The Gap RSL Sub-Branch Inc.
ADF Community Work
Members of the Australian Defence Force are still out and about in the Australian community contributing to the skilled workforce handling the pandemic. The expertise of the ADF range from the professional skills of our medical and nursing personnel to a wide range of skills useful for managing a pandemic. There is something reassuring about seeing our sailors, soldiers and airmen going about their business amongst us.
Lord Mayor to unveil Memorial
Diary Note :The Lord Mayor, Cr Adrian Schrinner , will unveil the Cor Infinitus Memorial on Friday 8th April at the War Memorial in the Walton Bridge Reserve at 12.00 midday to 12.45 pm. Other dignitaries will include Mr Julian Simmonds MP, Jonty Bush PM ( Rep ) Cr Steve Toomey, Mr Kevin Humphries – Director Cor Infinitus, Mr Merv Brown OAM – President RSL Northern Districts President .
Army ambulance driver out in the community
Details of Cor Infinitus may be seen at at This is a highly sensitive and topical subject we should all be very aware of. All are invited. Please put the date in your diary. For all and any enquires , please note our contact details at the beginning of
this article (on page 14). We would love to hear from you, no matter your enquiry or topic of interest – big or small. We Will Remember Them LEST WE FORGET
ING projects that support our local community DELIVER More support for veterans including Building the new Gresham St Bridge in The Gap/Ashgrove.
New CCTV cameras for the Ashgrove/The Gap Men’s Shed. New roof for the St Johns Wood Scout Hut, Ashgrove.
a new Health Centre at the Gallipoli Barracks and upgrades to Trek2Health and The Gap RSL. New equipment for The Gap State School and Payne Road State School.
Upgraded the clubhouse at the Westside Grovely Football Club.
Authorised by Julian Simmonds MP, Liberal National Party of Queensland, 188 Moggill Road, Taringa 4068.
The Western Echo March 2022 Page 15