Western Courier | September 25, 2017

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Page 3: Norris — Bacon is overated.

Page 4: Defibaugh — American Horror Story brings deeper meaning

Monday, September 25, 2017 - Vol. 118 Issue 15

Back Page: Men's soccer opens conference play with victory


Leathernecks slaughter Chanticleers 52-10, remain undefeated Quarterback Sean McGuire attempts a pass under pressure against Coastal Carolina University Saturday Evening in Conway, S.C.

By Devon Greene assistant sports editor

The Western Illinois University Leathernecks are off to a hot start and have cruised to an unprecedented 3 straight road wins to start the season. The Leathernecks dominated their final road game against the Coastal Carolina University Chanticleers with a 52-10 victory.   After two punts on the first two possessions for both teams, the game began to heat up quickly. CCU quickly hit a 52-yard field goal, their second longest in school history.

Western responded with the play of the night. A double reverse play left the ball with junior wide-receiver Isaiah LeSure with the ball in his hands and junior quarterback Sean McGuire streaking downfield toward the end zone. Costal Carolina’s freshman linebacker Silas Kelly tipped LeSure’s pass and it landed in the hands of McGuire for the touchdown.   The Chanticleers answered right back with a 24-yard run right up the gut for an easy touchdown to end the first quarter. This was their final score of the game. Western


ended the first quarter with a punt, which was their last until their final possession.

“It felt great, that’s what I was looking for the whole game. I needed to get into that end-zone. it was a great feeling and it’s a great team win today.” -Steve McShane WESTERN RUNNING BACK   The rest of the game was all Leathernecks. After a punt by CCU, Western’s offense got rolling with a big pass to

Isaiah LeSure and two snaps later, an underneath pass to Brandon Gaston gave Western a 14-10 lead. The big plays continued in the second quarter as McGuire hit Adam Conrady with a 57-yard pass putting them in the red-zone. Sophomore running back Max Norris, who had a huge game last week, found the end zone to stretch the lead out before halftime. The Chanticleers had two minutes left on the clock but couldn’t get anything going and headed into the locker room down 21-10 at halftime. Western opened up the first half with all the momentum


By Isaiah Herard assistant news editor   A sheriff’s deputy heading north of the city on Friday arrested a Macomb man on a drug-related charge.  According to Sheriff Rick VanBrooker, the deputy stopped the accused’s vehicle at 11:30 p.m. near the intersection of Highway 67 and Spring Lake Road after realizing the driver went over the speed limit. Christopher R. Bigsby, 40, of Macomb was found driving on a

suspended license.  The deputy took Bigsby into custody for driving on a revoked license, however, the deputy also found a glass pipe on the driver’s side of the vehicle that tested positive for methamphetamines.   Bigsby was detained and taken to McDonough County Jail for aggravated driving on a revoked license and possession of meth under 5 grams. The residue found within the pipe established the presence of less than 5 grams of the drug. Bigsby was released after posting $1,000 bond.


and it showed. McGuire lead the team down the field and handed the ball to fellow Summit League Player to Watch Steve McShane. McShane has had a slow start to the season mostly due to an ankle injury. He was out last game and hadn’t gotten into the end zone before tonight.   “It felt great, that’s what I was looking for the whole game,” McShane said. I needed to get into that end-zone. It was a great feeling and it’s a team win today.”

Football page 7


By Isaiah Herard assistant news editor  A Chicago native already released on bond pending a drug manufacture/delivery charge was arrested once again on Thursday after officers observed him throw a bag believed to contain MDMA, commonly known as ecstasy, as officers approached him.   According to Macomb Police Chief Curt Barker, on Thursday, officers saw the assailant, Denzel White, 24, of Chicago on the 900 block of North Charles Street and

attempted to stop him for an active traffic warrant for his arrest. Barker also stated the active warrant for driving on a suspended license was out of Bureau County. As officers approached White to detain him, he fled, tossing a baggie of ecstasy during his attempt to escape.   Officers then caught White, who resisted arrest and began to fight with them. Officers eventually restrained White, subduing him with a Taser.   K-9 Kappes, the K-9 unit’s drug dog, searched the area and found

the ecstasy pills. Eighteen pills were found where White had thrown them.   A second man, Titus Perez, 24, of Chicago was with White at the time and also fled. Perez was apprehended and issued a citation for interfering with a public official.   White was arrested and booked into McDonough County Jail on a traffic warrant, manufacture/ delivery of a controlled substance, possession of a controlled substance and resisting /obstructing an officer.


Monday, September 25, 2017




Doni Purifoy courier staff

The Big Pink Volleyball Tournament, a philanthropic event co-sponsored by Campus Recreation and Thompson Hall to raise funds for breast cancer charities. Registration for this event will open on Sep. 25th and close on October 10th, and the tournaments will be hosted on Oct. 16th-19th. Teams play with a four-foot wide, hot pink volleyball. Proceeds will be donated to the McDonough District Hospital

Dolores Kator Switzer Women’s Center. Participants may contribute by participating on a team, purchasing a shirt, or by making a donation. According to Mishelle Oaks, director of Residence Life University Housing & Dining Services here at Western Illinois University, Big Pink is a Western community event that is a ton of fun and it’s for a good cause. “Big Pink is a long-standing tradition at Western Illinois in efforts to bring folks together to play a volleyball tournament with an oversized big pink volleyball in efforts to bring awareness and support

to women’s health issues, specifically surrounding breast cancer,” Oaks said. The Big Pink Tournament has been around for a little over a decade. “The program has been running since 2002, where it has started with 6 teams and raised $318.75,” Oaks said. “Our biggest year for teams was 2012 with 234 teams, and our biggest financial year of money raised was 2011 with $16,407.30.” Oaks think students should attend and participate in this event because it is a great way to get involved on campus.

“It is a great way to get out and be involved on campus, community and students,” Oaks said. “As an ongoing tradition on our campus, a student would not want to miss out on this experience. It is low key a lot of fun. Grab some friends and check it out.” Oaks also says that they’re pushing to bring in more teams, and especially teams based outside of Western, more on the community side, so that everyone is aware and involved. “Otherwise teams are often made up of students or campus facility/ staff members,” Oaks said. The main goal of Big Pink is phil-

anthropic according to Oaks, but she says that prizes have varied for winning teams, year to year. To Oaks this event has a special level of importance. “It not only raises awareness about women’s health/breast cancer, but it provides the necessary financial support for ongoing research and services to the community,” Oaks said. “It is an opportunity to give back to the community while having fun.” For questions contact Thompson Hall Complex Director, Andrew Haugen, at 309-298-3660 or AJ-Haugen@wiu.edu.

Macomb prepares for homecoming




Students gather to decorate the campus and town in preparation of this week's homecoming festivities over the weekend on campus and around the square.


STAFF MEMBERS editor-in-chief Nicholas Ebelhack NA-Ebelhack@wiu.edu assistant news editor Isaiah Herard IA-Herard@wiu.edu opinions editor Shannon Norris SA-Norris@wiu.edu sports editor Mat McClanahan MD-McClanahanw@wiu.edu

Located on the third floor of the Heating Plant Annex on the south end of campus across from Sherman Hall. Mail: 1 University Circle, WIU, Macomb, IL 61455 Phone: 309-298-1876 Fax: 309-298-2309 Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays E-mail: micour@wiu.edu Member: Illinois College Press Association, National Association College Press

assistant sports editor Devon Greene DJ-Greene@wiu.edu edge editor Alyssa Hohman AM-Hohman@wiu.edu copy editor Joshua Defibaugh JG-Defibaugh@wiu.edu proofreader Valerie Clemens VN-Clemens@wiu.edu

proofreader Alexis Lowe AL-Lowe@wiu.edu proofreader Tacuma Venzant T-Venzant@wiu.edu photo editor Angel Strack AE-Strack@wiu.edu assistant photo editor Pedro Avila PJ-Avila@wiu.edu production manager Jessie Matias JM-Garcia@wiu.edu business manager Faith Rucker F-Rucker@wiu.edu advertising manager Patryk Mazur P-Mazur@wiu.edu adviser Will Buss WJ-Buss@wiu.edu


The Western Courier is published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the regular school year, excluding holidays, finals week and semester breaks. The WC updates the website weekly during the summer. All content reflects the editorial discretion of the students operating the newspaper and must be interpreted as unofficial university communication. While every attempt is made to determine the validity of advertising contained herein, the advertising in the WC is not to be construed as endorsements of any specific products or services. The WC assumes no responsibility or liability resulting from the content of paid advertisements. Subscription price is $36 per year mailed third-class bulk rate from Macomb. The WC is printed by The Galesburg Register-Mail in Galesburg, Ill.


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Monday, September 25, 2017

A sailor’s tale


‘Storybook Homecoming’ continues with boat regatta


Greek teams, student organizations and residence halls gathered to compete at Everly Pond Sunday morning to compete in the annual homecoming boat regatta. The Campus Students for Christ won the student organization division, Lincoln-Washington-Grote won the residence hall division and Delta Zeta, Sigma Chi, Tau Kappa Epsilon and Lambda Theta Alpha won the Greek division.

Monday, September 25, 2017




Random acts of violence and terror happen constantly in our lifetime. From school shootings to bombings, it’s important to be able to recognize when things don’t seem right. Don’t just wait for tragedy to strike to react; be able recognize the safest reaction to a crisis like a terrorist attack so you and everybody else around you remain safe.   These events seem so far away from us, and it can be a story about a terrorist event like the subway train bombing in

London, or the Boston Marathon attacks in the back of your mind. You may be under the impression that “it won’t happen to me,” but it can, and if it does, you’ll want to be ready.  In a series of reports of from Stratfor News regarding personal security against terrorists, analyst Scott Stewart reports, “By its very nature — and indeed by its design — the leaderless resistance form of terrorism in which attackers operate alone or in small cells

against largely unprotected targets using simple tactics and available weapons is difficult to counter.”  Being able to recognize when a terrorist attack is going to occur is extremely difficult and nobody can really be expected to do this without experience and training to guide intuition. But you can mentally prepare yourself for what you do after an attack has already begun.   For instance, practice situational awareness. Understand your surroundings, and be aware of who is around you. Know the ins and outs of your settings. If a crisis should occur near you, it is important to stay away from crowds and find shelter. If you are in a crowd, be wary of a

stampede, and attempt to move towards the edge of the crowd as quickly as you can. In the same article, Stewart reports:  “Developing and maintaining the proper mindset is a critical component in attack recognition. Accepting that simple attacks with vehicles, knives and guns are possible, and being mentally prepared to respond will help counter the tendency of denial. With the proper mindset, people can develop the discipline wherever they go to make mental notes of exits and potential places to seek shelter or items to use as cover if trouble breaks out.”  If you practice these simple techniques and make them habit, you will be much more

likely to survive an attack. The more people that take this seriously, the better odds that a crisis leads to a sigh of relief rather than a cry of tragedy.   While it’s important to always be ready for something like this, one shouldn’t become paranoid, waiting for a terrorist attack that will most likely never happen. It is akin to driving your car, you don’t want to be tuned out to your surroundings behind the wheel, but that doesn’t mean you should hang on the edge of your seat waiting for an accident. You want to find that healthy stasis of awareness, that doesn’t cause you stress, but allows to more easily transition your mindset in the event of a crisis.

U.S. needs to catch up with Europe  European politics are an often overlooked aspect of the culture of European nations. Many of those countries have parliamentary systems with proportional representation. That is, rather than having only one representative per district that is selected based on who wins a plurality of the vote, like we do in the U.S., many European nations appoint multiple seats in their districts based on total percentage of vote. This means that there are significantly more successful third parties in European politics. The success, or lack thereof, of these parties is often directly tied to shifting popular opinion; even if they are unable to secure a majority of seats in their respective parliaments, the fact that they gained seats at all can be very encouraging for those of us in the U.S. who may not be able to gain such traction in a similar fashion.  With this in mind, some of the results coming out of German exit polling today were extremely positive for those of us who hold a measure of hesitance when it comes to unrestricted access for

immigrants. The understanding that many of those immigrants are originating from countries that many countries in the West happen to be bombing only perpetuates this hesitance. When the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AFD) is projected to win 13 percent of the vote and 87 seats of the German parliament, it is quite encouraging for immigration skeptics.   Merkel’s Christian Democrats are projected to maintain their hold as the largest party — projected to take about 35 percent of the vote — but they may be forced to amend their stance on immigration to coalition with AFD after the Social Democrats, who were “pounded,” according to exit polling, declared that they will not form a coalition with Merkel’s party. Pair this with Merkel’s statements earlier this year on immigration, expressing discontent and regret about her decision to essentially let in any refugee that wanted entrance into Germany as found on the Guardian, and perhaps the nation is back on track to reclaiming its

national security and identity. After more than a million refugees were allowed into the German state in 2015, Merkel admitted in an interview that, “her government made mistakes in its refugee policy over the past 18 months.” Looking at the percentage of the refugees as reported by Europarl employment ranges from 2.8 percent to 6 percent of refugees that obtained gainful employment or went to the free programs for job and language training as opposed to those who simply applied for government housing and benefits, that statement would appear to be a fairly obvious one.  To apply this to the United States., the sentiment is certainly already there, with widespread opposition to the unfettered influx of migrants from the Middle East and elsewhere, the election of Donald Trump being a direct reaction to the inaction of the former administration to address the problem. With executive actions being taken as a result of the Republican Congress unable to get its act together, and those actions likely going to be upheld by the Supreme Court even if some liberal Circuit Courts in California seem to disagree, that may be the only way to maintain the rule of law and uphold current immigration law.

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September 25, 2017

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Monday, September 25, 2017


Foo Fighters “Concrete and Gold” does not disappoint


After a three-year wait, fans were more than eager to hear that the Foo Fighters were making another album. Their most recent album “Sonic Highways, released in 2014, was based on a miniseries created by lead vocalist Dave Grohl. The series told of how certain cities in America created large musical influences. On Sept. 15, Grohl and the band decided to take a different approach for their newest album, “Concrete and Gold.”  If there is one thing that makes the Foo Fighters a great band, it is how each album is different from the previous. The approach behind “Concrete and Gold,” was focused on humanity as a whole, and

the desire for escapism.  One thing that stands out throughout the album is the lyrical content. On the first song “T-Shirt,” it starts off in a lullaby with Grohl singing “I just don’t wanna be king…just trying to keep my t-shirt clean.” The volume picks up halfway through with more guitars and drums with the lyrics: “There’s one thing that I have learned, if it gets much better, it’s going to get worse.” Though the song is under two minutes, it has a powerful meaning. When asked what the song meant, Grohl stated it was based on President Donald Trump’s inauguration, along with how life will change, and how

he’s not sure if it’ll be for t he better. The Foo Fighters as a band generally aren’t too political. They do a fine job not throwing their political beliefs into their music. When you listen to it, you would have never thought it was referencing the election.  Another popular song off the album is “Run.” The music video for the song takes place at a nursing home. It starts off with a nurse coming in to make sure her patient takes his medications. After a long stare down between the nurse and patient, the nurse threatens him that he will suffer the consequences if he does not take them. Tired of being pushed around the man goes to out to the social room to hear a much older Foo Fighters. “Run” starts off slowly, Grohl starts the introduction with, “Wake up. Run for your life with me.” Once the first verse plays, the music gets

wild, and so do the people. You see the elderly rebel by dancing, throwing their canes at their nurses, et cetera. It’s a masterpiece of a music video ending in the group doing a Michael Jackson “Thriller,” dance. “Run” was the first song to be released by the band prior to the album release.  “The Sky is a Neighborhood,” has a different approach than the other two songs. This song focuses more on the universe. “You look up at the night sky, you realize that you’re not only part of the universe, but the universe is part of us. It really moves me,” Grohl stated to Rolling Stone magazine. The music video shows the band standing on the roof with alien like eyes, while two girls below are reading a book about the aliens above them. Taylor Hawkins’ percussion playing in this song is very catchy.

There are many more great songs off the album including “Sunday Rain,” with percussionist Taylor Hawkins on vocals and Paul McCartney on drums. Justin Timberlake adds backing vocals on “La Dee Da,” and many more different artists throughout the album.  Overall I think this album is top notch. Foo Fighters have a way of meeting expectations and also know how to transition to modern music. For a band that started in 1994, they know how to please fans of all ages. I can’t agree with “Rolling Stone” giving this album at 3.5 out of 5 star rating. I give this a 5 out of 5 star rating.  Currently the Foo Fighters are starting their North American tour. They will be performing at the State Farm Center in Champaign, Il on Wednesday, Nov. 8. Tickets are still on sale ranging from $50-100.

Want to write for EDGE? Contact am-hohman@wiu.edu

Edge 3

Monday, September 25, 2017


Newest “Chucky” film holds its own in well established franchise


As September comes to a close, fall and horror season begins. The movie “It” has been dominating theaters these days. In fact, it is the highest grossing horror film in the American Box Office to date. Although its box office earnings are projected to do so, it still has a long climb to top other scary classics like 1973’s “The Exorcist” and 1999’s “The Sixth Sense” at the international box office. And with all the publicity surrounding it, some other notable horror films get lost in the background. Among the horror films coming to Netflix this October will be the seventh film in the “Chucky” series, “Cult of Chucky.” The movie premiered at FrightFest in London this past August and fans have taken to this latest rendition. “Cult of Chucky” already has a score of 80 percent on Rotten Tomatoes and a 7.1 out of 10 on the Internet Movie

Database (IMDb). In this film, Chucky, voiced by Brad Dourif, is back and ready to frighten those in and out of the film. The cast includes all members from the previous films including Fiona Dourif, Alex Vincent, Jennifer Tilly and Summer H. Howell. Fans and critics on IMDb have noted that the film is not another washed up sequel, but rather another great addition to the franchise. Many have also stated that this film maintains features of the original “Chucky” while still taking a fresh look at the adventures and torment of the crazed doll. Those looking forward to the newest “Chucky” don’t have long to wait. “Cult of Chucky” comes to Netflix Oct. 24, but can also be purchased on Amazon. In the mean time, horror fans can check out a number of new spooky additions to Netflix, HBO and Amazon Prime Video starting Oct. 1.

Emmy diversity praised yet lacking Latino presence The 69th Emmy Awards aired Sept 17 and brought with them a refreshing wave of diversity not often seen in awards shows, with many firsts during this show for people of color. Lena Waithe was one such notable winner. She, along with Aziz Ansari, won the award for Best Writing for a comedy series. Waithe is

the first African–American woman to ever receive this award and is only the second to have ever even been nominated for one. Riz Ahmed is the first male actor of middle-eastern descent to win a best actor award. And Reed Morano won an Emmy for Best Directing for a Drama Series and is only the second woman

to ever win in this category and the last female winner occurred over 20 years ago. Other notable winners included Donald Glover, the fourth African–American director to win an Emmy, but the first to win one for directing a comedy. Sterling K. Brown similarly is the fourth African–American to win an Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series. The award has not been held by an African– American since 1998. While this year awards ceremony has been praised for its diversity, many have

acknowledged the fact that there was still a lacking Latino presence, which unfortunately is not a new problem. According to Vogue, in the history of the Emmy Awards, the only Latino female to win an award was over 10 years ago and the last time a male won was in 1990. Hopefully things will turn around for this large minority community, as it has for others. In other Emmy news, “The Haindmaids Tale” picked up 6 awards, including Best Drama Series.

“Veep” received the award for Best Comedy Series and “Big Little Lies” won five awards in all. “Saturday Night Live” had an impressive 22 nominations yet did not take home a single award. Despite lacking Latino representation, the Emmy Awards did featured a surprising diversity, not common in awards ceremonies today. Hopefully the diversity trend continues to expand and include Latino actors, actresses, directors and writers in future awards ceremonies, Emmy’s or otherwise.


Monday, September 25, 2017


“The Good Doctor” tackles autism spectrum disorder


Television’s newest medical drama is getting a lot of attention, all without a single episode on the air. “The Good Doctor,” which premieres tonight at 9 G.M. central, is unique in the fact that the main character, Dr. Shaun Murphy, has autism and savant syndrome.  According to an interview with TV Line, the shows creators specifically hope that Dr. Shaun Murphy “will speak to everyone with differences…he’s not solely defined by his autism.”  The Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a well-known but often misunderstood condition and hopefully this show can bring awareness to it. Autism is a spectrum disorder because the condition covers a wide range of symptoms, most of which appear between the ages of 2 and 3. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are as many as 1 in 68 children on the autism spectrum in the U.S. alone.  According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), savant

syndrome is associated with the Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as other mental handicaps, in which patients “have some ‘island of genius’.” Also according to the NCBI, “as many as one in ten” people on the autism spectrum also have savant syndrome.  “The Good Doctor” was created by the same creators as the show “House” and, based on a Korean drama. Shaun Murphy (Freddie Highmore) is a pediatric surgeon trying to make his way in a prestigious hospital. He faces criticism from many of the other physicians, including the hospital board, who doubt his abilities as a surgeon because of his autism and his lack of ability to communicate with others.   The show is receiving a lot of positivity now but only time will tell if the show will hold up. With all the medical dramas on the air and top shows on ABC, “The Good Doctor” will really have to impress its audiences. Tune in to ABC tonight to find out if you think the show will be a hit.

Monday, September 25, 2017




While heading back to Macomb for the week, a few buddies and I stopped at Casey’s to a grab a quick bite. While I rummaged through a few of the food items spinning behind a heated glass container I saw my options for breakfast: either have a toasty egg and sausage biscuit sandwich or enjoy an egg, bacon and biscuit sandwich, both of which would surely have satisfied my hunger.   Now, I know what you’re thinking here. I should go for the bacon of course; it is my American obligation to consume as much bacon in

my lifetime , or at least as much as five pigs can produce. That right there, however, is my trigger of the week: bacon.   Bacon, the greasiest, saltiest, blood-pressure-raising food made for gods that any man could dream of consuming is completely overrated. I’m sure I just lost a few friends on some of my social media feeds, but they can be replaced easily.   Let’s start with what we know about bacon. Bacon Today traces bacon as far back as 1500 B.C., sometime during the Shang dynasty in China. During that time,

people were curing pork bellies with salt, creating the first versions of bacon. When the Romans and Greeks came into the Middle East they started developing what was referred to as “petaso”, a shoulder of a pig boiled with dried figs.   Honestly, that right there sounds phenomenal right now, but I must resist my American calling for bacon. There’s no health benefit and it doesn’t cure any illness. It satisfies hunger, but the entire process to create bacon is completely unnecessary.   While it is apparent my cooking should be outlawed as showcased repeatedly in my Snapchat story, who can actually cook the perfect bacon? There’s no way to always get the perfect ratio of crispy to chewy

on either side and don’t get me started on the amount of salt and oil that gets dumped into an overhyped side dish. I can’t even call it a breakfast side because of the many forms I found in my routine Google search. There’s everything from bacon wrapped steak to bacon rocky road ice cream. If those don’t make think that bacon is hyped-up, there’s also bacon pie, just the sheer image of what that looks like makes me actually gag. You can have chocolate cover bacon to go with your bacon martini and when you’re done with that, you can wash your mouth with bacon toothpaste.   I can’t make this up, in fact it’s actually kind of sad that I could go on and on about the ridiculous culture that surrounds bacon. It’s

processed meat, the smell lingers and yes I did just burn 30 second ready-to-eat bacon in my microwave this morning so I’m a little upset that I can’t enjoy my dosage of bacon today, okay?

The smack-talking among leaders   Last week, the reality TV show that is world politics had a new surprising twist. In a speech to the U.N. President Donald Trump made comments about Kim Jong-Un and the North Korean regime. According to CNN, these comments ranged from calling the North Korean leader “Rocket Man” to threatening to “totally destroy North Korea” if the country makes moves against the U.S. or one of it’s allies. First off, how dare you smear Elton John’s good name by giving Kim Jong-Un his nickname. Elton John is a world treasure and has probably done more for world peace than Donald has done. Secondly, why are we instigating North Korea any more than we have to? Why are we poking the sleeping bear? We’re not really worried about what North

Korea is capable of but we don’t need to give them motivation to work harder. Trump is the first world leader at the U.N. to call for the destruction of an entire country, that’s just not something you do.   Of course not to be outdone, North Korea retaliated. Kim Jong-Un made an unprecedented televised statement warning Trump that his comments would be met with an equal level of retaliation and “what response he could have expected when he allowed such eccentric words to trip off his tongue.” Kim Jung-Un also called Trump a “mentally deranged U.S. dotard.” How bad do you have to be where Kim Jong-Un can call you mentally deranged and he’s not exactly wrong? This is the first and hopefully last time I’m sitting here thinking,

“He’s got a point,” in reference to something Kim Jong-Un said. He also said he would tame the President but the White House staff just chuckled at that remark and said good luck. If he could actually tame the President, Melania Trump would hire him on to be the senior advisor to the first lady in a matter of seconds.   Following his remarks, North Korea released a plan to test a nuclear weapon over the Pacific in response to Trump’s comments, only escalating the tension. The North Korean prime minister stated that the test would be with a hydrogen bomb, a weapon that the U.N. does not believe North Korea has. The foreign minister also stated in front of the U.N. that North Korea’s goal is to have a “balance of power with the U.S.” which has probably been their goal since the U.S.S.R. stopped supporting them, but looking at Trump can only help motivate them even more.   Not to be outdone, Trump

had U.S. bombers and fighter jets fly over the North Korean coast over the weekend as a show of force, showing North Korea what military options Trump has when he finally snaps. The flight was the farthest north of the demilitarized zone that any U.S. aircraft has ever been in the past decades. Most likely because flying over North Korea is similar to being a clay pigeon at a gun range. The pilots were told to fall out if anyone heard “PULL!” over any radio frequencies. Now we just wait to see North Korea’s retaliation.

Monday, September 25, 2017



from back page

"It was a solid road win for our Leathernecks tonight," said Director of Soccer Eric Johnson. "It was a total team effort and a great response after the Drake game. They had the penalty kick which was a bit soft but we came right back. Also, being able to get the second goal just before the half gave us the momentum we needed."

Volleyball from back page

The Leathernecks responded to this by going on yet another five-point run which really put them in the lead and gave them their momentum back. After this run, the game was neckand-neck again until South Dakota pulled away with a strong eight-point run that finished off the game with a score of 20-25, match score 0-2. As the third game rolled around, the Leathernecks came out hot with a three-point lead.

The Leathernecks outshot the Mastodons 19-11. Whalen led the team with seven shots, next was Pacheco with four, and Kouassi with three shots. Whalen’s goal now puts him at five goals on the season as he is now only one goal behind Pacheco. Moynihan now has two assists and Kouassi recorded his first assist for this year. Sophomore goalkeeper Tim Trilk finished the game with an overall three saves. He now has a total of 25 saves this season.

Western Illinois now sits at the top of the Summit League after beating IPFW. The University of Nebraska Omaha and Eastern Illinois University sit at spot number two and three after they tied their match up. The Leathernecks will take on the Panthers of Eastern Illinois Saturday. This home match will be played at John Mackenzie Alumni Field and kick off is set for 1 p.m. Twitter: @Hayfourrr

Shortly after this run, they had yet another three-point run that put them ahead of the Coyotes 7-3. Western held the lead for a couple points, then was finally met with a coyote comeback which resulted in a score of 11-9. The Leathernecks eventually gained a three-point lead which they continued to build off throughout the remainder of the game. Western Illinois finished the game with a score of 25-19, making the match score 1-2. Western started the fourth game out strong with a 5-1 lead over South Dakota. The

Coyotes struggled to start out the match, bringing in three offensive-errors that put the Leathernecks on top. Western had a strong offensive presence during the fourth game which gave them a good advantage over the Coyotes. South Dakota never had the chance to climb back up from their point-deficit during the early points of this game, leading the Leathernecks to their second win of the night. In the fifth game of this match, the Coyotes were the ones that came out with the momentum that was needed to win the final game. The two teams remained



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1 & 2 bedroom apartments, new $250 signing bonus on 10 and 12 month leases. Two blocks from campus. Bus stops nearby. Free water, garbage and parking. Laundry onsite. Clean, well maintained and secure. Call Ted 309-837-5600 or visit markertrental.com. Spacious 2-5 bedroom homes for rent. 10 month lease available. Great locations, close to bus stops, plenty off street parking, all new windows, AC, energy efficient furnace, hardwood and ceramic tile floors, free washer/dryer. Well maintained (24 hrs.) by local landlord. Call 309-255-1233. Houses for Rent 2016/2017: A&D Real Estate has several 3, 4 and 5 bedroom houses for rent, all with at least 2 bathrooms, recently rennovated and located close to campus. Call for a tour or visit our website at www.wiucollegerentals.com. Local landlord with a focus on clean and updated housing with personal service for your college housing needs. 309-313-1122. Charleston Blvd. Apartments is running a SPRING SPECIAL NOW THROUGH JUNE 2017! 1 BR for $500 and 2 BR for $600. Call 309.833.4545 or stop by the office at 209 Charleston Boulevard. NICE, CLEAN, WELL MAINTAINED 1 TO 6 BEDROOM HOUSES FOR 2016-2017 Our houses have hard wood floors, ceramic tile, central air, washer and dryer and are close to campus with plenty of parking. We offer a ten month lease so you don’t pay for the months you aren’t here. Please call 309-255-1959 for a showing. Now showing for 2017 & 2018 year 2, 3, and 5 bedrooms homes all close to campus. Call 309-331-4565. Short Term or 12 Month lease ISS Building, across from Linc-Wash and Sherman Hall. Still Brand NEW, BEAUTIFUL, and very NEAT. 1 and 2 Bedroom, NO SMOKING and NO PETS of any kind. Sign in February or in March and Get The LOWEST rate. �Call (309) 333-7072. ASPEN COURT APARTMENTS REDUCED PRICING!!! The nicest and cleanest apartment complex in Macomb now has the lowest pricing in town! Call for pricing 309-833-3600 or stop in our office at 1507 W. Jackson (across from EL Ranch & Casey’s) NOW! LOW LOW LOW LOW ASPEN COURT PRICING!!! Westen Investments has only two 4-Bedroom brich houses available. Call our office at 309-833-5995 to schedule a showing! We will show to 2-3 person groups as well!



neck-and-neck for the majority of the time, making it a highintensity game that both teams were thirsty to win. When the score was 8-10, South Dakota began to pull away, leaving the game final as 10-15, match final 2-3, Leatherneck loss. “We did a great job fighting all the way to the wire tonight. We had a tremendous defensive effort tonight which allowed us to stay in system offensively as well,” said head coach Kelly Richardson. “We talk a lot about the kind of effort and toughness that needs to go into our play every time we step on

LARGE STUDENT RENTALS 5 and 6 Bedroom Homes are still available!! Ask for our $1000.00 Discount program! Firsrt come first serve for the last large homes that are open for the fall. NICE, CLEAN, WELL MAINTAINED 1 TO 6 BEDROOM HOUSES FOR 2017-2018 Our houses have wood floors, ceramic tile, W/D, central air, and are close to campus with plentry of parking. We offer low rent and a 10 month lease to save you money! Call 309-255-1959 for a showing. Small 1BR apt near campus and downtown. All utilities included. (Electric, Water, DISH, Garbage) $500/month, $300 deposit. Available immediately. Also have 2BR, you pay electric. $600/month, $350 deposit available September 1st. Please contact 309-255-4367 for a showing. Nice apartments, excellent service-24 hour emergency maintenance. 1-4 bedrooms, on/off campus available ‘16-’17 school year. Check us out at www.macomb4rent.com. If interested, please call F & H Rentals 309/837-1705. CLEAN, REMODELED, AND WELL MAINTAINED HOUSES AND APTS FOR RENT IN GREAT LOCATIONS. UTILITIES PAID FOR APARTMENTS. RENTING NOW FOR FALL 2017. ALSO RENTING TWO APTS FOR SPRING 2016. CALL JASON AT 309-221-3985. Timbercrest Apartments 1587 Riverview Drive Now showing 1 & 2 Bedroom Units. Very clean, close to WIU campus with bus stop in front of building. Washer/dryer available in most units, all other appliances included, FREE INTERNET, ceiling fans in every room, pet friendly. All units have off street parking and private decks overlooking campus. Both 10- and 12-month leases are available. Openings for Summer 2017 and school year 2017/2018. Deposit required. Phone (309)833-3192 and leave message. For Rent: The perfect country rustic barn venue seats up to 250. The Old Homestead Event Barn located only 30 miles south of Macomb. Our venue is available for outdoor weddings, barn receptions, formals, reunions, etc. Visit our website at rushvillebarn.com or email lisa@rushvillebarn.com - WIU Alumni ‘85 Westen Investments has just one 3-Bedroom ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED (Water, Sewer, Trash, Gas, Electric, and Internet) Apartment left! That’s right you just pay for rent, and the rest of it is on us! Call our office at 309-833-5995 to check it out. APARTMENT FOR RENT: FOR QUIET PERSON. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT LOCATED AT 314 West Carroll ST Macomb, Ill 61455. Available end of August 2017-new carpeting yearly lease SMALEST FURNISHED IN MACOMB $345.00/month - HEAT & AC INCLUDED private entrance, off-street parking included call for appointment309-837-4748 or 255-5075 woodburning fireplace, ask for Paul.

the court, our kids exemplified that tonight. We look forward to getting back on the court tomorrow as we prepare for Oral Roberts.” Although they did not win, the Leathernecks did a great job at keeping the energy and effort high throughout the match, a full five games. The Western defense also really shined throughout the course of this match, giving them a good edge on the Coyote offense. Western Illinois volleyball will play Omaha in Macomb, on Sept. 29. Twitter: @beccalangysxo

RATES $5.50 per issue (open rate) $4.00 per issue (campus rate)

For Rent 538 N. Randolph St. Macomb, IL One month minimum rent For professionals and graduate students Exceptional living space, furnished and clean Water, Electric, Furnace/AC, Garbage AND Internet included You bring your bed sheets and towels Email: inselhaus@macomb.com Tel: 312-885-2128 Available now: Close to campus, clean studio apartments, excellent condition, reasonable rent, and partly furnished. Ceiling fans and a/c. Professionally maintained. No pets. Semester leases offered. Call 309 837 4369 and leave your phone number if not there. Email: MandKhousing@gmail.com Nice houses, excellent service-24 hour emergency maintenance. 1-6 bedrooms, on/off campus available ‘16-’17 school year. Pets at some locations. Check us out at www.macomb4rent.com. If interested, please call F & H Rentals 309/837-1705. ALL APARTMENTS - ALL INCLUSIVE Get control of your budget. Know exactly what you are spending each month. Each apartment includes free a/c, free heat, free electricity, free water, free cable tv, free hi speed internet, and free off street parking. Laundry on site. No noise policy. Bus stop across the street. Close to campus. Well maintained. Studios are $460/mo, One bedrooms are $620/mo. Call Doug at 309-255-8179 for an appointment. Chandler Street Apartments 326 and 336 Chandler Street Now showing 1 or 2 Bedroom Townhouse Apartments. All units have appliances including washer/dryer, ceiling fans in every room, tile floors, kitchen/living room combination with bar islands, large closets in bedrooms. Located on a quiet street, all units have off street parking and are located close to campus and within walking distance to Macomb nightlife. Both 10- and 12-month leases are available. Openings for Summer 2017 and school year 2017/2018. Deposit required. Phone (309)833-3192 and leave message. $565/month, - 2 bedroom / 1 bath house for rent - 1/2 block from WIU Avail June 1. Has w/d in unit, detached garage. No dogs Contact 708-903-7971 or renders713@gmail.com Westen Investments still has affordable 1-4 Bedroom Apartment/Houses available. Be sure to check out our website (www.westeninvest.com) to see our available listings, and call our office at 309-833-5995 to schedule a showing. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to win prize giveaways!

Sports 7

Monday, September 25, 2017


National anthem protests pick up steam

President Donald Trump caught the sports world on fire this weekend as he took a stand with more vigor and passion on NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem than he did about the neo-Nazi and Ku Klux Klan rally in Charlottesville, Virgina on Aug. 13. Trump attended a rally in Huntsville, Alabama on Saturday where he specifically called out NFL players for kneeling during the National Anthem and their protests that are protected by the First Amendment. "Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son of a (expletive) off the field right now, out, he's fired. He's fired,’” Trump said. "You know, some owner is going to do that. He's going to say, 'That guy that disrespects our flag, he's fired.' And that owner, they don't know it [but] they'll be the most popular person in this country." These asinine, incendiary, divisive comments were met with outrage and immediate pushback from the entire sports community. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell released a statement on Saturday following the statement by the president. "The NFL and our players are at our best when we help create

a sense of unity in our country and our culture," Goodell said in the statement. "There is no better example than the amazing response from our clubs and players to the terrible natural disasters we've experienced over the last month. Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities." NFL players like Aaron Rodgers, LeSean McCoy, Martellus Bennett and more have spoken out against these comments in one way or another. The players’ actions spoke volumes on Sunday. There were more players kneeling than ever, along with teams locking arms. The Tennessee Titans, Seatle Seahawks,and all but one Pittsburg Steeler did not even come out to the field during the National Anthem. A pleasant surprise that was seen yesterday was the support of owners and general managers standing with their players in support. Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank and Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan both locked arms with their teams during the National Anthem. This

was important. Players need to know that they can rely on their owner and be assured that if they feel they need to protest the actions of the buffoon in the White House or the police brutality, they will still have a job and can afford to support their family. The NFL was not the only target of the 45th President over the weekend. He also caused friction within the NBA community. A tradition that has been in place for years is a championship team being invited to the White House to celebrate their massive achievement. Warriors’ point guard Stephen Curry spoke to the media on the Warriors media day on Friday. “My views haven’t changed at all. I don’t know if anybody’s changed." Curry said. "But that’s where I stand right now. I don’t want to go. That’s my nucleus of my belief.” The Warriors were going to vote as a team if they wanted to attend the White House celebration before the president tweeted early Saturday morning. “Going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team.” Trump said on Twitter. “Stephen Curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn!” The Warriors were obviously surprised and released a statement firing back at the president. “While we intended to meet as a team at the first opportu-


problems for the Chanticleers as their final possession of the third quarter ended with a fumble and lead to another touchdown pass from McGuire to freshman running back Clint Ratkovich. The final quarter was the final nail in the coffin for Coastal Carolina. Western began the quarter with a field goal from sophomore kicker Sam Crosa that pushed the lead to 45-10. CCU’s first possession ended in a punt. The gut-punches kept coming for the Chanticleers. The Leathernecks started from their own 20-yard line and runningback Devon Sanders busted free for an untouched 80-yard touchdown that extended the lead to 52-10. The Chanticleers’ final two possessions ended in interceptions from Justin Fitzpatrick. Western only punted the ball three times on the night as they converted eight of their 11 drives into scoring and scored 45 unanswered points to take down the formidable FBS opponent on the road. The Western football team has all the momentum heading into their home opener against South Dakota State University this Satuday. Twitter:devondeadlysins

Steve McShane heads for the outside last season at home.

from page 1

The Leatherneck’s defense has improved dramatically this season and they showed it in the second half. Coastal Carolina’s first possession of the second half was stopped early with a big defensive stop. A big hit from defensive bac, Tyrin Holloway lodged the ball loose on a pass to the sideline. Linebacker Riggs Baxter made a spectacular catch to give the offense favorable field position. One play later, McGuire hit Conrady with a wide-open touchdown and extend the lead to 35-10. “Defensively, Tony [Grantham] called another great game. Once we got a feel for the speed of the option offense, they played really well,” Head coach Charlie Fisher said. “If we play great defense, we always have a chance. If you play great defense and you run the ball, you have an even better chance. We didn’t turn it over on offense. We took it away on defense. I love the way we’re playing and the execution and the X-factor in there is the effort and execution.” The defense continued to cause

nity we had this morning to collaboratively discuss a potential visit to the White House, we accept that President Trump has made it clear that we are not invited. We believe there is nothing more American than our citizens having the right to express themselves freely on matters important to them. We’re disappointed that we did not have an opportunity during this process to share our views or have open dialogue on issues impacting our communities that we felt would be important to raise. In lieu of a visit to the White House, we have decided that we’ll constructively use our trip to the nation’s capital in February to celebrate equality, diversity, and inclusion – the values that we embrace as an organization.” The biggest NBA star and arguably the most powerful AfricanAmerican athlete in the country, LeBron James, also chimed in on the ban of the Warriors from the White House. “(You) bum @StephenCurry30 already said he ain't going! So therefore ain't no invite,“ James said. “Going to [the] White House was a great honor until you showed up!” James went more in depth in a video posted to his company Uninterrupted. “I think it’s basically at a point where I’m kind of just a little frustrated because this guy that we’ve put in charge has tried to divide us once again, and obviously we all know what hap-

pened with Charlottesville and the divide that caused. Now, it’s even hitting home for me more because he’s now using sports as the platform to try to divide us.” James said. “We all know how much sports brings us together, how much passion it has, how much we love and care, and the friendships and everything that it creates. For him to try to use this platform to divide us even more, it’s not something I could stand for and it’s not something I could be quiet about.” NBA stars have a little more leeway on their social media sites due to their organization being more progressive than the NFL. Houston Rockets’ point guard Chris Paul questioned the motives of the president. “With everything that's going on in our country, why are YOU focused on who's kneeling and visiting the White House???” Paul said. “And I doubt he's man enough to call any of those players a son of a (expletive) to their face...” The sports world has fired back at comments made by the childish, petty president who has continually tried to marginalize and belittle protests against police brutality and the struggle of minorities in America. The right of protest founded this country, and Donald Trump isn’t about to take it away from our athletes who finally feel empowered enough to exercise their fundamental American rights.


Men’s soccer wins conference opener Monday, August 21, 2017

By Haley Richards

assistant sports editor FORT WAYNE Ind. — The Western Illinois University men’s soccer team opened up their Summit League play with a win on the road. The Leathernecks defeated the Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne Mastodons by a score of 3-1 on Saturday. This puts the Purple and Gold at 3-5 on the season, 1-0 in the conference. Early in the game, the Mastodons got on the board first after being rewarded a penalty kick. Senior midfielder Keelan Barker took the shot for IPFW that put them ahead just 14 minutes into the game. Less than a minute later, the game was tied after IPFW had an own goal caused by a deflection off of a cross in the box. Thirty-six minutes into the game the Leathernecks took the lead when senior forward Drew Whalen finished a ball from freshman midfielder Mitchell Moynihan. This was the second game in

a row where we saw the combination of an assist and goal from Whalen and Moynihan. The final nine minutes of the first half were played on the Mastodons exhibition field after two lights went out on the Hefner game field. The game then resumed on the original pitch after halftime when the lights were back up. In the start of the second half, the Mastodons were putting pressure on Western with three shot attempts occurring one after the other. However, the Leathernecks came back with two backto-back headers by Whalen giving them the momentum they needed to carry out the game. With ten minutes left in the game, senior forward Fernando Pacheco found the back of the net off of a pass from senior forward Armel Kouassi. A low shot in the left side of the goal put Western Illinois at a 3-1 advantage nearing the end of the match.

Soccer page 6

Armel Kouassi dribbles up the field in the first conference win of the season.


Western volleybal falls short to Coyotes in five By Becca Langys courier staff

Shiah Sanders adds with a dig athe BWW Invitational in Macoomb.


VERMILLINION SD. — The Western Illinois University Leathernecks (5-10) volleyball team fought hard against the University of South Dakota Coyotes (7-7) last Friday in S.D, taking the match to five sets (24-26, 20-25, 25-19, 25-20, 10-15). The Leathernecks had previously been focusing on bringing more effort to the game and carrying that energy throughout the whole match. Although they did not win, this game showed tremendous improvements where effort was involved. “We talk a lot about the kind of effort and toughness that needs to go into our play every time we step on the court, our kids exemplified that tonight”, said Coach Kelly Richardson, head coach of the Leathernecks. The Leathernecks were led defensively by junior right side hitter Shiah Sanders and red shirt freshman outside hitter Mackenzie Steckler, both having six successful blocks against the Coyotes. Senior outside-hitter Shalyn Greenhaw led the team in thirty-two digs, adding to the strong defense that the Leathernecks needed to stand up against the tough hits from South Dakota.

Offensively, Greenhaw led the Leathernecks, bringing in a total of twelve kills for Western. Senior setter Jaime Johnson raked up forty-nine assists, making her an impactful player offensively during the match. During the first game, Western held a close score with the Coyotes, staying neckand-neck with them until the very last point. The Leathernecks had a good three-point run near the end of the game, sparked by a kill by Freshman setter Cassie Hunt, that kept the intensity high on the court. The run wasn’t enough to beat the Coyotes however, who took the game in a close finish of 24-26 with a match score of 0-1. The second game was an intense roller coaster of points that waded back-and-forth between the teams dramatically. The game started out normally, each team earning one to two points at a time. When the score was 8-10, the Leathernecks went on a five-point run, mostly resulting from Leatherneck kills and Coyote hitting errors. The momentum from this run was shortly cut off when South Dakota had their own four-point run that put them in the lead.

Volleyball page 6

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