Annual Report 2010 I 1
Founded 75 years ago, The Wilderness Society is the country’s premier public lands conservation organization. Our mission is straightforward: to protect wilderness and inspire Americans to care for our wild places. Backed by more than 500,000 active members and supporters, we protect the 635 million acres that belong to all Americans: national forests, national parks, national wildlife refuges, and the lands overseen by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. We pursue this mission with a potent combination of economic and scientific analysis, coalition building, advocacy, and public education. As Theodore Roosevelt put it: “The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value.”
2 I The Wilderness Society
© Flickr/Maxey. Background: © Ralph Preston
Your Wilderness Forever
Sample collections from wild places have led us to organisms that helped produce new antibiotics, enzymes for medical and green production methods, and more. So wilderness not only revives us as humans, but may help us survive as a world population.
There is no better way to forget the problems of the world than by going birding and wildlife viewing in the Everglades. You can absorb nature and all of its beautiful sights and sounds.
Rebecca W. Mahurin, Ph.D. Bozeman, Montana
Larry Manfredi Homestead, Florida
Wilderness is the foundation for businesses like my river rafting company. I serve people who want to simplify their lives with vacations in the wilderness: no cell phones, lots of time around a fire at night, clear water, and a sky full of bright stars. Brad Niva Grants Pass, Oregon
I’ll never forget the way I felt when I was out hiking the Appalachian Trail with my friends and reaching milestones along the way. With more opportunities for people to explore wilderness, many others will grow to love it as much as I have. Roger Osorio Yonkers, New York
As I battled cancer, I would escape, in times of pain, to the wilderness—hiking in the Rockies or kayaking in Alaska, seeing bear, salmon, and seals. Memories of these trips helped motivate me to get well, and I have been cancer-free for 18 years. Katie Gibson Bozeman, Montana
Annual Report 2010 I 3
The Wilderness Society has closed the books on another impressive year—our 75th—protecting America’s wilderness. At a time of economic and political uncertainty, we charted a course to preserve more wild places, make the land whole again, and reconnect people with nature. This report highlights our progress on all these fronts and describes how our blend of science, public policy advocacy, communications, and coalition-building is a powerful force for change. In Montana we shepherded a huge restoration project (page 12), winning a competition for funding and jumpstarting the process to reclaim a degraded national forest while creating local jobs. Thanks to us and our partners, natural treasures in Alaska and the Rockies are safe for now from becoming massive oil and gas fields. And people who love to play in wild areas across the West are better off because we helped ensure off-road vehicles will be allowed only in appropriate places, protecting the right to experience the sounds and sights of nature, unimpaired.
Left: © A. Vedder, Right: © Kina Walker
Reclaiming the Outdoors A message from the chair & the president
More wilderness acreage is also in the pipeline, due to the staff experts who have laid the foundation for designations in 16 states (page 8). Meanwhile, our “site it right” campaign is getting renewable energy production on the public lands off to a good start by guiding solar panels and wind turbines to suitable spots.
The year brought challenges, too. A new dynamic on Capitol Hill could lead to drastic cuts to conservation programs along with new threats to wildlands like the Arctic Refuge, which our community has safeguarded for decades. To win, we are enlarging our constituency while building bridges to people from a multiplicity of backgrounds, who will stand with us to protect our wilderness legacy (page 16). As you read this annual report, we hope you will recognize the important role you have played in our success. We thank you for your support and look forward to another great year together.
4 I The Wilderness Society
William H. Meadows, president
Doug Walker, chair
We are committed to protecting the public lands, including Ross Lake National Recreation Area in Washington state (right). © Holly Werran, courtesy of REI
This work is about people, so teaming up with the Obama administration on its America’s Great Outdoors (AGO) initiative was a highlight of our year. When we called on Wilderness Society members and friends to attend some of the 51 listening sessions held nationwide, they responded and helped shape the recommendations in the final report. Framed as a renewed approach to conservation by President Obama, AGO shares many of our goals. It calls for connecting people— especially the younger generation—to those special places where families like to camp, fish, and hike, and, as a vital component of that, preserving the landscapes we cherish.
The Wilderness Society speaks for the wilderness, and for the people, communities, wild animals and plants that depend on wilderness for survival.
Annual Report 2010 I 5
6 I The Wilderness Society
Pamela A. Miller, Northern Alaska Environmental Center
© Lincoln Else: Main photo and background.
The Wilderness Society has provided a half century of leadership in protecting the Arctic Refuge.
© Christina Salmon
Saving Alaska’s Unique Natural Treasures
Lydia Olympic Anchorage
Lydia Olympic, our tribal advocate since 2006, is a Yupik/Sugpiaq from Igiugig, a village of 50 located off the road system 200 miles southwest of Anchorage. She educates tribes and federal officials about the proposed Pebble Mine, which threatens fish vital to Igiugig, and related issues. A former president of her village council, Olympic became such a fervent opponent of the mine that she became known as “the Pebble Rebel with a Cause.” She attended the University of Alaska and has represented tribal interests in various capacities, including as vice-chairman of EPA’s National Tribal Operations Committee, where Olympic helped identify the high cancer rate among indigenous peoples and created a budget for clean air and water in Indian country.
Lois Epstein, who oversees our work in the Arctic, was at the table in May 2010 as a federal task force hammered out policy recommendations for the president in response to the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe. A licensed engineer for more than 20 years with extensive experience in oil and gas policy, she helped make the case for tougher standards and other improvements. After working in Alaska for a decade, Epstein is attuned to the added challenges of drilling there. “When you’re drilling in water supporting unique marine resources with ice hazards and slower recovery from spills, the risks and stakes are even higher than in the Gulf of Mexico,” she says.
Successful efforts to prevent ill-conceived drilling will improve prospects for these caribou calves in the Arctic Refuge (left) and other wildlife in Alaska.
An immediate concern for conservationists was Shell’s plans to drill off the coast of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and in the Chukchi Sea, farther west. Our WildAlert system generated tens of thousands of letters highlighting the threats. There will be no offshore drilling there in 2011, and, as we advocated, the federal government is undertaking more thorough decisionmaking processes for drilling in the Arctic Ocean.
To the west, we helped convince the Obama administration to protect important caribou and waterfowl habitat south of world-renowned Teshekpuk Lake. Plans had called for leasing this area to the oil industry. Our WildAlert members sent the Interior Department 50,000 letters urging that this special place be left alone. Farther south, the headwaters of Bristol Bay, one of the planet’s most productive wild salmon fisheries, are threatened by what would be the world’s largest open-pit gold and copper mine. Lydia Olympic is leading our effort and is building strong public opposition. In response, EPA decided to conduct a watershed analysis to determine the mine’s potential impacts.
© Kent Miller/NPS
Effective advocacy, supported by the 444S Foundation and others, also helped fend off continuing efforts in Congress to allow drilling in the biological heart of the Arctic Refuge. “Big Oil has been pouring money into this for a quarter century, but the coastal plain remains the breeding ground for caribou, grizzlies, and millions of birds,” notes Nicole Whittington-Evans, who directs our ten-person staff in Alaska. “The Wilderness Society has provided a half century of leadership in protecting the Arctic Refuge,” says Pamela A. Miller of the Northern Alaska Environmental Center.
Finally, in the spectacular Tongass National Forest, our decades-long effort to protect towering hemlock and Sitka spruce, with support from the Wilburforce Foundation, is resulting in a transition toward restoration and the logging of younger trees rather than old-growth. Annual Report 2010 I 7
© Bill Hodge
Jeremy Garncarz directs our Wilderness Support Center, established in 1998 to work alongside grassroots advocates and other partners to develop and pass legislation that permanently protects deserving public lands. He came to us in 2004 from the Friends of Nevada Wilderness after playing a major role in the successful campaign to designate 452,000 acres of wilderness in Clark County. An avid fly fisherman, Garncarz earned both a B.S. and M.S. from Illinois State University. “I liken his leadership style to a great point guard,” says John Wallin of the Conservation Lands Foundation. “He knows how important it is for everyone to have the ball in their hands, but he also knows how to score when his team needs a bucket.”
Upper Bald River Wilderness Study Area, TN
8 I The Wilderness Society
The Clearwater Basin in north-central Idaho looks much as it did two centuries ago when Lewis and Clark traveled through. There are deep forests, tall mountains, and clear streams rich in salmon and bull trout. It is home to wolves, cougars, and Canada lynx. “There are more than a million acres of contiguous wilderness,” says Bills that would protect Brad Brooks of our Idaho staff. “It’s one of the largest unprotected wilderness in numerous roadless areas left in the Lower 48.” He is working with a broad spectrum of Idahoans to draft a wilderness proposal for Congress states made significant to consider.
progress in Congress.
“Brad Brooks has changed the image of environmental organizations within the region,” says Joyce Dearstyne, executive director of Framing Our Community, a grassroots nonprofit committed to building a sustainable and diverse economy in the Inland Northwest. “Through Brad, The Wilderness Society comes to the Clearwater Basin Collaborative table with an open and creative mind in addressing rural community issues, without losing sight of its own principles.” Such partnerships are our stock in trade, from coastal Maine to the mountains and deserts of Southern California. “In a lot of places there is deep suspicion of efforts to protect wilderness,” notes Jeremy Garncarz, who directs our Wilderness Support Center in Durango, Colorado. “Our people spend a lot of time explaining the health and economic benefits of protecting land.” Over the past year we have made significant progress building support for bills that would designate wilderness in Colorado, New Mexico, Washington, Oregon, West Virginia, and elsewhere. “We are pleased that both Democrats and Republicans are introducing bills,” says Paul Spitler, who oversees our wilderness efforts in Congress. “With supporters as diverse as Senator Boxer and Congressman Issa, we have shown that wilderness is a bipartisan issue.” Already in the 112th Congress, Republican lawmakers have introduced bills for California, Idaho, Washington, and Tennessee. Congress does not call all the wilderness shots. In December 2010 Interior Secretary Ken Salazar took a step we have been advocating for years: He overturned a 2003 decision that undercut the Bureau of Land Management’s long-established authority to protect western wildlands. We organized business owners, county commissioners, sportsmen, and others who want these special places saved from drilling and other development. “At stake,” says Nada Culver, an attorney in our Denver office, “are millions and millions of acres. This is likely to be a protracted struggle, but one that will ultimately result in permanent protection for many of these majestic landscapes.”
© Laura Hodge
Jeremy GarnCarz Durango, Colorado
Building Broad Support for Wilderness
…The Wilderness Society comes to the Clearwater Basin Collaborative table with an open and creative mind in addressing rural community issues, without losing sight of its own principles. Joyce Dearstyne, Framing Our Community
” Annual Report 2010 I 9
The Wilderness Society‌ played a vital role in pulling together all the strands that carried the day.
10 I The Wilderness Society
Wes McStay, local rancher
Colorado’s Vermillion Basin (left) is one of the special places no longer facing industrialization.
“That was unacceptable,” says Suzanne Jones, our Colorado director. She and others began to build the case against leasing. Our GIS team’s research, powered by software donated by ESRI, revealed that Vermillion Basin contains only enough technically recoverable natural gas to supply U.S. energy needs for about 10 days, and its oil demand for less than 20 minutes. That work also documented the harm that resulting land fragmentation would do to wildlife. Our economists marshaled evidence that the area’s tourism and recreation allure would produce more of a long-term payoff for the region’s economy than drilling. Finally, in June 2010, came the outcome we wanted: the BLM would drop the leasing proposal. We celebrated with many partners instrumental in the victory, including the Friends of Northwest Colorado and the Colorado Environmental Coalition. “The Wilderness Society, led by Suzanne Jones and Soren Jespersen, played a vital role in pulling together all the strands that carried the day,” says Wes McStay, a local rancher who was a valuable ally.
© Dave Showalter
The Vermillion Basin achievement was emblematic of our efforts to restore balance to a federal oil and gas program that had put too many of our natural treasures in jeopardy. The Obama administration has adopted policies advocated by The Wilderness Society that allow fuller consideration of industrialization’s potential damage to public lands and wildlife. Among the other places where our work is paying off are southern Utah’s canyonlands, the Wyoming Range, the Rocky Mountain Front, New Mexico’s Otero Mesa, and Alaska. “As an alternative to fossil fuel extraction, we are working closely with the Interior Department and our partners to find the most sensible public lands for construction of solar and wind energy plants,” says Pam Eaton, a 23-year Wilderness Society veteran heading our renewable energy team. “Building facilities in certain places would exact too heavy an ecological toll, so we are helping identify more appropriate areas.” Our “In the Zone” report, widely covered by the media, analyzed five western zones proposed by the BLM for solar plant construction, and we are determined to continue playing a constructive role in decisions that will have enormous long-term impacts.
© Rebecca Sederberg/All The Above Photography
Vermillion Basin is home to crimson bluffs, fossil beds, meandering canyons, stunning silence, long vistas, pronghorns, and golden eagles. Years ago conservationists urged that it be designated a wilderness area. Yet in 2000 the U.S. Bureau of Land Management proposed that this special piece of northwestern Colorado be leased to the oil and gas industry.
© Flickr/LangAlex
Shaping Energy Policies for a Brighter Future
Pam Eaton Denver
Tulsa native Pam Eaton honeymooned in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and she camps in wilderness with her husband and two children whenever she can. During 23 years with us, she has held a number of high-level jobs and currently has two, overseeing both the BLM Action Center and National Forest Action Center. The BLM work includes directing our renewable energy campaign. Eaton, who earned a B.A. in geology from Yale and an M.S. in natural resource policy from the University of Michigan, previously worked for the National Outdoor Leadership School and the National Park Service. “Pam is the person I depend on to help me and all our partners keep our eyes on the ball, substantively and tactically,” says Johanna Wald of the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Annual Report 2010 I 11
© Babette Munting
Creating New Partnerships in the woods
© Nick Hardigg
Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Idaho
Karen Hardigg Anchorage
As a youngster in Portland, Oregon, Karen Hardigg dreamed of becoming a vet—and a Scrabble champion. Then while attending Vassar College, where she became the second-highest soccer goal scorer in school history, she spent a summer in California as a wilderness ranger and realized she could have a career with lots of outdoors work. She earned a master’s from the Yale School of Forestry and joined our Alaska staff in 2007, specializing in rainforest issues. Now serving as our deputy director in the state, Hardigg has played a major role in the collaborative work that is helping guide the transition away from old-growth logging in the Tongass National Forest. In 2010 she was appointed to a national advisory panel that selects forest restoration projects worthy of federal funding.
12 I The Wilderness Society
It seemed no one was happy with management of Montana’s national forests. “There had not been a wilderness area created since 1983,” notes Bob Ekey, our assistant vice president for Northwest conservation. “Meanwhile, mill owners were getting too little timber because of the stalemate.” So five years ago, Ekey started talking with mill owners, the U.S. Forest Service, and other conservation partners about sitting down to find a solution. “Besides wanting to protect wilderness,” Ekey explains, “we wanted to restore areas in the national forests that had been damaged by road building and logging.” Realizing that restoration could simultaneously benefit the economy and enhance forest health led to a shift in perspective among traditional adversaries. “We felt that everyone could agree on 80 percent of the issues,” says Scott Brennan, who heads our restoration effort in Montana, “so we stopped focusing on the other 20 percent. Finally, people who had been suing each other were now sitting around a table trying to work things out.” The group grew to include more than 35 people representing a wide range of interests. Brennan and partners such as the Blackfoot Challenge and three forest supervisors took the lead in drawing up a large-landscape restoration project for the Blackfoot, Clearwater, and Swan valleys. After Congress created a forest restoration program in 2009, this initiative was one of only ten to be approved for funding. In Montana, the program is fueling a decade of work that will restore clean water, improve wildlife habitat for elk and grizzly bears, decommission old forest roads, and make communities safer from wildfire—all while creating new economic prospects in rural areas reeling from the recession. Gordy Sanders of Pyramid Mountain We have been leaders Lumber helped develop the project. “The Wilderness Society has in forest restoration in been a leader in ending the long stalemate and coming up with a plan that a variety of Montanans can buy into,” he says. “I believe that Montana’s Southwest what we are doing here can work in other places.”
Crown of the Continent areas.
Restoration was part of a vision for the national forests we issued (right) and other in 1999. We began putting the theory to work later that year in Lakeview, Oregon, and our success there laid the foundation for progress we are now seeing in Alaska, Idaho, and elsewhere. “At a time when the political landscape is forcing us to play defense on a number of issues,” says Brennan, “our restoration campaign enables us to play offense.”
© Coutesy of Bruce Gordon/EcoFlight. Background: Jeff L. Fox
The Wilderness Society has been a leader in ending the long stalemate and coming up with a plan that a variety of Montanans can buy into. I believe that what we are doing here can work in other places. Gordy Sanders, Pyramid Mountain Lumber
Section name I 13
Wilderness Society scientists have taken a lead role in analyzing potential climate change impacts in several regions of the state.”
14 I The Wilderness Society
Dr. Scott Rupp, University of Alaska
© Flickr/lgooch
Cape Cod native Dr. Peter McKinley has seen major changes in the natural world since his boyhood days exploring nearby woods and wetlands. As The Wilderness Society’s first climate change adaptation ecologist, he is leading our efforts to identify places and policies that will help nature respond to this daunting challenge. “Once they are identified,” McKinley explains, “we can work with partners to try to protect these places. Setting priorities is more important than ever.”
Our public education campaign has helped citizens learn the vital carbon storage role played by national forests such as the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie in Washington (left).
“With the help of generous donors, we have been able to put more scientists on the job,” notes Dr. Spencer Phillips, vice president for research. For example, Dr. Wendy Loya, an ecologist in our Anchorage office, is mapping probable impacts on public lands in Alaska and is working closely with Native communities and other partners. “Wilderness Society scientists have taken a lead role in analyzing potential climate change impacts in several regions of the state,” says University of Alaska Professor Dr. Scott Rupp.
Top: © Art Wolfe/ Bottom: © Amy Gulick
To underline the role that healthy old-growth forests play in keeping carbon safely locked up in trees and soils—and not adding to the pollution already dumped into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels—we produced an analysis of the ten national forests that are making the biggest contributions. “Such research is critical to educating the public and guiding officials responsible for the stewardship of our wild places,” Phillips says. Of course, no matter how effective our forests are at removing carbon from the atmosphere, they cannot, by themselves, correct the dangerous buildup of greenhouse gases that now threatens worldwide climate disruption. The human race must find the will to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to prevent the extinction of species, the destruction of wetlands, and the loss of water supplies. With Congress so far unable to pass legislation doing so, the task has fallen to EPA. We have played a significant role in supporting the EPA’s ability to regulate global warming pollution in the face of Capitol Hill efforts to undercut its authority. That battle continues. We also swung into action when Big Oil tried to repeal California’s market-based program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through action alerts to our network of subscribers and other activities, we helped defeat Proposition 23 in November 2010. “The victory in California was important,” says David Moulton, who directs our climate change policy program. “It showed that the public wants solutions, not stalemate, and it offers hope that a federal solution might follow success in the states. Since 2010 was the 34th consecutive year with global temperatures above the 20th-century average, easing up is not an option.”
© John Gunn
Practicing Sound Science to Counter Climate Change Dr. Peter Mckinley Hallowell, Maine
An ornithologist whose favorite species is the sweet-singing wood thrush, Dr. Peter McKinley signed on in 2010 as our first climate adaptation ecologist. He focuses on New England and the Southern Appalachians, assisting in development of policies that can help wildlife adjust to climate change. A Cape Cod native, he earned degrees at Colby College, Indiana University, and the University of New Brunswick. Previously, this lover of the Boston Symphony worked for New Hampshire Audubon, the Manoment Center for Conservation Sciences, and the Forest Society of Maine. “Pete has a great understanding of how the smaller components of a large landscape interact and the need to keep the entire landscape intact,” says Carole Haas of the Maine Appalachian Trail Land Trust.
Annual Report 2010 I 15
© Justin Wilson
Anne Merwin Washington, D.C.
Recreation policy is a good fit for Anne Merwin, whose past includes softball, tennis, gymnastics, and rowing at Rice University, and who nowadays loves whitewater kayaking, mountain biking, and hiking with her husband and dog. She was also president of the college outing club. A graduate of University of Maryland Law School, Merwin worked for the Potomac Conservancy before joining us in 2009 as a public lands policy advisor focusing on recreation and transportation planning issues. “Anne is terrific and is an especially effective partner when we travel to Washington to meet with agency officials or congressional aides,” says Bethanie Walder of Wildlands CPR.
Inspiring Americans to Care about Wilderness Many Los Angeles families head to the San Gabriel Mountains to escape the heat or play in the snow. Lying mostly in Angeles National Forest, the San Gabriels are less than an hour’s drive from15 million people. We are playing a leading role in the San Gabriel Mountains Forever (SGMF) coalition, building public support for legislation to protect 36,000 acres of wilderness, preserve three rivers, and establish a national recreation area. ”Our coalition includes a broad cross-section of Los Angeles: faith groups, small businesses, and organizations that work in diverse communities with many languages,” says The Wilderness Society’s Annette Kondo, who leads SGMF’s communications efforts. “The Wilderness Society is a key partner, helping our communities, which urgently need more outdoor recreation to address the region’s obesity and diabetes crisis,” says Martin Nava, director of community health for the Oldtimers Foundation.
We are helping families (right) connect with the lands that belong to all Americans so they become advocates for protecting our natural heritage.
Love of the San Gabriels was illustrated by the standing-room-only turnout at an America’s Great Outdoors (AGO) forum in July 2010. AGO was established by President Obama to determine citizens’ views on public lands and their recreation preferences so that appropriate conservation policies could be formulated. We played a leading role in encouraging Americans to get involved, either by attending one of the 51 hearings or submitting comments. The administration’s report made a strong case for many of the land protection programs we have championed.
© Kent Miller/NPS
We are encouraging people of all backgrounds and ages to enjoy—and care for—the lands that belong to the American people in Washington’s North Cascades, the Rockies, the Washington area, and elsewhere. “If you get a taste of the special places passed on to us by earlier generations, chances are you will become an advocate for protecting them for future generations,” says Doug Walker, who chairs our Governing Council. Unfortunately, funding for trail maintenance and other programs is falling short of the need, so we are working closely with a coalition that includes organizations such as Back Country Horsemen of America and the American Hiking Society to make that case on Capitol Hill.
Katmai National Park
16 I The Wilderness Society
To ensure that all visitors can peacefully enjoy public lands, we have worked to persuade federal land managers to control destructive off-road vehicle (ORV) use across the West. With funding from the Harder Foundation, the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund, the Resources Legacy Fund Foundation, the Lazar Foundation, and the 444S Foundation, we undertook research, organizing, lobbying, and legal work. The impact was reflected in plans for 13 California national forests, where the total area open to cross country ORV driving was reduced from 11 million acres to just 46,731 acres.
© Michael E. Gordon. Background: © Kerrick James
The Wilderness Society is a key partner, helping our communities, which urgently need more outdoor recreation... Martin Nava, Oldtimers Foundation
Section name I 17
Notable Achievements over the past year Working with a wide array of partners, we have succeeded in protecting many of the nation’s valuable natural areas. As always, the support provided by members of The Wilderness Society was critically important. The success stories include:
Our coalition continued to fend off efforts that began in the 1980s to allow drilling in the biological heart of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. (page 5)
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We played a leading role in derailing a plan to allow lethal wolf control and the gassing of pups in dens in wilderness areas on Unimak Island.
We helped secure a commitment from the U.S. Forest Service to ensure a transition from old-growth logging to selective cutting of smaller trees in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest. (page 5)
19 15 8 17 9
A federal judge ruled that a In partnership with local 2008 Bush administration plan allies, we convinced the to protect habitat that the Forest Service to issue a spotted owl needs to survive did plan that will keep off-road not stand up to scientific review vehicles out of the backcountry and must be redone. and protect water quality and wilderness in Oregon’s Mt. Hood National Forest.
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18 I The Wilderness Society
Photos (left to right): © Bob Wick/BLM, © Tessier, © Lloyd Dorsey, © Flickr/nebarnix
The Interior Department put off Shell’s plan to drill exploratory wells in the Arctic Ocean’s Beaufort and Chukchi seas, where any spill could pose a particularly serious threat. (page 5)
We helped defeat Proposition 23, the oil industry’s California ballot initiative to repeal a marketbased program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and, in Congress, the Murkowski Amendment, which would have blocked EPA’s efforts to limit carbon pollution. (page 15) We helped draw up plans to restore national forestland in Colorado, Montana, and Idaho projects--three of the ten in the nation selected to receive funds. (page 10)
The “no more wilderness” policy for BLM lands adopted behind closed doors in 2003 was undone as the Interior Department created far more protective guidelines. (page 6)
Proposed changes in rules governing the 193-millionacre National Forest System would result in cleaner drinking water, greater recreational opportunities, improved wildlife habitat, and, for the first time, consideration of climate change.
Cross-country off-road vehicle travel will no longer be allowed on 11 million acres of national forests in California, while significant limitations on off-road vehicles will help protect grasslands at California’s Carrizo Plain National Monument.
We won our lawsuit challenging a plan for Idaho’s Salmon-Challis National Forest that we believe allowed too much off-road vehicle traffic.
A federal court ruled that the National Park Service must first protect natural resources when considering whether to permit Jet Ski use at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore (Michigan) and Gulf Islands National Seashore (Florida & Mississippi). The U.S. Forest Service launched an initiative to substantially scale back its immense and decaying road system.
We helped minimize the environmental impact of renewable energy projects proposed for public lands in the California Desert as part of our national campaign to urge appropriate locations for such facilities. (page 11)
The government agreed to cancel contested oil and gas leases on more than 44,000 acres of unspoiled lands in Bridger-Teton National Forest in the southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. A U.S. appeals court rejected a federal plan for possible routing of electrical transmission lines through eight Middle Atlantic states, Arizona, and California, concluding that there was too little consideration of environmental impacts. The BLM issued a policy specifying that there is no presumed preference for oil and gas development over other uses.
The prospects for wilderness designation in four of Southern California’s national forests improved, thanks to settlement of a legal challenge by our coalition. The agreement also will lead to decommissioning of motorized vehicle routes in roadless areas. A new BLM plan bars leasing in western Colorado’s Vermillion Basin, capping our ten-year campaign to protect this natural treasure. (page 11)
Ruling in our favor, a federal court put the West Virginia northern flying squirrel back on the Endangered Species List, improving our prospects for preventing a large-scale logging project in the Monongahela National Forest.
A federal court upheld a plan to prevent off-road vehicle use in the Badger-Two Medicine area, near Glacier National Park. The area is home to bighorn sheep and grizzlies and is sacred to the Blackfeet Tribe.
We secured greater protection of water quality and other environmental safeguards in settling our lawsuit challenging oil shale development policy.
We helped defeat an amendment that would have limited the president’s Antiquities Act authority to protect public lands and another that would have defunded the National Landscape Conservation System.
The Obama administration’s America’s Great Outdoors report recommended a number of conservation initiatives we have been backing for many years. (page 16)
Annual Report 2010 I 19
© John Hendrickson/Larry Ulrich Stock. Background: © Art Wolfe/
Thank you to our supporters
Special Thanks to Our Contributors
Brenda and Swep Davis
$1,000 to $9,999
Mary Lee Dayton
Anonymous (39)
The donors listed on the following pages generously contributed $1,000 or more in fiscal year 2010. The Wilderness Society gratefully acknowledges their commitment to protecting wilderness and caring for our wild places.
Frances K. Dibner
Catherine Abbott
Jaimie and David Field
Alan Abelson
Diana R. Gillanders
Doug A. Adams
Emily and Gene Grant
Jim Adams
Chara and John Haas
Eric and Audra Adelberger
Julie and Parker Hall
B. J. Adelson
Ruth and Ben Hammett
Susan and William Ahearn
Julia and J. J. Healy
Jodie and George Allen
Sara Jackson Hertwig
Robert Allio
Jay Hiatt
Jane Sokolow and Edward A. Ames
Gretchen and Lyman Hull
Karen and Tucker Andersen
Rochelle Kaplan and Arthur Lipson
Marjorie and James L. Andrews
Ann R. and Michael A. Loeb
Margaret Andrews
Jacqueline Badger Mars
Terese M. Angwin
Laurie and John McBride
Mrs. Lowell J. Aplet
Sarah Merner and Craig McKibben
George Appell
Sally and Bill Meadows
Irwyn Applebaum
Janice Miller
William Appleton
Heidi Nitze
Holly and Bernie Arghiere
Diana and Bruce Rauner
Mary Jo and Fred Armbrust
Amy and Jay Regan Nancy and Edward Rice
Marshall Hackett Whiting and Richard Arnold
Kathryn Riddell
Russell Atha III
Mary and Gaylan Rockswold
John S. Babcock
Connie and Ted Roosevelt IV
William Bacchus
Anne and William Russell
Robert D. Bacon
Valentine Schaffner
Yvonne and Dan Bailey
Ellen Marshall Scholle
Edgar P. Bailey
Eleanor Nadler Schwartz
Tim Bain
Jan and Carl Siechert
Mrs. Elliot Baines
Lois and Arthur Stainman
Albert J. Balducchi
Alice and Fred Stanback Jr.
Malcolm Balfour
Dianne B. and David J. Stern
Barbara and John P. Balser
Joanna Sturm
Thomas Barrow
J. H. Taylor
Marcia and David Barstow
Edward B. Whitney
Kathryn and Harold Bean
Marsha McMahan Zelus
Keith Bean
Individuals $100,000 or more Anonymous (5) Dianne Feinstein and Richard Blum Barbara and Bertram Cohn Judith and Stewart M. Colton Barbara and Joseph Ellis Laura Debonis and Scott Nathan Marge and Gilman Ordway Jennifer Stanley Maggie and Doug Walker
Founded 75 years ago, The Wilderness Society has been
$10,000 to $99,999
called “an organization of spirited people.” Today our
Anonymous (10)
members continue to exhibit that spirit of support. More
Marcia Kunstel and Joseph Albright
than 500,000 citizens, committed to preserving the finest
Currie and Tom Barron
lands left in America, support The Wilderness Society financially and through their actions: making calls, attending hearings, and sending letters and e-mail messages.
Gail Austin Dr. and Mrs. Reinier Beeuwkes III Bruce Berger Crandall and Erskine Bowles Mrs. Walter F. Brissenden Marilyn and Allan Brown
We thank each and every one of these spirited people for their dedication to our mission of creating a wilderness legacy for future generations.
The Reverend and Mrs. C. F. Buechner Heidi and Bill Bumpers Sara T. Campbell Malinda and Yvon Chouinard Barbara J. and David A. Churchill Michael D. Coley Jr.
20 I The Wilderness Society
Kathleen A. Becker
Lisa C. Caplan
Sherry Ann and Edward Dayton
Wayne L. Feakes
Mr. and Mrs. William Goadby
Nancy and Peter B. Benedict
Paul Caponigro
Eric Dayton
Cynthia S. and Robert L. Feldman
Billie and Martin Gold
Lawrence Benenson
Thomas Carlino
John W. Dayton
Bill Fenn
Rita S. Gold
Dalice Benge
Judith L. Carlson
Kenneth D. Deaton
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Ferguson
Sunny and Bradley Goldberg
Walter R. Benoit
Margaret Carlson
Charles de Ganay
Mrs. Hubert L. Ferguson
David A. Golden
Helen Bentley
Theresa and John Cederholm
Frank Delfino
Arthur L. Finn
Mitchell Golden
Jan Campbell and James Berneking
Joan and Park Chamberlain
Sheila Dennis
Joanne and Peter Fischer
Steven H. Golding
Jane Bernstein
Ashford R. Chancelor
Barbara Crawford and Nancy Deshon
Ruth and Allen Fisher
Phillip Goldstein
Pamela Oxenberg and Martin Bernstein
Leslie S. Christodoulopoulos
Stephanie and Russell Deyo
Carol Fleishauer
Edwin Goldwasser
Clarence Beyer
Loraine Pearsall and Paul Chrostowski
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dick
Susan and Robert B. Flint Jr.
Beverly H. Goodman
Richard O. Bierregaard
Virginia Clark Clarkson
Joan Diggs
Sonia Florian
William S. Goodman
Marion and John C. Bierwirth
Audrey and Charles Clay
James K. Donnell
Agnes Hughes and Gunther Fonken
Katherine L. Goolsby
Mrs. George P. Bissell Jr.
Julie A. Clayman
Griswold Draz
John A. Fonstad
Nancy A. Goolsby
Sally and Alan Black
Judith and Steven Clifford
Lucy McCarthy and John Drury
Margot and Ben Fooshee
Mary and Gary Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Blanchard III
Anne Springs Close
Loren Blackford and Michael Dubno
Barbara J. Foote
Patsy M. Graham
Eleanor and Peter Blitzer
Jeff Clough
Paul V. Dufour
Gregory A. Fowler
Julia L. Grant
Nancy Blitzer
Willard Cochrane
Janet Duke
Catherine E. Fox
Dennis J. Gredell
Julie E. Edsforth and Jabe Blumenthal
Murray Cohen
Ann Duncan
Marion Greene
Amy and Philip Blumenthal
Lynn Brinton and Daniel E. Cohn
Myrl L. Duncan
Carla D’Arista and George T. Frampton Jr.
Carolyn and John K. Boitnott
Carolyn Beall Colwell and The Colwell Family Fund
Paul L. Dunklee
Sandra Bolton Beatrice and Bill Booth Ann Bowker Louise S. Bowman Elsa and William Boyce John A. Bradley Shannon J. Brandon Betty Breunig Eleanor Briccetti Liza F. Brickley Ernest P. Brinkley Barbara and Peter Brinkley Carolyn Summers and David Brittenham Frederick C. Brose Mary Catherine Bunting Cynthia and Charles Burgess Elvira and Terry Burns Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caiola Loulie and William Canady
Jane S. Comer RoseAnn B. Comstock Anne and Bill Conn Forrest C. Conrath George M. Covington Helen Cowan Timothy H. Crawford III Merry and Terrence Croft Janet Mitchell and Jerry Cromwell Lynn Cross Patricia Sabalis and Timothy Crowell Mary Culp D. Cunnings Don Dake Becca and Harry M. Dalton Severyn S. Dana Gene L. Daniels Shirley B. Dawson
Peter D. Durst Sylvia Duryee Joanne Waldron Dwyer Margo and George Earley Patty and Len Eaton Elizabeth Farrar and Craig Eckel Gary Edwards Jeri Edwards Kemerer Edwards Julie C. Eichenberger Frank W. Ellis Charles Ellman Margaret K. and James Ellsworth Frances G. Beinecke and Paul Elston Margot and Chris Enbom Jayme and Jerome Epstein Donna Esteves Roberta and Quentin C. Eyberg Kate and Henry Faulkner
Kenneth Frank
Gary, Julie, Sydney, and Maddy Greenstein
Bart Friedman
Rusty Gregory
Linda and Dennis Fromholzer
Glenn Gribble
Helga Fuller
Christine L. Dickey and Stephen L. Griffith
Robert Gable Laurie A. Gabriel M. Lee Gaillard Mr. and Mrs. Leandro S. Galban Jr. Marilyn Gamble Lynne and William Garbose Kathleen Garfield Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Garnsey Jr. John A. Garraty Arthur Gaume Patricia Geiger Liliane V. Gersh Ann and David Getches Frances Ginsberg Janey and Ed Gleaves Nancy and Christopher Gloe
Scott Grimm William J. Grist, M.D. Nina B. Griswold Sara and Ed Groark Barbara Grodd Nancy E. Newton and David Grusin Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel Peter Guggenheimer Barbara and Clayton Haberman Linnea T. Hadlock Frederick D. Haffner, M.D. R. Flip Hagood Margaret Halvorson Ruth and Franklin Harold Jessie M. Harris
Annual Report 2010 I 21
Cynthia and Leo O. Harris
Robert Jesperson
Susan and Robert Kuehlthau
Noel Mann
John and Sandra Mitchel
Loraine Harris
Carol A. Jewell
Deborah and Peter Lamm
Michael Mantell
Laura A. Mitchell
Alexandra M. Harrison
Eleigh Johns
Susan M. Lancelotta
Chris P. Marcella
Joseph Mnuk
Mr. J. Barton Harrison
Dwight L. Johnson
Sue and Roger Lang
Forrest E. Mars Jr.
John H. Moe
Ann Harvey
Douglas Jones
Esther and Kenneth Lange
Robert S. Marshall
Craig Moody
John H. Harvey, Ph.D.
Margaret M. Jones
Janet E. Lanman
Crozer W. Martin
Claire W. Mooers
Mark J. Hausknecht, M.D.
Chris Jordan
Murray Lapides
Barbara and John Matsinger
Lois S. Moore
Colleen Hazel
Mrs. Henry A. Jordan
Roy Lapidus
M. A. Maw
Ann Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Heidell
Edward Juda
Roger Larson
Teresa Mawhinney
Janet Morrow
Jean and John Heins
Carol and Frederick Jules
Jennifer and Charles Laue
Philip R. Mayhew
Anna-Maria Mueller
Chuck Hendricks
Suzanne Bober and Stephen Kahn
Shirley J. Laviolette
Elizabeth McElroy
Phyllis Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henigson
Dale S. Kammerlohr
David R. Lawrence
H. McLaren
Betty Munsee
Kim R. Henry
Janey and Kevin Kaster
Marta J. Lawrence
Francis McAdoo
Beth Murphy
Rebecca and Robert Hess
Melissa Elstein and Eric Katzman
Clare and Mike Leahy
Jane McCammon
Anthony Musset
Roger Hess
John M. Kauffmann
Leslie and Michael Lebeau
Betty and Conn McConnell
Kelsey Wirth and Samuel S. Myers
Hermi and John Hiatt
Yukako Kawata
Eleanor McBride and Timothy Lee
Patricia W. McCoy
Dr. and Mrs. William Naftel
Marilyn W. Hickey
Nancy F. Kearney
Barbara and Thomas Leggat
John McCune
William A. Newsom
Jessie Hill
Joanne and Dennis Keith
Dee and Robert Leggett
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McCune Jr.
Bette Nichols
Lee and Jim Hilton
Mary Kelly
William Leimbach
Carter McFarland
Leonard Nicholson
Dianne and David Hoaglin
Marilyn Wiles-Kettenmann and Robert Kettenmann
Daniel G. Lentz
Cynthia and David McGrath
Elsa and John Nimmo
E. J. Key
Sandy Lerner
Margaret A. McLellan
Gail and David Nochimson
A. Lesk
Helen Meadors
Amy and Dan Nordstrom
Billy Lewis
MF Meadors, Jr.
Priscilla Natkins and Seth Novatt
Mary L. Lewis
Paul Meadow
Janet Nye
Perrin and David Lilly
Dorothy Mears Ward
Scott Olson
Amy Liss
Michelle Britton Mehlisch
Christine and Edwin Ordway
Malia and David Litman
Cynthia Kring and Richard Melsheimer
Linda and Edward Ornitz
Lael M. Locke
Mrs. Albert Merck
H. Osborn
Betty White Ludden
Alice and Robert Mertz
Martha and Robert Osborne
Marie and Gary Ludi
Sindy Micho
L. L. Oster
Hampton and Kevin Luzak
Lindsay Mickles
Marylou L. Pardue
Cyrus H. Lyle Jr.
Catherine Milbourn
Diane Parish
Peter Lyman
Wandra Miles
Diane Williams Parker
Diana Lynch
Hope S. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Parsegian
Lydia Sargent Macauley
Walter E. D. Miller
Anne Pattee
Lynn Maclean
Sara A. Mills
David Pedersen
Mary A. Mahoney
Carol Halperin Minkin
William L. Peebles
Laure Manheimer
Dwight Minton
Alan Penczek
Susanne and John Manley
Margaret and Edmond Missiaen
Phyllis Penrod
Rick Hoffer Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoguet III Steven Holl Jan and Maurice Holloway Patricia A. Holmes Thomas A. Hopkins Nancy F. Houghton Mr. and Mrs. William G. Howard Marie Huet Shirley Hunt Ann and Tom Hunt John R. Hunting Barb and Dave Hurd Dan Hurley Lisa Beaudreau and Matthew Hyde Dominique and Charles Inge Bill James Carol and Keith James Ann and Louis K. Jensen 22 I The Wilderness Society
Robert and Jane Kibler Deneen and Ken Kickbusch Jeanie and Murray Kilgour Graydon Kingsland Gretchen and Charles Kingsley Harold Kirker Phil Kislak Margot Kittredge Paul C. Klahr Patricia A. Klesinger James T. Knowles Glade Koch Diane and Gerard Koeppel Kay Koplovitz Mary Ellen and George Korbelik Peg and David Krosschell Charles Krout
Theresa A. Perenich
Hagood Brings Different Perspectives to Governing Council
J. H. Peters Karen C. Petrilla Beverly Phillips Colin S. Phipps Cynthia and Richard Plank Nancy Plaxico Wendy Shattuck and Sam Plimpton Sidney Posel Helen Posey Philip Preston Markita Price Martin R. Prince, M.D. Beatrice and Leonard Prosnitz Alice J. Purcell Janina Quint Robert R. Quintero Mary B. Demere Raae Marjorie B. Rachlin Susan Ott and David Ralph Judith Randal Joe L. Randles Sara Ransford Carolyn and Will Ratliff Eileen and Charles Read William W. Reed Monique M. Regard Anne and Scott Reines Virginia Poole and John Rentzepis Phyllis Reynolds Ruth S. Rich Linda Ridenour Anne Powell Riley Alice M. Rivlin Timothy A. Robert Barbara Parish and Gary Roberts Sandra A. Adams and Tom D. Roberts
© Brad Christensen/NOLS
E. A. Phillips
Wilderness Society board member Reginald “Flip” Hagood estimates that he’s been to the Grand Canyon 50 times, mainly during the years he spent directing ranger training for the National Park Service. But that natural treasure still revs his engines. Hagood’s love of nature was born early, even though he grew up on the streets of Washington, D.C. “My friends and I put together these little makeshift boats and paddled around the Anacostia River,” he recalls. “One night when I was 11, on a dare, a few of us had our first over-night on an island out there. We survived. “My grandfather also was very influential in developing my love of nature. Up until I was 15 and had jobs, I spent my summers with him in rural Anderson County, South Carolina. It was an introduction to animals and to fishing.” He became a Boy Scout and vividly remembers camping trips to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. But Hagood did not picture himself pursuing a career in nature. As a college student at Howard University, he majored in education and criminal justice. After graduation in 1963, he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and served 14 months in Vietnam, earning the Purple Heart medal. Back in Washington, Hagood started a master’s program at American University and found work as a policeman with the National Park Service. Before long he became “enamored” of the national parks and, after earning his degree, stuck with the agency. Hagood became a park ranger, with a law enforcement orientation. During a 30-year career with the Park Service, he eventually moved up to become chief of employee development and training.
Retiring in 1995, Hagood made a natural transition to the Student Conservation Association (SCA), which provides college and high school-aged youngsters with hands-on conservation service opportunities, many of them in national parks. Today he is a senior vice president, focusing on strategic initiatives and business development. Ten years ago Wilderness Society President William H. Meadows asked Hagood to join our Governing Council, the 36-member body that governs the organization. “It was a great honor,” he recalls. “I had been aware of The Wilderness Society from my days teaching rangers about the Wilderness Act. When you do that you can’t help but learn about the central role that The Wilderness Society played in creating the Wilderness System.” Hagood, like all members of the council, relishes the opportunity to promote stewardship of the lands that belong to the American people. In addition, he has a special interest in broadening the constituency of those who care about those places. “I am passionate about changing the face of conservation,” he says. In particular, he wants to engage young Americans and people of color—including his five-year-old granddaughter. He also serves on the boards of the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), the Institute for Conservation Leadership (ICL), and the Association of Partners for Public Lands (APPL). Hagood manages to carve out some time to lecture, mainly about diversity and natural resources, at Howard, the University of Vermont, Michigan, American University, Harvard, the University of Maryland, and other schools. “When I began with The Wilderness Society,” Hagood says, “I was immediately impressed by the staff’s expertise and credibility. I also have come to realize what an effective partner the organization is. It’s a group that doesn’t worry so much about getting credit and focuses more on finding a collaborative way to achieve its goals.”
Larry Rockefeller Annual Report 2010 I 23
Karal Schlundt
Mountain Man Conrad Anker Is Fighting Climate Change
Emily Schoenbaum Mary Mowbray and Roland Schroeder Heidi Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Schumann
© Max Lowe
As one of the world’s most renowned mountain climbers, Wilderness Society member Conrad Anker is acutely aware of the changes in the Earth’s climate—and he speaks frequently to audiences he hopes will accelerate the lumbering effort to address this sobering challenge. “The glacier equilibrium line, where ice accumulates above and melts below,” he says, “is understood to be a good indication of a glacier’s health, and in the Himalayas that line has moved 3,000 feet higher since the 1980s.” A native of Big Oak Flat, not far from Yosemite, Anker camped in the back county with his family every summer. “By age 14 I wanted a bigger challenge, so I began rope climbing, and two years later I set off to climb Mt. Rainier,” he recalls. Now 48, the University of Utah graduate has taken on the world’s most challenging climbs, reaching summits in Alaska, Antarctica, the Himalayas, South America, and elsewhere. His most satisfying expedition was in 1991, when he and Seth Shaw took on 8,835-foot Middle Triple Peak at the southern end of the Alaska Range. “It’s a place that exemplifies the power and wild beauty of our planet,” Anker says. Over four weeks they battled not only the mountain but an earthquake and severe storms. On the descent, Anker fell 100 feet—but had the good fortune to land in seven feet of snow. In 1999 he and best friend Alex Lowe were overcome by an avalanche in the Himalayas. Conrad barely survived; Lowe did not. An HDTV documentary, “The Endless Knot,” tells the story, and in honor of Lowe, Anker helped create the Khumbu Climbing School for Sherpas and high-altitude workers. Another of his Himalayan expeditions was a search for the body of George Mallory, the preeminent Everest explorer of the 1920s. The disappearance of Mallory and Sandy Irvine on their 1924 summit bid is one of climbing’s great mysteries, and Anker discovered the legendary climber frozen into rock. The National Geographic Society captured the story in “The Wildest Dream,” released in 2010. Anker’s exploits have made him an effective spokesman for The North Face and for Timex. He also furthers the work of various nonprofits, besides his climbing school. His appreciation of The Wilderness Society dates back to the days when his parents were members. “Your name explains why you are important,” says Anker, who lives in Bozeman, Montana, with his wife Jenni Lowe and three children. “We need wilderness. It’s where we get clean water, it scrubs our air, and it is vital to certain rare species such as wolverines and bobcats. The Wilderness Society led the fight to create the Wilderness System and continues to provide the expertise to save our mountains, forests, and wildlife for future generations. ” He and his wife are part of our Friends of Wilderness program—supporters who make automatic monthly contributions through a checking account. “I’m an optimist by nature,” says Anker, who studies Latin for fun. “Every day’s a good day. Protecting our planet is a huge challenge, but if each of us just keeps plugging, we’ll succeed.”
Muriel and Maurice Schwartz Rosemary and Jeffrey Sherman Diana Wege Sherogan and Tim Sherogan Alistair Sherret Robin R. Shield Lucretia and John Sias Frederick L. Silbernagel Amy and Adam Simon Elizabeth B. Simon Abby R. Simpson Murali and Gouri Sivarajan David J. Skar Mary Helen and John B. Slater Terri and Rich Slivka Jacqueline A. Smalley Linda McMullen and Farwell Smith Cynthia O. Smyth Anne C. Snyder Marguerite J. Soffa William Sowter Carolyn Mangeng and Dale Spall Jon Spar John Sperling Dr. and Mrs. Randall S. Sprick Laurie and Ben Stanley Christy and Robin Stebbins Peggy Steffel
David Rodd
Carl Rosenberg
Mrs. Stephen G. Rudisill
Elizabeth and Nathaniel Saltonstall
Janet Roebuck
Catherine and Paul Rosenberger
Elizabeth Ruffin
Annette Malinsky and Victor Sandler
Joyce and Waldron Rogers
Myron R. Rosenthal
Jim A. Rupke
John Scanlan
Holly and William Rom
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rotberg
Virginia D. Rushmore
Timothy Schaffner
June and Barr Rosenberg
Callae and Ed Rounds
Ann Rembert and Daniel Safranek
Lewis B. Scheffey Karen Matthews and Michael Scheier
24 I The Wilderness Society
L. Harold Stephens W. Eugene Stern Nancy P. Stetson Caroline S. Stevenson Frances W. Stevenson Catherine M. Stiefel Lisa and Jon Stine
Howard F. Stirn
Gigi and James Voegeli
Patricia A. Powers and Thomas R. Wolfe
Ruth H. Brown Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Max Stolz Jr.
Erich Voester
Barbara Wolff-Reichert
The Bullitt Foundation
Joseph and Marie Field Foundation
Eunice and Donald Stover
Karen Vogl
Doug Wood
Fir Tree Fund 2
Rick Stowe
Mrs. Philip R. Von Stade
John A. Woollam
Campaign for America’s Wilderness of the PEW Environment Group
Marion Strack
James Wadsworth
Roger Worthington
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
Foundation For The Carolinas
Sally Thompson Strait
Kathleen Walker
Sara Wragge
Susan and Gordon Street
Julie Lutz and George Wallerstein
Pei-Hsing and Tien H. Wu
Joan and Mark Strobel
Denise A. Ward
J. A. Wunderlich III
Scott Stromatt
Kurt Warmbier
Chris Wurtele
Sandy Kinney and Robert Sugg
George Warrington
Dorothy S. Wylie
Ruby and William Suter
Patricia and Philip Washburn
Paula Wolferseder Yabar
Susan J. Suwinski
Mrs. Robert B. Waters
Joyce Yaffe
June K. Swango
James C. Waugh
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Young
Mark Sweeney
Elliot R. Wax
John Zapp
Yachiyo Takamatsu
Sanford Waxer
Pamela Pride Eaton and Edward Zukoski
Grace Taper
Dorothy and Dean Weber
Nancy Taylor
Amy Vedder and Bill Weber
Paul W. Taylor
Evelene Wechsler
Sangita and John Tentler
Speed Weed
Samuel T. Test
Mark Weeks
Clare E. Thaw
John A. Weihe
Lowell Thomas Jr.
Marshall Weinberg
Jess D. Thompson
John Wells
Ferdinand Thun
Sally Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Tourville
Steven M. Wells
Elizabeth J. Townsend
John A. Wesner
James B. Townsend Jr.
Dana English and Tom Whalen
Susan and Robert Townsend
Gene A. Whitaker
Thomas A. Traber
Darcy and Charles White
Barbara Trask
Margaret White
Cindy and Frederick Tresher
Nancy Hanes White
Amy and Stephen Unfried
Searle Whitney
Jon Ungar
Richard Wieboldt
Richard Urell
David R. Wiemer
Myriam Urrutia-Eder
Peter S. Wilson
Lelia Vaughan
Dorothy Winnette
Sally S. Venerable
Bente and Don Winston
Nancy Verber
Eleanor and Frederick Winston
Mary and Thomas Verhoeven
Aizik Wolf
Foundations, Corporations and Other Institutions Anonymous (4) 444 S Foundation Adirondack Community Trust Agua Fund, Inc. The Winifred and Harry B. Allen Foundation American Conservation Association, Inc. Appalachian Mountain Club The Aspenwood Foundation Bank of America The Baupost Group LLC Albert and Pamela Bendich Charitable Trust The Betterment Fund Cornelius N. Bliss Memorial Fund Jean F. Block Charitable Trust Bluestone Foundation Blumenthal Foundation Caroline Manning Bolton Legacy Fund The Boston Foundation The Brainerd Foundation
Andrea Waitt Carlton Family Foundation The Chrysalis Foundation The Cinnabar Foundation John and Bette Cohen Fund Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta The Community Foundation for the National Capital Area The Community Foundation of Boulder Community Foundation of Sonoma County Conservation Alliance Cook Inletkeeper The James M. Cox Jr. Foundation CREDO Robert L. Crowell Charitable Fund Davis Family Foundation Defenders of Wildlife Dewoskin/Roskin Foundation Harriet Ford Dickenson Foundation The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Dole Family Foundation
The Flori Foundation The Helen Clay Frick Foundation Michelle and Robert Friend Foundation Games That Give Gibson Family Foundation Glenlaurel Inn Glickenhaus Foundation Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund Goodsearch Charles M. and Mary D. Grant Foundation The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Greenwich Workshop, Inc. The Marc Haas Foundation Phoebe W. Haas Charitable Trust Hamill Family Foundation Harder Foundation The Harding Educational and Charitable Foundation Richard K. and Shirley S. Hemingway Foundation Jacob and Terese Hershey Foundation
Earth Friends Conservation Fund
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
The Educational Foundation of America
Hirschler Manufacturing, Inc.
EMSA Fund, Inc.
Huplits Foundation Trust
The Energy Foundation
Louis and Jane Jacobson Foundation
KMTT 103.7 The Mountain
Jenner & Block LLP
The Entrust Fund
Jewish Communal Fund
Environmental Defense Action Fund
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Faegre & Benson Foundation
Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Fairfield County Community Foundation
Joyce Green Family Foundation
The Fanwood Foundation
Kasala Furniture
Faraway Foundation Ferguson Foundation
Louis M. and Sally B. Kaplan Foundation Kendeda Fund Kenney Brothers Foundation Annual Report 2010 I 25
The Kibler Foundation
Panaphil Foundation
TSC Foundation, Inc.
JK Group Trustees
Amber Asimenios
Krehbiel Family Foundation
Patagonia, Inc.
Turner Foundation, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Gail B. Austin
LaSalle Adams Fund
The Peixotto Trust
Jane Smith Turner Foundation
Charles Axline
The Lazar Foundation
Princeton Area Community Foundation
van Itallie Foundation, Inc.
Kraft Foods
R. M. Baab
Leupold and Stevens Foundation
The Prospect Hill Foundation Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bacon
David H. Leuschen Foundation Living Springs Foundation
Resources Law Group, LLP
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation
Betty Jane Baer
The Longview Foundation
Resources Legacy Fund Foundation
Geraldine S. Violett Charitable Foundation
Lubo Fund, Inc.
Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc.
Network for Good
Lyndhurst Foundation
The Rice Family Foundation
Suzan R. Mackler Fund
B. T. Rocca Jr. Foundation
The Marcus Foundation
Rodel Foundation
Marisla Foundation
Savitt Family Fund of The Tides Foundation
West Virginia Highlands Conservancy
SB Foundation
Wiancko Charitable Foundation
The Mars Foundation Mellam Family Foundation R. K. Mellon Family Foundation Merck Family Fund
Schaffner Family Foundation Sarah I. Schieffelin Residuary Trust
Walt Disney Company William W. and Patricia L. Wessinger Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation White Pine Fund The William B. Wiener Jr. Foundation Wilburforce Foundation
Microsoft Corporation PepsiCo Foundation
Robert D. Bacon Milena Bailey Robert Baillie
PG&E Corporation Foundation
Martha Hatch Balph, In Memory of Robert McConnell Hatch
Recreational Equipment, Inc.
Tom and Currie Barron
TisBest Philanthropy
Donald Barry and Teiko Saito
Verizon Foundation
Emma M. Bartoy
The Robert Marshall Council
Dianne G. Batch David M. Bean Keith Bean
The Seattle Foundation
Matching Gifts and Other Funding
The Shanbrom Family Foundation
Adobe Systems
Kate, Bob and Andrew Smith Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Amgen Foundation
We are pleased to acknowledge the following individuals who have included The Wilderness Society in their wills or estate plans. The Robert Marshall Council is named for one of our founders, a visionary conservation hero who was the first person to help further our work with a bequest. Anonymous (295)
Howard A. and Dorothy G. Berger
National Center for Conservation Science and Policy
Solberg Manufacturing, Inc.
Babson Capital Management, LLC Bank of America Foundation
James F. Acton
Sandra Berndt
The Nature Conservancy
The Stettenheim Foundation
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Janet C. and Ronald L. Adams
Brian Besser
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Stoller Family Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
The Bullitt Foundation
Eric and Audra Adelberger
David Birkner
Dell Direct Giving Campaign
Dr. Mary Virginia Allen
Robert W. Bittner
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Dr. David W. Alsop
Inez Black
Earth Share
Jane Sokolow and Edward A. Ames
Larry and Constance Blackwood
EnCana Oil & Gas (USA), Inc.
Kay Amos
Robert O. Blake
Ford Foundation
Bud and Jackie Anderson
Col. Kenneth Bloodworth
Coca-Cola Foundation
Marilu Anderson
Carolyn Bluhm
GE Foundation
Marcia Angle and Mark Trustin
Betty Blumenkamp
General Mills Foundation
George and Donna Arbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Boeding
Roll Giving
Brenda Armstrong
Marjorie Boetter
Goldman, Sachs & Company
Doris Arnold
Helen S. Bolle
Kurt Aronow
James J. Boock
Honeywell Hometown Solutions
Marcy Ashby
Judy Bradford
Merlin Foundation Middle Fork River Expeditions Minerva Fund Montana Import Group Mumford Family Foundation The Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation
New Prospect Foundation The New-Land Foundation, Inc. The Norcross Wildlife Foundation, Inc. The October Hill Foundation George L. Ohrstrom Jr. Foundation Orchard Foundation Tom and Mary Orsini Fund of The Denver Foundation Overhills Foundation P-Twenty One Foundation The David and Lucile Packard Foundation 26 I The Wilderness Society
Susan and Ford Schumann Foundation Mendon F. Schutt Family Fund Schwab Charitable Fund
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
The James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Foundation Fund George B. Storer Foundation Studios Architecture Sustainable Sourcing, LLC Swimmer Family Foundation Sykes Family Foundation Tactics The Thomas Foundation Tortuga Foundation Town Creek Foundation
The Wyss Foundation
John and Ann Beane Phil and Lynn Beedle Beverly S. Bender Charles and Elin Bennett Billie Louise Bentzen Todd and Betty Berens
C. D. Cornwell
Sylvia Brody, Ph.D.
Anne M. Cowan
Allan and Marilyn Brown
John L. Coyier
Amy C. Browning
Frank Gary Crom
Joyce H. and Roland F. Bryan
Al and Yvonne Cullen
Mary Catherine Buck
Bethia S. Currie
Dr. William D. Buel
Neil W. Currie
Ms. Dale Burch
Guy E. Dahms
James R. and Denise J. Burch
Sali T. Dalton
Michael F. Burns
Benjamin Davis
Douglas W. Burton Jr.
Brenda and Swep Davis
Pauline B. Campbell
Nancy Davlantes
Lisa C. Caplan
Edward and Sherry Ann Dayton
Arthur Cappello
Jon Deak
Louise Carney
Susan Diaz
Frances Chamberlin Carter
William T. Dickerson
Margaret D. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Dillon
Thomas A. Cassilly
Sylvia Ruth Dillon
John T. and Theresa D. Cederholm
Michael DiMenna
Robert and Barbara Chabot
Wesley E. and Sophie G. Dirks
Ying C. Chang
Frank Discenza Jr. and Regina Discenza
Charles B. Chedsey
Lorraine W. Ditta
Luann K. Cheney-Smith
Martin Dodge
Sandra and Daniel Ciske
Harry L. Dodson
David B. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Dolan
Lois J. Cleworth
Dorothy L. Douglass
Robert C. Cohen
Ann H. Downer
Barbara and Bertram Cohn
Jules H. Drucker
Theodore and Alice Cohn
Michael Dryfoos and Ilga Jansons
Mary B. Cole
Carol J. Dulaney
David A. Collins
Don Dumelow
Marcie D. Colpas
Paul L. Dunklee Fund
Melisande Congdon-Doyle
Arthur Dusdall
Anne and Bill Conn
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Dwyer
Dr. Mary L. Contakos
Margo and George Earley
Betty Cooke
Jennifer Eden
Barbara J. Cooper
Professor Ernest Edwards
Carol Copp
Dr. Norman L. Egger
Brian Corey
William J. Ehmann
To Help Protect Alaska, Robert Bacon Wrote The Wilderness Society into His Will © Susan Orlansky
Elizabeth Breunig
Like many Wilderness Society members, Robert Bacon is a generous contributor because of our reputation as a tenacious defender of Alaska’s natural wonders. Besides making annual donations, the Oakland attorney has included The Wilderness Society in his will. Bacon’s interest in the state began after he had graduated from Stanford (in three years) and from King Hall School of Law at the University of California-Davis. “I applied for clerkships in appellate courts and received an offer from the Alaska Supreme Court, so I set off, sight unseen, for Anchorage,” he recalls. After that one-year clerkship was over, in 1977, the West Virginia native obtained a similar position with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. “Then I had the opportunity to return to Alaska, and I couldn’t resist,” Bacon says. He spent 12 more years there, first on the staff of the Appellate Courts and then as an assistant attorney general. In 1982 he joined The Wilderness Society, and he attended the opening of our Anchorage office. “I was impressed by The Wilderness Society’s professionalism and its focus on public lands, rather than trying to be all things to all people,” he says. “I liked the fact that there were economists on staff, and I felt that the group’s effectiveness was illustrated by the degree of venom expressed in places such as the Anchorage Times’ editorial page.” He often wrote letters to the editor and comments on draft environmental impact statements issued by federal agencies. Despite his love of Alaska lands, Bacon took a job in California’s Public Defender Office in 1990. “I eventually figured out that defending people sentenced to death was what I was supposed to be doing because I knew the law and opposed the death penalty,” he explains. (Alaska does not have the death penalty.) After six years with the state public defender, he set up his own practice, focusing on such cases. He is active in the Unitarian Universalist Church, which is a leader in social justice ministries. A cross-country skier, hiker, and photographer, Bacon manages to get back to Alaska for a week of vacation most years. Thanks to those trips, as well as station wagon travel as a youngster and other outings, he believes he has visited about half of the 58 full-fledged national parks. “Since I can’t be out there protecting these wonderful places,” he says, “I salve my conscience by writing a check to The Wilderness Society to represent me.”
Annual Report 2010 I 27
You Can Give at Work
Thank you to the many donors who contributed to The Wilderness Society last year through corporate, state, city, and county workplace giving campaigns. If you are a federal employee, you can support our work by designating #10638 on your pledge sheet during the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC ). The Wilderness Society is a founding member of Earth Share, a federation of America’s leading non-profit environmental and conservation organizations working together to promote environmental education and charitable giving through workplace giving campaigns. For more information regarding The Wilderness Society, Earth Share, or workplace giving, please contact The Society’s Membership Services Department at 1-800-The-Wild or
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Franke
Lynne W. Hansen
Dr. and Mrs. Louis K. Jensen
Helene Frankel
David and Eileen Hardy
Lucie Johns
Barbara J. Fraser
Pollyana Harmon
C. G. and Linda Johnson
Dr. Avery Freed
Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Harmon
Denny Johnson
Leona B. Freist
Miriam Harris, Ph.D.
Kristine Johnson
Mary Anne Freyer
Jessie M. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnston
Arthur Fry
Susan K. Harris
Dr. Nelson Jones
Dr. Virginia S. Furrow
Dr. John H. Harvey
Marie L. Gaillard
Doris Haskell
Dr. Warren R. Jones and Mrs. Janet B. Jones
Sarah F. Gaines
Georgina Hasney
Christopher D. Gates
DeeAnn A. Hast
H. F. Gehrlach
Christine B. Hayes
Eletha E. Gerber
Gerhard D. Heiter
John W. Gintell
DeWitt J. Henderson
Thelma Ginzler
T. Henneforth
Eliot Girsang and Richard Wilson
Eric and Sylvie Henning
Scott and Nadine Goetz
Robert W. Hewitt
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Graham
Eva Higgins
Fredianne Gray
S. M. Highberger
John Gray
Mary Lou L. Hill
MacBryan Green, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell P. Hill
Margaret S. Gregory
Jeffrey and Rebecca Himsl
Edna Grenlie
Edward Hoagland
Christine L. Dickey and Stephen L. Griffith
Dr. Leroy G. Holub Amanda W. Hopkins
Ms. Mim Eisenberg
Elizabeth A. Feldhusen
Nina B. Griswold
C. Elliman
Marla A. Ferguson
Merlin Groff
Benton Elliott
Francesco Ferraro
Sharyn Groslyn
Daphne Elliott
Darrell F. Fienup
Gayle Hackamack
Barbara E. Ellis
Arthur L. Finn
William B. Hale
Linda Jo Ellis
Louis M. Fiorentino
Jonathan B. Hales
Frances B. Elston
B. E. Fisher
David Edward and Nancy Mullen Hall
Howard Ennes Jr.
Mrs. Joseph L. Fisher
Julie and Parker Hall
Steven G. Erwood
JoAnn W. Flock
Mark Hallee
Dr. B. B. Eshbaugh
John J. Floreth
Natalie W. Halpin
Donna Esteves
Dr. Gunther S. Fonken and Ms. Agnes Hughes
Felicity Hammer
Dave Evans William D. Evers, Esq. Phyllis Falconer
28 I The Wilderness Society
Paul J. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Frank
John S. Hand, Ph.D. Russ and Patty Hannon Harvey A. Hansen
Dr. Ian Hood Perry Y. Hopkins H. W. Hopp Mr. and Mrs. William Horn Mary B. Horne James H. and Sherry P. Hubbard Dr. Morton W. Huber L. Barrie and Shirley Hunt William P. Jackson Jacques F. Jacobson Graham A. Jamieson Moreau Jansky Parsons Tim and Jan Jaskoski Allen Jefferis
Thomas J. Joyce Jay M. Julian Phyllis F. and Roy E. Kadle Ruth Gannett Kahn Jean M. Kane Dorothy S. Kanehl Kevin A. Karl Barbara O. Keeton Anne Kelemen William B. Kelly Dr. James S. Key Robert and Jane Kibler Sharon A. Killough Brad M. King Mrs. William F. Kirsch Jr. John Michael Kittross Josephine W. Kixmiller Paul C. Klahr Susan C. Klein Jean Klotzbach Mr. and Mrs. William E. Knox John and Ruth Kolvas E. A. Komczyk Kay Koplovitz Margaret Kornfeil David Korr and Jessica Franken Eugene V. and Lenore M. Kosso Betty J. Kraker Dr. Robert L. Kriel Mr. H. William Kuni
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kurz
R. Mamula
Robert H. Mosher
John D. Pickelman
Jean Sanders
Kathy L. Kuyper
Joanne Manoway
Constance Mounce
Patricia Piepho
Elizabeth A. Sartor
Robert Kvaas
C. L. Marshall
Ann M. Murphy
Gail Pigeon
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Schaefer
Greg A. La Fortune
Harry A. Marshall, III
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Murray
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Plank
Gloria G. and Karl F. Schlaepfer
Jon C. Lafleur
David A. Martin
Ross Murray
Nancy and Robert Plaxico
Helen L. Schneider
Virginia A. Lamarche
Howard and Fay Marx
Olga P. Najacht
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pollock
Elizabeth C. Schoeberlein
Jane Laporte
Cindy Marzolf
Ruth H. Neff
Phyllis J. Polumbo
Ellen Marshall Scholle
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Larson
Robert M. Mason
Darby and Geri Nelson
Gerald and Barbara Porter
Curtis Schuppe
Catherine L. Latham
Helen Mattin
Mark Nelson and Connie Krummrich
Myrna Barbara Pototsky
Eleanor Nadler Schwartz
Drs. Richard L. and Frances M. Latterell
Nancy M. Mayer
Katherine M. Ness
Nancy and Ben G. M. Priest
Dr. Louis F. Lawrence
Ursula Mayer
Susan Niles and Paul Schirmer
Alice F. Primrose
Dr. James Scott and Dr. Heidi Fleischmann
Mrs. Fred F. Lawson
Edmund E. McCann
Florence C. Norstrom
Ms. Susan Puder
Kirk Lawton
Lawrance H. McClung
Edward W. Norton
Freda-Wood Purvis
Dr. and Mrs. Guy W. Leadbetter Jr.
Ann McDonald
Jan K. and Judith E. Novak
L. S. Pyle
Tom and Barbara Leggat
Elizbeth Taillon McFee
Lois I. Nowak
Dr. Carolyn S. Quinn
Dr. Steven H. Leifheit and Pamela Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. McGavran Jr.
Dorothy and Alan Obre
H. Richard Randall
Dr. and Mrs. Rolf W. Lemp
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. McGrady
Gerald Orcholski and James A. Phillips
James McChesney Ranson
Joan Levers
John G. McInnis
Kathryn A. Ordway
Sandra Rasche
Dr. Lynn Levitt
Nancy McLachlin
John and Gloria Osberg
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Reinhart
B. J. Lewis
Don McNabb
Robbie Oxnard
Maryann Reis
Linda A. Lewis
Mary M. McPherson
Diane Pace
Gail F. Reissen
Mary L. Lewis
Deanna L. Mechensky
Patricia A. Packer
Kathleen Elyse Schmidt Renquist
Vivian R. Liddell
G. A. Melnick
Marsha E. Palitz
Mr. and Mrs. Cleo J. Richard
Ben Liles Jr.
Brenda Melstein
Deborah E. Palmer
Marie W. Ridder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindstrom
George and Judith Mercer
Henry Parker
Ruth Robinson
Joan C. Lindusky
Don Mercill and Pari L. Morse
Mary Webster Parker
Mary and Gaylan Rockswold
Anthony M. Smith
Carol T. Linnig
Betty Meyer
Mrs. Raymond D. Parker
Ernestine I. Smith
Stephen and Kathleen Linowski
Kay E. Meyer
Regina B. Pasche
Linda C. Roesner and Edward H. Roesner
Ian J. Smith
Nina Liu
Grace Michaels
Lucile B. Patrick
Mark Rohling
John R. Smith
Mrs. M. H. Lock
Ed Miller
Cynthia C. Payne
Edmond M. and Phyllis Root
Suzanne Snow
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lockwood
Dr. Edward D. Miller and Ms. Kathleen Milller
In Memory of David and Moolah Pearlmutter
Mary L. Rosczyk
Peter A. Soria
F. D. Rose
Edward Spalding
John E. Miller
Jerold Pearson
Kenneth A. Rosvold
Mr. Lynn Spensley
John J. B. Miller
Robert and Madeline Pendergrass
Victoria Roy
Dr. Nicholas Sperelakis
Leslie Miller
Dr. Theresa Perenich
John L. Rundle Jr.
Dr. Dennis Spitz
Margaret Miller
Dottie Perry
Douglas M. Ruthardt
James and Dolores Sprague
Patricia L. Minnick
Polly Perry
Dr. and Mrs. Dante Salera
M. G. Springer
Claire W. Mooers
J. Henry Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Saltonstall
Barbara St. George
Dr. James A. Morris
Craig M. Peterson, Ph.D.
Jaya Salzman
West Stache
Ruth Lofgren Ann Lowry Caroline Lowsma Dayton Lummis Larry Lundberg Mary J. Lundell James Macfadden Lawrence R. and Helen Jane Mack
Dr. Adolph M. Segal Mrs. Henry M. Shafer Norma G. Shaw Max and Nadia Shepard Robert Shultz Harold and June Siebert Ann B. Simpson Beverly L. Simpson Charles and Mary Sinclair Sandra K. Skaggs Thomas A. Skerry David D. Skryja Marcia L. Slatkin Nancy Slocum Hornick
Annual Report 2010 I 29
Jennifer and Edmund A. Stanley Jr.
Gifts Come in All Kinds of Packages
Dr. Kent L. Steckmesser Steven R. Stegner Gary Stevens
© Allie DaSilva
Bethany LeBlanc credits her mother for instilling a conservation ethic that has helped make LeBlanc a leader of sustainability efforts at State Street, the Boston-based financial services giant born in 1792. She began by volunteering with the Food Project, which teaches inner-city teenagers about sustainable growing and the advantages of local food. Last year she collaborated with ING’s green team to launch a farmer’s market that brought local food to the companies’ 2,500 employees. LeBlanc also organized a kickball tournament that raised more than $2000 for the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies and its Gulf oil spill clean-up efforts. For these and other efforts as a volunteer on the Employee Environmental Sustainability Committee, she recently received State Street’s Global Outreach Excellence Award. She was not the only winner; LeBlanc selected The Wilderness Society to receive $1500 from State Street on her behalf. “I am very concerned about the threats posed to wild places, especially by oil drilling and logging, so it made sense to name The Wilderness Society,” explained the project analyst, who also has been Bethany LeBlanc named State Street’s Environmental Sustainability Champion of the Year. She receives our regular WildAlerts, keeping her informed of such issues. LeBlanc’s gift illustrates the creative ways that people are helping The Wilderness Society protect America’s land and wildlife for future generations. Will Field of Gladwyne, Pennsylvania, asked those invited to his Bar Mitzvah to consider a contribution to The Wilderness Society in lieu of a present for him, and so far more than 25 generous contributions have arrived. Will may be the youngest member in our 76-year history. When he was five, his parents hosted a Wilderness Society party, with President William H. Meadows in attendance. (Will’s father, David, is on our Governing Council.) “I snuck into the party and was very impressed by what Mr. Meadows had to say,” Will recalls, “so I went back upstairs, emptied the $10 in my piggy bank, and gave it to him.” That made him a member. The youngster became devoted to the outdoors mainly through family trips to Colorado. “The Wilderness Society was an obvious choice for my Bar Mitzvah gifts because it represents everything I believe in.” Another teenager who helped The Wilderness Society, in her case as part of a Bat Mitzvah, is Carley Rose Dorsey of Evergreen, Colorado. “I love nature, especially animals,” Carley says. So she designed a logo and tag line (“Love it, let’s fix it”) and put them on tee shirts and bracelets. She donated all the money she received from sales of these items to The Wilderness Society. “Carley came to our Denver office during the holiday season last December and presented us with a generous check,” recalls Nada Culver, a lawyer who is friends with the Dorseys. “In February we received another contribution. She’s a great kid with a big heart.” “There are all kinds of ways to support the work that we do,” observes Senior Vice President Paula Wolferseder Yabar. “A few months ago we received a contribution in memory of a member’s beloved dog, and professional snowboarder Forrest Shearer designated a $2,000 donation to us from one of his sponsors, Tactics.” If you would like to discuss an idea, contact Robin Hickman: 202-429-2603 or
Dr. Marion B. Stewart and Ms. Marcia Glanz Robert G. Stine Barbara R. Stinson Eleanor H. Stoddard Ruth Storms Vi Strain Elaine Strassburger Georgene Stratman Joanna Sturm Sheila R. Suarez and John Suarez Glen V. Swegle Karen J. Swope M. G. Szetela Karen P. Thomas Bette Thompson Mr. and Mrs. H. Keith Tiedemann Robert Tolfree L. Diane Tompkins Robert R. Traut Joyce Tullock Samuel E. Tuma Dr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tuttle John H. Tyler Dr. and Mrs. David C. Ulmer Jr. F. R. Van Den Dries Sarita Van Vleck Abigail P. van Alstyne Paulette Vartabedian H. J. Velsor Jr. Dr. Nancy Verber Mr. Van R. Vibber Mr. and Mrs. Voegeli
30 I The Wilderness Society
Jordan Voelker
Susan Woehrlin
Ruth W. Fields
Barbara J. Raskin
Donald A. Vogel
Richard W. and Lynn D. Woerpel
Judith B. Frankel
Harry D. and Mary L. Reber
Helen E. Vogt
Barry H. Wolf
Melvin H. Friedman
Bonnie M. Rhodes
Phyllis M. Vogt
Michael N. Wood
Helen M. Fruth
Vivian K. Ryan
Fred F. Wadsworth
Steven Woodbury and Ann Bauer
Jean D. Galkin
David Rynin
James R. Wagner
Professor Herbert E. Wright
Ruth H. Geffers
Ruth M. Sampson
Priscilla L. Waite
Reverend and Mrs. Roger G. Wrigley
Suzanne Gilbert
George V. and Jean A. Smith
Joseph and Carol Waldner
Thomas C. Yeoman
Barbara K. Girdler
Lois J. Smith
Billy C. and Jo Ann L. Wallace
Margaret Young
Avis S. Goodwin
Alice L. Spengler
Judge E. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Zahn Kristina G. Zea
Ralph and Dorothy Graham Memorial Fund
Grace C. Stebbins
Robert Wallace Judy A. Warner
Denise Zembryki and Ronald Mamajek
Marie E. Greubel
Veda Stern
Aimee M. Waters
Ben Zuckerman
Mary T. Griessen
R. D. Watson
Borys Zukowski and Stephanie Korcyn-Zukowski
Grace Cooper Harrison
Kendrick C. Webb Dr. and Mrs. Edward C. Weber Marshall M. Weinberg Jim E. Weinel Darrell G. Wells Sally Wells Charles H. and Salome S. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Jack West Cynthia S. Westerman Gladys P. Westman Ginia Davis Wexler Sue Whan Anna Wheelock Roger B. White James R. Whitefield Phyllis Whitney Tabor Edward B. Whitney Charles Tucker Wilkinson Ann Byers Wille Roger M. Williams Thomas D. Williams Michael Owen Willson Gail Wilson and Tim Archibald Mr. and Mrs. Donald Winston II Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Winston
Bequests We are deeply honored and grateful to acknowledge gifts received during fiscal year 2010 from the estates of the following individuals:
Thomas A. Griffin Marvelle A. Herbster Ouida Mundy Hill Memorial Fund Florence M. Hoehne Estelle Marie Howe Carol Inberg
Mary P. Stegner Mary I. Stevenson Rebecca B. Stickney Malia Stromquist Catherine V. von Schon Dorothy B. Webber Maurice and Marion Westover Winifred S. White Alice L. Williams
Anonymous (1)
Christine E. Jacobs
Earl P. and Olive S. Andrews
Mary Louise Jones
Herman J. Ast
Grace C. Kirshner
Dorothy W. Bell
Ruth P. Shellhorn Kueser
L. Edward Bevins
Dr. S. Marie Kuhnen
Contributed Services and In-Kind Gifts
Pauline Bill
Dr. Harriet J. Kupferer
Baker & Botts, LLP
Dr. David A. Burton
Bertha A. Lewis
Breckenridge Brewery
Jeannette A. Cabeen
Mildred A. Lillis
Cascade Loop Scenic Highway
Georgia F. Cave
Robert R. Linden
David Churchill
Dale H. Champion
Guy F. Lipscomb Jr.
Katherine R. Clement
Helen C. McCabe
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
Evelyn G. Davies
Dr. Barbara McEwen
Opal W. and M. Cecil Davis
Ella H. Medwin
Robert D. Deets
Elise R. Meehan
Carolyn S. Dejanikus
Daniel D. Morrill
Jane C. Dirks-Edmunds, Ph.D.
Helen W. Newman
Nelson C. Doland Jr. in memory of Jayne S. Doland, and Ethel S. and Nelson C. Doland Sr.
Spaulding A. Norris Barbara A. Powell Elizabeth H. Prather
Herbert L. and Doris S. Young Henry and Susanne Zimpelmann
North Central Washington Economic Development District North Cascades Institute North Cascades National Park REI Seattle Weekly Sun Mountain Lodge
Photography: Jason K. Bach Bob Christensen Sam Cox Don Dailey John Dittli Bob Donnan Lincoln Else John Fielder Pat Gaines Bill Hodge Anne Hamersky Robert Glenn Ketchum Kent Miller Sasha Nelson Becky Nourse Alan Schmierer Wendy Shattil Bill Swindaman Tom Till Y.M.C.A. BOLD
Faegre & Benson, LLP Jenner & Block LLP KCTS 9 KMTT 103.7 The Mountain Lisk and Rowe Gallery Kevin Luzak Mazama Country Inn Susan Mowrey
Annual Report 2010 I 31
On Solid Ground: Financial Summary Because of the recession, fiscal year 2010 was a challenge for most nonprofits. All of us had to tend our contributions and investments even more carefully than usual, while putting as much funding as possible toward our missions. The Wilderness Society met that challenge, making notable progress in protecting the lands that belong to all Americans. Our capital reserves and endowment investments are at all-time highs, totaling $25.6 million. This is due to generous pledges in 2009 by donors who were able to increase their giving significantly despite the economic downturn. Meanwhile, unrestricted net assets from operations increased by $568,000. In addition, we managed spending wisely, so expenses in 2010 were lower than they were in 2008, enabling us to add funds to our reserves. Expenditures for program were 82 percent of total expenses in 2010 and 79 percent in 2009. Our revenues were $12.2 million less in 2010 than in 2009. While this appears troubling, that gap is almost entirely attributable to one pledge received in 2009 to be used over three years. This pledge was recorded as temporarily restricted income to be moved into unrestricted income over the life of the gift.
Our Members and Supporters
Fiscal Year 2010 Expenses 5%
Revenues and Assets
20,000,000 10,000,000
If you would like to receive a copy of our audited financial statements, or if you have any questions about this overview or The Wilderness Society, please contact us at: The Wilderness Society Attn: Membership Services 1615 M Street, NW • Washington, DC 20036-3209 E-mail: or visit: 32 I The Wilderness Society
Statements of Financial Position (Fiscal years ended September 30)
Assets Cash and cash equivalents Accounts and contributions receivable Investments Planned giving investments Long-term receivables Beneficial interest in assets held by others Prepaid and other assets Furniture, equipment and leasehold improvements (net) Total assets Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses Capitlal Lease Obligation Custodial funds Deferred rent Planned giving liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total liabilities and net assets
579,859 10,522,057 25,581,858 5,703,670 663,297 7,190,283 899,168 2,012,387 $ 53,152,579
$ 1,442,778 12,545,623 20,630,169 5,731,044 5,082,819 7,168,444 562,191 2,334,293 $ 55,497,361
$ 1,318,284 9,765,043 17,209,557 6,417,854 6,095,243 6,340,283 551,988 2,335,318 $ 50,033,570
$ 3,282,266 19,453 26,030 105,378 3,196,300 6,629,427
$ 2,904,544 39,268 26,030 235,358 3,495,372 6,700,572
$ 3,252,730 171,094 26,030 446,837 3,776,872 7,673,563
8,071,666 27,131,089 11,320,397 46,523,152 $ 53,152,579
7,072,978 30,459,242 11,264,569 48,796,789 $5 5,497,361
5,963,707 25,284,903 11,111,397 42,360,007 $ 50,033,570
$ 11,909,951 7,803,470 633,852 20,347,273 361,127 1,886,519 22,594,919
$ 26,160,097 6,004,290 372,385 32,536,772 698,753 1,353,480 34,589,005
$ 16,976,002 6,979,435 909,731 24,865,168 533,044 652,827 26,051,039
18,603,273 5,531,832 24,135,105
17,556,328 5,213,443 22,769,771
17,810,909 3,747,813 21,558,722
2,320,143 1,584,533 3,904,676 1,604,523 5,509,199 29,644,304 (7,049,385) 2,600,408 2,696,238 (520,898) (2,273,637) 48,796,789 $ 46,523,152
2,516,565 1,883,328 4,399,893 1,474,646 5,874,539 28,644,310 5,944,695 1,433,630 (894,582) (46,961) 6,436,782 42,360,007 $ 48,796,789
Statements of Activities Revenues Individuals Foundations Corporations Total contributions Investment income Other Total revenues Expenses Program Services Conservation projects Public education Support services Membership Development Total fundraising Management and general Total expenses Change in net assets from operations Gains (losses) from investments and other changes Change in value of split-interest agreements Other changes in net assets Change in net assets Beginning net assets Ending net assets
4,607,209 3,215,333 7,822,542 1,459,330 9,281,872 30,840,594 (4,789,555) (5,794,137) (2,494,943) (4,560) (13,083,195) 55,443,202 $ 42,360,007
Annual Report 2010 I 33
Governing Council and Staff © Holly Werran, courtesy of REI
Anne R. Conn, Seattle, WA Margo Earley, Mount Hood, OR
Frederick L. Silbernagel III, Senior VP (Finance & Administration)
Chris and Margot Enbom, San Anselmo, CA
Amy Vedder, Senior VP (Conservation)
Dan Flickinger, Seattle, WA
Paula Wolferseder Yabar, Senior VP (Membership, Marketing & Development)
Ed Groark, McLean, VA Ann Harvey, Wilson, WY Gerald and Lena Hirschler, Kirkland, WA Jeffrey Kenner, New York, NY Michael and Ann Loeb, New York, NY Henry D. Lord, New Haven, CT Patrick and Sandy Martin, Evanston, IL Edward A. Ames, Riverdale, NY James R. Baca, Albuquerque, NM Thomas A. Barron, Boulder, CO Richard Blum, San Francisco, CA
David Getches, Boulder, CO Caroline M. Getty, Corona Del Mar, CA Reginald “Flip” Hagood, Washington, DC
David Bonderman, Fort Worth, TX*
Marcia Kunstel, Jackson, WY, Secretary*
Crandall Bowles, Charlotte, NC
Kevin Luzak, New York, NY, Treasurer*
William M. Bumpers, Cabin John, MD
Michael A. Mantell, Sacramento, CA
Majora Carter, Bronx, NY
Dave Matthews, Charlottesville, VA
Bethine Church, Boise, ID
Molly McUsic, Chevy Chase, MD, Vice Chair*
Bertram J. Cohn, New York, NY William J. Cronon, Ph.D., Madison, WI, Vice Chair* Brenda S. Davis, Ph.D., Bozeman, MT*
Christina Wong, Tempe, AZ
Janice Miller, Pacific Palisades, CA Priscilla Natkins, Scarsdale, NY
Hansjörg Wyss, West Chester, PA*
Diane Parish and Paul Gelburd, Sausalito, CA
* member of Executive Committee
Nancy Plaxico, Annapolis, MD
Honorary Council
Gaylan Rockswold, M.D., Ph.D., Minneapolis, MN
Frances G. Beinecke, Bronx, NY
Carl and Jan Siechert, Pasadena, CA
Robert O. Blake, Washington, DC
Robin Stebbins, Ph.D., Silver Spring, MD
Gilman Ordway, Wilson, WY Charles Wilkinson, Boulder, CO
Ted and Penny Thomas, Princeton, NJ
Heather Kendall Miller, Anchorage, AK
President’s Council
Scott A. Nathan, Boston, MA
Gail Austin, Georgetown, KY
Andrew Turner, Ph.D. and Barbara Turner, Seattle, WA
Jaime Pinkham, St. Paul, MN
Allan and Marilyn Brown, Portola Valley, CA
Christopher J. Elliman, New York, NY
Rebecca L. Rom, Edina, MN
Joseph H. Ellis, Cornwall, CT
Theodore Roosevelt IV, New York, NY
David J. Field, Gladwyne, PA
Patrick L. Smith, Arlee, MT
George T. Frampton, New York, NY
Cathy Douglas Stone, Boston, MA
Jerry F. Franklin, Ph.D., Issaquah, WA
Sara Vera, Seattle, WA
34 I The Wilderness Society
Douglas Walker, Seattle, WA, Chair*
Frances Chamberlin Carter, Green Valley, AZ David* and Barbara Churchill, Bethesda, MD Stewart and Judith Colton, Short Hills, NJ
William H. Meadows, President
James and Margaret Ellsworth, Mill Valley, CA
Rick Flory and Lee Robert, Paradise Valley, AZ
Governing Council
Marshall Hackett Whiting and Richard Arnold, Telluride, CO Edward B. Whitney, New York, NY Eleanor and Frederick M. Winston, Wayzata, MN Marsha M. Zelus, Carmel, CA * Chair of the President’s Council
Communications and Marketing Jane Taylor, Vice President Laura Bailey, Bennett H. Beach, Lisa Dare, Emily Diamond-Falk, Jennifer Dickson, Ted Fickes, Andrea Imler, Brenda Kane, Kathy Kilmer, Annette Kondo, Christopher Lancette, David Madison, Neil Shader, Jennifer Stephens, Kitty Thomas, Tashia Tucker, Jared White
Executive Mandy DeVine, Leslie Jones (General Counsel), Linda Saunders Smith, Kathleen Welsch
Finance Ashford Chancelor, Vice President Ray Boyer, David Conley, Gina Even, Sharon Hess, Julie Hogan, Diane Jackson, Maria Saponara, Stacey Terry
Membership and Development Corinne Abbott, Heather Addison, Maura Sullivan Biasi, Sean Bowie, Cullen Brady, Kristina Brownlee, Moira Chapin, Mary Dennis, Sheila Dennis, Lisa Diekmann, Jennifer Donahue, Amanda Eisen, Jodie Goldberg, Meredith Gower, Robin Hickman, Betty Holmes, Luciana Honigman, William Klass, Julie
Levine, Michael Lund, Cheryl Manley, Anthony Nelson, Jeff Ray, Jessica Rudman, Lora Sodini, Tamara Sperling, Stephanie Taylor, Sally Wells, Jennifer White, Barbara Young
Operations Lisa L. Loehr, Vice President Gerald Arthur, Anita Godfrey, Patricia Holmes, Caranda Julius, Djonggi Lubis, Terry New, Emily Rogers
Public Lands Ann J. Morgan, Vice President Jon Belak, Nada Wolff Culver, Alex Daue, Pamela Eaton, Benjamin Friedman, Phillip Hanceford, Ti Hays, Joshua Hicks, Margie Linskey, Paul Sanford, Juli Slivka, Vera Smith, Jane Steadman
Public Policy Melanie Beller, Vice President David Alberswerth, M’Shae Alderman, Cecilia Clavet, Liese Dureau Dart, Nevena Djurdjevic, Michael Francis, Jessica Goad, Chase Huntley, J. P. Leous, Anne M. Merwin, David Moulton, Alan Rowsome, Louise Tucker
Regional Conservation Sara Barth, Vice President Bob Ekey, Assistant Vice President (Northwest) Leanne Klyza Linck, Assistant Vice President (East) Melyssa Watson, Assistant Vice President (Southwest) Anna Wlodarczyk; ALASKA: Nicole Whittington-Evans (Director), Lois Epstein, Karen Hardigg, Connie Quinley, Lydia Olympic, Austin Williams; CALIFORNIA/NEVADA: Dan Smuts (Director), Bryce Esch,
Richard Fairbanks, Samuel Goldman, Sally Miller, Daniel Rossman, Stanley Van Velsor; COLORADO: Suzanne Jones (Director), Camille BrightSmith, Barbara Hawke, Soren Jespersen, Steve Smith; UTAH: Julie Mack (Director), Steve Knox; IDAHO: Craig Gehrke (Director), Brenda Bielke, Bradley Brooks, John McCarthy; NORTHEAST: Ben Rose (Director), Brian Gagnon, Mary Krueger, Jeremy Sheaffer; NORTHERN ROCKIES: Peter Aengst (Director), Megan Birzell, Scott Brennan, Anne Carlson, Jennifer Ferenstein, Janelle Holden, Steff Kessler, Anne Rockhold; PACIFIC NORTHWEST: Peter Dykstra (Director), Julianne Bukey, Kathleen Craig, Bob Freimark, Cynthia Wilkerson; SOUTHEAST: Brent Martin (Director), Jill Gottesman; SOUTHWEST: Michael Casaus (Director), Zoe Krasney; WILDERNESS SUPPORT CENTER: Jeremy Garncarz (Director), Ryan Bidwell, Michael Carroll, Michael Costello, Melissa Giacchino, Matt Keller, Bart Koehler, Nicole Layman, Lindsey Levick, Michael Quigley, Paul Spitler, Jeff Widen
Regional Offices
9 Union St. (3rd floor) Hallowell, ME 04347 207-626-5553
1660 Wynkoop St. (#850) Denver, CO 80202 303-650-5818
Spencer Phillips, Vice President H. Michael Anderson, Greg Aplet, Travis Belote, Jennifer Boggs, Michele Crist, Matthew Dietz, John Gallo, Michelle A. Haefele, Dawn Hartley, Evan Hjerpe, Ann Ingerson, Joe Kerkvliet, Wendy Loya, Stephanie McAfee, Peter McKinley, Pete Morton, Christine Soliva, Janice Thomson, Mark Wilbert, Bo Wilmer, Ryan Wilson
705 Christensen Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99501 907-272-9453
Pacific Northwest 720 Third Ave. (#1800) Seattle, WA 98104 206-624-6430
Southeast 563 W. Main St. (#1) Sylva, NC 28779 828-587-9453
Wilderness Support Center 1309 E. 3rd Ave. (# 36) Durango, CO 81301 970-247-8788
655 Montgomery St. (#1000) San Francisco, CA 94111 415-398-1111
Annual Report
Northern Rockies
Photo Editor: Lisa Dare
503 W. Mendenhall Bozeman, MT 59715 406-586-1600
Design: Amanda Davies,
Idaho 950 W. Bannock St. (#602) Boise, ID 83702 208-343-8153
Editor: Bennett H. Beach
Page 3 photography credits: Brad Niva: ©, Rebecca W. Mahurin: © Kelly Gorham, Roger Osorio: © Bill Hodge, Katie Gibson: © Scott Bischke
TREES SAVED This report was printed on Mohawk Options paper, which is made entirely of 100% post-consumer-waste recycled fiber and is produced with 100% wind power. Using this paper instead of virgin stock produced with fossil fuelbased electricity saved 22 fully grown trees and 7 million BTUs of energy. Selection of this paper, which is certified by Smartwood to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), also prevented the creation of 2,106 pounds of greenhouse gases and 616 pounds of solid waste. Environmental impact estimates were made using the Environmental Defense Fund Paper Calculator (
Utah 1055 East 200, South Salt Lake City, UT 84102 801-355-8504
New Mexico 600 Central Ave. (#237) Albuquerque, NM 87102 505-247-0834
Annual Report 2010 I 35
The Wilderness Society 1615 M Street, Northwest Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 833-2300 1-800-THE-WILD
by David Matthews How would I explain a forest to Someone who has never been in one – The trees and the wind thru them, The birds and their songs and Their acrobatic flight about the branches. The smell of the last time and The time before and the time before That, that I was in the woods. The Sound and the silence. The peace And the crunch of the leaves and the branches On the snow. The sound of a stream or A woodpecker or a squirrel disappearing. And the trees reaching up and up And up to gather the sun and turn Light to air, to jigsaw the moonlit winter Sky. The trees like a fortress for the natural World. What if I could not take my Children for a walk in the woods.
Front Cover: Mountain goats at Glacier National Park. © Art Wolfe/ Back Cover: Bob Marshall Wilderness. © Jeff L. Fox