The Weekly Exercise and How to Work Out

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tw exercise

How To Work out Where Do I begin?


Warm up


For this part of the arm and the first exercise you will do a bicep curl. This works the bicep or the top part of your arm. The starting position is holding the bar in front of the thighs, the arms full extended and palms facing away from the body.Bring the bar up and toward the chest keeping the elbows tight next to the body. The second movement is slowly lowering the weight back to the starting position. You must do 10 of these in a row or what is called a set. Each set you should do 3 times with a one-minute rest period in between. After you finish this we will move on to the next exercise.


A proper workout should start with a warm up. A warm up is a routine designed to prepare the muscles for intense exercise. The warm up helps improve blood flow to working muscles, and prevents the muscles from tearing or getting other injuries. Learning how to do a proper workout is a great way to get the most out of your exercise. For an arm workout you need to do an exercise that warms up the core along with the arms. An elliptical machine as pictured on the left is the perfect piece of equipment to get the arms active and warmed up before a workout. If an elliptical machine isn’t an option, dynamic stretching as seen on the right along with a light jog can work just as well to warm up the body. Dynamic stretching is when you swing your arms back and forth across your chest lessening the arms. The stretching itself is movement oriented. To begin you want to spend about 10 total minutes warming up.




Forearm exercises should be completed last. This is because the muscles in the forearms are smaller and assist with the movements of the Biceps and Triceps. If you do these exercises before or during the workout they will fatigue faster and you wont be able to maximize your lift of the larger muscles. First we will do the exercise for the extensors or top part of the arm on the right. Start with the forearms laying on the thighs with the hands holding a weight extended beyond the knee palm facing the floor. Lower the weight toward the floor, bending the wrist. Then move the hand toward the ceiling or “extending� the wrist and returning to the starting psosition. Do 3 sets of this with a minute break in between each set as stated before. The next forearm muscle is the flexor or the bottom part of the arm. For this exercise you will hold the barbell behind your back and push your palms upwards towards the ceiling. Do three sets of these with a minute break in between each set. It is recomend just three sets for each.

For proper muscular balance, we will work the opposite muscle group of the Biceps. These are the Triceps and on the back of your arm. For the tricep muscle you will do what is known as a French press. For this exercise you will sit on an angled bench while cupping your hands around the bar onto the head of the weight. Bring the weight behind your head and bring your arms down until the bicep touches your forearm. After this push your arms up to the sky doing an extension. Repeat this 10 times for a set and do three sets with a one minute break in between each set. After completing three sets of the ticep muscle go back to the bicep exercise and do three additional sets. After that is completed do the same with the tricep. After you are finished you should have completed 2 workouts or 6 sets of the bicep and tricep exercise alternating after 3 sets each.

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Cool Down To finish up a long first workout you must begin the cool down. The cool down allows the body to return to its resting state. For a cool down like the warm up get onto the elliptical machine but for a shorter length of time, or shorten the run. Then, instead of dynamic stretching one will be doing a static stretch. A static stretch is when there is no movement. This also helps clear out lactic acid, a by-product of muscle movement which causes soreness in muscles. Stretching will reduce soreness and swelling the next day. Like the pictures above you will stretch out the muscles that you just worked out which will be very tight. Stretching will also increase your range of motion. Spend about 5 minutes stretching while varying the muscle groups you stretch until you have stretched out all of the muscles. You have now finished your exercise and are ready to start your journey to working out at the gym.


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