XLR Academy FAQ's

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XLR Academy Frequently Asked Ques0ons


What is the XLR Academy?

The XLR Academy is an interac3ve system for retaining and op3mizing knowledge and behaviour. The Academy is designed to make it easily opera3onal within your organiza3on. Very handy, as the XLR Academy is suitable for all organiza3ons that want to work with the most highly trained and commiBed people, people who excel in terms of their exper3se. If they are to perform at an op3mum level, it is important for organiza3ons that all employees know what the organiza3on does, how it is structured, and what its objec3ves are. Everything that is important to your organiza3on can be part of the XLR Academy. Par3cipa3on in the Academy enhances your employee’s commitment.

How does the XLR Academy works?

It is very likely that knowledge and exper3se are high on your employees’ priority lists. You want to make sure that knowledge gained during training courses and educa3onal programmes is con3nually used at the required level and that it is applied correctly. The XLR Academy supports your efforts in this regard. The Academy triggers interac3on among your employees, while promo3ng involvement by asking ques3ons. These are ques3ons on a variety of subjects and situa3ons that people encounter in the course of their day-to-day work.

The XLR Academy is informa3ve and extremely user friendly. Every month, the Academy asks your employees five ques3ons, plus two bonus ques3ons, where necessary. You will see a rapid increase in interac3on and commitment among your employees.

What is my role as an Owner of the XLR Academy accounts?

As an XLR Academy Owner, you are responsible for the Academy’s monthly ques3ons. This means that you add and manage ques3ons. One of the responsibili3es is also entering and managing User accounts. To this end, you can log in with any mobile device or computer, at any 3me. In addi3on to entering, managing and edi3ng ques3ons, you also have an uncluBered dashboard that gives you a detailed view of the Academy’s ac3vity.

How can I start managing the XLR Academy?

APer comple3ng purchase of your HSEQ Direct package go HSElife LARS (Learning and Registra3on System) at lars.hselifeunio.com to add users. Use HSElife LARS Manual for the Owner for an easy step-by-step users registra3on.

When you have completed adding users into LARS and assigning them to your purchased package, go to hseqdirect.com and log in with your login creden3als (email + password). Once logged in, go to MY ACCOUNT > MY SUBSCRIPTION and click on Link users to user packages in LARS. APer you have completed linking users to the ac3ve package, go to MY ACCOUNT > MANAGE TOOLS. Scroll down and click on MANAGE YOUR XLR ACADEMY. This link will take you to the CUSTOMIZATION. For informa3on about specific fields of the Customiza3on and their importance please go to the next page.

Can I customize look & feel of my XLR Academy and how?

By comple3ng first step you will be directed to the Owner’s panel, specifically Customiza3on menu. here you can customize the look & feel of your XLR Academy.

By clicking on the buBon ‘Select logo’ you can browse and select the logo of your organiza3on. Please make sure to use specified size. APer selec3ng the logo you can resize/crop it to fit assigned propor3ons.

‘Languages’ is required sec3on. Here you can specify in which languages you will make your XLR Academy available for your colleagues. Mul3ple selec3on is possible.

‘Color theme’ selec3on allows you to choose one of the 4 provided color sets for your XLR Academy.

By switching ‘Pause period’ to on, you can ac3vate a pauze during summer holidays, in which availability of your colleagues is less than usual.

APer you are finished with customiza3on please don’t forget tot click on the buBon ‘SAVE’ to confirm your changes.

How can I further edit / change our XLR Academy account?

Another category of importance is ‘ACCOUNT’. Here you can edit the informa3on about your Academy, which you previously entered during the Setup Wizard. Please note that you can’t change the ‘Subdomain’ field.

At the ‘Company name’ field you can eventually change the name of the company.

Your colleagues will start with the Academy from the level you decide. Please use the following range to decide what will be the star3ng point: 0-20 IRON, 20-40 BRONZE, 40-60 SILVER, 60-80 GOLD and finally 80-100 is PLATINUM level. Choose wisely as star3ng point can addi3onally mo3vate your colleagues (for example: you probably don’t want star3ng point to be highest available).

In the ‘Company administrator’ part you can do the following:

• you can change the name of the Owner.

• change / update the email address of the Owner

• change password and remember to verify it by typing it again in the next field

APer you are finished with edi3ng informa3on, please don’t forget tot click on the buBon ‘SAVE’ to confirm your changes.

Can I create ‘Categories’ in the XLR Academy?

Sure you can! Before you start crea3ng ques3ons, it is absolutely necessary to create a list of extra categories. By doing so, you are able to define for example your organiza3on’s departments, specific sort of ques3ons you would like to create, etc. Crea3ng the extra categories, besides default one, will also allow you to categorize the ques3ons as well. For example, if you have several different departments in your organiza3on, you can create a specific set of ques3ons for each of them.

How can I create ‘Categories’?

To create extra categories please select ‘EXTRA’ on the leP-side menu. Overview of already created categories can be displayed by clicking on ‘list of extra categories’. To add a category please click on the submenu ‘add extra category’ It will display the ‘Create category’ form. In the field called ‘Label’ you can give a name to a category and under the field ‘Category’ you can enter the name in all selected/available languages. APer you are done with crea3ng categories please click on buBon ‘Save’ or if you want to add another category click on the buBon next to it.

Do I need to assign ‘Categories’ to the Users and how?

Once you have finished crea3ng all categories, you need to assign these categories to all users. Go to ‘USERS’ on the leP menu and you will see the overview of all users. On the right side of each user, click on the buBon ‘edit’ and then at the boBom of the user’s data you will see the sec3on ‘Categories’. Select all the categories which needs to be assigned to this par3cular user. APer you have done that click on the buBon ‘Update’ at the boBom to finish assignment of the categories for this user. Go back to the User list and repeat this ac3on un3l all entered users have the categories assigned.

What is the item ‘QuesGon’ in the menu?

The ‘Ques3ons’ menu op3on is the one you will use the most. You can use it to create, edit, and manage ques3ons. To see the overview of already exis3ng ques3ons please click on the ‘list of ques3ons’ on the leP-side menu.

How can I manage quesGons?

This list contains all the ques3ons that are in the system and that are used in the XLR Academy. Here, you can specify how many ques3ons you want displayed on each page. You can select 5, 10, 25, 50 or all ques3ons per page. By clicking on the arrow, you determine the way in which the ques3ons are displayed. For instance, you can start at the top of the list or at the boBom. It is sequenced alphabe3cally.

‘Image’ sec3on indicates if there is a picture associated with the ques3on.

‘Category’ sec3on indicates to which category is the ques3on related to.

How can I search for a specific quesGon?

Looking for a specific ques3on? Then type a dis3nc3ve term in the search box. The moment you start typing, you will see that the system immediately starts searching. Thus you do not need to press ‘Enter’, all of the results related to your search term are immediately displayed in the main screen.

How can I create a new quesGon?

You can create a new ques3on by clicking on ‘add new ques3on’ in the leP-side menu.

Start entering the ques3on. If you have difficulty in formula3ng a ques3on, click here for 3ps on how to formulate a good mul3ple-choice ques3on. If more languages are spoken in your organiza3on, it is important that you formulate the ques3on in selected languages.

APer entering the ques3on, you can enter the answer choices. It is important that you enter three answer choices. Here too, you must enter the text in all languages that you have selected as spoken languages from the ‘Customiza3on’ menu. Indicate which of the three answer choices is the correct answer to the ques3on entered. You can do so by 3cking the checkbox for the correct answer. Suppose that answer 1 is the correct answer, then you should 3ck ‘Answer #1 is correct’.

Do you want to add/change the picture associated with these ques3ons, then you can do that on the right side, under the field ‘Image’. Click on the buBon ‘Select image’ to browse and select an image from your computer. Use buBon ‘remove’ to remove the image.

Finally, you must indicate the category to which this ques3on relates. You can choose between already created categories. By indica3ng this, you are ensuring that only those employees who work in the selected department/sec3on will be presented with this ques3on.

Has everything been filled in? If so, then save your ques3on by clicking on the blue ‘Save’ buBon. Do you want to immediately start crea3ng a new ques3on? If so, then click on the blue ‘Save and add another’ buBon.

Can I edit already exisGng quesGons?

If you wish to edit a ques3on, click on the blue ‘Edit’ buBon next to the relevant ques3on in the list. The edi3ng screen will then be displayed. You can modify the text of the ques3on and of the answers. You can also assign the ‘correct’ aBribute to another answer by 3cking the checkbox for the correct answer.

If you want to add/change the picture associated with this ques3ons, then you can do that on the right side, under the field ‘Image’ Click on the buBon ‘Select image’ to browse and select an image from your computer. Use buBon ‘remove’ to remove the image. Finally, you can change the ‘Category’ when a ques3on relates to a different created category.

Finished edi3ng the ques3on? Then click on the blue ‘Save’ buBon on the right-hand side. Click on the ‘Save and add another’ buBon to save the edited ques3on and immediately create a new ques3on. What if you don’t want to save the changes you’ve made? Go back, or click on the menu op3on you want to open, and any changes made will not be saved.

How can I manage Users in the XLR Academy?

To let your colleagues par3cipate in your XLR Academy you have to enter ‘User Accounts’ in the system. All the users that are assigned for your HSEQ Direct package via HSElife LARS are automa3cally added once you ac3vate XLR Academy. For these users all you have to do is to assign a categories to them. Adding other users aPerwards you have to do manually. There are two ways of doing this. First is by adding new users by clicking on leP-side menu on ‘USERS’ and then on item ‘add new user’. Second way is to ‘import users’ via Excel sheet.

How can I add users manually?

Select on leP-side menu ‘USERS’ and then click on item ‘add new user. Enter here the user’s email adress. This email will be used to communicate with the user and will also serve as their login/username. Second entry field speak for itself... First name. Next in the line is

user’s Last name. From the dropdown menu you can assign which of the selected languages is applicable for this user.

Under the ‘Categories’ you can find and select for which department/sec3on this user is working. Please note that mul3ple selec3on is possible (very useful if one person is working or is connected with several departments/sec3ons of your organisa3on.

Finally, if you are sa3sfied with this user entry, please click on buBon ‘Create’ to save this user creden3als.

You can display the overview of created users by selec3ng ‘list of users’ on the leP-side menu. To edit user’s informa3on please click on the buBon ‘Edit’ on the right side. Editable form will be displayed (same as ‘add new user’ form).

How can I import users?

Another way to create user accounts is to import them from the Excel sheet. For that purpose you can download and use Excel sheet template from the sec3on ‘Import new users’ on the leP-side menu. Click on the green icon to download the template. Fill in Excel all columns (email, first name, last name, categories,...).

Once you’ve done that, click on the buBon ‘choose file’ to upload the file back to the system. It goes without saying that you have saved the changed Excel file on your computer! Once you have selected the edited file, please click on the buBon ‘Submit’ to upload the informa3on into the system.

If the upload of the file is finished, click on the ‘list of users’ from the leP-side menu to verify imported accounts.

Can I create a report from the XLR Academy and how?

To view the current status and informa3on of all par3cipants, click on the ‘export user status’ from the leP-side menu. Export users page will display the link indicated with the name of your organiza3on and the date. Click on the filename to download and open the document in Excel.

Can I add informaGon sources to the XLR Academy?

Yes you can! You have all the liberty to enter informa3on sources (intranet, internet,...) and they will be displayed in the XLR Academy user applica3on, under FAQ sec3on. Users can access them on every type of device (mobile or desktop).

To view the list of already created FAQ sources click on the ‘list of faq sources’ under the ‘EXTRA’ on the leP-side menu. The name of the source is listed. If you want to edit the

informa3on (name or url) of the source, please click on the ‘Edit’ buBon. To remove the FAQ source please click on the ‘Remove’ buBon. If you are using many sources, you can search for them in the ‘search’ field.

To create a new FAQ source, select the ‘add extra faq source’ from the leP-side menu. Under ‘Label’ entry field please enter the name of the FAQ source. ‘Url’ entry field is meant for url adress of the source. APer the entry is complete, save the source informa3on by clicking on ‘Save’ buBon If you are planning to add more sources, please click on the ‘Save and add another’ buBon instead.

How can I view the incomplete submiNed quesGonnaires?

As the Owner of your XLR Academy you have the op3on to have the overview of users who haven’t completed their monthly ques3onnaires. For your own convenience, you can also export the overview as an Excel sheet. By clicking on the ‘View’ buBon you can see addi3onal user informa3on. If it turns out that user’s informa3on is not correct (such as email address) you can edit it directly from this panel by clicking on ‘Edit’ buBon.

FAQ’s FROM HSEQDIRECT (for the User)

Where can I find explanaGons about the XLR Academy?

Go to hseqdirect.com and login. Click on hselifenl.com at the upper banner of the dashboard page > Communica3on tools> prof. Alfred Safestein and click on the link Maintain video.

How oOen do you get to answer quesGons from the XLR Academy? 5 knowledge ques3ons plus 2 bonus ques3ons -if necessary- per month. In the months July and August you can freeze the XLR Academy If needed.

Who adds parGcipants to the XLR Academy?

The Owner (administrator) of your own organisa3on.

How do you use the extra tool ‘XLR Academy’?

You use the XLR Academy through five self-made or ready-to-use monthly ques3ons and solu3ons about HSEQ issues to incite ongoing engagement. This results in training knowledge to be maintained at the highest level, raising HSEQ awareness at the workplace.

What is the extra tool ‘XLR Academy’?

The XLR Academy is a training support tool to decrease loss of training knowledge by providing 5 home-made ques3ons and solu3ons on HSE issues to its own employees every month. If you are an owner of the plarorm, go to 'my account' then 'manage tools' and choose to start the XLR Academy. Follow the steps to configure the XLR Academy and start

adding ques3ons and making sure knowledge does not fade away. This extra tool is inclusive in the membership, no extra costs!

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