3 minute read
The Apollo Issue

jane knudsen
Apollo is the son of the king of the gods, Zeus, and the Titaness Leto. Leto was one of many women whom Zeus had an affair with. When Hera, Zeus’s wife, found out about Leto’s relationship with Zeus, she decided to punish her as she did many of his mistresses. She pushed her out of Olympus and forced her to wander the earth looking for a place to give birth. No land would let Leto stay out of fear of Hera. Eventually, she landed on the island of Delos, which was an uninhabited rocky island off the coast of Greece,
Leto gave birth to Apollo and his twin sister Artemis. He became a very skilled archer, and used those skills very early in his life to attack the monster Python at Delphi. Python escaped, and Apollo was so angry about losing, he chose to stain Gaea’s, sanctuary, the earth, with Python’s blood. As punishment, Zeus made Apollo clean the sanctuary. After doing so, Apollo decided to return to Delphi and claimed it as his own.
From then on, Delphi has been a symbol of Apollo as this was where the Oracle of Delphi resides. Apollo, as the god of prophecy, is the patron of the Oracle at Delphi. In addition to being the god of prophecy, he is also the god of music, the sun and light, poetry and plagues. Each morning Apollo rides his sun chariot across the sky, bringing it up every day.
Apollo is considered a universal god based on the concept that the sun is a universal. Apollo is a very complex god and means many different things to different people. He represents the idea of harmony, reason and moderation and, because of this, is considered perfect.
God of Light

emily bauer

emilee graser
God of Truth

alania mann
The difference between the future and the past is the present. We can say what we were like then and now, but we don’t know what the future holds. The past was a different time. We were young and didn’t know what we really wanted. The present has given us a time to mature and grow, to find that place we needed to be. The future can win the best time of our life award, or maybe it’s already happened. Who’s to say what’s to come if we don’t even try? The past is something that we think will determine our future. We forget all about the present, and choose to live in the past. If a decision has been made then it cannot be changed. Right? But who’s to say that is true? We decide the future, and we write our own history. I know what I want now, and it makes me absolutely terrified, not only for myself but for you. I had been living in the past, and wasn’t fully seeing what was in front of me. Now I’m expressing how I feel again indirectly to you. I’ve given myself the space I needed to grow, to mature, and I think you have too. I can’t tell you what the future holds, but I do know one thing, We should face it together
God of Plague

isabel headlee

emilee graser