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Parent involvement
Support the School and get to know other families through our parent organizations!
PAWS (Parents Association of The Westminster Schools)
PAWS is a service organization that includes all Westminster parents. You are welcome and encouraged to participate in PAWS meetings, activities, and events throughout the school year.
Check out the PAWS resource page in Wildcat Web in the fall for information about getting involved in the life of the School through the many activities and events that PAWS organizes during the year, including service projects, parent enrichment programs, and gradelevel socials.
PAWSinLS (PAWS in the Lower School)
PAWS in the Lower School is a service organization whose mission is to provide meaningful opportunities for parent engagement through community service, education, and volunteer opportunities in Love Hall. All parents of Lower School students are members of PAWSinLS and are encouraged to volunteer in Lower School activities.
PAWSinLS hosts parent “Coffee & Conversation” meetings where parents are invited to learn about relevant topics and upcoming events. PAWSinLS room representatives serve each classroom to help parents navigate through information and coordinate classroom-specific activities. Check out the PAWSinLS resource page in Wildcat Web this fall for more information.
Westminster’s all-sports booster organization, Catbackers, communicates the latest sports news, helps build school spirit, and provides volunteer opportunities in support of the athletics program. Working side-by-side for a shift in a concession stand is a great way to get to know fellow parents, and many volunteers from all divisions are needed! Learn more at westminster.net/catbackers