The Western Echo September 2021

Page 14

The Gap Historical Society Inc. Est. 2000


This article was prepared by Vice President George Stoddart


These streets are named after Henry Howard Payne, one of the early settlers. He was born in Sleaford, Lincolnshire, England in 1822 and arrived in the Moreton Bay Settlement (Brisbane) in January 1851. Soon after his arrival, he commenced business as a plumber in Queen Street, later moved to Elizabeth Street and continued to carry on that trade for about ten years. He disposed of his business to Hiram Wakefield. Henry Howard Payne was the first man to cultivate the land on the north side of the river, the original land at Milton, where he attempted the growing of cotton. He and his partner Adsett owned 12 acres of land situated at the corner of Milton and Baroona roads. Subsequently he moved to The Gap in the Ashgrove district of Brisbane and was familiarly known as Payne of The Gap. His activities there included growing of grapes for winemaking, as well as farming and cattle raising. The general welfare of the Enoggera district was constantly on his mind and he rendered much valuable assistance in that regard. He took up land in the Samford district and was the first to cross the Samford Range by bullock dray. The formation of roads in that area was largely due to his efforts and this was duly acknowledged by the Public Works Department in 1874. Whilst at Samford he had a sad personal tragedy in the death

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of his son through a horse accident and soon afterwards returned to Milton. Among his several activities, he was an energetic member of the East Moreton Farmers’ Association and when, in 1878, that body amalgamated with the Royal National and Agricultural Association, he was presented with an illuminated address. His municipal career commenced in 1880 as a member of the Indooroopilly Divisional Board which administered the provisions of local government prior to the amalgamation of all such authorities into the Brisbane City Council (Greater Brisbane Area). The Indooroopilly Divisional Board was absorbed into the Toowong Shire Council and Henry Payne continued his activities there. Payne Street, Taringa, close to Toowong thus honours his association with that Shire Council. Henry Payne was active on the Ratepayers’ Association of the district surrounding his home – Milton, Rosalie, Bayswater and Torwood. He declined to enter the political field although so requested on several occasions, as he had a deep consideration for his personal home life. Henry Howard Payne passed to his rest in February 1903 at the age of 81 years. The above was written by H C McClurg in 1975. Other information on Payne comes from memorabilia provided by Wikipedia and the late Richard Speechley. Payne purchased two allotments at The Gap, Nos 184 and 185 at the second land sales in 1859. Some time after this, Payne sold this land to Ellen Fanning and Lucinda Best. Following the death of his son from the horse accident in Samford, Payne returned to live in Milton. Paynes Road The Gap, subsequently shortened to Payne Road, was named after him. Payne’s partner at Milton, Moses Adsett, donated land fronting Waterworks Road to the Primitive Methodist Church which was erected in 1873. Sadly, Moses Adsett passed away prior to this event and became the first person to be buried in the cemetery adjacent to the church, Remember – Love and mind The Gap.

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The Western Echo September 2021 Page 14


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