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Chambersburg, Pennsylvania


Third Party Candidates Offer Options IN THIS ISSUE...

Editorials 2

By Tiffany Cobb

It is common to hear people during this election year say voting is like choosing the lesser of two evils. However, there are always more than two choices, even during the presidential election. This year there are over twenty Third Party candidates in the United States While not all of them are on every ballot, eight of the candidates are on ballots in at least five states. Among those eight are the three Third Party Candidates that are on ballots in all fifty states. These included Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and Darrell Castle. Gary Johnson is a member of the Libertarian Party and a former two-term governor of New Mexico. Johnson’s running mate is former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld who also served two-terms. The Libertarian Party is a large supporter of maximizing the right of the individual with the main purpose of government being to help protect individuals. Dr. Jill Stein is a member of the Green Party. Stein is a

Unforgiving Fans Sarah’s Cupboard

Campus 3 News 4

Clown Concerns

Issues 5

Breast Cancer Awareness Athlete of the Week

Sports 6

Entertainment 7

“Two Man Group”

Calendar 8

practicing physician who has fought for healthy environments and human rights for over 20 years by providing help to nonprofit organizations and communities in need. Stein’s running mate is Ajamu Baraka, a defender of human rights, both domestic and internationally. The Green

Party prides themselves on focusing on social justice, peace, and environmental rights. The final third party candidate on ballots in all fifty states is Darrell Castle, a member of the Constitution Party Castle is a former U.S. Marine Corps member and current lawyer in his own private law firm. His

running mate is Scott Bradley, a former Utah Air National Guard member and current independent business owner. The Constitution Party focuses on holding the government to constitutional limits in order to prevent the government from being closely intertwined with citizen individual rights. While Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton are the two candidates getting the most publicity and may seem like the only choices for the presidency election cycle, it is important to stay informed on all options, including the Third Party Candidates.

Eight Years, One Veto, One Override: 9/11 Bill to Become Law

By Tiffany Cobb

For the first time in Barack Obama’s eight year presidency, Congress overrode a bill that he vetoed. On Tuesday Sept. 20, President Obama vetoed the 9/11 Bill that would allow the families of 9/11 victims to sue the Saudi Arabian government for any part they may have had in the terrorist attacks. Fifteen of the nineteen attackers were of Saudi descent. Obama presented his veto with the understanding that compensation should be given to those who suffered from the terrorist attack. However he felt that the bill was the wrong

way to approach the topic. Congress did not agree with the veto and overrode it with overwhelming votes in both the House and the Senate. Congress agreed those affected by the 9/11 attack might seek justice through the courts allowing suits against a country they feel holds responsibility for the attacks. This may help the victims and their families reach closure after years of hurt. While the bill may not take away the pain of the families, Congress hopes the bill can in some way bring about justice for the victims. Congress may not have fully

considered the diplomatic retaliation the new bill may bring. Saudi Arabia has threatened to remove themselves from billions of dollars worth of holdings they have in the United States. Some economists say this will do more harm to the Saudi government than to America, but the risk remains. The new 9/11 Bill changes current laws which prevent foreign countries from being sued in US Federal Court. However, the 9/11 Bill changes the law and allows foreign countries to be sued in the federal court system if they are suspected of playing a part in a terrorist at-

tack, resulting in the deaths of U.S. citizens in America. While it seems as if Congress is not considering, or perhaps has outweighed the diplomatic repercussions, it is a main concern of President Obama’s even after his overridden veto. When asked about the override, Obama continues to stress that while he understands where Congress is coming from, he believes it is ultimately not the best decision for the United States. To hear more of President Obama’s view on the veto of the 9/11 Bill, view the CNN interview at https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=hz5peB31Ac4.





Sympathy Foregone by Unforgiving Fans

Last week, many heard about how five assailants posing as Hôtel de Pourtalès employees robbed Kim Kardashian in her penthouse suite, stealing millions of dollars worth of jewelry and holding the reality star at gunpoint. Many saw the ugliness of the event, while a few ridiculed her and said she deserved it. All because of who she is and what she is known for. Ironically, society is more sympathetic to female celebrities with “A-List” status such as Adele or Jennifer Aniston. I mean, even looking back to a few years ago when someone broke into Sandra Bullock’s home and she managed to get out without confronting the perpetrator, people did not say horrible things.

Instead, they offered sympathy and condolences. But why? They make just as much money. They are just as famous. Yet Kardashian is the one that gets the backlash and it’s more than likely because of how she became famous. I’m in no way a fan of Kim Kardashian. I could never watch the reality show she is on because her voice annoys me, and I myself do not really get why she is even famous. But you have to give her credit for her fame, considering that it is clearly not easy when it was a sex tape that launched her career. Just because she does not have as much of a ‘respected’ resume, does not mean she deserves the laughter and hate for this incident. No person deserves to go through

what she went through. Yet many judge her because of who she is and her career. Many other female celebrities including Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are also continuously reminded of their low points which are not looked highly upon as well. Meanwhile, people have forgotten male celebrity mistakes like with Jerry Springer and Robert Downey Jr. Did you know Springer was involved with a sex scandal involving a prostitute and cashed check early in his career? Or that Downey was in prison for a drug conviction? It is disturbing how the media focuses on female celebrity mistakes in comparison to men’s. The men could do pretty much the exact same thing and no one would bat

an eyelash. However, that could also get into society’s general double-standard. So let’s change something about this. As an Elle Magazine article pointed out, even people who showed respect and sympathy towards Kardashian were praising her as “a mother, a daughter, a wife.” However, they totally missed the fact that, thank goodness, she was okay. Yes, she means a lot to those close to her, but sympathy should not be given only because she is loved by others. We, as a society, need to look at the human being and stop judging because of mistakes. No one is perfect.

- Jenna Kauffman Editor-in-Chief

The Perils of Publishing: Ludicrous Locations

Writing is a rewarding endeavor for many and with it comes the need to publish. With the exponential growth of self-publishing, printing, blogs, and websites, publishing becomes as easy as pressing a button to launch written work into cyberspace. The internet makes it easier for writers to publish their work, yet it sometimes comes with a price. Self-publishing, such as blogs and WordPress, can potentially harm a writer’s reputation. Other sites include clickbaits, or sites that use provocative headlines such as “21 Things You’ll Wish You Knew Before Going to High School” to draw traffic to the website. This traffic is mainly sought out in order to get readers to see ads that pay for the upkeep of the website rather than to read the actual articles. These sites should not be

confused with satirical publications, such as The Onion and Cracked, which write articles using humor and sarcasm to comment on the events in social and political news. In the case of satire, it is understood that the written work is not meant to be taken to heart and that the exaggeration is poking fun and promoting thought on the subject. Clickbait sites are entertaining, especially if there is a cute animal video or GIF to go along with the article, but they can cause irreparable damage to a future career. One reason these sites are so dangerous is that there is no traditional vetting process a writer would find in a legitimate publication entity like The New York Times or Penguin Press. Vetting is the editing and proofreading of a piece before it goes to press. Having a sec-

ond, third, or even fourth pair of eyes is critical for any piece to flourish as it minimally allows for the identification of grammar mistakes and awkward phrasing. While most editing and proofreading is the writer’s responsibility, editors are an invaluable resource in the publishing industry. They ensure the polish of a piece and rid it of any distracting typos. Uploading a piece of work directly to an online interface eliminates this vetting, and editing rests solely on the writer. It creates a situation where a piece may not be fully developed or polished, resulting in sub-par quality. Legitimate publications also have the prestige that newly created websites do not. Submitting work to a place that has a bad reputation, either concerning quality or subject matter, can harm a writer’s

reputation. Every time a writer uploads to a “bad” site, he/ she degrades his/her reputation as their name is now associated with a bad news site or a bad company. In an industry where reputation and credibility are the building blocks and currency, the better the reputation that is presented, the better the jobs that will be available. Belonging to a bad publishing company also shows a lack of research and awareness of the current media population. In an industry where reputation is everything, the location of publication matters. It shows seriousness and dedication, as well as an awareness of the industry.

- Caitlyn Minelli Online Editor

BILLBOARD STAFF Advisers: Kimberly Maske-Mertz Robin Herring Editor-in-Chief: Jenna Kauffman Staff Writers: Kirsten Bilger Tiffany Cobb Laura Giacomini Tram Ho Michael Marconi Caitlyn Minelli Hong Nguyen Aurora Ortiz Sam Schlegel Ghada Tafesh EDITORIAL MISSION STATEMENT

The Wilson Billboard is a once-monthly student-run newsmagazine serving the Wilson College and Chambersburg community. Our mission is to relay important information to the campus and provide a forum for intelligent and democratic discussion. To fulfill this mission, the Billboard recognizes the many goals of the Wilson community and strives to encourage communication between students, faculty, staff and administration in an ethical and non-biased fashion.





Sarah’s Cupboard: Food Security for Students By Tram Ho

On Sept. 30, Wilson College announced the grand opening of Sarah’s Cupboard. Dean Mary Beth Williams hosted an opening ceremony for Sarah’s Cupboard. Dean Williams, Chaplain Emily Morgan and student Keion Adams ’17 are responsible for the creation of the project. According to the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness, 48% of college students face food insecurities and hunger during the course of a year. The primary mission of Sarah’s Cupboard is to provide emergency food for students to assist in their success during college. Chaplain Morgan stated, “The idea is that if a student is hungry, they cannot concentrate on class and are more likely to miss classes or do poorly. If we can prevent a student from being hungry, we can ensure more students succeed.” The cupboard also aims to

create a connection to community resources by giving “community free meals and other food pantries,” according to the event flier. The ceremony moved to Lenfest Commons 005 – the official location of the Sarah’s cupboard - for a ribbon cutting. Then, Dean Williams and Chaplain Morgan spoke about the operation of Sarah’s Cupboard. Students can visit the cupboard twice a month with their student I.D. card. The Cupboard is designed much like a store for students to pick up items It uses a point system where there is a ten-point maximum for a single student and a fifteen-point maximum for a single parent with children for each visit. Students can get enough food for three days, as each point can purchase one to three items. The Cupboard provides a variety of things such as jellies, ramen, snacks, beans, soup, and pasta. Students can get food from the Cupboard to make their favor-

Photos by Tram Ho

ite recipes, for example, ramen and green beans. Students are given a shopping list during visit with confidential information. This way, the staff can keep better track of what students want and need. Sarah’s Cupboard is open Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays from

2 p.m. to 5 p.m. If these time do not work, students can arrange a visit by appointment with Chaplain Morgan. The Cupboard is also open during breaks to ensure that all students have enough food during their stay at Wilson. For more information, feel free to contact Chaplain Morgan at emily.morgan@ wilson.edu or 717-264-4141.

Common Hour Talk: Copulsky Speaks of God’s Plan By Kirsten Bilger

Wilson College and the local community gathered together on Oct. 4 to listen to Jerome Copulsky and his experience with teaching the Bible. Copulsky spent fifteen weeks teaching the Hebrew Bible to inmates at the Maryland Correctional Institution in Jessup. He spoke of one class in particular where he taught a male class and they came across the book of Job. His students immediately gave their take on what they thought the book meant. Copulsky says, “I witness these men building their minds, grappling with the ideas that for them are not merely abstract, but of the most immediate and ultimate concern.” These men have similar backgrounds with living in bad

neighborhoods, taking part in gangs and illegal behavior. They are given the chance to get an education and improve their lives. The book of Job discusses controversial topics with the big overall question asking why evil exists. Copulsky started the discussion with narrating the story. Job lives in a world where things do not always make sense as the righteous suffer while the wicked prosper. He had wealth, cattle, and a family. Job stays faithful to God in his life and shuns evil. In the story, a divine council happened between God and His advisors. God tells them how good Job is and how he is the best. Everyone agrees, except for one. The lone advisor speaks out and tells God that Job is only good because he has everything. A bet is

then made between the two and suffering falls upon Job. Job’s cattle die, his wealth disappears, fire rains from the sky, and his sons and daughters die. Though Job is put through this suffering, he continues to be faithful and worships God. God speaks again to His council of how good Job is and the same advisor disagrees. The advisor inflicts a skin disease upon Job, causing him pain and horrible disfigurement. When three friends come to visit Job, they do not recognize him because of how disfigured he has become. As his friends look upon him, Job is silent. Seven days go by without Job speaking while his friends stand by him. After the seven days, Job begins to curse his birth. He believes that death or not existing at all would be better

than what he is going through. He begins to realize that life is not fair and questions why God allowed this to happen to him. A storm appears and God’s voice booms out in anger. He tells Job that he was not there when the world was created and so cannot understand what has been planned. Copulsky concludes with saying that the limited minds of humans cannot fathom God’s purpose and plans. Everything happens for a reason, whether we like it or not, and there is a reason behind it. It may be a test of faith, a preparation for something that is to happen in the future, or to make someone stronger. Like Job going through his trials, we all must face what comes our way. Whatever may happen, it is all part of God’s plan for us.





Creepy Clown Sightings Cause Safety Concerns By Aurora Ortiz

For the past few months, clown sightings in more than 10 states have Americans on edge. There is a longstanding love-hate relationship with clowns. Some children and adults dislike clowns, while others enjoy their tomfoolery. However, with clown sightings getting closer to home, America is no longer laughing. According to The Guardian, a young boy in a Greenville, SC complex witnessed the first clown sighting on August 29, 2016. Police reports state two clowns were spotted near the woods by the boy. The clowns tried to lure him into the woods. The police found nothing while searching and the incident was assumed to be a one-time thing. It clearly was not, as the sightings still continue months later. Soon after the first sighting, more clowns began appearing throughout the woods in South


Carolina. These sightings frightened residents but seemed relatively harmless. Authorities encouraged parents to keep a close eye on their children and not allow them out alone after dark. However, when September rolled around, clowns began to appear in North Carolina. Up until this point the clowns were more creepy than harmful. They continued to lurk near woods trying to lure children into the woods. ABC News states that by mid-September, clown sightings had spread to Georgia, Alabama, and Maryland. Clowns began to chase children, lurk around schools, and in some cases, threaten schools through social media and letters. Some were even said to wield knives and machetes. Recently, clowns have been spotted in Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and New Jersey with reports of clowns chasing children and adults. Students at

a high school in Dallastown, Pa, reported hearing threats made against the school on Friday, Sept. 30. However, no clowns were spotted and all students made it home safely. York College and Shippensburg University students reported multiple clown sightings on and off campus. FOX43 News reported that multiple York College students observed clowns standing in the streets near campus. In both the Dallastown High School and York College cases, authorities did not find evidence concerning these threats and sightings. The Public Opinion stated that police responded to two different cases of clowns sightings at Shippensburg University. Despite reported sightings, police cannot find supporting evidence. The clown sightings are not only nerve-racking; they are also hurting careers. Profession-

al clowns have spoken about the negative impact the sightings are having on their jobs. Their families are scared they may get hurt. People are less likely to hire them for a party or visit them at carnivals and amusement parks. Many professional clowns hope the clown sightings stop before they permanently damage the profession. However, with Halloween around the corner, police expect reports of clown sightings to increase. They ask everyone to stay safe and alert, especially at night, and encourage anyone who sees a clown to call 911. As the clown epidemic continues, and with sightings so close to Chambersburg, students should avoid walking alone in the evening. If at any time anyone feels unsafe about walking through campus, call Security. Wilson’s Security guards are happy to walk/drive with anyone who feels unsafe.


“What would you do if you were chased by a clown?” Amanda Wimmer ‘19

Sam Ritter ‘20

Marissa Rankin ‘19

Cameron Wolfe ‘20

“Start running away!”

“Stab it.”

“Look at it questioningly!”

“Probably just walk up to it. It’s just a mask.”

The “creepy clown” epidemic sweeping the nation has hit our area with the latest sighting at Shippensburg University. Should police get involved, or is this trend simply all in good fun? - Yes, the police should arrest anyone dressed as a clown.: 1 (16.67%)

- No, it’s just a harmless Halloween prank.: 0 (0.00%)

- Yes, and a ban should be put in place on all clown costumes until further notice.: 0 (0.00%)

- Police should only arrest clowns that pose a threat or are found harassing individuals.: 5 (83.33%)

Make your voice heard at www.thewilsonbillboard.com!





By Kirsten Bilger

When you hear October, what do you think of? Halloween, candy, costumes? With Halloween comes the decorations: cobwebs, zombies, and carved pumpkins. Yet, there is another decoration that needs more attention: the pink ribbon. October is not only the month of Halloween, it is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month. October was chosen for awareness month in 1983 when the first “Race for the Cure” was held. With each year, more and more people participate in some form of walk to raise awareness for breast cancer. People walk for miles sporting pink attire and some wear shirts with faces of loved ones who have



died as a result of this disease. In 1985, AstraZeneca established the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) . This company makes two drugs to fight breast cancer. During the month of October, the NBCAM raises awareness of the disease and money to continue their work in finding a cure for breast cancer. Their goal is to bring awareness to both males and females about the disease. They encourage women to get mammograms, which detect any lumps on the breast that may be cancerous. As for men, NBCAM encourages them to go to the doctor immediately if there is any problems in the breast area. Although there is a higher



rate for women to develop breast cancer, men have the possibility of getting it as well. However, it is rare for males to be diagnosed with breast cancer. Their risk is about 1 in 1,000, while the female risk is at about 1 in 8. That is why NBCAM encourages females to get mammograms so doctors can detect any formation of breast cancer and begin treatments early to cure it. For those who have lost loved ones due to the disease, it can be a difficult time. Watching a loved one go through treatments, endure chemotherapy, and illness can be tough. Patients are fighting the disease for the chance to continue on and live. They are brave



and become stronger after what they have gone through. For some, however, the disease becomes too strong for them to fight or it spreads to different organs and parts of the body. It is heartbreaking to watch a relative, a friend, or a stranger battle breast cancer and lose their fight against it. That is why NBCAM raises awareness and money about breast cancer: to find cures for those who have this disease. Two ways to help in the quest for a cure are to donate money to NBCAM, or purchase a Panera bagel in the shape of a ribbon in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Proceeds from ribbon bagel sales will be donated to help find a cure.

BSU and ResLife Take Students on Historic Journey

By Ghada Tafesh

The Black Student Union (BSU) and Residence Life organized a trip to the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC), a Smithsonian Institute museum in Washington, D.C. that opened its doors to the public on Sept. 24. The trip on Oct. 1 offered students free transportation to the National Mall in D.C. and timed passes to enter the museum. With a symbolic location and design that represents the past, present, and future of the African American experience, the NMAAHC is the only national museum devoted exclusively to the docu-

mentation of African American life, history, and culture. North of the building is the White House, which made history in 2008 with the election of President Barack Obama. Rising to the east beyond the National Mall and other Smithsonian museums is the U.S. Capitol, seat of the nation’s legislative bodies. To the south and west are monuments and memorials for Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington, whose contributions to African American history and culture are highlighted in the museum. An Act of Congress in 2003 established the museum, fol-

lowing decades of efforts to promote and highlight the contributions of African Americans in U.S. history. To date, the museum has collected more than 36,000 artifacts and there are nearly 100,000 charter members. In addition, the museum has attracted an unprecedented number of local, national, and international visitors due to its historic significance and high visibility. Because of this popularity, advanced timed passes are no longer available through March 2017. Maegan Majka ‘19 reflects on the trip saying, “It was really special to be one of the first people to visit. I thought

the Museum was eye-opening. It really captured powerful moments and struggles that African Americans faced.” Dasia Edwards ‘18 adds, “There was so much history to learn about a variety of topics. It definitely takes more than one trip to see everything.” Thirty-six students had the chance to enjoy the experience and share it with others thanks to BSU and Residence Life. The NMAAHC is a public institution open to all. Anyone is welcome to participate, collaborate, and learn more about African American history and culture.

Hispanic Heritage Month Celebrates Cultural Diversity

By Laura Giacomini

From Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated in the United States. This can be your chance to research more into your roots and see whether you have any Hispanic ancestors and be proud of it. It is a good opportunity to ask a classmate, coworker, teacher, neighbor, friend or significant other about their home country’s culture and celebrate to help raise awareness about

cultural diversity. It might also be a time to start wondering how US history was shaped by Spanish heritage and what its contribution is to this day. According to hispanicheritagemonth.org, the month was enacted into law on August 17, 1988. The first day of Hispanic Heritage month coincides with the independence anniversary of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua from Spain. Mexico, Chile and Belize

also celebrate their independence days during this period. In Argentina, it is no longer called “Día de la Raza” (“Day of Race”) and is now called “Día de la Diversidad Cultural” (“Day of Cultural Diversity”). The rationale behind this change was to promote historical reflection and raise intercultural awareness as well as protect aboriginal peoples’ human rights. In the U.S., this day is called “Columbus Day.” The celebration of this

month in the U.S. gives the Hispanic community a chance to embrace their culture and share it proudly in a country that is now their home. It would be interesting if we all took part in this celebration in order to be more knowledgeable about Hispanic traditions and ways of life because, at the end of the day, no matter your nationality, we all share the same human values and love for our own culture.




Raihan Azim ‘20


Athlete of the Week

The Wilson College Athletics Department is pleased to announce the “Athlete of the Week” for 9/25/2016. Freshman Raihan Azim (Auckland, New Zealand, One Tree Hill) was chosen as the Athlete of the Week for his outstanding performance on the soccer field.

Men’s Soccer

Azim is off to a blistering start this season as he has scored 9 goals in 9 games this season while shooting an impressive 67% in shots on goal. He leads the team with his 9 goals and also ranks first on the team with 20 points, while leading the Phoenix to a 4-4-1 record. Azim scored both goals, including the overtime winner, in a 2-1 victory over Penn College on Saturday. Congratulations Raihan!

Field Hockey

S ch e d u l e

Men’s Soccer

Women’s Soccer

Women’s Volleyball

Sat, Oct. 15 vs Keuka College 1:00 p.m. HOME

Sat, Oct. 15 vs Cazenovia College 3:00 p.m. HOME

Sat, Oct. 15 vs Cazenovia College 1:00 p.m. HOME

Sat, Oct. 15 vs Wells College 4:00 p.m. HOME

Mon, Oct. 17 vs Randolph-Macon 4:00 p.m. HOME

Sun, Oct. 16 vs Morrisville State 2:00 p.m. HOME

Sun, Oct. 16 vs Morrisville State 12:00 p.m. HOME

vs Cazenovia College 6:00 p.m. HOME

Sun, Oct. 23 vs Morrisville State 12:00 p.m. HOME

Sat, Oct. 22 at SUNY Cobleskill 3:00 p.m. AWAY

Sat, Oct. 22 at SUNY Cobleskill 1:00 p.m. AWAY

Tues, Oct. 25 at Stevenson University 7:00 p.m. AWAY

Sun, Oct. 23 at SUNY Poly 2:00 p.m. AWAY

Sun, Oct. 23 at SUNY Poly 12:00 p.m. AWAY

Men’s Golf Mon, Oct. 24 at Lebanon Valley Dutchman Invitational 12:00 p.m.

Follow all the latest

Wilson Athletics

news and highlights online! www.wilsonphoenix.com

Sun, Oct. 16 vs Keuka College 11:00 a.m. HOME Fri, Oct. 21 at PA College of Technology 4:00 p.m. AWAY Sat, Oct. 22 vs Lancaster Bible 10:00 a.m. HOME vs Penn State Berks 4:00 p.m. HOME





“Two Man Group” Slays at the Maryland Theatre

someone I enjoyed improvising with, and I had already been doing a two-man improv show in comedy clubs,” Sherwood said. “Colin and I worked together on ‘Whose Line’ and have done live shows with the whole cast for a long time. And I just saw there was a market out there to go out on the road and do lots of shows because the big cast would only do tapings of the show. So we gave it try about 14 years ago and did a two-week run, and we had fun, and the show’s been growing and changing ever since.” The show is not any different than what one would see on “Whose Line,” except, as Mochrie states, “it’s even more interactive.” It includes many games “Two Man Group” performing on stage that fans typically see on the seen the show, Sherwood show, including “Sound Ef- said, “If they haven’t been fects” and “Moving Bodies.” to one of our shows, I don’t The two, however, amp it up even want to talk to them.” a little in comparison to the As for whether they prefer TV show by walking around the show or the tour more, both blindfolded on stage during seemingly agreed on the tour. a sketch with 100 mouse“‘Whose Line’ has been great traps littering the ground. for us. It got us the attention “Every scene starts with in- and put our faces out there, teracting with the audience it allowed us to do the tour,” members,” said Mochrie. “We Mochrie states. “What we love have audience members on about the tour is that we’re stage with us for about 80% in charge of it. With televiof the game. It has the spirit sion, you have the producers, of the show but there’s really you have executives, they’re no substitute for live improv.” throwing guest stars in from Jokingly, at the thought different shows but here we of someone who has not have total control over our content. I think we enjoy the freedom we have with this show.” However, things are not always smooth sailing. While they have been lucky and have not had to deal with many hecklers, there was one show that Mochrie and Sherwood recalled involving fellow “Whose Line” star Ryan Stiles that was performed in front of various improvers. “We just died. There was nothing… and as soon as the show was over, we each walked to our car, and just drove away. I don’t think we spoke to each other for two weeks, just because it was Photo by Jenna Kauffman so horrible,” Mochrie says. Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood reading the Billboard By Jenna Kauffman

On Saturday, Oct. 1, comedians Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood took the stage at the Maryland Theatre in Hagerstown. They stopped in Maryland on their tour “Colin and Brad: Two Man Group,” which has continued on for more than 13 years outside of the show “Whose Line is it Anyway?” (ABC/CW) where the two became well-known for their improvisational acts and comedy. Teaming up for the tour followed shortly. Sherwood found his inspiration for improv in variety and sketch shows, such as “The Carol Burnett Show.” Mochrie agreed, finding comedy as a solace as he was growing up, by claiming “humor was a defense mechanism.” Both had different goals before becoming improv-ers. Sherwood originally aspired to become an actor before moving into stand-up comedy and eventually improv, while Mochrie aimed to be a marine biologist. However, after a dare to try out for a school play and getting the part, Mochrie got a laugh and knew he truly aspired to take a different road career-wise and went to theatre school. Eventually, the two started working on “Whose Line” together which led to the tour. “I wanted to go on tour with

Photo provided by 94.3 WQCM

For the most part, though, the duo receives positive feedback from audiences. For anyone aspiring to work with comedy or improve, or interested in joining the entertainment industry, they offered some advice. “Make sure you love it and love it for the right reasons. Never go into this business thinking you’re going to become famous,” Mochrie stated. He continued, “We were very fortunate that this one show came along that showcased our one marketable skill, but it’s very rare. If you love doing it, do it, it’s so fulfilling and there’s no better feeling. Do it as much as you can, wherever you can. In front of an audience, that’s where you find where your weaknesses and your strengths are. And always be open to change.” Sherwood and Mochrie are thankful for where “Whose Line” and this tour have taken them. As Sherwood at one point stated during the interview, “It’s kind of like [being] astronauts. There aren’t that many of us.” The duo will continue to tour until the end of the year with more to follow next year. For more information on the tour or to check out dates, go to www.colinandbradshow.com.






Fiber Fellowship Lenfest Commons 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.

“ FUN”ctional Fitness Fitness Center 11:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m.

Fri, Oct. 14

Mon, Oct. 17

Spanish Club Dance Lessons Frank Hancock Salsa, Tango, and Cha Cha Laird Hall 8:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.

Blood Drive Laird Hall 10:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Mon, Oct. 24

Thurs, Oct. 27

Mon, Oct. 31

Fri, Nov. 4

Preparing for Life after Wilson How Psychology Supports the Liberal Arts Education Science Center Room 245 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.


Mi Mejor Enemigo (Bowen, Chile, 2005) Brooks Auditorium 9:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m.



Flash Mob Dance Rehearsal Dance Studio 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

Beauty and the Beast Capitol Theatre 7:00 p.m. Adults-$18.00 Students-$13.00 (13 yrs.- college) Children-$8.00 (up to 12 yrs., all children must have tickets)


WEDNESDAY Wednesday Worship Alumnae Chapel 12:00 p.m.-12:30 p.m.

Tues, Oct. 18

Our Community, Our Children: The Impact of Poverty John Stewart Memorial Library 12:00 p.m.

Fri, Oct. 28

Halloween Dance Laird Hall 9:00 p.m.

Yoga Fitness Center 5:15 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Fri, Oct. 21

“ FUN”ctional Fitness Fitness Center 11:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m.

Sun, Oct. 23

Main Entrance and Academic Quad Ribbon Cutting Inside new main entrance 5:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.

CAB Bingo Jensen Dining Hall 7:00 p.m.

Sat, Oct. 29

Sun, Oct. 30

Learning Campus Wilson Workshop 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Psychic Gallery with William Stillman Capitol Theatre 3:00 p.m. $25.00

4th Annual Halloween Spooktacular

FLU VACCINE CLINIC Open to all campus Free for students $10 for faculty/staff


October 14th

11AM – 2PM

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

October 17th October 18th October 19th October 20th

10AM - 12PM 10AM – 3PM 10AM – 3PM 10AM – 3PM

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

October 24th October 25th October 26th October 27th

10AM – 3PM 10AM – 3PM 10AM – 3PM 10AM – 3PM

FYI: You cannot get the flu from the flu vaccine!!

A treat for our precious students…… Don’t miss the fun!

Visit us online at www.thewilsonbillboard.com www.facebook.com/TheWilsonBillboard


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