Western Courier | January 15th, 2020

Page 1

Opinions: Show your best self on your resume

Sports: Men's basketball searches for back to back wins.


Wednesday, January 15, 2020 - Vol. 120 Issue 45


Interim President Martin Abraham addresses the future of WIU By Bradley Piros sports editor


Interim President Martin Abraham speaks to the media after the 2020 Spring State of the University Address.

Sports on Page 8: Aaron Rodgers and Packers set sights on Lombardi Trophy

Western Illinois University Interim President Martin Abraham met in the University Union Grand Ballroom to address the current state as well as the future of the university on Monday afternoon.   The event was live streamed on Facebook for those unable to make it and the video remains on the university’s official page.  Abraham began the Spring 2020 State of the University Address with what he considered a “bold statement.”   “Western Illinois has turned the corner,” Abraham said. “We’re headed in the right, and I believe positive, direction and setting a strong future for this outstanding university and the tremendous communities that it calls home.” “We continue to benefit from outstanding faculty and staff dedicated to the success of the students,” Abraham said. “We will succeed because the people here embody incredible spirit and fortitude, as do our students. We outperform others’ expectations. We dig deeper, work harder and get the job done.”   Abraham continued to praise Western and said that as long as people continue to believe in the success of the university, that we have a “tremendously bright future.”  Abraham acknowledged the efforts of the faculty, staff and students who work

side by side with the Admissions staff on Discover Western as well as other events. He said these people set the “best possible image of Western.”   “Everyone admitted to Western has a good chance to succeed,” Abraham said. “This year we have developed new programs that identify, early on, students who are struggling and then we’ve provided support to assist these students to help them succeed.”  Abraham said that work has already paid off because Western’s fall to spring new freshman retention rate is about 85 percent, a nearly five percent increase from the year prior. This statistic garnered the loudest applause from the audience throughout the whole event. “We still have a long way to go, and changes do not happen overnight, but the preliminary enrollment numbers are showing some positive results. Our spring enrollment appears to be relatively strong,” Abraham said.   He also announced that on March 23, the university will host an “Admitted Student Day” where those admitted students will be connected with academic departments through a series of college based activities. He also brought up a buddy system where each prospective student would be partnered up with a current student.

Abraham page 2

Opinions on Page 4: Step out of your comfort zone while you're still in college.


Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Abraham from page 1

After announcing the new event, Abraham went on to list and set a number of goals for the university. “I have said since I took over in July that our target was to have a larger incoming class for the fall of 2020 than we did in the fall of 2019,” Abraham said. “This remains our goal and a goal that remains well within our reach.” He also set a secondary goal that was to have a greater enrollment in the fall of 2020 than the spring of 2020. He wanted to clarify that while usually that does happen, it doesn’t here at Western. The university’s enrollment has steadily declined for six straight semesters now. After setting a few enrollment goals, Abraham quickly transitioned into the topic of the university’s diversity challenges. He said that the university is taking crucial steps to overcome these difficulties in both Macomb and the Quad Cities. “We’ve been heavily engaged in Macomb, working with the mayor and community leaders to ensure that our diverse populations are welcomed into our community,” Abraham said. “There is a strong commitment in both Macomb and in the Quad Cities to support our institution’s diverse popula-

tion to the benefit of our faculty, staff and students.” Abraham then switched gears to talk about the budget, saying that for the first time since the fiscal year of 2017, the university has the opportunity to end the year in the black [positive]. “Our ability to achieve this goal ultimately depends on our diligence to hold the line on spending for the remainder of this current fiscal year,” Abraham said. We must continue to spend under our departmental budgets both operating and personal.” That may have worried some people at first but Abraham was adamant that no faculty layoffs would occur when asked after the event. Moving on from the budget, he continued to talk about how the university can increase retention rates. “Also on the list of things to do is continue to invest in retention efforts. We need to bring all of our resources together to ensure that a student that enrolls at Western will in fact graduate from Western,” Abraham said. He said that he plans on staying around to try and implement his action plans in the future, but stressed that it’s up to the board when asked if he wanted the job after the event. “I am committed to the

success of this institution and hope to remain here for many years to come,” Abraham said. “The board and the search committee will do their work, but we will continue to work together to shape the future of Western Illinois University.” Abraham began to wrap up the address with some good news about the budget which generated yet another round of applause. “Our facilities management team has some important work to do, since we just heard from the capital development board, that they have released $8.9 million to restart the construction and planning effort of our new performing arts center,” Abraham said. After delivering the news of the new construction project, he finished with a closing statement. “We still have a lot of work to do and we must continue to move deliberately, vigorously and quickly to implement the changes that are required to get better,” Abraham said. Our continued success over the coming months will allow us to engage in even greater opportunities to continue to grow as an institution and to continue to serve the people of Illinois. We’re here for the long haul, and I appreciate the opportunity to be on this ride with you.”


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Interim President Martin Abraham speaks at an event.

WC Located on the third floor of the Heating Plant Annex on the south end of campus across from Sherman Hall. Mail: 1 University Circle, WIU, Macomb, IL 61455 Phone: 309-298-1876 Fax: 309-298-2309 Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays E-mail: micour@wiu.edu Member: Illinois College Press Association, National Association College Press

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Wednesday, January 15, 2020


WIU Food Pantry set to reopen for spring semester By Devon Greene editor-in-chief

The Western Illinois University food pantry has released its hours for the 2020 Spring semester. The pantry will be open from noon - 5 p.m. on Thursdays and 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays. Food pantry operators Casey Hendrickson and Brytanny Ramos are also looking for volunteers to help staff the pantry. Volunteers can come from the student body or from the faculty of Western Illinois and they are not required to stay for the entirety of the food pantry's operating schedule. Ramos and Hendrickson can be reached by their emails at CV-Hendrickson@wiu.edu and BL-Forysthe@wiu.edu.

University Dance Theatre hosts auditions and open house

MACOMB, IL – The University Dance Theatre will host company auditions Thursday, Jan. 16. Registration begins at 4:30 p.m. and auditions begin at 5 p.m. Auditions will be held in Brophy Hall, 200. If unable to attend company auditions on Jan. 16, casting auditions will also take place Thursday, January 23. Registration begins at 4:30 p.m. and auditions will begin at 5 p.m. The University Dance Theatre is a student run organization that performs and produces up to four dance concerts a year, with a mainstage concert and a showcase concert each semester. These performances include faculty, student and guest artist pieces; these casts will be determined at the casting audition at 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23. This week, University Dance Theatre will also host an open

house on Saturday, Jan. 18, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in Brophy Hall 200. Students will be introduced to the dance minor, University Dance Theatre, and other dance organizations at WIU. The open house will consist of free 30-minute workshops to introduce a variety of dance styles. The workshops are taught by WIU Dance faculty including: • 11-11:30 a.m.: Hip Hop with Jacey • 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: Modern with Heidi • 12:30-1 p.m.: Majorette with Nicari • 1-1:30 p.m.: Swing Dance with Luis • 1:30-2 p.m.: Jazz with Adriana Snacks and water will be provided to attendees. For more information, contact Heidi Clemmens, HS-Clemmens@wiu.edu, Lara Petrin, LM-Petrin@wiu.edu, or Jacey Jones, JL-Jones@wiu.edu. Courtesy of WIU Relations



Wednesday, January 15, 2020



Being an active college student can be extremely stressful at times. Between the loads of schoolwork and the social life, students easily forget to get involved in on or off campus organizations. College is the perfect opportunity to build your resume, begin networking and build great connections for your future endeavors. Most college students are 18-23 years old. This is such an early age to determine or even know exactly what you want to do with your major after you graduate. It

is crucial to start building your resume white in college because it not only looks good to employers, but allows students to learn leadership, teamwork and communication skills. These skills are important when getting a full time job because they are used very frequently and allow students to grow as better negotiatons when solving problems in a company. It can sometimes be hard for students to get involved on or off campus due to work or school schedules or other priori-

ties. However, I do think Western Illinois University gives students so many opportunities to build resumes. For instance, Greek life is a wonderful opportunity to not only meet new people and network, but hold leadership positions and enhance communication skills. All sororities and fraternities on campus hold their own philanthropy events, participate in community service activities and are involved on campus. Not only does this look fantastic on a resume, but it also allows students to give back to their community. Greek life also has so many leadership opportunities. Whether it is holding a position for the organization itself or going to leadership conferences, students in Greek life learn how to run an organization, work as a team player

and recruit new members. Recruiting is a major take away from being in a Greek organization because it allows people to go outside of their comfort zone and experience new and different scenarios. This increases communication skills overall and would be beneficial when working for a company. Greek life is not the only way for students to build their resume. Western also offers numerous clubs that specify in students’ field or major. These organizations allow students to get better hands on experience by going on field trips to companies that share their job description and their day to day operations. This gives students a better understanding of what they’re going into and helps improve your resume by gaining more experience in the field. These

major clubs allow students to gain better social skills because you’re forced to talk to new students and business professionals. Joining any organization when attending Western teaches students time management skills. This is probably the most important skill to add to a resume because in life, it can be hard to balance work with other priorities. Being involved in more than one thing on campus shows employers that the student has good time management and can handle a heavy workload. Building a strong and quality resume is very important for your first impression on an employer. Students attending Western are given countless amounts of opportunity to build and enhance their resume throughout their four years.

awkward, but the more people you come in contact with, the more likely you will be to have people you can relate to in your circle. Creating a circle of people you can relate to does not have to be limited to people in your major, clubs or even age group. The professors and professionals you meet are great to keep in contact with as well. You may even find that these professors and professionals can give you advice and support down the road.

Another reason to try to put yourself out there is to learn how to be flexible in different situations. Not everyone is going to have the same exact vision or personality as you do. No one person is perfect, including ourselves. So instead of just disconnecting with people because you do not have things in common, keep them around. They may teach you something you may not have been able to do or understand by yourself. By shutting people out, you start to become a close-minded person. As you go through life, there will be topics, people and situations you will not understand because you never exposed yourself to them. Exposure is how we learn, so

limiting yourself to a certain demographic of people or a niche group will eventually stunt your growth. Friends and family are important in your life because they will typically tell you things about yourself that you don’t know and they will pick you up when you are down. The second part is very important because regardless of how good things are, eventually there will be a downfall. This is simply because life hits you when you least expect it. So, make as many friends and connections as you can because at this stage in your life, the people that stick around will be there through the good, the bad and the ugly. Cast a net as wide as you can

and latch on to as many different and unique people as you can. While you figure out how and what you want to do, the world will keep moving and we are only a small part of it. Taking a chance on yourself can mean many different things, but don’t talk yourself out of doing something that can make you better. Remember that we can never turn back the clock. The experiences and people we meet today will inevitably shape our tomorrow, so make the decision today to make that move or make that change. You have the power to decide your tomorrow, so it is up to you to make the decision if you want it.

Make a lasting impression

College is a different experience for everyone. Some people have a great time while others do not. Many, though, end up having a limited amount of connections. This does not have to be the case. Making connections and networking is extremely important while you are in college and can shape the rest of your career and life. The best way to ensure that you can get the most out of school is to speak to people. It may seem obvious or even


Wednesday, January 15, 2020


The benefits of drinking water every day

  Water; we all know how important it is to have water in order to live. In most parts of the United States, we are fortunate enough to have clean water to drink every single day. But, if you are like me, I have never had a good habit of drinking water. I do not feel like it is something that I grew up having with meals or even when I was thirsty. I typically had watered down juice or milk. So, as an adult, I am realizing the benefits of drinking multiple glasses of water every day. First things first, it can help

you have clearer skin. I am not one who has active breakouts, but I do have some acne here and there. Drinking plenty of water can help decrease any breakouts you have or will have. It can also be helpful for faster hair growth. There are often times when people get bad haircuts or they want their hair to grow faster and water can help you accomplish that. Water is the best natural detox for your body. So, if you are the one who is starting your new year out by going to the gym and trying to be healthier, drinking water should be one

of your main goals. The average person should drink up to eight, eight ounce glasses of water a day. It may seem like a lot but once you get into the habit, you are going to feel so much healthier. I find that adding a lemon or lime slice helps me drink water faster and it can also be considered a detoxifier for your body. Overall, there are several benefits to drinking water on a day to day basis. We all should learn to get in the habit so that we can feel healthier overall. If you have a hard time drinking water like I do, try getting a water bottle or tumbler that has a straw. Drinking out of a straw always encourages me to drink more. Incorporating this into your everyday routine will only be more beneficial in the long run.

Write for Opinions

Water makes up about 71 percent of the earth.


Contact Allison Young

AN-Young@wiu.edu Editorial Policy

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The editorial views of the Western Courier shall be confined to this editorial and are to be separate from news coverage otherwise noted. The editorial presented is based on the ideas and views of the WC editorial board.Columns are the opinions of the columnists alone and should not be construed as the opinions and beliefs of the WC staff as a whole.

Letters & Local Forum Policies

E-mail letters to the Editor and Local Forum messages to micour@wiu.edu. Letters should not be more than 350 words in length. The author’s name and phone number must be included for verification purposes. Failure to include such information will lead to the letter being discarded. The WC staff will edit letters in cases of timeliness, obscenity length and grammer, and we do not guarantee publication of all letters.

2019 Fall Semester Editorial Board

Edge Editor - Marc Ramirez Editor-in-Chief - Devon Greene Opinions Editor - Allison Young


Wednesday, January 15, 2020


NFC from back page

Mason Crosby takes the field.



Davante Adams celebrates a touchdown.

Without boring you with all the details, since I assume many of you already know the outcome, I, as well as the rest of the state of Wisconsin, will never forget the day that the Packers blew their shot at the Super Bowl after holding on to a 99 percent chance of winning. It would take two more years, off of a game winning drive by Aaron Rodgers and a game winning field goal off the foot of Crosby against the Cowboys, for the Packers to return once more to the NFC Championship game; a game that the Atlanta Falcons steamrolled the Packers 44-21. Now you may be wondering, “Why is he telling me all this? Why should I care about his dumb story?” I bring all this up for one reason: this Sunday, in the NFC Championship game, Packers fans must once again be ready to feel pain and sadness. The San Francisco 49ers have proven all season that they are the dominant team in the NFC and solidified that this past Saturday against the Vikings. While Jimmy Garoppolo was only held to 131 passing yards (he averaged 248.6 yards per game during the regular season), he was still able to lead the Niners to a 27-10 routing of the Vikings. Running back Tevin Coleman was the one who really shined, however, rushing for 105 yards and two touchdowns. It was the San Fran defense that really shined on the day. Along with only holding the Vikings to just 10 points, the defense sacked Kirk Cousins six times (led by Nick Bosa’s two), recorded one interception, held the Vikings offense to only 147 total yards and only allowed them into the


red zone once. They say defense wins championships, and the 49ers are proving that right. While the Packers had a strong night both offensively and defensively on Sunday, we have to look back to earlier this season when these two teams met in a Sunday Night Football game in November. The Niners routed the Green and Gold 37-8 in what was a very one-sided game. Jimmy G threw for 253 yards and two TDs while star tight end George Kittle tore up Green Bay’s defense, going 6-6 on receptions for 129 yards and a touchdown. Green Bay’s defense couldn’t put any pressure on Garoppolo, only recording four tackles for loss, three of those sacks. On the other end, the 49ers defense did 49ers defense things, forcing Rodgers to fumble on the first drive, which led to a quick San Fran score. In total, Rodgers was sacked five times for 38 yards while only throwing for 104 yards on 33 attempts. Even star running back Aaron Jones was only held to 38 yards on the ground and wasn’t able to find the endzone once. Based on previous experience, it looks like the San Francisco 49ers will have an easy time punching their tickets to Miami, but it’s the playoffs. Aaron Rodgers and company are 6-0 since their loss to the 49ers all the way back in November, and playoff Rodgers is something else. The NFC road to the Super Bowl goes through San Francisco. Will Packers fans witness one of the biggest upsets in recent years and make their first Super Bowl in nine years, or will the 49ers stomp out their hopes and hand the Pack their third straight NFC Championship loss? Kickoff is set for 5:40 p.m. this Sunday on FOX.

Jimmy Garoppolo stares down field.

Nick Bosa celebrates a big tackle.





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Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Sports 7

Looking at potential trades before deadline

This season the NBA has seen a few surprising standouts such as the Miami Heat with their hot blooded young talent making a run for the top of the Eastern Conference and the Dallas Mavericks with European talent leading the way to a dominant run. However, headlines in the NBA have been sub-par, considering seasons of recent past. James Harden had a twomonth streak without scoring less than 30 points, Anthony Davis broke the trade market and Lebron James missed the playoffs. This was in 2019. Now as we enter 2020, a few teams will look to make the front page with a season-altering trade. First, the Atlanta Hawks will look to trade for Andre Drummond. The star center

in Detroit has been seeing his name through media channels asking for his talents to move on from the motor city into a more win-ready team looking to build a future. Surprisingly, the Atlanta Hawks have been the main team in conversations with the Pistons looking to include a package while maintaining their core of young talent with Trae Young, John Collins, Cam Reddish and De’Andre Hunter. The problem with this trade is the question of why. The Hawks hold the worst record in the NBA and are attempting to gain a center who has never been the “X factor.” He just got benched in overtime and watched his team lose from the pine. His coach wanted someone who plays

hard and can finish the game and chose to leave the all-star watching from the sidelines with the game on the line. I expect Drummond to move on from Detroit, and if the Hawks put the best option forward, the job will be complete, but look for a surprising return when the deal is made. Second, the Los Angeles Lakers will make another market-altering trade. Actually, it might be a signing too. With Daren Collinson re-entering the NBA, the Lakers will do almost anything to sign him, which would leave literally everyone except Davis on the table. What this trade will materialize into is still a complete mystery. More depth is expected, and don’t forget that Demarcus Cousins could make his season debut in the upcoming months. With the team in first place, trading Lebron James would be a stupid idea, but don’t put anything out of the world of possibility with the Lakers. Third, the Denver Nuggets.

Currently sitting second in the Western Conference, the Nuggets are a real threat in the West, sitting quietly amongst big markets and big names that typically dominate. They have an extraordinary amount of depth and need to clear bench space for bigger contributors. Enter the rise of Michael Porter Jr. He could be the fourth best player on the team, so he needs to learn and experience starting lineups more. Clearing the bench for more minutes off the bench for Porter makes sense for Denver and they could grab some future incentives from a team willing to depart or take on extra salary. The number of teams interested in the depth that the Nuggets offer is not limited. Already mentioning the Lakers, but the Nuggets seem most likely not willing to partner with the best team in the West. Teams like Phoenix, Dallas, Boston and more could offer a number of pieces and draft picks that would influence a deal. Denver remained

quiet in a busy offseason, so they might decide to rattle the cage as the market shifts to a more friendly environment. Finally, the Oklahoma City Thunder. After trading Russel Westbrook, they hit the reset button and might make the playoffs. While that was not the intent of the trade, it makes the players even more trade worthy. Why not deal Danilo Gallinari, Dennis Schroder, Chris Paul and anyone not necessary in the rebuild? Expect even more trade picks in return or possibly expiring contracts so they can compete in free agency. I know any competing team looking for just one last piece would make a call. The Thunder are not done booming in the trade market yet. Hopefully, the NBA will have a stellar second half and create drama, hype and fun that everyone loves. The team that makes a deal will have a fun time and everyone will be watching. Until then, enjoy Zion Williamson’s return to the NBA.

LSU wins fourth National Championship Christopher bean assistant sports editor @cre_bean

On Monday night, Louisiana State University won their fourth National Championship in school history with their 42-25 win over the defending National Champions the Clemson Tigers. LSU won the title in their home state, playing in the Marcedes-Lewis SuperDome. They were the first team to win a National Championship in their home state since Florida did back in 2008 when they defeated Oklahoma. LSU also won their last two National Championships in the SuperDome in 2004 and 2007 when they defeated Oklahoma and Ohio State. The 17-point win doesn’t tell the whole story of the first Championship game of the decade. As a matter of fact, Clemson controlled most of

the first quarter and took a 7-0 lead thanks to a one-yard run from quarterback Trevor Lawrence. A little over four minutes later, LSU struck for their first score of the game, thanks to a 52-yard bomb from Joe Burrow to his number one receiver Ja’Marr Chase. Chase was fantastic all game long and finished with nine catches, 221 receiving yards and two touchdowns. Clemson answered with a 52-yard field goal to retake the lead at 10-7 to start the second quarter. Clemson’s defense responded nicely after giving up a long touchdown and forced LSU to punt. LSU pinned Lawrence and the Clemson offense deep into their territory at their four yard line. However, it only took two plays for Clemson to get into

LSU territory and two plays after that, Lawrence found Tee Higgins down field for the touchdown. Clemson led 17-7 with just over 10 minutes left in the first half and was in complete control. Then, LSU decided to wake up on both sides of the ball and controlled the rest of the half. The LSU offense answered Clemson’s long touchdown drive with a fiveplay 75-yard drive that ended with a three-yard touchdown run from the Heisman winner. LSU’s defense forced a punt and gave it right back to the best offense in the country to take control of the game. Burrow had three straight completions of 18 plus yards to set up LSU at the Clemson 14. The very next play, Burrow found his favorite target, Chase, yet again to give LSU their first lead of the game. LSU’s defense stepped up again for their second straight stop, and gave their offense the ball again right before the half at their own


Heisman Trophy winner, Joe Burrow in Monday' night National Championship.

five-yard line. LSU had a third and 19 early in the drive and got bailed out by a pass interference to keep the drive moving. Burrow’s 29-yard run on third and 10 set up the Tiger ’s offense at the six yard line, and a play later the Heisman Trophy winner found Thaddeus Moss in the end zone. It took LSU 11 plays and was their longest drive play wise of the game. They finished the half on a 21-0 run and took a 28-17 lead into the half. To start the second half, Clemson was the better team yet again and forced LSU to a three and out and got great field position at midfield. Clemson drove 50 yards in six plays, capped off by running back Travis Etienne’s threeyard touchdown. A play later, Lawrence found his tight end Amari Rodgers to complete the two-point conversion to cut the lead to three. However, the rest of the way LSU would control the game. LSU took a 10-point lead with just over five minutes left

Ja'Marr Chase's second touchdown on Monday night.

in the third quarter. Again, Burrow found Moss for a four-yard touchdown, giving Burrow the most touchdowns in a season with 59. After back-to-back punts for Clemson, LSU put the nail in the coffin with Burrow’s 60th and final touchdown of the year to Terrace Marshall Jr. Clemson tried to make a comeback, but a ticky-tack offensive pass interference call on Higgins negated a touchdown and killed any chance of a Clemson comeback. LSU ran out the clock the rest of the fourth quarter, and arguably the most successful season in college football history was complete. LSU finished 15-0 and defeated seven top 10 teams, while having one of the best seasons of any player in college football history. Burrow finished his historic season by surpassing Colt Brennan for most touchdown passes with 60, and raising a gold trophy over his head to bring back to LSU. As Coach O would say, GEAUX Tigers!


Men's basketball looks to make it two in a row against Oral Roberts By Brendan Reidy courier staff The Western Illinois Fighting Leathernecks will host the Oral Roberts Golden Eagles tomorrow night. Western Illinois will be honoring Martin Luther King Jr. for MLK night partnered with the Multicultural Center. The event will feature the singing of the Black National Anthem at halftime. Western Illinois came into this one off a nail-biting victory against the University of Denver. The Leathernecks were in control almost all game, but near the end of regulation, the Pioneers made a surge toward a comeback. However, Ben Pyle hit a late three to ice the game and secure the Leathernecks’ second conference victory on the season. The Golden Eagles will fly into Macomb riding a twogame winning streak. Oral Roberts defeated North Dakota on Saturday, and improved their conference record to 2-2. The Golden Eagles will look to keep scorching the nets on Thursday behind reigning Summit League Player of the Week, DeAndre Burns. Thursday’s matchup will feature two Summit League squads looking to climb the conference ladder. Oral Roberts leads the all-time series 33-11 and will look to extend their lead even more. For Western Illinois, they will look to build off momentum and attempt to outscore the

elite Golden Eagle defense. The Leathernecks will look to sophomores Zion Young and Pyle. Pyle is coming off his career high in points with 21 against Denver, and Young is continuing his promising sophomore campaign looking to gain another Summit League Player of the Week award. However, the Golden Eagles will provide a tough test for a challenged Leatherneck defense. Oral Roberts has an explosive offense led by Nzekwesi and Abmas who average 14.5 points per game. The key for a Western Illinois victory is going to be limiting Oral Roberts top scorers. They have four players who average double figures, and they will have to contain them if they want to come out on top on Thursday. On the offensive side of the ball, they will have to get Kobe Webster involved. Webster has been a tad quiet this year compared to last. If the Leathernecks can get Webster hot and play good defense, Western Illinois should have no problem getting a win on their home court. It should be a good one on Thursday, and a very important one that may end up deciding seeding in The Summit League Conference Tournament. The two Summit League opponents will take the hardwood at Western Hall at 7 p.m. The game will be streamed on goleathernecks. com and on the Leathernecks Sports Network. Twitter: @breidytv


Aaron Roders talks in a postgame interview.


Zion Young runs back into the play.


Kobe Webster tries to block a shot.

I remember it like it was yesterday, as do most fans of the Green Bay Packers. Jan. 18, 2015, the 2014-15 NFC Championship game. Though there have been many instances throughout history that have made me dislike the Seattle Seahawks franchise, this was the game that led me to despise the birds from the NFC West. Kickoff wasn’t until 3:06 p.m., so I was able to watch the first

half at a friend’s house before heading to my job as a cashier at a local fast food restaurant. The first half was dominated by the Green and Gold. Three field goals by Mason Crosby and a 13-yard touchdown pass to Randall Cobb from Aaron Rodgers put the Pack up 16-0. Pair that with a Packers defense that forced three interceptions off of Seattle


Ben Pyle takes the ball up court.

C.J. Duff looks for a pass.

QB Russell Wilson and that’s a pretty good first half. So good that ProFootballReference.com had Green Bay’s chances of winning at 94.4 percent. As a Packers fan, I was hyped. The Super Bowl was in our sights, and all that was needed was the defense to stay dominating and the offense to keep driving. As halftime hit, it was time for me to go to work. Packer Sundays in Wisconsin are basically a national holiday, and with it being the NFC Championship, the roads and restaurants were deserted. While the Green Bay


offense wasn’t able to put anything on the board until the fourth quarter, the Super Bowl was still in the Packers’ sights as their chances of winning with just 3:07 left on the clock jumped to a whopping 99.7 percent. And then, the Seahawks scored. While three minutes may not be a lot of time, especially for a Seattle team down 19-14, Packers fans would learn all too well that day that a lot can happen within three minutes.

NFC to page 6

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