The West End News - March Edition 2022 - Vol. 22 No. 03

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Ocean Swimming in Deadline Looms for Charter Commission Winter?!? Portland Charter Commission will wrap up its work and present a final report to city council by this summer

What do you get out of it? Plus, tips and advice. Check out PelotonPosts interview with Portland Aquatics swim coach and winter swimmer, Jeannette Strickland on Pgs. 6-7.

By Tony Zeli The Portland Charter Commission must make major decisions on what to change in the city’s charter and present a final report by July 11th. As such, upcoming meetings in March and April are crucial.

To tackle all these issues, the commissioners set up committees on governance, education, elections, procedures, and departments. The committees are meeting regularly over the next couple of months. Visit the city calendar for details at https:// In 2020, Portland voters approved a review of the Portland City Charter. City Council appointed three members early The charter commission has just two the following year. Voters in Portland se- more months to decide on which revisions lected the other nine members in June to recommend and how to present them 2021. Coming together during a pandem- to the public – as one set of changes to be ic and a time of political change, various voted on as a package or several groups of groups saw an opportunity to change the recommendations that voters will decide city for years to come. Newly elected individually. Running out of time, commiscommissioners promised to address many sioners are working at a faster pace.

Calling All Candidates:

June School Board Election Nomination Papers Available for June 14th Special Municipal Election By Tony Zeli Portland residents interested in seeking public office and serving on the Portland Board of Public Education may now pick up nomination papers for the June 14th Special Municipal Election. Many candidates have already picked up their nomination papers and will likely be spotted around town in the weeks ahead petitioning voters to get on the ballot.

issues such as redistricting, clean elections, and creating an Office of Public Advocate.

Candidates may turn in signatures and papers no sooner than March 21st at 9:00 a.m. and no later than April 4th at 4:30 p.m. A district seat requires a minimum of 75 verified signatures from Portland voters and a maximum of 150 can be turned in. An at-large seat requires a minimum of 300 signatures and a maximum of 500.

PORTLAND MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 2022 3 Open School Board Seats for June 14 Special Election: • School Board District Five 2-year term - 1 seat

At their February 23rd meeting commissioners workshopped competing proposals on mayoral powers, voted to change the way ranked choice voting works (although details remain to be decided), and discussed universal residential voting. At the meeting three proposals on mayoral powers were discussed. Out of the governance committee led by Robert O’Brien (representing District 2) was a proposal to keep an executive city manager and add a position of Chief of Staff. A counter proposal led by Nasreen SheikhYousef (at-large) places the mayor in the role of chief executive of Portland. Also, a compromise from Marpheen Chann and Ryan Lizanecz featured an executive mayor, but a final recommendation awaits.

The election is set to fill seats left • School Board At-Large vacant when school board members Ro6-month term - 2 seats Many issues will have to be decided Pick up papers in person at the Port- berto Rodriguez and Anna Trevorrow won For more information, please call the soon. And it is the last chance for the publand City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 389 election to city council and Jeff Irish reCongress Street. Use the Myrtle Street signed after serving less than one year on Clerk’s office at 207-874-8677 or email lic to weigh in. Cont'd on Pg. 15 entrance. Masks are required. the board.

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CDC releases new quit smoking ad campaign

5 Courses with wine pairings at a West End ‘gem’

Do you suffer from Tripophobia? Nancy has local travel solutions!

Crossword, Sudoku, and local Best Worst Trivia Game




From the Editor



Best Worst Trivia.........................................14 Bright Ideas...................................................13 Crossword....................................................14 Events...............................................................5 Health & Wellness.........................................4 Layne's Wine Gig...................................10-11 Map Page (Overheard in Portland)........8-9 Neighborhood News...................................3 PelotonPosts...............................................6-7 Sudoku...........................................................14 Travel..............................................................12 We're All in this Together..........................13

It’s a crucial time for the city and for the charter commission.The myriad issues we face from a public health crisis to the traditional problems of city budgeting are all coming up in ways direct and indirect at the Portland Charter Commission.

Maine’s Friendliest Gay Bar

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It’s a lot to follow, and I’m sure many readers are just waiting for a final report that they can more easily digest and decide whether to vote up or down. That final report is due on July 11th, but if you have ideas about how our local government should be run then now is the time to speak up and contact the charter commission. Portland Charter Commission meetings as soon as March and April will be when important issues are discussed and decided. Maybe you can play a role in helping the commissioners come up with charter revisions that you can vote for.

CORRECTION The Bramhall Square design competition was sponsored by the Portland Society of Architecture. February’s feature, “Polar Bear in Bramhall Square,” incorrectly stated that Liz Trice of PelotonLabs hosted the 2017 design competition.


Also in this edition, find Neighborhood News on Pg. 3, hear from winter WEN is a community newspaper and swimming enthusiasts on Pgs. 6-7, get we need your voice! Share your submishigh praise for Ruby’s West End from Mas- sions with ter Knight of the Vine Layne V. Witherell or send to: on Pgs. 10-11, learn of travel updates The West End News from Nancy Dorrans on Pg. 12, and play Attn: Editor the challenging crossword and Sudoku 795 Congress Street puzzles our readers love to hate on Pg. Portland, Maine 04102 14. • Letters to the editor should be no more than 300 words. Include your -Tony Zeli, Publisher & Editor name and town or neighborhood. • Op-eds should be no more than 750 words and include a brief biography of 1-2 sentences. • WEN also accepts poetry, cartoons, and photo submissions. Deadline for publication is the fourth Friday of every month. Our column space is very limited, publication is not guaranteed, and submissions may be edited for length and content. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in our pages belong solely to the authors and not necessarily to the publication.

Published by Zeli Enterprises, LLC 795 Congress Street Portland, Maine 04102 Tony Zeli, Publisher & Editor Rick Ness, Sales VOLUNTEER CONTRIBUTORS Kevin Butterfield, Citizens' Climate Lobby Nancy Dorrans, Travel & Adventure Ben Taylor, Best Worst Trivia Liz Trice, PelotonPosts Layne Witherell, Layne's Wine Gig

Thank you for contributions from:

Portland Climate Action Team Printed in Maine by Lincoln County Publishing Co.

ALL SALES INQUIRIES Contact Rick Ness 207-577-7025


Portland City Council Bans Sale of Flavored Tobacco, Lifts Mask Mandate During its early February meeting (Feb. 7), the Portland City Council unanimously passed an amendment banning the sale of flavored tobacco. The amendment bans the sale of flavored tobacco and nicotine products, including natural, synthetic, and menthol tobacco products. The ban goes into effect on June 1st, 2022. Meanwhile, the City’s Public Health Tobacco Prevention Team will develop a retailer campaign and other educational resources.

munity participation,” said Dr. Vergara. “The City of Portland has a reputation for providing excellent public health services to a growing, diverse community and I look forward to joining the team that makes this happen. I am eager to learn and face the challenges to build a better community through collaborative innovation.”

Dr. Vergara is an epidemiologist with 28 years of experience in public health program implementation. In 2000, Alfredo opened and established CDC’s first office The Council also voted 7-2, with Vic- in Mozambique, focusing on implementatoria Pelletier (District 2) and Andrew tion of the President’s Emergency Plan for Zarro (District 4) opposed, to repeal the AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). City’s current mask mandate, which had applied to all indoor public places. The repeal took effect on February 17th. The repeal does not preclude the city council from considering mask mandate proposals in the future. Businesses and organizations may continue to impose their own mask requirements.



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$3.6 Million Grant Announced for Hybrid Casco Bay Ferry

To view videos of Portland council meetings or the agenda and backup materials, visit

Portland Announces New Public Health Director

The Federal Transit Administration grant was awarded to Casco Bay Island Transit District to improve and modernize their fleet and reduce their climate impact

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration (FTA) granted $3.6 million to replace an aging ferry in their fleet with a new, hybrid vesThe City of Portland’s Health and Hu- sel. man Services Department hired Dr. AlfreThe funding, awarded through FTA’s do Vergara, Ph.D., to be the city’s new Pubcompetitive Passenger Ferry Grant Prolic Health Director. Dr.Vergara will start in gram and supported by the Bipartisan Inthe role on August 15th, after relocating frastructure Law, will replace the Maquoit to Maine from Mozambique where he II, a passenger and freight ferry built in currently serves as the CDC Country Di1994, with a new ferry equipped with a rector and Division of Global HIV and TB diesel electric hybrid propulsion system. Program Director. It’s estimated this will eliminate 1,000 “I am very excited to join a team metric tons of CO2 emissions annually. committed to social inclusion and com-

POLICE BEAT Fight on Wharf St. Leads to Shooting

dispatched to 43 Wharf Street for a report of another altercation with a firearm being discharged. Officers arrived and On Thursday, February 10th, Portland found the subject from the previous inpolice officers twice responded to 43 cident had returned and had been shot. Wharf Street for a fight and later a shoot- Officers and bystanders immediately administered medical aid and the subject ing involving the same individual. was taken to Maine Medical Center. At approximately 9:40 p.m., while on If anyone has any information that routine patrol, an officer observed an alcould help police, please call (207) 874tercation outside of 43 Wharf Street. A 8575. male who had been removed from the establishment was involved in a physical altercation with the security staff who re- Pickup Truck Strikes moved him. He was separated from the and Kills Pedestrian worker by the police officers, but almost On Tuesday, February 1st, at about immediately returned to cause another 2:47 a.m., a man was fatally injured when disturbance. he was struck by a pickup truck.The truck The male was then taken into cus- was being driven by a 24-year-old Porttody and transported to Portland Po- land resident. The collision occurred near lice Department headquarters where he 557 Riverside Street. The victim was prowas issued criminal summons for dis- nounced dead at the scene. No charges orderly conduct, refusal to submit, and have been filed as of print. violating conditions of release. He was Police are asking anyone who may then released from custody with a warning not to return to 43 Wharf Street. have witnessed the crash or have information to call them at 207-874-8532 or At approximately 11:46 p.m., officers were 207-874-8575.


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CDC’s Quit Smoking Campaign Returns with New Texting Portal

Campaign promotes resources to help people quit smoking The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) “Tips from Former Smokers” (Tips) campaign, now celebrating its 10th anniversary, returns with new ads encouraging people who smoke to quit. The campaign has had significant and sustained impact over the past decade, helping more than 1 million U.S. adults to quit smoking and inspiring millions more to try to quit.Year after year, the Tips campaign has proven its effectiveness while promoting a range of services. In addition to promoting the 1-800-QUIT-NOW telephone-based counseling service, the Tips campaign will now also promote the new National Texting Portal developed in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute. Available in English and Spanish, the portal is designed to reach adults who want to receive text messages to support them as they quit smoking. Adults can text QUITNOW to 333888 for free help in English or text DÉJELO YA to 333888 for free help in Spanish (mobile plan data and message rates may apply). Evidence-based texting services are an important complement to 1-800-QUITNOW, as texting services may reach people who want additional quit support but may be less likely to call.

Evidence-based campaign continues with new stories The Tips campaign continues to tell stories about real people experiencing smoking-related diseases and disabilities and the toll these conditions have taken on them and their loved ones. The new 2022 Tips ads feature the following people:

Tanya M.

• Tonya M. developed heart failure from smoking cigarettes and relies on a surgically implanted heart pump to keep her alive. Now Tonya’s husband and kids take care of her.

• Michael F. lives with smoking-related chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In his new ad, Michael explains that his wife used to smoke too, but she quit so she could stay healthy enough to help take care of him.

toes on her right foot did she fully un- health equity by increasing the reach, repderstand how smoking could change resentation, receptivity, and accessibility of quit smoking messages. The campaign also her life. increases awareness of free quit-smoking • Geri M. smoked menthol cigarettes resources among all adults—no matter and now lives with COPD. Although who they are, where they live, or how it’s becoming harder and harder for much money they make. CDC develops her to breathe, Geri’s tip is to enjoy evidence-based ads featuring people who every day and never give up hope reflect the diversity of those suffering about the future. from smoking-related health conditions • Asaad M. was 19 when his mother and promotes free options to help people was diagnosed with colorectal cancer quit smoking. These ads are strategically from smoking cigarettes, and he be- placed on a variety of media platforms to came her full-time caregiver. His tip reach communities and groups with high for families is to find gratitude every- levels of smoking and smoking-related diswhere you can because nothing in life eases. is guaranteed. The adverse effects of smoking are clear and well-documented. Cigarette

Tips addresses health dispari- smoking harms nearly every organ in the ties in pursuit of health equity human body and can increase the risk of Although there has been significant progress in reducing cigarette smoking, it remains the single largest cause of preventable disease and death in the United States. In addition, unfair and unjust practices, policies, and social conditions have affected some population groups more than others, which, in part, has contributed to higher smoking prevalence in these populations.

• Rebecca C. smoked cigarettes and got Buerger’s disease, which cut off blood flow to her right foot. Only The Tips campaign addresses tobacafter the surgery to remove all five co-related health disparities to advance

more severe illness from Covid-19. Quitting smoking is beneficial at any age. For more information about the Tips campaign, including real stories from people who used to smoke, other campaign resources, and links to the ads, visit CDC works 24/7 protecting America’s health, safety, and security. CDC is headquartered in Atlanta and has experts located throughout the United States and the world.





ing. The home Marisol loves is no longer safe—and then it’s no longer her home at all. Her parents are sending her to the United States. Alone. Nothing about Marisol’s new life in cold, gray Brooklyn feels like home—not the language, school, or even her foster parents. But Marisol starts The 4th Annual Faculty Concert FundAdditional donations will help fund to realize that home isn’t always a place. raiser directly funds the Building Harmony community music education in southern And finding her way can be as simple as staying true to herself. campaign of the Portland Conservatory of Maine. Music. Starting with the purchase of a new Vist https://www.printbookstore. home in Portland’s West End, thanks to an c o m / eve n t / v i r t u a l - a l e x i s - c a s t e l l a anonymous donor, the Building Harmony nos-and-trung-le-nguyen-discuss-isla-iscampaign is focused on increasing accessiland. bility to quality music education for everyone through investing in a new space and Visions for our Future; innovative programming. Tickets are $35 for a family, $20 for an adult, and $10 for a student with ID. Tickets are available online and at the door. (Seating is limited, be sure to purSat., March 5 / 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm / Portland chase tickets ahead of time.) Visit https:// Conservatory of Music / Tickets: $10-$35 por tlandconser vator yofmusic .org/ Portland Conservatory of Music in- event/4th-annual-faculty-concert-fundvites you to their new location in the raiser. West End for wine, dessert, and a musical Facemasks and proof of vaccination celebration to raise money for music ed- (or negative test within 48hrs) are reucation! quired for all public events at PCM.

Concert Fundraiser

Alexis Castellanos & Trung Le Nguyen Discuss ‘Isla to Island’

The event includes wine and dessert, a concert by eleven Portland Conserva- Mon., March 21 / 7 pm / via Zoom tory of Music faculty members, and a mission-based auction to benefit the Building Print: A Bookstore hosts Alexis CasHarmony fund. tellanos and Trung Le Nguyen in conversation for a virtual event on March 21st. Faculty members performing include: Timothy Burris, John Bennett, Keith Crook, ‘Isla to Island’ is a stunning wordless Jesse Feinberg, Lydia Forbes, Amy Hunter, graphic novel that follows a young girl in Laura del Sol Jimenez, Eleanor Lehman, the 1960s who immigrates from Cuba to Kimberly Lehman, Kathleen McNerney, the United States and must redefine what Luette Saul, and Miriam Schwanauer. home means to her. Join us on Saturday, March 5th at 6 Marisol loves her colorful island p.m. at the Portland Conservatory of Mu- home. Cuba is vibrant with flowers and food and people… but things are changsic, 28 Neal Street.

The three featured artists, all of whom are former artist residents at Indigo Arts Alliance (IAA), present works in installation, painting, collage, sculpture, textiles, video, photography, and sound.

The curators note, “Visions for our Future; Echoes of our Past, offers a perspective into the lives, histories and experiences of Black/Brown culture and communities Carl Joe Williams, that are historicalAfter Big Mama ly siloed, suppressed, Passed, Family and removed from the Portrait, Calliope canon of art history. Projects, The exhibiting artists 1955, 2022 are examining, deconstructing, and re-inventing new ways of making in order to accurately reflect Echoes of our Past: global communities. It is our hope that Black/Brown audiences continue to see Dianne Smith, themselves, their community and stories Nyugen E. Smith, and as valid, honored, and valued. We strongly believe that art, along with active commuCarl Joe Williams nity engagement, is imperative to manifest On view Saturday, March 26th – Friday, May change.” 6th / Institute of Contemporary Art at MECA Maine College of Art & Design partVisions for our Future; Echoes of our ners with IAA to offer paid internship Past: Dianne Smith, Nyugen E. Smith, and and mentorship opportunities for BIPOC Carl Joe Williams transforms the galleries students, alumni, and faculty from the colof the Institute of Contemporary Art at lege. The exhibition is generously funded Maine College of Art & Design (ICA at in part by The Crewe Foundation, and by MECA&D) with storytelling, expressions USI Insurance, Hanover Insurance, and of care, craftsmanship, and vibrant color. Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare.





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Ocean Swimming in Winter?!?

Foul Weather Friends with Jeannette Strickland

What do you all get out of swimming in the cold water? “I love the endorphin high! We feel really good afterwards.” “I love the camaraderie of sharing something with friends.” “I’m energized and sleep like a baby after.” “Exposure to nature! We even have pictures of holding ice chunks in the water!” “We have fun.” “Mark suggested we contribute $1 each time we swim, to give to charity.We are up to $100!”

Every month PelotonLabs co-founder Liz Trice interviews a local community member. This month, Liz caught up with Jeannette Strickland, longtime Portland Aquatics lifeguard and swim coach, and her friends who swim in the ocean multiple times a week… year-round!

We’ve always swum in the ocean, and wanted to keep seeing each other during the pandemic, so we started swimming regularly in the summer. In October 2021 we felt sad that it was getting colder, so decided to keep pushing further You swim in the ocean 3-4 times each into the winter. We’ve now swum week. What got you started? over 60 times since October! here’s about eight of us ranging from We’ve measured water temperaour thirties to seventies and most of us tures as low as 23 degrees, but that have swum together for years, some decades! day we only stayed in 8 minutes.


Jeannette Strickland

Kathy Leavis, 71 years old, who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer during the pandemic, found that the cold ocean was healing. “It equalized

the effects of chemotherapy; my swimming friends buoyed me up,” (pun intended).

-All photos courtesy of Liz Trice


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Ocean Swimming in Winter?!? Cont'd from Pg. 6

Jeannette, you’ve been involved in swimming your whole life, right?

Carolyn Foley, who is from Northern Swedish roots was inspired by cold water swimmers in Norway and Sweden. She is interested in swimming the Ice Kilometer - a one kilometer swim in 41-degree water.

My twin sister, Jean, and I grew up swimming in the South Portland pool. My father was one of the parents who started that pool in 1980. Good coaches there encouraged us to join the swim team, teach swimming, and take lifeguard training. I was nineteen when I got my first coaching job and never looked back. Working for Sometimes there are dozens of peothe City of Portland for thirty-five years, I ple walking on the beach, a few dogs runstarted the Portland Masters Swim Group ning around, sometimes other groups or twenty-five years ago. singles doing cold plunges. [Others gathered to chime in that The water is thirty-two degrees toJeannette inspires people...] day, so our plan is to stay in the water for Tons of people swim in the ocean be- fifteen minutes. For the first half we’ll walk, cause of Jeannette… Seventy-six emails go waist deep, towing swimming floats. Then out to say where and when we will swim the we swam back in deeper water, chatting next time according to the tide… And the City and laughing, staying close together, and of Portland, Portland Fire Department, and checking in on each other the whole time. Maine Medical Center just honored Jeannette Then we get out, run to our cars, gigfor saving a life at a city pool! gling and hooting, pour hot water on ourselves, take off the suits, wrap in towels, What’s the routine? get in the car with the heat blasting, drink We all wear neoprene socks, neo- tea from thermoses, and talk with our prene gloves, neoprene cap and bathing friends via conference call. It takes about caps, then a normal swimsuit, and usually thirty to forty-five minutes to fully warm crocs on our feet and some sort of cover- up. We get warmer faster now than we up between the car and the beach. Some used to, and we’ve adjusted the amount use wax earplugs, and some of us don’t of time in the water, so no one is shivering put their heads under water. All of us have excessively. Nobody leaves until we’re all warmed up and happy. tow floats tied to us.


Some of us used to not like the cold, and feel shocked, but not anymore. But it’s safe because we know what we need to do. It just takes a while to adjust... It’s the emotional part that’s hard!

How to get involved in swimming! Portland Aquatics Swim and Master Class workouts (everyone is welcome!)


Recommendations for Cold Water Swimming This can be a dangerous sport! Check with your doctor first. • Start slowly in warm water pools or summer lakes and ocean. • Start short with just a few second plunge up to your waist or neck. Aquatics Full moon swims at Willard Beach

• Start shallow. Swim in shallow water.

Peaks to Portland Swim Race https://www.ymcaofsouthernmaine. org/swim Three-mile swim from Lincolnville to Islesboro LifeFlight-Community/Events/Islesboro-Crossing-for-LifeFlight-2015.aspx Wim Hoff method – cold exposure for health benefits cold-therapy

• Don’t swim alone! Keep a close eye on your friends. • Wear neoprene: booties, gloves, and swim cap. • Use a flotation device.

Content provided by PelotonLabs, a coworking space in the West End of Portland, Maine with a mission to connect and encourage people working on their own to manifest their visions without fear.

• Have a towel, warm car, and hot drinks ready. If you want to go in the ocean, talk to someone who’s done it.

PelotonPosts is created by PelotonLabs and WEN provides column space without charge. Publisher Tony Zeli is a member. proudly


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A NEIGHBORHOOD GEM By Layne V. Witherell


uby’s West End restaurant at 64 First Course: Scallop Crudo Pine Street sparkles and shines with strawberry, hibiscus, and like a gem. Inside it resembles your house made chia crackers mémère’s (grandmother’s) kitchen with its Nothing quite resembles a fresh out assortment of mismatched tablecloths and plates from an adorably romantic long- of the water scallop from Maine. Slurpable in very tiny bites.The hibiscus offers a gone age (envision the 50’s). pomegranate/cranberry character that is You can hang out in the morning for lively, fruity, and a marvelous complement. fresh baked goods, coffee, and a glass of The chia cracker provides the crunch. orange juice. Or while away the hours with a delectable weekend brunch, or you Wine Pairing: Giantza Txakolican choose a decadent, celebratory date na (chock-o-lee) night with their tasting menu and extraorFrom the Basque country in Spain, it dinary selection of wine and food pairings. resembles either a Vinho Verde or MusMost recently we chose the latter. cadet. This is a great seafood accompaniment that doesn’t get in the way of delicate flavors but dances along with dishes that feature scallops.

Valentine’s Dinner & Wine Pairing 2022

Aperitif: Furlani Alpino

ture wine corks, topped by a perfect egg yolk, and smothered in a rich sauce, make the antique 50’s table patterns a perfect setting and vibe. This is soothing home comfort food.

Wine Pairing: Erggelett Brothers, “Del Barba Vineyard” Contra Costa Zinfandel, 2018 I am a sucker for great old-world Zinfandels, made and grown in the similar style favored by the 19th century Italian Immigrants.

Erggelet Brothers Zinfandel and gnocchi with mushrooms, caramelized onion and egg yolk. -All photos by Layne Witherell

The Erggelett brothers aren’t even Italians; they are Germans who carried paperback copies of the British philoso- Third Course: Halibut, fingerpher Bertrand Russell in their backpacks ling potatoes, salsa verde, pine on their voyage to California. Zinfandel nuts If you want to be traditional and (formerly known as “the mystery grape” Fork tender halibut with a mild pesto/ Basque local, climb atop a ladder and pour due to its wandering origins) can either be chimichurri pine nut-style flavor accompainnocuous, thin stuff grown in young high it from four feet high niment. This is one subtle, melt-in-youryield vineyards or wines with character streaming from the mouth dish. and strength that will age for decades.This bottle or a porrón (a is the latter. decanter with a spout Wine Pairing: Bedrock Wine you can drink from) The Del Barba vineyard is comprised Co., Alta Vista Vineyard Sonointo your glass. of incredibly old zinfandel, a key to quality.

A brisk little Northern Italian white with just enough fizz to make it resemble a miniature pet nat (pétillant naturel) with a hint of grapefruit. This is clearly not mémère’s wine. Local grapes farmed in granite with an inspired introduction to Second Course: Gnocchi with a biodynamic winemaker’s touch. Some- mushrooms, caramelized onwhere in the “Sound of Music” with 7-Up ions, black pepper, egg yolk snowflakes melting in your glass. A terrific Now we are settling into mémère terintroduction to a meal. Life beyond Chamritory. Little dumplings the size of miniapagne - edgy frizzante.

ma County Gewurztraminer,

Their yields are low and the quality high. 2017 Unrefined and unfiltered. Only 9 barrels You are clearly not in mémère’s house produced (3,000 bottles). Their tasting notes: blood orange, mixed berries, red anymore. Gewurztraminer is usually a plum. WOO-HOO! A sensational pairing; loud, highly aromatic, nectarine and guava mémère would be proud. Cont'd on Next Page...





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Cont'd from Pg. 12

surrounded by his chorus of female fol- as I am not a rep. Ruby’s adds a 20% gratulowers crying out, “Aldo, Aldo!” - You get ity to the bill because it is the right thing the idea. Then it left the American con- to do for their hard-working staff. sciousness for two decades. Along with Bonobo and Chaval, they Today Lambrusco joins the pantheon are a gem of an addition to the wonderof the hippest beverages.A little less sweet ful dining trifecta on this section of Pine and frothy, it is an ideal accompaniment to Street in the West End. Corrinna Stum The idea of the pairing is culinary the chocolate covered strawberries. The (front of the house) and Matt Stum (chef) wacko. The reality is a marvelous experi- bottle didn’t just sneak onto the table but are owners, chief cook, and bottle washwas presented with panache like real wine. ers.They both have thirty-plus years in the ence in subtlety and layering of flavors. biz, and it shows in their quality, service, And it was. Fourth Course: Chocolate covand dedication. flavor combo housed in one grape that is used to calm down aggressive curries and other highly spiced foods. It is usually consumed young and can be used to chase blue cheese around the room.This wine is not that. It is elegant and subtle and wraps itself gently around the dish like a cloak.

ered strawberries, roasted Fifth Course: Foie Gras white chocolate, mint We added this FYI, this was not your croissant and coffee experience, as we were approaching the two-and-a-halfhour mark.

Wine Pairing: Lambrusco Cantinas Salamino de Santa Croce, Emilia-Romagna This is the moment when mémère meets the hipsters. Lambrusco is a dark, frothy semi-sweet Italian red served with fatty meat dishes in Italy. In America in the 80’s it was a gateway drug to real wine. Just pull up the Aldo Cella TV ad featuring the white fedora and white suited Aldo (portrayed by a Greek/American actor)

option, seeing it was on their dinner menu another night. The fatty goose or duck liver is either revered (as in France) or reviled (as in a wide variety of other places). It is rich, buttery, and delicate and can add both pounds and calories just by looking at it.

BTM is thrilled to offer over 2,500 curated wines and a robust selection of Mainemade products for your pantry!

Ruby’s West End 64 Pine Street, Portland 207-956-7916


Monday-Tuesday Closed Wednesday 8am-2pm Thursday 8am-2pm and 5-9pm Friday 8am-2pm and 5-9pm Saturday 8am-2pm and 5-9pm Sunday 8am-2pm and 5-9pm Parking in a lot shared with Chaval. On-street parking and along the #8 bus. Handicapped accessible. And they do vegan.

Wine Pairing: ... It was right there on the table, waiting for us in glasses. The Bedrock Gewurztraminer was made to go with this dish. You are kind of laid back after all the courses. The wine is a gentle close to a great Valentine’s meal. I purchase all the food and wine for this column and the thoughts are my own,

Come visit today! Wine not!?


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Layne has been a professional in the wine business for many decades as a teacher, importer, writer, competition judge, and winery CEO. He was awarded the Master Knight of the Vine for his pioneering work in the Oregon wine industry. He can be reached at:


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The Lion, the Lamb, or a Bear? By Nancy Dorrans What is up with our winter? First Izzy, a Nor’easter blizzard brought high winds and tons of snow to our coast but not near enough to the mountains. My skiing friend in Lincoln, New Hampshire called her a One’easter!

There have been a few “coldest days of the year” followed by temps in the 50’s with tropical winds and pouring rain. Wazzup? What will March bring? The lion, the lamb... or a bear?

Nancy Dorrans and friend Roxanne skiing in Vermont and in Portugal for the WomAccording to Naomi Liz of Roaming the Americas blog, “March in Maine can en, Walking & Wine adventure. Nancy is a professional travel expert be a bear.” She no longer lives here but and founded Adventure Marketplace in 2014. -Photos by Nancy Dorrans Then Landon landed and dumped remembers March being “...blah, cold, wet, snow in the mountains where we want- dead, icky, windy, and lasts forever. March If the season has got you down, perI’m so excited to connect and reconed it but gave everyone at Portland Pub- and November are consistently voted as haps you’re suffering from Tripophobia: nect with my travel industry colleagues lic Schools and the surrounding area a the worst months in Maine by Mainers.” the fear of not having any travel trips curand explore this other side of our county. bizarre sleet day. The snow was weird, She’s definitely not a skier and now rently booked. In this case, you may need My best travel friend Roxanne and I will be dense, hard to shovel, and not good for lives and roams around Latin America. I to plan a vacation to avoid getting maexploring on our own before and after the skiing! The next day I had to drive as far disagree with Naomi. jor Tripophobia! conference, heading inland to the Bend as Bridgton to cross the sleet line. But we area and then out to the coast. We’re still found amazing cross country skiing conI am ready to get my travel hopes and ironing out the details, but my Tripophoditions at Five Fields Farm on Landon’s dreams back on track. I’ve found a cure. bia symptoms have dissipated. We will snow! I’m no longer suffering from Tripophobia. be scouting out an itinerary for the next I’ve got plans! Women,Walking and Wine adventure, this As a child I remember the soft winds fall or in 2023. of March and flying kites with my dad and sisters in the field across from our home In June after school gets out (dependWhile I am an international travelin northeast Ohio. Now living in Maine, er and I am going to be an international ing on our snow days) Adventure Marthis month is not icky or blah. It doesn’t traveler again, for the rest of this year at ketplace is planning a small group advenlast long enough. There is only one week- least, my plans are looking a bit different. ture to explore Puerto Rico’s rainforests, end this month that I don’t have plans to They will be less global and more local beaches, music, food, and local culture. ski, but I’m working on that. I’m still hop- or domestic. There will be no need for a Then towards the end of summer there’s ing for a few more mountain snowstorms. passport. Traveling domestically currently an opportunity to explore Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula and Denali National Park. DeAfter Landon, next on the winter offers the least travel restrictions. tails for these two domestic adventures storm list was Miles. Then came Nancy! In May I’m heading to Eugene, Oregon are still in the works. If you would like to I don’t recall ever having a storm named for AdventureElevate – an (ATTA) Advenafter me! After that are Oaklee, Phyllis, ture Travel Trade Association three-day learn more, please contact me. Quinlan, Rachel, Silas, and Miss Tad. I’ll wel- event. “Our travel community convening In the meantime, try and enjoy the come them all to my ski season. in Eugene, Oregon will find an offbeat, rest of our winter. Watch Charlie Lopresti If you’re not a skier or outdoor win- idealistic intelligence shining brightly, to or Jim Cantore from the Weather Chanter enthusiast, well then, I’m hopeful you inform and inspire as we come together nel getting worked up and excited about have some good books, recipes, streaming to learn and make the connections that the next winter storm extending the ski season! services, and hobbies to keep you busy shape the future of travel.” during our Maine March!

March is no bear for me!

Travel Dreams Ahead

Amazing cross country skiing conditions at Five Fields Farm, Bridgton.

Maybe you are ready for the release of winter, the release of tension, a release of uncertainty?

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We’re All in This Together

Gardening with Natural Systems Spring is soon upon us and, if you are a gardener, now is the time to be planning what to plant and where. Since gardening is far more than planting a few seeds to grow fresh produce, it fits nicely into one of the Six Big Moves outlined in One Climate Future: Nourish ecosystems which nourish us.

between them to create a healthy, sustainable whole. Together rocks, soil, water, air, and living things make up the Earth’s ecosystem. To appreciate the complexity of this, consider that our soil is not just dirt but the home of tons of beneficial fungi, microbes, invertebrates. It decomposes dead plants and animals, filtrates water, and provides nutrients for growing plants. Three of the main tenets of permaculture are to care for the Earth, care for the people, and share the surplus.

Agriculture produces nearly one fourth of global greenhouse gas emissions. As such, increasing the carbon capturing capability of yards may be one of the best actions homeowners and renters alike can take to deal with the climate crisis. Check BRIGHT IDEA: Learn and apout seed catalogues to get a head start on the gardening season. In Maine, two ply fundamental principles of companies have long histories of serving permaculture. our community – Johnny’s Selected Seeds Since permaculture holds powerful ( and FEDCO lessons to guide us in saving resources and Seeds ( Their cata- cutting emissions, we will consider more logues are informative and free. of its basic concepts in future installments Planting fruit trees and native flora of Bright Ideas. In the meantime, readers may be the way to get the biggest bang will find a straightforward and readable for the buck. Native plants in particular re- guide on the subject in the classic “Gaia’s quire minimal maintenance to continually Garden” by Toby Hemenway. produce from year to year. Maine is fortunate to have a strong

DO SOMETHING!!! thoughtful individual choices, it’s even more important for us to insist on poliDecember 1997. First one, then two cy that will immediately move the whole nephews, are safely snapped into their car world. seats and we’re headed home. Playing uncle wasn’t so tough: The Muppets on Ice, Global warming is just that: global. Cracker Jacks, and lemonade. My broth- Our senators are both on the US Senate er’s two-year-old never looked more Climate Caucus. That means it’s Mainers adorable than when his little pizza-sauced and West Enders, you and your parents, face cooed, “Uncle Kevin…” as he fell fast your kids, nieces, and nephews that are asleep. What could go wrong now? Then now at the wheel. the two-year-old finishes his sentence, “I gotta pee… DO SOMETHING!!!” OK, got it, clear call to action. By Kevin Butterfield

July 1977. One industry expert coos Uncle Exxon, “In the first place, there is general scientific agreement that the most likely manner in which mankind is influencing the global climate is through carbon dioxide release from the burning of fossil fuels…” Fasten those seatbelts for a 44-year ride of denial and ineffectiveness from everyone– both the passengers and those at the wheel.

August 2021. The IPCC, an interThose who prefer to take a round- permaculture community. To find out national panel of the brightest scientific ed, big picture approach to gardening may about that, contact the Resilience Hub minds in history, whose predictions have want to explore the practice of perma- ( already been proven to be horrifyingly acculture. Inspired by indigenous and tradicurate, screams, “CODE-RED FOR HUtional wisdom, permaculture mimics the Bright Ideas is brought to you by Port- MANITY.” diversity of natural ecosystems. Perma- land Climate Action Team who meet March 2022. The planet to you: “DO culture practitioners design with plants, on the fourth Thursday of the month, SOMETHING!!!” Your clear call to action. animals, buildings and organizations, while 6-7:30 p.m. All are welcome to join: always focusing on the interconnections Force a change in US federal policy. Support legislation like the Energy Innovation Act, which assigns an escalating fee on carbon at the mining or refining level and then returns it to citizens to invest in clean technologies. Technologies, by the way, which are already here! We can feed, transport, warm, and entertain ourselves without further contributing to the greenhouse gas blanket above us.

Offer a new standard to your home heating oil. Lower your carbon impact by more than 1,500lbs this year with Maine Standard Biofuels!

By enacting this legislation along with its border adjustment component, we’ll also be nudging the whole world along. In the same way that we each should make

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-WEN file photo courtesy of CCL (2019)

The path forward must begin with appropriately pricing carbon emissions right out of every economy in every corner of our warming planet.Time for us ALL to be adults on this one. Endorse the bill, call King, Collins, and Pingree or Golden. Let your voice shake for a second, who cares about that. You’re borrowing this world, in what kind of condition are you going to hand it on? And please join our band of over 200k aunts and uncles at Citizens Climate Lobby. We have a clear call to action. Insist on policy that hits the brakes on fossil fuels and relieves our precious earth. Kevin Butterfield is a father, life-long Mainer, and West End resident who works in finances. He enjoys mountain biking, snowboarding, swimming, and learning Spanish from his children (who study at Portland Public Schools).

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Young Mainer lobbies Sen. Collins with Citizens' Climate Lobby.


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Irish Trivia 1. Physicist George Johnstone Stoney coined what term to describe the negatively charged particles that surround the nucleus of an atom? 2. What ‘70s Irish band had international hits with songs like “The Boys Are Back in Town,” “Jailbreak,” and “Dancing in the Moonlight”? 3. A central figure in the “Theater of the Absurd,” what Nobel Prize winning playwright wrote the 1953 classic “Waiting for Godot”? 4. What box office-busting Irish dancing show starring Michael Flatley and Jean Butler got its start as a time-filler during the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest?

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Thanky ouf orpl a y i ngt heWes tEndNewsPuz z l ePa ge. Fi nds ol ut i onsatt hewes t endnews . c om/ puz z l es ol ut i ons .




WHERE WE THROW EVERYTHING WE HAD NO USE FOR… Mister Bagel on Forest Ave is recognized by local media for local fresh hot poo… New Hampshire’s Franklin Pierce gets his very own bobblehead unveiled at the National head Hall of Fame in Milwaukee on Presidents’ Day… Rocker Rick Springfield reportedly gets stuck in Maine for a day thanks to winter weather… Maine Restaurant Week sells out popular Spirit Quest event before the week even begins… Portland Museum of Art reopens with new ADA accessible front doors… Used car prices in Portland hit a record high costing an average of $30,677… The Beers With(out) Beards festival celebrating women in craft brewing will be at Thompson’s Point on April 9th… And reviewing the world of lists… Maine employers have the 10th Biggest Hiring Struggle in the U.S. with a job openings rate of over 7%... and Maine has the 10th-highest percentage of businesses that report price increases with almost 80% reporting moderate to large increases...

Rigby Auto Repair


Charter Commission Cont'd from Pg. 1

Volunteers from the local chapter of the League of Women Voters are following the charter commission and producing helpful resources. Learn more on their website at The full charter commission meets every other Wednesday, including on March 9th and March 23rd via Zoom. Commissioners may add meetings, as their preliminary report of charter revisions is due to Portland City Council on May 9th. The final report is due on July 11th.Voters will be able to weigh in on November 8th. Tony Zeli is publisher and editor. Contact him at thewestendnews@gmail. com.

We Publish Poetry Please keep sending your poetry submissions. The WEN Poetry Corner publishes reader submissions when space permits. Please send to or write to:The West End News, 795 Congress St., Portland, ME 04102.


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MARCH 2022


Muchas Gracias!

On behalf of Laura, Joe, and the rest of the El Corazon ´ family we want to thank all of you out there in newspaper land for all your continued support with your take-out and delivery orders during this difficult time. We truly appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts (Corazon). ´

Together we will re(Maine) strong!


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