OPSlife Messenger FAQ's

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OPSlife Messenger 2.0

Frequently Asked Ques0ons


What is the OPSlife Messenger?

OPSLIFE MESSENGER 2.0 is a TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM which enables your company to keep your employees ALERT, MOTIVATE them to parKcipate, ACTIVATE them to think and contribute towards achieving the company’s goals and to IMPROVE their work processes, safety and company culture ... ON-DEMAND!

What is my role as an Owner of the OPSlife Messenger accounts?

As an OPSlife Messenger Owner, you are responsible creaKng and sending noKficaKons, managing the users, teams, groups and departments and last, but not least, to create clear reports and make them available for further improvements of work processes, safety and company culture or any other area that requires improvement.

How can I start managing my OPSlife Messenger?

Once logged in on hseqdirect.com, go to MY ACCOUNT > MANAGE TOOLS. Scroll down and click on MANAGE YOUR OPSLIFE MESSENGER. This link will take you to the Owner panel of the OPSlife Messenger.

How can I send the ac<va<on code to my users?

On the leV side you will see the menu. Click on EMPLOYEES Here you will see all of your users. Copy their unique Employee Code and paste it in the email to your selected users to enable them to acKvate the OPSlife Messenger app, that they have downloaded for free in Google Play Store or Apple Store. Don’t forget to send aXached ‘Quickstart for the Users’ in the email.

How can I create departments (teams, groups, divisions,…)?

Go to DEPARTMENTS on the leV side of the menu. Here you will create different departments/divisions that you can link your employees to. This way you can control which noKficaKon will be sent to which group of employees. Create first one by right clicking on

add department. Enter the name such as CommunicaKons or Onshore or painters. Click on save. Repeat these steps unKl you have created all departments/divisions.

How can I manage users?

Before you start creaKng and sending noKficaKons, you need to assign users to a specific department (or team, group, divisions,…). Go to EMPLOYEES on the leV side menu and click on the edit icon per employee. Here you can check/enter the data and phone number and at field department you indicate which department(s) may be linked to it by typing the name in the field A dropdown menu will appear, and you click the appropriate one. Repeat this unKl you have added all departments/divisions to the employee you want. Then click update. AVer your employees have confirmed to you that they have downloaded and acKvated the app, you can start sending noKficaKons.

How can I create a no<fica<on?

Now that you have created departments and managed users, it is Kme to create a noKficaKon. To do that, Go to NOTIFICATIONS on the leV menu. Choose ADD NOTIFICATION. First you have to choose what kind of noKficaKon you want to send:

A. PURE / TEXT (only informaKon/text),

B. LINK (text with a url link in it),

C. RESPONSE ( a quesKon or statement and request for feedback from the employee) or

D. MCQ (mulKple quesKon/quesKon with mulKple possible answers)

AVer you’ve selected the type of noKficaKon you need to fill in the ‘Title’ of the quesKon or headline of your noKficaKon. Next, fill in your text or explanaKon in Details. Choose ‘Send Now’ (move the slider to the right by clicking on it or choose a date and Kme below if you want to schedule the noKficaKon for a later moment).

At ‘Send To’ by clicking on the slider downwards choose ‘All Employees’ or choose ‘Employees’ if you want to choose specific employees separately. Then enter the first leXer of their name in the field below (select users) and click on the appropriate name that appears below it. ConKnue this way unKl you have selected all employees you want. Or under ‘Send To’ choose Departments and under ‘Select Departments’ choose the department you want by typing the first leXer of their name in the field of select departments and clicking on the correct one that appears.

Now click on ‘Preview’ to check your noKficaKon. Is it correct? Click close and then ‘Send Now’ or ‘Schedule NoKficaKon’ (depending on what you have chosen: send right away or schedule). If you want to make changes, click ‘Close’ and adjust your noKficaKon.

The final step is to click ‘Send now’ or ‘Schedule NoKficaKon’.

Repeat these steps if you want to create another noKficaKon.

Where can I get the status of all ac<vi<es?

Dashboard allows you to see the overview of sent noKficaKons, responses of users and much more. Click on DASHBOARD on the leV side of the menu to view all data. If you have requested feedback from employees via response or MCQ noKficaKon you will find all input and responses from your employees under NoKficaKons on the leV side of the menu.

Can I export the overview of responses to Excel?

Of course! To do that you select NOTIFICATIONS on the leV side menu. Click on the yellow eye to the right of the corresponding noKficaKon: Export to Excel. Save the file on your computer.

Where can I get the status of all ac<vi<es?

To view all current acKviKes and their status you go to the ‘Dashboar’. That is the landing page for the Owner secKon of the XLR Academy. It offers you a detailed view and an overview of every piece of informaKon concerning the monthly quesKons that you have made available in the Academy.

Dashboard allows Owner to view, a.o.:

• How many quesKonnaires have already been answered. You can export this data by clicking on ‘Export data’.

• Amount of quesKons shows details of the number of quesKons answered. These are standard quesKons plus the bonus quesKons. You can easily view the quesKons answered by clicking on ‘View all quesKons’.

• Details of the number of acKve administrators are displayed. You can view details of all acKve administrators by clicking on ‘View all users’.

• Average score obtained by the Academy’s users. You can export this data by clicking on ‘Export data’.

• The system bar to show how many unanswered quesKons are sKll available. Incredibly useful! It tells you exactly when you need to add new quesKons.

• Chart that shows you when users have answered quesKons. Thus, you can quickly see if users do so at the beginning of the month or if they wait for a while before doing so.

• Visit website link, which will open the XLR Academy applicaKon and, since you are already logged-in, it will show you your applicaKon Dashboard, with your current ranking.

Need assistance with formula<ng ques<ons?

We got you covered! In pracKce, it is oVen difficult to formulate a good mulKple-choice quesKon. What requirements must good mulKple-choice quesKons meet, and what aspects should you take into account? Some pracKcal Kps are given below.

Tip 1: Consider your choice of words

Mostly, oVen, someKmes, never ... are words that are not very clear. What one individual considers to be ‘a lot’ might be ‘a liXle’ for someone else. Make sure you are always clear, and use terms that everyone interprets in the same way. For instance, use ‘in 90% of cases’ instead of ‘oVen’.

Tip 2: Don’t lose sight of the objec<ve

The XLR Academy’s objecKve is the maintenance and opKmizaKon of knowledge and behaviour. You must keep this objecKve in mind when formulaKng the quesKon and the various answer choices. Do not make the answer choices unnecessarily difficult. Do not use sub-clauses where they are not needed, and avoid subjecKve quesKons.

Tip 3: Informa<on is contained in the ques<on

If, when formulaKng the answers, you noKce that they all include the same item of informaKon (to describe a given situaKon, for example), then it would be beXer to include this informaKon in the quesKon. The situaKon you describe is applicable to all answer choices. By including this in the quesKon, you make the answers clearer.

Tip 4: Consider your use of language

When formulaKng quesKons, give due consideraKon to the target group that is going to answer those quesKons. Make sure that your use of language is in keeping with that group, i.e. neither too complicated nor too simple.

Tip 5: Posi<ve formula<on

Formulate the quesKon posiKvely. If, however, you do decide to formulate a quesKon negaKvely, make sure that it is clearly recognizable as such: What colours are NOT in the Dutch flag?

Tip 6: Just one correct answer

It may sounds obvious but, in mulKple-choice quesKons, only one of the answer choices must be correct. This also means that you must be careful with overlapping answers. If different answers overlap, it can create the impression that more than one answer is correct. That’s confusing.

Tip 7: Do not make it too obvious that specific answers are incorrect

If one of the answer choices is clearly incorrect, employees will find the quesKon easier to answer. So try to avoid this.

Tip 8: Logical sequence

Arrange the answer choices in a logical sequence, for example, numerical, alphabeKcal, or from small to large.

Tip 9: Equal length answers

Make the alternate answer choices all about the same length, and make sure that – in terms of vocabulary and structure – they have the same composiKon as the correct answer.

FAQ’s FROM HSEQDIRECT (for the User)

How do you use the extra tool ‘OPS Life Messenger 2.0’?

The team leader sends noKficaKons, informs team members or asks for a response. Using the OPS Life Messenger 2.0 results in direct, efficient and secure communicaKon throughout the workplace.

What is the extra tool OPS Life Messenger?

It is a two way communicaKon system to inform your team, collegue or the whole organizaKon directly, to make requests, to focus on a topic and to test knowledge and gaining feedback and input. A two-way communicaKon system which provides the team leader organisaKon with direct, efficient and secure communicaKon in the total workplace through a request. To start this extra tool as an owner of the planorm. Login at hseqdirect.com go to 'my account' and then 'manage tools'choose 'OPSLife Messenger'.

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