Children In Tow
Jennifer Ozgur is a mother, wife and teacher who still finds time to get out and about with the family I’ve had a West Chester address for almost two decades, and I’ve seen many changes over the years. I can recall browsing through The County Seat Antiques where Fairman’s now stands, making bank deposits in retro teller booths instead of ordering a chai steamer on the corner of High and Gay, and I have the faintest memory of Woolworth’s on the opposite side of the street where Iron Hill’s stainless steel vats now reside. But one of my fondest memories is working at the old Brandywine Gourmet. I spent many a Saturday weighing and grinding coffee and recommending the perfect cheese for someone’s dessert tray. These were good times, especially during the crazy holiday season of gift baskets. I remember staying open during the Old-Fashioned Christmas Parade, up to my ears in willow baskets and shrink wrap. We kept the front door open to hear the marching bands strut by, and we’d offer mulled cider to our customers. Carolers dressed in Victorian cloaks and hats stopped by to sing a few songs, followed by a brass ensemble led by a (now retired) WCU jazz professor. After the last antique car passed and the last candy was tossed (a practice that has since been banned), we’d close up shop, and set out on the mission of spreading holiday cheer. I was single then and gravitated toward methods involving olives and limes. Now that I have a family, my focus has shifted. Instead of anticipating the events after the parade, I concentrate on seeing as much of it as possible before it gets past a certain person’s bedtime (and I’m not talking about my kids). Much more than just an ephemeral crowd on Gay Street, it’s now a weekend full of entertainment. For the athletic, there’s the Fourth Annual Jingle Elf 5K Run at 6:30pm. On-site registration begins an hour before and the route is the same as the parade, starting and finishing at Market and High. On that same corner is the tree lighting at 7:00pm, and the parade itself begins at 7:15pm. But, if you get a late start, not to worry–it loops around twice. If you want to broaden your little one’s horizons, consider exposing them to Gilbert and Sullivan. The Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Chester County will be putting on “Trial by Jury” in the Chester County Justice Center on 11/30, 12/1 and 12/1. Downtown banks and businesses also have a broad range of entertainment. In the past there have been bell ringers and puppet shows, barber shop quartets and choral/instrumental ensembles… even a pancake breakfast. It’s impossible to experience it all. I suggest first highlighting what your entire family wants to do, and then divide and conquer to please everyone. It’s been a while since my days of cheese and coffee and nights of olives and limes. But it’s a comfort to know the Mars Drinks OldFashioned Christmas Parade weekend is one thing that still remains... even if the name has changed.
novemBER 2012 |
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Check out our open house on parade night !
the wc press | voice of the borough
132 N High Street 610.431.2739
What’s your tie to the West Chester community? NB: I actually grew up in West Chester before moving to Downingtown as a teenager. And I went to Christ Community Church in West Chester, so I was there every Sunday. I definitely would say that I spent the bulk of my childhood there before leaving Pennsylvania and heading to the West Coast. So where are you now? NB: I moved to Irvine, California–it’s in the OC. I was praying about it a lot for a very long time, because I wanted to come to California to pursue music, but I could never seem to find a way to make it happen. Then, all of a sudden my mom got a job out here, and she was being relocat-
ed. I thought it was a perfect opportunity and decided to come with her. I understand you’ve had some achievements along the way? NB: I was in a couple of online competitions. In Alloy TV’s competition I made it pretty far. I was also in a band called Step by Faith, and we traveled and toured churches, which was a lot
of fun. Also, I came to Los Angeles when I was 18 and recorded two songs with Jeffrey Davis, which was a big accomplishment. I was also picked up by Monarch Music when I was 16. Can you describe your music? NB: It’s changing – it was more of a pop techno sound before, and while I’m trying to keep some of that, I am switching to a typical Christian contemporary. I’m trying my best to keep a Colbie Caillat sound to it. I really want to always keep the music lighthearted and fun, upbeat and positive.
Neena Boyko (n.) Christian Contemporary
JERRY STEPPKE GOLF OUTING Photos Lexi DiGiovanni October 1 Michael Steppke hosted a golf outing in his father’s memory to support FOP Lodge no. 19, and Barnaby’s hosted the after-party
Mike Yost, Chad Gilemi
Matt Flanders, David Rosenblatt, Kevin Trei, Brandan Paxson
Jim O’Brien, Dom Syracuse, Kerry Greco, Adam Wetzel
Sean Ryan, Doug Steimel
the wc press | voice of the borough
Michael Steppke, Alice Steppke
Matt Walsh, T.R. Moser, Kurt Scheivert
’Tis The Season! Book Your Holiday Party! 15 South High Street 610-696-1400
novemBER 2012 |
JERRY STEPPKE GOLF OUTING Photos Lexi DiGiovanni October 1 Michael Steppke hosted a golf outing in his father’s memory to support FOP Lodge no. 19, and Barnaby’s hosted the after-party
Ryan Reyolds, Brian Estock, Dan Stauffer
Brian Newman, Pat Gallagher, Sean Coll
Dan Stauffer, Sean Estock
Patrick Kenworthy, Molly Jane Chawluk, Kurt Gurndwald
the wc press | voice of the borough
novemBER 2012 |
the wc press | voice of the borough
What’s your tie to the West Chester community? MS: I own and operate Mr. Stuart’s Martial Arts and Regional Haganah Center on Hannum Ave, where I train clientele and teach varied subjects including fitness, full-contact fighting and counter-terrorism, to everyone from housewives to Homeland Security. But my real tie to this area is family. I’m raising my kids here; I met my wife at High Street Caffé, and got married at St Agnes. As a musician and as a martial arts educator I’ve travelled all over this country. There are some great places, but this area is truly a special part of the country–it’s always called me back. How did your music career begin? MS: I started a band called Mojo back in the mid80s, and we got signed to Blood Records in the early ’90s. We recorded one album with the label called “Not for Nothin.” Have you recorded since then? MS: I independently recorded three other albums. The most successful of those has been “Real House Blues.” That album got airtime on 88.5 WXPN during Helen Leicht’s show, Dave Matthews used it for
a TV special on VH1, even Britney Spears used it. It’s acoustic blues, so it’s friendly to the ears. It ended up doing so well I got a distribution deal for it a few years later. How do being a mixed martial arts instructor and playing blues fit together? MS: It’s only confusing from the outside looking in. From my perspective, I started playing music when I was four. I always played sports, but in high school I stopped growing. The classic sports didn’t make sense for me anymore, so I started training in martial arts in 1973 with a bunch of ex-service guys. I’ve continued doing both since. So you’re still playing gigs? BB: I’ve got a family now–I’ve got a wife and kids. So, I’ve stopped playing the bars and restaurants. Now I really just play bigger venues and festivals. The booking aspect is a full-time job in itself, so I’ve had to step away to be able to devote time to my business and my family.
Mojo Stu (n.) acoustic blues
novemBER 2012 |
October 7 Más Mexicali Cantina’s fashion show raised more than $2000 for the Domestic Violence Center of Chester County
Abby, Chloe, Lucia
Kimberly Weinstein, Ashley Dougherty, Laura Egee
the wc press | voice of the borough
Chris Jones, Michael Pitts
Maddie, Sam, Michael, Devin, Karissa
Radiant. Luminous. Memorable.
Open Tuesday thru Saturday
10% discount with College ID or mention of The WC Press
138 W Market St 610-344-7747 novemBER 2012 |
c h n e a rita R a LMexican Taqueria 323 East Gay Street, West Chester, PA
El Authentico Sabor Mexicano The Authentic Mexican Flavor
the wc press | voice of the borough
What’s your tie to the West Chester community? NB: Me, Steve and Brosh are all from here. Then how did you all meet? NB: We all attended University of the Arts in Philadelphia And how did Nicos Gun get started? BL: We all lived together in a house in Philly, and we were all playing in different bands. BC: Nick and I were in a band called cortez! cortez!, and we toured a bit, but that eventually fizzled out. We ended up hanging around with producer Harry Zelnick, and recording songs. We wanted to make a new band to play the music we were writing.
NB: Initially it was me, Barney and two other guys, but we ended up firing the other two guys and bringing in Steve and Brosh later because they were better. Then we brought Mic in because he’s an amazing drummer. Can you describe your music? BC: It’s like funk-rock dance music, a combination of everything we’re into. There’s James Brown and classic funk, plus elements of everything from Hendrix to Andre 3000. It’s like beat-oriented dancey rock music. NB: It’s hard to describe. Really, you just have to come to a show to get an idea – it’s really high energy. Well, where can we see you? BC: We just finished up a small tour. We’ve played everywhere.
We have opened for Big Boy, we’ve played Camp Bisco, we’ve played at Red Rocks in Colorado. And what’s in store for the coming year? NB: We’re about to put out a new album. BC: It’s a live performance recording, like old school. Now they cheat and put all the pieces together, but we played it all at once. It was awesome to cut it live. NB: So obviously we’ll tour a lot to promote that; I want to have an awesome light show and just keep building. BC: Basically what we’ve been doing, but times ten. BL: Plus, there’ll be a lot more girls coming our way this year.
Nick Bockrath | guitar Barney Cortez | guitar/vocals Steve Lyons | bass Brosh Laven | keys not pictured... Mic Odie | drums
nicos gun (n.) dance rock
novemBER 2012 |
the wc press | voice of the borough
A Three-Letter Word Jill McDevitt is the proprietor of Feminique and holds a master’s degree in Human Sexuality
sexuality this year.
As a politically astute sexologist, I have my job cut out for me when it comes to being a watchdog for offensive and inaccurate quotes about sex from politicians. This election season has been particularly bad, so it was hard to narrow it down, but here are the top four worse statements made about
1. “You just have to close your eyes.” –Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett, March 2012 Context: His thoughts on what women should do during a forced vaginal probing ultrasound if they don’t like it. Why it’s offensive: The bill requiring women to undergo vaginal probing before being able to access a legal medical procedure fits the federal definition of rape, which is offensive enough. The “close your eyes” remark is condescending and patronizing. 2. “Let’s affirm a business that operates on Christian principles and whose executives are willing to take a stand for the Godly values we espouse by simply showing up and eating at Chick-Fil-A on Wednesday, August 1.” –Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, July 2012 Context: Chick-fil-A’s president admitted the company donated more than $2 million to organizations that work to repeal the rights of gay Americans, and Huckabee sought to support Chick-fil-A. Why it’s offensive: It’s awful and unethical enough as it is that there is not marriage equality and other legal protections for gay folks, but to celebrate that and rub it in everyone’s face by deliberately encouraging constituents to spend their money at Chickfil-A so they can further donate money to anti-gay groups is over the top. 3. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” –Missouri senate candidate Todd Akin, August 2012 Context: Discussing women who choose to terminate a pregnancy that resulted from rape. Why it’s offensive: The creating of hierarchies of different types of rape–implying some are more “legitimate” than others–devalues the experiences of millions of women. His pathetic understanding of basic biology flies in the face of tens of thousands of women every year who are violated by a rape and an ensuing pregnancy, and would be further violated by being forced to give birth to their rapist’s baby. 4. “You know, something may be going down tonight, but it ain’t going to be jobs, sweetheart.” –New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, January 2012 Context: Responding to female hecklers who chanted that the jobs rate has gone down while he was governor. Why it’s offensive: The oral sex insinuation is borderline sexual harassment. The “sweetheart” remark is sexist and was used to infantilize and belittle the women.
novemBER 2012 |
MIDNIGHT MADNESS Photos by Andrew Hutchins
October 14 West Chester University basketball and helped fans celebrate the start of the season
Brianna Antunes, Megan Silagyi
Theresa, Sean, Katie
Virginia, Caitlyn, Taryn
the wc press | voice of the borough
Michelle, Jordyn, Laura, Kalyn, Bri
Matt, Tim
novemBER 2012 |
the wc press | voice of the borough
What’s your tie to the West Chester community? RD: Marcus and I met at West Chester University in 2006. I was a freshman, and he was a junior. MR: I would say that we really got our legs in West Chester from playing at The Note, Turks Head one year, and the Restaurant Festival. And we still live here, Russ and I. Can you describe your music? MR: I would say a good word to use is progressive, because we always start from one place and the song will always form into something by the end of it – it always changes. RD: We like to keep it interesting and upbeat without a vocalist – you need to keep the listener engaged without the vocals. How did the band get together? RD: I’ve known Kevin for about 11 years now. We grew up together in Reading. When I came to West Chester and met Marcus, the three of us played in a metal group. We realized pretty quickly that the genre wasn’t the right move for us. MR: Peter and I knew each other in high school, and he hit me up one day trying to start a music project. I invited him to play with me, Russ and Kevin and there was good chemistry. Do you all have other jobs? RD: We all have full-time jobs. I do sales training for, Kevin works at Godiva and Peter does IT for Vanguard. MR: I’m in the service department at Energy Management Systems. I oversee the guys who fix messed up meters, and I handle readings.
MR: We have a lot of time off, and I go in to work from 6:30am2:30pm, Monday through Friday. Tell me about the tour. RD: We went to southern California to tour out there. We played shows in Long Beach, San Diego and L.A. Why SoCal? RD: A few reasons: 1. We had a few people we knew out there through the band. 2. We made a conscious decision that, as much as this area has been good to us, we wanted to go far away. We wanted to throw it out there to see if we’d get a bite, and it all came together. You’re working on a new album. RD: Yeah, we already have three albums, and we’re working on a fourth. It took us up until “Atlantica,” our third album, to find our sound, and then we took all of our favorite parts from the first three albums and put them into this one. This is a culmination of three and a half years’ work. MR: Our older albums vary significantly in the moods and styles. RD: We’re really excited about this because we’re all very comfortable, and I feel like I’m having a lot of fun writing this album.
You guys just finished a small tour. How’d you find time? RD: Our jobs are flexible with our band’s schedule.
Marus Rodriguez | bass Russ Daniels | guitar not pictured... Kevin Burk | drums Peter Willis | guitar
North end
(n.) instrumental rock novemBER 2012 |
the wc press | voice of the borough
The Makeshift Chef
Chelsea Durning is a cook by trade, and she knows how to scrap up a delicious meal with seasonal ingredients The inspiration music brings to people is endless. The same goes for food. There are a countless songs and bands named after food. While most of the time the songs aren’t food-centric, I like to think that the best songs are all about edibles...especially with Thanksgiving right around the corner. “Soggy Pretzel” Stuffing (Inspired by Neil Diamond) • 1 20-oz bag of pretzels (nugget sized would be best) • ½ Spanish Onion, diced • 3-4 stalks Celery, chopped • 1 Apple, diced • ¼ cup Dried Cranberries • 2 tbsp. Bell’s Pepper poultry seasoning • 2-3 cups Chicken Broth In a large bowl, mix the broth and seasoning. Soak the pretzels for a few minutes. Add remaining ingredients. Grease an 8x8” or 13x9” pan (depending on how thick you want it). Cover the mixture with parchment paper and aluminum foil. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until firm to the touch. “Cold Turkey” Sandwich (Inspired by John Lennon) • 3 slices Bread (Reader’s choice) • ¼ cup Cranberry Sauce • ¼ “Soggy Pretzel” stuffing (recipe above) • 2 tbsp Mayonnaise • 4-6 slices Roasted Turkey • ¼ Turkey Gravy Toast two slices of bread. Spread mayo on the toast. On one slice, layer half of the turkey, half of the stuffing and half of the cranberry sauce. Soak the non-toasted slice of bread in the gravy. Place the soaked bread slice over the layers. Repeat layering and top with the last piece of toast. “Peaches ‘N Cream” (Inspired by 112) • 3-4 Peaches, sliced (Frozen will work) • 1 tsp. Ground Cinnamon • 1 cup Brown Sugar • Ginger Snap Cookies, crumbled • 10 egg yolks • 3 oz Peach Schnapps, divided (1 oz, 2 oz) • ¼ cup Granulated Sugar • 1 qt Heavy Cream • 1 cup 10x (Confectioner’s) Sugar In a bowl over boiling water, whisk the egg yolks, 1 oz schnapps, and granulated sugar until it resembles ribbons and turns a very pale yellow. If it starts to smell like scrambled eggs, you cooked them too much. While egg mixture is cooling, whip heavy cream, remaining schnapps, and 10x sugar until stiff peaks form. Gently fold egg mixture into the whipped cream. Keep cool. Cook peaches, sugar and cinnamon until syrupy. In serving dishes, place peaches on the bottom. Spread on crumbled cookies and top with whipped cream. Garnish with leftover cookie crumbles.
121 East Gay Street, Prescott Alley Entrance Located behind Zukin Realty, Next to Doc Magrogan’s
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We don’t just want you to feel better; we want you to be healthier. Mention this Ad and receive a 60-minute massage for $60 novemBER 2012 |
the wc press | voice of the borough
We are proud to offer up a print version of everyone’s favorite bar game... and you won’t have to pay 50 cents. Actually, you can WIN money. Compare the two photos at right. They may look the same, but there are seven subtle differences between the two. Find those seven differences and identify the items that have been changed. Then send an email to listing those items. You’ll be entered to win a $25 gift card to a local business. Winners will be chosen at random, and their name will be posted to Facebook along with the solution at the end of the month. So make sure to like us and follow along if you want to play. Enjoy!
We changed this photo taken during Mr Greengene’s farewell performance at Alibis on Red Solo Cup Thursday. Can you spot seven differences?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. novemBER 2012 |
So, Schaffer’s been around for some time now, right? Jon Schaffer: This year we’re celebrating our 35-year anniversary. We’ve been around since September of 1977.
1983 he had a full-blown business even though he was only 20. I joined the company that year at the age of 13. We’ve grown since then, but we’re still a family business.
Who founded the company? Jon Schaffer: My older brother Ken started it at the age of 13 in my parents’ basement. He started out doing high school dances, YMCA parties and a lot of stuff like that.
What has it grown into today? Jon Schaffer: It’s grown into a 5,000 square foot building in the hub of Delaware County. We employ eight full-time employees, 20 contracted wedding entertainers and more than 50 bar and club DJs.
How did it grow from there? Jon Schaffer: It just grew through word of month. In the ’70s bands were dying because of the disco era, and everyone went from bands to DJs. At the time, there were only a handful of DJs available. By the early 80s Ken was handling weddings, and by
Are DJs the only service you offer? Jon Schaffer: No, we offer state-of-the-art uplighting, monogram lighting, dancefloor lighting, everything you need to make your wedding look beautiful. We also handle promotions, karaoke, pub quizzes, all kinds of great nightlife entertainment.
Nick Vecchio aka DJ Romeo
How’d you get your DJ name? Romeo was my nickname in college. It was my job to get females to our parties at Pi Kapp–I was good at it.
Angelo Malgieri aka L.O. Music
What’s your strangest song request? A white woman, probably around 50 years old, asked me play 2Pac and Snoop Dogg’s “2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted.” She rapped every single word to the song and danced her ass off.
shane mccann aka DJ cann
When you get your start DJing? I started off DJing parties at my frat, Beta, back in 2010. I’ve been spinning since then and have moved on to playing the bars around town.
walt taylor aka DJ DubT3
What’s the most requested song in West Chester right now? Unfortunately, it is “Gangnam Style” by Korean pop artist Psy.
Anthony Farole aka DJ Twon OFY
What’s the most requested song of all time? Everywhere I go, it seems like people are requesting “Cupid Shuffle.”
Dan green aka DJ verde
What do you like most about DJing? It’s a great way to become involved in the social aspects of the community– a way to connect with business owners and other young professionals.
sebastien valencia aka Bash the DJ
Do you ever meet girls through DJing? A gentleman never tells... So, yes. Obviously.
tom boyd aka Boyder aka boyderdaggie aka DJ RED WINE
What’s a part of the job most people don’t think about? A lot of times girls come up to you and ask you to hold onto their purses. I like that they trust me and all, but I don’t know you.
jabair kahn aka DJ J-Bair
Why do you like DJing in West Chester? This is my hometown, so it’s cool to go on and already know the crowd, and to perform in front of friends.
Schaffer nightlife
(n.) DJs
novemBER 2012 |
RYAN’S GOLF OUTING Photos Paul Imburgia
October 8 Ryan’s Pub’s golf outing wasn’t just an excuse for a good time – it was a fundraiser for the ALS Association of Greater Philadelphia
Brynn Kennedy, Doug Ferry, Sean Finn
Brent Snedecker, Pat Ryan, Rory McElroy
Mike Treston, Don Eadie, Adam Dzedzy
Paul Ryan, Sean Ryan, Paul Cornly
Bobby Muth, Kevin Murray, Patrick Mahoney
Matt Conaway, Rob Shrader, Ryan Cranston
the wc press | voice of the borough
novemBER 2012 |
the wc press | voice of the borough
What’s your tie to the West Chester community? ML: James and I live here. For the rest of us it serves as a home base. RM: Yeah. I drink here. We all used to get blasted up at Vincent’s. Can you define your music? JM: I’d call us aggressive soul jazz, but it definitely trends towards the more aggressive. RM: If we’re in a jazz club, we sound like a rock band. If we’re in a rock club, we sound like a jazz band. DAJ: But really, we’re country at heart. What’s life like outside of music? JM: I’m a school teacher. Michael’s a teacher, too.
ML: I’m an adjunct professor of sociology at West Chester University, plus I teach at Temple and some at DCCC. DAJ: I’m a farmer. RM: And I run a trucking company that picks up used vegetable oil and transports it so it can be converted into bio-diesel fuel.
Your music has a sound to it that’s really dated. RM: It’s from a time when music was better.
How long have you been playing together? RM: Don and I have been playing together since, I guess, 1988. Right? Since ninth grade. JM: Michael and I have been in a variety of other bands, but the four of us have been playing together since 2005.
You guys released a new album? RM: The record was all recorded live. We played as a full band and recorded that. There’s no cutting, no auto-tune. We just play the music. JM: It’s called “Get In” and you can buy copies at our shows. It should also be available on iTunes by November 1.
And yet it still sounds relevant. ML: That’s the organ. It’s our secret weapon. People are really receptive to it, because it’s old, yet ageless.
Michael Lynch | drums Rob Mastrippolito | guitar James McLaughlin | keys Don Allaband Jr. | bass
The Sermon! (n.) aggressive soul jazz
WC OKTOBERFEST Photos by Paul Imburgia
Oktober 4 The WC Press ditched their monthly networking event in favor of an Oktoberfest party that Ram’s Head kindly hosted
Nick Vecchio, Adam Jones, Lexi DiGiovanni, Dan Mathers
Kaitlin Luczak, Sheila King, Amanda Hopkins
Lauren, Hutch, John
Sarah Rowe, Ben Weeny, Deanna O’Hanna
Tom, Michelle, Meghan
Adam Jones, Lara Corothers, Liz Elder, Nick Vecchio
the wc press | voice of the borough
West Chester’s First Gastropub Join us for...
Classes at... Peter’s Salon & European Spa 1009 West Chester Pike Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs @7pm & Sat @9:30am Bring this ad to your first class and it’s FREE
$7 Bud Light Pitchers and $.50 Wings all day 17 Big Screen TVs Special Football Menu
Try Our New Fall Menu Cafe Seating Now Available. novemBER 2012 |
WC OKTOBERFEST Photos by Paul Imburgia
Oktober 4 The WC Press ditched their monthly networking event in favor of an Oktoberfest party that Ram’s Head kindly hosted
Kyle Rheiner, Luke Kimball
John J. Gallagher III, Jess English, Tim Zupko, Jessica Miller
Josh, Matt, Tyler
Nick, Arleen, Angela, Dan, Adam
Joe Domino, Chris Harley, John Hannafin
James, Rich
the wc press | voice of the borough
Live Acoustic Music Every Friday Night 929 S High Street, West Chester, PA 19382 484-887-8771 |
Patio Dining Banquet Room
Comfort Food at it’s Best! Libation Creation of the Month:
Smashing Pumpkin Martini
novemBER 2012 |
142 e maRKeT ST | ThenOTeWC.COm dOORS 7pm dOORS 7pm
fRiday, nOvembeR 2
The ShiTfiTS SaTuRday, nOvembeR 3
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fRiday, OCTObeR 2
aLL ageS
CeRminaRO aRT SChOLaRShip benefiT dOORS 7pm
WedneSday, nOvembeR 7
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ThuRSday, nOvembeR 8
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SaTuRday, nOvembeR 10
The ROCKeT SummeR
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TueSday, nOvembeR 13
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WedneSday, nOvembeR 14
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ThuRSday, nOvembeR 15
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nOvembeR 17-18
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WedneSday, nOvembeR 21
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ThuRSday, nOvembeR 22
miChaeL mORROW band bOdega
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mOnday, nOvembeR 26
dOORS 7pm
fRiday, nOvembeR 30
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fRiday, nOvembeR 23 | ShOW STaRTS 7pm | evenT iS 18+
aSheR ROTh
upCOming ShOWS in nOvembeR...
11/13: mOd Sun 11/23: SOnaTa aRCTiCa 80
the wc press | voice of the borough
Bartender of the Month C
ameron Taylor’s been behind the bars of West Chester for more than a decade. And, having worked at two of West Chester’s best music venues, he’s watched this town’s music scene more closely than most. So, we figured we’d find out a bit more about one of West Chester’s bestknown bearded men in honor of the music issue. How long have you been working at The Note? CT: I’ve been here since we opened, so let’s see…four years as of this past September. And what were you doing before? CT: I had a welding day job, and I was actually working for the same owner as The Note over at Rex’s for about seven years. It was a pretty sweet racket. What are the biggest changes you’ve seen? CT: Aside from drinking trends and the economy taking a dump, I’ve seen a lot of creative boozing and boozers. This industry is getting ridiculous in terms of the things coming out from behind the bar. How about in terms of the music in this town? CT: West Chester’s got a solid base in everything from the jazz and folky genres to local hip hop and punk rock. Even though the individual names may change, much stays the same, and in terms of progression, it’s pretty wild what’s come out of this town. It’s neat to see. What are some of the best acts to come through your bars? CT: I’m gonna say, hands down, number one would be Clutch, then De La Soul. Actually, before I started bartending, Run DMC was in West Chester. They played at 15 North the first time it was 15 North.
What’s your personal taste? CT: I’m all over the map, from sludge metal to hip hop, and – I guess you can print this–I’m a huge Depeche Mode fan. I really listen to a bit of it all. Have you worked at other bars? CT: I’ve worked at a couple places in Philly, like the Trocadero. Have you worked at places that aren’t music venues? CT: Everyone in this industry puts in time somewhere awful, and when I was young I worked at a Chi-Chi’s. Do you have a typical crowd at The Note? CT: No, I don’t. My crowd–which is perfect for me–varies. And, depending on the vein of music I’m dealing with that night, that’s the crowd I’m serving. It’s a new crowd every night. Which is neat, or is massively irritating, depending. Well, what’s the most irritating genre? CT: I’m not at liberty to say. That might put my job in jeopardy. Then, what’s the best genre to serve? CT: I guess, monetarily speaking, people who still have jobs but are working towards retirement. You know, people with dual savings accounts, like a nearly geriatric group. But you can’t necessarily say what genre that is because it varies with the crowd – they’re not necessarily a classic rock or a hippy crowd. Anything coming up that you’re looking forward to? CT: Right now, we have a bunch of awesome stuff in the works that isn’t solidified yet, like a possible end of the world party for December 21st. WCP
novemBER 2012 |
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the wc press | voice of the borough
What’s your tie to the West Chester community? TB: Being born and raised–all my family is here. I was born here in 1987, and I haven’t left since. I’ve been around the world, but West Chester’s where I lay my head and call home. How did you become a hip hop artist? TB: Actually, my freshman year at West Chester University there was a kid on my floor named Brian Fitzgerald, who had been in the band Leaving Cash for years. We ended up clicking and doing work. Before I know it, he is booking me to open for his shows. Now he’s one of my good friends.
Where did you first perform? TB: My first performance was at West Chester University at the Camp Abilities benefit. It was for underprivileged kids. What are you doing with music now? TB: These days I’m working on my first album and a follow-up mixtape. The mixtape, Epic Knights 2, should be completed by December. Can you describe your music? TB: If I were to compare it the music that’s coming out now, it’s a lot more about telling life stories. I have an in-depth focus on lyricism and story telling, rather than my music being about partying. What’s your writing process like? TB: I can be anywhere, but usually I find myself writing while on the train commuting to Philly. I write a lot about reflecting on the things that have happened to me recently. Other times I draw inspiration from talking with friends and running with ideas. From there, once I get the ideas in my head, I know what kind of beat I need to support my message. For me, the lyrics come first, but I know a lot of other artists like to have the beat, then write to it. Where do the lyrics come from? TB: The lyrics come from everyday life, trying to show the world what it’s like to be from West Chester, what it’s like to grow up the way I did. Why do you feel compelled to share? TB: That can get deep. I come from a divorced family, so I’ve relocated, been to different schools, experienced so many things in my life that other people just don’t go through. People look at you like your life is just crazy if you try to tell them, so it’s easier for me to share my experience through lyrics, through my music.
Teddy Bigglesworth (n.) hip hop
novemBER 2012 |
the wc press | voice of the borough
Who’s That?
Below are three minimalist block sketches of different, unrelated, fictional characters. Think you can figure out who’s who? Check our website for a hint, then tweet your answers @TheWCPress for a chance to win a gift card to a local business.
novemBER 2012 |
the wc press | voice of the borough
The West Chester Mix DJ Romeo curates a playlist comprising tunes written by folks who are proud of their West Chester roots.
Artists utilize their medium to tell a story about who they are–to reveal the inner workings of their lives. And, there is little that shapes our lives more than the place that we call home. Try to imagine Nirvana without Seattle. Try to imagine “Buffalo Soldier” without Jamaica. The place we rest our heads shapes who we are, and it shapes the things we create with our lives. That’s why I find the following list of music to be so incredibly intriguing: all of these musicians are tied to West Chester in some way or another. Before I even hear the music, I know there will be something relatable in its sound, in its lyrics. Many of these musicians are featured in the pages of this magazine, but there are many more worthy of recognition. And,this music isn’t just something we can all relate to–it’s something we can be proud of.
Believe it or not, Matisyahu, the man behind “King Without a Crown” was born Matthew Miller right here in West Chester 1. HAHA-YO – “Sundress” 2. Asher Roth – “Lark On My Go-kart” 3. Nomad Clientele – “Release” 4. Matisyahu – “King Without a Crown” 5. Dr. Dog – “Heart It Races” 6. Lost in Paris – “My Existense” 7. Teddy Bigglesworth – “The Pressure” 8. Northend – “Atlantica” 9. Nico’s Gun – “We Could Die” 10. The Sermon – “Benny’s Tune (Cat’s Ass)” 11. John Grecia – “Art of Spring” 12. Neena Boyko – “Vegas” 13. Mason Porter – “Old Freight Train” 14. Organik Theory – “Track Rippin” 15. Houston Calls – “Exit Emergency” 16. CKY – “96 Quite Bitter Beings” 17. Katelyn Krapf – “Destiny” 18. Mojo Stu – “Hootchie Mama”
novemBER 2012 |