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Libby's Latest - News from Ryan

Libby’s Latest

Dear Ryanites,

By the time you read this, I’ll be back in Canberra for the second sitting of the 47th Parliament. I feel an incredible sense of responsibility, representing you all there, and I am so grateful to everyone who has been in touch, keeping me connected with what matters to the electorate.

My office is now fully up and running at 188 Moggill Rd, Taringa! So please pop in if you are in the area, or if you want to chat to one of my team. I’ll also use every moment I can to get out into the community so I can make sure I’m hearing from Ryanites all over. I held my first pop-up office in Keperra in August and it was a real pleasure to be greeted warmly by locals! These pop-ups are going to be a regular feature of the calendar so keep a lookout for them on my Facebook page. I’m also regularly attending community events, and I welcome invitations.

From my chats with locals it’s clear that many of us are heading into some tough times. With the cost of living skyrocketing and wages not keeping pace, many families are feeling increasingly squeezed. The Greens have some solutions: Firstly we are pressuring Labor to not spend $224 billion in tax cuts for the mega-rich, and instead invest that money in things like bringing dental into Medicare. Secondly, it’s time for cheap or even free public transport, with better and more frequent routes, so we can get cars off the road and all spend less on petrol!

The Greens and I have also been working hard to push the government to take the action we need on climate change. We negotiated to amend Labor’s climate bill, ensuring that the 43% target is a genuine starting point that can go higher. The next step is to stop new coal and gas projects. While we can have a conversation about how long it takes to transition from existing fossil fuels, we can’t take meaningful action on climate change while still adding to the problem.

Ryan Volunteer Grants

Applications are now open for the 2022-2023 Volunteer Grants. Non-profit organisations in Ryan that are at least 40% volunteer run can apply for grants of $1000-$5000 to buy small equipment for volunteers, for reimbursement of volunteer transport, training or screening costs, to promote volunteer opportunities and to make your workplace COVID-safe for volunteers. EOIs are due by 5pm on 19 September.

Raise Our Voice in Parliament

I am participating in the Raise Our Voice campaign, and will give a 90 second speech to parliament in November written by a young person in Ryan, on the topic “What should Australia’s new parliament achieve”. Applications are due 19 October.

For more information visit my Facebook page www.facebook.com/ElizabethWatsonBrownMP

Warm Regards,


Phone: 3378 1599

Email: elizabeth.watson-brown.mp@aph.gov.au Ryan Electorate Office: 188 Moggill Rd, Taringa

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