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Amnesty International
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We thank those who have followed our monthly articles on Amnesty International during 2021. Hopefully these articles will have raised an awareness of what is meant by ‘human rights’ and a sense of how many people worldwide suffer from infringements of the very rights which most of us normally take for granted.
We hear on the TV or radio news the impact which Amnesty International is having on worldwide issues. ‘Human rights’ are a set of principles concerned with equality and fairness. They recognise our freedom to make choices about our lives and to develop our potential as human beings. They are about living a life free from fear, harassment or discrimination. Amnesty International regularly achieves successful outcomes, keeping governments accountable for their actions.
For instance, thanks to Amnesty, Tibetan language activist Tashi Wangchuk was released from prison in China. Tashi spent five years in jail for “inciting separatism” — simply because he campaigned for the Tibetan language to be taught in Tibet’s schools.
Two women were imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for campaigning for women’s rights, including the right to drive, in 2018. After almost three years, both were released thanks to Amnesty’s efforts.
Amnesty is no longer banned from international protests and continues to achieve domestic successes in such areas as domestic violence and indigenous rights. It’s a long list.
If you would like to know more about Amnesty International, The Helen Black Amnesty International group meets between 9-11am on the second Monday morning of the month in The Gap. Please contact Di on 33001861. The Ashgrove Amnesty International group meets on the first and third evenings of the month and can be contacted by calling Sally on 3366 2046 or 0476 006 990. We wish you all a very happy Christmas and a healthy 2022.
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