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Amnesty International

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A Member of the


Have you visited Yoorala St Community Garden?

What we love about our garden:

Grow your own fresh produce Make new friends An active community group Enjoy family-time outdoors Learn gardening skills & tips No gardening experience required Access-friendly raised garden beds Social events & on-site workshops Private plots available for lease

It's a place we really dig!

Community open times:

Please come and see our garden for yourself. You are welcome to visit us during the following community times:

Dec-Mar: Sundays, 4.00-6pm

Apr-Nov: Sundays, 8.00-10am Just turn up, bring your hat, water bottle & gloves. One of our members will meet you, show you around, and provide information if you'd like to get involved. And join us for a cuppa afterwards. Hope to see you soon!

Visitors welcome!

98 Yoorala St, The Gap www.yscg.com.au yscgsecretary@gmail.com www.facebook.com/yooralastreetcommunitygarden

Giving hope for a cancer free future

This August, Cancer Council is urging Australians to give to the Daffodil Day Appeal to fund life-saving cancer research.

The Daffodil Day Appeal will take place throughout August, culminating in Daffodil Day on Thursday 25 August 2022. 2022 marks the thirty-six years of Daffodil Day, with all funds raised supporting vital cancer research.?In 2021 Cancer Council Queensland invested more than $7.6 million in cancer research.

Thanks, in part, to research into cancer prevention, treatment and management, approximately 30,300 cancer deaths were avoided in Queensland between 1999 and 2018.?

One in two Queenslanders will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85, General Manager Fundraising, Marketing and Communication Meaghan Bush urged the community to give this Daffodil Day Appeal to fund the country’s best and brightest cancer researchers.

“The daffodil is the international symbol of hope for everyone impacted by cancer,” Ms Bush said.

“We’re calling on Queenslanders to give hope to those impacted by cancer by funding vital cancer research that is saving lives every day.”

“Every person who donates, volunteers or buys daffodils this August will be helping us to continue investing in lifesaving cancer research programs, giving hope for better treatments and early detection and ultimately, giving us hope for a a cancer free future.

This year you can support Cancer Council’s Daffodil Day Appeal in the following ways:

Donate via the Daffodil Day Appeal website and give to cancer research.

Fundraise and make a real difference.

Give your time and Volunteer at one of our Daffodil Day sites across the country.

Grab your fresh daffodils from a local Daffodil Day site near you on Daffodil Day, Thursday 25 August.

For more information about the Daffodil Day Appeal and how to get involved visit daffodilday.com.au.

Senior Committee News a part of the Over the Hills, we would love to hear from you. Contact John on 0448 186 115, Leonard 0417883688 or

Over the Hills (and still going): Judith 0431159921

This part of the Senior Committee is geared to the More information: hillschamber.org.au/senior committee community who would like to take part in activities centred for our events & newsletter. in the community. The Arana Hills Library is happy to be the base for some of them.

Ideas that are being floated are: An Art Group (talking and doing) A Reading Group (just talking about what you are reading)

Go to your local library and see what they have to offer

Plans are being put in place for an Art Group (of all abilities) and we would love volunteers who would be willing to run the Reading Group. If you would like to be a part of this project, our contact information is below. All ages are welcome for this project.

Senior Lunches:

Lunches coming up later this year:

October 20th “Celebrating Seniors Month”

December 15th “Seniors Christmas Lunch”

These will be at the Arana Leagues Club - more information closer to the time but keep these dates in mind.

Brunch on Us is a project to bring lonely or isolated seniors back into the social spectrum of our community. We will take you out for a morning tea/light meal, just for your enjoyment and we hope that you will feel as though you want to be a part of your community in a short time. All you need to do is to contact us. Our contact details are below.

Volunteers: We are looking for seniors who would like to help us in our projects. If you can give us a small portion of your time for Brunch on Us, helping organise the lunches or be

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