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a particular subject or skill. With this in mind, the school maintains a tutor pool of approved and vetted tutors who are cleared to work on our campus. Academic tutors should have a BA/BS in a relevant discipline or be strong juniors and seniors at the Claremont Colleges. Individual music instruction may also take place on campus, and all music teachers must be approved as part of our tutor pool. All tutors will need to apply for and receive clearance in order to work on our campus. Tutors are allowed to work in our campus facilities and are asked to communicate with the director of studies involving the progress of their students. Tutors are considered independent contractors and paid directly by families. Finally, The Webb Schools offer both individual and group SAT tutoring options to families on our campus. We work in collaboration with vetted SAT tutoring companies in order to provide skilled and affordable prep courses. Information about these companies and their services is available through the Office of College Guidance. All other SAT tutors who work on our campus must apply to become part of our tutor pool. In addition, they must follow guidelines about the appropriate emphasis that should be placed on standardized test preparation and the timeline that is best to fit that preparation into The Webb Schools’ academic and student life program that are established by the Office of College Guidance. The Webb Schools do not allow independent college counselors to operate on our campus, as we believe the use of these counselors compromises our ability to successfully serve students during the college process. For any questions regarding our philosophy on tutoring, please contact the director of studies.
Special Notes: 1. Webb faculty and staff may not be compensated for tutoring Webb students without prior approval from the director of studies. There should be no tutoring of non-Webb students on campus. On-campus faculty is permitted to have their own children tutored in their residences.
2. All tutoring will take place in the Fawcett Library classrooms,
Hooper Community Center, or in designated music practice space, and tutors will be asked to sign in and out in the Hooper
Community Center. Tutoring should be scheduled during a student’s free blocks or other open time in a student’s schedule excluding X-blocks and office hours. Students cannot miss Webb commitments for tutoring appointments.
Unbounded Days
Every other year we celebrate Unbounded Days at The Webb Schools. During these days, every student enrolls in a three- to five-day experiential course led by Webb faculty and staff. The mission of the program reads: Unbounded Days draw upon The Webb Schools’ enduring purpose of inspiring students to boldly reach for a greater sense of who they are and what they can achieve. Through immersive, collaborate, relevant and deeply engaging journeys that connect the classroom and the broader world, students expand their understanding of what it means to think, create, and reflect. They learn that their possibilities and minds are truly unbounded. The Unbounded Days catalogue is made available to students and parents in the fall of each program year. Unbounded Days are considered part of the school year calendar. Students seeking excused absences for Unbounded Days must follow the same request process as for missing regular school days. Missing Unbounded Days is highly discouraged. Unbounded Days is scheduled for March 2-6, 2022.
Course Selection Guide
Webb’s Course Selection Guide, published each spring, provides additional information on our academic program. You can access this publication at www.webb.org.
The Academic Day at Webb
Class Attendance. Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes, unless they are excused for illness, a college pass, a schoolsponsored activity, or a family emergency. All excuses must be documented through a note, phone call, or other message to the attendance coordinator. Parents of day students are asked to call the attendance coordinator at (909) 447-7078 for unanticipated absences. Students are considered present if they are in class at the start of the period, tardy if they arrive within the first five minutes of class, and absent if they arrive later than five minutes into class time. Students are expected to come to class prepared, in appropriate attire and with all necessary materials. Anticipated and Unanticipated Absences. When students know in
advance that they will be absent from a class, they are expected to seek approval in advance by completing a planned absence form, available in the dean’s office. They must submit assignments and arrange for