West Chester’s Most Inspiring People Under the Age of 40
Press PUBLISHER Dan Mathers dan@thewcpress.com
ADVERTISING MANAGER Nick Vecchio nick@thewcpress.com MANAGING EDITOR Kate Chadwick kchadwick@thewcpress.com EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Courtney Potts courtney@thewcpress.com GRAPHIC DESIGNER Nazarena Luzzi Castro nazarenaluzzi.com CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Michael Lynch mlynch@thewcpress.com CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Amy Tucker amytuckerphotography.com
“The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.” –Diogenes COLUMNISTS Becca Boyd bboyd@thewcpress.com Jamie Jones jjones@thewcpress.com Andrea Mason amason@thewcpress.com DJ Romeo romeo@thewcpress.com Rotary Club of West Chester rotary@thewcpress.com Moore Maguire Group realtalk@thewcpress.com Published By... Mathers Productions 24 W Market St, Ste 4 West Chester, PA 19382 mathersproductions.com 610-344-3463 The WC Press is a monthly magazine distributed free of charge to more than 250 businesses. For a free digital subscription, visit thewcpress.com. For more information about specific distribution locations, visit thewcpress.com/distribution.
Our no-nonsense table of contents
#THEWCPRESS Our favorite social media posts from fans are getting printed
CITIZEN OF THE YEAR Meet the man who does more for the community than any other
WCU’s Cottrell Center is launching shooting stars
Folks under 40 who inspire change in business, art and politics
A reminder about the month’s upcoming activities
Find the five differences between the two pictures and win!
from the
Dan Mathers shares some personal insight into this month’s theme
When do we stop being young? It’s relative, right? My grandma thinks I’m young, but my teenage brothers think I’m old and out of touch ...and cringey and embarrassing. I, for one, think I’m young. I still can’t grow a respectable mustache, and I have specialty face washes to combat the acne that’s plagued me for two decades. Just this weekend I was carded at the liquor store while buying a bottle each of Veuve Clicquot and Laphroaig. I joked with the cashier, “I guess expensive Champagne and Scotch are regular purchases for the under-21 crowd, huh?” She didn’t find me funny at all. But there are certain worrying symptoms: I now wake up with aches each morning from the simple act of sleeping; every time I stand from a comfortable chair, I do so with an audible grunt; my specialty running sneakers aren’t enough to avoid soreness in my ankles; worst of all, if it weren’t for the scientific miracle of Propecia, I’d have lost my hair years ago. Of course there’s more to aging than physical deterioration. The flip side to our bodies falling apart is the cultivation of wisdom, and my greatest insight has been an acceptance of the Socratic paradox: I know that I know nothing. With each year that passes I’m more willing to accept when I’m wrong and to default to those who know better. (While my girlfriend may disagree, that’s only because she didn’t know me when I was 16.) I can’t imagine the trouble I’d have avoided if the younger me was less certain all the time. I think the answer to my initial question is probably somehow rooted in responsibility. For instance, I think we can all agree that if Mommy and Daddy are still paying your cell phone bill, you are not a grownup; reliance on others implies immaturity. On the flip side, I’m solidly into my 30s and intend to remain childless. This choice makes it likely I’ll have more in common with someone significantly my junior (or senior) who also actively avoids reproduction than with someone exactly my age who has a pair of ankle biters at home. Does that lack of responsibility also imply immaturity? Our discussion on where to draw this imaginary line was rehashed several times while reviewing nominations for this issue. For my part, I feel like a few of the “young influencers” we chose might be toeing the line. Many, like all the student entrepreneurs, clearly make the cutoff, but a number of the people profiled for the feature on local business, art and politics are nearing their forties. When we couldn’t all agree on the point at which you are no longer young, our deliberation returned to where we began: we simply agreed that it was all relative. Since we had no definitive line, and because I have the final say on what gets published in these pages, it became all about my frame of reference. Basically, our metaphysical debate boiled down to a single, simple question: Does the candidate seem older than me? Well then, they’re not young. —dan@thewcpress.com
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Making a Difference
Each month the Rotary Club of West Chester contributes a column exploring the organizations that are making a difference in our community. The Rotary Club of West Chester is a great place to find those in the under-40 age group making a difference. For a long time, service clubs like Rotary had the reputation of being filled with retired guys, and while it’s true that many members remember when disco was cool, more and more 20- and 30-somethings are joining clubs to grow their network, develop leadership skills, and give back to society. The youth movement in West Chester Rotary begins at the top, with Chester County Prothonotary Matt Holliday who assumed the role of Club President on July 1. At 33, Matt, a nineyear member, juggles the leadership of the club not only with his county responsibilities, but also with his membership on twelve additional non-profit boards. “The Rotary Club of West Chester allowed me to get to know some of the most amazing, kind and caring people in our whole region,” he said. “Seeing the examples that they have set for service in our community inspired me to up my game and do even more for others. Plus, this organization has given me lifelong friends, supporters, and constant cheerleaders from every decade that I would have never grown close with if it wasn’t for our common bond of Rotary.” [To learn more about Matt, check out our feature about him on the next page!] Jack Ellis, Vice President of First Resource Bank, joined the club last year at age 29. His enthusiasm and skills were quickly recognized, and he was elected club treasurer. “I have made some good friends and grown my network, but, more than that, it has connected me to our community in ways that I couldn’t have imagined before,” he said. “I would invite anyone that is curious about who we are or what we do to come have lunch and check us out!” Before landing in his current position at the office of County Commissioner Terence Farrell, Rob Malone worked in the nonprofit sector at the ARC of Chester County. Just 24 when he joined Rotary in 2010, Rob is on the board and runs the public relations committee. “Service has been an important part of my life going back to my experience with the Friars Society at West Chester University,” he said. “Rotary has provided me with an outlet for giving back to the community in so many ways, with so many different people.” Katie Martin, Marketing Program Manager for DNB First, has been a member of Rotary for 12 years and has served the club in countless leadership roles, including Sargent-At-Arms, Chair of the Chili Cook-Off Committee, and four years ago as the club’s youngest female president. “Rotary is a natural complement to my life, and through my participation I have developed both personally and professionally,” she said. “Partnering with like-minded individuals who believe in the motto ‘Service Above Self’ has helped me to identify what’s truly important: people. When you invest time and energy into helping others it comes back to you twofold.” Remember: there’s no need to wait until retirement to get involved. Rotary is a great place to make a difference regardless of your age or experience. –rotary@thewcpress.com
of the
story Jesse Piersol | photos Courtney Potts
eople are used to government bureaucrats who treat them like a number and not a person,” says Matthew Holliday. “Too often, your whole day could be ruined by someone at the DMV or the person who answers the phone at the government hotline you need to get information from. That’s why, in the Prothonotary’s Office, we always try to be the hero of someone’s day, not the villain.” Holliday might be considered a hero himself. As of this writing, the Chester County Prothonotary, 2018 Citizen of the Year award winner, and West Chester resident sits on 13 local boards. “I just rolled off the West Chester Public Library Board of Trustees after eight years, including two years as President, and I’ll finish at the West Chester Area Senior Center Board of Directors after six years at the end of June,” he explains. That still leaves him with the roles of President of the Domestic Violence Center of Chester County, President of the Friends Association for Care and Protection of Children, President of the West Chester Downtown Foundation, President of the Rotary Club of West Chester, Vice President of the Friars’ Society Alumni Association, Vice President of the ARC of Chester County, and Imme-
diate Past President of the West Chester University Alumni Association. Additionally, he is a board member of the Chester County Community Foundation, Greater West Chester Chamber of Commerce, Salvation Army of West Chester, Student Services, Inc., and West Chester Business Improvement District. It’s all about helping people, a pursuit Holliday envisioned for himself from an early age. “I saw too much need and pain in my community and I knew that I wanted to be part of the solution, not the problem,” he explains. When he was a young child, he fantasized about being an Assistant District Attorney when he grew up, devouring episodes of Law and Order whenever he could sneak them in, imagining himself locking up murderers for a living. As he got older, however, he realized he didn’t have enough money for an undergraduate degree, let alone the $120,000+ he’d need for law school, so he switched gears. He flirted with the idea of being a history teacher, but ultimately found himself nudged in the direction of running for office and becoming a public servant, so he switched his major at West Chester University from history education to political science.
Born in Montgomery County, Holliday moved around with his family quite a bit, mostly within the greater Philadelphia area. By the time he landed at WCU as a freshman in 2004, he had lived in 13 different places. “As soon as I arrived in West Chester, I fell in love,” he says. “It became the hometown I never had, and the people here have been so incredibly supportive and welcoming to me that I have no choice but to do everything I can to make Chester County the best it can possibly be.” From elected office, to volunteerism, to friendship, Matt Holliday is going above and beyond like no other member of this community.
Holliday the Prothonotary So what is his job, exactly? Prothonotary is an elected role he has occupied since 2016, leading a staff of 30 people and handling any issues that arise with the well over 12,000 annual cases seen by the Court of Common Pleas. If you’ve never heard of the role, you’re not alone. “The worst part of my job is having to tell people that I am the Prothonotary of Chester County, and then immediately having to explain what that even is,”
Holliday quips. “While the office has been around in its current form since 1777, it hasn’t necessarily managed to earn itself a lot of positive PR in the last 242 years.” Robin Meixner, Director of Development at Friends Association for Care and Protection of Children, explains further. “As Prothonotary, he is chief clerk for the courts of law. He manages a budget of over $1.4 million and presides over public ceremonies, such as the oath of citizenship at naturalization ceremonies. He’s implemented an e-filing system and identified a language service that provides real-time translations for customers in over 70 languages via the phone.” Meixner has known Holliday for six years and has been continually impressed. “Matt does his job well, but what makes him stand out is the humanity he brings to the position,” she reflects. “People often say that their Elected Officials never seem to go the extra mile. Obviously they’ve never met Matt,” Meixner continues. “I cannot tell you the first time I met Matt, or how we met because it seems that I have always known him. He has always been here in West Chester as a constant and positive presence at business meetings and events throughout the community.” Leigh Green’s blog post about Holliday’s 2019 Citizen of the Year Award on the Greater West Chester Chamber of Commerce website describes some of his efforts, including “working to make services more accessible, implementing a language translation service and expanding payment options, and establishing an internship program with WCU and a Prothonotary’s Advisory Council for feedback and process improvement. Holliday also regularly checks in on victims of abuse in the courtroom, making sure they have the resources they need to start their new lives.” Holliday stresses that the best part of his job is the hundreds of people he and his staff are able to help every single week, like the young girl whose mother had passed away and needed to travel to meet her relatives in Mexico for the first time. After saving her money for six months, she’d been denied a passport based on a technicality. Holliday intervened, convincing a judge to issue an order so the girl could obtain an emergency passport.
Meixner recalls another story that Holliday shared of a young couple scheduled to get married at 3pm but who almost saw their wedding cancelled due to a snow storm. “Thanks to some quick thinking from Matt, that didn’t happen,” she says. “The bride arrived an hour late, and told Matt that she was nervous that her guests would be irritated. She happened to catch a glimpse of a brass quintet from West Chester University who Matt had recruited to play holiday music in the lobby and mentioned how beautiful they sounded. This made Matt think it might be nice to get permission for them to get married in the lobby so that the brass ensemble could enhance their ceremony. Matt called in a few favors, and within 20 minutes they had a beautiful wedding ceremony on the grand staircase in the lobby of the Justice Center. Snow swirling around the glass doors while ‘Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire’ played in the background certainly made it a rather special day for these young people, who went from catastrophe to remarkable memory because of Matt and other dedicated public servants.”
Holliday the Volunteer Considering how many boards he sits on (and heads) we thought it might be easiest for you to comprehend what Holliday means to these organizations by simply hearing from some of the folks who serve alongside him: “The Fixer“ is Meixner’s nickname for Holliday at Friends Association. “Matt is that one person that everyone can count on. He is a dedicated and generous community leader and can always be counted on to step up and lend his time, knowledge, and talent to ensure that we all have the benefit of living healthy, happy lives in our wonderful community.” “I knew from day one of meeting him that he’d be a wonderful addition to any organization,” agrees Stephenie Stevens, Engagement Officer at the Chester County Community Foundation, who has known Holliday for five years. “We are so excited to have him on the Chester County Community Foundation Board of Directors, finally, and proud to have him as a partner on so many West Chester programs and partnerships.”
I think his dedication to the community is in his DNA. He seems intrinsically motivated by doing good, more than any status or praise it may bring.
“West Chester Public Library has benefited from Matt’s commitment to public service, both when he was a member of WCU’s Friars Society and more recently when he served on our Board of Trustees,” says Victoria Dow, Director of the West Chester Public Library. “Matt was always happy to lend a hand at events, contact potential sponsors, offer ideas for improving our library, and finally serving as Board President. It may have been behind the scenes of WCPL’s daily community interactions, but through his involvement and leadership Matt had a big effect.”
“Having had the privilege of knowing Matt Holliday for over a decade now, I can confidently say he’s one of the most professional, compassionate, and just downright kind people I know,” states Wendy Leeper, Executive Director of the Chester County Bar Association. “As Prothonotary, Matt has implemented numerous changes and improvements that have created efficiencies and cost savings, both within his office and for the public. I look forward to Matt’s success serving as our Prothonotary for another four years. Chester County citizens should feel fortunate to have him continue to serve in this role.”
“If you want to get involved in something in West Chester, talk to Matt. That’s how I became interested in serving on the West Chester Public Library Board,” declares Mary Brooks, West Chester Public Library Board President. “A few years ago, I succeeded him as board president, and I like to carry on one of Matt’s legacies: efficient, productive meetings. Even though he no longer serves on the board, we often refer to Matt when we sense it’s time to adjourn the meeting rather than go into ‘overtime!’ We know Matt is still a great promoter of the library’s mission — that’s just who he is.”
Laurie Kerkering, President of the Exton Region Chamber of Commerce since January 2016, met Holliday about four years ago at an Exton Region Chamber of Commerce nonprofit event. “I think his dedication to the community is in his DNA. He seems intrinsically motivated by doing good, more than any status or praise it may bring. I admire his willingness to say ‘yes’ and commitment to follow through with the affirmation. Our chamber has over 45 nonprofit organizations and Matt is a board member of a number of them. He introduced the winner of the ERCC Harold Martin Leadership Award in 2018 and was awarded the Senator Robert Thompson Public Service Award in January. “Matt is a wonderful community connector who works hard to not only link many of our community’s local nonprofits to additional resources, but also to connect fellow nonprofits with each other where he sees particular synergies that can be beneficial to even more people,” says Kathy Sullivan, Executive Director of the West Chester Area Senior Center. “Matt’s one of our quiet community heroes who likes to connect the dots within our community so that children, families, seniors, and all individuals can have access to resources that will help them through life’s many challenges. He’s certainly had our Senior Center’s mission at heart during his time volunteering with us here.”
Holliday the Friend Sabrina Rightmer is Director of Communications and Marketing for Student Affairs at West Chester University and met Holliday during their time as members of the Abbé and Friars’ Societies (sister/ brother branches of honorary community service organizations that perform service together). They’ve been good friends ever since, including borough neighbors who have lived one block away from each other for nearly a decade. She also counts him as one of the kindest, most caring, and funniest people she knows. “Don’t tell him he’s funny, please — his jokes are already corny enough,” she chides. When Holliday used to live with a couple of mutual friends, Rightmer recalls everyone hanging out in their living room and catching up on the week’s developments. “Matt would be sitting on the couch stuffing envelopes, putting labels
Matt’s one of our quiet community heroes... on, or signing his name on countless documents. But he always makes time to stay connected with his friends,” she says. “If there’s busy work that needs to be done, he will take that on in order to help lend a hand and find time somewhere in his day to get it done. He’s a connector, always finding ways to introduce people to each other and widen the circle.” Rightmer wonders where he finds the energy. “He wakes up before the sun, has laundry done by 6:30am, has read the book on his Kindle, had breakfast, and makes it to a service project by 8am. Meanwhile, I’ve rolled up with coffee and tired eyes having woken up 30 minutes before. I’m not sure how he does all this, but he continues to be an inspiration of service and friendship to me.” Another friend cultivated through the Abbe/Friar organizations at WCU, Linda Casotti met Holliday in 2007 when she was an advisor, and she still sees Holliday when they volunteer at the West Chester Library home tour each December. “Matthew demonstrates the qualities of a servant leader and dedicates his life to further enhancing the lives of others, both
professionally and personally,” she says. “He is very kind, caring and compassionate. Matthew’s dedication and unwavering commitment to volunteering is admirable. Being awarded ‘Citizen of the Year’ in March was the perfect accolade. When I think of genuine goodness in the human soul, Matthew immediately comes to mind.” Kyle Mullins is Representative for the 112th District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, and his friendship with Holliday spans more than a decade, beginning when they both served in WCU’s Student Government Association (SGA). “I’m so proud of all that my friend has accomplished over the course of our friendship,” says Mullins. “During my time as SGA president, I had the pleasure of serving the student body with Matt as our parliamentarian, a position from which his interest in public service and community involvement was apparent. Matt’s character, wonderful humor, intellect, and attention to detail are traits of his I always enjoyed and looked up to.” Chelsea Sammarone, a high school social studies teacher at PA Leadership Charter School who was born, raised, and currently lives in West Chester, met Holliday through the Rotary club during her junior year of high school in 2011 and
Matt is that one person that everyone can count on. currently serves with him on the Up on the Roof committee. He wrote her a recommendation letter for a Rotary scholarship, and when she returned to West Chester after college, she sought him out for some professional mentorship. As a result, “I was able to jump back into several of the service opportunities that he and I had worked together, and I am always grateful for that lunch we had at Pietro’s that summer,” she says. “His counsel helped me realize how much I wanted to get back into the volunteer opportunities that I didn’t necessarily have access to in the same capacity in college. He has also made good friends through those mentorships and partnerships which I have to believe keeps him motivated.” Indeed, Holliday’s friends are gold. “My college friends have really become my family,” he notes. “In fact, one of them made me the godfather of their daughter and luckily for me she happens to be one of the coolest four-year-olds on the planet.”
“Selfless,” summarizes Chelsea Sammarone. “I’ve never been around someone so committed to the people around him, no matter how many million other things he has to do in a day. He is dependable and is always the person to ask ‘What’s next?’ He treats his community like a family, not just the town where he has lived for over a decade.”
s for what’s next, Holliday is happy serving as prothonotary and being the best he can be in that role, so it takes a bit of nudging to get him to talk about what this is all might be building towards. Most questions about his ambitions earn a response about doing the best job possible for the community. Even with all he’s done for West Chester and Chester County, Holliday is cautious when speaking to what his efforts may some day achieve. “Democracy is a tricky thing, and Chester County is a big place, so it’s not possible to get elected just based on your name recognition, based on what you as an individual have done; you won’t overcome what goes on at the national political level,” he says.“However, I have a passion, and if the voters of Chester County were to elect me to hold the office of County Commissioner or State Senator, I would be honored
to do so.” But, he says, that’s as far as his ambitions go. “I can say unequivocally that I have zero interest in running for US Congress, because that removes me too far from the person-to-person public service I love… and let’s just say Washington, DC is not my cup of tea.” Despite the accolades and the praise, Holliday is always self effacing when asked about his efforts. “Growing up, I didn’t have the best childhood – I had an unfortunate set of circumstances befall me for the majority of my childhood and adolescence. When I came to West Chester in 2004, it was like a whole new world. I met kind people who welcomed me with open arms,” he says. “The way the people of this incredible community gave me opportunity — whether at Rotary Club of West Chester, from the Downtown Foundation, or any number of other organizations — helped instill in me a desire to push myself beyond what most people are willing to do. Maybe it’s just wanting to live up to the example set by others and the opportunities they provided to me.” In turn, it’s amazing to think how incredible this community could be if we all lived up the example set by Holliday.
Becca Boyd shares tips on life and cooking on her blog at homebeccanomics.com
Two mindlessly easy, simple ingredient recipes that are perfect when the sun’s hot and you’ve got places to be (fun places, places by the water). The potatoes, hot and crisp from the oven, are the perfect accompaniment to any meat or fish on the grill and a bit of comfort food when “light and fresh” leaves you hungry. The macaroons are a favorite of mine, naturally gluten- and dairy-free and reminiscent of what the South Jersey Shore fudge shops are selling, but available in bulk and much closer to home. –bboyd@thewcpress.com Coconut Macaroons - Makes about 30 3 eggs whites 1/3 c. sugar 1/8 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 (14 oz.) bag sweetened flaked or shredded coconut 1/2 c. bittersweet chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with parchment or silpat liner. 2. Whisk egg whites, sugar, salt, and vanilla in a medium bowl until smoothly combined. 3. Add coconut and fold until evenly moistened. 4. Using a small cookie scoop or hands, pack balls of mixture into 1 1/2 inch balls and place on lined cookie sheet. 5. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until edges have turned golden brown. Remove from oven and let cool about 10 minutes. Remove to wire rack to cool. 6. Microwave chocolate in small glass bowl, stirring every 30 seconds until smooth. Using a fork, drizzle chocolate over macaroons. Let cool until chocolate is hardened and store at room temperature (in a mostly air tight container – set lid slightly open to let some air circulate) for up to three days. Rosemary Garlic Roasted Potatoes - serves 4 2 lb. red skinned potatoes, cut 1/4 tsp. black pepper into 1 inch cubes 1 tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary 1/4 c. olive oil 3 garlic cloves, minced 1 tsp. kosher salt, divided
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place baking sheet in oven while it preheats. 2. Toss potatoes with olive oil in a large bowl. Remove baking sheet and add potatoes to sheet, spreading evenly to space. Sprinkle with 3/4 tsp. kosher salt and pepper. 3. Roast for 30 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, finely chop rosemary with garlic and remaining 1/4 tsp. salt. 5. When timer goes off, remove baking sheet and stir rosemary mixture into potatoes. Spread evenly and return to oven. 6. Bake for about 5 more minutes or until browned. JULY 2019 THEWCPRESS.COM
Rise & Shine
WCU’s Cottrell Center is launching shooting stars by Michael Lynch
merican writer and historian James Truslow Adams, who coined the phrase “American Dream,” famously stated in his 1931 book, The Epic of America, “Life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.” Nearly 100 years later, no other quote better captures the entrepreneurial spirit that has historically driven innovation and forward thinking throughout American culture. In our global, mass-produced society, it is those who think outside of the box, those who dare to reinvent the wheel, who often remind us of how central the industrious mind is to furthering broader social and economic progress. And there are plenty of locally-grown and ambitious future business leaders — ones equipped with STEM-based innovations and product ideas to improve the quality of the lives of others — already making their mark in amazing ways. A discussion about aspiring entrepreneurs in West Chester cannot begin without mentioning the significance of the Dr. Edwin Cottrell Entrepreneurial Leader-
ship Center at West Chester University. Directed by Patricia Diggin, the Cottrell Center serves as a catalyst for economic development by promoting entrepreneurship within West Chester University, across Chester County and throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania. Ms. Diggin and her team provide access and a rich network of resources to students, helping enhance the start-up and growth of new ventures, and develop a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem. “We connect students and the West Chester University family to the greater Chester County area with the goal of fostering economic development in the region,” she said. With Ms. Diggin’s assistance, we were pointed in the direction of several remarkable young people who are pioneering innovative ideas, products and services, right here in our community. Alfred Bedell: U-Check-It Driven by his passion for designing and building new technologies that support better health and assist in improving the overall quality of life, Alfred Bedell (35) is
From left: Geoff Sheehan, Regional V.P. at Meridian Bank; Mark Yoder, CEO of the Greater West Chester Chamber of Commerce; Alfred Bedell; and Dr. Evan Leach, Interim Dean of WCU’s College of Business & Public Administration.
the face behind Ozara Biomedical Solutions (Ozara BMS). Alfred and his team at Ozara BMS are currently developing U-Check-It™, an integrated, non-invasive health monitoring platform that tracks opioid usage and the stress hormone cortisol in real time. In addition, the integrated platform provides a mechanism for telemedicinal dispensing of prescription opioids in a controlled manner. The U-Check-It™ system consists of a wearable hardware device, disposable bio-cartridges, mobile app software, and a tamper-proof Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA) drug administration device. While working at a drop-in center that supports integration into the community by implementing employment support and life training skills for individuals suffering from opioid addiction, Alfred noticed that sufferers were being hospitalized for stress-induced health issues. A prelim-
inary assessment revealed that several patients suffered reduced quality of life due to chronic stress. After receiving target customers’ feedback, Alfred’s idea of U-Check-It™ was born. The broader commercial potential of this system is to help the 2 million people in the US diagnosed with opioid use disorder (OUD) to reduce their consumption of opioids and to better manage their stress. Although there exist multiple treatment options — such as medications, behavioral therapies, emerging technologies and mutual-help groups — rehabilitation program efforts are hampered by two significant problems: the stigma of attending a treatment facility, and high incidents of relapse. It is Alfred’s belief that the U-Check-It™ system can effectively address these issues. Originally from Liberia, Alfred came to the United States in the early 1990's and has since become skilled in apparatus design, Arduino programming, and medical device prototyping. Alfred also has extensive knowledge of patent laws and has submitted 11 provisional patents, three non-provisional patents, with one granted a patent and another pending approval. Alfred shared some insights about his journey. “One of the greatest challenges I observed in my path to entrepreneurship was gaining the foundational knowledge about how to execute different business strategies,” he said, noting that the time and capital needed to develop his business model were also issues. “Entrepreneurship is an interdisciplinary field," he said. "When I was developing the U-Check-It™ system, I had to commit myself to hours of research in learning engineering practices, reading public health documentation, and understanding the market pains felt from the opioid crisis.” Alfred said that his principled goals drive his entrepreneurial spirit, and that periodic failures are opportunities to learn. “For me, it is vital to remember the purpose of my business, and more importantly, the lives I will save. As a result, I've turned each setback into a pedestal of new discovery.” Salih Salaam: Tutoring U 4 Success College students looking for additional help often experience difficulty acquiring a tutor due to their scarcity, or the burden of
Salih Salaam won first place and $1000 in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education’s business competition.
private tutors. Enter West Chester University student, Salih Sallam (21) who developed a tutoring app called Tutoring U 4 Success (TUS). The app allows kindergarten through college students to get paired with a tutor anytime, anywhere, from their phone or laptop, in minutes. TUS has multiple distinct features, including signup of tutors and students, financial connection of tutors students, facilitation of tutoring services using various technology tools for text-like chatting, past lesson review, screen recording, face-to-face, and computer sharing. Salih also pointed out that TUS can be an additional way for qualified
students to make extra money through tutoring. Think Uber, but for tutors. This past April, Salih won first place and $1000 in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education’s business competition with his TUS app proposal. Salih is in active development to launch TUS in August with a corresponding website and updated app. The current prototype of TUS is available through the Apple store under the name TUS: Tutors 4 University Students. Salih is originally from Newark, NJ, and he attended Lock Haven University before transferring to West Chester his sophomore year. When asked about the origins of his entrepreneurial pursuits, Salih discussed the significance of his childhood and his father’s background as a business-
man. “My dad was an entrepreneur and had a few businesses before I was born. The one business of his that I remember the most was when he worked as a private investigator for an auto insurance company,” he explained. Salih mentioned that he spent countless hours tagging along with his father across his various business ventures, and that he was attracted to the autonomy his father enjoyed that came with making his own hours. “Growing up, my father never had a nine-to-five job, so he was never held up at work, which brought out my love for entrepreneurship,” he said. Salih further explained that he was also inspired by how his father seemed to revel in assisting people. “I could tell he enjoyed working with and helping others, and it was something I could see myself doing one day.” In addition to preparing the launch of TUS in August, Salih continues to meet with college officials and high schools, presenting his app to students and teachers. Salih and his team plan to heavily market TUS through social media beginning in July. “In the meantime, my hope is to keep building relationships with colleges to be a part of their tutoring programs, making it easier on students through technology.” Jacob Neubaum & Hally Everett: Slip Saver In the United States, falls are the leading cause of senior injuries and death. Hally Everett (20) is a nursing student at West Chester University who currently volunteers at a hospice center and has seen how harmful a fall can be to a patient’s health. Hally’s business partner, Jacob Neubaum (20) is a computer science major at West Chester University and owner of a Bizylife, LLC, a small business that provides manufacturing software to local firms. Together, Hally and Jacob developed Slip Saver, a portable mat that can be placed where an individual intends to stand. The mat uses embedded-sense technology to determine if a person has fallen and uses an Internet of Things-connected method (via Xfinity, etc.) to automatically summon help. "A mat is a far more practical solution than traditional buttons, which patients often fail to press or are not taken seriously because of frequent overuse," Jacob told us. “I jumped on board to help Hally plan the logistics of the device. We competed
©Erica C. Thompson
against over 100 contestants in the WCU Business Idea Competition and won the Undergraduate Division."
Hally Everett and Jacob Neubaum’s Slip Saver won the Undergraduate Division in WCU’s Business Idea Competition.
After a fall, many elderly and infirm patients become incapacitated and unable to call for assistance. Yet many falls can be predicted by how patients walk or their weight distribution. Jacob and Hally offer Slip Saver as a solution for an Emergency Alert Product market that they feel has numerous drawbacks. For example, positionally-sensitive devices that individuals wear can exhibit a high degree of false alarms, confuse the elderly, and are ineffective if a patient happens to be uncon-
scious. Hally and Jacob believe that their Slip Saver will decrease the response time to a fall in a healthcare setting, as well as preventing falls by sensing any instability in a person’s gait. Jacob and Hally’s primary target market is the 15,836 assisted living facilities housing 2.5 million elderly citizens across the United States, with 2,249 of those facilities located here in Pennsylvania. Secondary markets include the 39.5 million adults
©Erica C. Thompson
over the age of 65 living independently, which includes 5.6 million adults over 85. Hally and Jacob feel that their Slip Saver will not only have a direct impact on individuals and their families, but it will also reduce insurance costs since it has the ability to prevent and identify falls. Alana Pappas and Julia Hirs: CRLA Bishop Shanahan High School students Alanna Pappas (18) and Julia Hirs (18) are the youngest entrepreneurs we met. These rising young stars are quickly gaining attention with the development of their Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Lifesaving Assistant (CRLA), a portable and waterproof mat placed over the chest of cardiac arrest victims that allows CPR administrators to give more effective CPR. CRLA monitors the force of chest compressions, and indicates if the compressions are too hard or not hard enough. CRLA indicates the rate at which compressions should be administered via beeps, thus assisting in maintaining the correct pace. For the past year, along with their teammates Greta Barnes, Michael Alec Gomba, David Carangan, Carlo Ursal, Brian Whiteford and Brendan Pappas, Alana and Julia
were able to develop, design, and create CRLA for the PA Governor’s STEM Competition. They were encouraged throughout the process by many people in their community to take CRLA to the market. “Placing first in the competition fueled our desire to do more,” Alana said. Alana and Julia are both CPR certified and have taken classes in biology, health, chemistry, circuitry, and programming. Alana and Julia developed CRLA when they discovered that a significant amount of both trained and untrained CPR administrators do not administer CPR correctly, and that this inadequacy results in approximately 315,000 deaths in the United States annually. At first, CRLA was Alana and Julia’s project for the Pennsylvania Governor’s STEM Competition, but their strong conviction that the product could save lives led them to developing CRLA into a business model. Working alongside the West Chester-based global engineering firm CTDI, Alana and Julia are now in the process of acquiring a patent for CLRA. Their hope is to bring it to the broader market with plans to sell through medical supply retailers. The device is intended to be marketed towards adults between the ages of 18-45
Alana Pappas and Julia Hirs CRLA project was named the Grand Champion of the fifth annual Governor’s STEM competition.
who would be able and willing to perform CPR on those in need. Specifically, those who often interact with and are responsible for instructing CPR for large groups of people. Fewer than one in five adults are CPR-certified. Thus, CRLA would be a crucial addition to the first aid instruction supplies of this demographic. “We created CRLA as a way to improve the lives of others through the application of science, technology, engineering and math,” Alana stated. “Our desire to make such an impact is what motivates us to become entrepreneurs.” This community has been gifted with the go-getting attitudes of our young people, and the entrepreneurial spirit in West Chester is alive and thriving. As intrepid and dynamic influencers, they are actively seeking out change, rather than waiting to adapt to change, through the application of STEM, critical thinking, innovation and continuous improvement. These ambitious young adults are undoubtedly unafraid to take risks, risks that will ultimately improve life for the rest of us.
Real (Estate) Talk Realtors Brad Moore and Alison Maguire of Keller Williams Real Estate’s Moore Maguire Group take a look at the borough’s booming market
House hacking is a real estate investment strategy that involves living in part of either a multi-unit or residential property and renting out part of it to cover the mortgage payment. It’s a popular trend everywhere, and particularly in West Chester, where we see a high demand for rental properties. However, house hacking doesn’t just apply to multi-unit properties. Let’s say you buy a four bedroom home in West Chester, and you rent out two or even three of those bedrooms. This can likely cover the bulk of your monthly mortgage payment, if not all of it, and it may even make you money. This is an excellent way to make owning a home more affordable, as well as paying down your investment. Sometimes buyers will come to us having already decided that this is the route they’re going to take to home ownership. But in other cases, house hacking is often a solution we might suggest to people who come to us looking for a rental. It’s an excellent creative option that may not have occurred to them, particularly people who didn’t think they could afford to buy. It’s a way of bridging the gap, so to speak, between what people think they can do and what they actually want to do. One thing buyers who are considering house hacking should keep in mind is that if they were to purchase in a condominium or homeowners association setting, there may be restrictions in the bylaws of that community which would limit rental opportunity. West Chester’s student housing zoning code restrictions must also be taken into consideration — if the property isn’t currently a student rental, you’ll be unable to turn it into one. So, while a large percentage of renters might be students, they might not be your market. House hacking is also applicable in terms of renting out a room or portion of your home in the short term: think Airbnb. As we touched on briefly last month, that route has its own considerations, like frequent turnover, cleaning and more regular administrative work. But given the high return on Airbnb, this can be an even more lucrative scenario than a long-term roommate rental situation. That said, there are borough codes that any rental property must abide by, and these involve an inspection, mostly for safety issues, that cover things like smoke detectors, railings and the like. A rental license is inexpensive, and it must be acquired by any property owner who wishes to rent out space in any capacity. We like to offer clients creative solutions to help them achieve the home ownership dreams, and house hacking can be an excellent way to help pay for your investment while living in it. And as an alternative to renting, you could instead have the pride of home ownership, the building of equity, depreciation and tax write-off benefits, and the opportunity to live in a great place for a great price! –realtalk@thewcpress.com
They’re actively guiding the growth of our community and culture.
When the Cranford, NJ native moved to West Chester over a decade ago, he worked at Penn’s Table with no intention of going into business. Yet, it was the diner that carved his path. Old photos on the walls inspired his idea for Time Machine Tours, a mobile app that uses GPS to display historical images where they were taken to give the illusion of looking into the past. A healthy start-up culture paired with a timely win on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? provided funding to build a prototype. When WCHE’s former general manager Bill Mason came into the restaurant for coffee, Hudson regularly bugged him for a gig. His initiative paid off, and he started producing his own radio shows. Since 2013, Hudson has produced the weekly World’s Finest Show, focused on comics, video games, and tech, and launched Love @ First Listen, a radio dating show.
EMILY PISANO, 27 Assistant to the Mayor and Chief of Police of West Chester Borough When it comes to career transitions, the jump from fashion to government might seem unexpected, but for Emily Pisano, a former fashion line owner and current Assistant to the Mayor and Chief of Police, the leap made sense — and she landed it with grace, and of course, style.
and the Clean & Green Initiative, among other things. Essentially, she’s the actor behind the scenes, handling operations that improve the borough and surrounding communities. When she’s not working, you can find her volunteering with the TogetHER initiative, the Chester County Young Democrats, or enjoying the hummus at Sidebar. In the fall, she'll begin pursuing her master’s in Public Administration at WCU.
While Hudson’s work in the entertainment spheres continues to generate economic impact, his political aspirations made headlines. Inspired to action after the 2016 election, Hudson ran for Mayor in 2017. Although he didn’t win, he’s currently on the Opioid Task Force and holds a position as one of the Democratic Committee People for Ward 7 He and his wife Leslie just welcomed their first daughter, Ava, to the borough.
Pisano, a Downingtown native, moved to West Chester after graduating from the University of Rhode Island with a B.S. in Fashion Merchandising and pursued a career working at Malena’s Vintage Boutique before becoming co-owner of Tesoro Design, a leather handbag company. It was during the 2016 election that Pisano heard a higher calling that would take her beyond handbags and into Borough Hall. She started getting more involved in politics, first as a hobby and then as a conscious commitment, attending Borough Democratic Committee meetings and courthouse rallies. Soon she was paying less attention to style trends and more to current events and decided to take the plunge into the political sphere. In her current administrative-support role, she attends meetings, prepares agendas, and plans events surrounding the Mayor’s Opioid Action Task Force
KYLE HUDSON, 33 Creative Director, Crimson Planet Media | Founder, Digital Exhibition Systems | Digital Media Director/ Producer/Host - WCHE 1520 AM Kyle Hudson, West Chester’s own digital media multi-hyphenate, has successfully turned many of his creative ideas into viable businesses.
MICHAEL GALEY, 37 Attorney/Vice President West Chester Borough Council, Third Ward Representative When Michael Galey and his wife, Rachel Kagan, were looking for a place to settle down, they wanted a community where
they could walk to parks, stores and restaurants. And soon after Rachel started working nearby, they discovered that West Chester is just that. This fall will mark their 10th a nniversary living in the borough, and Galey has embraced his adopted hometown fully. A Mercersburg native, he's a partner at the law firm of Fisher & Phillips LLP, a labor and employment defense firm with 34 offices across the country. He was named in Pennsylvania Super Lawyers’ Rising Stars list from 2013 through 2017, and in 2019, was chosen as a “Client Service All-Star” by the BTI Consulting Group, a designation honoring attorneys who “demonstrate an unrelenting pursuit to find what best fulfills clients’ needs. Legal decision makers say these attorneys have an unquenchable thirst to understand their clients better than all other attorneys.” Galey took his dedication further, currently serving as Vice President of Borough Council representing the Third Ward. Prior to his election to council, he was a member of the Zoning Hearing Board and Planning Commission. He and his wife are also supporters of the West Chester Public Library, and their home was on the Library’s Holiday Home Tour last year. Michael's goals include continuing to work on environmental initiatives in the borough and continuing to develop the thriving downtown he has grown to love. Indeed, he says he cannot imagine living anywhere else.
CAITLIN HOPPLE, 32 Director of Harrison Dance Studios Caitlin Hopple grew up at her family’s Harrison Dance studio, literally. She lived above it, starting dance lessons at age three and joining the company at nine. At 18, she traveled to New York three times a week for classes at Steps on Broadway and began auditioning. Starting her professional career at 19, she has performed in Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Florida, and New York, and has appeared on America’s Got Talent. Cait has also traveled to nearly every state in the union in her capacity as head judge in a national talent competition. Now full circle, she returned to West Chester four years ago to run that fami-
ly-owned studio, which was started by her grandmother in the 1950s and later run by her mother and aunt. “Miss Cait” as she’s known, now bridges a generational gap, teaching the children of former students. Striving to keep traditional classes in place while implementing current and relevant dance training, Cait now teaches those very ballet, jazz and tap classes she took, instructing about 40 students on a daily basis, roughly 20 classes a week, substituting in other classes regularly to keep tabs on the progress of other students. Cait believes dance is not just about learning steps. It teaches young people how to listen, take direction, self motivate, and work as a team, while instilling an appreciation of beauty, culture, hard work, discipline, and success with humility, the value of which is highlighted by Cait receiving more nominations for this feature than any other person.
Cait’s goal is to continue not only molding young Chester County women into talented dancers, but into kind and compassionate women who become strong mothers, business owners, and engaged community members. And she’s doing just that, one plié at a time.
MICHAEL STEFANO, 37 Music Teacher/Council Member/Bartender Michael Stefano is one of those many people who moved to the borough to attend West Chester University and never left. When he graduated with a music performance degree in 2004, he stayed put, and presently lives on South Franklin Street with his wife Alex, son Luca, and dog Zoe. If you think you're busy, check out Michael's schedule: His "real job" is as middle-school teacher at Tredyffrin-East-
town Middle School where he teaches band, orchestra, general music, and jazz band. He's also a musician, playing saxophone with his band, Dub C Swing. Micheal is also a member of borough council. Elected to finish out his predecessor's term, he will be on the ballot in November to start a full four-year term. As a teacher, Michael's taken an active role in his local association, and while he leads many budding musicians in instrumental ensembles at his school, he's particularly proud of having started ensembles at other schools. As a council member, he chairs the Administration, Communication, and Technology Committee and is a member of the Public Safety & Quality of Life, and Finance Committees. One of his goals on council is to improve relations between the WCU student body and WC residents. He credits his two years on council with teaching him more about the borough than living here for nearly here 20 years did. Oh, and if you can't find him with his family, at school, at a gig, or in Borough Hall, you can find him at Sidebar, where he also tends bar.
went to Virginia Tech before returning to West Chester to join the family business in 2016, where he works as Business Development and Service Director. While you've likely seen examples of Hazley Builders' craftsmanship all over Chester County, the work doesn't stop there. Chris is a board member and Vice President of the West Chester Downtown Foundation where he serves on the grants committee, and on the Board of Trustees at the West Chester Public Library. That's not all. Chris is also involved with the Ruth Bennett Community Farm (an environmental education center in Chester), the Andrew L. Hicks Foundation's Champions of Hope (providing youth mentorship to diverse communities), and is an Up On The Roof committee member. Despite his ambitious schedule of work and service, Chris says his goals are fairly simple: continue to create a standard of craftsmanship and structural integrity for homes in and around West Chester, and to be able to grow and give back to the community while providing the highest level of service to their clients. Chris is another example of someone who left West Chester but was drawn back home, knowing he was prepared to bring value to the town he loves.
CHRIS HAZLEY, 31 Hazley Builders Could you work with members of your immediate family? How ‘bout a whole buncha them? Chris Hazley, along with his brothers and father, who founded the family business, not only make it look easy (not to mention beautiful), they manage to give back to the community as well. Born and raised in East Bradford, Chris
MIGUEL NIEVES, 36 Owner, Champions Barbershop & Barber School The influence Miguel Nieves wields in the borough is a fairly visible one — there’s no telling how many folks you pass in a given day who are sporting a haircut done by Miguel or one of his proteges. The WC native and Henderson High School grad founded Champions Barbershop, jettisoning a lucrative corporate career for the
personal services industry. His influence is not just as temporary and malleable as a hairstyle, though; he’s also founded a barber school to continue the trade in West Chester by training others in the field. Always artistic, Miguel brainstormed how to incorporate his creative streak into his unfulfilling international sales career. He took a barbering course, got a license, and quit his job. Using his sales skills to recruit clients, he was fully booked within a year. He worked for others for five years before opening his first shop on Chestnut Street in 2010. Miguel found that he was spending a lot of his time training staff. By the time he opened his second location on High Street in 2015, he was training to be an educator and run his own school. He feels strongly that it is important that people for whom college is neither an option nor an interest know there is plenty of opportunity in the trades. He wants to provide that opportunity, whether to young people or retired factory workers and police officers. To that end, he’s partnered with banks to secure funding to lend to students. Through the barbershop school, his students provide free back-to-school haircuts for kids in the community, and he brings Devereaux students in weekly for haircuts at a reduced rate, to name just a few of the ways he gives back to the community he loves. Miguel believes what he does involves more than a haircut; it should be a positive experience, and he works to make that experience available to the entire town, regardless of their circumstances.
They’re generating the headlines, trends and styles for the rest of us.
CASSIUS KINGSTON III, 39 Street Artist We can thank Rex’s Bar for the surge in street art around town these days. According to Cassisus Kingston III, street artist behind the eponymous Instagram account @Cassius.k1ng, he first came to West Chester 20 years ago for an open mic night at the bar, and he has called this town his home ever since that fateful night. More renowned for his artwork than his vocals lately, King or “CK” as he is known, has been making his mark on the borough with playful vinyl sticker street art on everything from street signs to walls to sidewalks. King believes signs take up too much space to convey a message that everyone already knows, and that instead they should be utilized for beautification. His intention is to capture the sensation of seeing a magic trick for the first time, or to share an inside joke with someone he’s likely never met.
MALENA MARTINEZ, 39 Owner, Malena’s Vintage Boutique
Fans should spot his work around town, or on his Instagram page. King also has limited print graphic t-shirts available at May23on Gay Street and will soon be releasing limited prints.
Take a spin through town and you’ll see plenty of boutiques. Yet, one that has stood out over the years (or sparkled, depending upon its window display) is Malena’s Vintage Boutique, the retro resale clothing and accessories shop owned and operated by Malena Martinez at the corner of Gay and North Church Street.
[Since @Cassius.k1ng keeps his annonymity online, choosing instead to blackout images of himself with cutouts of the nightsky, we opted to do the same here in print. I guess defacing public property does have a certain downside...]
Martinez, a West Chester native, opened Malena’s 16 years ago after deciding to start her vintage venture back home instead of in New York City, her home at the time. A lover of retro and antiques from a young age, Martinez studied
clothing design in college and worked in vintage shops prior to opening her own. Blending her aptitude for e-commerce with a small business knack, Martinez created a thriving establishment in a niche fashion retail market. At the boutique, customers can find stunning clothing, jewelry, and accessories from the 1910s to the 1970s, while her online inventory includes specialty pieces and clothing that predate the turn of the century. Martinez credits commitment to the customer, actively buying inventory, and keeping a close eye on trends, and her passionate staff, as reasons why her shop continues to create buzz in the borough. We happen to think it has a little comething to do with her, too.
ERIK WEBER, 29 Owner West Chester Views, Photographer If Erik Weber’s Instagram account, @westchesterviews, looks like a love letter to the borough, it’s because that’s kind of what it is. Erik fell in love with the town and has now made a career of showing off West Chester through his street photography. Featuring the doorways, brick sidewalks, storefronts, flora and fauna and, of course, its many dogs, his account looks like a one-man promotional tour of the borough. Originally from Berks County, Weber has only been living in West Chester since 2017 and started his Instagram page in July of that year. As of this writing, the account has more than 20,000 followers. The love story began, as it often does, through friends. After college in 2012, where Erik obtained a degree in Business Marketing, some of his friends moved to West Chester, and Erik visited them frequently. He loved it enough to move here, even though it entailed an hour commute to work each day to the job he’d held for six years as an inside sales rep, sales trainer and coach at Penske Truck Leasing. Call it a long-distance romance.
notch musical acts to local West Chester venues, as well as to p arks and attractions across the world, including Holland America Line, Hersheypark, and Carnival Cruise Line.
His goal through his photography is to share the beauty of West Chester with as many people as possible in the hope that it will inspire more people to visit the borough and spend more time here. He also strives to create a sense of community, reposting other people’s WC photos on his account. Because what good is love if you don’t share it? Erik has expanded into selling his photos as both prints and merchandise, including puzzles, coffee mugs, and phone cases. Not bad for a guy with no background or formal training in photography, and Erik feels grateful that he came to realize he has an eye for it.
The Harrisburg-Hershey native first landed in the Borough in 1999 to study music at West Chester University. He went on to tour nationally and internationally, performing and producing shows at up to 20 theme parks and cruise lines all over the world, before returning to West Chester as his home base.
MICHAEL WINDISH, 38 CEO, Windish Music & Productions
He said he’d sat on the idea for the page for a while, and then realized that since he’s out walking his dog Miley around town every day, he might as well take that first photo.
As the theater saying goes: the show must go on! For Michael Windish, the CEO of Windish Music & Productions, the show certainly does go on, both here at home in West Chester and in many venues located beyond the borders of Chester County.
All good journeys, after all, begin with the first step.
As a music and entertainment producer, Windish brings world-class, top-
Today, his business provides live shows and production services including casting, directing and teaching performers, as well as writing original music and show material, and bringing headlining acts to the public. Michael’s shows at Uptown! include a monthly dueling piano show and multiple touring acts, including The Glenn Miller Orchestra and the Celtic Tenors from Ireland. Ever the troubadour, Windish spends his days traveling to major music cities for work, but makes sure to bring back what he’s learned to West Chester.
Design Dilemmas Andrea Mason of Perceptions Interiors is a professional interior designer who wants to help you upgrade your space
You’ve just completed furnishing a cozy living room but are left with empty walls. So, the big questions is: what do you put on them? Your walls are a blank canvas that can tell the story of who you are. Thoughtfully selecting your wall decor can turn your room into a personal space that speaks to you and your visitors. When considering what to put on your walls, don’t make the mistake of sticking strictly to framing. There are so many design elements that can act as wall decor, from tapestries, photography, macrame, and objects such as clocks, shelving, and mirrors. Your room will look best with a mixt of design elements that add more texture, color, and ultimately make the space more interesting. Let’s begin with the most popular selection of wall decor, which is two-dimensional artwork. These pieces can be deely personal, they come in a multitude of mediums that can compliment any style. The most important thing to consider is whether it has meaning. My favorite pieces have been framed a family heirlooms, collected art from my travels, or supporting local artists. Family photos are another meaningful object to adorn your walls. They look best in groupings instead of having them strewn throughout the space. Showing them off together will generate an organized look, and it also optimizes your available space, making room for more wall decor. Textural objects such as macrame and tapestries are brilliant ways to add more interest to your walls. Once again, taking something from your travels, supporting a local artist, or even going antique shopping for these things will be well worth the leg work. Shelving is a unique piece of wall decor that can also act as a functional accessory. You can arrange beautiful vases, small works of art, boxes, collections, and more on them. They are a great wall filler, and they give you the opportunity to display elements that are meaningful to you but might not otherwise work on a wall. It’s also important to add a bit of dimension to your design, and objects with a bit of depth are a great tool. I’ve seen everything from clocks and baskets, to canoes and taxidermy. These will surely be a conversation piece. Mirrors are one of my favorite things to decorate with because of how purposeful they can be. While making a room look larger they also help to reflect light into a space. Mirrors add a little extra glam to a dressier room, and let’s not forget that if they are in a foyer or mudroom you can take one last look before leaving! The next time you’re wondering what to do with your walls, have a little fun and make the design something that represents you. Before you opt to purchase from big box stores, scour local art fairs, and antique markets. Find heirlooms that your heart. Finishing touches like these give your room a unique flair and make you happy. –amason@thewcpress.com
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s t n e v E y l u J s s i M t ’ Can July 11
The Dueling Pianos July 1
Fourth of July Concert & Cookout
Bring your family and friends to East Bradford Park from 5:30–8:30pm to celebrate Independence Day. The Lukens Band will get you in the spirit of the holiday along with free burgers, hot dogs, beverages, and of course, American flags! East Bradford Park 835 Kenmara Dr | 610.436.5108 eastbradford.org
July 3
Split Rail Anniversary Party
From 12pm to close, Split Rail will be celebrating their anniversary starting at 12pm. Enjoy live music, special guests, and fancy food and beers. More details to come, RSVP to the event on Facebook and receive more updates about this exciting date! Split Rail 15 N Walnut St | 484.999.8805 Splitrailtavern.com
Founders Treason Day
Enjoy a day of fiddlers and the sounds of violins, violas, cellos, and more at the Summer String Fling Fiddlers Picnic. Come out from 2-10pm and enjoy great music, good food, and better company. Tickets are $10. Children under 12 get in for free. Thornbury Farms CSA 1256 Thornbury Rd | 610.793.2933 thornburyfarmcsa.com
Tony T. (Anthony Decarolis) and Wildman Joe (Joe Marchetti) will perform energetic sing-along classics for all ages. Their interactive entertainment style includes the audience in all of the fun. The event goes from 7-8pm at East Bradford Park. East Bradford Township 835 Kenmara Dr | 610.436.5108 eastbradford.org
July 13
Magic Bus
Attend a performance in tribute to The Who, one of rock’s most iconic bands. Magic Bus captures the sound and feel of The Who, covering the songs you know and love. The show starts at 7:30pm lasting 120 minutes. Tickets are online starting at $33. Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts Center 226 N High St | 610.356.2787 Uptownwestchester.org
The Walton Marquette Project at Tilted Axes
Throw some axes while rocking out to music from the 80’s, with a mixture of other favorable decades, starting at 6pm. Pool tables, dart boards, video games, and dancing will be available as well. There will be a $10 cover to attend, and you will receive a discount on Axe throwing. This event is BYOB (and BYOFood). Tilted Axes 19 Hagerty Blvd | 484.798.9369 tiltedaxeswc.com
July 19
Summer Sidewalk Sale
This three-day event is a paradise for bargain hunters and shopaholics. All of your favorite retailers will be out in force throughout the borough, so map out your favorite destinations, put on your walking shoes, and shop your way across town. Downtown West Chester 610.738.3350 downtownwestchester.com
July 21
Turks Head Music Festival
Come out to this popular fest that brings people together to enjoy live local music. There will be food and drink vendors, artisan booths, and fun activities for kids. This event starts at 11am-5pm and is free to the public. Everhart Park 100 S. Brandywine St | 610.692.7574 turksheadfestival.com
July 25
Summer Jazz Factory Concert Join in on a mid-summer concert featuring both middle school and high school students in jazz combo performances. Tickets are $10 and available through the CPFA Box Office or online. The performance runs from 5-7pm. The Center of Performing Fine Arts Summer Jazz Factory 211 Carter Drive | 610.430.6525 summerjazzfactory.org
For a complete listing of summer events, visit: THEWCPRESS.COM/SUMMERFUNGUIDE JULY 2019 THEWCPRESS.COM 49
Near and Far
Jamie Jones of Whirlaway Travel explores some travel options abroad and highlights their local counterparts
We all have an area in our lives that we need to improve upon. Mine has always been physical fitness. I was active growing up, but as adulthood approached my desire to hit the gym dwindled. Over the past 20 years I’ve held gym memberships, hired trainers, worked towards weightlifting competitions and even attempted running… which apparently resembles a drunken duck. I do well for a time, and then something derails me: injury, life responsibilities and, most frequently, travel. You may wonder what travel has to do with fitness. It’s because I have an all-or-nothing personality. For working out, I need to stick to a strict schedule, or I crash and burn into a pile of unmotivated laziness. My travel schedule is frequent and up until about two months ago I had settled into accepting myself for who I was. Enter Kathrine Bright, owner of KatFit LLC based in Malvern. I met Kathrine through a networking group and stalked her a bit before reaching out to see if she held the key to helping me find a way to balance travel and fitness. I laid it all on the table for her. I shared my struggles and what I have enjoyed in the past. I shared what I have tried on my own and what makes me run for the hills (I am talking about you, Zumba). Kathrine went over her programs, and we reviewed what she has done for other clients in similar situations. I let her know that I have a YMCA membership that I would like to utilize. She was able to be extremely accommodating; KatFit offers in-person coaching, as well as mobile coaching via her app. We decided that mobile would be the best fit, and within hours I was set up to get back into shape. Every week Kathrine develops a daily schedule for me to follow, never more than 45 minutes, all based on the equipment I have available. She recommended bands to purchase for when I travel, just in case there is no access to a gym (or the gym is crummy, which happens all too frequently). We video conference every two weeks, and I can message her anytime with questions about workouts, fitness and nutrition. My first month and a half went well. I felt a lot better about myself, had more energy, a desire to get sweaty, and I noticed that clothes fit better and I stood taller. When my husband and I headed to the Mediterranean for two weeks, I was armed with band workouts to get me through. While in Dubrovnik, on one of the hottest days on our trip, we decided to walk the wall around the city. After 1.25 miles and 1080 steps, we made it with plenty of energy to spare to run up more than 200 steps to get to the top of Lovrijenac Fort, all while humming to the tune to Rocky. According to my husband’s Garmin, we climbed 44 flights of stairs that day. Had I not started working with Kathrine I am not sure I would have been able to get the most stunning views of Dubrovnik without cramping up and passing out. The best part of making this change was that it never felt like fitness was the focal point. Kathrine helped me fit fitness back into my busy life, making it easier for me to improve myself, and in turn, my travel experiences. —jjones@thewcpress.com
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This month is the can’t-miss Turks Head Festival at Everhart Park on 7/21. If you can spot the five differences in this photo from last year’s event, email your answers to contests@thewcpress.com, and you’ve got a chance to win a Barnaby’s gift certificate. Congrats to our June winner, Jill Bertino from Planet Fitness.
July Playlist DJ Romeo curates a list of the tracks you’ll be singing all summer The following is a list of songs that will take over the radio stations in the next few months. You’ll soon know them by heart and play them ‘til they’re tired. But, good news: you can download them first and look like the cool musical genius to all of your friends. djromeo@thewcpress.com
www.djromeo.fm | @DJRomeo24
Jonas Brothers – “Only Human” Blanco Brown – “The Git Up” The Chainsmokers ft. Bebe Rexha – “Call You Mine” Lizzo – “Truth Hurts” Alesso ft. TINI – “Sad Song” 5 Seconds Of Summer – “Easier” Luke Combs – “Beer Never Broke My Heart” Eric Dodd – “Baecation” Katy Perry – “Never Really Over” Bazzi ft. 21 Savage – “Focus” Chris Young – “Drowning” Ed Sheeran ft. Chance The Rapper & PnB Rock – “Cross Me” BabyJake – “Cigarettes On Patios” Of Monsters And Men – “Alligator” Lil Nas X – “Panini” Sam Feldt ft. RANI – “Post Malone” Lana Del Rey – “Doin’ Time” Mark Ronson ft. Camila Cabello – “Find U Again” Cardi B – “Press” Sublime with Rome – “Light On” Flume ft. London Grammar – “Let You Know” Bastille – “Joy” Taylor Swift – “You Need To Calm Down” Gucci Mane ft. Meek Mill – “Gucci Mane” Runaway June – “Head Over Heels” Lil Baby – “Close Friends” Maddie Poppe – “Made You Miss” Tom Fuller – “Doin’ Nothin’” Ronin – “Chemical Smiles” Ingrid Michaelson – “Missing You”