The Veteran’s OP Shop The Veteran’s Op Shop at 29 Samford Road, Alderley opened in December 2020 and has successfully navigated through this pandemic to remain open and provide a valuable service not only to the veteran community, but to the community at large. Proceeds from the Veteran’s Op Shop go to help Wounded Heroes provide vital financial and housing support to veterans and their families in crisis. People have come from far and wide to seek out that special item they have been looking for. Our shop motto is “We have a treasure for all - your job is simply to find it!” We have been wonderfully surprised by the generosity shown by our community with the constant donations they have provided to our shop. We are delighted to be the conduit to find these donations new homes. We provide immediate clothing packages for those in
Our team of doctors and health professionals provide you with ongoing and comprehensive medical care.
Childhood Immunisation now available • Same day appointment guaranteed • Open 7 days • Online bookings on our website • Bulk billing for children & concession card holders
Cnr Settlement & Samford Roads,
Keperra Phone: 3351 0323 The Western Echo October 2021 Page 16
Volunteers Peter Thatcher (Op Shop Manager) with fellow Op Shop colleague, Mrs. Jocelyn Slater OAM
crisis – no forms to fill out, just a unique understanding from our staff who have seen the hard times and know what it is like to go with-out – just ask and we can help. Our shop is open Tues-Fri: 9am – 4pm and Saturday 9am – 1pm. Donations can be dropped off at these times or you can call Op Shop Manager, Peter Thatcher, on 0401 625 353 to arrange an out of hours pickup or drop off. Visit our Facebook Page: to check out our sales or upcoming events. Please drop by to snap up a bargain there is plenty of free parking is available at the rear of the building. The Veterans Lounge welcomes veterans and their families to come together with our Gaythorne Legacy Care Group Volunteers over a brew - a combined 17,500 years of lived military experience to share. We have created a relaxing new space, without alcohol or pokies, to allow veterans and spouses to draw on the experience of others who have navigated the challenges of contemporary military life. The Veterans Lounge aims to address the alarming high rate of mental illness, homelessness and suicide amongst the veteran community. The Lounge, co-located with the Veteran’s OP Shop at 29 Samford Road Alderley, opened on 16 March 2021 and is open Mon – Fri 9am – 4pm and Saturday 9am – 1pm. The Veterans Lounge reflects Wounded Heroes current objectives to assist our Veterans and their families in immediate financial crisis. Wounded Heroes are first responders to provide veterans and their families’ with critical financial and housing assistance. We can navigate to the other community services that are readily available, without duplication. Since our opening in March, the Veteran’s Lounge has provided a safe environment for veterans and their families (with plenty of room for children) to relax with a hot cuppa or cold drink, read the paper, watch TV, use the computers or just rest and recuperate. All we ask in return is a gold coin donation for tea or coffee. We have recently conducted an eight week Art Class – this was an introduction to Pottery Making. We are planning another Art Class to commence on Thursday 13th October this year. For more info call the Manager Peter on 0401 625 353. We are now conducting regular community activities at the Veteran’s Lounge: Board Game Days, Card Club Days, Weekly Morning Teas, Craft Days, Book Club, Tell “Your Story” day and a Monthly Sausage Sizzle. Veterans and their families are welcome to join us. To register for these activities call 0401 625 353.