Opinions: Western struggles to attract more students.
Sports: Track team looks to continue season strong.
Friday, May 3, 2019 - Vol. 119 Issue 86
SGA convenes for the final time this year
josh purnell/ courier staff
Aaron Steele (left), Madison Lynn (center) and Grant Reed (right) give their final farewells to the Student Government Association after a year in their leadership positions.
By Marc Ramirez news editor Aaron Steele, Speaker of the Senate, opened up the last general assembly meeting of the 50th legislative body of the Student Government Association Tuesday night. The evening began with roll call to ensure quorum of the room since the week prior, it was not attained. “The mission of the Western Illinois University Student Government Association is to promote the general welfare of students through the representation of their concerns, viewpoints and interests regarding governance issues to the administration and faculty of our distinguished University,” SGA’s PurplePost page reads. “Through this service, the Student Government Association will strive
to improve the quality of academic and co-curricular experiences at Western Illinois University and provide developmental opportunities for its members.” With that being said, the business agenda for the night was the SGA Constitutional Amendment 2018-2019.002 and SGA Bill of Resolution 2018-2019.001 in order to fulfill its mission. The first bill was about creating a Faculty/Student Roundtable that would become a standing SGA committee and would convene every academic year under the direction of the new Director of Academic Affairs. Attorney General Kelly Rodgers, President Grant Reed and Director of Academic Affairs Colton Markey created the bill to promote and urge stronger faculty and student communication in
order to develop stronger relationships, networking opportunities and to implement change. Therefore, they hope to establish this new roundtable in order to fix strained relationships and discuss issues, challenges and develop collaborative initiatives to better the student/ faculty environment. “SGA has established a Faculty/Student Roundtable where these parties can discuss issues facing faculty and students, and act upon initiatives developed between these two parties,” the SGA Constitutional Amendment read. The Operational Policy Committee granted the approval for the Faculty/Student Roundtable to be a standing committee and was brought forth to the general assembly which approved the legislature for the years
following its inception. The next bill on the agenda was a Bill of Resolution stating that the Senate here assembled was in favor and would formally support a new project brought forth by the Environmental Sustainability Committee at Western. “Representatives of the Environmental Sustainability Committee of Western Illinois University have appeared before the Student Government Association’s General Assembly to present a future bike share program on Western Illinois University campus for the purpose of upholding the stated mission of the Environmental Sustainability Committee,” the SGA Bill of Resolution 20182019.001 read. Representatives of the committee requested a formal bill to show their support for the
initiative and explained that it would benefit faculty, staff and the student body. However, SGA members were later informed that it was sold as a bike and scooter share program, which later turned into a more than likely scooter share program. Members of the Senate were not happy with the false advertisement and wanted a chance to find out more about the program through research and talking more with representatives. With that, the Senate decided to table the bill until next year when they would have a chance to look further into the initiative. The meeting was closed with last words from Reed, Lynn and Steele sharing their appreciation for everyone in the room and all the hard work that was put in throughout the year.
Friday, May 3, 2019
WIU Finals Schedule Spring 2019 Classes Meeting t, th, or t/th only Exam Tuesday, 8 A.m. Thursday, 8 a.m. tuesday, 10 a.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. Tuesday, 1 P.m. thursday, 1 p.m. Tuesday, 3 P.m. thursday, 3 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. tuesday, 6 P.m. Thursday, 6 p.m.
Begins 8 a.m. 9 0r 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 12 or 12:30 P.m. 1 P.m. 2 p.m. 3 or 3:30 P.m. 4 p.m. tuesday evening Thursday Evening
all other classes Begins 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 12 noon 1 P.m. 2 p.m. 3 P.m. 4 p.m. Monday evening wednesday Evening Friday evening
Exam MONDAY, 8 A.m. WEDNESday, 8 a.m. MONday, 10 a.m. WEDNESday, 10 a.m. MONday, 1 P.m. WEDNESday, 1 p.m. MONday, 3 P.m. WEDNESday, 3 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. MONday, 6 P.m. WEDNEsday, 6 p.m. FRIDAY, 6 P.M.
1. Exam dates refer to the exam week (Monday - Friday). 2. Each exam period is 1 hour and 50 minutes. 3. The period 8-9:50 P.M. on M,T,W,Th is reserved for Common Finals or Conflicts. 4. Math Common Finals are offered T,W at 6 P.M. Conflicts with eveing courses will be resolved with the Math Department.
Right Here at Home for Summer School Western’s 2019 Summer Session offers numerous classes to fit your schedule and your major! Advance registration for currently enrolled students is April 1-19. Open registration begins April 22. Stay on track ... or get ahead ... through a variety of classes in general education and undergraduate and graduate degree programs, delivered in face-to-face, online or extension formats.
Additional summer opportunities include youth summer camps, internships and study abroad. Visit wiu.edu/summer for more information.
WC Located on the third floor of the Heating Plant Annex on the south end of campus across from Sherman Hall. Mail: 1 University Circle, WIU, Macomb, IL 61455 Phone: 309-298-1876 Fax: 309-298-2309 Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays E-mail: micour@wiu.edu Member: Illinois College Press Association, National Association College Press
STAFF MEMBERS editor-in-chief Devon Greene DJ-Greene@wiu.edu news editor Steven Barnum
proofreader Amanda Wandachowicz
opinions editor Allison Young
photo editor Becca Langys
sports editor Bradley Piros
assistant photo editor Sara Remar
assistant sports editor Chris Bean
production manager Jimmy Pierson
edge editor Marc Ramirez
business manager Faith Rucker
copy editor Brie Coder
advertising manager Jacob Day
JD-Day@wiu.edu adviser Will Buss WJ-Buss@wiu.edu
The Western Courier is published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the regular school year, excluding holidays, finals week and semester breaks. The WC updates the website weekly during the summer. All content reflects the editorial discretion of the students operating the newspaper and must be interpreted as unofficial university communication. While every attempt is made to determine the validity of advertising contained herein, the advertising in the WC is not to be construed as endorsements of any specific products or services. The WC assumes no responsibility or liability resulting from the content of paid advertisements. Subscription price is $36 per year mailed third-class bulk rate from Macomb. The WC is printed by The Galesburg Register-Mail in Galesburg, Ill.
No reproduction or reuse of material is permitted without written consent of the WC. All rights reserved. To request permission to reprint any material from this publication, please contact Nicholas Ebelhack or Will Buss at 309-298-1876.
The WC does not knowingly accept advertisements that discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, handicapped status, veteran or sexual orientation, nor does it knowingly print ads that violate any local, state or federal laws.
One copy of the Western Courier is free. Additional copies $1.
CORRECTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS The WC needs your help to maintain accuracy. If you find a factual error, call the WC office at 309-298-1876 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Please ask to speak to an editor to ensure the inaccurate information can be corrected as quickly as possible.
Friday, May 3, 2019
NEWS 3 •On April 20 at 8:28 p.m. one student in the 400 block of North Western Avenue was judicially referred for alcohol. •On April 23 at 9:12 p.m. Michael Muhammad, 19, of 414 Henninger Hall was arrested in Henninger Hall for resisting a peace officer and for a McDonough County warrant for domestic battery and resisting a peace officer. He was lodged in the McDonough County Jail at 9:44 p.m. pending bond. •On April 23 at 10:13 p.m. Reginald Bailey, 26, of 415 W. Adams, was arrested in Malpass Library for disorderly conduct. He was lodged in the McDonough County Jail at 10:50 p.m. pending bond. •On April 25 at 12:14 a.m. one student in Thompson Hall was judicially referred for possession of cannabis. •On April 25 at 2:24 p.m. a University employee reported the theft of a drill, valued at $150, from a locked cabinet in Currens Hall. The incident is under investigation. •On April 26 at 6:20 p.m. nonstudent William Spruell, 30, of Joliet, was arrested in the University Union on a McDonough County war-
rant. He was transported to the McDonough County Jail at 6:24 p.m. where he was lodged pending bond. •On April 27 at 12:51 a.m. Liliana Rodriguez, 21, of 940 Thompson Hall, was arrested at Riverview Drive for driving under the influence of alcohol and disobeying a stop sign. She was transported to the McDonough County Jail at 1:55 a.m. where she was lodged pending bond. •On April 28 at 12:03 a.m. the Macomb Fire Department was called to Corbin Hall after a fire alarm was activated on the seventh floor. It was determined that the pull station had been activated; there was no fire and no injuries reported. •On April 29 at 3:20 p.m. a female reported a male known to her attempted to sexually assault her April 13 in Bayliss Hall. The incident is under investigation. •On April 29 at 8:44 p.m. Don Olivier, 19, of 716 Tanner Hall, was issued a notice to appear June 4 for a Macomb City ordinance violation for possession of false identification. •On April 29 at 8:44 p.m. a student in Tanner Hall was judicially referred for cannabis possession.
MACOMB, IL – For the 15th consecutive year, Tri States Public Radio at Western Illinois University has won a Regional Edward R. Murrow Award from the Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA). The station's news department received the Murrow Award in the "Excellence in Sound" category for News Director Rich Egger's feature story "The Blind Swine," about a speakeasy at the Western Illinois Museum in Macomb. The story now moves on for consideration for a national Murrow Award. Tri States is in the small market radio division in Region 7, which covers Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. The station's news department also received three Illinois Press Association awards this year. "The Blind Swine" earned first for "Best
Light Feature" and "Best Use of Sound" and the story "Dark Days" received second for "Best Hard News Feature." "Dark Days" is a story about violations of the Illinois Open Meetings Act by the WIU administration and former Board of Trustees. "It’s an honor to be recognized by your peers, though winning awards is not the goal at Tri States Public Radio," Egger said. "Our goal is to report stories that of are of interest to the audience. I believe we’re accomplishing that through these stories and many, many more, all of which are truly collaborative efforts involving the entire news department; Jason Parrott, Emily Boyer and myself." For more information about Tri States Public Radio, visit tspr.org. Courtesy of WIU News
Friday, May 3, 2019
When scrolling through the Western Illinois University social media pages, there are a few faces that can be seen on a regular basis. Likewise, when attending an awards ceremony on campus, there are a few consistent names that are heard. Is this only because a few students deserve to be seen or to be recognized for their work on campus? I do not think so. I think that the same few students are involved in the majority of campus events because
of something bigger; an extreme lack of student involvement. It is not a coincidence that the same students you see leading the student body in the Student Government Association are also running the events for University Union Board. These organizations must function and no one is making an effort to join. A few individuals are filling in for many students that just will not get involved. Regardless of how many social media posts, email blasts or post-
ers organizations create, students seem to be uninterested. Why is that? Understandably, some people are busy in their Greek organizations, with academics or with work, but what about the students that go to class and then go right back to their dorms? Are they really getting the full WIU experience? I say definitely not. I am sure there are plenty of capable leaders with great ideas who choose not to do anything here at Western. Being heavily involved on campus, I have met so many people, had the opportunity to grow as a leader and have seen what really makes this school a great place to be apart of. As a freshman, I expected it would be more difficult for me to work my way up to leadership roles, but
no one seems to want them. We as a University have so many opportunities, events and organizations and I think the current student body may be taking them for granted. Without students, these organizations cannot continue to exist. Without participation, these events cannot go on. You may not attend them, but there are events on campus almost every day. Student leaders work tirelessly in their weekly meetings, oneon-ones and e-board meetings so that there is always something for students to do, but why do this if students do not bother to attend? It is frustrating to do your best to host an event that less than 10 students come to. I encourage anyone who genuinely loves and believes in this university and
its potential to get out there and join something. Even if you don’t feel ready to make a commitment like that, at least get out there and participate in something. Without student voices, student leaders and student involvement this University would be a boring place to be. I would hate to see it get to the point where we have to get rid of amazing organizations because people do not care enough to attend one meeting a week. I am hopeful that more students will get involved in the coming year and that we can set a precedent for the incoming freshman class that it is important to do more than just go to class; we are not simply students, we are members of the Western Illinois University community.
Ebelhack for giving me the job and telling me that I had no choice. To Devon Greene, I’ve had four bosses in my life and you are definitely one of them. I admire how you won’t stop until that proverbial whistle blows. To Brie Coder, thank you for being so nice to everyone, even those who don’t necessarily deserve it. To Jimmy Pierson, thank you for teaching me how to stand up for myself, especially to rude employees at
Burger King named Jessica. To Amanda Wandachowicz, you have the coolest name in the office, which makes up for all of the times that you removed my oxford commas. To Sara Remar, thank you for having the same taste in movies so that I don’t seem like a loser. To Allison, Brad, Becca, Marc and Chris, carry on accordingly. Sorry but I can’t write to everyone. I didn’t even speak to anybody here for the first six months. This wasn’t intentional because I didn’t know that they were truly just as weird as I am. I should have figured that out much sooner because we all enjoy to write. There’s no such thing as a
perfect writer, as Devon reminds me every time that I submit an article, but I think that working at the Western Courier has certainly helped me improve. Plus, I’ve become phenomenal at writing articles that are exactly 500 words in length, as this one will be. I will miss covering the city council meetings. Those people are like my aunts and uncles whose conversations I eavesdropped in on for the last two years. I will also miss interviewing some of the most bizarre people I have ever met who have given me enough laughs for a lifetime. Being a huge fan of “The Office” (as I was before it was
cool), I never thought that I would get to work in an atmosphere that would bare this much of a resemblance, but our office is somehow even better. As Michael Scott once said, “The people you work with are really just, when you get down to it, your very best friends. They say on your deathbed, you never wish you spent more time at the office, but I will. Got to be a lot better than a deathbed. I actually don’t understand death beds. I mean, who would buy that?” The only day of work that I ever missed here was when my grandpa croaked – and even then, I wished I was with my pals.
Steven Barnum: not a robot
I am preparing for the Western Courier to be the greatest job that I will ever have. When I first started working here, I was considering working at Domino’s to deliver pizza. Don’t get me wrong – I still ended up delivering with all of the articles that I produced. I must be close to the record for quantity in a single semester. Also, I significantly decreased my chances of being robbed by working here instead. I would like to thank Nick
Friday, May 3, 2019
Brie reports one last time
I’ll be honest, I think the hardest thing for any reporter to do is write an article about themselves. Sitting here coming up with what to say for my goodbye article is super hard. There is so much to say, which I hope I remember to include everything that I need/want to say. I remember the first time I came into the heating plant to get an application to work for the Western Courier. I was so nervous and afraid that my work was too artsy fartsy. Not even a week later, I was hired on to be a sports writer for Campbell and Mat. I absolutely loved writing about track and field and volleyball. They were easy for me to write about. That was the spring semester of 2017. Not too long after I started writing for sports, I started writing for the entertainment section under Alyssa. It seemed like every week I was writing either two times a week or three. No
matter how much homework I had or how stressful my personal life was, I always had time to write. Writing to me is like a drug. I can take all my frustrations, joys and complications out and perfect it into a beautiful story. In the spring of 2018, I became the new copy editor. That job brought so much joy into my life. There were some days where editing was a breeze and then there were other days where I wished alcohol was allowed on the job. But either way, I was so proud to help fix the kinks out and get the writers voices heard. This past year, I have had many hard things happen in my life that if it wasn’t for the Western Courier, my family and friends, I would’ve been checked out (mentally) a long time ago. I lost three good friends, two to homicide and one to a health complication. I also lost my
amazing grandmother to cancer as well. I thought my life was crumbling before me. I felt like that person in the movies where their time is at a standstill, but everything around them is constantly moving. After some soul searching and time to reflect, I was able to make a comeback, and how I did that was through my work. My work being essays, articles, blogs and personal journal entries. I’m so honored that I had instructors like Courtney Blankenship in the music business department, Eun Go and Yong Tang, both in the journalism department that motivated me to keep going. I would like to thank all three of my instructors for displaying my work, always answering my questions and helping me find myself. To the head of this school, I beg you to never let these teachers go. They made my experience at Western one that I’ll never forget. I also want to thank my family, including the best man who has every stepped into my life, Brian, for been a part of my college journey and supporting me with all the crazy things
that I’ve put them through. I love you guys more than you’ll ever know. I will always be your guy’s little “Pooh Bear” and will continue to make you proud. Next group of people I’d like to thank is all the workers of Dividends, who always did an awesome job making my favorite meals! Dylan, you still are the best ice and hot coffee/ cocoa maker! To Jerry, Gina and the wild and crazy Conal, thank you guys for being such great friends and always making me laugh! You guys helped expand my horizons when it comes to thinking and I’m beyond grateful for that. Last but certainly not least, the Courier family. Will Buss, thank you for being such a great advisor and always answering all the millions of questions I had for you about editing. To Brad, Chris, Marc, Steven, Allison, Jimmy, Sara and Becca, I enjoyed my time working with you guys. Thank you for all the hilarious bar stories, heart-toheart talks and for always making my articles look so good. To the new copy editor Aman-
Write for Opinions Add us on Snapchat:
da, you have no idea how excited I am to have you be, well, me. I cannot wait to see what you do once I leave and how your journey continues here at Western. To my big brother and wrestling buddy, Devon. I will miss you the most. You were the best boss I have ever had and I will never forget you! Like the Avengers, we all have to disband at some point in time. I don’t want to, but I need too! As of now, my plan is to go to Cincinnati and follow the two biggest dreams I have had my whole life. The first is to go to combat sports school and learn commentary, which I have some contracts to fill out once I move there. The second, is to go to grad school and actually get my masters degree in English and writing. If there is one thing I want everyone to take away, is that no matter how cookie-cutter people feel the need to be, I will never be that. I will forever be a comic book reading, wrestling watching, heavy metal headbanging, cartoon watching, nerd, and I apologize to no one for being the most amazing Brieana Marie that I can be!
Contact Allison Young
AN-Young@wiu.edu Editorial Policy
The editorial views of the Western Courier shall be confined to this editorial and are to be separate from news coverage otherwise noted. The editorial presented is based on the ideas and views of the WC editorial board.Columns are the opinions of the columnists alone and should not be construed as the opinions and beliefs of the WC staff as a whole.
Letters & Local Forum Policies
E-mail letters to the Editor and Local Forum messages to micour@wiu.edu. Letters should not be more than 350 words in length. The author’s name and phone number must be included for verification purposes. Failure to include such information will lead to the letter being discarded. The WC staff will edit letters in cases of timeliness, obscenity length and grammer, and we do not guarantee publication of all letters.
2019 Fall Semester Editorial Board
Edge Editor - Marc Ramirez Editor-in-Chief - Devon Greene Opinions Editor - Allison Young
Friday, May 3, 2019
Track and field teams look forward to Summit League Championships By Jacob VanZuiden courier staff
Next week, the Western Illinois Leathernecks track and field team will get a chance to prove their merits in the competition they’ve been building themselves up for all season long. The Outdoor Summit League Championships will kick off next Wednesday and will be held in the Purple and Gold’s very own backyard. The event will consist of three days held at Hanson Field here in Macomb. Last time out for the Leathernecks made for a good building point heading into The Summit League Championships. They competed in the Drake Relays last Saturday, which was a four-day event held at Drake Stadium in Des Moines, Iowa. In what was their last outdoor meet of the season before the big dance this upcoming week, things were really clicking for Western’s 4x200 relay team. The group comprised of freshman Sierra Long, junior Megan Reed, sophomore Amelia Peterson and junior Bo Brasseur fared well in the event against some of the toughest competition they’ve seen thus far. Although they finished in ninth place overall out of a massive 25-team pool, their time of 1:41.43 marked the seventh-fastest 4x200 time in
Western Illinois outdoor history. Maybe more impressively, this was the first time this year the Purple and Gold assembled a team for that specific event. Also in the Drake Relays, Brasseur and Long paired up with graduate Raytoria Richardson and senior Jamieria Stennis to assemble Western’s women’s medley team. A fine group effort in the medley landed their group a time of 4:14.88. As the only male to compete in the event for the Leathernecks, freshman Gabe Cheeks made a statement with a tally of 6.69 meters (21-11.5) in the long jump. Perhaps the biggest bright spot for the Purple and Gold was junior Michaela Bush, who seems to keep breaking school records with ease. She was rock solid across the board, managing a long jump of 5.46 meters, javelin throw of 28.83 meters, and a 2:25.27 time in the 800-meter run. She ended up as the best athlete in the field, setting a new school record with 5,009 points. This shattered her previous record of 4,945, a mark she set at The Summit League Championships just last year. While the team may have planned on a higher-place finish, it was evident that this wasn’t going to be easy against a prestigious Big Ten schools like Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota.
One big takeaway from the Drake Relays, however, was a sneak-peek at conference rivals North Dakota State and South Dakota State, both of which will be competing in the upcoming Outdoor Summit League Championships. The rest of the field for next week also includes: Purdue Fort Wayne, Omaha, Oral Roberts, South Dakota and North Dakota. Western will look to better their strong performance from last season at the outdoor championships. Last year saw three Leathernecks headed to the finals while others chipped in with top performances of their own. In the 2018 league meet, now-junior Josh Kirby punched his ticket to the finals with a 14.88 time in the 400-meter hurdles. Darrius Patterson also was a force for their team, as he posted a blazing time of 10.61 in the 100-meter dash. For many of these athletes, this won’t be their first rodeo at the season-concluding event. As some will look to better their 2018 performances, some of the underclassmen will try to make an impact in their first goaround at the meet. The Outdoor Summit League Championships will be the team’s last action of the year, so the Leathernecks will be determined to make this one count.
Bo Brasseur competes in the long jump event.
Michaela Busch stays focused during her race.
If you are interested in writing for sports contact Bradley Piros - bj-piros@wiu.edu
For Rent
For Rent
Submit a classifieds ad to JD-Day@wiu.edu
Spacious 2-5 bedroom homes for rent. 10 month lease available. Great locations, close to bus stops, plenty off street parking, all new windows, AC, energy efficient furnace, hardwood and ceramic tile floors, free washer/dryer. Well maintained (24 hrs.) by local landlord. Call 309-255-1233. Houses for Rent 2016/2017: A&D Real Estate has several 3, 4 and 5 bedroom houses for rent, all with at least 2 bathrooms, recently rennovated and located close to campus. Call for a tour or visit our website at www.wiucollegerentals.com. Local landlord with a focus on clean and updated housing with personal service for your college housing needs. 309-313-1122. FALL INTO SAVINGS with Charleston Boulevard Apartments! Now offering SPECIAL RATES through Dec. 2017! Call for specific details 309-833-4545!. NICE, CLEAN, WELL MAINTAINED 1 TO 6 BEDROOM HOUSES FOR 2016-2017 Our houses have hard wood floors, ceramic tile, central air, washer and dryer and are close to campus with plenty of parking. We offer a ten month lease so you don’t pay for the months you aren’t here. Please call 309-255-1959 for a showing. Now showing for 2017 & 2018 year 2, 3, and 5 bedrooms homes all close to campus. Call 309-331-4565. Westen Investments: Leasing season has officailly begun, and we’re showing properties now! 1-5 bedroom houses close to campus are ready to be leased for this upcoming school year! Call our office at 309-833-5995 to schedule an appointment! Stay updated with us on Twitter @Western_Invest STC Investments now leasing for the 18/19 school year. We have 1-6 bedroom apartments/houses ready for you to call home! Check out our selection at www.stcinvestments.com. You can also find us on Facebook to see daily posts!
LARGE STUDENT RENTALS 5 and 6 Bedroom Homes are still available!! Ask for our $1000.00 Discount program! First come first serve for the last large homes that are open for the fall. NICE, CLEAN, WELL MAINTAINED 1 TO 6 BEDROOM HOUSES FOR 2017-2018 Our houses have wood floors, ceramic tile, W/D, central air, and are close to campus with plentry of parking. We offer low rent and a 10 month lease to save you money! Call 309-255-1959 for a showing. Small 1BR apt near campus and downtown. All utilities included. (Electric, Water, DISH, Garbage) $500/month, $300 deposit. Available immediately. Also have 2BR, you pay electric. $600/month, $350 deposit available September 1st. Please contact 309-255-4367 for a showing. Timbercrest Apartments 1587 Riverview Drive Now showing 1 & 2 Bedroom Units. Very clean, close to WIU campus with bus stop in front of building. Washer/dryer available in most units, all other appliances included, FREE INTERNET, ceiling fans in every room, pet friendly. All units have off street parking and private decks overlooking campus. Both 10- and 12-month leases are available. Openings for Summer 2017 and school year 2017/2018. Deposit required. Phone (309)833-3192 and leave message. Westen Investments: Are you looking for an apartment? We are now showing our beautiful 1-3 bedroom apartments for this upcoming school year! Don’t like paying for utilities? Ask about our ALL UTILITIES options, and be sure to check out our website (westerninvest.com) to see our listings! Schedule an appointment with us today at 309-833-5995. The nicer apartments are going fast, excellent service- 24 hour emergency maintenance. Reasonable prices. Studio, 1-3 bedrooms, locations on/off campus available ‘18-’19 school year. Check us out at rentcollegepads.com. If interested, please call F & H Rentals 309/837-1705.
RATES $5.50 per issue (open rate) $4.00 per issue (campus rate)
For Rent Available now: Close to campus, clean studio apartments, excellent condition, reasonable rent, and partly furnished. Ceiling fans and a/c. Professionally maintained. No pets. Semester leases offered. Call 309 837 4369 and leave your phone number if not there. Email: MandKhousing@gmail.com ALL APARTMENTS - ALL INCLUSIVE Get control of your budget. Know exactly what you are spending each month. Each apartment includes free a/c, free heat, free electricity, free water, free cable tv, free hi speed internet, and free off street parking. Laundry on site. No noise policy. Bus stop across the street. Close to campus. Well maintained. Studios are $460/mo, One bedrooms are $620/mo. Call Doug at 309-255-8179 for an appointment. For Rent: Little Swan Lake, 30 min from campus. 2br, 2bth, heated double car garage with work area. $600 per mo. (309) 335-2206 after 6:00 pm, may leave message anytime. Spacious 3 Bedroom Upper in Duplex close to campus and Jackson St. All utilities furnished and appliances Includes cable and internet 18/19 school year $375.00 per Br Ph 309 255 8086 Please leave message Still have some nice large locations available at reasonable prices. Excellent service- 24 hour emergency maintenance. 1-8 bedrooms, locations on/off campus available ‘18-’19 school year. Pets at some locations. Check us out at rentcollegepads.com. If interested, please call F & H Rentals 309/837-1705. Looking for 2 roommates to share a 3-bedroom furnished house beginning in August for 2018-19. 10- to 12-month contract. New carpet, air, garage w/ storage, laundry. $300 each per month, plus utilities. Call Sharon at 309-338-3888.
Sports 7
Friday, May 3, 2019
Did Robbie Gould put a curse on the Chicago Bears? josh purnell courier staff
Former Bears player Robbie Gould, has put a curse on every kicker that came after him. Let’s start with the most recent kicker, Cody Parkey, who missed the game winning field goal in the Wild Card playoff game against the Philadelphia Eagles at Soldier Field. The Bears were down 16-15, Parkey had a chance to kick a 43-yard field goal to win the game and he missed it. Every Chicago Bears fan around the world could not believe what happened. It was so bad that people sent him death threats. There was immediate police protection for Parkey and his family. While everyone was upset at Parkey, the ball was tipped by Eagles defensive linemen, Treyvon Hester and even though that is true, I thought Parkey should’ve been released way before the playoff game started. In week 10 against
the Detroit Lions, Parkey missed four field goals. Two extra point kicks and two field goal kicks. That was the moment I thought he should’ve been released because the Bears had been down this road before and this was not the right time. Bears had a great season finishing the season 12-4 and who would’ve known that in a playoff game at home, the game would come down to a field goal kick. If the Bears had not release Gould, they would not be in this situation. Although, I must admit, Gould performed terribly during the 2016 preseason. He was missing extra point kicks and field goal kicks. I could not believe what I was watching. But never in a million years did I think the Chicago Bears would release him. The city of Chicago was shocked. During the 2014 season, Gould kicked a career low 75 percent. Amazingly, he
came back the next season, finishing the season kicking 84.6 percent. So, regardless if he didn’t perform well during the 2016 preseason, everyone knew he was going to show up and show out during the season. In Gould’s 11 year career with the Chicago Bears, he kicked a career 85.4 percent. So, when the Bears released him, I could not believe what happened. It really did not hit me till Gould posted a picture on Twitter of the Bears headquarters, thanking the Bears organizations, teammates, coaches and the fans. Since Gould, every kicker that has played for the Bears, when they missed a field goal, you’ll hear people say “Robbie would’ve made that kick” and it’s true. Since the Bears released Gould, there has not been one accurate kicker. I’ll admit, it is tough to kick at Soldier Field stadium. The stadium is right next to Lake Michigan, so imagine how tough it is for kickers in the months of November, December and January. It's really tough, but you know who made it look easy, Gould. He was a perfectionist kicking at Soldier Field. I don't think
any kicker can do it like Gould and that’s why the fans miss him. Gould signed with the New York Giants after being released from the Bears. He finished the season, missing not one field goal kick. After the Giants, he signed a two year contract with the San Francisco 49ers. During his two year contract, Gould kicked 96 percent field goals. On Feb. 26, 2019, the San Francisco 49ers placed the franchise tag on Gould for one more season. On April 24, 2019, Gould requested a trade from the San Francisco 49ers. General Manager John Lynch told the press that the 49ers had been unable to agree on a multi-year contract with Gould. Gould told the press the reason he asked for a trade was so he could be closer to his family. Will the 49ers trade Gould? Probably not because they know how valuable he is to the team. They also know that Bears fans want him to come back to Chicago. The Chicago Bears brung in four kickers this off-season. All four kickers will have to battle for the starting position. Coach Matt
Nagy told the press that he has a plan in place on how they’ll have all four kickers battle it out. Bears general manager Ryan Pace told the press that having four kickers is “little unorthodox” but does not care because he wants to increase the competition. I think this is ideal because whomever is the kicker going into this upcoming season, will be Bears kicker for years to come. So, it seemed like Gould will not be back in a Bears uniform. The front office is clearly focused on moving forward and bringing in new players and giving them an opportunity to be a part of the organization. Which I think is the right thing to do. Gould is one of the best kickers of our generation and without question a future Hall of Famer. Besides Justin Tucker, there has not been a kicker as consistent and poise like Gould. Hopefully, the 49ers trade Gould closer to his family, but the 49ers are a young team on the rise as well and losing someone like Gould will hurt them. I’m sure they know what happened to the Bears in the postseason.
Who will win the Barclay's Premier League trophy? There are five main soccer leagues in Europe, however not all of them are created equal. Some leagues are said to be “easier” and “less competitive” and there is some truth to that. These five leagues consist of 20 teams each, except the German Bundesliga with 18. Each team in the Bundesliga plays 34 games, while all the other four leagues play 36 each. These leagues run from August until May which means their seasons are almost over, with some champions already being named and some still having to battle it out on the final matchday. I say not all leagues are created equal because some of them are decided weeks before with a team clinching first place. Let’s look at a couple examples of those. I’ll start off with Italian Serie A. There are some quality teams in this league like Napoli, AS Roma, AC Milan and Inter Milan. However, for the past eight seasons, including this year, Juventus have been crowned champions. They don’t have that much competition when they sit 18 points (six games) ahead of second place Napoli. How about the French Ligue 1? Paris Saint Germain sit 16 points clear of second place Lille and 22 points ahead of third place Lyon. This is my least favorite league because it is so predictable and boring in my opinion. PSG have won the league six times in the last eight years, including this one. Those other two times finished in second place. On to the Spanish Primera Division (LFP). This league is competitive, however, only three teams have won the La
Liga title since 2004, those teams being FC Barcelona, Athletico Madrid and Real Madrid. Barcelona won it this year, sitting nine points ahead of second place Athletico. Real Madrid have won it 33 times, Barcelona 26 times and Athletico Madrid 10 times. The Bundesliga isn’t usually close to the finish, but this year it certainly is. First, second and third are still a toss-up with Bayern Munich in first with 71 points, Borrussia Dortmund in second with 69 and RB Leipzig in third with 64. Bayern have won the title 28 times, including seven times in the past nine seasons. Anyone can win this one still as each team has three games remaining. In case you didn’t know how the points system works in all these leagues, it’s simple really, three points for a win, one point for a draw and zero points for a loss. The champions of each league are the teams sitting on top with the most points in the end. So, that leaves one league left to talk about, the best league in the world, the Barclay’s Premier League or EPL for short. The Premier League era of English football began in 1992 and is the top level in England. This league used to just be called the Football League First Division from 1892-1992 was rebranded after 100 seasons. Since the rebranding 26 years ago, the league has been won by six different teams. Now I know what you’re thinking, that doesn’t sound all that competitive, but let me explain. Since the Premier League era, Manchester United have won the title 13 times, but not
since the 2012-2013 season. Chelsea have won it five times while Arsenal and Manchester City have each won it three times. The other two winners were Blackburn Rovers in the league’s third season and Leicester City’s unprobeable run in the 2015-2016 season. There is currently a “Big Six” in the Premier League and has been since the rebranding really. These teams have taken first, second and third in the league for the past 15 years with the exception of the 20152016 season with Leicester City. These six teams are, in order of successfulness: Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester City, Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur. Liverpool and Tottenham have never won the EPL but sit second and third respectively. Each of those six teams have two games remaining to try and move up the table, but only two teams can get first. Manchester City sit atop the table with 92 points with Liverpool breathing down their neck in second with 91 points. Then sits Tottenham in third with 70 points. In fourth is Chelsea with 68 points followed by Arsenal with 66 and Manchester United with 65. That kind of gap usually isn’t seen in the Premier League. This season isn’t a perfect example of the point I’m trying to get across. Some, if not most years, all the Big Six teams have a shot of winning, but not this time. The league has come down to the final day time and time again, and that’s why it’s also the most dramatic. Whenever two of these Big Six teams play each other, you don’t want to miss it. This league has arguably the second or third biggest rivalry in soccer depending on who you ask. That would be the Manchester Darby, happening when Manchester City and
Manchester United are pinned against one another. The last one was back on April 24 with City coming out on top 2-0. While every team wants to lift the trophy at the end of the season, all 20 teams aren’t just competing for first, they’re also competing for the top four spots. That’s because the top four teams get into the UEFA Champions League. That’s why it’s so exciting to see four teams separated by only five points with two to go. While first and second are a lock, only two other teams can make the Champions League, with the fifth-place team making the Europa League. Obviously every club wants to win it all, so in a way these tournaments are just mere consolation prizes. So, with all that being said, I’ll end this with my own predictions and believe me, this is difficult. I’m going to go with Liverpool winning it all. They play Newcastle away which will be difficult, but I think they’ll win. Then they play Wolverhampton Wanderers at home which will also be difficult but should also be a win. Manchester City hosts Leicester City and I think that will be a draw. Then they host Brighton and Hove Albion which will be an easy win. So if that happens, Liverpool will sit on top with 97 points with Manchester City in second with 96. As for third and fourth, I think we’ll see Tottenham and Arsenal making a trip to the Champions League. I think Leicester City will beat Chelsea at home on the final day and Arsenal will take fourth place after they beat Burnley. Those are my rather bold predictions for the last two games. The season wraps up next Sunday, and I’ll be waking up early to catch these games and see if I’m anywhere close to right about my predictions.
Leathernecks baseball surprises Iowa with late comeback but come up short in 8-7 loss By Taylor Jordan courier staff
IOWA CITY, IOWA — For the second time in as many games, the Western Illinois baseball team fell one run short of a comeback against Iowa. The Leathernecks took on the Hawkeyes on Wednesday at Duane Banks Field, and loaded the bases in the ninth inning to get in two runs but that wasn’t enough as the final decision was 8-7. “We talked about staying pitch to pitch. When we do that were really good, but again we’ve got to eliminate free bases, and our two-strike approach needs to get better,” said head coach Ryan Brownlee. “Those are the two phases of the game that when we’ve done well, we’ve been on the right side of the scoreboard. “We stayed with it and took advantage of most of our opportunities to put pressure on them. There's always the small things, but we're starting to show flashes offensively of what I thought we would be. The guys are starting to come out of it; it's taken some a while, but better late
than never." CJ Schaeffer Jr. slammed the ball in right-center and got his second career triple, along with bringing in his second RBI of the evening. The senior catcher took advantage of base running by Kevin Raisbeck in the first inning (rounding the bases on a single, failed pickoff and wild pitch) and an RBI single provided the visitors their early lead. Iowa took control of the game in the middle innings, scoring seven runs on seven hits from the fourth to the sixth inning, while retiring 10 straight Leatherneck batters in that span. Western’s 3-1 edge flew into a 5-3 shortage in the next inning after a fielding error and four hits, but the comeback began in the seventh. In its 8-7 setback at North Dakota State, the team scored five unanswered down the stretch and Wednesday they scored four. Javin Drake pitched a nodecision in his 12th start of the season, going 2.0 innings for two hits and a run. Seven stood on the mound for Western, and Connor Rektorkski was No. 7. He capped the game in his third
attendance on the year and logged a groundout and strikeout before Schaeffer ended things by catching a runner stealing. Iowa got the job done, but were tested in the bottom of the ninth, owning an 8-5 lead. In a save situation for Hawkeye redshirt junior and closer Grant Leonard, Western Illinois loaded the bases with no outs on two singles and a hit batsman. The Leathernecks pushed across two runs via sacrifice fly and a single, but Leonard escaped converting his 11th save in as many chances. Looking for a comeback, the Leathernecks are set to face off against Oral Roberts in Tulsa, Okla. this weekend. The series will begin on Friday at 6 p.m. following 2 p.m. on Saturday and 1 p.m. on Sunday. The first series against Oral Roberts resulted in a Leatherneck sweep. Prior to this season’s set against Wstern, the Golden Eagles have never been swept in league play. Catch the Purple and Gold start off the series at J.L. Johnson Stadium today at 6 p.m.
CJ Schaeffer getting signs from coach Brownlee.
Deion Thompson slides to stay safe at the bag.
Kevin Raisbeck sprints around the bases.
Javin Drake can't believe that his team lost to Iowa.
Softball closes out season against Omaha Mavericks By David Koier courier staff
Payton Abbot advancing on the bases.
Jasmine Lara makes contaact with the ball.
Emily Ira in motion to release a pitch.
Hailey Duwa keeps her on on the ball in the batter's box.
The Western Illinois softball team will travel to Omaha this weekend for their final series of the regular season. The 17-19 Leathernecks (9-6 in conference) face off against the 4-40 (2-13 in conference) Mavericks of the University of Nebraska-Omaha. The Leathernecks are coming off of a three-game sweep of the Purdue-Fort Wayne Mastodons during senior day last weekend. Western is currently on a sixgame winning streak and hopes to close out the regular season with a nine game winning streak heading into The Summit League playoffs. Omaha, on the other hand, has been struggling as of late. The Mastodons are currently on a six game losing streak having not won a game since April 13, when they beat the Mastodons 9-4. Western currently is tied for third place with South Dakota State in The Summit League standings just behind North Dakota State and South Dakota, while Omaha sits dead last
behind Fort Wayne. The last time these two teams met was in the 2018 regular season. The three-game series went to Western Illinois who took the series two games to one. Western outscored the Mavericks 12-3 in that series, but it was Omaha who were able to deal the Leathernecks their first conference loss of the season. Western is led this season by senior ace Emily Ira. The left hander has proven herself to continuously be one of the best pitchers in The Summit League. Ira has staked her claim on The Summit League leaderboards in every statistical category all season. Her 2.52 ERA (third), 12 wins (fourth), 127 strikeouts (second) and one save (fifth) have helped her become one of The Summit Leagues most feared pitchers. Ira’s stellar performance against North Dakota even earned her her first Summit League Pitcher of the Week of the season. Western’s bats have also been hot this season. Their .251 team average is backed by 150 runs (compared to the 146 scored by opponents) as well as 61 team
extra base hits. The Leatherneck offense is led by junior Jasmine Lara and senior Payton Abbot. Lara, who is the Purple and Gold’s center fielder, leads the team with a .319 batting average. Lara has scored a team leading 26 runs while also hitting three doubles, a triple and recorded six RBIs on the season. Her .450 on-base percentage leads the team making her a strong leadoff hitter, a role she has occupied in every game this season. Abbott has a .297 batting average, eight doubles and one triple. The senior shortstop leads the team in RBIs with 25 and home runs with four, one of which was a grand slam earlier this season against Power Five team Iowa Hawkeyes of the Big Ten Conference. The Leathernecks and Mavericks are set to play a three-game series in Omaha at Westside Field at Westbrook this weekend. Games one and two are set to be played in a doubleheader on Saturday with game one scheduled to begin at noon. Game three will be played Sunday at 11 a.m.