HSElife - from A to Z - version 2024

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Working in the Oil and Gas industry as a creator, producer and publisher of Safety Awareness campaigns for a number of Operators, The WAT Group (TWG) noticed that information provided to the people on the shop floor was quite often confusing and not consistent from one Operator to another.

As an advisor in setting up the various HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) systems, it became obvious that the industry can move forward in the reduction of incidents only if the essential safety information is harmonised.

Clear and precise HSE information is necessary for Contractor parties and their employees to be able to focus on risk awareness and the job-at-hand and not to differences in provided information.

To confirm this observation, TWG started with the research phase. During the research phase we informed several persons with whom we had a working relation and they expressed interest in participating in each step of the phase. Most notable individuals that joined our initiative were Piet van Dam (NAM/Shell) and Ronald Pijtak (Centrica/TAQA). They contributed in a number of ways and also took responsibilities in different organisational forms.

With their support and advice, we bravely started with the harmonisation initiative. In the following pages you can find the overview and description of productions and activities that ultimately resulted in an industry-wide participation and the Safety Coalition of the Year 2018 Award.

This document provides a complete overview of all Production and Activities that correspond with and are alligned with Yearplans, Budget overviews and trackers initiated, communicated and approved by all participating Organisational parties such as the Steering Committee, Board and the Core Group.

The Brands of HSElife

Management System for a safer and healthier workplace

Management System for a safer and healthier workplace

Global Energy industry standards for professionals on the shop floorworkplace

HEALTH, SAFETY and ENVIRONMENT magazine for the Energy industry

HEALTH, SAFETY and ENVIRONMENT newsletter for the Energy industry

The knowledge and behavior maintenance and optimalization interactive system

HSElife Learning and Registration System

Two directional communication system with on-demand notifications

Multi-channel Communication Platform for professionals on the shop floor

* Information based on webstatistics January 2018 (Wistia, Issuu, Geo-ip,...)

Production diagram

Being an Industry-wide harmonisation initiative, for HSElife NL it is absolutely important that all relevant parties participate in the Production process, according to their expertise and relevance.

This diagrame outlines the Production workflow with controlling, approving and action steps by involved parties.

The information provided at the beginning of the process is generally (publicaly) available and it is corresponding/alligned with the guidance of the Governmental entities such as State Supervision of Mines (Ministry of Economy).

HSElife NL from A to Z - Overview of the HSElife NL through the years 2008 - 2024

Production elements

Production elements are divided in 5 separate categories, covering the entire communication circle for achieving full implementation of the Platform.

See below which elements belong to which category.


HSElife magazine, Newsletter, HSElife video channel, HSElife Academy

Interactive Training, HSE items, Campaigns

LARS (Learning and Registration System), HSElife Academy

HSElife WEBSITE, HSElife video channel

Surveys, Result, Response

On the following pages you can find visual representation of each of the category elements.

All productions elements are produced according to the HSElife Production Manual (available on request).

Yearly corrections and updates were performed according and with use of HSElife NL Roadmap template (available on request).



online / offline trend analysis print / digital instant updates monitoring statistics direct feedback opinions

collected and agreed changes/updates are implemented in the platform community social media field visits forums


HSElife app update

Training production

HSE items production

Communication production

Communication activities



International concept

Implementation production

Implementation activities

Media Kit

LARS development

Strategic Plan production

HSElife manuals production

HSE items update

Print production

Social Media activation

On-the-spot delivery

HSElife magazine • Reviews & Feedback

Website production

HSElife app production

Training production

HSE items production

Communication production

Communication activities



International concept

Theme production

LARS development

Strategic Plan production

HSElife manuals production

HSE items update

Print production

Social Media activation

HSElife magazine

Reviews & Feedback

Website production

Training production

HSE items production

Content adaptation



Lessons Learned concept

Themes concept

HSElife magazine PRODUCTION

Concept development


Content development

Visual materials (photo/video)


Website development



LARS concept

Strategic Plan concept

HSElife manuals concept

HSElife magazine

Organisational structure

Reviews & Feedback

Field studies

Comparative studies

Industry research


Research & Development




HSElife NL 3.0 (HTML 5)

ISO 9001 certification

LMRA Card introduction

HSElife Academy production

Contractor Forum

Training Days

Theme production

Campaign production

Lessons Learned introduction

Hazard Hunting development

Contractor Forum

Training Days

Campaign production

Website update

Training update

HSE items update

HSE items update

We Care development

Website update

HSElife app update

Training update

HSE items update

Communication production

Communication activities

On-the-road (Safety Days)



International concept

Implementation production

Implementation activities

LARS update

Print production

Social Media activation

On-the-spot delivery

HSElife magazine

HSElife newsletter

External Survey

Reviews & Feedback

• Contractor Forum

Training Days


HSElife Academy concept

Lessons Learned introduction

Hazard Hunting development

We Care development

Website update

HSElife app update

Training update

HSE items update

Communication production

Communication activities

On-the-road (Safety Days)



International production

Implementation production

Implementation activities

Media Kit

LARS introduction

Print production

Social Media activation

On-the-spot delivery

HSElife magazine

HSElife newsletter

Reviews & Feedback

• Contractors engagement

Hazard Hunting development

We Care development

Lessons Learned development

Website update

HSElife app update

Training update

HSE items update

Communication production

Communication activities



International concept

Implementation production

Implementation activities

Media Kit

LARS development

Strategic Plan update

Print production

Social Media activation

On-the-spot delivery

HSElife magazine

HSElife newsletter

Reviews & Feedback

• HSElife NLnational platform update

• HSEl ife NL rebrand + new struc tu re

• HSEQ Directinternational platform update

• HSEl ife NL A ct ion Focus Ca mp ai gn s

• HSEl ife NL A ct ion Focus Ha zard s

• HSElife Learning and Registration System optimalization

• Helpdesk

• New Theme: Cyber Security!

• HSElife UPDATE newsletternew edition s

• Social Media activation

• BUSINESS MODEL: Operational Excellenc e program development • National and international activities

• New campai gn : Yo u, W e & I Care

• Th eme ba sed approac h

• HS EQ Direc tinternational pla tf or m update

• HSEl ife Learni ng and R egistration Sy st em op ti maliza ti on

• He lp desk

• HSEl ife UP DA TE n ewslet terreb ra nd & redes ig n

• Social Media a ct ivatio n

• HSEl ife video channelrebrand, restru ct ur ing & re desi gn

• HS EQ inc en ti ve model

• National and international a ct ivitie s

• LA RS 3.0

• He lp desk

• Re gi stra ti on rou ti ng • Ar tifi cial Intelligence as si st an ce

• Document ver sion con tr ol

• New Campai gn s • New HSE item s • HSEl ife Wo rl d maga zine

• HSEl ife newsle tt er

• Social Media a ct ivatio n

• Contra ct or For um

• Proac ti ve web site update

• HSEl ife video channe l

• International traini ng pla tf or m

• HSEl ife Academy update PRODUCTION 20 21

• LA RS 3.0 • He lp desk • Re gi stra ti on rou ti ng • Ar tifi cial Intelligence as si st an ce • New Campai gn s • New HSE item s • HSEl ife Wo rl d maga zine • HSEl ife newsle tt er • Social Media a ct ivatio n

• Contra ct or For um

• Proac ti ve web site update

• International traini ng pla tf or m

• HSEl ife video channe l

20 19

• Re views and feedback PRODUCTION 20 20


• New cont ractnew comm itment

• IOGP L ife Sa vi ng Rules update

• LA RS 2 .0

• He lp desk

• New HSE items setu p

• Mercur y and Chromium -V I

• HSEl ife maga zine

• HSEl ife newsle tt er

• Contra ct or For um • HSE item a ct ionfocus (c am pai gn )

• Proac ti ve web site update

• Meetin gs

• International ac tiviti es on reques t

• Implement at ion produ ct io n

• HSEl ife video channe l

• HSEl ife Academy update

• HSEl ife Messenger 2. 0

• Social Media a ct ivatio n

2008 / 2009

HSElife NL from A to Z - Overview of the HSElife NL through the years 2008 - 2024

2008 / 2009


• Field studies

• Comparative studies

• Industry research

• Interviews

• Research & Development

• Concept

• Presentations

• ...

HSElife initial concept (draft versions)

2008 / 2009


Field studies

The WAT Group was active within the Oil & Gas industry for several years, creating Awareness Campaigns and focusing on communication activities for number of Operators in the Netherlands and United Kingdom. Part of creating and implementing campaigns were field visits, both at onshore and offshore facilities. During field visits it became apparent that there is a lack of direct and simple HSE information on the shop floor. The information that was available could be seen as too complex and sometimes required advanced knowledge and comprehension of the matter.

Comparative studies

Being in the position to work for several Operators, TWG had a perfect opportunity to compare and study the differences and/or similarities between the HSE information that has been delivered to their employees and their contractors. Based on that study, the conclusion was clear: differences, which were minor in fact, contribute to unclear information and therefore, to unsafe work and unsafe behavior.

Industry research

As the conclusion from the comparative studies have shown, the solution lies in unified HSE information, produced in the cooperation with all the stakeholders in the Energy Industry and distributed via a one-stop-shop delivery (digital) platform. Next step for us was to investigate the industry itself, looking to find if such similar platform exists and we concluded that no such initiative has been taken so far - at least not in the full width of the industry. The majority of the useful information and/or initiatives that are used in the industry were already created and implemented by the TWG (NAM/Shell “A Way of Living”, Centrica “Get to the Point”, Wintershall “High-Five”, ...).


The WAT Group was in the process of creating and publishing the HSElife magazine, both online and offline (print) versions. HSElife magazine gave unbiased view of all ins and outs in the Oil and Gas industry. One of the main content elements were interviews with persons directly involved in either Operations or HSE departments and from all levels of the organisational structure. During the interviews it became clear that above stated facts are true and most of the interviewees expressed their commitment if such harmonisation initiative would take place. By analysing stated commitment, we felt that it was the right time to take a next step: research & development of such harmonisation initiative.

Productions and activities

2008 / 2009


Research & Development

From coming to an idea about the harmonisation of HSE information to creating a valid and feasable platform concept takes a long breath. That has been proven during a research and development phase. Investigation of technical and organisational structures within the Operating companies, availability and willingness of the target group, volume and the method of content delivery, similarities and/or differences of existing HSE materials were just one of many areas where The WAT Group worked on for more than a year before taking the next step - creating and delivering the first concept.


After concluding the R&D phase, it became obvious what kind of form should the newly developed HSE platform should have. Considering the day and age of it’s conception, it is more than logical that the main delivery should be done digitally but with the strong presence in the real (offline) world. As we call it “on-the-spot” presence this will have two benefits: considering the infrastructure of remote location (slow or no internet at all) there need to be physical materials at the site and to strengthen the recognition and implementation process.

TWG managed to create a concept of a unified HSE platform, that will not only deliver essential HSE information to the people on the shop floor but at the same time support and facilitate the harmonisation process of clear and unambiguous rules and regulations throughout the entire Energy industry in the Netherlands.


Since the concept describes such a radical approach and way of thinking, we felt that more information had to be provided during its presentation. Secondly, ‘the proof of concept’ have to come out as a positive when presenting it to reliable, authorative and knowledgeable individuals, with no separate personal agenda (in both financial or political way). Those individuals that greatly contributed to further development and birth of this platfom were Piet van Dam (Shell) and Ronald Pijtak (TAQA).

and activities

• Concept development • Branding • Content development

• Visual materials (photo/video)

• Design

• Website development

• Meetings

• Presentations

• HSElife magazine


Concept development

With enthusiasm expressed so far, The WAT Group decided to invest in further Concept development. Selection of the type of content, decision on information architecture, volume, tone of voice, materials creation and organisational structure are just some of the elements that were considered and brought in the further concept development. Not only have extensive knowledge and experience of the TWG resulted in a clear and exciting concept but also constant contribution and feedback of mr. van Dam and mr. Pijtak. When all the main pieces of puzzle in concept development fell into place, we proceeded to “naming phase” and branding.


Standing at the dawn of the harmonisation initiative, it was clear that not only the quality of the content but also the look & feel and overall branding needs to contribute to its successfull introduction and implementation. The name that describes the best what we are trying to achieve and the purpose of the initiative was unanimously chosen: HSElife UNIO, the industry standards for professionals on the shop floor.

HSElife was already used for the magazine and it derives from previous HSE information system that TWG created and delivered to NAM/Shell: “A way of living”. It emphasises the only way to accept HSE as essential part not only in your daily activities at work but through a different mind set. UNIO in its name comes from Latin and express the allencompassing nature of the platform - all in one place when it comes to working safely.

Content development

Content, both visual and textual, needs to be created and delivered to the users in a way that will abolutely match their needs. It is also, at this stage, decided who can and will participate in delivering and approving the information. First content parts of the platform were developed and used during the presentations.

Visual materials (photo/video)

The WAT Group is responsible for all productions and is also copyright owner of the concept. Part of the responsibility is the provision of the right visual materials, both photography and video. The guideline in producing the materials were set. Recognition of the target group (men/women on the shop floor) is essential and it needs to represent the propper way of working and behaving at the workplace (the right PPE, handling, etc.). TWG has created a volumes of visual materials and has opened its own archive of previous work at the benefit of the harmonisation platform HSElife UNIO.



With all components ready, we have started with the design. The entire platform with its tools, products and services has been given a recognisable and attractive look & feel.

Website development

Defining the site map was the first step in creating a digital platform, to facilitate all functionalities required by our users test group. Visual templates were done in Photoshop and presented to involved parties.


TWG has, at this stage, intensified the number of meetings, with the purpose of getting as much relevant parties involved as they can. From Operators to Policy makers.


Concept and general idea was the topic of the presentations. We also introduced branding elements and development progress to its audience. During presentations it was obvious that harmonisation is the right approach in limiting or eliminating incidents at work. Presented branding and development progress was accepted with full support.

HSElife magazine

Such important initiative couldn’t see the light of the day without support of a strong communication tool. In this case TWG has created and used HSElife magazine to convey and distribute all the reasons of importance of this initiative and why it is important that HSElife NL (ex. UNIO) becomes the main platform when it comes to harmonised HSE information. Through various interviews given by many credible individuals working in the Oil & Gas industry, this notion has only been confirmed. Commitment to participate in such initiative only contributed in making next steps. In the first issue of the HSElife magazine we published articles about investments in safety, human factor and NOGEPA commitment. The second issue revealed transparency of an organisation and commitment to harmonised HSE information by TAQA’s CEO and much more. The third issue focused on the first ideas about the joined initiative and harmonisation in the Oil & Gas industry.


• Website production

• Training production

• HSE items production

• Content adaptation

• Presentations

• Meetings

• Lessons Learned concept

• Themes concept

• LARS concept

• Strategic Plan concept

• HSElife manuals concept

• HSElife magazine

• Organisational structure

• Reviews & Feedback




Website production

At start of 2011, with confirmed commitment from the industry, we have started with the website production. Approved look & feel was incorporated in the site and the production was finished and fully tested.

Training production

In the spirit of harmonisation and sharing the information between participants, TWG prepared and produced the first interactive training module - Interactive Induction Offshore. It was based on previously made training created by us. Using the latest available technology at that time, this interactive training became the base around which all other future training modules will be created.

HSE items production

Another very important element of harmonised and simplified HSE information were HSE items. Each of the HSE items provides essential information on individual safety aspects, risks or substances. To cover all eventual ways of use, we created three variations of each subject: brochure (A6 format) to be used on-the-spot, onscreen presentation to be used during work preparation or toolbox meetings and short video as a supporting tool if the presentation skills were not sufficient enough to convey the importance of the information. In the first batch, the following subjects were covered: Natural Gas Condensate, Working at height, Asbestos, Benzene and NORM/LSA.

This production marked the unique moment in the Dutch Oil & Gas industry as it was the first common production with harmonised HSE information for the benefit of its employees and Contractors.

Content adaptation

HSE information has already been available in a number of forms and ways in the Oil & Gas industry. This information was based on the current Regulations and Guidance of the Minning Law of the Netherlands. For this content to be used within the harmonisation process it was necessary to avoid any corporate reference. The WAT Group took this task and provided the proper unified content that could be used by the entire industry.




As not all Operators were convinced yet of the benefits of HSElife NL (ex. UNIO), we continued to give presentation to the selected audience. More and more representatives of the Operating companies came aboard.


An extensive number of meetings took place, both internaly and externaly, with the purpose to refine all the aspects of the harmonisation initiative and its production, communication and implementation.

Lessons Learned concept

One of the functionalities that really was a point of interest of potential participants was sharing the knowledge and learning from incidents that occured. TWG, together with its partners, took responsibility to start working on the concept that will facilitate this functionality.

Themes concept

Instead of spending huge amounts of resources individually by the Operators, HSElife NL opens the door to a more efficient way of broadcasting the hot issues throughout the industry. In preliminary talks, one of the ideas surfaced: creating a specific theme that would be dealt with in the entire industry - increasing its range, visibility and impact. We started with shaping the concept of common themed initiatives.

LARS (Learning and Registration System)

TOTAL Exploration and Production, as one of potential participants, has expressed their requirement for participation: the creation of an industry-wide digital registration system. At the request of TOTAL E&P we have started with a number of meetings and brainstorm sessions in order to fullfil this requirement as it benefits the industry to have such registration system. Still just in concept phase, the name LARS in this document is only used as a reference to a later created registration system.



Strategic Plan concept

The importance of HSElife NL was also illustrated by the necessity of having a clear strategy, both short and long term. The first ideas of creating a Strategic Plan were discussed.

HSElife manuals concept

Same as with the Strategic Plan, the sheer amount of information and tools / services that were planned for the production required to have a written description, in the form of a manual. The first ideas of the content for the manual were considered and discussed.

HSElife magazine

HSElife magazine continued to cover the importance and progress of our harmonisation initiative and at the same time, by getting more audience, positioned itself as a major publication when it comes to all HSE aspects in the Oil & Gas industry. Published articles in this year were covering a broad range of themes, from HSEQ culturematurity assessment by Noble Drilling to the first information about HSElife UNIO - an HSE joint effort. Participating organisations also had an opportunity to present current activities from their workplaces and beyond.

Organisational structure

Considering the fact that HSElife NL is truly an industry-wide initiative, it became clear that all relevant parties have to be involved not only with a supporting role but also with an active role. The first shapes of HSElife NL’s organisational structure were put on a paper. Roles and responsibilities of involved groups and individuals were discussed.

Reviews and feedback

One of the constant improvements methods for the entire system and its publications was yearly reviews and allyear-round feedback. During the year, we used several different forms to collect feedback and improve or update the published information. This activity extended with a number of participants and allied experts in specific fields.

Productions and activities

Productions and activities


• Website production

• HSElife app production

• Training production

• HSE items production

• Communication production

• Communication activities

• Presentations

• Meetings

• International concept

• Theme production

• LARS development

• Strategic Plan production

• HSElife manuals production

• HSE items update

• Print production

• Social Media activation

• HSElife magazine

• Reviews & Feedback



Website production

The WAT Group continued to further develop and produce the website, taking into account all recommendations and feedback from participants and partners. It is in this year that the HSElife NL (ex. UNIO) website has officially been published.

HSElife app production

Looking into users’ behavior and requirements, it was no less than logical that harmonised HSE information and implementation / communication tools are also made available for use on mobile devices. For that purpose, we have created and published the first version of an HSElife NL (ex. UNIO) app. The publishing and distribution was done via the Apple Store.

Training production

After finalising and publishing the HSElife NL Interactive Induction Offshore, TWG made another harmonised training module: Interactive Induction Onshore. Both training modules were created in a very user-friendly way, with the use of the latest digital technologies, combining visual and narrative components and with accompanying interactive questionnaires. For the first time, the Contractors could follow the interactive courses as requested by one of the Operators and with the obtained certificate will be granted access at another Operator facility location.

HSE items production

With the release of the first batch of harmonised HSE items, TWG proceeded with the creation and publication of more subjects, such as: Electrical hazards, Hoisting and Lifting, High pressure, Spills, Flange Joints, Mercury, Minimal training requirements, Process Safety - Safeguarding, Nitrogen Gas, Health and Safety signs and Work Permits. With these releases, HSElife NL reached another level in creating and providing harmonised HSE information.



Communication production

With increased materials and tools production we have certainly not forgotten to communicate the essence of the harmonisation initiative and to make a clear overview of the tools and benefits they bring along. For that purpose TWG created the first HSElife NL promotional video. This video was distributed via the website and also through various companies communication channels.

Communication activities

The Oil and Gas industry is a very dynamic industry, operating 24/7. Considering the tight working schedules and limited personnel availability, TWG has initiated many visits to Operators locations in order to present the HSElife NL (ex. UNIO) harmonisation initiative. To be able to present it in a proper way, it was necessary to create several different presentation tools, such as banners, posters, etc.


Same as in previous phases, continued presentation activities took place in 2012. The most important one was the official start of the use of HSElife NL (ex. UNIO) in July 2012. Representatives of participating Operating companies were present, giving real weight to the entire harmonisation process.


As HSElife NL’s Organisational structure was formed, several meetings of the Steering Committee took place in 2012, both at Operators’ offices and The WAT Group’s office. During these meetings every operational and production aspect of HSElife NL was discussed and agreed.

International concept

Since the majority of the participating Operators has an international character, organisational or operational, it was the first time they talked about exporting the harmonisation initiative and its platform on the international level. To get a better view in required steps, we have produced several presentations for the HSElife International.

HSElife NL from A to Z - Overview of the HSElife NL through the years 2008 - 2024



Theme production

The firstly created and published common theme for the entire industry was not directly connected with operational activities but the one that could meet all expectations of the Operators at that moment: Driving safely in Winter conditions. This theme has a huge impact to all Operators and their Contractors. The theme was also fully covered in corresponding issue of HSElife magazine.

LARS development

At the request of TOTAL we have continued with further development of the HSElife LARS (Learning and Registration System). Due to the ownership issues with TOTAL’s EPITS training system, HSElife had to develop LARS with basic functionality: registering only HSElife NL training modules and their certificates. The platform independent, web based and future-proof registration system was starting to get its shape.

Strategic Plan production

After several brainstorm sessions, the Steering Committee defined the Vision and the Mission of HSElife NL, its main and supporting stakeholders and set a path to reaching the common goal: to become the safest Dutch Industry by achieving Incident Free Operations by 2017. This ambitious goal became a guiding line of a newly created Strategic Plan. Besides the above, the organisational structure and steps to be taken in achieving the goal were discussed, agreed and laid down as a part of the HSElife NL’s Strategic Plan.

HSElife manuals production

As indicated in 2011, HSElife NL’s manuals were also produced (in both Dutch and English language). A detailed description of the tools and services, their purpose and way of use were published. This will contribute to easier adoptation and implementation of HSElife NL in every day activities on the shop floor.

HSE items update

With the support of the HSElife NL Steering Committee and Board, The WAT Group has updated and finetuned several produced HSE items. Since the content is the same (or similar) in all three subject forms, the updates were done in all of them, in both languages.


Print production

The benefits of shared production costs between the Operators was also reflected in decreased production price of printed HSE items for “on-the-spot” use. The first batch of HSE items brochures was printed and delivered to the participating Operators.

Social Media activation

In order to communicate the goals, benefits and activities of HSElife NL, we have started with Social Media activation. Using different Social Media services and according to the Social Media plan, HSElife NL was getting more and more interest throughout the industry and beyond. Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin have been selected as the Social Media platforms that have the best range and impact for the goals of HSElife NL.

HSElife magazine

HSElife magazine continued to contribute to the implementation of HSElife NL by producing and publishing four issues in 2012. Magazine #5 marked the occassion of othe fficial start of the participation and use of HSElife NL by their participating members. Other issues of this year have presented a wide range of Operators and Contractors with general idea of harmonisation and cooperation benefits. Considered an official herald of HSElife NL, the magazine also payed proper attention to all newly developed documents, tools and services of the harmonisation platform.

Reviews and feedback

This year we continued with the collection of the reviews and feedback. After analysis done by the members of the Steering Committee and internal workgroups, the changes and updates have been listed on the yearly activity planning. All updates and changes to the documents and tools are done at the beginning of the new year.

Productions and activities

• Website update

• HSElife app update

• Training production

• HSE items production

• Communication production

• Communication activities

• Presentations

• Meetings

• International concept

• Implementation production

• Implementation activities

• Media Kit

• LARS development

• Strategic Plan production

• HSElife manuals production

• HSE items update

• Print production

• Social Media activation

• On-the-spot delivery

• HSElife magazine

• Reviews & Feedback



Website update

With increased volume of content, tools and services, the HSElife NL website had to be optimised with a new navigational structure and improved user experience. The WAT Group has created the new look and feel of the site, with improved back-end coding, allowing growth of both content and the number of users. At the same time we also engaged with improved external streaming services for optimal audio-visual performance.

HSElife app update

Next to the regular HSElife app update (content and branding), TWG also created the Android version. It resulted in an increased number of users and contributed to smoother implementation.

Training production

We have continued to produce and publish interactive training modules. The Permit to Work (PtW), Task Risk Analysis (TRA) and Last Minute Risk Analysis (LMRA) have been produced. Again, the latest technologies and user-friendly interaction were key features.

HSE items production

A new HSE item was produced: Working at height. The brochure, onscreen presentation and the video were completely re-created, with new information that better fitted the target group - professionals on the shop floor.

Communication production

Gaining significance, HSElife NL has been accordingly promoted. Not only through its own communication channels but also with the use of external media and presence at key locations (Den Helder airport, Congresses and Industry events). TWG created a multitude of tools: promo videos, onscreen presentations, banners, flyers, etc.



Communication activities

Being present at industry events and Operators Safety Days was of utmost importance for the publicity of HSElife NL. With support of its partners, The WAT Group has participated in several events, increasing the position of HSElife NL.

Next to this, TWG, together with selected members of the Board, has informed State Supervision of Mines on all activities regarding harmonisation initiatives. It has resulted in unreserved support and enthousiasm from this Governmental entity and it has provided an additional credibility.


Same as in previous phases, continued presentation activities took place in 2013. Just looking at the size, range and organisational complexity of the industry itself, it was necessary to continue with presentations of HSElife NL - its goals, tools, services, etc. Constant change in Operators’ personnel had to be tackled as well.


Frequent Steering Committee meetings also took place in 2013. The focus of those meetings was slowly shifting from production and harmonised information issues to implementation challenges.

International concept

With an increased interest in HSElife NL worldwide, the first contacts were made with Global organisation, such as IOGP. It has also resulted in the creation and publication of HSElife / IOGP Life Saving Rules document. This document is published at the website.

Implementation production

Specific implementation information was created and delivered to the Focal Points (HSElife NL representatives) with the purpose of easier integration in work preparation and other daily work activities.

Implementation activities

At the request of the Steering Committee members, several implementation activities took place. During those sessions, all ins and outs of HSElife NL were presented. We took the opportunities to participate in other industry meetings for this purpose, such as CASOS member meetings but also at their own facilities.

Media Kit

One of the implementation productions was the creation of the Media Kit. It consisted of the brand elements in various forms, illustrations, photography and press releases. The purpose of the Media Kit was to give members an easy way to publish and promote HSElife NL through their own communication channels.

LARS development

The Learning and Registration System (LARS) has been continuously developed and tested.

Strategic Plan production

The Strategic Plan was updated and received even more relevance and recognition.

HSElife manuals production

With an increased number of tools and products, the HSElife manuals were updated and published for smoother use and better implementation.

HSE items update

In 2013, the HSE items were updated both in content and look and feel.


Print production

A new order and new batch of the HSE item brochures was produced and delivered to the participating members.

Social Media activation

TWG continued to support and announce the HSElife NL activities using various Social Media platforms.

On-the-spot delivery

Concerning the better positioning of HSElife NL as a harmonisation platform and better distribution of its materials, we produced and delivered a number of “On-the-spot” brochure rack systems. It resulted in better and increased use of harmonised HSE information in the form of the brochures.

HSElife magazine

HSElife magazine continued to contribute to implementation of HSElife NL by producing and publishing three issues in 2013. One of them, number 9, was completely dedicated to the creation, goals, use and the future of the HSElife NL. This special issue has drawn a lot of attention and it was widely used during all industry events. In other issues of this year, we published the first continuous column article written in the form of a discussion between our two Steering Committee members: John van Schie (NAM) and Jürgen Joosten (Centrica). With enthusiastic reception by the audience, these articles became a standard for many issues yet to be released. For the first time the HSElife magazine also published season themes: Summer and Winter editions. Articles covered many subjects related to the work and preparation under specific weather conditions.

Reviews and feedback

This year we continued with the collection of the reviews and feedback. After analysis done by the members of the Steering Committee and internal workgroups, the changes and updates have been listed on the yearly activity planning. All updates and changes to the documents and tools are done at the beginning of the new year.

Productions and activities

• Contractors engagement

• Hazard Hunting development

• We Care development

• Lessons Learned development

• Website update

• HSElife app update

• Training update

• HSE items update

• Communication production

• Communication activities

• Presentations

• Meetings

• International concept

• Implementation production

• Implementation activities

• Media Kit

• LARS development

• Strategic Plan update

• Print production

• Social Media activation

• On-the-spot delivery

• HSElife magazine

• HSElife newsletter

• Reviews & Feedback



Contractors engagement

Considering the fact that HSElife NL’s target audience comes mostly from Contractor organisations, TWG took the initiative to involve that group as a valid contributor to the relevance of the information and other activities around the platform as well. The first HSElife NL Training Days were organised at the TWG location in Klarenbeek.

Hazard Hunting development

Being more aware of (potential) risks at the workplace was always considered as one of the most important aspects in working safely at the locations. In combination with the members of the Board, we have created a concept which allows increased focus on specific risk issues.

We Care development

Getting the right and honest information about working climate and safety culture on the shop floor can only be achieved if the talk is not seen as a sort of inspection or audit. Therefore, The WAT Group created and introduced a special HSE programme called “We CARE”. It has been based on the well known programme called “SMAT”, which was successfully used at NAM. The newly formed programme provided all the tools and information required to gather valid information from the colleagues on the shop floor, such as onscreen presentations, videos, forms, flyers, etc.

Lessons Learned development

What started as an idea in 2011, became a fully developed interactive programme in 2014. HSElife NL’s Lessons Learned was based on the Reflective Learning principle (developed by Shell) and provides the most successful learning method by reflecting the conclusions of previous incident on your own situation, organisation, working place and colleagues. With the use of narrative and visual components, participants can discuss and draw their own conclusions so that similar incident can not happen to them. In 2014, a total of 3 topics were covered.

Website update

Continuous updates, both visual and back-end, were done in this year.

HSElife app update

Same as with the website desktop version, the HSElife app was updated several times. They were delivered through the regular Apple Store updates.

Training update

As agreed within the Steering Committee, yearly analysis and updates of all HSE information has been performed. With the update of the HSE information, the relevant information used in the interactive training modules was also updated.

HSE items update

A yearly round of updates was performed on all HSE items, both digital and printed.

Communication production

Promotional tools have been produced in the form of abri’s, posters and flyers.

Communication activities

Similar to the previous period, HSElife NL was promoted during various industry events, such as Safety Days and SNS Pool event.


Same as in previous phases, continued presentation activities took place in 2014. With the focus shifting to informing the Contractor organisations of HSElife NL, a new set of specific presentations were created and presented to the audience.



Frequent Steering Committee meetings also took place in 2014. With all available tools and services the focus now lies at successful implementation. The shift in members of the Steering Committee also took place in 2014 which emphasised even more the necessity of more communication about HSElife NL.

International concept

A selected group of Board and Steering Committee members was assigned with the task of promoting and searching the opportunities of positioning HSElife on a global scale.

Implementation production

Specific implementation information was created and delivered to the Focal Points (HSElife NL representatives) with the purpose of easier integration in work preparation and other daily work activities.

Implementation activities

At the request of the Steering Committee members, several implementation activities took place. During those sessions, all ins and outs of HSElife NL were presented. TWG took the opportunities to participate in other industry meetings for this purpose, such as CASOS member meetings, DANA Petroleum Safety Day but also at their own facilities.

Media Kit

The set of documents that were part of the HSElife NL Media Kit has been extended and updated.

LARS development

The Learning and Registration System (LARS) has been continuously developed and tested.

Strategic Plan production

The Strategic Plan was updated and received even more relevance and recognition.

HSElife manuals production

With an increased number of tools and products, the HSElife manuals were updated and published for smoother use and better implementation.

Print production

The increased recognition and use of HSElife NL’s materials lead to updated print production in two occassions in 2014.

Social Media activation

We continued to support and announce the HSElife NL activities with use of various Social Media platforms.

On-the-spot delivery

Besides providing rack system for brochures, TWG has created (at the request of NAM) the concept to provide the possibility to follow the training courses on remote locations, with limited or no internet access.

HSElife magazine

HSElife magazine continued to support and inform about harmonisation initiatives and its platform. Again three issues were published. Some of our members have celebrated important milestones, such as TOTAL and GDF Suez and we covered those events with extensive articles. Several member’s Safety Days and Workshops have also received attention in our magazine.

HSElife newsletter

To support better communication within the organisations, we have created and distributed the new way of communicating with their target group: the HSElife newsletter. With optimal content volume and increased frequency, the HSElife newsletter provided a better view of all the activities around HSElife NL.

Reviews and feedback

This year we continued with the collection of the reviews and feedback. After analysis done by the members of the Steering Committee and internal workgroups, the changes and updates have been listed on the yearly activity planning. All updates and changes to the documents and tools are done at the beginning of the new year.

Productions and activities

• Contractor Forum

• Training Days

• HSElife LAB

• HSElife Academy concept

• Lessons Learned introduction

• Hazard Hunting development

• We Care development

• Website update

• HSElife app update

• Training update

• HSE items update

• Communication production

• Communication activities

• On-the-road (Safety Days)

• Presentations

• Meetings

• International production

• Implementation production

• Implementation activities

• Media Kit

• LARS introduction

• Print production

• Social Media activation

• On-the-spot delivery

• HSElife magazine

• HSElife newsletter

• Reviews & Feedback

Focal Point Training Days


Contractors Forum

In 2015, TWG organised the official start of the Contractor Forum. Consisting of 12 representatives of Contractor companies, the Contractor Forum has a purpose of discussing the issues and challenges which they meet at their daily jobs. All the results of the Contractor Forum meetings, either requests or conclusions, are communicated to the members of the Core Group and Steering Committee. It is being done in an anonymous manner, giving the opportunity to get a real picture of all safety and operational issues on the shop floor. The HSElife Contractor Forum congregate 4 times a year at The WAT Group’s office.

Training Days

Besides organising the Contractor Forum meetings, we have facilitated a number of Training Days. During those sessions, the participants had a chance to go through all the available tools and services of HSElife NL step by step. It has been proven once again that these kind of sessions are an important part of the implementation activities. At the same time the participants had a chance to ask questions and provide valuable feedback.


In the light of enthusiasm shown by the members of HSElife NL, TWG has decided to make another important step in further development: HSElife LAB is created. One can see the HSElife LAB as a think-tank in which new concepts have been layed out, in benefit of professionals on the shop floor and colleagues that support their activities. One of the results of HSElife LAB sessions was the creation of “360 Co-op vision”, an interactive application that allows remote familiarisation of on- and offshore locations. With real 360 degrees view, the users can get to know the layout of the location upfront their arrival. With overlay function, the “360 Co-op vision” can provide added functionality such as familiarisation with essential parts of the installation or excersising all alarm situations and more.

HSElife Academy concept

Working in the Oil & Gas industry carries certain risks. To prevent potential incidents, the industry has set a number of training moments and requires a number of certifications for everyone involved. Being confronted with a large amount of information on a yearly base, it was obvious that the so called “bathtub effect” is present in no time. Loss of knowledge is increasing the risk of incidents. We took the task to develop the concept that can prevent the loss of knowledge and the first brainstorm and concept sessions took place.


Lessons Learned introduction

The newly developed interactive Lessons Learned has been introduced to the broader audience of HSElife NL. After thorough testing, the Lessons Learned program was published on the HSElife NL website. Supported by a number of communication publications, such as HSElife magazine and newsletter, the Lessons Learned was welcomed by enthusiasm of its users and confirmed once more that the Reflective learning method has the best “participate/discuss/ learn” success rate of all learning methods.

Hazard Hunting development

After the succesfull Hazard Hunting concept presentation in 2014, we have developed, produced and published the first theme in the serie: Dropped Objects. The activities around searching and eliminating potential hazards have been supported with a number of communication products and hands-on tools. With such tools made available it allows the members of HSElife NL to organise and implement the “real life” activities at the locations, contributing to a safer and healthier workplace.

We Care development

What started as a successfull introduction of the “We Care” program in 2014, continued in 2015 as well. A number of presentations and workshops has been given during the Training Days. Valuable feedback was considered and implemented in the update of the developed tools of the “We Care” program.

Website update

With an increase number of available products and quantity of content on the site The WAT Group has been working continuously on updates, both visual and back-end. Upgrades were also done on the hardware side, upgrading available physical space and increased bandwith.

HSElife app update

Reflecting the updates and upgrades of the HSElife NL website, the necessary updates were done for the HSElife app.


Training update

As explained previously and with the greater Contractor Engagement, HSElife NL has received essential feedback information resulting in yearly updates of the training modules and their accompanying questionnaires. It provided a better acceptance of the training and greater credibility within the industry.

HSE items update

Similar to previous years, the yearly update of HSE items has been done, for both printed and digital editions.

Communication production

Promotional tools have been produced in the form of abri’s, posters and flyers.

Communication activities

Similar to the previous period, HSElife NL was promoted during various industry events, such as opening of the Training Center of NAM in Groningen.

On-the-road (Safety Days)

Thanks to the direct Contractors’ involvement, HSElife NL was introduced and presented upon request at the Contractor locations, such as Well Services Group (WSG) and others.


Same as in previous phases, continued presentation activities took place in 2014. With the focus shifting to informing the Contractor organisations of the HSElife NL, the new set of specific presentations was created and presented to the audience.



Frequent Steering Committee meetings also took place in 2015. The forming of the Contractor Forum has resulted in increased feedback information which was communicated back to the Steering Committee.

International concept

Similar to the previous period, the selected group of Board and Steering Committee members were assigned with the task of promoting and searching for the opportunities of positioning the HSElife on a global scale.

Implementation production

Specific implementation information was created and delivered to the Focal Points (HSElife NL representatives) with the purpose of easier integration in work preparation and other daily work activities.

Implementation activities

At the request of the Steering Committee members, several implementation activities took place. During those sessions, all ins and outs of HSElife NL were presented. TWG took the opportunities to participate in other industry meetings for this purpose.

Media Kit

The set of documents that was part of the HSElife NL Media Kit has been extended and updated.

LARS introduction

After a couple of years of extensive development and testing, participation requirement of TOTAL was fulfilled: the HSElife Learning and Registration System (LARS) has been introduced to the participants of HSElife NL. In the first development stage, the functionality of LARS has been extended beyond registration of HSElife NL’s training modules to a registration of Company specific training modules as well.


Print production

The increased participation and use of HSElife NL’s materials lead to updated print production in October 2015.

Social Media activation

We have continued to support and announce the HSElife NL activities with the use of various Social Media platforms.

On-the-spot delivery

More wall-mount racks for brochures were delivered upon request.

HSElife magazine

HSElife magazine continued to support and inform about the harmonisation initiative and its platform. This year two issues have been published digitally and printed copies were delivered to participating members, both Operators and Contractors. One of the events that was covered in this year was the OFFEX 2015 - the joined Major incident excercise. The forming of the Contractor Forum also played a major role in this year’s magazines. Together with announcements and coverage of all newly developed tools and services of HSElife NL, our magazine firmly took its place as the industry leader on Health, Safety and Environment information in the Oil and Gas industry in the Netherlands.

HSElife newsletter

According to the feedback received from members of HSElife NL, the newsletter was created in different format and its content has been updated to better suit the implementation activities.

Reviews and feedback

This year we continued with the collection of the reviews and feedback. After analysis done by the members of the Steering Committee and internal workgroups, the changes and updates have been listed on the yearly activity planning. All updates and changes to the documents and tools are done at the beginning of the new year.

Productions and activities

• HSElife NL 3.0 (HTML 5)

• ISO 9001 certification

• LMRA Card introduction

• HSElife Academy production

• Contractor Forum

• Training Days

• Theme production

• Lessons Learned introduction

• Hazard Hunting development

• We Care development

• Website update

• HSElife app update

• Training update

• HSE items update

• Communication production

• Communication activities

• On-the-road (Safety Days)

• Presentations

• Meetings

• International concept

• Implementation production

• Implementation activities

• LARS update

• Print production

• Social Media activation

• On-the-spot delivery

• HSElife magazine

• HSElife newsletter

• External Survey

• Reviews & Feedback


HSElife NL 3.0 (HTML 5)

One of the responsibilities of The WAT Group is to monitor the technological developments and to ensure that the HSElife NL platform runs at the optimal level. With expanding functionality of HTML 5 internet standard and less support of interactive modules (such as Adobe Flash), upon request of the Steering Committee, we have rounded-up the full transition to the HTML 5 internet standard. At the same time, the new look and feel has been incorporated into the system. One of the branding elements has been updated as well: we parted from HSElife UNIO and adopted a new name - HSElife NL. The new name brought greater recognition and easier acceptance with its audience. Besides introduction of the new front-end, which is now a full responsive site (to adjust itself based on the device used - desktop, tablet or mobile) it was necessary to update all the materials published on the site. This extensive project has been fully completed by the end of the 2016.

ISO 9001 certification

To ensure an optimised production process, The WAT Group initiated an external audit following the guidelines of ISO 9001 quality assurance standard. This audit took place in October 2015 and the selected case was the HSElife NL platform. After thorough audit by an external auditor (TUV), HSElife NL and The WAT Group have been granted an International Quality Assurance standard ISO 9001.

LMRA Card introduction

At the request of the Steering Committee, TWG produced and introduced a general LMRA card. Several members and one external supporting organisation (CASOS) have participated in the development of the card.

HSElife Academy production

Following the concept of the HSElife Academy, TWG has produced this training support tool with the help of an external IT developer company. Oranje-Nassau Energie has participated in this production and offered their employees to take part in the extensive testing of the system. Next to the developed system, the promotional website has been created and also all the required supporting tools such as manuals for both participant roles (Administrator and User) and Quickstart tools.


Contractor Forum

In 2016, three Contractor Forum meetings were organised at The WAT Group location. Same as in the previous period, the enthusiastic audience has been informed of all developments and activities within HSElife NL and valuable input has been collected.

Training Days

Besides organising the Contractor Forum meetings, we have facilitated a number of Training Days. During those sessions, the participants had a chance to go through all the available tools and services of HSElife NL step by step. It has been proven once again that these kind of sessions are an important part of the implementation activities. At the same time the participants had a chance to ask questions and provide valuable feedback.

Theme production

With the introduction of the updated website, the Theme part received a prominent place on it. Upon request of the Steering Committee, we produced and published the first industry-wide campaign called “Hoisting and Lifting”. With all communication and activity supporting tools created in two languages, this campaign was fully supported for implementation purposes by all communication channels and social media.

Lessons Learned introduction

Following a positive response of the Lessons Learned introduction in 2015, TWG continued to promote and introduce the possibility of Reflective learning tools to the Contractor members, again with a positive response.

Hazard Hunting development

Besides the updated branding elements of the Hazard Hunting program, the Contractor parties contributed with their feedback to the further development of its tools.


We Care development

Similar to the Hazard Hunting development, the adjustments and updates took place in the “We Care” program.

Website update

During the extensive upgrade of the total HSElife NL platform, the necessary content update also took place. New visuals, new written content and new interactive content (contact and response forms) were placed on the site. Major updates also took place in the new, more user-friendly navigation system.

HSElife app update

The HSElife app have been updated in a way that it is not required anymore to use the App Store for download. A short instruction on how to activate the updated app has been communicated with the users through the HSElife newsletter.

Training update

In this year we updated all training modules, both visual and narrative. The main update actually took place in the questionnaire module, which is now fully compatible with all devices (desktop, tablet and mobile).

HSE items update

Besides updating the HSE items’ materials with new brand elements, one new HSE item is produced at the request of the Steering Committee: Preventing Hand Injuries.

Communication production

Promotional tools have been produced in the form of abri’s, posters and flyers for various promotional purposes and standard positioning such as at Den Helder airport.

HSElife NL from A to Z - Overview of the HSElife NL through the years 2008 - 2024


Communication activities

HSElife NL was present at the Energy Exibition at Harderwijk where HSElife NL and the HSElife Academy were presented.

On-the-road (Safety Days)

Thanks to the direct Contractors’ involvement, HSElife NL was introduced and presented upon request at the Contractor locations.


Steering Committee meetings also took place in 2016. Approaching the end of the first agreed period of HSElife NL (in 2017) more frequent meetings of the Core Group took place with attention of forming the new organisational structure and increased involvement of the Contractors. The forming of the Contractor Forum has resulted in increased feedback information which was communicated back to the Steering Committee.

International concept

Similar to the previous period, the selected group of Board and Steering Committee members were assigned with the task of promoting and searching for the opportunities of positioning the HSElife on a global scale.

Implementation production

Specific implementation information was created and delivered to the Focal Points (HSElife NL representatives) with the purpose of easier integration in work preparation and other daily work activities.

Implementation activities

At the request of the Steering Committee members, several implementation activities took place. During those sessions, all ins and outs of HSElife NL were presented. TWG took the opportunities to participate in other industry meetings for this purpose.


LARS update

The HSElife Learning and Registration System (LARS) is updated with the addition of Company specific training modules, and the first brainstorm sessions took place in which the connectivity options with external Competence Management Systems were discussed.

Print production

During the updates of the HSE items, the inventarisation of print production was performed and noted. The joined production of the HSE item brochures was planned for the beginning of next year.

Social Media activation

TWG continued to support and announce the HSElife NL activities with the use of various Social Media platforms.

On-the-spot delivery

With new branding elements, we produced updated head boards for already delivered wall-mount racks.

HSElife magazine

HSElife magazine continued to support and inform about the harmonisation initiative and its platform. This year three issues have been published digitally and printed copies were delivered to participating members, both Operators and Contractors. Our Contractor members were getting more space in the magazine and this year we introduced a new layout and format of the magazine. With more international attention, the main language is now English with additional translation in Dutch. The focus of the magazine is more forward-looking, both of the industry itself and our harmonisation initiative. This year was also marked the publication of the separate Special issue which was covering and supporting our first industry-wide campaign “Hoisting and Lifting”. This special issue has received an exceptional interest, both on national and international level.

HSElife newsletter

According to the feedback received from members of HSElife NL, the newsletter was created in different format and its content has been updated to better suit the implementation activities.


External Survey

Under the initiative of the Steering Committee and under the guidance of their Chairman Jürgen Joosten (Centrica / SeaFox), an external survey on the relevance and use of HSElife NL has been done. A broad audience has participated in the survey and the results have confirmed the quality and relevance of the harmonisation platform and all their tools and services.

Reviews and feedback

This year we continued with the collection of the reviews and feedback. After analysis done by the members of the Steering Committee and internal workgroups, the changes and updates have been listed on the yearly activity planning. All updates and changes to the documents and tools are done at the beginning of the new year.

Productions and activities

items update (incl. 5 to remember)

• HSElife and NOGEPA

• HSElife NL 3.0

• ISO 9001 certification

• HSElife video channel

• HSElife Academy introduction

• Contractor Forum

• Training Days

• Campaign production

• Website update

• Training update

• HSE items update

• Communication production

• Communication activities

• Presentations

• Meetings

• International activities

• Implementation production

• Implementation activities

• LARS update

• Print production

• Production manual

• Social Media activation

• HSElife magazine

• HSElife newsletter

• Reviews & Feedback

implementation production

HSElife video channel

HSElife NL from A to Z - Overview of the HSElife NL through the years 2008 - 2024



In November 2017, the Dutch Oil & Gas producers Association (NOGEPA) has signed a contract with The WAT Group to deliver HSElife NL as an HSE and training platform for the period of the following 5 years. The commitment shown by NOGEPA and their members will contribute greatly to further develoment of the platform and ultimately result in further reduction of incidents.

HSElife NL 3.0

TWG continued to perform required updates of the website, for both content and hardware. A more efficient server, increased bandwidth and other maintenance activities were done.

ISO 9001 certification

Another round of audits by an external auditor was performed. Once again HSElife NL (as a audit case) have passed the test with flying colors. The organisation of the production and quality guarding was, in the auditor’s words, no less than inspiring and it even helped auditors to adjust their own way of auditing such complex (digital) platform.

HSElife video channel

With the introduction of its own video channel, HSElife NL has become the World’s First Communication platform dedicated to HSE. The HSElife video channel broadcasts various HSE related videos and directs viewers to HSElife NL itself in the search of more relevant information. In the backlog of the visits we can confirm that viewers and visitors to HSElife NL are stationed all around the globe.

Contractor Forum

In 2017, two Contractor Forum meetings were organised at The WAT Group location. Same as in the previous period, the enthusiastic audience has been informed of all developments and activities within HSElife NL and valuable input has been collected.

Training Days

Besides organising the Contractor Forum meetings, we have facilitated a number of Training Days. During those sessions, the participants had a chance to go through all the available tools and services of HSElife NL step by step. It has been proven once again that these kind of sessions are an important part of the implementation activities. At the same time the participants had a chance to ask questions and provide valuable feedback.



Campaign production

At the request of the Health and Safety Committee of NOGEPA, we have created the first concept and presentation on the theme “Slips, Trips and Falls”. At the end of the year, the H&S Committee approved the concept and the production of the industry-wide campaign has been planned in the Q2 of 2018.

Website update

Continuous update of the HSElife NL website is done throughout the whole year. New communication elements, repositioning of the information blocks at the homepage and update of supporting documentation took place. Better integration of questionnaire modules in LARS was also performed.

Training update

Certain aspects of training modules were updated, mostly branding elements.

HSE items update

All HSE items were updated in visual elements with one item updated in the content: Benzene. With newly introduced safety limits and guidelines from the Governmental bodies, HSElife NL reacted on this challenge with assistance of the Contractor Forum members. Within one month the project was finalised and newly produced brochures, onscreen presentations and videos in two languages were published on the site. This activity was communicated towards the members via HSElife magazine and newsletter. Next to this update round, the new item summary was created on the last page of the documents with the name “5 to remember”.

Communication production

With increased communication activities, The WAT Group produced a number of exhibitional and promotional tools for HSElife NL. Banners, posters, flyers and other products were produced and used.

Communication activities

HSElife NL was present with its own space (stand) at the Offshore Energy Exhibition in 2017. Visitors from all around the world have expressed interest in this harmonisation initiative and users (and potential ones) have again confirmed that reaching Incident Free Operations can only be achived by participation of the industry-wide approach as HSElife NL truly is.



With the necessity to involve the Contractors on every level of the HSElife NL Organisational chart, TWG has, together with members of the Core Group, prepared a number of presentations that were given to the members of NOGEPA ExCom and OpsCom. At the same time, presentations were given to the members of the Health & Safety Committee as well.


Members of the HSElife NL Core Group had intensified the number of meetings, all in the purpose of creating and presenting the new operational model which will include the Contractor parties.

International activities

The International Association of Oil & Gas producers (IOGP) has started endorsing HSElife NL as an initiative that could be easily implemented on a global scale. Thanks to the members of the HSElife NL Core Group, this endorsement took place and the first meetings have shown the interest and ambition to move forward in making the Energy industry safer.

Implementation production

Specific implementation information was created and delivered to the Focal Points (HSElife NL representatives) with the purpose of easier integration in work preparation and other daily work activities.

Implementation activities

At the request of the Steering Committee members, several implementation activities took place. During those sessions, all ins and outs of HSElife NL were presented. We took the opportunities to participate in other industry meetings for this purpose.

LARS update

As agreed in 2016, the HSElife LARS was extended with an addition that allows direct connectivity to the external Competence Management Systems. With this functionality HSElife NL lowers the treshold of the implementation since the information exchange and entrance to the registration systems can be done from both sides. Thanks to the support and involvement of TAQA, the HSElife LARS has made a huge step towards becoming the industry training registration standard.


Print production

With collected print production information, HSElife NL has produced requested brochures and delivered them to the Operators and Contractor members.

Production manual

In order to follow the guidance of ISO 9001 certification and to maintain the high quality of the production, we created the full Production manual. In this extensive document we published the guidance of producing independently all elements of the HSElife NL platform, both digital and offline. HSElife NL Production Manual is available on request.

Social Media activation

We continued to support and announce the HSElife NL activities with the use of various Social Media platforms.

HSElife magazine

HSElife magazine continued to support and inform about the harmonisation initiative and its platform. This year three issues have been published digitally and printed copies were delivered to participating members, both Operators and Contractors. During this year we covered again a broad range of subjects, one of them is “Mental and Operational Resillience” as a new focus on paying attention to safer working. Our presence at the “Offshore Energy 2017” exhibition was also published. HSElife NL’s new organisational structure and NOGEPA’s commitment towards our joined harmonisation initiative was also extensively published in a number of articles.

HSElife newsletter

According to the feedback received from members of HSElife NL, the newsletter was created in different format and its content has been updated to better suit the implementation activities. Three newsletter issues were published.

Reviews and feedback

This year we continued with the collection of the reviews and feedback. After analysis done by the members of the Steering Committee and internal workgroups, the changes and updates have been listed on the yearly activity planning. All updates and changes to the documents and tools are done at the beginning of the new year.

Productions and activities



• ISO 9001 certification

• Safety Coalition Award

• LARS update (2.0)

• Helpdesk

• Spot the Hazards introduction

• HSElife video channel

• HSElife Academy update

• Contractor Forum

• Training Days

• Campaign production

• Website update

• Training update

• HSE items update

• Communication production

• Communication activities

• Presentations

• Meetings

• International activities

• Implementation production

• Implementation activities

• Print production

• Social Media activation

• HSElife magazine

• HSElife newsletter

• Reviews & Feedback

HSElife various implementation productions and activities

HSElife NL personalisation
Safety Coalition Award
HSElife NL campaign


The European Union has introduced General Data Protection Act (GDPA) that will start in May 2018. This new legislation is mandatory for the HSElife NL. To be fully compliant with the new legal regulation, TWG took a number of activities, from asking legal advice with an external expert party to producing and implementing the new participation and access system. Facilitating such a huge activity and to be able to fulfill all expectation of its users, HSElife NL had to be upgraded to a whole new level. On the hardware and server side, HSElife NL is now hosted with the latest server technology, with the instant backup mirroring server, an extended bandwith has been purchased and thorough stresstests have been performed. As far as the new personalized access is concerned, the new front-end system has been developed and implemented. On the back-end side of our system, an extensive upgrade of the Registration protocols and Account management took place. With all above mentioned activities completed, HSElife NL is fully compliant with AVG/GDPA legislation.


With the introduction of the General Data Protection Act (GDPA) in May this year, TWG, together with the members of the Core Group, has prepared the proposal of Personalisation of HSElife NL. It will allow not only better data protection but also improved communication (direct) and content placement. This initiative was developed parallelly with a new agreement and signed contract with NOGEPA. HSElife NL becomes an official NOGEPA initiative and the Contractor members will have greater influence on decision making. Contractor members will also contribute financially to the productions and maintenance of HSElife NL. Required changes to the HSElife NL website were made in the first quarter of this year and communication of the changes is performed in both Q1 and Q2. From 1 May, content and functionality were made accessible only to the paying members. Membership forms are various, from Operators accounts to the Contractor and individual accounts. All required supporting products such as manuals and Quickstarts have been developed and distributed to facilitate the transition to the new model. All legal documentation, such as Privacy and General Agreement and Information Processing Agreement are available on the site or upon request.

Safety Coalition Award

HSElife NL was nominated for the prestigious Safety Coalition Award of the year 2018. During the event in Rotterdam Ahoy, HSElife NL was presented and won this award. Beside the professional jury, the other two finalists had to recognise HSElife NL as a true coalition which involves all relevant industry parties. Once again HSElife NL has shown what could be achieved when all levels of the industry work together for the benefit of their target group: men/women on the shop floor. Receiving this award has increased interest of the other entities, both commercial and governmental, in possible cooperation with HSElife NL as this concept can be easily applied to other branches.


LARS update (2.0)

Since the introduction of the personalised system in May, large amounts of feedback and requests have started to flow in. One of the requests was to deliver the next upgrade of the HSElife Learning and Registration System (LARS). The new LARS (2.0) have to focus on easier use on mobile devices and to simplify the verification and entrance to the working locations. TWG has prepared the concept which was presented to the involved parties, such as H&S Committee, Steering Group and Contractor Forum. After approval of the concept, we started with the production of LARS 2.0 and expect to start with the testing phase by the end of this year.


The transition to the User Account access to the HSElife NL platform and its tools/services requires continuous assistance and TWG has organised a Helpdesk team. Providing assistance with the registration and use of the system is the main goal of the Helpdesk team.

Spot the Hazards introduction

TWG has created and published, at the request of the members of the Core Group, a new tool in safety awareness called Spot the Hazards. It is orientated around a specific HSE item and incidents related to it. With summarised information and direct links to more tools and services it was introduced via the HSElife video channel.

HSElife video channel

This important component of the HSElife NL communication channels have continued to raise awareness on a number of issues and challenges in our industry. Because of the frequent publications and updates, we have created an online archive where all past videos can be found and used.

HSElife Academy update

An update of the Academy was performed during the Summer break period. Content was analysed and, according to the feedback of its users, updated to the latest factual information.



Contractor Forum

In 2018, three Contractor Forum meetings were organised at The WAT Group location. Same as in the previous period, the enthusiastic audience has been informed of all developments and activities within HSElife NL and valuable input has been collected.

Training Days

With the focus on a changed user model and participation, TWG has organised together with NOGEPA a number of meetings at the NOGEPA office in The Hague. Instead of giving information on the use of the platform, Contractors were presented with the information about the benefits of the new system and expectations on both sides.

Campaign production

TWG has produced and delivered the new industry-wide campaign: Slips, Trips and Falls. The entire campaign with all accompanying products and tools has been published on the HSElife NL website. The previous campaign “Hoisting and Lifting” has been moved to the digital archive and made available to all members.

Pro-active Website update

According to the changes in the operational and participation model, the necessary updates have been performed on the website. A new access and registration module, content updates and other changes have been implemented in 2018.

Training update

Feedback given by the members has resulted a the content update not only for the HSElife Academy but also for the HSElife NL interactive training modules.

HSE items update

A visual update of HSE items took place, reflecting a new period and a new way of participation in HSElife NL.



Communication production

By implementing personal access to the tools and services of HSElife NL, we have produced and published a new set of promotional videos for HSElife NL, HSElife Academy and HSElife LARS in both Dutch and English. All new promotional videos have been used during various presentation and events and were finally made available on the HSElife NL website.

Communication activities

Increased interest after receiving the Safety Coalition Award 2018 resulted in increased participation in a number of industry events. Not only the Energy sector showed enthusiasm regarding HSElife NL but also other sectors / branches such as the Process Industry, Chemical Industry and Maintenance. As a holder of this award, HSElife NL was also nominated for the EU-OSHA Award for the theme “Managing Dangerous Goods”. The decision and results of this competition have not yet been made.


Due to the fact that HSElife NL has gone through various changes, the production of new presentations was required. TWG has produced and presented on a number of occassions the new organisational structure, new functionalities, tools, services and other updates to (potential) members.


In the new organisational structure, with an increased participation of Contractor members, several Steering Committee meetings took place in this year.

International activities

Ongoing promotion and networking activities took place on an international level. Members of the Core Group were responsible for all international relations. Additional activities by the members also took place.

Implementation production

Specific implementation information was created and delivered to the Focal Points (HSElife NL representatives) with the purpose of easier integration in work preparation and other daily work activities.


Implementation activities

As mentioned previously, several implementation activities took place - with the support of the NOGEPA. In addition, we have attended a number of informational and implementation sessions with the relevant parties, such as SIR (Stichting Industriële Reiniging).

Print production

Following the update of the HSE items, a new batch of brochures has been produced and delivered to the HSElife NL members.

Social Media activation

TWG continues to support and announce the HSElife NL activities with the use of various Social Media platforms.

HSElife magazine

HSElife magazine continues to support and inform about the harmonisation initiative and its platform. This year three issues will be published digitally and printed copies will be delivered to the participating members, both Operators and Contractors. In the first two editions of this year we have covered all changes and the continuous commitment of our member parties. Special attention this year was reserved for a very important milestone in creating a safer and healthier workplace and that is the Safety Coalition of the Year Award. Changes in our operational model and increased Contractors’ participation have also been covered with multiple articles in this year’s editions.

HSElife newsletter

According to the feedback received from members of HSElife NL, the newsletter was created in different format and its content has been updated to better suit the implementation activities. Four newsletter issues will be published.

Reviews and feedback

This year we continues with the collection of the reviews and feedback. After analysis done by the members of the Steering Committee and internal workgroups, the changes and updates have been listed on the yearly activity planning. All updates and changes to the documents and tools are done at the beginning of the new year.

Productions and activities


• New contract - new commitment

• IOGP Life Saving Rules update

• Learning and Registration System (LARS) 2.0

• Helpdesk

• New HSE items setup

• Mercury and Chromium-VI

• HSElife magazine

• HSElife newsletter

• Contractor Forum

• HSE item action-focus (campaign)

• Pro-active website update

• Meetings

• International activities on request

• Implementation production

• HSElife video channel

• HSElife Academy update

• HSElife Messenger 2.0

• Social Media activation

• Reviews and feedback

New contract - new commitment

Next to a several important production milestones, one of the most important activities in this year was renewed commitment expressed by the members of NOGEPA in the form of new contract signing in September this year. As a result of this, we can expect a closer cooperation with various Workgroups operating within NOGEPA, such as Health & Safety Committee. Agreed was, amongst other things, the production and implementation of three new HSE items and two industry-wide HSE awareness campaigns.

IOGP Life Saving Rules update

With HSElife being endorsed by the IOGP, the latest update of Life Saving Rules have been made available through our platfrom as well. Major change of the new set of rules is in it’s compression to a lesser number of rules (nine instead of twelve) and more effective and simpler description. HSElife continues to strenghten its relation with IOGP even further.

Learning and Registration System (LARS) 2.0

As mentioned previously, HSElife LARS has gone through a complete overhaul, both on the front-end (interface and interaction) as well on the back-end side (database and functionality). One of the main benefits of new and improved LARS is the complete mobility of entire HSElife platform - you can now select and follow the interactive courses anytime and anywhere, thanks to responsive character of the system. HSElife LARS adjust its screen sizes automatically, depending on where do you open it - desktop, tablet or smartphone. Another useful addition is the introduction of automatically generated QR code in the overview of your training modules. By scanning your QR code, the security at the location or at Den Helder airport can now access your training and certifications overview in real time, improving the entrance / check-in procedure and at the same time eliminating the possibility for eventual fraude. During the production of the new version of HSElife LARS, we engaged with many members of HSElife, who participated in the testing phases nad their useful feedback assisted in optimizing several functionality options. Registration and user management have received the whole new structure and optimalization, making it easier to invite users to register and to select the required training modules. HSElife LARS hosts now a 20+ new interactive HSE items training modules as well. Supervisors and Team Leaders can now assign these HSE item training modules to their members, creating even better readiness for the job. Since the new HSElife LARS 2.0 have been created from the scratch, the special attention was being paid to a performance, stability and scaleability of the system. According to the users feedback, HSElife LARS 2.0 excells in all these categories. To optimally guide the transition and introduction of this new version we have created a number of assisting tools, such as Manuals for all exisiting roles within the HSElife LARS 2.0 and the Quickstart User guides for easy registration and use of the system. Another useful addition is Audio Assistance with registration. By clicking on the audio icon, the user will be guided through the registration process.




The transition to the newly developed HSElife LARS 2.0 and User Account access to the HSElife NL platform and its tools/services requires continuous assistance and TWG has organised a Helpdesk team. Providing assistance with the registration and use of the system is the main goal of the Helpdesk team.

New HSE items setup

By listening carefully and monitoring the implementation activities within the industry, HSElife NL has produced the whole new HSE item setup. Introduction of the new information structure can be seen in a categories: what is it, hazards, prevention, protection and in the case of. Short and even more concise information allows better use of the items. Moving to a complete digital format allows users to download the HSE item brochure and to print it themselves. Following the simple and clear instruction, user can fold the printed A4 sheet to a A6 format and take the information with them. Backside of the document shows the well known ‘5 to remember’ which can be printed and used as a poster. Naturally, with the introduction of the new information structure we have created a new onscreen presentation documents and video material.

Mercury and Chromium-VI

The first two items which have been produced according to a newly developed HSE item system were updated Mercury and a brand new HSE item: Chromium-VI. Special Workgroup, consisting of HSE managers, external experts and TWG members have participated In preparing the new information, which was used in creation of the new HSE item setup.

HSElife magazine

Following the analysis of the readers / user reports, in 2019 we made a very important move: HSElife magazine will be produced exclusively in a digital form. With better integration of interactive elements, social media components and optimized content for various digital platforms we have set a new stage in further development of HSElife magazine as a industry leader in HSE communication. To achieve this, we have engaged in cooperation with Foleon, the worldwide digital magazine production and distribution provider.



HSElife newsletter

We continued to create and publish the HSElife newsletter in 2019. Newly produced tools, new information and announcement were communicated via newsletters. In combination with improved HSElife LARS user registration and user management, we could contact and communicate with HSElife NL users and participants directly, therefore increasing engagement and improving implementation of our platform.

Contractor Forum

In 2019, three Contractor Forum meetings were organised at The WAT Group location. Same as in the previous period, the enthusiastic audience has been informed of all developments and activities within HSElife NL and valuable input has been collected.

HSE item action-focus (campaign)

As a result of enthusiastism and contribution of the Contractor Forum, The WAT Group have created a new addition to a regulars HSE item information: the HSE item action-focus. With this new set of materials, the companies are able to focus even more on specific issue or item, eleminating hazards and improving safety performance.

Pro-active website update

One of our main principles of working has always been a pro-active way of thinking and working. Besides multitude of activities and brainstorm sessions aiming to improve our platform, we have also performed several required updates. According to the changes in the HSElife LARS 2.0, the necessary updates have been performed on the website. A new access and registration module, content updates and other changes have been implemented in 2019.


In the new organisational structure, with an increased participation of Contractor members, TWG was engaged in the HSElife NL Workshop at the NOGEPA office. With members of the H&S Committee the program for 2020 was created and accepted.


International activities on request

Facilitating needs in expanding markets / regions of operations of our clients we have intensified the international activities concerning our platform. Ongoing promotion and networking activities took place on an international level. Members of the Core Group were responsible for all international relations. Additional activities by the members also took place. Concept development and start of the production of the international training platform took place in this year.

Implementation production

Specific implementation information was created and delivered to the Focal Points (HSElife NL representatives) with the purpose of easier integration in work preparation and other daily work activities.

HSElife video channel

This important component of the HSElife NL communication channels have continued to raise awareness on a number of issues and challenges in our industry. Because of the frequent publications and updates, we have created an online archive where all past videos can be found and used.

HSElife Academy update

An update of the Academy was performed during the Summer break period. Content was analysed and, according to the feedback of its users, updated to the latest factual information.

OPSlife Messenger 2.0

In cooperation with one of our Operating Members, The WAT Group have created the OPSlife Messenger 2.0. It is an interactive TWO WAY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM that allows the Organizations to INFORM their employees, MOTIVATE them to participate, ACTIVATE them to think and to contribute towards achieving the goals of the Organization and also to IMPROVE their work processes and safety and company culture by sending PUSH MESSAGES with LESSONS LEARNED and SAFETY ALERTS content.

Social Media activation

TWG continues to support and announce the HSElife NL activities with the use of various Social Media platforms.

Reviews and feedback

This year we continue with the collection of the reviews and feedback. After analysis done by the members of the Steering Committee and internal workgroups, the changes and updates have been listed on the yearly activity planning. All updates and changes to the documents and tools are done at the beginning of the new year.

Productions and activities


• Learning and Registration System (LARS) 3.0

• Helpdesk

• Registration routing

• Artificial Intelligence assistance

• New Campaigns

• New HSE items

• HSElife World magazine

• HSElife newsletter

• Social Media activation

• Contractor Forum

• Pro-active website update

• International training platform

• HSElife video channel

• HSElife Academy update



Learning and Registration System (LARS) 3.0

With constant increase of users and participating companies in Learning and Registration System we went into a process of improvement on both back-end (hardware and infrastructure) and front-end (interface and interactivity). These activities resulted in LARS 3.0, being able to answer to increased demand on an efficient way.


The transition to the newly developed HSElife LARS 3.0 and User Account access to the HSElife NL platform and its tools/services requires continuous assistance and TWG have continued to provide that through a dedicated Helpdesk team. Providing assistance with the registration and use of the system took place 24/7 (including holidays and nonworking days) by the Helpdesk team, via a telephone lines and/or email.

Registration routing

To be able to facilitate better and more efficient registration process in the Learning and Registration System 3.0, our production and communication team have produced an interactive registration routing module. With the various participants of the system it is now possible to get exact information by following an interactive route, resulting in clear instructions for registering and indication for both employees of Operators and Contractors alike in case they are entitled to a free membership, in case they are hired by the NOGEPA member company (as regulated by the contract between NOGEPA and the HSElife).

Artificial Intelligence assistance

Another useful tool has been develop by our production team: Artificial Intelligence assistance, in a form of an interactive chat-bot module. Purpose of this advanced technology is to provide answers to HSElife NL users if questions about registering, navigating and using our platform arise. The entire database with questions and answers used by the A.I. is created in both Dutch and English language. Besides providing straight answers, the A.I. also delivers the clickable links in their conversation windows, allowing users to get to the webpage directly. It improves users satisfaction and overall user experience of our platform.



New Campaigns

According to the contract signed by the HSElife and NOGEPA, in this year we have created and published the industrywide awareness campaign ‘KEEP THEM ALL! Avoiding Hand injuries’. Next to the newly created specific campaign webpage, we produced a.o. the campaign manual, onscreen group presentation, handout, campaign poster, informative video, On-the-Spot checklist, implementation plan and, upon request, Campaign guide about Safety Gloves.

Next to above mentioned tools and campaign materials, our production team have produced updated A6 brochure, onscreen presentation, HSE item video and Action Focus tools (incl. 5 to remember poster), so that it corresponds with the updated campaign information.

All materials and tools are produced and made available in both Dutch and English language.

Second planned campaign ‘Exposure to hazardous substances’ have been cancelled by NOGEPA during the new situation caused by the world pandemic.

New HSE items

Another production activity includes production of 3 new HSE items, which have been requested by the HSE Committee of NOGEPA - Methanol, Dust, Smoke and Fumes from heavy metals and a total update of Avoding Hand Injuries. For all three HSE items, our production team have produced, in both languages, the A6 brochure, Onscreen presentation, Questionnaire with registration in LARS and Action Focus tools (incl. guide, Activity sheets and poster ‘5 to remember’). All of produced materials are published and made available on their respective webpages on hselifenl.com

HSElife World magazine

HSElife magazine continues to support and inform about the harmonisation initiative and its platform. The biggest change / update of this year was a transformation to a new format and a new publishing platform. After thorough investigation, our communication department have decided to move our magazine to an interactive publishing platform called ‘Foleon’. More interactivity and reader engagement were a major factor for a transfer. The HSElife World magazine have received a total overhaul in terms of design and content by our design studio.

During these uncertain times caused by the world pandemic, the possibility to cooperate on magazin publication from remote locations (home) have contributed in an increased productivity, resulted in an ongoing digital magazine with 15 interactive articles, including six special articles dedicated to HSElife NL.

HSElife NL from A to Z - Overview of the HSElife NL through the years 2008 - 2024




HSElife Newsletter

We continued to create and publish five HSElife newsletters in 2020. Newly produced tools, new information and announcement were communicated via newsletters. The newsletters have covered following themes: Explanation of change in participation, HSElife NL in 5 steps, Campaign ‘Keep them all! Avoding hand injuries, Methanol and Dust, smoke and fumes from heavy metals. In combination with improved HSElife LARS user registration and user management, we could contact and communicate with HSElife NL users and participants directly, therefore increasing engagement and improving implementation of our platform.

Social Media activation

TWG continues to support and announce the HSElife NL activities with the use of various Social Media platforms.

Contractor Forum

In 2020, the worldwide pandemic and the measures introduced by the Government, made our regular Contractor Forum meetings physically impossible. Our communication team have, on the other hand, continued with regular talks with our Focal Point group and received valuable feedback. To keep users informed we have intensified our other communication channels.

Pro-active website update

Following our main principle of pro-active thinking and working, we have performed several major updates of our systems. According to the changes in the HSElife LARS 3.0, the necessary updates have been performed on the website. A new virtual assistance and interactoive registration guidance module, content updates and other changes have been implemented in 2020. In August this year, we have updated all HSE items and published updated materials on their respective webpages. Another activity that required a special effort and increased time planning was conversion of expiry date of all training certificates from 4 to 2 years of validity, as requested by NOGEPA.

International training platform

In the follow-up of activites started last year, we have continued to work on a realisation of our international presence. Content of our learning modules and supporting HSEQ (Health, Safety, Environment and Quality) information is adjusted to reflect country and industry neutrality - meaning that our International Management System will be deployed and used in any industry sector - worldwide. Our clients and other keyholders have expressed support and commitment to our international presence, with several agreements been made in various countries (Greece, Cyprus, Australia,...).

HSElife video channel

This important component of the HSElife NL communication channels have continued to raise awareness on a number of issues and challenges in our industry. Because of the frequent publications and updates, we have created an online archive where all past videos can be found and used.

HSElife Academy update

An update of the Academy was performed during the Summer break period. Content was analysed and, according to the feedback of its users, updated to the latest factual information.

Productions and activities

Learning and Registration System

Helpdesk • Registration routing

• Artificial Intelligence assistance

• Document version control

• New Campaigns

• New HSE items

• HSElife World magazine

• HSElife newsletter

• Social Media activation

• Contractor Forum

• Pro-active website update

• HSElife video channel

• International training platform


Learning and Registration System (LARS) 3.0

Learning and Registration System (LARS) 3.0 have been further optimized, with mostly back-end adjustments and improvements. Rapid increase of registered Contractor companies and their users required additional server capabilities and responsiveness.


As stated above, LARS 3.0 and User Account access to the HSElife NL platform and its tools/services requires continuous assistance and TWG have continued to provide that through a dedicated Helpdesk team. Providing assistance with the registration and use of the system took place 24/7 (including holidays and non-working days) by the Helpdesk team, via a telephone lines and/or email. There is a significant increase of time spend in assistance activities cause by the fact that number of registered Contractor companies have climbed to above 420, with their registered users of more then 12.000.

Registration routing

Interactive registration routing module has been maintained and updated with the new and improved textual content with the goal of assisting new Contractor company members and their users to navigate the platform and to make their registration as smooth as possible.

Artificial Intelligence assistance

In 2020 we have introduced a new communication / assistance module, based on an Artificial Intelligence. One of core functionalities of this chat-bot system is to collect and analyse the interaction between the module and users. Based on recomendation of the system, we have improved the responses and interactivity flow. Now it is even more easier to get the right answer and routing to the registration in HSElife LARS has become more efficient.

Document version control

Following the increase of produced and published materials on hselifenl.com, we have created a new Document version control tool, in both Dutch and English language. The new structure and overview of produced and published documents allows easier verification of used documents, avoiding unnecessary regulatory and informational risks.



New Campaigns

Same as previous year, on request of HSE Committee of NOGEPA we have produced two new industry-wide campaigns: ‘10 Fundamentals for effective Process Safety’ and ‘Line of fire’. For the campaign ‘10 Fundamentals for effective Process Safety’ besides to the newly created specific campaign webpage, we produced a.o. the campaign manual, onscreen group presentation, handout, campaign poster, informative video, On-the-Spot checklist, implementation plan and, upon request, Campaign guidance with practical examples. For the campaign ‘Line of fire’ we have produced similar set of tools and campaign materials.

All materials and tools are produced and made available in both Dutch and English language.

Both of the industry-wide campaigns are intensively announced and communicated through our communication channels, such as HSElife World magazine (with dedicated articles), HSElife Newsletter and various Social Media platforms.

New HSE items

According to the agreement with NOGEPA our production activities included production of 3 new HSE items, which have been requested by the HSE Committee - ATEX / Working in explosive environment, Lithium-ion batteries and Reporting incidents, near misses and hazardous situations.

For all three HSE items, our production team have produced, in both languages, the A6 brochure, Onscreen presentation, Questionnaire with registration in LARS and Action Focus tools (incl. guide, Activity sheets and poster ‘5 to remember’). All of produced materials are published and made available on their respective webpages on hselifenl.com.

HSElife World magazine

HSElife magazine continues to support and inform about the harmonisation initiative and its platform. Various related articles and specific HSElife NL articles have covered a broad range of HSE issues in our industry. Following and supporting efforts of energy transition, HSElife World magazine have created a serie of articles covering all sources of renewable energy, their benefits and potential issues. Several of the HSElife members have contributed to creation of the serie, highlighting the inovations and motivations of industry champions. Without saying, HSElife World magazine supported all new publications of HSElife NL, such as new HSE items and industry-wide campaigns. Number of readers and followers of our editions have increased to above 40.000. (according to issuu.com - publishing platform).



HSElife newsletter

Same as previous year, we continued to create and publish five HSElife newsletters in 2021. Newly produced tools, new information and announcement were communicated via newsletters. The newsletters have covered following themes: ‘10 Fundamentals for effective Process Safety’, ‘ATEX - working in explosive environments’, ‘Lithium-ion batteries’, ‘Reporting incidents’ and ‘Line of fire campaign’. In combination with improved HSElife LARS user registration and user management, we could contact and communicate with HSElife NL users and participants directly, therefore increasing engagement and improving implementation of our platform.

Social Media activation

TWG continues to support and announce the HSElife NL activities with the use of various Social Media platforms.

Contractor Forum

In 2021, as the worldwide pandemic continues and the measures introduced by the Government, we were not able to facilitate our regular Contractor Forum meetings. Same as in 2020, our communication team continued with regular talks with our Focal Point group and received valuable feedback. To keep users informed we have intensified our other communication channels.

Pro-active website update

Many activities took place this year, some of them being performed as a result of our own pro-active attitude. Network infrastructure have been improved (hardware) and several software packages have been purchased, allowing us to deliver even higher quality of development at a shorter time span. According to the changes in the HSElife LARS 3.0, the necessary updates have been performed on the website. Regular software updates, content and materials update have been performed throughout the year. Our monthly updates also included Focal Point list and Contractor Directory documents, allowing even broader search of contact persons and/or contact information of participating Contractor company members.

HSElife video channel

This important component of the HSElife NL communication channels have continued to raise awareness on a number of issues and challenges in our industry. All newly produced HSE item and Campaign videos are also published on our video channel. Because of the frequent publications and updates, we have created an online archive where all past videos can be found and used.


International training platform (1/3)

After more than two years of intensive development, we are proud to announce and roll-out our International training platform: HSEQ Direct. It is a unique digital environment and it is a result of more than 25 years of experience and extensive research, production and development of award winning Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Management systems. Following our vision that everyone deserves a safe and healthy workplace, HSEQ Direct is developed to match the needs of international industries with always accessible HSEQ information, interactive training modules, out-of-the-box safety campaigns and much more.

At the same time, our National safety platform HSElife NL is updated with improved back-end and front-end, receiving more industry neutral look and feel. Equalisation of both National and International platforms allows our members to seamlessly implement them, strengthening their HSEQ policies and standards across the borders. Below and on the next page are some of the elements of presentation (available on request) which reflects the synergy of both and at the same time presents the main elements and their possible use.


Both platforms are based on the LEMACORE method. Name is an acronym of LEARN, MAINTAIN, COMMUNICATE and REGISTER, as these are essential elements for a safer and healthier workplace.


International training platform (3/3)

Two options


for own use

use HSE tools • select info + modules • own training modules • connection with own CMS• news • communication • your own ‘look & feel’ •

informing training focusieng registering maintaining communicating

for 3rd party use

• use HSE tools

• service tool

• training modules (tech info)

• customer retention

• news / updates

• your own / client ‘look & feel’

HSElife NL and HSEQ Direct assist managers in strengthening the safety culture in the workplace. The systems enable managers and people in the workplace to speak a common safety language, which is essential in workplaces with increased safety risks.

Productions and activities


• HSElife NL rebrand + new structure

• HSElife NL Action Focus Campaigns

• HSElife NL Action Focus Hazards

• New campaign: You, We & I Care

• Theme based approach

• HSEQ Direct - international platform update

• HSElife Learning and Registration System optimalization

• Helpdesk

• HSElife UPDATE newsletter - rebrand & redesign

• Social Media activation

• HSElife video channel - rebrand, restructuring & redesign

• HSEQ incentive model

• National and international activities

HSElife NL rebrand + new structure

As a part of our pro-active approach, HSElife NL have gone through a complete overhaul. Not only is the look & feel updated but also the structure of the platform is renewed, providing even better user experience. Main categories are updated, where activity based category have a prominent place, for example the category Campaigns is now called ACTION FOCUS, consisting of ACTION FOCUS CAMPAIGNS (redesigned and optimized campaign materials) and activity based ACTION FOCUS HAZARDS, providing out-of-the-box tools and information for identifiying hazards and removing them from the workplace. Major update is inclusion of short and clear information about GOAL, USAGE and RESULT for each of the main categories, straight from the homepage.

Action Focus Campaigns

As stated above, Action Focus Campaigns are now positioned under common ACTION FOCUS category. Users can now find information about what is it, how to use it and what can they expect in the terms of results. Clear and easy-to-use navigation provides direct access to all campaign materials.

Action Focus Hazards

This set of tools is related to all of the subjects in HSE ITEMS. Finding and removing hazards from the workplace just became even easier with clear information about how to roll-out the specific activities.

New campaign: You, We & I Care

In 2022 we have produced the new industry wide campaign called ‘YOU, WE & I CARE - an open and honest conversation’. By using this campaign our members can easily initiate a conversation about all aspects of working safely. Collected and processed information can contribute to improvement of not only behavioral but also process-wise procedures. Same as other HSElife NL campaigns, this one is also created for direct and rapid deployment.

Theme based approach

By increased development and production of various tools and services of both HSElife NL and HSEQ Direct digital platforms a certain restructuring of communication towards potential clients and broader public audience had to take place. Introducing the new Thematic approach allows us to group all of our tools & services into separate THEMES. Communication in this way provides easier search results and more direct recognition by the audience.


For better understanding and easier recognition by our potential customers and current members, all of our tools & services are divided into 9 themes:










HSEQ Direct - international platform update

Our international platform HSEQ Direct have also gone through extensive update. Majority of the updates have took place in the ‘invisible area’, such as code optimalization, back-end improvements, server upgrades and such. Certain updates and improvements have been also performed in the content and functionalities of the front-end system, such as improved navigation.

Learning and Registration System optimalization

Learning and Registration System (LARS) 3.0 have been further optimized, with mostly back-end adjustments and improvements. Rapid increase of registered Contractor companies and their users required additional server capabilities and responsiveness.


As stated above, LARS 3.0 and User Account access to the HSElife NL platform and its tools/services requires continuous assistance and TWG have continued to provide that through a dedicated Helpdesk team. Providing assistance with the registration and use of the system took place 24/7 (including holidays and non-working days) by the Helpdesk team, via a telephone lines and/or email. There is a significant increase of time spend in assistance activities cause by the fact that number of registered Contractor companies have climbed to above 486, with their registered users of more than 17.000.


HSElife UPDATE newsletter - rebrand & redesign

Extending our activities in other industry sectors and international operations required for even more efficient way of communication, hence the updated form of newsletter: HSElife UPDATE! New structure, new content and certainly new brand and design will contribute to direct and no-nonsense communication about all our products and services. This can be clearly seen in supporting the THEME BASED APPROACH, where each of the individual themes is supported by its own HSElife UPDATE, both in Dutch and English (for national members and audience) and separate HSEQ Direct version for international oriented members.

Social Media activation

All of the communication activities are supported by Social Media postings on various platforms. In this way we can optimize and streamline our communication, reaching even greater audience.

HSElife video channel - rebrand, restructuring & redesign

As a part of our constant strive to efficient communication we have started the rebrand, restructure and redesign of our HSElife video channel. First concept and redesign presentation have already gone through several iterations and final production activities can be expected in the first few months of 2023.

HSEQ incentive model

Our intentions, motivations and business model have always reflected our moto: everyone deserves a safe and healthy workplace. This can be applied to our newly developed ‘HSEQ incentive model’. The essence is in lowering the membership fees to such a level that no excuses can be made when it comes to becoming a member and start creating a safer and healthier workplace for their employees.

National and international activities

To provide access to our national and international platforms to as many companies and their employees is one of our priorities as well. In that sense we have continued to discuss and connect to several national and international organization, leading to a greater recognition of the benefits of our both platforms. Cooperation with other complementary organizations will certainly be continued in the next year too.

Productions and activities


• HSElife NL - national platform update

• HSEQ Direct - international platform update

• HSElife Learning and Registration System optimalization

• Helpdesk

• New Theme: Cyber Security!

• HSElife UPDATE newsletter - new editions

• Social Media activation

• BUSINESS MODEL: Operational Excellence program development

• National and international activities



HSElife NL - national platform update

Our national platform HSElife NL have been continuously updated on three fronts: content, front-end and back-end. In all three cases TWG have informed their users about the updates, such as: new registration and login trajectory/path, regular system and security updates, placement of the newly produced communication editions, etc.

HSEQ Direct - international platform update

Same as with the national platform, HSEQ Direct, our international platform has been updated with already mentioned functionalities. Part of these updates are also extensive regular testing and reporting of both functionalities of the platform and content accuracy as well.

Learning and Registration System optimalization

Learning and Registration System (LARS) 3.0 have been further optimized, with mostly back-end adjustments and improvements. Rapid increase of registered Contractor companies and their users required additional server capabilities and responsiveness.


As stated above, LARS 3.0 and User Account access to the HSElife NL platform and its tools/services requires continuous assistance and TWG have continued to provide that through a dedicated Helpdesk team. On top of that we have provided assistance to users of International platform HSEQ Direct. Providing assistance with the registration and use of the system took place 24/7 (including holidays and non-working days) by the Helpdesk team, via a telephone lines and/or email. There is a significant increase of time spend in assistance activities cause by the fact that number of registered Contractor companies have climbed to above 550, with their registered users of more than 17.500.

New Theme: Cyber Security!

As a part of our theme based approach, we have introduced a new theme: Cyber Saecurity. We provide useful information, tips and advices when it comes to Personal and Corporate Data protection, Risk awareness in digital environment and last but certainly not least, the human behavior as an important barrier in keeping operational digital environment safe and sound.


HSElife UPDATE newsletter - new editions

To reflect introduction of the new theme (Cyber Security) as mentioned in the previous paragraph, The WAT Group have produced new HSElife UPDATE newsletter. Other new editions have also been produced, emphasizing the importance of other themes, such as Safety Awareness, Dangerous Substances and more.

Social Media activation

All of the communication activities are supported by Social Media postings on various platforms. In this way we can optimize and streamline our communication, reaching even greater audience.

BUSINESS MODEL: Operational Excellence program development

Optimalization and use of our platforms, including all Tools & Services, have resulted in a new offering. Looking beyond the Energy sector, The WAT Group have realized that benefits received from using our Tools & Services can be easily applicable to other Sectors / Industries / Branches. That is why we have developed a communication program / strategy called “ACHIEVING OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE THROUGH THE POWER OF SYNERGY”. It’s focus is on explaining the strategy based on LEMACORE method, in which only by following all required steps the sustainable advancement of both company’s and personal development can be realized in a corporate environment. To make a separation with the HSE focused approach, we call this setup a BUSINESS MODEL.

National and international activities

With the introduction of this new approach, we have conducted several national and international activities. Communication activities (multi-channel) and presentations have took place. Clearly defined separation per industry / company / role and interest in tools & services as mentioned above have resulted in increased interest with several major organizations throughout the world.

Productions and activities



BUSINESS AND HSE MODEL: New acquisition communication concept

In the light of latest media news and public reactions about effectiveness of time span between training moments, we have developed a new acquisition communication concept. Focus is now on two inseparable components: DIRECT COMMUNICATION and KNOWLEDGE MAINTENANCE (RETENTION) as a prerequisite of proper Competence Assurance. With little to no additional investment at all, the companies are now able to maximise their efforts in bridging the gap between two training moments for their employees. Accompanied with a interactive system for direct and targeted communication, employees can perform their daily duties at the optimal level. For this purpose we have developed various communication tools, suited for acquisition / engagement with key stakeholders in any industry / sector. Appropriate social media activity has been rolled-out.

Social Media activation

As mentioned above, appropriate social media activity have took place at the professional networking platform(s). What has been added to the communication plan is the factor of increased engagement with interested parties / individuals, where we offer free-of-charge use of the both systems for a month. Coupled with face-to-face (remote) talk opportunity with potential buyers, we provide initial consultancy, assuring them that integration and implementation within their operational activities will be completed effortlessly. First audience responses are very positive.

ADNOC preferred supplier selection

As a result of Social Media activities, The WAT Group was invited to participate in the preferred supplier selection of ADNOC - the national energy company of Abu Dhabi. Part of selection process are, a.o. an ESG criteria and due dilligence questionnaire. After completion all required criteria, TWG will continue developing local presence, allowing participation in many of the listed projects, from HSEQ issues to Operational Excellence programs.

National and international activities

With the introduction of new communication approach, we have conducted several national and international activities. Communication activities (multi-channel) and presentations have took place. Focusing on two major components of Competence Assurance have resulted in increased interest with several major organizations throughout the world.


HSElife NL - national platform update

Our national platform HSElife NL have been continuously updated on three fronts: content, front-end and back-end. In all three cases TWG have informed their users about the updates, such as: new registration and login trajectory/path, regular system and security updates, placement of the newly produced communication editions, etc. Some content updates also took place, for example ‘Hoisting & Lifting’ materials have been updated in the HSE ITEMS section.

HSEQ Direct - international platform update

Same as with the national platform, HSEQ Direct, our international platform has been updated with already mentioned functionalities. Part of these updates are also extensive regular testing and reporting of both functionalities of the platform and content accuracy as well.

Learning and Registration System optimalization

Learning and Registration System (LARS) 3.0 have been further optimized, with mostly back-end adjustments and improvements. Rapid increase of registered Contractor companies and their users required additional server capabilities and responsiveness.


As stated above, LARS 3.0 and User Account access to the HSElife NL platform and its tools/services requires continuous assistance and TWG have continued to provide that through a dedicated Helpdesk team. On top of that we have provided assistance to users of International platform HSEQ Direct. Providing assistance with the registration and use of the system took place 24/7 (including holidays and non-working days) by the Helpdesk team, via a telephone lines and/or email. There is a significant increase of time spend in assistance activities cause by the fact that number of registered Contractor companies have climbed to above 550, with their registered users of more than 17.500.

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