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Hear and Say

Freya’s Story: Newfound Confidence Thanks to Speech Therapy

Two-year-old Freya is quite the ballerina, off to the local studio each week, often performing and practising with her older sister.

At three months old, Freya was diagnosed with a mild hearing loss which professionals had hoped would remain steady, however by 12 months old her hearing loss had progressed.

“We met Hear and Say before Freya was 12 months old for an initial consult, and when she was almost two we started speech therapy sessions – Freya responded the best she ever had with the Hear and Say team,” Emily said.

“It was the first time we could complete a hearing test in one sitting. The team changed tactics when Freya became disinterested or distracted. It was for me, one of the best experiences,” she said.

“We have also noticed the difference it has made with Freya – she is a shy and reserved little girl. Freya would only speak to her family, and simply smile at anyone else or look away.

“Since coming to Hear and Say, Freya is talking to others – she is also communicating with her peers at day care, which she wasn’t able to do for quite some time.

“It has made such a remarkable difference and we don’t believe she would be where she is today without the regular speech therapy she does.

“Our hope for Freya is to rise above anything she will experience in her life and show that she is more than her hearing loss, eye impairment, anything.

“We will be there to support her and help her achieve whatever it is she sets her sights on.”

Hearing and Speech Therapy

We’re here to help people of any age – babies and kids through to retirees.

• Hearing tests • Speech therapy • Hearing aids • Cochlear implants • Tinnitus support • Occupational therapy

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29 Nathan Ave, Ashgrove Qld 4060

07 3850 2111


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