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GRIPPS Concert
Gap Region Instrumental Primary Performers School
GRIPPS started out this year was is it on or off? then with covid and lockdowns it became even harder to ascertain if GRIPPS was to be held at all.
We can now say that GRIPPS 2021 was finally held on Thursday the 14th October.
The community may correctly be wondering why GRIPPS 2021 did not get any coverage in the Western Echo or community updates. This was due to many areas during another COVID year of lockdowns and restrictions.
With the number of persons allowed into the Gap High School auditorium, only ticketed persons were allowed to attend, being parents of the students , that was why the general community was not informed in advance of the concert to keep attendance numbers very low.
Rotarians provided afternoon tea for the students which was allowed to proceed
The Gap High school had parking limitations which meant that our BBQ could not proceed, therefore parents and students could not get a meal at the Rotary BBQ as in previous years.
We had a small but cohesive team of Rotarians on the concert night to carry out various duties which was handled exceedingly well.
The GRIPPS students participants put on an excellent presentation, with a reduced total of 115 students this year, however their enthusiasm was terrific with great performances.
The night ended earlier than in past years, which meant that parents, students, and Rotarians could go home after an entirely entertaining night.
We hope that in 2022 that GRIPPS will be able to return to previous expectations with a greater community involvement and with fewer or no limitations on the running of the GRIPPS program that has been going since 1992.
The staging of GRIPPS each year costs a considerable amount of money to develop and planning, Donors who supported GRIPPS 2021 with raffle prizes helped in raising a very good amount of money for the continuance of this worthy program.
Donors were:
• Councilor Steven Toomey with Vouchers for Zagatos restaurant • The Milk Café Ashgrove Voucher • Meat at Billy’s Voucher • MP Jonty Bush member for Cooper large gift basket.
Bob Newey - Rotary GRIPPS Convener 2021 Rotary Club of Ashgrove/ The Gap inc.