federated Farmers past Dairy Chair, Gordon Stephenson, setting the wheels in motion for it all to happen. Alongside other farmers, the Stephensons wanted to find a way for landowners to protect the landscapes and biodiversity they valued on their properties, while allowing them to tap into the skills and resources they needed to do so. This commitment to conservation from private landowners to the QEII National Trust is now reflected in 180,000 hectares across New Zealand being under QEII Trust protection, which is greater than the combined area of Egmont, Aoraki and Abel Tasman National parks. A recent study carried out by Waikato University's business research institute noted that there are currently 4300 QEII covenants in force, permanently protecting wetlands, regenerating native bush and other
natural areas. The largest ever undertaken was of Soho Properties Ltd in 2014, with a massive 53,000 hectares of iconic Central Otago high country land - covering substantial parts of Motatapu, Mount Soho, Glencoe and Coronet Peak stations – forever protected. The generosity of each of the landowners involved with the QEII Trust goes largely unnoticed. It also comes with an undertaking of ongoing costs. Not only is land taken out of productive use, landowners are also required to retain responsibility for managing the covenanted land to the standard specified. Ongoing costs include maintaining native species and environments, which the Waikato University study calculated to amount to $25 million a year, plus there are the ongoing costs of weed and pest management. This is over and above the opportunity costs from lost development, such as grazing, forestry, irrigation or subdivision, which the study estimated at being between $443 million and $638 million in total, or on average $105,000 per covenant. The Trust now receives more offers from landowners to protect their land than they can afford to accept. This alone is a cause to celebrate, and it’s a reminder that despite what the latest anti-farming groups or politicians might tell you, there is a significant number of farmers out there, day in, day out, doing the right thing. Members of the public just need an opportunity to hear more good news stories from rural New Zealand.
Wallaby warning as numbers rise D
Farmers and landowners are being warned of the the threat posed by wallabies to Central Otago after sightings of the pest in Lake Hawea and Cromwell. The Otago Regional Council (ORC) held two meetings in Tarras and Ranfurly last week to outline the signs of a wallaby’s presence and what to do if one is spotted. Sightings in Otago have increased over the past two years with 120 sightings or signs of wallaby presence in 2016. One of these was in Lake Hawea, two were between Cromwell and Wanaka while three were destroyed around Wanaka and Hawea. ORC strategic communications and engagement advisor Lisa Gloag said that no new or unexpected areas of wallaby sightings had been highlighted at the meetings, which was a promising sign. “All of the people present at the meetings didn’t identify any new areas of wallaby sightings that we weren’t already aware of which is comforting to know,” Lisa said.
An established wallaby population in the region, as seen already in South Canterbury, would threaten native bush regeneration and mean competition with livestock for pasture, with three wallabies equivalent to one stock unit in terms of grazing pressure. The pest adapts to new habitats and can thrive in environments from forest through to open tussock country and the only places they won’t be found are in towns, high production grasslands, such as dairy farms, and mountain tops. A review of current and future predicted distributions and impacts of Bennett’s and Dama wallabies in mainland New Zealand released by the Ministry for Primary Industries in March 2016 predicted that the economic benefit of wallaby control to the South Island is more than $23.5 million annually. If no action is taken the cost to the economy is predicted to escalate to around PHOTO: JJ HARRISON $67 million within ten years. Land occupiers are warned to look out for footprints, droppings and discarded cotton daisy and to destroy wallabies on their land, reporting sightings or signs to ORC within two days.
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THURSDAY 25.05.17 - WEDNESDAY 31.05.17
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Material Girls welcome winter Wanaka is a winter wonderland; freezing frosts, stunning skies, snowy peaks, shuddering trees, icy puddles and most importantly, snuggly homes and cosy comforts. The Material Girls is Wanaka’s own homegrown interior design store with sampling, advice and inspiration galore. Sue and the team dedicate their passion for creating interior designs to suit your lifestyle and your budget.
Fabrics, wallpapers, furniture, accessories and hardware are sourced from around the world and carefully integrated into your home. The advice and time taken to help you create your haven is the Material Girls pride and joy. The end results are your pride and joy. Tuck yourself into the friendly store on Cliff Wilson Street and feast on all the ideas and advice and creativity. You will not be alone. ADVERTORIAL
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BE PART OF THE AROUND ANDERSON ROAD Join the selection of many leading successful businesses and services that attract customers into the Anderson Road area. This feature page creates a strong, informative regular platform to Wanaka’s top businesses and is an invaluable guide for consumers. Around Anderson Road appears fortnightly and highlights each business with a free feature advertorial during the 28 week campaign period. Only $75+gst each advert. Call 03 443 5252 to promote your company today.
THURSDAY 25.05.17 - WEDNESDAY 31.05.17
Facebook www.facebook.com/WanakaSun/ Wanaka Alpine Cliff Rescue’s Lionel Clay, Aspiring Helicopters’ pilot James Ford and Otago Rescue Helicopter pilot Graeme Gale were awarded a Certificate of Achievement for the rescue of two climbers from Mount Aspiring. This is what you had to say on Facebook. Jools Many congrats Aspiring Helicopters and Wanaka Search and Rescue Team.
Aspiring Helicopters Thanks everyone big ups to Tim Coldicott too, he was the pilot on the day! Lynda Congratulations to my brother, Lionel Clay!
Gaynor Congratulations guys, awesome.
Heather Well done guys and gals in the landSAR team! AdventureSmart Well Done, congratulations. Anna Congratulations team!! Keely Well deserved to the Aspiring Heli and SAR team! LandSAR New Zealand Well done team. PHOTO:GLENDA TURNBULL
Veteran bowler turns 95
Read more comments on this story on our Facebook page.
Write to the editor
Gladys Cross has been a member of the Wanaka Bowls Club since 1980 and last week celebrated her 95th birthday at a lunch at the clubhouse. Ladies club captain Pauline Hope said Gladys joins in all the championships held at the club and
Let the community know your views. editor@thewanakasun.co.nz
is always on hand to help out other members with their game. Originally from Greenfield, South Otago, Gladys was a foundation member of the Alan Grange Golf Course and was a member of the Wanaka Golf Club until last year. Gladys, pictured receiving her birthday flowers from Pauline, said she loves the companionship of all the ladies at the club.
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SERVICES WANAKA PHARMACY is your local pharmacy. We’re the big pharmacy at the top of Helwick Street - open until 7pm every single day. Ph 443 8000 COMMUNITY NETWORKS will have reduced hours over the winter months. We will be open 9-4pm, MonFri from June to September. FREE LEGAL ADVICE available at Community Networks delivered by the Dunedin Community Law Centre on Wednesday 7 June. Please call Community Networks on 443 7799 to book your appointment.
Free delivery to Wanaka, Cromwell and surrounds, PO boxes in Makarora, Cromwell, Haast, Wanaka, Albert Town and Hawea. Also distributed to businesses in the Wanaka business district Average circulation: 15,000 weekly.
Phone: 03 443 5252 Fax: 03 443 5250 Editor: Glenda Turnbull editor@thewanakasun.co.nz Journalists: Danielle Butler newsdesk@thewanakasun.co.nz Glenda Turnbull journalist@thewanakasun.co.nz Social media: Nikki Heath nikki@pembroke.co.nz Graphic design: D. Foster production@thewanakasun.co.nz Advertising: Leon Durbin 021 786 740 marketing@thewanakasun.co.nz Admin: Benn Ashford 021 956 740 admin@thewanakasun.co.nz Mail: PO Box 697, Wanaka Deadlines: Display Advertising
4pm Friday prior to publication. marketing@thewanakasun.co.nz 021 786 740 Classified Advertising 5pm Monday prior Text: 0220 786 778 Subscriptions: $175 within NZ (including GST) per year. Overseas rates on request. Remittances to PO Box 697, Wanaka, NZ While every care is taken in the publication of advertisements, the publisher cannot be held responsible for errors or their subsequent effects. The right is reserved to alter, abbreviate, omit or reclassify advertisements for any reason. No portion of the content of the Wanaka Sun may be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the publisher.
JP SERVICES are available at Community Networks every Tuesday from 1pm and Friday from 10.30am. Please book your appointment by ringing Community Networks 03 443 7799. CAN YOU no longer drive? The Total Mobility Scheme provides subsidised taxi services to people who have an impairment that prevents them from being able to drive. Contact Community Networks for more information on 443 7799. COMMUNITY NETWORKS has office space available for one off, regular or short-term hire for business and not-for-profit organisations. Contact us for more information: ph. 03 443 7799 / info@communitynetworks. co.nz COULD YOU spare half a day a week to help our behind our front desk? Community Networks is looking for a couple more superstar volunteers to join the team. For more info please feel free to come in or give us a call or visit our website:www.communitynetworks.co.nz FREE COMPUTER lessons for older people - Community Networks is offering one-to-one or small group lessons in your own home on your own device. If you are interested or know of friends or neighbours who are struggling please call in to Community Networks or phone 03 443 779.
NOTICES WANAKA SALVATION Army Family Store. Opening Hours – Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm, Saturday 9.30am – 4pm. We look forward to seeing you here! DONATIONS KINDLY received. Please drop them into the Salvation Army Family store or ph 443 5068 to book a pick up. BUSINESS NETWORKING International. The Wanaka chapter of BNI meets weekly at 7am Tuesday morning. Great networking opportunity to grow your business. Contact Vicki Donoghue for information 027 2089462 RAGS, RAGS, rags... little ones, big ones, cotton ones and drop cloths, available from the Wanaka Salvation Army Family Store 443 5068
EMPLOYMENT Goodstays Holiday Homes are offering full-time/temp, positions for a superstar Housekeeping/Reservations Manager and Housekeeping staff. The ideal candidate/s must have a good work ethic, an excellent eye for detail, be energetic, have a great phone manner and be able to work unsupervised. Experience is essential (ongoing training will also be given) Demonstrated excellent written and verbal communication skills in English also essential. Must be able to work in New Zealand and have local knowledge of Wanaka and Queenstown. Hours are flexible over a seven day week.
WANTED WANTED TO rent to a careful family, 4 bedroom 2 bathroom holiday house in Wanaka from Dec 27th 2016 for 10 nights. Please contact 021 455507. THE SALVATION Army Family store would like used glass spice jars with lids, to donate these please just pop them into the store in Brownston Street. VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED at The Salvation Army Family store if you have some free time and would like to be part of a team which makes a difference, come and see us.
FOR SALE LEAF BLOWER and sucker Electric powerful “Hurricane” hardly used. $60 pH 4434144 or 0211260053
Shop Manager, Duty Manager , Experienced Barista Patagonia Chocolates Wanaka is looking for a hard-working, team players ready to work in a fast paced environment. You must be able to work flexible hours & min of 1 year experience required for all positions. The position is based in Wanaka & Shifts will be a mixture weekdays and weekends on a weekly varied roster - approx 30-40 hours/5 days. We are only accepting applications by email. Please email your CV and covering letter to info@patagoniachocolates.co.nz
Wanaka Medical Centre NURSE WANTED FOR OUR BUSY WINTER SEASON Are you a nurse with triage and emergency care experience? We are looking for casual nurse to join our team for the winter (June - Sept). Must be available for weekends and school holidays. Knowledge of Medtech an advantage
Email Nurse Manager by 2nd June 2017: mmcneill@wanakamedical.co.nz
Apply by email to: Nicholas Casely Parker Goodstays Wanaka Ltd. ncp@goodstays.co.nz
Park, Pipe and Freeride Manager Join the fun, friendly and highly-motivated team at Snow Sports NZ and help more New Zealanders achieve sporting success.
Stonewood Homes new showhome Open Saturday & Sunday 12 noon to 3pm at 64 Infinity Drive, Peninsula Bay
We are about competitive snow sports, from grassroots, to winning on the world stage. As our new Park, Pipe and Freeride Manager you will work with resorts and the Snow Sports NZ High Performance Programme to identify talented athletes and develop pathways to take them to the top. You will work closely with the Park and Pipe, and Freeride Sport Committees. Based in Wanaka, this is a full-time, fixed contract role from June until the end of November.
Everyone welcome. Come and meet the Stonewood Team and see what Stonewood can do for you. THE WANAKA SUN
THURSDAY 25.05.17 - WEDNESDAY 31.05.17
Job description available at: http://ow.ly/rylE30bIoWj Applications close 31 May. Send your CV and a covering letter to Snow Sports NZ CEO Marty Toomey: Marty@snowsports.co.nz.
HEALTHY DEALS THIS WEEK Phone: 03 443 8000 Top of Helwick Street, Wanaka
3 FOR 2
Adventure students smash competition *
across the entire DR LEWINN’S range.
Mount Aspiring College’s (MAC) adventure racing team is a step closer to next year’s Hillary Challenge final after securing stunning results in last week’s secondary schools finals. Sam Coupland, Bella Fraser, Simone Johnson, Alyx Nyika, Wilfred Spearing, Mel Telford, Nick Toepfer and Luke Wright, pictured, competed against 96 students from 12 schools from May 7 to 12 in Tongariro, returning second of the South Island schools and seventh overall. “We didn’t qualify originally so were so excited when we were called around six weeks ago to travel up and compete with the best adventure racing students in the country,” team member Bella said. MAC sports coordinator Jacky Toepfer said that it had been an intense week with activities which pushed the students to their limit mentally and physically. The activities included two days of a series of high pressure problem solving challenges involving high ropes, rafts, riddles and bikes, two days of rogaine around Tongariro National Park culminating in sleeping under
a tarp in the pouring rain and a wet, cold and muddy multisport race. “The team did extremely well. All in all, it was an incredible week which certainly lived up to its name as the toughest adventure competition for high school students,” Jacky said. Bella said that the team was “super stoked” to come seventh, particularly as most of the problem-solving aspect of the competition was new for them. “We didn’t know it could rain so much and we were all pushed to our limits sometime throughout the week. We gave it 100 percent and it was the most amazing week that I’m sure we will never forget,” Bella said. “Going in we never expected to do this well and neither did anyone else because the other teams had been training for a whole year and their preparation and fitness is very impressive.” Six of the team will now attend the regional event in Geraldine alongside two Year 11 students on May 28 in a bid to qualify for the 2018 Genesis Energy Hillary Challenge final. Jacky added that the team was very grateful for the support they received from the community, which included training sessions and financial assistance.
*Free item to be of equal or lesser value than the lowest priced item purchased. Offer valid until 21 June 2017.
THURSDAY 25.05.17 - WEDNESDAY 31.05.17
WAFC U-17 Bayern undefeated L
Football Correspondent
Wanaka Association Football Club (WAFC) under-17 Bayern 17.2 team marched through its first round matches unbeaten and like a fine Otago pinot noir they just keep getting better with time. So far in the first round they have beaten Queenstown Wildcats 8-2, Cromwell Gary Anderson 6-1, 17.1 Sporting-Wanaka 6-3 and Alexandra United 8-2. Last Sunday, May 21 Bayern were up against Cromwell Gary Anderson in Cromwell for the second time this season. All eyes were on Cromwell to see if it could improve on its first round loss to Bayern. Bayern came out firing and took control from the start. Bayern struck first with a goal to striker Adam Breen and ten minutes later Adam got his second with a fine strike. Cromwell tried hard and did manage to get the ball up field on occasions but the Bayern defence held solid and keeper Kobi Maibach wasn't really troubled at all. Bayern's third goal came with a mix-up on the Cromwell goal line which the keeper failed to clean up and quick thinking and quicker feet from Weston Bell put the ball in the back of the net. Adam Breen got his third goal just before the break to send Bayern into the second half with a 4-0 lead. The second half brought some positional changes for Bayern. It looked
like Bayern had lost a little cohesion and Cromwell took advantage of this, making a much better fight of it. Showing a bit of pep in its step and pushing harder Cromwell was rewarded with two goals to make the score 4-2. For a while it looked like Cromwell was going to make it a real contest to the end, but a brilliant goal from front-man turned right-mid Toa Roode took the wind out of Cromwell’s sails and then another goal from Adam Breen put Wanaka up 6-2. Cromwell was to have the last word with the final goal of the match, the final score 6-3 to Bayern 17.2. It was a very entertaining game and there were some stand-out performances. Adam Breen was unstoppable in front of goal and must be the fastest player in his division if not the league. Then you have the three musketeers of Fletcher Cavanagh, Weston Bell and Toa Roode who were outstanding for Year 10 players. Good games were also had by Noah Holmes, Levi Fletcher and the two Toomey brothers Daniel and Jamie with good contributions by Jacob Lang, Ben McNabb, Kobi Maibach and Ditlov Moller. The whole team and coach Ian Bell can hold their heads up high on a very good performance so far this season. I'm sure more than a few will make strong challenges for Central Otago Rep spots and places in the Mount Aspiring College 1st and 2nd XIs this year.
Wanaka Football under-6 players braved the cold weather in Cromwell last weekend. The snow didn’t deter spectators who rugged up like they were watching a match in Antarctica.
Nine tries for Upper Clutha Rams L
Rugby Correspondent
The Upper Clutha Rams secured their spot in the top four at the end of the first round as they ran rampant at Molyneux Park, scoring nine tries against Alexandra last weekend. The foot never left the throttle for the Rams, dominating the match from start to finish and scoring a number of well worked tries that defied the freezing temperature. Fans would have been forgiven for expecting a scrappy affair in the blizzard-like conditions, but these were quashed as Upper Clutha passed and offloaded with confidence, and earned the right to be considered a real title contender. The Rams started the game as every coach dreams about – holding possession from the kickoff, working their way down the field and scoring a genuine team try. Alexandra did well to reverse the early momentum by getting down into Upper Clutha territory, and after a number of attempts at the line, settled for a penalty that provided three
points. Alexandra fans had little else to savour for the rest of the half as Upper Clutha went on to score three tries before the break. The first half belonged to Reuben McLay, who was rewarded with a try for his ever-present support play after an offload close to the line. The next try could arguably be the Rams’ try of the season as the ball went through what felt like half the team’s hands in a series of slick passes and offloads that eventually saw George Reed dot down under the posts. A perfectly executed lineout move saw hooker Scott Cunningham throw the ball into the lineout, and quickly receive a pass back where he found himself unmarked with the white chalk in front of him. The second half continued in a similar fashion as tries were scored by Willie Short, Jai Baxter, Pete Withers, Luke Grant and man of the match George Gilchrist earning a double. All eyes fall to next week as the Rams look to knock over Clyde on their home patch.
SPORTS RESULTS Please send your sports results to sports@thewanakasun.co.nz by 4pm Monday prior to print for inclusion in this section. Wanaka Stadium Bowls - Week ending May 21, Monday Evening Edgewater Trophy 1 T Malcolm M Steel P Hope 2 S Hurley E Herbert C Kiewiet 3 T Scurr B Steel C Scurr Tuesday Morning 2x4x2 Pairs 1 K Norman & Y Gale 2 B Macandrew & B Russell 3 G Russell & P Shore. Tuesday Afternoon 2x4x2 Pairs - 1 D Urquhart & P Gray 2 I Brown & B THorburn 3 G Thomas & K Urquhart. Tuesday Evening Trades - 1 S Nyhof C Carr 2 R Anderson H Davies H Davies 3 B Mowat N Guise B Lloyd. Wednesday Afternoon Triples - 1 D Ollerenshaw C Kiewiet M Young 2 M Smyth/R Chartres M Murison G McMillan 3 G Cross K Mitchell M McElrea. Wednesday Evening Trades - 1 T & C 2 G & T 3 Have a Shot. Thursday Afternoon Triples - 1 E Miller D Paterson J Hurring 2 G Thomas D Brown R Chartres 3 P Wilson F Duncan I James. Friday Progressive - Skips 1 B Russell 2 G Russell 3 D McLeay Thirds 1 A Familton 2 J Feehly 3 P Gray Leads 1 S Landsborough 2 C Landsborough 3 R Hannon. NUC Netball Results- Mac Engineers 13 v Mac Lakeland 12, Mac A 51 v Cromwell B 17.cSilverthreads 25 v Yr11/12 Social 10, Hawea H Park 27 v Pioneer B 18. Mac Wellman 10 v Mac Infinity 30, Cromwell A 28 v Pioneer A 24. Yr13 Social 4 v Nulook Hawea 29, Yr10 A 16 v Dream doors Hawea 31. Rocky Greek 15 v Yr 9A
17, MacB 26 v Cromwell C 14, Pioneer C 42 v Yr9/10B 21, WS Pioneer 20 v MacC 26, Lake Bar 39 v MacD 14. Lake Hawea Golf Club - Stableford Hidden Holes (Odd Numbers) 1st Rick Johnston 24, 2nd Red Stevenson 22, 3rd Dick Sullivan 20 (on countback) 4th Tony Arscott 20 (on countback), 5th Steve Smith 19 (on countback), 6th Bryan Burgess 19 (on Countback) Missed by lot: Steve Innes 19 & Ron Sasse 19. Closest to Pin No.1 (Men) Innes, Closest to the Pin No. 5 (Men) Steve Innes, Two’s Rick Johnston (No 1) Steve Innes (No. 5) Birdies/Nett Eagles - Hole No. 18 - Jackpots. (Tues) 1st Jill Bagley, Lyn Hill 63.75%. 2nd Colin & Trevor Coulter 62.50% 3rd Noeline Goldsbrough, Heather Wellman 53.75%. (Wed) Lindis Prs N/S 1st Noeline Munro, Jen Milburn 64.81%. 2nd Maureen Hawke, Jane Hamilton 54.86%. 3rd Ruth Coghill, Dennis Pezaro 51.85%. E/W 1st Jude Gunn, Lynne Fegan 58.80%. 2nd Pam Miller, Belinda Blaxland 55.79%. 3rd Alwyne Haworth, Noeline Turner 54.17% (Fri) N/S 1st Vivienne Christie, Fran Holmes 59.26%. 2nd Gerarda Herlihy, Dorothy McDonald 57.18%. 3rd Nan Ottrey, Ken Roberts 52.31%. E/W 1st Lynne Fegan, Maggie Stratford 59.49%. 2nd Marion Furneaux, Jenny Muir 57.64%. 3rd Jan Anderson, Jenny Pryde 53.01% (Mon) Champ Prs N/S 1st Ken Saxby, Martin Unwin 64.79%. 2nd Sheryl Strudwick, Daphne Stewart 58.88%. 3rdJosey McKenzie, Jan Cunningham 58.64%. E/W 1st Jenny Pryde, Marion Furneaux 57.41%. 2nd Terry & Dawn Wilson 56.70%. 3rd Sue Orbell, Annette Clements 55.66%
THURSDAY 25.05.17 - WEDNESDAY 31.05.17
Endurance in the elements Playing in near hypothermic conditions the Upper Clutha (UC) Salamanders Kiwi Sticks team (Yr 5/6) took on Alexandra’s St Gerard's Gold. While Amy Benson showed excellent defending skills throughout and Ruby Cochrane and Nicola McKay played with grit and determination, the team was unable to match the skills of its more experienced opposition. With eight minutes left on the clock and the icy rain falling heavily the game was cut short leaving St Gerard's with the win. Amy Benson was awarded player of the day. With the warm-up matches out of the way the Kwik Sticks started the competition with a dominant 7-0 win over Cromwell Red. The team combined well with goals coming regularly throughout the match. Captain Bronte Crowe scored an absolute stunner with a reverse Tomahawk strike while Thomas Benson and James Dougherty scored five goals between them. For the second week in a row, Sam Porter scored from a penalty corner. Despite the goal tally, Crom-
well did mount sustained attacks on the UC goal but were repelled by a strong defence. Zoe Eckoff, who consistently shut down the attacks, was awarded player of the day. The umpires’ choice for the Highland Motorsports player of the day was Thomas Benson. Upper Clutha Senior B had a tough game against Dunstan High School Falcons on a rather rainy and cool evening. Thanks to Jacob Curtis’s outstanding defensive play, great calling from Thomas Gibson and strong passes up the line from Samantha Clark, UC managed to limit the Falcons lead to 0-3 in the first half. While Owen Lea and the penalty corner crew held off plenty of goals in the second half they couldn’t stop them all and UC lost 0-7 in what was a hard-fought game. Jacob Curtis was selected as the Highland Motorsports player of the day. With snow putting paid to a number of our other teams’ games, here’s hoping the elements will be a little kinder to us this week. -thewanakasun.co.nz
Atrocious conditions for MAC 1st XV S
Rugby Correspondent
Mount Aspiring College (MAC) 1st XV and current title holders John McLashan College played a hard-fought match on Saturday in Dunedin battling bitterly cold conditions at Kettle Park including rain, snow and howling winds. This was the only Otago Premier Schools rugby match played on the weekend with all others postponed due to wet ground conditions, poor weather and hazards associated with travelling. Playing with the wind first MAC started well and had John McGlashan pinned in its own half, however despite
a number of sustained attacks could not convert territorial advantage into points. As the game progressed the home team dominated possession, however MAC never took a step backward and outstanding defence kept it in the match. Due to the conditions it became a game of attrition. Lineouts were a struggle in the strong wind and scrums were under pressure resulting in ball from set pieces being disrupted. At half-time the score was 14-0 to the home team. Early in the second half Jack East showed great anticipation and intercepted the opposition’s ball out wide then outpaced all defenders run-
THURSDAY 25.05.17 - WEDNESDAY 31.05.17
ning the length of the field to score for MAC. Kees Scott had another excellent game and led from the front. The loose forward trio for MAC were all outstanding with Joseph Wilson having another solid game. The final score was 26-5 to John McGlashan and whilst convincing, the win did not come easily with MAC remaining highly competitive throughout, being particularly resolute on defence. Next Saturday’s game is a home match against Kavanagh College. Pictured: Campbell Russell and Finn Lawson showing pride in MAC 1st XV defence.