5 minute read
Art in Bark Assoc.
Are you looking for something new to do?
Come and join us, and learn how to do a bark picture.
Art in Bark have classes at Brisbane City Hall 50+ in basement. Adelaide St. of City Hall. Mondays 9.30 –12 pm for Workshop. Lesson $10 and $5 for kits.
The Kit we supply, board, bark, glue etc. for the first lesson,
If you can’t get to Brisbane we have Workshop on a Saturday for all ages at the Nundah Apostolic Church Hall, 43 Robinson Road, Nundah,
We’d love to see you , however please phone us first.
For more Information phone Barbara 3271 2130, Joy 0407 178 064 or Hazel 0408 157 117.
The Enchanted Forest at Dorrington Park
Does anyone out there have memories to share of life in Dorrington? Is there further information about why places like Dorrington and St John’s Wood were wound up as suburbs? And why them and not others?
We’d love to hear from you. Visit the Enoggera Historical Society Facebook page or email enoggerahistory@gmail.com
Take care everyone, Andrew McMickingPresident website: http://www.westernecho.com.au
Payne Road State School Students Inspired To Learn
In all classrooms students launched into their new learnings by being inspired to engage in their units of work, across the curriculum, in a variety of ways:
Music and movement:
Prep students used their large whole body movements in their new learning spaces which created an uplifting atmosphere for learning about oral language by feeling the rhyme and rhythm of words, and supported by familiar poetry and personalised songs as they got to know each other better. Such a child-centred developmental approach led them naturally into inspired play and exploration both indoors (such as sociodramatic play, building and constructing together) and outdoors (such as nature and gross motor play). Smiles on their faces indicated a sense of wellbeing as they transitioned successfully into their first days in Prep – a familiar and supportive environment.
Provocations to inspire creativity:
For example in Year 1 – students’ deep thinking in English was stimulated by presenting a large, imaginary, shimmery and beautiful, colourful sea creature (partly fish, dragon, mammal). Students were then asked to create and illustrate an imaginary life cycle for this creature, where they could combine prior scientific knowledge with their imaginations – creativity thus abounded in thinking, English and Art!
The use of ‘circle time’:
In Year 2 classrooms students quickly engaged in a Circle Time process, where active participation saw them quickly build a sense of belonging and class team identity. Here they shared and connected over fun experiences, co-created classroom expectations, discussed anti-bullying through role-plays and problem solved potential scenarios. Being kind was an agreed expectation, and they actively co-created real ways to be kind to each other!
Curiosity tables that stimulate student inquiry:
For example in the Years 3 and 4 classrooms – students brought in crystals, precious stones and geodes from their own family explorations/ collections, and one was even found in Africa! These real objects inspired a range of student questions which made their way onto their Inquiry Walls. This was a great way to launch into their Science inquiry into rocks and minerals!
Making ‘chatterboxes’ to create student connections:
In Years 5 and 6 students constructed chatterboxes where they could ask specific questions of each other and find similar areas of interest – this was a personalised way to stimulate conversation, connect with new friends and engage new students to our school. As this is a developmental time where students tend to be very peer-focussed, such connections are crucial to supporting student wellbeing – relationships come first!
Our students certainly love being in that ‘Learning Pit’ – just enough challenge to inspire their learning and support their wellbeing!
Nicky Brazzale – Principal
St Peter Chanel
On Tuesday morning
Mrs Hayley Hadfield –Assistant Principal Religious Education had the pleasure of taking 3 senior students to the launch of Project Compassion at St Stephen’s Cathedral. Our students received a commissioning scroll from Dr Sally Towns the Brisbane Catholic Education Executive Director and were asked by Archbishop Mark Coleridge to take it back to our school community and to be mindful that our privileges require us to give thanks and return what we can to the world in which we live. We also paired up with St Joseph’s, Kangaroo Point to win the pancake flipping relay race. At School, the students received pancakes to enjoy with their classmates.
Paul McGlone
– Acting
The Gap State High School
Japanese Study Tour
It has been a longanticipated wait since COVID-19 when we could finally open our doors to International Study Tours.
This term, our community welcomed 18 students from Josai Uni Ikebukuro Junior High School in Tokyo.
Despite the Brisbane summer heat, the students settled in very well, assisted by their school buddies. The students explored our amazing community and had a taste of our café culture with a relaxed visit to Café Tara, where they ordered a variety of drinks ranging from banana smoothies to chai tea.
Thank you to our community, students and homestay families that welcomed their hearts and doors to our Study Tour guests.
The Gap Experience
Join us on Thursday 20 April, for The Gap Experience from 3:30 pm – 6:30 pm. The Gap Experience is a great way to see our school, meet our staff and students and ask any burning questions. Come along and join us for a great evening of fun!
GP’s in Schools
A great new initiative in Queensland schools is the GPs in Schools Pilot Program. The initiative is designed to make it easier
The Gap State High School (Contd.)
for adolescents to access the healthcare they need and create a community of health and well-being.
The Pilot has allowed our school to set up a fit-forpurpose GP clinic on school grounds. This clinic gives students access to a GP, Dr Dushyant Singh (or Dr D - as we know him), every Thursday during a school term.
Dr D. practices at Urgent Care Brisbane - an emergency Walk-in Clinic. Dr D is passionate about working with children and making an impact in the life of our students.
Students can have confidential chats with Dr D about physical health, mental health, sexual and reproductive health issues, and all appointments are bulk-billed through Medicare.
Anne McLauchlanPrincipal
The Gap State School
2023 Student leaders were celebrated at our 2023 Student Leaders’ Investiture Ceremony held on 21 February. Thank you to our guests who attended the ceremony to speak and/ or to present badges to our students: Ms Elizabeth Watson-Brown MP, Federal Member for Ryan; Mr Steve Williams, Music Supporters’ Group Secretary; Mr Jonathan Grassby, School Council Chair; Ms Trinity Ryan, P&C President; Senior Sergeant Ritchie Callaghan, School Adopt-a-Cop; Ms Ruth Donovan, Head of Year 12 - The Gap State High School; and Year 12 students from The Gap State High School, former students from The Gap State School, Aliya and Chloe.
I look forward to continuing to work with our student leaders throughout 2023.
School Captains - Elsa and Liam
Vice Captains - Sophie and Harry
Senior Leaders - (Bigi House) Xavier, Bruno, Aahana, Sophie, Zara, Carlie, Zoe, Oliver, Kirra; (Warril House) Angelina, Jade, Levi, Lisa; (Bungil House) Archer, Mollie, Ethan, Jnyssa,
Katrina, Lucy, Harlem, Robyn, Audrey; (Dhagun House) Faye, Lauren, Laura, Nyla, Fynn, Cooper, Ben.
Music Captains - (Band) Abigail, (Strings) Aiden and Shrivant, (Choir) Cadence and Sophia