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Arana VIEW Club
February News
Arana View Club March meeting is on Wednesday 1st March, 10.30 for 11.00am start at the Arana Leagues Club, Dawson Parade, Keperra. The cost for lunch is $30.00 for the 2-course meal and tea and coffee.
We will have our regular raffles and lucky door prizes with the proceeds going towards supporting our Learning for Life students.
Our guest speaker in March will be our Zone Councillor, Lyall Aldridge. Lyall will give us an insight into VIEW Clubs and the successes of the Smith family in assisting struggling students.
The March Meeting will also see our first “Make, Bake and Grow” for the year. The generosity of members supporting this activity means we have more funds to support our learning for life students. It is always great to buy some of the home baked goodies to enjoy.
Our club has different social activities each month, so members have a chance to make new friends. Please phone Carol on 3355 5349 by midday Monday 27th February if you are attending the March meeting or if you are interested in coming along to see what VIEW is about.