Vol 12, Issue3

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Vol. 12 Issue 3

Indian Institute of Journalism & New Media, Bangalore

13 September 2012 INSIDE

Doubts cast over city TB records By Pushkar Banakar TUBERCULOSIS is


No. of TB cases registered between 2007-2012 Source: NTI

blight of India yet Bangalore

• Mumbai • Delhi • Kolkata • Bangalore

remains TB-free according to state records. No single case of tuberculosis has been reported in the city

– – – –

since 2007 according to the Renewed National Tuberculosis

Mr. Reddy, was the only person

Control Programme (RNTCP).

available for comment.

The government embarked on a massive drive to eradicate tuberculosis from India. The Na-

437 786 663

tional Tuberculosis Control Pro-

Cousin will fill dead mafia boss’s


boots, police say.


In 2011, there was a severe

vate hospital.” He claims that the depart-



>Page 2

1991-2011. outbreak of a new type of tuberculosis, Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB).

Almost every other city in

He said: “It has always been

ment is working towards spread-

The government of India im-

India has registered hundreds of

like this and I do not know why it

ing awareness of the disease in

plemented RNTCP, a revised

cases in the last five years.

is not being improved.

the city.

control programme, to overcome

Dr. Anup Khare, a specialist, said: “It is practically impossible

“No other staff has reported to the office in a long time.”

“We do conduct day long

MDR-TB. It widely promoted the

Arakere residents fight to save

awareness camps twice a month

use of Directly Observed Treat-

their lake from the builders.

for a place not to register any

Even the secretary of KSTA,

in schools, nursing colleges,

ment Short (DOTS) course and

case of TB for such a long pe-

has not reported for duty in the

medical colleges and pharmacy

free antibiotics.


last three months.

colleges,” he said.

Across India, it is almost im-

Even though records state

Reddy, when asked about

The senior doctor, missing

possible to find a city free of TB.

no cases of TB, chemists have

the unavailability of the senior

from his post, could not be con-

In Hyderabad alone, 1,112

Rifampicin, medicine for TB,

doctor, said: “He does not come

tacted even after repeated at-

cases were reported in the last 5

stocked for sale.

here. He generally goes to a pri-



The Karnataka State Tuber-

Better sports facilities and policies for school children. >Page 3

culosis Association (KSTA), responsible


>Page 2


awareness of tuberculosis lies in near ruin. The building, in Shivaji Nagar, is almost deserted and one of its senior doctors hasn’t turned up to work for three months. The office does not only seem abandoned by its staff but

Disabled people struggle to ac-

the infrastructure also lies neg-

cess the ID card offices. >Page 3

lected. The doors and windows are Photo: Nupur Gour

in need of repair. The walls are turning yellow in places and the paint is peeling off the walls. There is no provision for lights or fans in the office. There is a computer in the office but no electricity. Assistant Project Manager,

Main entrance to Bangalore’s only TB centre (inset) leading to a near-abandoned office.

High Court judge rules against state pollution board. > Page 3

Seven years without wages Photo: Reshma Tarwani

By Reshma Tarwani

Mrs. Glory Rosalind

Glory Rosalind, an employee

claimed her bosses and col-

Basavraju said: “The Employers

of Karnataka Food and Civil

leagues discriminated against

had accepted their fault initially

Supplies Corporation Depart-

her and took them to court.

but changed their statement

Accidents rampant in the city

right after the first hearing of the

due to reckless drivers.

ment (KFCSC), has not receievd her entitled salary since 2005. Mrs. Rosalind joined KFCSC

As a result of her protest, she was demoted to a junior assistant’s post.

case.” When questioned on why

in 1984 as a trainee and was

In 2005, she filed another pe-

Mrs. Rosalind is not quitting the

soon promoted to Senior Assis-

tition against the corporation

job, she said: “I won’t do that. I

stant but her salary remained on

which were again ignored.

am not scared of these man-

a trainee’s grade.

After she filed the case, her

According to Rosalind, her

employers stopped her wages.

> Page 4

agers. I will fight for my post and my salary. I know I will win it."

colleagues shunned her as she

According to her employers’

The case is still pending in

A government clerk claims

was a Catholic in a Hindu domi-

version, she was demoted be-

the High Court and she is wait-

Lives of technicians at risk in pri-

she has not been paid her

nated office.

cause of inefficiency in work.

ing for the next hearing.

vate hospitals of Kengeri.

salary for past seven years.





Mrs. Rosalind’s lawyer, M.C.

>Page 4


The Weekly Observer

13 September, 2012 | City

Cousin will take over from slain mafia boss player in many illegal land deals

Exclusive By Krishnaprasad S

that took place in and around Nelamangala

THE power vacuum left by a





notorious gangster’s death

“We had pieces of land in

will be filled by his cousin.

Nelamangala which was the

The Bangalore Police be-

only source of income. One day

lieve that Shankar, the cousin of

seena along with his associates

notorious rowdy sheeter Bettan-

came and offered us a good

agere Seena alias Srinivas will

price for our land,” said a victim

take over the reins of Seena’s

of the same.

land grabbing racket. and


“But we later came to know cousin

that the land value was almost

Shankar had split after a fight

four times the value he offered Photo: KPN


over contesting in a gram panchayat election. "The ruckus bloodbath by the local underworld in Nela-

me. “And later if someone went him asking him about the deals he





mangala is linked to real estate

Police inspect the spot where Rowdy sheeter, Bettanagere Seena, was killed in a police shoot

threaten us of taking away our

deals around the area.

out at Herohalli in Bangalore Rural District on Friday.

lives,” he added.

Many property agents of Nelamangala and Bangalore were involved with Seena," said a police officer.





them,” according to sources.

“They also gave us only Rs

With the encounter of Bet-

30 lacs, where the land value

tanagere Seena, the under-

Harsha, Bande Manja and

was eight times more than the





Venkatesh, the associates of

cost they offered us”, said

Bangalore seems to be broken

D Prakash, Police Superin-

seena who are still absconding

Murthy (name changed) who

while there are clear signs of his

tendant, said the underworld in

according to the police are in-

lost his land.

cousin Shankar taking over the

Nelamangala needs a serious

volved in the land mafia, money

The Bangalore Rural police

crack down. The real estate

extortion and many petty cases.

have decided to book some

Kumar, the secretary of

derworld in this area, and hence

Sunkathammayanapalya Milk

Goonda Act to control illegal ac-

land value has gone up here.

Federation in Magadi who gave

tivities on the city outskirts and




Photo: KPN

business is controlled by the un-



Bettanagere Seena alias Srinivas,35, born in 1975, first appeared in police files in 2005 when





Bettanagere Seena


cent activities.

Basavaiah, a politician, in Nela-

“The land that was in and

hand in Seena’s land mafia

around Nelamangala has been

business has been taken into

The squad setup by Home

sold ten to twelve times more

custody. Bande Manja was sup-

minister R Ashoka, was formed

“We are taking action. We

the prescribed value.

ported by Kumar.

23 days ago, under Deputy

will strive to bring down crime

Seena was also the prime


on the city outskirts and rural

suspect in B M L Krishnappa’s

in rural areas.




They (Seena and his asso-

“They threatened us over

ciates) tortured everyone who

the phone that we would be

(DySP), V Sridhar, who took ac-

areas,” a police officer of the

murder case that happened on

refused the deal and illegally

killed if we did not sign the deal

tion and is now interrogating

squad said.

July 25, 2012 on the Nelaman-

got the land papers signed by

with them.

rowdy sheeters about their re-



Seena was also the key

gala highway.

Residents join forces to save Arakere lake By Hansa V


RESIDENTS of Arakere have

LDA director, Dr Ralph, Urban

come together to save their

expert, N. Mukunda and several

On 29th August, Veena and

lake from death and illegal

other officials visited the sight

Vandana, members of the ANIT



sibility of lake development lies

the vanishing of the old land-

residents. A rough estimate of

with BBMP and BDA.

marks that demarcated the lake

the project is about five lakh ru-





around it, Shilpa vowed to send


"We must treat the lakes as if they are our life and not as just another part of the environment hence it is a must for peo-

formed by the members of

ple to start paying attention and

Arakere residential area com-

respecting their environment,"

prising of ten official members.

said Arbindkumar Gupta, head

They are aiming to rejuvenate

of the ANIT, “surprisingly the

the lake and protect it from the

government is supporting us

builders who have constructed

fully. They are actually calling

numerous residential and com-

and asking to go further with the

Photo:Hansa V

Arakere Neighborhood Improvement Trust (ANIT) was

mercial complexes on the lake. “Lakes are not just tourist spots anymore. They have to be saved to protect mankind from further droughts. The ANIT is

Massive encroachement at the Arakere lake

sure to succeed in its goals as it

before the legal battle plan for

met the area representative,

notices to the respective en-

has good intentions,” said Pras-

the encroachments was being

Ms. Hari Shilpa, to kick start the


sanna, a resident of J.P. Nagar.


legal battle against encroach-

The trust is planning to hook

Dr Ashwin Mahesh, One

ments on the lake.

project.” Sapna,



BBMP said that the project was first handled by them and was then transferred to the BDA and

She said: “I will ensure that the notices are given to all the

hopes that it will succeed. Mr. Mukunda brought out two key points about lake development and its safety.

up with area representatives to

Bengaluru and Loksatta high-

Hari Shilpa, agreed to sur-

encroachers as soon as the

He noted that the knowledge

find out about the illegal con-

lighted the need for citizens to

vey the lake and on 5th Sep-

boundaries of the lake from all

of the topological structure of

structions by the lake. Starting

participate in public problem

tember, along with few others,

sides are clearly established. It

lakes which provides for natural

with minor duties like cleaning

solving and begin with small ac-

went around the lake boundary

is expected to take a month. Let

connectivity of water flow be-

the lake, its bed and eventually


and acknowledged the different

us wait and see what happens.”


the encroachment.

Dr. Ralph told about the

encroachments that need to be

The funding of this project

He also mentioned that the

will be handled by the trust

government should look into

As the actual boundary of

members themselves either by

this issue in partnership with

the lake was unclear due to the

seeking sponsors from corpo-

lake teams.

Ellappa Reddy, chief envi-

roles and responsibility of LDA

ronment officer, accompanied

in Bangalore as an approving,

by BDA Chief Conservator of



Forest, Brijesh Kumar, BBMP

agency, while the actual respon-

illegal constructions and hence

rate and/or donations by the




13 September 2012 | 03

The Weekly Observer

Sport for all children, vows minister

By Udita Chaturvedi

The ministry is also planning

Physical education will be

to include fixing sports quota in-


appointments and also promo-




schools within months.

tions on their achievements on

Speaking exclusively to The

turnkey basis.

Observer, Minister of Youth Serv-

The students who get through

ices and Sports, Appachu Ran-

sports quota will be eligible for

jan, revealed plans to build new

fees concession as well.

Photo:Satyajith GD

sports stadia and start nurturing talented children from as young as ten. Mr. Ranjan said: “The condition of sports and sportspersons in Karnataka is not so satisfactory. Lot of improvements needs Sport will no longer will be a novelty for kids like these.

to be done.” The Ministry plans to construct stadia in various local taluks of the city.

and help improve the level of sports in the state.

The minister agreed that sports have not received as much importance as it should but hopes that things will change for the better soon. “It is natural that the government is planning to bring in youth policy with lot of impetus on em-

The Government High School

hours every day playing. This

powerment of youth with skill up

on Magadi road gives only about

way, the children will not only

gradation and self sufficiency of

“The aim is to identify the

three and a half hours to students

play but also mingle with other

the youth and to bring them into

The ministry, the local govern-

young talents at the age of 10

for physical education in a week.


the main stream of society,” said

ing body, sports authorities and

and to train them with a lot of

Principal, Rasia Tabassum,

the Public Welfare Departments

focus on their skill up gradation

said: “It’s sad but we have no

He added: “Such being the

together, are working towards the

with exposure to present facilities

play ground for students in our

case, the task is huge and to

adopting the policies. The Assis-

with good dietary prescriptions.

school. We still have a syllabus

bridge the gap more allocations

tant Commissioner of sub-divi-

This type of focused support will

prescribed for our students of

of grants are required. Govern-

sion is the chairman of the

definitely create powerful tal-

class VIII & IX. These students

ment is ready to take this load.”

stadium committee.

ents,” said Mr. Ranjan.

are graded out of 100 for how

The money for building these

The minister said it will take

stadia will come from the min-

another two months to implement

istry, Zilla Parishads, and dona-

this policy.







cannot be achieved without the “Many

schools do not even have a play-

The plan includes stipulating

ing ground. Students are forced

parliament and of the legislative

coaches and physical instructors

from home to school to tuition

assembly and other philanthro-

in schools and colleges.

and back to their rooms.

“I believe education and

“We want to ensure that every

The minister believes that

sports go hand in hand. So, we

school has a playground and

construction of the stadia with the

are working along with the edu-

physical training should be made

provision of proper training will

cation department to promote


encourage students into sports

sports in the state,” he said.

Interim appointments ruled out, says the High Court By Aheli Raychaudhuri

3 years mandatory without exception.

The minister says these goals

well they participate. “



Mr. Ranjan.

help of the students.

“Education and sports go hand in hand. The aim is to identify the young talents at the age of 10 and to train them with a lot of focus ”

“Every child must spend 2-3

“I request the co-operation of all youths and sports lovers to contribute their experience in improving the status of sports and youth in the overall development of the society,” he said. He confirmed that there are many more proposals in the pipe line.

Mountain to climb for disabled By Sneha Banerjee DISABLED



every citizen and the biometric

also goes to old age homes to

details are saved at Aadhar tech-

take their biometrics. Mr. Lenin

nology centers in the city.

added that a physically chal-

According to law,appoint-

struggling to get benefit cards

ments at a senior level, statutes

because the offices are situ-

The Karvy technologies are

do not permit interim appoint-

ated on first floors of build-

located in different parts of the



city and amongst them the cen-

He said: “Omni vans are al-


tre at Baswangudi is the only

lotted to facilitate the marginal-

been recruited to collect biomet-

one located on the ground floor.

ized scheme to reach out to

A judge has ordered the State

after there were some irregular-

ric information by the govern-

On the contrary, one gets a

people who are unable to go to

Pollution Control Board to get

ities in the appointment of the

ment. One of its centers is

very negative response emailing

technology centres to give their

its act together and appoint a

successor of the present Addi-

located on the first floor of a

full-time Chief Secretary.

tional Chief Secretary.

building at Sampige road in

The dispute in progress was

In his view, the conse-

Malleswaram. This centre has

between G.S. Gunjal, advocate

quences of appointing the less-

no provisions like nurses, eleva-

representing the Chairman of

than-suitable Additional Chief

tors or even a ramp to support a

the State Pollution Control Board

Secretary are long drawn.

wheel chair.

(SPCB) and S. Vijay Shankar, Advocate General. The Chief Justice Vikramjit Singh ruled against the SPCB. He said: "Ad-hoc is worse than being headless."

He said: “The appointment

Mr. Venakatesan has been

should be of a technically sound

trying to get an Aadhar card for

candidate as this is in interest of

a physically challenged family

the State.”


The defense team represent-

He said: “I have been in

Karvy technologies at Sampige Road

Photo:Sneha Banerjee


the finger prints process.

the violations that had occurred

S. Vijay Shankar listed out all


lenged person is exempted from

ing the Chairman insisted that it

touch with the department for the

The website of Karnataka

is only an ad-hoc appointment

past six months but I cannot find

According to the help-desk

Similar circumstances prevail

State Pollution Control Board

and to make sure there was no

a way to bring my wife to the

the UIDAI has no facility for

at the Panchayat office in Kum-

lists out the Chairman, Member

interruption in the bureaucratic

technology centre.”

physically challenged people to


Secretary, members represent-


After Mr. Venkatesan spoke

the UIDAI help-desk.

give their biometrics.


The center responsible for

ing State Government and non

The Advocate General ar-

to Karvy Technologies, they told

Ashok Lenin, Deputy Director

biometric information collection

officials to represent the interest

gued that according to the

him that he was supposed to

at UIDAI said: “People with

is located on the first floor and is

of agriculture and other primary

M.G.K. Menon Committee, there

bring his wife to the office. When

physical disabilities come under

provided with a narrow staircase.


were no part-time appointments

asked for an alternative he was

the Marginalized scheme. This

Unless the appropriate suc-

permitted. He told the section of

asked to approach the Aadhar

scheme is aimed at taking bio-

The contradiction of facts im-

head office.

metrics of people who have

plicates that the citizens of Ban-

physical limitations.

galore need to know what is

cessor is appointed, the present

Planning Commission related to

Chief Secretary needs to be re-

pollution should be headed by a

tained as per law. The tenure is


Finger prints of all ten fingers and an iris scan is conducted for

The Marginalized Scheme

being offered by them.


The Weekly Observer

13 September 2012 | City

Shambolic X- Ray centers at private hospitals Mathru Hospital, Kengeri.

They wash their X–ray sheet in

A lack of safety equipments at

Vinusha, X-ray technician,

private hospital X-ray centres

Mathru Hospital said: “I am

is risking the health of techni-

aware of the radiation, I told the

Harmful effects of X-ray radi-


authorities to provide a metal

ation fail to bother the techni-

sheet but all they provided was

cians in the hospitals thus

an apron, and a very old one.”

leading to health problems for

X-ray units in the city are not in proper condition. Most of the

News in Photos

a public wash basin kept outside.

clinics have no lead gloves, no

The X-ray machines are set

X-ray protective glasses, no lead

up in a confined electrical meter

Dr Shankar EN B.A.M.S

sheets - some of them don't

room where only a single person

Fage manipal"A regular diagnos-

have X-ray cubicles .

can manage to squeeze in. The

tic angiogram exposed patients

the patients.

Photo: Hansa V.

By Satyajith G D

to about 2.5 to five millisieverts of radiation. “For angioplasties, it could be an extra 2.5 millisieverts, or as high as 20 millisieverts, dur-

A ‘comfortable’ gesture: A shop in Bellandur doing their

ing one procedure.

part in helping the indigent this winter. The mattresses

“This radiation will be in the

were distributed to a local orphanage.

air for few seconds thus creating

Cleaning of X-ray sheets at Mathru Hospital

who are exposed to these radiations which cause cancer and infertility.” Lizy, technician, Asian Diagnostic, said: “Lead sheets provide




authorities say that the room is too small to keep it.”

Staffs at the X-ray units are

dark room, where the x-rays are

She added that while taking

ignorant and unaware of the se-

supposed to be washed, is in a

X-rays, she sets the timer and

curity and protection that needs

very bad condition.

goes out to avoid radiations.

to be maintained while X-ray sessions are in progress. They even wash their X-ray sheets in public. Pathetic conditions prevail in

Photo: Nijhum Rudra

Photo:Satyajith G D

health problem for technicians

Instead of using Silver Bro-

Even though diagnostic X-

mide solution for washing and

rays provide great benefits, pro-

Breeding Ground: Despite repeated complaints a drain in

developing the x-rays, regular

longed exposure can cause

Arakere continues to flood, causing health concerns

water and its combination with

cancer risking lives of both the

among locals. Navigation is difficult for the residents and

some easily found acid is used.

technicians and patients.

vehicles alike.

“You have the license to drive but not to kill” By Nupur Gour & Debanti Roy

call but they never stop, they

been filed in the second cate-

period of a year or 18 months

A large number of hit and run

think they have made a great

gory of which, 129 are pending.

before its deemed closed under

cases remain unsolved due to

deal escaping a traffic police of-

“In an advanced city like

lack of evidence.


Bangalore, 90% of the people

this provision.” There are various sections

The Bangalore Traffic Police

Mr. Lakshmipathy, the statis-

are educated and they are the

under which the hit and run crim-

have reported 1076 hit and run

tics officer of the traffic depart-

people who do not follow the

inals have been booked.

accidents from January-August

ment, said: “There are times



when a witness backs off from

Some of these sections in-

The police files a ‘C’ report to

Traffic expert M.N. Sreehari,

clude 279-304(A), 337 and 338 of the IPC.

an adviser to the government, Photo:Debanti Roy

The case has to undergo a

said: “Our people are very good at watching but not at doing anything.” He added: “You have the licence to drive but not to kill, so you should ride safely following traffic rules.

minimum investigation period of six months for a verdict to be given in court. If the accused is a government servant, the punishment is the cut in increments in salary of the individual.

“Bangalore alone has forty-

If the accused is a private

two lakh bike population and

firm employee, the deceased’s

only three thousand traffic police

salary for the rest of his working

officers. The rider should follow

tenure is calculated and the

the law and it is not always pos-

same is imposed as fine.

sible to look after all such

The accused, if convicted is


also liable to be imprisoned.

Police classify the cases into

Usually imprisonment sentence

two types. The first lists the ve-

Regular flouting of vehicle rules is a daily occurence

is not awarded as punishment in

hicles whose number has been

his statement and in some cases

signal the closure of cases due

such cases.

identified and the other contains

do not even show-up at the

to lack of evidence. In the first

In one such rare case, a

whose it has not.


category only one case has

BMTC bus driver was sent to

Many cases remain un-

A total of 885 cases have

been closed using this provision

one year imprisonment last year.

solved due to lack of evidence

been filed under the first cate-

and in the second category 40

More stringent measures will

gory of offence. Of the 885, 132

cases have been closed.

and eye-witnesses. A traffic police officer in KR

cases are still pending in courts.

Mr. Lakshmipaty said: “The

market said: “we give the people

Another 191 cases have

case is usually contested for a

regulate rash riding as it is becoming a growing concern in Bangalore .

IIJNM PUBLICATIONS Opp. BGS International Residential School Nityanandanagar, Kumbalgudu Kengeri Hobli Bangalore - 560060 India Ph.No: +918105603441 Email: hansa.v@iijnm.org Website:www.thesoftcopy.org For private circulation only The Weekly Observer Editor Hansa V Chief Sub-Editor Udita Chaturvedi Photo Editor Krishnaprasad S Sub-Editors Sneha Banerjee Nupur Gour Pushkar Banakar Shromona Bose Proof Readers Satyajith Reshma Nijhum Rudra Debanti Roy Aheli Raychaudhuri

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