The Western Courier | September 11, 2017

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Page 7: Stoik — Cold showers have huges benefits

Back Page: Leathernecks win 38-20 against NAU

Monday, September 11, 2017 - Vol. 118 Issue 9

SGA suspension violates rules Questionable quorum quandary leads to review By Nicholas Ebelhack editor-in-chief


Speaker of the Senate Patrick Quinlan entertains a motion to suspend the rules at last Tuesday’s Student Government Association meeting.

The Student Government Association (SGA) is reviewing its decision to suspend its rules in order to pass its 2017-2018 bylaws and approve President Grant Reed’s cabinet.  Without the necessary 18 sitting senators to make quorum, a motion entertained by Speaker of the Senate Patrick Quinlan to suspend the rules was passed by a vote of 11-5-0. During discussion, Interfraternity Council Senator Mark Lahtinen urged a no vote while Unity Senator Natsha Kelch advised that being short two senators from quorum “will not hurt us

too much,” according to last meeting’s minutes.   Missing senators from last weeks meeting included all of the residence hall representatives, who at the time had not been appointed, as well as two senator at-large positions.   Additionally, as of last weeks meeting, only four senators had turned in a notice of appointment to Senate Clerk Maddie Heinzer, therefore, only four senators can officially be recognized. According to the Western Illinois University Student Government Assocaition Senatre Rules 2016-2017, the most recent rules available on Purple Post 2.0, Senate Rule #2 – Quorum, “Quorum for

meetings shall be determined as two-thirds (2/3) of total Senate membership. Once an organization or residence hall has lost a seat, that seat shall no longer count towards quorum. Quorum is a dynamic institution, it may change as the meeting progresses and individuals exit and re-enter the room.”   Without quorum, SGA is unable to pass legislation or approve this year ’s bylaws. However, the question of whether or not SGA has the ability vote on whether or not the rules can be suspended is up for debate.

SGA page 3

Gentle giants float over Macomb Balloon Rally returns for 31st year


The Macomb Balloon Rally concluded on Saturday night with their balloon glow. Macomb community members gathered for the annual festivities and enjoyed lights, music and food under the glow of the balloons. The day before, balloon pilots took off from Vince Grady Field in unison and soared over Macomb. On


Monday, September 11, 2017



Tabi Jozwick courier staff

On Saturday, the West Central Illinois Arts Center hosted the annual Gazebo Art Festival at Chandler Park, with local area artists showcasing and selling their art to the general public.  “We have had an art festival like this in (Chandler) Park since 1968,” said 5th Ward alderman Gayle Carper, who also served as jewelry maker and organizer of Gazebo Art Festival. “It hasn’t always been called Gazebo Art Festival. Sometimes, it was called Art in the Park, sometimes it was in connection with a program called Communiversity, but every year since 1968, there has been a fall art festival in (Chandler) Park, so we’re pretty proud of it.”   According to Carper the Gazebo Art Festival allows artists to


sell their goods and advertise their art.  “Every year, we invite artists to apply to sell their goods and they are judged by a jury of professional artists to make sure that they are not selling stuff that is not handmade and that it meets a certain standard of artistic merit,” Carper said. “They come here to set up their booths and you get crowds of people.”  Amy John of Reflections of Revelations based in Robins, Iowa, showcased her photography informing inquisitive people that she used her iPhone to take photographs instead of a traditional camera.  “I love to travel and I travel the world,” John said. “I travel a lot by myself and so, I don’t want to look like that tourist and I don’t want to be singled out. I try to blend in, so I will take my phone with me instead

STAFF MEMBERS editor-in-chief Nicholas Ebelhack assistant news editor Isaiah Herard opinions editor Shannon Norris sports editor Mat McClanahan

Located on the third floor of the Heating Plant Annex on the south end of campus across from Sherman Hall. Mail: 1 University Circle, WIU, Macomb, IL 61455 Phone: 309-298-1876 Fax: 309-298-2309 Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays E-mail: Member: Illinois College Press Association, National Association College Press

of a camera and line up shots and do a couple that way so I can get the photos that I want, but not look a tourist, especially as a single female traveling the world alone, so that is one of the reasons why I started into the iPhone photography.”  Like any photographer, John looks at different vantage points for her photographs, even in well photographed areas like Snake Alley in Burlington, Iowa. Her favorite place for photography is the sky from the airplane because a bird's eye view from an airplane is rare yet unique.   “Photographing historical places is really on my heart because you will never know when the building is going to be get torn down or when that place is no longer there,” John said. “There are always memories attached to things and so, I like to take

assistant sports editor Devon Greene edge editor Alyssa Hohman copy editor Joshua Defibaugh proofreader Valerie Clemens

proofreader Alexis Lowe proofreader Tacuma Venzant photo editor Angel Strack assistant photo editor Pedro Avila production manager Jessie Matias business manager Faith Rucker advertising manager Patryk Mazur adviser Will Buss

photographs so that things can be remembered.”   New to the Art Gazebo was the sidewalk chalk drawing competition that the City of Macomb Downtown Development hosted for both children and adults who wanted to relive their childhood passion of sidewalk drawing.   “We came collaborating together with the art festival committee,” said director of Downtown Development Kristin Terry. “I always wanted to do this, so I thought it’s a great tie-in, so we’re doing first chalk walk drawings and we’re giving out prizes for the first, second and third winners. It’ll be judged and they’ll get a (Macomb Area Chamber of Commerce) gift certificate for their award.”  According to Terry, the chalk drawings couldn’t have any political statement or any statements deemed inappropriate

for a public art display. If the chalk drawings were a reproduction of another work of art, like the Mona Lisa, then both the artwork and the artist must be credited.  “(The Gazebo Art Festival) does that so you can’t get sued for using someone else’s photography,” Terry said. “If it’s not your art, then credit it.”  Other events at the Gazebo Art Festival included music, children’s art activities by the playground, wine tasting and the Macomb Public Library’s Friends of the Library Book Sale. The Macomb Farmers Market also had the Saturday farmer’s market in Chandler Park along with the Balloon Rally at Vince Grady Field.  “If you can’t find something to do here today, I don’t know what’s wrong with you,” Carper said.



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SGA from front page

Senate Rule #15 states that “The Speaker of the Senate may suspend these rules, under extreme circumstance of timeliness, in which case a motion to suspend any or all of these rules shall be entertained from the floor and require a majority vote of quorum.” According to this rule, SGA is unable to suspend the rules in order to override quorum, because quo-

Monday, September 11, 2017


rum is a prerequisite for the process of suspending the rules. According to email communication from SGA Adviser Michelle Janisz on Sept. 7, the issue will be addressed at the upcoming SGA meeting. “Honestly, we are looking into this matter and will address one way or another at the meeting next Tuesday.” Speaker of the Senate Patrick Quinlan declined to comment on the matter. The next SGA meeting will be held tomorrow in the University Union Capitol Room at 7 p.m.

By Isaiah Herard assistant news editor

Illinois State Police Director Leo P. Schmitz acknowledged Trooper Gary “Joe” Anderton for winning the gold medal during his participation in the 2017 World Police and Fire Games. Anderton claimed the gold medal in the 170-179.9-submission grappling weight class. This year’s World Police and Fire Games were held in Los Angeles, Calif. from Aug. 6-16. The biennial event garnered over 8,000 first responder athletes from 70 countries whom

competed in 65 events. Being the only representation of America in his competing class, Anderton defeated a Brazilian military police officer to bring home the gold. In a press release, Schmitz said Anderson’s exemplary performance and commitment to physical fitness and exceeding standards is an accurate representation of police and fire departments across America. “ISP officers are required to maintain minimum physical fitness standards,” said Schmitz in a press release. Anderton has gone the extra

mile to exceed those standards and exemplifies achievement through high personal goals and effort. “Trooper Anderton’s commitment to physical fitness is exemplary, and the efforts he put forth in training for this event are to be commended.” Along with being a 2017 World champion, Anderton also won a gold medal in the same event at the 2015 National Police and Fire Games. Anderton is one of a very small number of athletes who has been both a National and World Submission Grappling champion in the Police and Fire Games.

ROTC competes for GAFPB


Western Illinois University ROTC students compete in the German Armed Forced Proficiency bade in different events, including the basic fitness test, ruck march, 400 meter swim, and pistol shoot.

Monday, September 11, 2017



With 9/11 today it‘s hard to walk around and not feel a sense of pride for our brave red and blue line heroes. That day everything we know and loved about America changed. It wasn‘t until Nov. 19 of the same year that the Transportation Security Adminstration (TSA) was created and Americans gave up their right of privacy for security.   During that time trust in police was at a low of 55 percent accourding to a 2017 Gallop. My guess is that people felt that since we had been attacked on our homeland, they didn‘t feel like they had any-

one to protect them as a result.  Trust wasn‘t the only issue America was facing. Politicfact findings show that between 2001 to 2014 the cost of operations of our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were an estimated $1.6 trillion. All in the name of freedom, a phenomon started to reveal itself over the last 17 years. America‘s pride started to morph into something more sinster. Mosques and and people who even appeared to be of Middle Eastern background were becoming the target of patriotism.  Yes, patriotism has become a

new form of terrorism. Anyone that had immigrated into America had to constantly prove their worth to the people more than those that have lived here their entire lives. Meanwhile, groups of those who believe America no longer stands for them and so they no longer stand for America perfer to sit during our national anthem while those from ‘Nam remain unable to do so. It‘s sad to see that our people have become so torn apart again. History has a funny way of repeating itself I guess. Anyone cosidered a white guy can‘t even help in a racial incident because of the long history America has with the Ku Klux Klan and other extreme race-hating groups.  It‘s so disgusting to see that a trend being set by role models nowadays is that you‘re only

allowed to fight for equality if you are a minority or part of the LGBTQA+ identifying groups. Even now ex- L‘Oreal trans model and activist Munroe Bergdorf has taken to Twitter to say that she she doesnt, “have the energy to talk about racial violence of white people anymore. Yes, ALL white people.” Then proceeds to rant on about how white people refuse to acknowledge that the existance of white people‘s privilege and sucess is a result of “The backs, blood and death of people of colour.” Bergdorf then went on various news stations to clear up her now deleted twitter rant to back pedal on some of the words she tweeted about. It is this very dialogue that keeps us from dismantling racism in our community. It‘s this type of dialogue that allows for another Middle Eastern

to be attacked on a train station in Chicago by a self claiming patriot. Fighting against everyone and everything that doesn‘t speak like you or look like you will solve nothing. I‘m sure if anything it will just insite more violence and maybe even if it get‘s to a point of no return possibly even a second civil war. As you walk around campus today and discuss 9/11 in your classes I want you to think about how you show how if your actions are truly patriotic. Are they pure and justified? Or are they skewed because of your Facebook and Twitter feed? Not every person of color is a thug and not every white person is a secret racist in disguise. We can not afford to continue down this slippery slope. We need to stop fighting with one another and show why we stand togther.

body. But for those who want to get the full benefit of this treatment, they should spend more time in the cold water than in the hot.   A report released by the Public Library of Science, written by Geert A. Buijze and others, in 2016, that studied the effects of various intervals of cold showering on 3,018 participants between 18 and 65 years, revealed, “The most commonly reported beneficial effect was an increase in perceived energy levels (including many reported comparisons to the effect of caffeine).” In fact, the energy boost one receives from low temperature showers can be so great, it is advised not to take them before you go to sleep.  Not a morning person? After taking a cold shower, you may just find yourself engaging more in that 8 a.m. class. Patrick Huguenin, writing for Men’s Health Magazine. 2017, reported, “Sometimes I didn’t realize how efficient the whole thing was until I was dressed and sipping coffee only 20 minutes after getting out of bed. The things I did with my new time included eating a proper breakfast, reading intelligent news, and, okay, sleeping later (twice).”

The same 2016 study released by Buijze found that, “In the present trial, reduction of sickness absence of a routine cold shower (29 percent) was comparable to the effect of regular physical activity (35 percent).” And concluded that “a routine cold shower has a beneficial effect on health.” The data speaks for itself, cold showers whether exercising or not could be the difference between you getting bronchitis from your roommate, and you being the only one

on your floor who doesn’t get a virus.   Taking a cold shower isn’t easy at first, it takes a lot of will power to take that shocking leap. For those who feel they need that steamy warm shower, which has benefits of its own, they should gradually lower the temperature of the water as they shower and remain in the cold water at the end for as long as they can, 30 to 60 seconds minimum, to receive the awesome benefits of a cold shower.

Cold showers, cool benefits

Everybody wants to increase their vitality. Who doesn’t want to be their best every day? One could power up on supplements and stimulants, slug down that third cup of coffee or take cold showers.   People have been aware of the therapeutic qualities behind cold water immersion for centuries but the power of the cold shower is surrounded by a fog of mythos; some claim it increases testosterone and treat anxiety and depression and while evidence for these effects, it is largely inconclusive. What we

do know is that taking cold showers does give you a boost in energy levels, decreases inflammation, speeds up your metabolism and supports a healthy immune system.   Hopping into cold water doesn’t sound very appealing, especially to all of us who enjoy the relaxing treatment of a steaming hot shower. The truth is, to get the benefits of taking cold showers, one doesn’t have to hop into a 60-degree torrent of frigid water, studies have shown that ending your hot shower with cold water can have similar effects on your


September 11, 2017

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Monday, September 11, 2017


Over the past several years, Netflix has produced some amazing content that’s broken societal boundaries and pushed the limits of what can be accomplished with television, from original dramas like “Orange is the New Black” and “House of Cards” to producing great standup comedy from the likes of Mike Birbiglia, John Mulaney and Ali Wong.  On the other side of the Netflix original coin is a trove of slightly less wellreceived films including the more recent title “True Memoirs of an International Assassin” starring professional overweight actor Kevin James, the story of man working a boring and ordinary office job who writes a book in his spare time based on supposedly fake stories of espionage and international intrigue. “True Memoirs of an International Assassin” has the highly (or lowly) coveted zero percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes.  I didn’t think any film could be as nearly unwatchable as the last awful movie I review, the Mandy

Moore-starring, plotless unromantically noncomedic “Love, Wedding, Marriage,” but I was wrong. “True Memoirs” is at best absurd and at worst the worst. Let’s start with the plot. Let me provide fair warning: there are spoilers in this review.   James stars as Sam Larson, an aspiring writer of spy novels who works what seems to be a low-paying office accounting job while living in New York City. We’re already off to a realistic start.   Because he spends every free moment he has researching, his stories are filled with such detail and accuracy on topics like guns, ammunition, explosives, terrorist organizations and fighting techniques. He also spends time talking to his old friend, Amos — played by the talented Ron Rifkin — who worked as a spy, I think, several decades ago. Amos gives Sam some wisdom in the form of a story about a legendary assassin, the Ghost. Amos asks Sam not to publish anything about the Ghost, but of course he does not

listen, because that wouldn’t push the plot forward.  Sam finishes his first story and sends out manuscripts to various publishers to no avail. Cue the montage of Sam looking disappointed as he gets rejection letter after rejection letter, but wait. Out of seemingly nowhere comes a call from “virtual publicist” Kylie Applebaum, played by the usually hilarious Kelen Coleman. Kylie wants to publish Sam’s book online, claiming it will be the next “Twilight,” a clear use of foreshadowing, because we all know how well of a book, and move, “Twilight” was.   Kylie publishes Sam’s book under the title, “True Memoirs of an International Assassin.” Here’s the twist, though: Kylie published he book as nonfiction. People across the world, including journalist Katie Couric, the CIA, rebel groups in Venezuela and real assassins all think Sam, an overweight lowly account, is the Ghost, an international assassin capable of bringing down whole regimes.  What follows is an absurd line of events where Sam is kidnapped and taken to Venezuela by a revolutionary (terrorist) leader, El Toro (Andy Garcia) , that want him to kill Venezuelan president, Miguel Cueto, played

by Kim Coates, because, apparently, Cueto has been elected for five terms undemocratically. Sam agrees to go with the plan, fearing for his own life. He escapes and approaches the police only to discover they’re under the control of Russian heroin smuggler Anton Masovich, played by Andrew Howard. In danger of Masovich, Venezuelan police and El Toro and his rebel group, Sam is miraculously saved by DEA agent Rosa Bolivar, played by Zulay Henao. If you’re confused, don’t worry. You’re not alone. It was at this point I started losing cinematic cognition about this movie.   The rest of the movie is a muddled mess of a poorly directed action scenes and even more poorly written weight jokes all directed at James.  The movie climaxes. With Sam and Rosa killing Masovich and Cueto killing himself because he feels “sad” about being an illegitimate president. The final scene has Sam rescuing Rosa from El Toro’s grasp. They both escape, killing El Toro and living happily ever after. I think. It ends abruptly so it was h ard to tell.   Brian Tallerico, writing for, called

“True Memoirs” better than recent James ventures of recent years, movies like “Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2” and “Pixels,” but he wouldn’t ultimately recommend it. David Ehrlich, writing for Indiewire, called the film out for, “Using an overabundance of plot … “Memoirs” quickly tailspins into a l ifeless supercut of cheap action, terrible gags and a series of scenes in which increasingly dangerous stereotypes are fooled into believing that Sam is an actual assassin.”  The stereotypes to which Ehrlich is referring are those of the Venezuelans, where the leadership and political infrastructure is inept and crumbling by the minute and the revolutionaries are determined to the take down the perceived illegitimate leader.   There’s also the plot arc of two blatantly incompetent CIA agents — played by Rob Riggle and Leonard Earl Howze — who place bets on whether Sam will get killed in Venezuela or whether he’ll kill anyone. I suppose this could be a poorly veiled attack on the CIA and its role in Latin America’s political turmoil during the last 50 years; however, I doubt the screenwriters of this movie were not that clever.

WIU Film Club remembers 9/11 during first film screening

Sixteen years ago today, the United States of America experienced one of the its worst tragedies. If you ask most adults would be able to tell you where they were and what they were doing that fateful morning. On that horrific September day the TwinTowers in New York City were destroyed by terrorists and thousands of people lost their lives.   Every year on this day the

country takes a pause, the flags are lowered, people are remorseful and documentaries are watched.  This year the Western Illinois Film Club will be honoring those that lost their lives in their first film screening of the year with a documentary called “Remembering 9/11.” The screening will take place today from 6 — 8 pm in room 220, Simpkins Hall.   So many documentaries

have been made over the years, each of which takes a different angle on that horrific day. Some focus on the first responders while others focus on the families. “Remembering 9/11” is a film that covers everything from the events of the day to the individual backgrounds of the terrorists to witnesses of the events and finally the survivors and the families of the victims.   Those wishing to honor this day should check out the documentary and the Western Film Club. For more information you can contact their advisor, Dr. Roberta Di Carmine or check out their Facebook page.


Edge 3

Monday, September 11, 2017


Kesha’s “Rainbow” breaks barriers for women


After five years away from the music industry, Kesha is back and more powerful than ever. On August 11th, her third studio album “Rainbow” topped the pop music industry with over 90,000 albums sold and debuted number one on the U.S. Billboard charts. Kesha has a reputation for putting out club music that gets the crowds dancing. However, her approach to this album is a raw version of herself, a version many fans have been wanting to hear for a long time now. “Rainbow” is an overpowering album that will have you in tears and leave you speechless. What makes Kesha’s newest album incredible is the relatability she puts in her music. Most of her new music focuses on struggles she has had in her personal life, including battling an eating disorder and the lawsuit against her former producer Dr. Luke. She gives the fans an in-depth listen at the songwriter she was truly meant to be. “Rainbow” begins with an acoustic song called “Bastards,” which is a song ask-

ing people why are they so mean to one another? Instead of being bullies, why not come together in some way? The second song “Let ‘Em Talk” is a continuation of “Bastards” that says whatever a person may say about you, ignore them. Don’t let others ruin your self-esteem. “Praying,” the most popular song off the album, describes the battles Kesha has had with former producer Dr. Luke, and realizing that at the end of the day things will turn out okay. The song is also about forgiving those who have done you wrong and wishing them well. “Rainbow” has 14 songs total on the album. Much of her album was written while she was attending rehab for her eating disorder. It’s been said that her eating disorder began when she first signed onto Kemosabe Records in 2005. During an interview with TMZ, Kesha stated that Dr. Luke (producer for Kemosabe Records) was a big part of the weight issues she would have down the road. “He would call me fat and even compared me

to a refrigerator.” In the music business industry, a big problem between an artist and their record company is a breach of contract; meaning that the artist wants to leave a label, and it can be for many reasons including but not limited to: pay rates, usage of the music, ownership of the songs, etc. Kesha and Dr. Luke’s lawsuit against each other was quite different. Beginning in October 2014, Kesha filed a civil suit against Dr. Luke for infliction of emotional distress, genderbased hate crimes and employment discrimination. She went on to say since she signed onto Luke’s label she was emotionally, physically, sexually and verbally abused. The battle between the two would go on until March 2017 with the courts being in favor of Dr. Luke. Unfortunately, she was not able to get out of her contract with Kemosabe Records. There is light at the end of the tunnel for this though. As of April of 2017, Dr. Luke lost his CEO position with Kemosabe Records. Even though the courts ruled in Dr. Luke’s favor, Kesha came out the winner and made sure to make her mark with “Rainbow.” Kesha’s comeback tour will begin on Sept. 15th. She will be performing in Chicago Wednesday, Oct. 18th at the Aragon Ballroom.


Monday, September 11, 2017

New Stephen King film“It” sparks real life horror  Based on the horror novel by Stephen King the film “IT” was released into theaters Thursday. The film follows seven kids and their encounters with a terrifying creature that only comes appears every few decades. The have to do their best to fight off and escape the creature throughout the film. The creature is able to change its form in order to prey on its victim’s the best, in the case of this film and book that form, in this story, is a clown called Pennywise.  People have been going nuts about this movie for months. From clown only showings to wild pranks, fans are going wild. After the “Wonder Woman” film had a female only showing of the film in Texas, fans of “It” joked about wanting a clown only showing of the movie and one theater agreed. So, on September 8th Almo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas, had a clown only showing of the film it. According to an article on Mashable, the screening was preceded by a carnival themed party that included fun carnival activities like raffles, face painting and more.  Not all of the fan activities were so positive though, some people have been executing eerie and

even terrifying pranks. One, rather harmless prank that seems to be taking over the country, is simply a red balloon tied to a storm grate. The prank seems to have originated in Pennsylvania but has been done in Illinois, Tennessee, North Carolina, Oklahoma and more. The creepy prank has caused quite a stir on social media and the news, covered by everything from small papers to sources like NBC, ABC, Time and Fox, to name a few.  A teenager has also got quite a bit of attention after he dressed up his little brother as Pennywise from the movie and did a whole photo shoot with him. The teen did all of the costuming and photos himself which in itself is an impressive feat, but combine that with the fact that his subject was a toddler, makes the whole thing even more impressive! The images are very well done and very unsettling. The brothers did an excellent job and have successfully terrified many.   The crazy clown craze seems to be taking over and those who are involved in the happy clown profession are none too happy about it. With all of this negativity and horror surrounding clowns these days, it

is ruining the good clown’s reputation. It will be interesting to see if the craziness calms down or if it will continue as time goes on or if it will just get crazier as the movie becomes more popular. Though I do anticipate that there will continue to be many terrifying clown

costumes come Halloween.  It will be also interesting to see how scary the movie actually is. Often times horror movies are not nearly as frightening as t hey are intended to be. With all of the hype surrounding this film I truly hope that it will live up to it. It seems

that these days the “horror” movies rarely seem to be terrifying but rather mildly spooky at best with the occasional, and predictable jump scare.  All in all, I am really looking forward to this movie and I hope am scared out of my seat! Stay tuned for the review.

Bucky Covington Returns to the stage   Quick question, where are all of my “American Idol” fans at? Yeah, I see you girl, me too. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was laying on my parent’s bed watching all of the talented (and some not so talented) singing their hearts out on stage trying to be America’s favorite. Those were the good ol’ days… but do you ever wonder what happens to those who make it down to the top 10 or 8 that do not end up winning, such as David Cook, Jordan Sparks, or even Bucky Covington? Yeah, they get some sort of a deal and make some songs/albums along the way, but they don’t compare to those who actually won.  Hold up, did I say Bucky Covington; I believe I did. Take a second and think all the way back to season 5 of “American Idol”. I’ll paint a

picture to help you remember: kind of tall; sung a lot of country; long, wavy blonde hair; had some messed up teeth that Simon told him he needed to fix; and placed 8th that season. Still not ringing a bell for you? Maybe his name will ring a bell after hearing some of his most popular songs, including: “A Different World,” “I’ll Walk,” or “It’s Good to Be Us.” Now it’s all coming back to you, right?   Well, this past Saturday, August 26th, Bucky was in Plymouth, IL performing at their Old Settlers Days… FOR FREE! .Originally, he was supposed to come along and just perform acoustically, but he ended up bringing the band, The Half Paids as he called them, jokingly. Now let me tell you something, I have never seen

anyone move the way he does on stage; sometimes I even questioned if he even had bones in his legs the way those things moved. He sure knows how to put on a spectacular show and interact with the crowd. Heck, he even let my little 3-yearold niece up on the stage with him and the band.  Now, I bet you are wondering where he has been all

of this time, right? Well, you know, when you have a child… they take up a WHOLE lot of your time, which is why you haven’t heard anything new from him these past few years. Good news though, Bucky is in the making of his next album AND he even sang us one song off of it at the concert! The song is called “I’m Saying Something” and

it’s just one of those songs that tugs at your heartstrings for all of you in relationships; it is a must listen! So, you know, be on the lookout for that new album coming out, but for now, you can find his new songs on iTunes as well. Oh! And just a little fun fact, his teeth are now fixed and his twin brother, Rocky, is also his drummer and can sing!

Monday, September 11, 2017




North Korea is back in the news this week as U.S. intelligence claimed that it is “highly probable” that the small dictatorial nation detonated a hydrogen bomb last weekend. This came after the U.S. Geological Survey measured an underground disturbance equivalent of a 6.3 magnitude earthquake. The gravity of this most recent test cannot be overstated; hydrogen bombs are exponentially more powerful than the atomic bombs that North Korea tested previously. According to ABC News, President Donald Trump said that, “military

action is certainly an option” but clarified that, “hopefully we won’t have to use it” on the nominally socialist state.   This is just another in a long line of North Korea violating U.N. resolutions on nuclear weapons and escalating its laughable threats against the rest of civilized society. Should North Korea actually have the lack of foresight to attack the U.S. or Japan, then it would be perfectly justified to, in President Trump’s words, unleash the full “fire and fury” of the United States’ military and our NATO allies upon them. Given their

human rights abuses, totalitarian nature and crumbling infrastructure and government, a change in leadership is clearly necessary. That said, a United States-led coalition that overthrows the Kim JongUn dictatorship in Pyongyang is likely not the best longterm solution, as numerous U.S. invasions and puppet government installations have already shown us.   NATO general secretary Jens Stoltenberg has said that North Korea is a “global threat” and thus requires a “global response.” But perhaps this global response would require an actual attack on one or more of the NATO member nations to be undertaken. According to Article 5 of the UN treaty, “an attack on one nation is an

attack on all,” but it remains unclear if this is extended to territories of member states like Guam, which North Korea has consistently threatened as a plausible target for a potential attack.   Perhaps we should wait for North Korea to make its move and act in a retroactive manner if it does. If Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan taught us anything it is that invading a nation and attempting to stamp out any vestiges of loyalty to its former government is all but impossible. For a society like North Korea, which all but brainwashes its citizens into cultlike glorification of its political leaders, this task will be even more difficult. We can at least say that many Iraqis already didn’t like Saddam

Hussein when the U.S. ousted him following the 2003 invasion. We still have boots on the ground in Iraq nearly 15 years later despite having that bit of support; it is quite easy to imagine the difference in a nation like North Korea, where the population is considerably less enthusiastic, at least on the surface, for a similar leadership change.   Unfortunately for the North Korean people, it is going to take a massive movement within the North Korean state by the people to bring about lasting governmental change and a deposition of Kim Jong-Un and his family as the dictators of the North Korean state. And that does not appear to be a likely occurrence anywhere in the near future.


In the last few weeks, there has been an increased amount of hurricane activity in the Southern U.S.A and Mexico. Hurricane Harvey devastated Texas, Irma is currently ravaging Florida, Katia has killed at least two people in Mexico, Jose looms south of Florida and is threatening Mexico and the tropical islands there, and according to NOAA with the National Hurricane Center, yet another storm has begun to form off the coast of Africa, though it is uncertain if the storm will become a hurricane or simply die off. Regardless, numerous storms have reared their ugly heads, and it is not even the peak of hurricane season yet.   These unfortunate circumstanc-

es have added fuel to the argument for climate change, and to be frank, I cannot see how anyone can still say they don’t believe climate change is happening. Climate change is real and it is happening now. It is not a problem that is going to affect humanity one hundred years from now. Tt is one that is impacting us today.   The effects of climate change can be seen not only with the increased hurricane activity, but with rising sea levels and melting permafrost and icecaps across the globe. More and more of the Arctic ice caps are disappearing every year. Eleven of the Solomon Islands as reported by the Guardian (located off the

coast of Australia) were completely lost last year due to rising sea levels. While five of those islands were uninhabited, six of them were. The villages that resided there were completely obliterated, and the native people were forced to relocate. Other small islands in the Pacific currently live in fear of the same fate. As sea levels continue to rise, coastal cities are increasing peril. An increase as small as only a few feet would put countless amounts of people in danger.   As permafrost — sediment that remains frozen and lies underneath the active soil — melts with increasing temperatures, it causes flooding, unleashes pathogenic microbes, and lets out trapped carbon dioxide. The flooding has already caused immense damages in colder climates. Farmland has been lost, homes destroyed and roads are underwater. Microbes being released has the potential to bring back diseas-

es that were previously eliminated. For instance, last year in Siberia, there was an outbreak of Anthrax a disease we haven’t seen in years. As the permafrost melts, diseases found in human and animal remains begin to come to the surface. Finally, the carbon dioxide being released may be the worst problem of all. The increased amounts of carbon dioxide add to the already too-high amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which accelerates the warming of the climate. It is a vicious cycle that will end in catastrophe if not stopped.   Almost worse than those who deny climate change is those who are encouraging it. Some people think of the warming of the earth as a good thing because it would create milder climates. While in their head, they are picturing less harsh winter days and more sunny days on the more beaches that will be cre-

ated, this is unfortunately not an accurate picture. Though milder climates may result if the warming continues, the warming will be accompanied by flooding, disease, storms, wildfires and overcrowding, as well as the extinction of numerous species of plants and animals. As more land is lost due to rising sea levels, people will be forced to relocate inwards, causing overcrowding.   Thus, it is impossible to deny that climate change not only exists, but is a real problem. A problem that will affect our generation as well as our children’s. As storms continue to ravage the south, I can only hope that at least one good thing will come out of the disasters the people have faced. That thing is awareness. To deny climate change is dangerous and ignorant. Hopefully the tragedy we see today will motivate us to help create a better tomorrow.

Sports 7

Monday, September 11, 2017


Leatherneck drops close game to Kentucky By Bradley Piros courier staff

Ines Palmiero handling the ball


It has not been easy for Western Illinois University’s women’s soccer program so far this season. They lost against the University of Kentucky, in Lexington, to the score of 1-0. This is the Leathernecks fifth straight loss as they were still unable to put the ball in the back of the net. The game was one sided throughout, as the Kentucky Wildcats completely outshot Western 27-0, and 8-0 on goal. The Wildcats came right out of the gate having 4 good chances in the first 6 minutes, including one shot that hit off of the crossbar. They kept this momentum going all first half leading all the way up to their goal. Looking on the bright side of things, Western did only allow one goal out of a plentiful amount of shots, but on the down side, the Leathernecks managed to not have a single shot against UK. Another positive that the Leathernecks saw was their goaltending. They

did a phenomenal job, minus the goal, and was what kept them in this game. Sophomore goalkeeper Ines Palmiero made 7 saves, while all the other shots were not on target. The Wildcats felt as they did not capitalize on the opportunities they had, as they looked to finish many more of their opportunities on net. The one goal in the game came in the 20th minute off of a free kick. The ball was whipped beautifully from long range by senior Katy Keen, and then knocked in by freshman Eva Mitchell, for her second goal of the season. Keen had plenty of chances to score throughout the game after this goal, but only ended up with the one. Overall, the Wildcats kept their foot on the gas going into the second half as they took 7 shots in 10 minutes. 4 of those shots just missed the net and the others were either saved or blocked by Western’s defense. The rest of the match continued to be very one-sided as the Wildcats were clearly the dominant team, however

they had a rather lackluster night on offense. Two players stood out on the Kentucky offense, Katy Keen with 3 shots; as well as team captain, Hollie Olding, with 5 shots. They led their team with shots but couldn’t find the back of the net. The UK Wildcats are now 3-4 for the season while Western dropped to 0-5. Kentucky went on to play Ohio University on Sunday Sept. 10th. Western also played on Sunday, and took on Eastern Illinois University. The EIU Panthers have won their last 2 games against Chicago State University and Fort Wayne, and they look to keep the streak going. The Leathernecks are once again trying to gain their first win of the season, and they are getting more and more anxious. The Purple and Gold will return home, on Sept. 17 at 1 p.m. against Chicago State University. Until then, they look to turn their season around, continuing their road trip, heading to Indianapolis, with a kickoff time scheduled at 1 p.m.

Lincoln Riley shocks Ohio State on the road

Lincoln Riley had gone through every obstacle in his coaching career. He was a Graduate Assistant under the former Texas Tech University head coach Mike Leach, moving up the ranks to become the offensive coordinator under Bob Stoops for one season at the University of Oklahoma. When Stoops surprised the world by announcing his retirement in the summer, Riley inherited one of the best jobs in the Football Bowl Subdivision. All of that led him to a week two contest against not only the second-ranked Ohio State University Buckeyes, but also one of the greatest coaches this generation has ever seen, Urban Meyer. The rising star youngster defeated the master. Riley’s methodical play calling and having one of the HOTO best quarterbacks in the country in Baker Mayfield led the fifth-ranked Sooners past Ohio State 31-16 in the daunting and ever-challenging “The Shoe”. Not only

did Mayfield rip apart the Buckeyes’ defense with every fiber in the senior ’s body, but it was how he did it that was so impressive to watch. Mayfield tooking his time in the pocket and dd not chuck unnecessary balls down the field and. He also did a great job eluding an improving defensive line. Oh, and he planted the OU flag right in the middle of the giant ‘O’ at midfield afterwards. It might have been the greatest thing I’ve watched happen in a long time. And it wasn’t just the stalwart under center, it was the playmakers around him that weaved and bobbed their way to the end zone. Not the playmakers you’d think, though. Dimitri Flowers, the fulback, actually led Oklahoma with 98 receiving yards, impressive for a senior who is looking to go out on top after earning All-Big 12 second team honors last year. That freshman running back, Trey Sermon, scored his first career

touchdown in one of the most hostile environments in the nation. Lee Morris, the walk-on, corralled his second touchdown in as many games. That’s the type of coach Riley is, to make the relatively unknown, known. “That’s a guy that’s calling some really great plays,” senior receiver Jeff Badet told reporters after the win. At 33-years old, Riley already has a top-3 road victory under his belt, and it’s only the second weekend of the college football season. There’s no way it can get better right? Wrong. Oklahoma is now in great position to make a serious run at the FBS playoffs. Their schedule lines up beautifully for them to go undefeated until the Bedlam game in week nine against Oklahoma State at Stillwater, another true road game that will truly decide who goes to the playoff. This may be the best Sooner team since the days of Sam Bradford and Jermaine Gresham. You know, that team that should’ve won the National Championship, but didn’t because of some guy who now plays baseball for a living and just hit .226 in single-A.

Mayfield is looking like a frontrunner to win the Heisman. Sermon, a former 4-star recruit, and Keith Ford may make one the best 1-2 running back combos in the country. Badet leads a deep receiving core that can absolutely fly. There’s this unit of an offensive line that has allowed just three sacks in 120 minutes of football. And the 11 players on defense made J.T Barrett look average and true freshman running back J.K. Dobbins look like a true freshman. All of this smells like a team that is cooking up a recipe to go undefeated. I picked Oklahoma State to beat the Sooners in both the Bedlam game and the eventual Big 12 title game, if that does happen. Riley and this batch of experienced and hungry Sooners may change my mind. Until then, let’s just take a step back and realize what we’re watching, a mid-30s head coach at one of the most successful institutions taking the reigns and not missing a beat. Place a bet on Oklahoma to end up as one of the four teams battling it out for the National Championship, you may have made a smart move.

Monday, September 11, 2017



from back page

NAU then worked their way down the field and found the end zone for the first time of the game. Quarterback Stone Smartt stepped into the wildcat offense for the Lumberjacks to help bring the score to 10-7. Once the Lumberjacks scored, Western started to play with a chip on their shoulder. Sophomore running back Max Norris got into a groove and started a night that ultimately ended up with 23 carries and 103 yard rushing night. Norris popped off a 20-yard

Volleyball from back page

In the third set, the same results followed as it did in the second set. The difference was this set had more back and forth battle, as both teams tried to create as many points as possible. A kill from Steckler and Johnson earlier in the set halted an Alabama A&M five-point run. The Leathernecks were down 19-15, but were able to

run to carry Western into NAU territory. Another pass from McGuire to Acklin brought Western down to the NAU three-yard line. Four plays later, Norris found the end zone and extended the Western lead to 17-7 to end the half. In the start of the second half the Western offense was stopped, but the Leatherneck defense did their job, and more. A huge sack and forced fumble turned into seven points for the Leathernecks. Senior defensive back Aaron Diggs forced the fumble, while sophomore safety Eric Carrera fell on the fumble to extend the Leatherneck lead to 24-7.

The Lumberjacks offense had a quick drive and scored, but they missed the point after and brought the score to 24-13. After the Lumberjack touchdown Western pressed on the gas pedal. Sophomore wide receiver Darron Wheeler had a great kickoff return to give Western the ball on their 40-yard line. McGuire came out firing, throwing strikes to junior wide receiver Zeke LeSure and ultimately hooked with Acklin for his second touchdown of the day. Western led 31-13 and would not look back. Both teams punted in their next possessions to bring

the game to the fourth quarter. After a Western three and out to start the quarter, NAU marched down the field. NAU used some trickery to help reach the eight-yard line. Two plays later NAU quarterback Case Cooks threw a pass to wide receiver Matthew Kempton, for their last score of the game, Western still led 31-20. Western was not done scoring, after some hard-nosed running from Norris, the drive was capped off with a rushing touchdown from McGuire. With 7:48 left in the game Western lead 38-20. However, the play of the game was

yet to come. NAU drove down the field and tried to throw a double pass, but senior defensive back Tyrin Holloway snagged a one handed interception to help Western seal a Leatherneck victory. After the big win, and a big game, team leading receiver Acklin said, “we are embracing (the win) right now, but we’re going the the 24-hour rule. Once the 24 hour mark hits, we’re onto the next game.” Next week the Leathernecks have a bye, but they will prepare for Coastal Carolina University, Sept. 23 in Conway South Carolina.

pick back up and win the set 25-23, and the game 3-0. In game two, sophomore libero Claire Grove led with 14 digs. Dechant recorded four block assists and junior outside hitter Melanie Patenaude tacked on two service aces. Later Saturday evening, Western played its final match in the EIU Invite against the hosts, Eastern Illinois University. In set one, the Panthers were

in the lead by one point 9-8. The Leathernecks won the next five out of six points, due to an attacking error by the Panthers, and a Norris ace and kill. The Purple and Gold continued winning the next six out of seven points, and the set 25-15. The second set consisted of runs from both teams. The Leathernecks and Panthers each had four point runs early in the set. With Western down 13-10, they came back to put

together eight of nine points. They led 17-14. Eastern came back to tie the set, but two errors gave Western the advantage, along with a Steckler kill, to win the set 25-23. The Leathernecks kept the energy going during the third set, and commanded the board 13-3. Eastern Illinois was close to catch up, but couldn’t in time. This led to a set and game win for Western 3-0. The third game highlighted

Dechant with another four block assists to her weekend total. Next was Johnson adding 37 assists, and Summit League leader Grove posting another 15 digs. Currently Western’s volleyball record is 5-5. On Sept. 12th, the Leathernecks will be returning to Western Hall to face Saint Louis University. The first 100 fans to enter will receive milkshakes and post-match autographs from the team.

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Monday, August 21, 2017

Leathernecks chop down Lumberjacks; stay unbeaten By Mat McClanahan sports editor

The Western Illinois football team beat the Northern Arizona University (NAU) Lumberjacks in dominating fashion, winning 38-20. The Leathernecks blew by the Lumberjacks bringing the team’s record to a perfect 2-0 while NAU fell to 0-2 on the season. “It’s a great win, we came to a tough environment and had a lot of things going against us,” head coach Charlie Fisher said. “We were here a year ago and we need to keep our focus on what next. We’re going to take this off week and get better as a team.” The Western defense picked up where they let off from week one. In NAU’s opening drive the Leathernecks defense forced a three and out to help set-up their offense on their own 35 yard line. The offense didn’t take long to find the end zone. On Western’s second offensive play, senior wide receiver Jaelon Acklin took an end-around 65-yards to give Western an

early 7-0 lead. NAU’s next drive was unsuccessful once again, but junior quarterback Sean McGuire threw an interception on the first play of Western’s possession. The Leatherneck defense picked up their offense, junior safety, Justin Fitzpatrick had his first interception of the season, which got Western’s offense the ball on their own 35-yard line. The rest of the first quarter neither team could find a rhythm offense and the first quarter ended, 7-0 Western. After an offensively lackluster first quarter, Western started the second quarter making their way into Lumberjack territory. A simple pass from McGuire to Acklin and the Leathernecks found themselves on the NAU 40yard line. Western pounded their way down to the Lumberjack ten-yard line, but were stopped short and forced to kick a field goal to take their lead to 10-0 with 10:16 left in the first half.

Football page 6

Jaelon Acklin runs through defenders on his two touchdown day.


Western volleball takes two at EIU Invitational By Brie Coder courier staff

Shiah Sanders jumps up to score for the Leahternecks in a home match.


Western Illinois University’s women’s volleyball had a successful weekend at Charleston, Ill. at the Eastern Illinois University (EIU) Panther Invitation. Western turned their play around from last weekend and went 2-1 for the tournament. Western began the EIU invitation with a loss to Chicago State University, 1-3. In the first set, the Leathernecks led the match earlier on, but fell to the Cougars 25-18. The Purple and Gold jumped to a quick lead in the second set with senior outside hitter Shalyn Greenhaw and junior outside hitter Shiah Sanders’ kills. Later in the same set, due to attack errors and kills by freshman outside hitter Emma Norris and sophomore right side hitter Aleezah Washington, the Leathernecks were up 3029. Chicago State was able to capture the next three points, and win the set 32-30. Western was able to secure a win in the third set, 2624. The fourth set was hard for the Leathernecks to pick up traction in. The Cougars won the set 25-15, and the overall game. During the first match

against Chicago State, Western junior setter Jamie Johnson recorded 32 assists. Greenhaw also recorded a double-double, with 11 kills and 22 digs. Junior middle hitter Emilee Dechant logged 11 block assists to go along with a solo block. On Saturday morning, during match two against Alabama A&M University, the Leathernecks came back strong. The Purple and Gold won the match 3-0, which began their winning streak for day two. In set one, Greenhaw led with a team-high record of 15 kills and 13 digs. Along with two attacking errors on Alabama A&M, Western kept the battle going eventually pulling ahead. Norris ended the set with a kill, and a win 25-22. Norris and red-shirt freshman middle hitter Mackenzie Steckler helped the team continue the lead with kills, beginning of the second set. With the Leathernecks up 2318, Alabama A&M was right behind and put together four points. This wasn’t enough, as Western won the set 25-23.

Volleyball page 6

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