4 minute read

— Ashgrove/Bardon RSL Sub Branch —

ANZAC Day 2022 saw another group of younger veterans join the newly merged Sub Branch.

It has been an interesting, refreshing and thought provoking time of many for us older members, questioning what we do, how we do it and just what is our purpose.

By mid 2022, a Subcommittee had been formed

Strategic Plan 2023 - 2025

led by one of those young veterans Tim Coulter. Tim’s Committee is composed largely of the new members, and was tasked with the Strategic Review of the newly merged Ashgrove Bardon Sub Branch and the development of a “Strategic Plan 2023-25”.

The initiative will take the Sub Branch into an expanded role of support and camaraderie, reaching out to serving and former ADF members and their families as well as the older generation of the services community.

Some introspection and a lot of hard work has produced some interesting challenges and some lesser recognized emerging issues, particularly for the younger generation of veterans. An implementation

Who we are

Our purpose

Our vision

Our strategic priorities

Caring For Veterans and their Families

Sustain and develop wellbeing support for veterans of all ages

• Sustain and develop support for war widows

• Support local veterans with transitioning from the ADF

Fostering Camaraderie

• Evaluate the feasibility of a permanent premises for the Sub-Branch

• Conduct engaging events that improve attendance of members and the community

Build the connection with the community by participating in local events

Commemorating Service and Our Past

• Deliver engaging commemoration services in support of the community, ADF and other veterans’ organisations

• Support education programs in local schools and organisations

Promote our local military heritage

Organisational Operations

• Sustain and develop sub-branch governance

Develop a sustainable business model to sustainably deliver sub-branch services

• Sustain and develop the sub-branch’s volunteer support structure

Plan is currently underway addressing those issues and projecting an expanded presence for the RSL in the local community.

The Sub Branch will be increasing its profile, contribution, and involvement in a range of events in 2023 including ANZAC Day but recognizing other days of reflection for the Ex Service community. Regular social events for members and War Widows are restarting after two years of Covid restrictions and will again become a part of our celebration of service.

The Management Committee is excited and enthusiastic about the future of a much reinvigorated Sub Branch. The whole process has certainly showcased to all of us, the outcomes of some very high quality leadership and management training being delivered to our young service personnel.

Local veterans and their families who are interested in supporting and participating are encouraged to reach out us through either the Sub Branch web site or by email to: paul.prince@ashgrove. rslqld.net.au

Finally a sad Vale to Major General Andrew James Molan, AO, DSC., soldier statesman and a very fine Australian.

Welcome back!

Can you believe the school holidays are over? I hope everyone had a chance to (re)connect with loved ones, and have a few adventures. It was really special to personally welcome back students, Teachers and staff and parents at Petrie Terrace State School on their first day back. Watching those little preppies carry in their boxes bought back some great memories. Speaking of our little ones, the Queensland government is making a massive investment in making sure all kids have access to quality kindy programs. Starting in January 2023, eligible families can take advantage of new savings to make kindy more affordable. This is a game-changer for Queensland families and will give every child the chance to get a great start in their education.

Congratulations to our newest Citizens

It was great to attend our local Citizenship ceremony in The Gap last month, where we welcomed 59 new citizens from 21 countries. The decision to becoming an Australian citizen is not one taken lightly, and I’m so happy they’ve chosen our community to call home.

Calling all green thumbs

We want to make Queensland the community garden capital of Australia, and we’ve backed it up with funding to transform unused and underutilised urban spaces. Grants of up to $50,000 are on offer for communities across the state to build community gardens, install composting and recycling infrastructure and restore native habitats. It was great to meet up with Paul Anderson, lead volunteer at Ashgrove’s Community Garden to throw about ideas for how this funding could transform their community garden. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this is a chance to make a real difference in your community and bring people together through the joy of gardening. If you’d like to get involved (or would like help connecting with a local group on your idea) contact our office.

Parliament resumes this month

In a few weeks Queensland Parliament will resume, the first area of reform will be amendments to the Youth Justice Act. All Queenslanders have the right to be safe and feel safe, and following some fairly disturbing acts of violence recently the Premier is responding with amendments to the Youth Justice Act. Let’s keep in mind that last year just 1.7% of Queensland’s young people (aged 10-17) were charged with a crime. The majority of young people are in school, engaged in their communities and contributing to their families. These young people are also really impacted by conversations in our area that stigmatise them generally, and I’m mindful of speaking positively about, and supporting them through these very public discussions.

Infrastructure for Sporting Clubs

Our Government’s Minor Infrastructure funding for community sporting clubs opens on January 31, and will see $14.67 million invested for sports infrastructure. Grants start from $50,000 for projects including:

• For new, upgraded and end-of-life replacement projects.

• Lighting, cycling trails, pathways, ramps, skateparks, fixed exercise equipment, change rooms.

• For upgrading tennis, netball, bowls or indoor court surfaces

This is an excellent opportunity for community sporting clubs, contact my office for further information.

If there’s anything here you’d like to know more about, or would like to connect with me generally please reach out.

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