2 minute read
Ashgrove Historical Society
Visitors are encouraged and very welcome at the Ashgrove Historical Society meetings held at the Ashgrove Library on the first Saturday of the month 10am-noon.
The topic for the 5 November meeting is John Newfong - Indigenous Activist. Guest speaker, Dornell Wylie, attended Wynnum State High School and was in the same cohort as John Newfong, graduating in 1961. John was a journalist and an activist involved in everything from the 1967 referendum and the Redfern Health Centre to the Tent Embassy and James Cook protest. His father was a champion boxer, his mother played cricket against England. John and his family were passionate activists their entire lives.
There will be a shared morning tea following the presentation which provides the opportunity to meet the guest speaker and other people interested in local history.
If you’re beginning to think about Christmas, the society’s publications make great gifts. All publications can be purchased at our meetings or by contacting the secretary, Julie by email: ahs.secretary@ bigpond.com or phone: 3366 4621. Local Government in Ashgrove: A History by John Laverty (published this year) is available for $30 for Ashgrove Historical Society members and $35 for non-members. Other books include Lost Ashgrove, an easy-to-read pictorial record of Ashgrove then and now (members $20, non-members $25); the revised Ashgrove Heritage Tour (2019) $10; Ashgrove 150 Timeline ($6) provides added information on the plaques that are in place along the Enoggera Creek bikeway (Ashgrove Sportsground section); Brisbane: People and Places of Ashgrove (2010) $15.
After no stalls in 2020, 2021 and most of 2022, we hope to once again have a sales and information stall outside Woolworths Ashgrove in early December. Be sure to stop by and share your Ashgrove memories and view our publications and display.
If you would like to become an AHS member or purchase membership as a gift, fees are $10 single per annum (1 July - 30 June), or $15 couple/family. Membership includes the quarterly newsletter, Tram Stops. Please contact the secretary, Julie, (ahs. secretary@bigpond.com) and she will let you know the EFT details or come along to a meeting. Funds raised from memberships, raffles and sale of our publications supports the research, preservation and recording of Ashgrove’s history.
Quote of the Day
The real menace in dealing with a five-year-old is that in no time at all you begin to sound like a five-year-old. Jean Kerr
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Stephen Dangerfield, Jack Dangerfield and Riley Lucashenko teamdangerfield@mcgrath.com.au 0422 564 007