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Enoggera & Districts Historical Society Inc.
Annual General Meeting coming up
The Enoggera & Districts Historical Society Inc. (EDHS) will host its 2023 AGM on Sunday, 26 March from 2pm. Venue is the Enoggera Memorial Hall – access via Trundle Street. Refreshments will be served after the AGM.
Members and the local community are warmly invited to attend.
And for members, annual renewal payments are now due. Email enoggerahistory@gmail.com for any enquiries.
The Society’s local history display is again open for (free) public viewing every Thursday morning from 9.30am at the Enoggera Memorial Hall. Please feel free to drop in ?
And keep those photos and memories coming in!
Just like this one of the Alderley Arms Hotel (pictured above) – taken in 1889!
Finally, don’t forget to check out our Facebook page or visit our website www.enoggerahistory.org
Take care everyone and every good wish for 2023, Andrew McMicking - President
Rotary Carols by Candlelight Concert 2022
singers tested positive to COVID which meant the whole Team harmony was lost. But no doubt Tessitura will be back next year.
The Carols presentation by the Queensland Wind Orchestra and Ignite Choir and the support artists certainly lived up to the reputation our Rotary Club has assembled with these wonderful artists over fourteen years.
Amazing range of thanks go to so many involved from the huge local community support from businesses and organisations and which included the video work of David Pawsey of Queensland Live Streaming and the sound system by Adrian Carroll of SAE, Sound and Engineering Creative Media Institute.
What a cracker of a night provided by the Rotary Carols by Candlelight Concert 2022.
General attendance was between 5,500 and 6,000 people of all ages. Thank you all you wonderful people in our community.
Everybody appeared to have a great night. The audience was full of superlatives for the Rotary Club of Ashgrove/The Gap and we received a number of rave emails thanking our Club.
Our direct line to BOM through MC Jenny Woodward worked an absolute treat, and the weather remained fine throughout. The fireworks finale was the best ACE Fireworks has done for the event.
Our support artists of National Serviceman’s Memorial Pipe Band and Rocus Big Band were great. But unfortunately, we lost one of the main Concert support items shortly before the program commenced when one of the Tessitura A Capella
This event could not proceed without the funding assistance from Brisbane City Council. Our thanks to the Lord Mayor and local Councillors Andrew Wines and Steve Toomey.
But the icing on the Carols by Candlelight Concert cake was the Gallipoli Barracks Army Engineers voluntary involvement under Lieutenant Colonel Jon Pollard. The Army Personnel were superbly effective over the whole four days from the collection and return of a vast array of borrowed items to the set up and later pack up of the concert structure and even assisting in the “emu parade” on Sunday morning. An unbelievable lucky strike for our Rotary Club. Our sincere thanks to our Army friends.
The spectacular results speak for themselves and as the song says and as the Carols Concert showed, the night was “BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS”.
Our sincere thanks to Philippa Wightman and Western Echo for the continuous great job to bring the news and events of The Gap and Ashgrove to our homes.
John Giles - Rotary Club of Ashgrove/The Gap