2 minute read
Amnesty International
So, What Does Amnesty International Achieve?
If you are reading this you may be curious to know about some of Amnesty’s recent achievements. First of all, you need to know that Amnesty campaigns on both domestic and international human rights issues. Read on to know more about only a selection of campaigns which have been highly successful in the past few months, thanks to Amnesty’s involvement and commitment.
For instance, domestically you will have read or heard about the release of refugees who had suffered unwarranted detention for years. Amnesty led a successful campaign for the release of the remaining long-term refugees, including those detained in the Park Hotel in Melbourne. Many of them will now be settled in New Zealand.
Amnesty was highly involved in encouraging the government to increase by thousands the numbers of refugees fleeing war-torn Myanmar and Afghanistan and now Ukraine.
Internationally, thanks to Amnesty’s work, many individuals have been released. To name only a few recent cases, individuals like Bernardo Caal Xol, who was released from prison in Guatemala where he had been detained simply for speaking out against river destruction.
Or Magai Nationg . He was 15 years old when sentenced to death in Sudan. He was finally released in March after a concerted AIA campaign. Australians wrote 21.000 actions on his behalf.
Or women’s rights activist Atena Daemi who was released from detention in Iran after 5 years. More than 22,000 Australians took action for Atena and sent solidarity messages.
The Helen Black Amnesty International group meets between 9.30-11am on the second Monday morning of the month in The Gap and would love to hear from anyone interested in joining the group. Please contact Di on 33001861. The Ashgrove Amnesty International group meets on the first and third evenings of the month and can be contacted by calling Sally on 3366 2046.
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Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers. - Voltaire
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