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Wittonga Park Bushcare
Group - The Gap
Calling all nature lovers! Wittonga Park Bushcare will be hosting the first working bee for 2023 on February 19th from 8am to 10am.
Join us in making a difference by helping to preserve and protect the natural beauty of Wittonga Park. Together, we can make a positive impact to our local area. Please bring (or wear) sturdy shoes and a hat. We will supply gloves and tools.
See you there! The Wittonga Park Bushcare Group meet at the Belclare Street side of the Wittonga Park.
Team Dangerfield has over 55+ years of combined local experience. If you would like to have advise from a dynamic, forward-thinking and local team, we are here to assist.
For a completely confidential and free appraisal, please scan the QR code or contact us directly.

website: http://www.westernecho.com.au