The West End News - August Arts Edition 2022 - Vol. 22 No. 08

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WATER IS LIFE Do Your Bit to Take Care of It By Rosanne Graef



Portland Fine Celebrating Life with Music Craft Show Returns August 27th Presented by Shop Maine Craft, the Portland Fine Craft Show returns for its seventh annual event; a festive, one-day, outdoor juried fine craft show in downtown Portland on Saturday, August 27th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The show is in the heart of Portland’s Arts District in the large parking area at 120 Free Street.

-Photo courtesy of Rosanne Graef

FLOWS TO CASCO BAY DON’T DUMP KEEP WATER CLEAN If you’ve walked around the West End lately, you may have noticed the above message stenciled on the pavement next to storm drains. The West End Neighborhood Association (WENA) aims to stencil all the drains in our area by the end of September. WENA was looking for a way to get neighbors together by doing something outdoors. Storm drain stenciling fits the bill—it’s constructive, social, and fun!

Namory Keita (pictured above on the right) is a Guinean master drummer who received a Traditoinal Arts Network (TAN) grant. -Photo courtesy of Namory Keita

Every month PelotonLabs co-founder Liz Trice interviews a community member. For the August Arts Edition, Liz caught up with Namory Keita, a Guinean master drummer who is one of eight traditional artists and ensembles that received a micro-grant from the Traditional Arts Network (TAN) Fund.

The project originated with the Friends of Casco Bay and the City of Portland’s Water Resources Department. Doug Roncarati, Portland’s Stormwater Program Coordinator, trained a group of volunteers in late June and we got under- Congratulations! way on July 8th. Thank you. I’m glad to be in Maine I know I have trouble following the here and share my culture and help create massive amount of construction that’s a community in Maine. been happening the past few years with projects related to stormwater runoff, When did you come to Maine? What combined sewage, the East End Treatment was your life like in Guinea? Plant... I decided to take the opportunity I came to New Hampshire in 2010 to ask Doug some questions. His {lightly and moved to Maine in 2015. edited} responses on Page 3 are enlightening and thought-provoking. In Guinea, in the village I am from, before I left it was about 2,500 people. My Cont'd on Pg. 3 parents worked in traditional agriculture

- farming for our own food. Many of the activities are “hand work”: growing food, cutting trees, fishing, blacksmithing, carving drums. And the work, everything is collective. It was just me and my brother, and my parents were not happy in me going to school because they wanted me to be a farmer, so I didn’t start school until I was nine years old. In my village we celebrated life with music. So, I learned how to play drums from childhood - even if we didn’t have enough to eat, we were joyful with our music and our singing, and imitating our parents drumming - even on a tomato can. At school we weren’t allowed to play, but then after school we joined the kids in the village drumming.

Cont'd on Pg. 5

-Photo by Tony Zeli (2021)

The show features over one hundred artists from all over Maine and the greater Northeast exhibiting in basketry, ceramics, decorative and wearable fiber, furniture, glass, jewelry, leather, metal, mixed media, paper, printmaking, stone, and wood as well as several outreach booths from Maine arts organizations and sponsors. The show remains one of the only Maine craft shows open to New England artists beyond Maine and is renowned for its exceptional quality and high attendance. Established and formerly produced by the Maine Crafts Association, the Portland Fine Craft Show will now be produced by its new sibling organization, Shop Maine Craft. Shop Maine Craft is a hub of craft artists’ resources, retail sales, and special events designed to create income opportunities for craft artists. For more information, check out the Portland Fine Craft Show Guide with map of exhibitors inserted in this issue.

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Help WENA stencil storm drains! See Community Events on Pg. 4...

Kids Summer Safety Tips By Dr. Lisa Ryan

Maine Sweet Corn & Shrimp Chowder Recipe by Billy Doukas

Movies in Maine Trivia, Crossword, and Sudoku




INSIDE THIS EDITION Best Worst Trivia.........................................14 Bright Ideas...................................................13 Book Short.....................................................6 Love, GenZ.....................................................6 Climate Justice.............................................13 Crossword....................................................14 Dumpster......................................................15 Events...............................................................4 Health & Wellness.........................................7 Layne's Wine Gig ..................................10-11 Map (Overheard in Portland).....................8-9 News & Info ...................................................3 PelotonPosts...................................................5 Recipe............................................................11 Sudoku...........................................................14 Travel..............................................................12 We're All in This Together ........................13

SUBMISSIONS WEN is a community newspaper and we need your voice! Share your submissions with or send to: The West End News, 795 Congress Street, Portland, Maine 04102. • Letters to the editor should be no more than 300 words. Include your name and town or neighborhood. • Op-eds should be no more than 750 words and include a brief biography of 1-2 sentences. • WEN also accepts poetry, cartoons, and photo submissions.

Published by Zeli Enterprises, LLC 795 Congress Street Portland, Maine 04102

Tony Zeli, Publisher & Editor Rick Ness, Sales Erin Zeli, Sales VOLUNTEER CONTRIBUTORS Nancy Dorrans, Travel & Adventure Rosanne Graef, Neighborhood Notes Sadie Levy, Love, GenZ Peter Dugas, Citizens' Climate Lobby Stephanie Miller, Book Reviews Ben Taylor, Best Worst Trivia Liz Trice, PelotonPosts Layne V. Witherell, Layne's Wine Gig

Thank you for contributions from Billy Doukas, WEN Recipe Dr. Lisa Ryan, Northern Light Mercy & the Portland Climate Action Team Printed in Maine by Lincoln County Publishing Co.

ALL SALES INQUIRIES Contact Rick Ness 207-577-7025

Thank you for reading!

Deadline for publication is the fourth Friday of every month. Our column space is very limited, publication is not guaranteed, and submissions may be edited for length and content. The thoughts and opinions expressed in our pages belong solely to the authors and not necessarily to the publication.

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Interview: Doug Roncarati on Portland’s Stormwater Projects Cont'd from Pg. 1 Can you explain the stormwater stalling separate storm drain and sewage separation project? pipes, we are often able to achieve similar results by temporarily collecting the It is a Combined Sewer Overflow combined sewage in a large holding tank, (CSO) abatement project that will col- then as the precipitation subsides and the lect millions of gallons of combined sew- combined sewer collection system (and age (i.e.: residential/commercial/industrial treatment plant) can handle it again, the waste plus stormwater runoff) from mul- combined sewage is conveyed on to the tiple combined sewer pipes and tempo- treatment plant for processing. rarily store it in order to prevent several CSOs from activating and discharging un- What three items are the biggest treated, combined sewage to Back Cove problem for storm drains? during heavy rain events. Anything other than rain and snowCSOs are engineered “pressure relief melt should never be dumped into a storm valves” that activate when heavy precip- drain/catch basin. Seriously though, illeitation overwhelms the combined sewer gal dumping of waste oil and cooking oil/ system, which normally conveys wastewa- grease are very challenging. Construction ter and modest amounts of stormwater wastes such as paint, concrete/drywall, runoff to the East End Treatment Plant compound/grout residue, or wash water for processing. On the plus side these are very problematic. Illegal dumping of CSOs help to prevent combined sewage pet waste bags is a growing challenge befrom backing up into the streets and al- cause of the bacteria, nutrients (nitrogen low some additional runoff to enter the and phosphorus), and trash they introduce combined sewers, thereby reducing street to our systems. flooding. However, they discharge signifiWe got a call from a resident comcant amounts of untreated wastewater plaining that the catch basin in front of and stormwater runoff to our coastal wahis house smelled like sewage. When our ters. crew arrived to investigate, they found that The City has been using two ap- the catch basin was full of festering pet proaches to eliminate and/or reduce CSO waste bags that had been illegally dumped discharges: Sewer separation and “store by neighbors and community members and treat” systems. Sewer separation is every time they took their dog for a walk. just what it sounds like: Install separate The resident was outraged that people pipes to collect and convey the stormwa- were doing this and he became a motiter runoff and wastewater, thus removing vated “watch dog-owner,” telling people a lot of stormwater from the overbur- why they shouldn’t dump pet waste bags dened combined sewer collection system. down storm drains (especially in front of This approach increases the capacity of his home) and why. {Author’s Note: Even if the remaining combined sewer collection someone doesn’t throw a poop bag directly system, helping it to more effectively con- into the drain, one dropped on the sidewalk vey the sewage to the treatment plant. or tossed into the gutter or bushes is likely to However, the separated stormwa- eventually make its way to the drain, just like ter is still discharged to coastal waters plastic cups and cigarette butts.} untreated. Even without the wastewater, Any other info you’d like to get out stormwater runoff can pick up a lot of to the public? pollution from our built landscape, such It’s all connected! What we do on the as petroleum products, sediment, fertilland impacts our streams, ponds, rivers, izers/pesticides, heavy metals... The City and coastal waters, which in turn impacts is implementing a variety of stormwater the food we eat, the water we drink, the pollution prevention measures and installplaces where we work and play. Water ing treatment systems like underdrained pollution impacts our health, the health soil filters, tree box filters, gravel wetlands, of our environment, and the long-term hydrodynamic separators, and baffle boxhealth of our economy. It is much cheaper es, to reduce the impact of operating our to prevent stormwater and water pollustormwater management systems. tion than it is to deal with it after the fact. The second approach to CSO abatement is storage and treatment, of which Get Involved! If you’d like to get involved the Back Cove and Baxter Boulevard with the drain stenciling project, please projects are good examples. Instead of in- email Rosanne Graef lives in the West End. Email her at

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West End Storm Drain Stenciling

The West End Neighborhood Association (WENA) invites you to their annual picnic on Wednesday, August 10th, at 5:30 p.m. Bring your own picnic, blanket, and chairs. Enjoy the view, meet friends and neighbors, and stay for the entertainment! At 6:30 p.m. King Memphis will perform as part of the Friends of the Western Promenade Sunset Concert Series (see details -Photo courtesy of Rosanne Graef below). The rain date is August 11th for Initiated by the Friends of Casco Bay, picnic and concert. WENA is leading small groups to stencil storm drains with the message:“No DumpFriends of Western ing - Drains to Casco Bay” with a graphic Promenade Sunset of a lobster or a fish.WENA is sending out teams from July through September. The Concert Series teams consist of three to four people goWeds., Aug. 10 & 17 at 6:30pm ing out for an hour or so.The goal is to get Western Prom / Donations welcome all the drains in WENA’s neighborhoods Presented by Friends of Western freshened up. The best time to stencil is in Promenade… Join us for free live music the early morning or late afternoon/earconcerts in the historic Western Prome- ly evening when there is less traffic. The nade Park each Wednesday one hour be- City of Portland provides all equipment. fore sunset through August 17th. Sign up today. It’s fun. It’s outdoors. And City of Portland Parks rules and regu- you may meet new people! All while doing lations apply. Please carry home any trash something productive and tangible for our you bring to the park. And please consider environment. It’s not a big commitment, a donation to help keep these concerts you can just jump in a couple of times going. To donate visit https://www.friend- when you see a spot on the schedule that works for you. WENA is building a list of volunteers, so if interested in joining, let August Schedule them know. Email: Aug. 10th – 6:30p – King Memphis Aug. 17th – 6:30p – Jason Spooner Band For more information on WENA, visw/Allison Linley it:

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Namory Keita Celebrating Life with Music NK: When you are ten years old, you can’t sleep at your parents’ house, so you find your own place to stay. Your parents might push you because of the intimacy between parents; the house is small and round, and the floor is hay. You might move to sleep at your grandma’s house, or you might stay with your friends. If one family has an empty house, all the kids will go stay there, and then be under that parent’s control. We drummed with those friends. Beside houses in the village, we have a public place where everyone can meet, and we have the elder’s house where the chief lives, and when there’s an issue, everyone brings it to the chief to find a solution. I served my village as a drum leader, then my country.Then I went to Germany, Portugal, Poland, France, then went back to Guinea, then came to New Hampshire for six months, then back to Guinea, then back to New Hampshire, and decided to stay to establish my family’s life. What does it mean to be a drum leader? The drum leader is the person who interacts with the people who dance or sing. The original life in my village - we enjoy ourselves with the full moon because

Cont'd from Pg. 1

we don’t have electricity. Everybody goes to visit friends in the night, and at your friend’s house, your friend might be working on something, and you help, or your friend might have food, and you eat. When you visit someone, the first question the person asks is: “Do you want to eat?” What are your plans for the Traditional Arts Network grant? When I moved here, I lost everything - I lost everything - my parents, the womNamory Keita is a Guinean master drummer pictured at work doing carpentry and leading an who brought me here. I feel blessed a performance. -Photos courtesy of artist in Portland, and I healed that pain, and I joined a community here, doing the per- tistic heritage from their countries of or- Network website at https://www.mayoigin. The grants range from $500 - $1,000. formances, teaching the classes. The funds help New Mainer artists overI have a dream to build a school for come short-term financial hurdles or lay You can reach Namory at: West African Culture called Amana a San- the foundation for long-term goals.TAN is ta to preserve the culture, first in Guin- a collaboration between Mayo Street Arts ea, and if I go forward, I could plant the (MSA) and Cultural Resources. The grant same school here. I would love to do that funds come from the Maine Arts Com- PelotonLabs is a coworking space in the in Maine also. I’m on my own doing this mission. In addition to the TAN Fund, the West End of Portland, Maine with a mission through my own dream. I put the mon- network organizes artist gatherings and to connect and encourage people working on ey I get from drumming into that dream. offers a Traditional Arts Apprenticeship their own to manifest their visions without And I have a full-time job with Blue Jay program to support the education of a fear. Carpentry. new generation of traditional artists. More on Traditional Arts Network To request more information and/ PelotonPosts is created by PelotonLabs. The Traditional Arts Network (TAN) or assistance, please email TAN@mayost- WEN provides column space without charge. grants are for newly arrived artists and en- Or call Mayo Street Arts at WEN publisher and editor Tony Zeli is a cosembles in Maine bearing cultural and ar- 207-879-4629. Visit the Traditional Arts working member at PelotonLabs.

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Apeirogon, By Colum McCann Review By Stephanie Miller To understand the macro story, you must hear the micro stories. “Apeirogon,” by award winning author Colum McCann, focuses on the true story of two fathers of two dead girls, one Israeli and one Palestinean, both “collateral damage” in the unrelenting conflict that haunts daily living in Jerusalem.Telling the story of their grief is what both fathers do. Side by side they travel the country sharing their heartbreak and suggesting a radical notion: If both sides lay down their arms and talk, just talk and listen, then mutually agreeable peace can be found.

The stories talk about the daughters - celebrating their smiles, their mischievousness, how they loved their fathers, and were loved in return. Plenty are about torture – both during the Holocaust and in modern jails. Some explain how living under the constant threat of rebel bombings will warp your patriotism and sense of humanity. Others show how growing up without rights in your ancestral land might encourage you to fight back, with stones if you have nothing else. Some show the beauty of a dinner table with all your children home, whole, and happy. Many involve birds - in flight, stalking prey, held captive, and used as symbols by religious and political leaders. Flight - a form of escape, a leveraging of the natural currents, a sense of control over your destiny - is a useful metaphor here.

McCann richly weaves their stories with more stories - one thousand and one to be precise. The title, “Apeirogon” – a shape with a countably infinite number of sides – lends the book a construct. Some There are stories about: Controlling of the “chapters’’ are one sentence, some a populous by restricting access to water. go on for a dozen pages. Some are just The sound of waves on a beach. Frustrapictures. They span centuries, fiction, and tion at not being able to take your chiltruth. dren to a beach due to harassment at The stories are strange and bewildercheckpoints. How soldiers are trained to ing, as if you are glimpsing shadows out follow orders – even to do monstrous the window of a fast moving car. Yet, they acts. Parents sharing grief. resonate. You consider a different perThe result is a relentless drip, drip, spective. The 1,001 stories slow the novel down, and that is a good thing. The point drip of pain, fear, anguish, anger, as well as, is there - just in front of us, so logical and somewhat miraculously, love, understandpoignant it’s almost painful, but constant- ing, and friendship. In this, we receive the ly out of reach. Sort of like peace in the answer - a path to peace - from a story with a thousand sides. Middle East. Bayside resident Stephanie Miller is a voracious reader and bibliophile who spends a lot of time lost in the stacks. Find her online @StephanieSAM.

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3D Printing Replicas and Repatriating Cultural Works By Sadie Levy

There are modern solutions to the art repatriation crisis, including 3D printing. This advancement allows for close to exact replicas of art, sculptures, and more to be produced. Many museums are already using this technology and allowing the museum’s guests to partake in digital 3D explorations of antiquities. With this ability, what is the need to deprive a culture or place from what is theirs? Other world citizens would still have an opportunity to view and learn from the cultural heritage through new means.

Throughout history, cultural heritage has been wrongfully acquired through immoral means and ended up far from where it originated. In recent years, disputes over a number of art repatriation cases have been brought to the public. Many people have adamantly pushed officials and museums to return antiquities and artifacts to their place or culture of origin, arguing that whether or not the means of acquisition were legal is arbitrary because Western museums do not have the right to benefit from culture that Museums providing access to period doesn’t belong to them. pieces does not mean the museum has rightful ownership. Culturally significant So what is the justification of keepart and possessions are put on display for ing cultural heritage outside of its country later generations of the “conquering” soof origin? Protecting historical artifacts ciety to view without enough context or by keeping them somewhere else can be recognition of the culture that produced important if the original location doesn’t them. While repatriation of antiquities have the means to store antiquities safely may increase the difficulty with how some from looting and improper preservation. are able to view world works, individuals Additionally, keeping pieces in western descended from the region of past culmuseums allows more people access to tures would have easier access to the artlearn about objects of important worldly work that has had a direct impact on their or historical significance. Another arguhistory. Additionally, museums can and are ment is that the tracing of antiquities is beginning to form lending programs with often a tedious project and it can be diffiother museums across the globe. cult to trace the lineage and know where to return specific artifacts. All the various reasons still deprive a country or culture Sadie Levy is a Junior at Waynflete high of celebrating and learning about their school in Portland, Maine. She loves own history. writing and adventuring in nature.

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Kids Summer Safety Tips By Dr. Lisa Ryan The top cause of accidental death in kids ages one to four is drowning. Parents While sun conversations take place should exercise caution when their chilall year, they start to pick up in the spring dren are around water, as kids under five as families are excited to start getting out can go under very quietly and quickly—often without a splash or warning sign. in the nicer weather.

Sun protection

We often think about sunscreen when we head to the beach, but sometimes we forget to use it each day. Even when we’re out in the yard, it only takes a few minutes to get sunburnt. And it’s important to know that the sun will reflect off sand and water (and snow!), so even if you are in the shade, you still may burn.

Always hydrate Hydration is important all year, but it’s very important in warmer weather. Here is a helpful guide to the right number of 8-ounce servings of liquid (which includes water or milk) various ages should be consuming:

• Ages 1-3: 3-4 servings Infants should use a reputable brand • Ages 4-8: 5 servings of sunscreen, as newborn skin is more sensitive. I also recommend a sunscreen • Ages 8-10: 8 servings with zinc in it, especially on the face for • Ages 10 and older: 8-10 servings active babies who may be more prone to sweat. Zinc with sunscreen will not irri- Please note, on hot and humid days, tate the eyes as much, and a level of SPF even more water is suggested. 30 provides good protection for children. Wearing clothing that provides UV pro- Keep the bugs at bay tection, hats, and sunglasses are always Ticks are present all year long, and helpful, too. we live in a region where Lyme disease If babies do get sunburnt, applying a is prevalent. Everyone could benefit from cool washcloth to the burn may help pro- daily tick checks. As kids get older, it’s imvide some relief. For parents who have portant to check the entire body when children over two years old, a little bit of they’re getting ready for bed at night. Tylenol can be used for discomfort. When thinking about insect repellent, I recommend the use of bug spray with Be safe around water DEET in it with the exception of babies Once babies start walking, water safe- under 2 months of age. While repellents ty is critically important. Children should with up to 30% DEET are considered safe, I recommend starting much lower and never be left alone around water.

Tips on sun protection, water safety, keeping bugs at bay, and hydration from Northern Light Mercy pediatrician Dr. Lisa Ryan. -WEN file photos working your way up as necessary. It’s also important to note that DEET works best applied to clothing rather than the skin. And if you want to prevent bites, avoiding outdoor activities when mosquitos are most active, such as dusk, is a good strategy. Using mosquito netting can be helpful for young children, too. By keeping some of these tips in mind, we can help ensure that our little ones are safe and protected. If you have any questions, I encourage you to reach out to your primary care provider or pediatrician to learn more.

Dr. Lisa Ryan is a pediatrician at Northern Light Mercy Hospital’s Dr. Harry E. Davis Pediatric Center.

Content Provided By Northern Light Mercy Hospital is a nonprofit community hospital sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy. Northern Light Mercy Hospital is a paid advertiser.


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MUSCADET By Layne V. Witherell

Muscadet has a problem. The wine from that famous 650-mile river in the Loire Valley in France is white and dry, tastes of “salinity and seashells“ (notes wine writer Jacqueline Friedrich), and is a perfect seafood accompaniment (including sushi). The name on the label, unfortunately, blares out “sweet wine.” Our tiny social media saturated brains blink Moscato, the polar grape and flavor opposite of Muscadet. The mega wine companies have blanketed our world with Moscato.To find Muscadet, you must sometimes look harder than you think. In the past month or so, I have taken a “Muscadet Dive,” discovering books, out of the way sources, and a variety of wines. The name refers to wine with a musk-like taste.

MICHEL LELU MUSCADET, 2018, $10.00 This is Muscadet at its most basic.The grape is Melon de Bourgogne (originally from Burgundy, France). In order to really delve, you need the book: Jacqueline Friedrich’s Wine and Food Guide to the Loire. You discover that Muscadet isn’t like Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc. It is lighter, less tasting of a grape variety than a place. “From vinous mouthwash to great shellfish accompaniment,” writes Friedrich.You also learn that to really appreciate the region you need to read this book. Also, if you are traveling, carry this along for info and just for a great read.


Sur Lie? Since there isn’t a rush to oak age these lighter wines, they use a technique called sur lie.After fermentation, the yeast cells die and settle to the bottom of the barrel. They leave them there and give them a stir to create a creamy complexity, “a rich bone marrow texture,” says Friedrich, which imparts more flavor. In France, there are laws for everything. Some producers want a zippy removal of the “lees,” others want a forever wait, intensifying flavor and texture. It depends on who makes the wine. This Muscadet, because of its youth, is spritelier and more exuberant than the older Lelu. Usually drink them on the youngish side. At 25,000 acres, there is a lot of Muscadet produced. Most bottles of it, then and now, have wound their way up the river to Paris to slake the great bistro thirst.

A LITTLE MUSCADET HISTORY... A problem that vexes me as a historian is the where and when part of the story. Many families go back eighteen generations as growers and producers - but who started it? There is a trove of famous ancestors like Eleanor of Aquitaine, Henri 2nd, and Richard the Lionhearted, Joan of Arc, and don’t forget Charles Martel, who destroyed the dreams of the Califate in 732 in Poitiers. Earlier history is a mist and a cloud. (Fun side note: The Dutch used the grapes for brandy in the 17th Century. A real loss.)

(Left) Michel Lelu Muscadet, 2018, $10. (Right) Vignobles Lechateau Muscadet Sevreet Maine Sur Lie, 2020, $10. -Photos courtesy of Layne Witherell and nourishment. Every other day, it was wine. Many legion members worshipped the Persian sun god Mithras. It was the original “bro” religion-men only. A chief rival to Christianity, it was outlawed in AD 395. A few of their underground temples with bull sacrifice images still exist.

many bottles to wash down shellfish, sushi, and countless wonderful things from the sea, up pops the big one when you least expect it, “from light (in flavor) to an archaeological dig,” Friedrich again.

DOMAINE de l’ECU MUSCADET SEVRE-ET- MAINE THE LOCALS: Christians used the wines of the region for mass and export- “ORTHOGNEISS”, 2015, $22.00 (retail) $42.00 (restaued, paid taxes, and sold wines. rant) Dionysian’s followers were still going strong. There is a mural in Pompeii in the Villa of the Mysteries that shows an initiation into this strangest of wine god mystery religions. For the young initiate, there is a lot of drama, drinking of much wine, and clashing of cymbals. We can only guess?

I like restaurants, but they are mostly predictable. The couple ordering the bottle of that cliché of clichés Sancerre, like they have just discovered its existence. The older dowager in the corner table impressing herself and the young’uns with a bottle of Kistler Chardonnay at north of $250.00 - just to say in a quiet, sniffy voice, This leads us to the best part of the “Ah, gee.” search for Muscadet. After you have used Cont'd on Pg. 11


Out of somewhere, popped this book: “Medieval People,” 1924, by Eileen Power. This is it. The book that leads you to the little-known Roman Emperor Probus (ruled AD 276 – AD 282) and the origin of those grapes. Probus was elected by the troops as emperor, having dispatched in battle 400,00 Germans and many others.

The good news with Muscadet? You can step up the game without breaking the bank. The most famous, fashionable, and Gucci trend-able wine from the Loire is Sancerre, a Sauvignon Blanc based white that will set you back $40.00 plus on a good day. Muscadet is lighter, but for the Probus liked to have the legions conextra thirty bucks and change you saved stantly work - building roads, temples, you can have a party! bridges, and planting grapes. They dispatched him in 282 as, I guess, an early Words, words, words. Sevre et-Maine labor strike, but the vines and wines reis the major zip code location of the Mus- mained. Who drank them? cadet region. Better zip code, better wine, so goes the theory. This is a co-op made THE TROOPS: They drank posca wine from the inner reaches of Muscadet. (a vinegar, water, wine drink) for strength

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It is thrilling to (A) find the greatest Muscadet producer; (B) spend about as much for it as a cheesy Coastal California Chardonnay; (C) most importantly, to enjoy it at dinner with my wonderful wife.

By Billy Doukas

Pull a picture of the winery up on your phone. It is an ancient Minoan temple interior. Probus and the bros would be so proud. Probably the Dionysian’s, too. It is an infomercial for biodynamic wine, right down to their dirty boots. Sure 2015 is kind of old for a Muscadet, but they pull it off. “Mineral, pine fruit. Beautifully structured with incredible freshness and mineral expression,” grants Friedrich.

Domaine de l'Ecu Muscadet Sevre-et Maine "Orthogneiss", 2015, $22-$42. At the end of this month, I have learned more about the history of Muscadet than I ever thought I would know. Thank you, Tony Zeli, publisher and Judy Witherell, editor/photographer for letting me bring this to you.

I never take notes on wines while dining with my wife. In the hour that we contemplated this masterwork over dinner I just had to manage a few jottings. “A magnificence very unlike Chardonnay or White Burgundy. It changes minute by minute. Salinity and oxidation as an art form. As it opens, it becomes like an oyster bed from the sea.”


For an afternoon of snark, fun, and wine come to Blue, 650 Congress Street, Two questions remain... Portland, from 5-6 p.m. Four pours of 3 oz. 1. According to Friedrich, Muscadet has each for twelve bucks. Check their webnever placed anyone in the Winemak- site for vax requirements. No reservaers Hall of Fame. Is it time? Will it tions are required.Visit ever be time? Layne has been a professional in the wine business for many decades as a teacher, importer, writer, competition judge, and winery CEO. He was awarded the Master Knight of the Vine for his pioneering work in the Oregon wine industry. He can be reached at

2. “Natural wine is a fantasy of marginal winemakers,” says Michel Bettane, a leading wine critic from France. Shouldn’t we start a list and figure out the great ones from the marginal ones, instead of just lumping them into an all is great or all are rotten mindset?


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This colorful and nutritious dish is perfect for festive gatherings and for pleasing a crowd. Not only does it feed many (double it; heck, triple it!), this dairy free chowder does great on low heat for the length of the party. Sweet local corn and succulent shrimp meet in a flavorful broth topped with fresh herbs. Serve with a side of ripe avocado and crunchy cucumber! Ingredients – Serves 8 6 ears of fresh Maine corn (gold, silver, or silver & gold) 1 lb. raw shrimp, 20-25 count, peeled & deveined 3 tablespoons extra virgin garlic flavored olive oil 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 2 large yellow onions, coarsely diced 16 oz. vegetable broth 16 oz. seafood broth 12 oz. coconut milk, unsweetened 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons minced jalapeno pepper 1 tablespoon Kosher salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 avocado, peeled and cut into 1” chunks 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped coarsely

-Courtesy Billy Doukas 5. Place saucepan ingredients into the stockpot, add seafood broth, stir, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer till kernels are tender. Remove 4 ladles of chowder, including shrimp and corn, and place in a blender, puree, and return to the stockpot. Add unsweetened coconut milk, lemon juice, and simmer for another 15 minutes. Taste and adjust salt and pepper. 6. Place servings in soup bowls.Top with fresh cilantro and serve with ripe avocado or fresh sliced cucumber.

The season’s best herbs and produce can be found locally, including Portland Farmers’ Market in Deering Oaks Directions Park. Delicious flavored oils and broths 1. Shuck corn. Then, hold ears upright can be found at local grocers Rosemont over the cutting board and cut kernels and Micucci, while Harbor Fish always off with a sharp knife in a downward mo- has a great selection of shrimp products. tion. Collect corn kernels in a bowl and A full-bodied rich Chardonnay or a set aside. Sprinkle with a couple pinches sharp-edged Chenin Blanc will pair very of salt. well; a great selection can be found at 2. Coarsely dice onions, mince jalapeno RSVP. My personal preference is a Cupeppers, peel and devein shrimp. Set all rieux, a balanced golden beer from Allagash Brewing Company with notes of these aside. bourbon, vanilla, and a hint of coconut. 3. Heat vegetable broth in an 8 to12 quart stockpot over a medium heat and poach shrimp; about 5 minutes. (Leave William “Billy” Doukas is based where Longfellow Square meets shrimp in broth.) Parkside. With his mother, Rita Pa4. Heat butter and olive oil in a large nagakos-Doukas, he co-owned and saucepan over a low heat. Add onions, operated Longfellow Café and The salt, black pepper, and cook until onions Trojan Horse Restaurant between are translucent; about 10 to 15 minutes. 1980-1990. A former engineer with Add minced jalapeno, cook on medium the Maine DOT, Billy competes as heat for 3 minutes. Add corn kernels, stir, a chef and hosts two annual food and heat for another 3 minutes. events.





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Keep Calm and Travel On! with each other and the surrounds with they weren’t old enough to drink or go to awe and were inspiring. I’ve held onto the the casino room. I found several of them Everyone has at least one or more memories of these precious students and sitting around looking bored. nightmare stories of travel hiccups and moments all these years. horrors. Some of my clients have one I asked if anyone wanted to go for a airline they will absolutely never fly on walk up on the deck. Half a dozen girls Roses to the Rescue in joined me, and we walked up the stairs again. For others it is an airport they refuse to fly through or into. This summer Italy into a strong wind. We could barely walk there seems to be a bit of a perfect storm forward. I suggested we try and run across One evening for airlines, airports, and pent-up travelthe top deck.They took the bait and raced ers. No pilots, passengers boarding then at dinner someacross. Everyone laughed as the winners offboarding, rebooking then nothing avail- where in Italy, the tagged the wall. I came in last but in time seated able, cancellations, hours on hold… How restaurant to see the captain open the door.We were all the students in did it get so bad? at the bridge. He looked very serious. He the back room. The asked us if we’d seen anything odd. His Could it be the loss of control over rest of us “adults” crew below had reported what sounded the situation that has caused so much had a small table out like several elephants running above their frustration and so many recent travel front. While we were sleeping quarters. Then he laughed and innightmares? Are we as travelers the vic- dining on pasta and vited us all in for a tour of the bridge! tims, perpetrators/persecutors, or rescu- red wine, a peddler ers? This current storm is like a swirling came in with a basHe explained all the controls and indysfunctional triangle! ket of long stem red troduced us to his first mates. The bridge roses to sell to the Kyle's rose... in a offers the best unrestricted view of the patrons. He greet- bidet for lack of a vase. coast and lights of the villages nearby. We The Drama Triangle ed us and asked Mr. soaked it in! I didn’t care where Mr. Leon“The Drama Triangle” was first de- Leonard if he wanted to buy a rose for ard was at that point. He was in the trianscribed by Stephen Karpman in the 1960s. one or both of his ladies (me and his sis- gle, and I was not. “It is a model of dysfunctional social inter- ter) at the table. He declined. actions and illustrates a power game that Traveler’s Revenge I motioned for the peddler to head involves three roles: Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor, each role represents a com- back to where the students were dinTravel can be difficult, and it often mon and ineffective response to conflict.” ing. He did. Moments later one of the doesn’t go as planned. Sometimes the unstudents, Kyle, came out of the back expected leads to wonderful memories, If you read my article last month room with a rose. He smiled and gave it sometimes not. about escorting a group of forty-eight high to me! What a sweet and thoughtful gesschool students from Spain to Greece, ture. I’m sure I blushed! I was happy. Kyle This summer I’m happy to say that you know that Mr. Leonard had the lead was happy.The peddler was happy, too. His travel is surging. Many countries have in one of my nightmare travel stories. He basket was almost empty! loosened their Covid-19 restrictions and played the major role of perpetrator and reopened borders. BUT the surge is washminored as victim. I landed the role of res- The Superfast Ferry’s ing ashore and causing travel chaos.Travelcuer. Often my go-to place in the triangle. ers are taking revenge on Covid! By Nancy Dorrans


The students, on the other hand, A few days later our group boarded avoided or ignored Mr. Leonard’s roles and enjoyed the spontaneous moments of an overnight “Superfast Ferry” from Bari, their European adventure. I followed them Italy to Patras, Greece. After dinner there out of the Drama Triangle.They connected wasn’t much for the students to do since

“Shoe Repair Gives Extra Wear”

In the catacombs under Rome... Above: Nancy Dorrans with Mr. Leonard - thinking about leaving him there! Below: Kyle (2nd from left) with friends. -Photos courtesy of Nancy Dorrans

and overworked, and this isn’t just while traveling. Best advice if you want to get away and avoid traveler’s revenge? Use a travel advisor. Schedule your flights for early morning departures. Purchase trip cancellation insurance. Be flexible. Make a list of where you want to go next but wait to book the next big trip!

If you do book and take a trip in the next few months, please try and make the most of the unexpected. Stay calm, breathe deep, and be nice. Know that you’ll have the best experience and mem“Traveler’s revenge” is a new indus- ories if you do. try term for this pent-up demand. Airlines can’t keep up. Airports are asking the air- Nancy Dorrans is a professional lines to cut down on flights in London travel expert and founded Adventure and elsewhere. Everyone is beat down Marketplace in 2014.

500 Stevens Avenue Portland, ME 04103 (207) 774-1612




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We’re All in This Together

Hot Summer but Hope for Climate Grows By Peter Dugas It’s been a bumpy ride but there are hopeful signs the US may finally engage in effective and equitable climate policy. As citizens of the only state with both senators on the Senate Climate Solutions Caucus, Mainers can speak up and drive robust policy. Example #1: While not all we hoped for, and certainly not all we need, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) has reached a deal with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for considerable climate legislation as part of the reconciliation package. This legislation appears to break the previous record for the largest climate provisions previously passed just last year in the bipartisan infrastructure package. Example #2: The pressure on the US to price carbon (joining every other developed nation in the world) is about to get intense. Starting January 1st, the EU and UK (and likely Canada soon after) will start levying Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms (CBAMs or carbon tariffs) on imports from countries with little or no carbon price. The EU and UK are eager to accelerate their transition away from greenhouse gas emissions and these CBAMs protect their industries from carbon-intensive imports while encouraging their trading partners to join the club. Example #3: Lawmakers on both sides are waking up to the need to price carbon.

Conservatives are beginning to speak out in favor of joining the CBAM club (see Senators Kramer, Cassidy, and Romney) while the majority of the Progressive Caucus, Congressional Black Caucus, and Hispanic Caucus now support carbon fee and dividend legislation which penalizes industrial polluters and benefits taxpayers. Example #4: Canada’s Carbon Cashback program is a growing success. For years, Canadians have been receiving carbon dividend payments, paid by polluters. Starting this year those payments have transferred from being buried in their taxes to transparent quarterly checks which will only increase the popularity of this effective, equitable, and popular policy.

A BETTER WORLD BRIGHT IDEA: Help Children Prepare for the Future

The legislature's accomplishments include: • More protection of wild places, rivers, and streams.

Rather than preparing children for the workforce or to reach higher standards of living than their parents, they need our support in cultivating the resilience and resistance necessary to face the toughest challenge ever – climate collapse.

• A major investment in climate education.

Young people feel they’ve been betrayed by older generations – something that must be repaired. They know the stakes and mourn the injustice. We need to supply them with the means to act on their feelings and avoid being crushed by the weight of the world.Truth is critical to the process.

Unfortunately, a bill that would have resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in additional investment in renewable energy failed to pass. But $3.5 million to Efficiency Maine for its EV incentive program will boost ownership of electric vehicles throughout the state.

Example #5: While the Supreme Court’s recent West Virginia v. EPA decision was devastating for regulating carbon emissions, it clarified the need for climate policy beyond expensive regulation. Because the Constitution explicitly empowers Congress to raise and distribute Teenagers have money, carbon fee and dividend would be come of age knowimpervious to judicial review. ing the world is goYour voice matters, especially in ing to overshoot 1.5 Maine, the only state with both senators degrees of warmon the Senate Climate Solutions Cau- ing – maybe even cus. Contact your lawmakers ( two. And they have mcc) today and demand immediate cli- every reason to fight for every fraction of Youth rallying for mate action. Humanity can’t wait. a degree. To support climate justice at City Peter Dugas is a Portland resident and these kids as they Hall. -WEN file(2021) volunteer with Citizens’ Climate Lobby. face an endangered world requires us, as adults, to rediscover our optimism and reengage in the fight. If it takes a village to raise a child, holistic, heartfelt climate education could change the village itself.

BRIGHT IDEA: Check Out Our Legislature’s Accomplishments

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NRCM (National Resources Council of Maine) recently released its 2022 report card for Maine’s Environment. A legislative session that began with only modest expectations proved to be much more productive than expected.

• Launching the Maine Climate Corps. • Some new standards on plastic bottle recycling.

BRIGHT IDEA: Protect Nature Because It Makes Us Happy If you’ve been out hiking, hunting, camping, or canoeing, you know that nature enriches our lives by providing opportunities for us to connect with each other and the places we care about. Research finds that spending time in nature tends to reduce blood pressure, lower hormones related to stress and anxiety, decrease the probability of depression, and improve cognitive function. Those exposed to nature fare better than others who take part in similar activities in non-natural settings. Unfortunately, according to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), nature itself is threatened with over 40,000 animals, fungi, and plants at risk of extinction. The leaders of most major religions speak of a moral responsibility to care for God’s creation. Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical “On Care for Our Common Home” is a case in point. It urges us to be good stewards of Earth by conserving its ecosystems and living creatures for the good of all.

Bright Ideas is brought to you by Portland Climate Action Team which meets monthly on the 4th Thursday, 6-7:30 p.m. All are welcome to join in. FMI:

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“Movies in Maine” Trivia 1. John Irving wrote the novel and the screenplay adaptation for what movie about a young orphan who becomes a doctor? 2. Friendship, Maine is an apt setting for what 1995 children’s film about a friendly ghost? 3. The highest user rating on IMDb belongs to what 1994 prison movie adapted from a Stephen King story? 4. The Iron Giant was the first feature film by what director behind The Incredibles, Ratatouille, and MI: Ghost Protocol?

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Governor Mills presents inaugural game ball for Maine’s first professional women’s basketball team the Lewiston-Auburn Maples… Unitarian Universalist church awards prestigious Bennett Award to Portland’s oldest house of worship First Parish for their exemplary work with the Wabanaki tribes… Steven Wright proves that the West End is the Best End for dogs with his dog library… Friends of Woodfords Corner opens a real office space in the Odd Fellows building… With the help of Allagash Brewing, the Riverton Trolley Park expands for the first time in 100 years to include new wildlife habitat and mature white pines… School pantry organization The Locker Project moves to a new home on Wescott Road in South Portland… The home of suffrage pioneers Florence Brooks and Robert Treat Whitehouse at 42 Deering Street is honored with a plaque commemorating the 100th anniversary of Maine women’s right LtoR: Whitehouse great-granddaughters Vicki Gass, to vote… Amanda Dustin, Anne Gass, and Elizabeth Scully -Photo courtesy of Herb Adams

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