The Western Echo March 2022

Page 6

Neighbourhood Watch The Gap 4061 - Focus Road Safety Queenslanders are still speeding or driving distracted and risking their lives, so Queensland Government with help from Dr Lucia Kelleher who is a behavioural neuroscientist and the forward-thinker behind the new campaign which targets drivers being on ‘auto-pilot’. Dr. Kelleher’s research is on optimising human behaviour which helps people understand how the brain’s processing ability has changed as a result of sensory overload. This overload presents as constant distraction, which has eroded people’s ability to stay focused.

In a world first, Queensland Road Safety has created a series of neuroscience-based experiments to help drivers make a positive change. I am sure most of us have been guilty of slightly speeding without being aware of the fact, or driving distracted (this doesn’t necessarily mean on your mobile phone which is most definitely a no-no!). Some ideas from the campaign: 1) Acknowledge Other Drivers (this does not mean rage-fists or other ‘hand gestures’) If you see someone trying to merge – let them in with a wave or a nod. This not only proves you are focused on the road, but it will give the other

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The Western Echo March 2022 Page 6

person a dose of positive vibes and they will likely pay it forward! 2 ) Wa n d e r i n g M i n d Broadcast – Nearly everyone has heard the catch phrase ‘mindfulness’ or being ‘in the moment’. This uses the same philosophy; Imagine there’s a broadcasting device connected to your mind that plays your random thinking on the radio and all your friends are listening (“oh look at that car”… “What’s for dinner

tonight?”....”I have to get that deadline in by 4 today”). While you’re imagining this, feel the steering wheel and pay attention to your speed while driving, to prevent your mind from wandering and being distracted. Both of the above will make you a better and more aware driver. To learn more awareness exercises visit: https://streetsmarts.

Your Suburb, Your Home, Your Family, Your Community 4061


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