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State Update - Jonty Bush - Member for Cooper
State Update Jonty Bush MP Member for Cooper
Voluntary Assisted Dying Save the Date - Eco Forum
At the time of writing, the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021 has just been introduced into Queensland Parliament by the Hon Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. I will be writing to everyone in our electorate on this important proposed bill, however if you would like to urgently speak to me you can contact my office on 3554 9100.
National Volunteer Week and P&C Day
Each year, Australia celebrates National Volunteer Week in May. I have been lucky to work with so many amazing volunteers and organisations throughout my life, including recently in our suburbs. There are around 700,000 volunteers across Queensland and over 3 million throughout our country – you can only imagine the hours contributed by these men and women towards the many wonderful community groups. If you do have time to spare, or would like to register your volunteer role you can do that through www.volunteeringqld.org.au
Congratulations to the Ashgrove State School P&C for another successful Mother's Day Fete As your local member I am keen to work with you to act on climate change and to identify local opportunities to reduce our environmental impacts. I am excited to announce that our electorate will host its first Eco Forum on Saturday 17 July, at The Gap State (Primary) School. It will be an opportunity for us to share and celebrate some of the exciting things that our electorate is already achieving in protecting and restoring our planet. We have some exciting speakers locked in to share their ideas and achievements and we would like locals to also showcase the work they are doing to address climate change. This could include: • Businesses who have shifted towards sustainable practices • Community groups working towards a cleaner future • Families who have gone plastic-free and would like to share their story • Small or micro businesses with relevant products for show or sale While our program is filling up, we are also interested to hear from any local workshop facilitators or educators who would like to present on the day. To express interest simply get in touch with my office on cooper@parliament.qld.gov.au
Arts Funding
Last month we had artists from across the electorate meet at the Paddington Substation for an Arts Queensland briefing. On the agenda was current and prospective funding opportunities for artists. The Palaszczuk Government has announced a $22.5m arts recovery package for the sector, including the Queensland Arts Showcase Program (QASP) funding. If you would like to know more about the program or arts funding in Queensland, please get in touch. I would like to send a huge thank you to Karen, Mish and Jeff from Hands On Art at the Paddington Substation for hosting us at this amazing local venue!