The Daily Observer Vol 13, Issue 5

Page 1

Observer The Daily


Government buildings flout fire norms

Page 3

Friday, December 6 , 2013

Mumbai sex trade fueled by Bangalore

Page 4 & 5

Sexual minorities to file complaint against authorities

Page 9

City being ‘strangled’ by civic strife We need better governance, says Kiran Mazumdar Shaw lot of things can be changed. Speaking about female participation, Shaw said: “Participation of women is very important. e Deputy Mayor, Indira is an example. It brings about a change in society. ough B.PAC didn’t have much participation in the first batch I think gradually the number will increase.” One of the participants Lata, an entrepreneur in the city said: “ I am from Ejipura and I fought for the storm water drain Bangalore Police Commissioner Raghavendra Auradhkar, Mayor B. Satyanarayan, Kiran Mazumdar problem for seven years. Shaw and K. Jairaj, Convenor and Secretary of Bangalore Political Action Committee - KPN News e BDA humiliated me based in Bangalore, is India’s 85th richest by frequently checking my property docuwoman. ments. No person from my area came forShe said: “We need better governance. ward to help and support me. I received Tulana Nayak & Vaishnavi J.Desai Bangalore is an economic engine of Kar- several threats too. I single-handedly fought India’s wealthiest self-made woman has nataka. If we don’t improve Bangalore, we for it. Instances like these have inspired me warned Bangalore’s civic strife will “stran- will strangle and stifle Karnataka. Planning to participate in this program.” Lata’s sister Vijaykumari has also been segle” Karnataka if drastic steps are not is weak in our city and country. We need a taken soon. better quality of life.” lected for the leadership program. She says Speaking at the launch of a civic leadership Speaking to e Daily Observer, Shaw, the reason for her to participate is Kiran training programme organized by the Ban- President of B.PAC said: “We are a small Mazumdar Shaw, her inspiration. galore Political Action Committee, she said group of like-minded people and see how A columnist with a local newspaper and it was time to step into the fray and call for Bangalore has deteriorated. We have been from an NGO, Mybhoomi, Madhuri Subchanges. armchair critics and I feel we should partic- barao said: “I am from Byatarayanapura and Shaw, chairman & managing director of ipate and make way for better governance.” was recommended by a former MLA. My Biocon Limited, a biotechnology company She also said that if one takes leadership a NGO has been active in collecting data


about property tax collection. But when presented it to BBMP, it didn’t respond.” B.S.Satyanarayana, Mayor, said: “Governance of Bangalore is a very challenging question. It’s easy to question while sitting in the opposition.” He said: “IT sector have to give 2% of the tax, amounting to about Rs. 250 crore to local bodies but give it to the Government. at money can be used to develop wards. Educated classes don’t pay property tax. Property identification and tax collection is the biggest problem in Bangalore today.” He added: “BBMP is facing a debt Rs. 3,800 crore. Government doesn’t help in a full-fledged manner saying it doesn’t have money. e mafias in K.R.Market are a big menance. Our own employees don’t co-operate.” Raghavendra H Auradkar, Bangalore City Police Commissioner, said: “We have arranged 640 beats in Bangalore every day but I am not able to assign even two constables to a beat. e problem is the shortage of manpower.” He also said that there is only one women counseling centre in Bangalore and its essential to decentralize it to help women across the city. B.PAC's Vice president Mohandas Pai said: "BBMP gets only 28,000 crore from the budget. It’s like peanuts. e mayor can't decide anything for himself. We need governance and it comes only when you hear people's voices. e mayor has no power so we feel humiliated."

e Daily Observer

Friday, December 6, 2013


A nano future awaits Karnataka Bhavika Bhuwalka & Karishma Ravindran

major issues that will be addressed is the role of nanotech in India. Because of lack of job opportunities

“Nanotechnology can help farm-

students tend to drop the stream.”

ers in India work with increased

Andre Geim, the inventor of

efficiency,” said National Research

Graphene, a wonder material, said,

Professor and Bharat Ratna

“Nanotechnology is like Alice in

awardee, C N R Rao.

Wonderland, it is a strange world.

At the inauguration ceremony of

Politicians have to be constantly re-

the 6th Bangalore India Nano

minded to invest in it. It is a long

which was held in the Lalit Ashok

term effort.” He also spoke about

Hotel, Prof.Rao emphasized the

how nano drones along with aiding

need for nanotechnology in Kar-

in war can help in home delivery.

nataka and how Bangalore is al-

“It will give a whole new meaning

ready on its way to achieving it.

to online shopping. In fact, Ama-

Ashutosh Sharma, IIT Kanpur,

zon has already started working on

who got the C N R Rao Bangalore

the concept.”

India Nano Award for his research

C N R Rao said, “Karnataka is the

work on nanotechnology, said,

science capital of India and India

“Nano particles can be coated on

ranks third in this field with two of

any type of material. I think the best use is for farmers as it will pro-

Difference between a normal and a nano-coated glove. Nano particles have been sprayed on the second glove which helps the farmers by keeping it clean even aer being dipped in heavy mud or water.

long the life of any machinery or in-

the major institutions that have made global contribution to this field right here in Bangalore.”

strument they use in the process.

quiring mental efforts not physical.

which helps in detecting cancer

e global nano market is ex-

CM Siddaramaiah said, “Nan-

ings like nano gloves don’t get af-

Energy, environment, health and

cells and bugbots (a camera device

pected to increase from 11.7 billion

otechnology should come up with

fected by water, mud or oil and re-

water are the four major concerns

which can go inside the human

in 2009 to 1.1 trillion in 2015. e

tangible solutions for food security,

main impressionless and intact.

which nano will address with next

body to detect a specific problem),

two day conference will also have a

water, health and energy. e ulti-

ings from shoes to machines can

stage solutions.” A colloid scientist,

nano coated gloves for farmers to

special program, ‘nano for the

mate aim is to help the common

be used in a similar manner. It is

he also talked about how many

nano drones, nanotechnology will

young’, where the interests of grad-


these small things we overlook that

people are being benefitted from

hugely impact the retail and the

uates will be kindled in the field of

can play a huge role in reducing

the mentorship of Rao.

transportation sector.



which is 50,000 times smaller than

e inauguration started with an

Dr Sangeetha from Massachusetts

Shankar, PR, students of biotech-

a strand of human hair. China is the

He added, “Nano is everywhere.

innovative hologram display that

Insitute of Technology, said, “A de-

nology from all leading colleges in

largest investor in nanotechnology

is floor has it, these walls have it.

explained how in the future one can

vice called ‘nano nose’ helps in the

Bangalore will be briefed about

in the world. Started in 2007, the

I researched in Self Organizing Sys-

have newspapers embedded with

diagnosis of diseases; it provides

nanotech’s progress in India and

conference is a platform for knowl-

tems. It is just like nature with no-

audios and videos and how phones

drugs for cancer cells and produces

how it can be used to benefit the

edge-sharing, networking and busi-

body going around with machine

will have detachable, bendable

hydrogen energy with the help of

poor. “We expect a huge gathering.

ness opportunities. Nano India is

tools. e idea is that next genera-

screens, all with the help of nan-

solar power. It is available in India,

It will basically be an inspiring talk

also helping to build an Institute of

tion nano will be self sufficient re-

otechnology. From nano medicine,

but at a high price.”

by eminent scientists and one of the

Nanoscience at Tumkur Road.




Nano is a measure of a molecule

Nano drone being used by Amazon for delivery services (le), Ashutosh Sharma being awarded at the inauguration (centre), graphene being used in a nano phone (right)

e Daily Observer

Friday, December 6, 2013


More than 30 govt buildings flouting fire norms: Chief Fire Officer EXCLUSIVE

N.R.Markandeya said: “Fire acci-

concerned officials regarding fire

Majestic subways

dents in Bangalore have signifi-

and safety.”

and bus-station by

Raju Peethala

cantly increased because of the

e Chief said that fire accidents

sending “a letter of

At least 30 government buildings

growing population in the city and

are mainly caused as people “lack

correspondence to

in Bangalore with fire safety cer-

inflow of migrants.

attention and awareness about fire

the BBMP con-

tificates are flouting safety rules,

“Construction of buildings that do

and safety hazards”. He added that

cerned officials”.

according to one of the city’s Chief

not have N.O.C is another cause of

improper maintenance of electrical

Praising his fire

Fire Officers.

fire. As of now more than 250

equipment is another cause of fire.

rescue team, he

Speaking exclusively to e Daily

buildings that have N.O.C certifi-

Speaking about awareness camps


Observer, N.R.Markandeya, Chief

cate are violating fire and safety

for the public, Markandeya said:

happy with their

Fire Officer of West Bangalore, said

rules. More than 30 of them are

“Fire personnel cannot organize

work. About 50 fire

250 buildings in the city had been

government buildings. We came to

mock drills and demonstrations

stations are under

given No Objection Certificates by

know about this as we are carrying

alone, we have to co-ordinate with

my control and I

the fire department but had failed

out inspection right now.”

police, ambulance services, na-

inspect every sta-

to maintain fire safety standards.

He said: “In the city Chamrajpet,

tional disaster management, home

tion once in every N. R.Markandeya, C.F.O. West Bangalore

Of those, at least 30 were govern-

Gandhinagar and are

guards and civil department. Only

three months.”

e Chief Fire Officer also said that

ment owned.

highly vulnerable to fire accidents

then we can successfully organize

But when asked about female mem-

their department is “highly under-

In an interview, the city’s top fire

as the buildings are very dense

awareness camps anywhere in the



staffed” and that every year he

chief also said he believed that

there. To avoid fire accidents,

city. We organize mock drills five to

Markandeya said: “ere are no fe-

sends “proposal to the government

women could not perform as fire-

mainly in public places, we regu-

six times in a year.”

male fire officers because they are

to help them get more staff ” in

fighters as they lacked the strength

larly inspect bus-stands and railway

Markandeya promised to rectify

not as efficient as men and will not

order to fill in the vacancies and

and were “not as efficient as men”.

stations and give guidelines to the

the problem of sprouting wires in

be able to work in the field.”

solve the issue.





Gangrape accused arrested by city police Sneha Ghosh

to time.

Sheikh called her aer which the

Wasim Hussain deals in scrap metal business.

Six men who allegedly gang-raped

“Her father said she was not very

two le. She had just told her father

a minor have been arrested by city

intelligent. at is why they

that she would come back by 11 in


stopped sending her to school” said

the night.”

On November 23, a 15-year-old was allegedly gang-raped by a group of six men close to BEML Grounds in Islampura.

Venkatarm, Assistant Sub-Inspec-

“We caught Wasim and Sheikh first. Upon inter-

“ey went in an auto. Soon she

rogation they revealed

was joined by five other men in the

names of four of their

“She had met a man called Sheikh

grounds. e six men gang-raped

other friends who were

tor, HAL Police Station. Hussain. ey became friends soon

her and dumped her by the side of

also present that night.

Kavita, (name changed) is a resi-

which led to an affair between the

the road” added Venkataram.

All of them were ab-

dent of Islampura, HAL post. Her

two. On November 23, the girl went

“e girl came back on her own.

father, Rehman alias Muniraj, 50, is

to the BEML Grounds at 10:30 P.M.

She did not tell her parents any-

a shopkeeper. Kavita who was a

along with Sheikh Hussain. e

thing about the incident. e next

student of Vibhutipura Mutt School

man told her they would sit under

morning she complained of severe

caught the four other men from Is-

agreed that the six people caught

discontinued her education aer

the nilgiri trees.”

pain in her abdomen, back and

lampura namely Syed Abdul, 26,

were the ones who had raped her that night.”

sconding.” said Mr. Rajesh. “On November 29, we Sheikh Hussain, who confessed his crime

the 8th standard. She helped her fa-

“She had not even informed her

stomach. Her parents took her to

Abdul Qadar, 26, Ashok Pasha, 25,

ther in running the shop from time

parents of where she was going.

Bowring Hospital. e doctor aer

and Alim ,25. Syed Abdul and

e gang have been charged

examining her became suspicious

Abdul Qadar are mechanics while

under Indian Penal Code sections

of her injuries and contacted us. We

Ashok Pasha and Alim are auto

366(A), 376 (D) read with 34 and

went and investigated the matter”,

drivers”, he added.

FOSCO Act 5(G) and 6.

said Rajesh R , Inspector, HAL Police Station. On the basis of the prima facie an FIR was lodged by the police. On November 28, HAL police caught Sheikh Hussain, 21, and his friend Sheikh Wasim, 21, from Islampura. e duo is the prime accused in the case.

Wasim, one of the accused in the gangrape of a minor girl

Mr. Venkataram said, “Initially

“Aer the girl identified all six of

they denied having done anything

them they had no choice but to

to the girl. ey said they had just

confess their crime. She seemed to

gone to accompany their friends for

be in shock,” said investigating offi-

a night ride. ey did not reveal

cer Rajesh.

much during the interrogation.” On November 30, Kavita was discharged from Bowring Hospital.

All six men have been produced at the Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court on November

He added, “Aer being discharged

30. ey have been remanded in

According to the police, Sheikh

she came to the police station to

judicial custody at Parappanagar,

Hussain is an auto driver and

identify the suspects. She has



e Daily Observer

Rescued from t Bhaskar Dutta Bangalore is the number one feeder city to Asia’s second largest red light zone - Kamathipura in Mumbai. Girls as young as nine are injected with steroids to make them

aration she was three-months pregnant with no place to go. At the Majestic Bus Station she was offered a job opportunity and accommodation by a man called Babu.

look older and HIV positive sex workers are thrown on the

“He came up to me and saw that I was alone and pregnant. He

streets, forced to sell their bodies for as little as Rs50 just to be

then offered me a job in a ladies hostel in Mumbai as a cook with

able to eat.

a salary of Rs 7000 per month. He told me that he was like my

Seventy per cent of the 1500 sex workers in Mumbai’s Kamathipura red light zone are from Bangalore, according to the state anti-trafficking unit. e journey starts at Majestic Bus Station in the city and, for many, ends in a ditch.

brother and that I must look aer my child and think about my future. I trusted him. I was desperate.” Aer completing the fieen-hour bus journey to Mumbai, Puja was taken by taxi to a house in Kamathipura. She said: “ey put me through a lot of torture. When I re-

In a special report, Daily Observer reporter Bhaskar Dutta

fused to do what I was told to, Madame (the manager of the

tracks this road to hell and speaks to the women who escaped

brothel) threatened to kill me. I was beaten with sticks, given no

the clutches of the Mumbai pimps, returning home to build new

food and locked in a bathroom for days on end. At regular in-


tervals they would douse me with burning hot water and freez-

Puja, 32, is a victim of sex-trafficking.

ing cold water.”

She was trafficked from the Majestic Bus Station to Kamath-

e vast majority of the girls are from Bangalore and Kar-

ipura in July 2009. She is originally from the Srirampuram area

nataka, she says- “Most of the girls I met are either from Banga-

of the city.

lore or the districts of Bidar and Gulbarga.”

At the time that she was trafficked she was pregnant. She had been married for two years before separating from her husband due to frequent tensions between them.

According to her reports the youngest sex workers in the district are nine to ten-years-old. “ese children are given injections with growth steroids in

Due to the fact that she had married her husband out of her

them so that they appear to look older. ey are given good food

own choice her family had disowned her. erefore aer the sep-

and nice clothes so that they remain happy and do not create problems,” she said. Speaking about rates that are fixed for customers in the area she says that they range between Rs 100 to Rs 5000. “Each girl has to service 10 to 20 men a day. e customers in-

At present she is employed under the scheme and provides help to other victims of trafficking in the Shantinikethana Housing facility in Medahalli. She lives there with her three-year-old child.

clude policemen, naval officers and politicians. If a girl is preg-

She says, “Babu must pay. He must be caught. In order to stop

nant, there is a team of doctors that is always ready to carry out

him the police will have to break through his network of pimps

illegal abortions. If a girl contracts the HIV virus she is le to

and brokers. e police are not looking at them at all. If they

fend for herself. I have seen many cases where such girls prosti-

want to tackle the sex trade in Bangalore they will first have to

tute themselves for Rs 50 so that they don’t die of hunger.”

stop the operations at Kamathipura.”

Puja managed to escape in October 2009 during a police raid in the district. According to her, girls are hidden in airless, suffocating underground chambers and water tanks when the police arrive for raids. “I managed to escape with another girl only because we started shouting when the police came. e others were too scared to shout as they had been threatened with dire consequences.” Aer the raid the police sealed the house and a complaint was filed at the Nagapada Police Station in Mumbai. e rescue was carried out in collaboration with an NGO called the Rescue Foundation. Aer the rescue Puja was brought back to Bangalore and re-

DSP Kohlapure of the State Anti-Human Trafficking Unit

Children whose parents have been rehabilitated by the Vi

habilitated under the Ujjawala Project.

According to her Babu is a Muslim from Kerala. He has not yet been caught by the police. A senior member of the state anti-trafficking unit has corroborated statements made by victims which claim that seventy per cent of the sex workers in Mumbai are trafficked from Bangalore., According to reports, Kamathipura, the red-light area of Mumbai, hosts over 1500 sex workers. It is considered to be the second largest red-light district in Asia. Studies conducted in the district have revealed that 94 per cent of the women employed there have been forced into the profession. In March 2012, Laksmi, 20, was trafficked from the Majestic

Friday, December 6, 2013


the road to hell food till I did what was asked. ey kept me locked for eight

to justice are the ones who stopped me in Sonapur aer I es-

days when I refused. Madame and her friends also told me that

caped for the first time. I want them to pay.”

there were other methods which they could employ to make me work. I was scared and I wanted to go home.” According to her the rates where she operated were Rs 500 per hour. She worked consistently for twelve hours.

nataka. ese girls are exploited because they have absolutely no bargaining power. ey are at the mercy of their captors. ere

Aer spending two months in Mumbai, Lakshmi managed to

are four main traffickers in Bangalore. ey are Babu, Naveen Shetty, Kumar and Lakshmiamma. While Shetty and Lakshmi-

away to a neighboring town called Sonapur.

amma have been arrested Babu and Kumar are still at large. Babu

At Sonapur, however, she was caught again by traffickers who

is the ringleader He must be stopped. ” She added: “At present there are thirty five children and girls

“ere is a general store in Sonapur which is owned by a man

who are staying here. We provide them with vocational training

called Pappu. He is well known to the people who caught me.

so that it is possible for them to get jobs aer they leave. e next

He informed them that I was here. ey came and took me

essential step is re-integration.”

again. is time the beatings were unbearable. I had no more hope of escape.” For the next six months Lakshmi was kept captive in a house in Sonapur and then she was taken back to Mumbai. She was finally rescued aer the police carried out a raid on the brothel and found her behind a false wall.

Bus Station to Mumbai. She is from the Bidar district of Kar-

“Most of the cases we get are concerned with girls from Kar-

escape from the house where she was being held captive and ran

were part of the same ring operating in Kamathipura.

idyaranya NGO under the Ujjawala scheme

Kalpana BK, Project Director for the Ujjawala Project said:

DSP Kohlapure of the State Anti-Human Trafficking Unit said, “It is definitely true that at least seventy per cent of the girls in Kamathipura are from Karnataka. A very large number of them are from Bangalore. We know that Majestic is the pick-up point for most of these cases. We have been trying very hard to tackle this problem. We

She says, “When the police came there were twelve-year-old

have conducted decoy operations and have managed to arrest

girls who were kept hidden in water tanks for hours on end. I

some of the culprits. We need more inter-state cooperation in

have managed to escape but I don’t know what will happen to

order to find a solution.”


*All names have been changed to protect the victims.

“I want Pappu to be arrested. e people who must be brought

nataka and had travelled to Bangalore from Gulbarga. She had come to the city looking for employment opportunities. However, she had no contacts in the city or a place to stay. Aer some time a young man came up to her and offered her a job opportunity. She says, “Aer reaching Bangalore, I felt that I had made a mistake. He told me that he was from Bangalore and had contacts and could offer me a job. He was very nice to me and assured me that nothing would happen to me. I went with him.” Aer this she was taken to an area near the K.R Hospital where two more boys arrived. According to her statements she was then given fruit juice by one of them. e next thing she remembers is waking up in a bus somewhere on the national highway which leads to Mumbai. “I tried to get off but the boy held me back. I had a severe stomach-ache. I don’t know what they had put in that glass of fruit juice,” she said. Aer this she was taken to Kamathipura where she shared a room with nine other girls. “I did not want to do what I was being told to do so I refused. I was beaten black and blue and told that I would be given no

Majestic Bus Station, which acts as the main pick-up point for trafficking people outside Bangalore

e Daily Observer

Friday, December 6, 2013


Mandela dead: July 18, 1918 - Dec 5, 2013 "A giant among men has passed away. He was a true Gandhian. Not only did he represent the conscience of the world, he also remained a beacon of hope.” - Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India " One of the great honors of my life was to be invited to Nelson Mandela's home, spend private time and get to know him.” - Oprah Winfrey, chat show queen “Hope, Courage, Struggle, Peace, Compassion….With Nelson Mandela, a part of these expressions also died today. ank You for your Life. RIP.” - Anupam Kher, veteran Indian actor “e world leadership is poorer without Nelson Mandela. He was an epitome of patriotic world citizen! Also a shining African success!” - Kiran Bedi, social activist & former IPS officer

He bent the arc of the moral universe towards justice. - Barack Obama, U.S. President

Pranay Lakshminarasimhan

In the famous Rivonia Trial of 1963, Mandela pleaded not

from the post in 1999 to allow younger leaders to lead the

Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s father of freedom and the

guilty to sabotage. But in June of the next year, he was sen-

country, he will always be remembered for being one of the

man who conquered apartheid, passed away last night at

tenced to life on Robben Island’s infamous prison, to begin

founding fathers of South Africa and, in the words of Presi-

8.30pm South Africa local time aer battling lung-related

what would later come to be known as one of the most fa-

dent Jacob Zuma yesterday, “the nation’s greatest son.”

issues for the last six months. e Indian government has

mous prison terms of all time.

announced a five-day mourning period today.

P.W. Botha, South Africa’s President in 1985, offered to re-

During his 27-year-long prison term, Mandela was diag-

lease Mandela if he publicly renounced all forms of violence.

nosed with early stage tuberculosis. He was admitted to hos-

Mandela, born in Mvezu in the year 1918, first came to the

Mandela, sending a message through his daughter, rejected

pital in 1988 when he complained of a bad cough. Fluid, close

foreground in 1947 when Anton Lembede, an African nation-

this offer by saying, “What freedom am I being offered while

to two liters in volume, was drained from his chest and he had

alist and National Congress Youth League member died and

the organization of the people remains banned? Only free

to spend the following six weeks in hospital.

his friend Mandela replaced him as ANCYL secretary.

men can negotiate. A prisoner cannot enter into contracts.”

Mandela was also diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2001,

In 1950, Mandela replaced Alfred Bitini Xuma on the Na-

By 1987, the South African freedom struggle had reached

for which he received radiotherapy and was cured a year later.

tional Executive of the ANC and was named the president of

its boiling point with more than 500 attacks by the ANC tak-

e tear glands in Mandela’s eyes were damaged aer years

the ANCYL the following year.

ing place over a two -year period. At this point, Mandela re-

of working in a lime quarry at Robben Island. is le his

quested talks with the president but was denied the

eyes dry and irritation-prone. It was because of this that the


press were always asked not to use camera flash while clicking

In 1952, he was arrested for the first time for violating the controversial Suppression of Communism Act and sentenced to nine months’ rigorous imprisonment. is was also the

Botha was replaced as the president of South Africa in 1989

year when he started the country’s first all-black law firm with

by F.W. de Klerk, who immediately declared apartheid to be

Within the last 16 months, Mandela had been hospitalized

long-time friend Oliver Tambo.

unacceptable and released all ANC prisoners unconditionally

three times due to various lung-related problems like pneu-

- except Mandela. De Klerk released Mandela in February


Mandela was arrested again in 1956, this time for treason, and was tried with 155 other people. He was later acquitted

1990 and lied the long ban on the ANC.

pictures of him.

Although the medical cause for his death wasn’t made clear,

in 1961 but was arrested again in 1962 and sentenced to five

In May 1994, aer the abolition of apartheid in South Africa,

Mandela died peacefully at home surrounded by his family,

years’ imprisonment for leaving the country without a pass-

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela became the first black President

bringing the curtains down on a life full of protests, struggles


of the Republic of South Africa. Although he stepped down

and prison terms.

e Daily Observer

Friday, December 6, 2013


Celebrating the United Nations' 16 day campaign from November 25 to December 10 which aims to fight violence against women, e Daily Observer brings you the stories of the survivors and healers associated with this gender-based struggle that is still rampant.

Farmer sets woman on fire after goats row

‘I cannot give birth to a girl, I can only have boys’ Sneha Begani

her in every way possible - physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. She

A 27-year-old dad refused to accept his

Prutha Bhosle

daughter as his own child claiming that

A farmer burned a woman alive in her

he could “never give birth to a girl”.

"He has not looked at the child even once," said Manjula, sobbing.

looked like a ghost when she came here the first time for post-natal check up," said the counselor at Wilson Garden Maternity

"He is a drunkard. He began misbehaving

Home who is helping Manjula fight against

Mahesh, got married to Manjula, 21, on

just aer a few months of our wedding. He

the injustice she has suffered at the hands of her husband and in-laws.

house aer she refused to let his goats graze on her land.

born seven months ago.

Rajamma, 40, lost her husband,

November 7, 2011. e two had met at

never let me talk to any man, even within

Venkatarajappa, 10 years ago. She lived

Karnataka Milk Federation where they

the family. Whenever I did, he would ac-

alone in her house located at Yallabovi-

used to work in the sweet packing unit.

cuse me of being adulterous and beat me.

"He took Rs. 73,000 from us to get his

is happened almost every day," she said.

younger sister married. He had also taken

hatti in Vasadurga Taluk. Manjunatha, Police Inspector of

"I cannot give birth to a girl. I can only

Vasadurga Police Station, said: “On No-

have boys. I am sure," he had told Manjula,

Mahesh's family could never accept Man-

the time they were together. We gave a


his wife, when Chaitra, their daughter was

jula as his wife. "Her in-laws have tortured

dowry of Rs. 35,000 and bore all the ex-




gold ornaments worth Rs. 70,000 during

Murthy, le his goats in her land for

penses of the wedding," said Adilak-

grazing without taking prior permis-

shmi, Majula's 36-year-old mother, who


had taken a loan from Sree Shakti San-

He said, “Rajamma and Murthy had a

gathan, a self help group, to get the nec-

heated argument over the issue which

essary funds. Her husband died 10

eventually mellowed down.”

years ago. She is still paying the interest

e police said that on the same night

on the loan today.

at 10pm, Murthy along with his friends Ullugamma and Vasurappa, broke into

"ey never gave me proper food to

Rajamma’s house while she was asleep.

eat, not even when I was pregnant. ey

e trio put kerosene oil over her and

never let me see a doctor when I felt

immediately set her ablaze. Soon aer

nauseous, they made me work like a

the incident, they escaped the village.

slave and hit me for no reason. I used to

Rajamma was rushed to the govern-

wash utensils that were already clean,

ment hospital by her neighbors. e

wash heaps of clothes and what-not,"

doctors recorded 60 per cent burns over

said Manjula.

her body. Her condition has been critical ever since.

"I have had several sessions of coun-

Rajamma’s only daughter, Netra and

seling with the husband and wife. But

her husband, Yellappa, were soon in-

the man is a spineless chameleon. We

formed about the incident. As soon as

cannot trust him anymore," said the

they reached the hospital, Rajamma had

counselor. ey went to the Magistrate

succumbed to her injuries on November

Court on December 4 to issue a legal


notice to Mahesh and would file for a

Manjunatha said, “e crime was reg-

divorce next, she added.

istered with number 357/13 under section 147 (Punishment for rioting), 307

"She was not willing to seek compen-

(Attempt to murder), 143, 302 (Punish-

sation initially. All she wanted was to

ment for murder) of Indian Penal Code.

stay away from Mahesh. It was only

Aer the post-mortem report, the fam-

aer repeated counseling that she has

ily members performed the final rites.”

agreed to fight for her rights," said the

e three accused have been caught and are now in police custody.


Manjula with her daughter Chaitra, discriminated for being born a girl. Graphic Representation: Aurosmita Acharya

e Daily Observer

Wednesday, December 6, 2013


Cops confused over machete attack probe By Apurva Venkat and Nikita Narvekar

Reddy is one of the suspects. We are

told us that a manhunt is on and

using various ways to confirm this.

that the investigation is taking place

e two police forces hunting the

“We might also check fingerprints

fast. I have not been given the con-

Bangalore ATM attacker have given

but there are better ways to do this.

tact details of any person from

conflicting reports on the prime

e investigation is on, once it is

whom I can get the details about


over we will conclude on whether

the investigation. Nor has anybody

he is the accused or not.”

informed me anything more than

e man in charge of the hunt in

Senthil Kumar, SP Ananthapur


Andhra Pradesh, Superintendent of

e hunt for the ATM attacker is

Police Senthil Kumar, said: “ese

supposed to be the second biggest

are rumors. We have ruled out the

inter-state hunt aer Veerappan,

possibility of him being the ac-

with 400 police official deployed to

cused. I don’t have any idea of how

catch the accused. e accused was

all this has come up.”

reportedly seen in Ananthapur dis-

When ACP Siddaramaiahwas was

trict of Andhra Pradesh. He al-

asked about Ananthapur already

legedly killed his wife in 2008. Also,

e manhunt, one of the biggest

removing Narayan from the sus-

he is said to have killed another

ever in the state, involves cops in

pect list, he said: “e responsibility

woman in Andhra Pradesh aer at-

Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

of Narayan Reddy’s case is now

tacking the woman in Bangalore.



Despite it being 18 days since the

manhunt says the latest suspect is

Pradesh Police. We are not han-

attack took place, the police is un-

not guilty while the other says he is

dling the case now.”

able to catch hold of the attacker.

One of the two cops running the

still prime suspect.



Udaya Kumar, husband of Jyothi

On November 19, Jyothi Udaya a

Commenting on this, Siddarama-

Udaya, who was attacked in the

44-year-old bank manager was bru-

iah, Assistant Commssioner of Po-

ATM, said: We have no informa-

tally attacked with a machete in a

lice in Bangalore, said: “Narayan

tion of all this. e police have only

Corporation Bank ATM at 7am.

Poster release of the accused in the ATM attack on Jyothi Udaya

‘Suddenly they found a hand sticking out’ Sneha Ghosh A twelve-year-old boy had his face smashed with stones and was killed by a group of rowdies last month. On November 8, Naveen, the twelveyear-old son of Dakshayini and Mr. Yelegan, had returned from school and gone to play in the neighbourhood park. He went missing and a week later his body was found buried, with his face smashed by a stone in a neighbourhood clearing. “I came back from school at 3:50 pm. Aer coming home I did not see him, I thought he had gone to the colony park. He usually comes back by 7pm. But that evening even aer 8 o’ clock and even aer my father returned, Naveen did not come back home. We had no idea that he had met with this unfortunate event,” said, Rajalakshmi, ten-year-old sister of Naveen. “ We asked all the colony people but no one had seen him. We looked in the park but he was not there. We searched throughout that night and even the next day, even in Tipasandra, but he was nowhere. Aer that we contacted the police,” added

Rajlakshmi. Dakhshayini, Naveen’s mother said, “Aer a week, we got a random call from a phone booth, informing us that a body of a twelve-year-old boy had been found in a small forest which is about 1 kilometre from here. Even the police confirmed that news.”

Naveen’s grandma, sister and mother “His face was smashed with a stone and the entire body had decomposed. ey had buried him and scattered leaves on top. PoIice were searching at the site and suddenly they found a hand sticking out. We identified him by the clothes he was wearing. It was difficult to say that there was a body inside,” added Rajlakshmi.

It had been a month since Naveen was killed. “e full head had decomposed, there was not a face le to identify,” said Dakhashayini. Madiga, Naveen’s grandmother said, “One man, Sharif has been caught. His handprints were found on the stone that had smashed my brother’s face. ere were five other people with him.” “My son saw a gang of them stealing clothes. ey would come from Doddipalaya during aernoons aer every one had gone for a nap. Naveen saw them stealing one day and warned them that if he found them in the locality again, stealing clothes, then he would inform the police. ey killed my son to take revenge. He was a brave boy,” added Dakhshayini, unable to hold back her tears. “My brother loved to fly kites. ese rowdies told my brother that they won’t leave him alive aer he told them not to steal. Even on the day he died they lured him out of the house on the pretext of flying kites.” Dakhshayini has now only her daughter to care for. “My daughter stopped eating.

My husband is shattered. But I have to be strong for my family. But during the course of the day, if I suddenly remember, I can’t stop my tears.” Rajlakshmi’s grandmother said, “e night before the incident, he told me that he really liked the dinner I had cooked. Before going to play, he told me to make the same meal. I cannot believe that I will never look at him again. I can’t stop feeling guilty that I could not fulfil his last wish. He was the life of the house. Very intelligent boy. Always laughing and playing.” “In Diwali, he burnt his fingers experimenting with crackers. I was the only one who knew about it. My parents found out later. I loved him, I miss him,” added Rajlakshmi. Sharif, who is the prime accused in the case, has been caught by HAL police. But that is little consolation for Dakhshayini. “Even if that man was caught, my son won’t come back. I cannot believe the fact that he is no more. It was not a natural death, he was only twelve years old” added Dakhshayini.

e Daily Observer

Friday, December 6, 2013


Activists to lodge complaint after India’s biggest ever raids on city sexual minorities was harassed in school because of this, said: “I was outed to the media and this has caused me enormous shame and distress as my self respect has been taken away.” Sangama is also of the opinion that arresting people in the middle of the night for offences which were allegedly committed in 2011 can only be understood within the logic of spreading a climate of fear within the gender and sexual minority community. Rajesh also added that there was no medical examination done which defies the norms laid down by guidelines. A protest was held at Belgaum on December 3 where members of the community met the Home Minister, KJ George, who

Protestors from the Karnataka Sexual Minorities Forum demonstrating against the arrest at Belgaum, demanding withdrawal of charges has promised to look into the matAnannya Sarkar perintendent of Police (SP), Has- lifestyle choice to their families. e FIR was lodged on the basis of the ter. irteen transgender people are



police also had allegedly taken their

complaint of a 21-year-old student

ere has been much debate on

set to file a complaint against po-

Sangama. Karnataka Sexual Mi-

pictures and released personal de-

who was allegedly coerced into

the draconian Article 377, espe-

lice amid claims they were physi-

norities Forum now claim he did

tails to the media present.

having ‘unnatural intercourse’ with

cially aer the Delhi High Court

cally and verbally abused during a

not follow due process of law while

six of the accused in 2011.

verdict on it. Rajesh pointed out: “If

series of raids.

arresting their clients.



e sexual minorities’ community is also outraged because the ar-

Commenting on this, Rajesh said:

the cases are registered under 377

rested allegedly faced discrimina-

“e forcible sexual intercourse

then medical evidence is of utmost

tion inside the prison as well.

which is the basis of the complaint

necessity and no medical exam was

has occurred in 2011 whereas the


e raids were prompted aer a

Malappa, from the Karnataka

man complained he had been gang-

Sexual Minorities Forum, said,

raped by a group of six transgen-

“e Forum will file a case against

Commenting on this, Rajesh said:

ders in 2011. He lodged his

the SP at Hassan with the Deputy

“When the SP was questioned as to

complaint is filed in 2013. e delay

At present, members of the com-

complaint on November 3.

Commissioner of police. We have

whether the legalities of arrest were

in filing the complaint itself points

munity feel threatened aer the al-

gathered the statements and will

followed and a warrant for arrest

to the lack of credibility of the com-

leged media spectacle and injustice

soon file the case.”

During the raids, which were filmed live on television, and sub-

was taken, he noted that this time

plaint. Further it stretches the

that the 13 arrested are trying to

sequent jail spells, police officers

According to Malappa and Ra-

possibly not, but in the next round

bounds of credibility, as to how a

deal with.

and inmates pulled down the

jesh, the police refused to show

of arrests, due procedure will be fol-

19-year-old person could be co-

ey are out on bail now but get-

trousers of those transgendered ar-

them substantial evidence. ey are


erced into having sex with a series

ting life back to normalcy seems

rested and mocked their private

demanding the complete with-

According to Fazil, “In jail we

of people over a period of time.”

difficult for them as Revanna said:


drawal of charges and the suspen-

have been teased and told that we

Following this complaint, two

“Now that everyone knows about

sion of the SP along with

are homosexuals. People harass me

other cases were registered ‘suo

my identity, I feel like committing

compensation for the humiliation

and my friends on that account.”

motto’ by the police which resulted

suicide now.”

e men also claim the police assaulted and verbally abused them. e raids resulted in the largest

of the arrested people. In light of

Pawan, also arrested, said: “At the

number of arrests of the transgen-

what the arrested faced in prison,

police station they insulted me say-

der community in India to date.

they also want a separate cell for

ing that I was a homosexual and a

According to Rajesh of Sangama,

members of the community.

chakka. ey took down my pants

a city NGO, “e arrests were also

and said, look at the penis, how can

accompanied by huge visibility in

you get a child?”

the media which have resulted in

Between November 3 and No-

in the arrest of eight other transgenders.

vember 4, 14 transgenders were ar-

According to Fazil, one of the ar-

rested and charged under three

rested, “I was sleeping at home

FIRs. irteen were arrested and

when the police came to my house

Malappa of the Karnataka Sexual

shame and humiliation as far as the

one is said to have run away fearing

at around 12’o clock. ey forced

Minorities’ Forum said, “eir

arrested persons are concerned.

arrest. e arrests were carried out

me to take them to others’ houses.”

pants were taken off. And they were

Quite obviously the police kept the

in Hassan by the police on the in-

Rajesh added that media channel

outed to the media. Many of their

media informed about the arrests to

tervening night between the two

breaking the arrests live had shown

family members did not even know

enable the media to cover the ar-


the faces of the accused, some of

about their identities.”

rests in full.”

e arrests were conducted by Su-

whom had not declared their

According to the police, the first

Fazil, whose six-year-old child

Malappa of Karnataka Sexual Minorities Forum at Belgaum

e Daily Observer

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bowled over by support in gold quest bowling


Apurva Venkat National



Dhruv Sarda is pining his hopes

on gold for India at the 2014

games by competing in the national

sters will get inspired. Our focus is

Asian Games.

Tenpin Bowling Championship at

on winning a medal in the games,

Blu-O bowling alley, Bangalore,

be it of any color, so that the young

from Monday, December 9, 2013.

people look up to the sport.”

He will be warming up for the

Revealing his aspirations, the de-

He added, “Like any sport, fewer

fending national champion said, “I

girls play the game. Bowling is very

would love to win again this year

safe as it is an indoor sport and the

but right now I am looking at the

family can see the players in action.

championship as a brand new

My mother, sister and other family

game. e team needs dedicated

members have all been playing the

practice and no distraction. We

sport. Another changing trend that


have very good talent and potential.

comes to light is that earlier women

Captivative stories of a school boy

We just need to get that medal. e

entered this field, but now younger

which has a compelling effect over

federation also takes good care to

girls have also started taking inter-

the world to this day

keep us away from all distractions


Venue: No.36/2, 8th Cross, RV


Dental College , JP Nagar

Dhruv said: “Initially bowling was

get into bowling, Dhruv said, “My

Date: December 10-12, 2013

not well recognized but aer India

dad has been playing for 30 years,

Time: 7:30pm onwards

won the 2010 Fih Commonwealth

winning the national championship

Tenpin Bowling Championship,

three times. I participated and won

bowling centers have started open-

gold in the 2008 doubles National

ing here. India also won the Com-

Bowling Championship. I was also

monwealth Games bronze medal.”

awarded the most promising player.

Encouraging youngsters to play

It was then that my talent was no-

the sport Dhruv believes that “any-

ticed and I was selected and trained

one can bowl”.

for the national team. I attended my

“New talents are coming up and


first national camp in Malaysia.

18 and 19-year-olds are taking up

“I practice for five hours daily. It

the sport seriously for the first

may sound very simple but it is very

Usha Uthup Live

time,” he said.

hectic. e game requires a lot of

A live concert by Usha Uthup and

Lamenting the fact that cricket

physical strength as well as concen-

her vibrant music..

overshadows all other games in

tration. Playing six games - 15 balls

Venue: 4, Opus (Palace Cross),1st

India, he said: “When the bowling

each game - needs a lot of strength.


team won gold medal in Asian In-

We always need to be fit.”

Sankey Road , Palace Orchards

door Games, it was not paid atten-

Dhruv added: “I train in Banga-

tion to by the media. But now our

lore and relax in Delhi which is my

games are being telecasted in

hometown. Initially all our training

ASPN, Neo sports and Star Sports.

happened in Malaysia but aer Blu-

People realize it is a competitive

O came, we have been training here

sport and not just a game for enter-

and get our equipments from


Malaysia. e federation takes care

He said: “I have le my business in animation for bowling.” He added: “It will be ideal to have

Dhruv Sarda, national bowling champion (above) and the Indian national bowling team posing aer a victory (below)

Speaking about his inspiration to

e Incredible Mullah



Date: December 18, 2013 Time: 9:00 pm


of all our expenses. We also get allowances so there is absolutely no pressure on us.”

an academy but right now we don’t.

Dhruv said that his father has al-

Our federation is working towards

ways been more critical about the

e World of Rock Art - Art

it. Once we get that there will be

way he plays, but it was his coach


more game and no distraction.”

who taught him the game. “My fa-

Venue: National Gallery Of

“More people can be encouraged

ther is a spinner and I am a hook

Modern Art,No.49, Manikyavel

to take up the sport by setting role

bowler. My coach exactly knows my

Mansion,Palace Road

models. If we get a medal at Asian

game but it is my father who gives

Date: Dec 4, 2013 - Jan 3, 2014

Games in 2014 I am sure young-

me emotional support.”

Time: 11 am-8 pm

Observer Team: Editor - Bhaskar Dutta Chief Sub Editor - Apurva Venkat News Editors - Anannya Sarkar, Ishan Bhattacharya, Gaurav Kumar, Pranay Lakshminarasimhan Sub Editors - Anagha Sawant, Aurosmita Acharya, Neha Singh, Nikita Narvekar Picture Editors/ Deisgn - Anand Jain, Mayuri J. Ravi, Nibedita Mohanta Proof Reader - Bhavika Bhuwalka, Karishma Ravindran & Emergency Calling- Chitarth Mathivanan Email- An IIJNM Publication (For Private Circulation)

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