1 minute read
In which grade level should I enroll my student?
Please make class selections based on the grade that your child will be entering as of September 2023.
Do you teach decoding during the summer?
In Grades 3 through 9, we do not directly teach lessons dedicated to decoding due to the nature of the PAF program and the various needs of the students within one class. Reading and writing teachers will direct students to syllabicate words within a passage of an article or a book as needed.
What forms should I send? Do you need an IEP or 504?
Since we do not screen students for entry into the program, we will not need your student’s IEP, 504, psycho-educational evaluation, or any other related paperwork. The program directors would be happy to discuss if placement in the program will be beneficial for your student.
Does the Summer Program provide transportation, or can the directors coordinate a carpool?
Transportation to and from the School is the responsibility of each family. The Windward School does not provide or arrange transportation.
How will we know how our student is progressing?
At the end of the program, progress reports as well as completed work from academic classes will be sent home. In addition, summer program teachers and guidance counselors are proactive in communicating with families when necessary.
What is the earliest I can drop off and pick up my student?
The earliest you can drop your student off in the morning is 8:45 a.m. The latest you can pick students up is 12:15 p.m. for half day or 2:45 p.m. for full day.
Does the Summer Program provide lunch?
Snacks and beverages will be provided each day. Students attending the full-day program are responsible for bringing their own nut-free lunch.
Is the COVID-19 vaccination required for participation?
The Windward School Summer Program does not require COVID-19 vaccination but encourages COVID-19 vaccination for all eligible students.