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Defining Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
You may hear or see the term DEIB (an acronym for diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging) at The Windward School and elsewhere when learning about this work. But what does DEIB mean, exactly, and what do the individual words convey? Here is a breakdown of the definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and how those words together reflect Windward’s ultimate goal—belonging. Definitions have been adapted from the National Association of Independent Schools’ Diversity Work in Independent Schools.
The wide range of human characteristics used to mark or identify identities, such as ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, gender, etc. The term is used as shorthand for quantifiable statuses. For example, does the School’s population reflect the region’s racial diversity? Modern-day U.S. society consists of 3040% people of color.
As a function of fairness, equity implies ensuring that people have what they need to participate in school life and reach their full potential. Systems are in place to support equal access to the program, and all educational programs, services, activities, and technologies are accessible to all. Examples are tuition assistance to ensure that all children who need to attend Windward can do so or a faculty mentorship program for new hires of color.
Taking every individual’s experience and identity into account, the School creates conditions where all feel accepted, safe, supported, and affirmed. Community members understand the language used when talking about gender, oppression, race, identity, etc., and they can devise solutions when issues arise. An example is when people stand up for those marginalized within interpersonal situations.
Diversity + Equity + Inclusion = Belonging
All three elements—diversity, equity, and inclusion—are important, yet all must be present in a school to truly build a culture of belonging. This is when all community members can thrive and be their authentic selves every day.