Donor Report 2023-2024

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Dear Windward Community,

When I joined Windward five years ago, an overarching priority was to nurture a culture of philanthropy within the School.

One incredibly special hallmark of our community is how engaged it is, with families putting in significant time and effort both to connect with one another and support Windward, for however long their student is with us and beyond. So, this idea of building a culture of philanthropy wasn’t an unfamiliar one to our community—far from it. However, continuing to anchor our work in the School’s core values and ensuring that every single community member feels valued for their contributions in moving Windward forward is the cornerstone of our work.

As Windward’s constituents know so well, philanthropy is not just about raising money, but about sharing time, care, and attention to positively influence the community. I never cease to be amazed at the generosity shown toward the School and Institute, and 2023-2024 was no different; everyone — from faculty/staff to students to families to alumni and their families to board members — came together because they deeply care about us advancing in this critical work. Both current and alumni families gave at unprecedented levels to support tuition assistance and our free reading screenings program, as well as ensuring the continuation of beloved annual traditions such as the Dream Big speaker series and the Sandi Galst scholar award to fund further education for a faculty member.

Looking toward 2024-2025, we welcome a new president of the board of trustees, Maria Reed. An alumni parent, Maria has been serving on the Windward board for eight years, serving as its secretary most recently. With deep knowledge of operations management and creating organizational scale, Maria is an ideal leader to help guide the School toward transforming even more lives through the gift of literacy. Both Windward and Maria express their immense gratitude to Maria’s predecessor, Patty Wolff. Patty’s steady leadership steered the organization through the COVID-19 pandemic, the opening of the new Westchester Lower School campus, and the launch of The Windward Institute, to name only a few highlights of her tenure. I often speak about standing upon the shoulders of giants and this case is no exception. Thank you, Patty, and thank you, Maria, for your steadfast commitment to Windward and your phenomenal leadership. And thank you to our community, who continually shows us what is possible when we dream big and see our students’ potential as limitless.

With gratitude,




Patricia L. Wolff President

Mitchell J. Katz

1st Vice President

Jenny Price 2nd Vice President

David Friedland Treasurer

Maria Reed Secretary

Thomas J. Coleman Member-at-Large

Jamie Williamson, EdS Head of School


Akeela Azcuy, PhD

Reed Brodsky

Michael Cummins

Peter D’Avanzo

Chris Dooley

Jeffrey B. Goldenberg

Meredith Jenkins

Ian Levine

Staci Marlowe

Magdalena Zavalia Miguens

Denis J. O’Leary, III ‘06

Sandip Singh

Marko Sonnenberg

Reed Switzer ‘19

Nicholas Van Amburg

Anike Wariebi

Jennifer Weyburn

SUMMARY OF 2023–2024


Includes all gifts and pledges received in fiscal year 2023-2024, exclusive of payments made against previous year pledges.



$ 339,830 Total

Fund $3,013,377



$ 16,722





Windward Fund 44%

Windward Fund Restricted 23%

Capital 19%

Benefit 11%

Endowment 4%


Tuition and Fees 82%

Other 11%

Contributions 7%

Windward Institute < 1%


Curriculum and Program 68% (including faculty salaries and benefits)

Administrative and General 14% (including staff salaries and benefits)

Tuition Assistance 12%

Teacher Training Program/Windward Institute 3%

(including staff salaries and benefits)

Fundraising 3% (including staff salaries and benefits)


COMMITTEE 2023–2024


Meredith Gotlin & Reed Brodsky, MMS

Gail Cirlin-Lazerus & Erik Lazerus, WMS

Lauren & Daniel Levy, MLS

Kimeran & Sam Reinhart, MMS

Yael & Josh Rosen, WLS


Christine Costello

Lori Garbin

Sharon Moody

Jorge Solares-Parkhurst


Grace Desiderio ‘19

Emily Walsh ‘16

Harry Zimmerman ‘12


Betty & Michael Maslin

Kathy & Marc Lorber


Ashley Anne Bloom, MLS

Helen Prichett, MMS

Tara Iodice, WLS

Ryaneileen Duffy, WMS


Seth Alter

Bernhard Bauer

Sara Berg

Liz Boutry

Michelle Breyer

Dan Cayer

Amy Chiang

Lauren Chung

Anne Citrin

Tanya Corrin

Michael Cummins

Beth Demba

Claribet Garcia

Kameil Grant-Knight

Grace Halvey ‘19

Liz Haymson

Michelle Humi-DeFunis

Amy Kazanoff

Kathleen Kirchgaessner

Danielle Klein

Nomi Kleinman

Isabel Lo

Stephen Maire

Peter Malik

Towanda Mathurin

Susan Matsko

Bish McDonnell

Tene Morris

Paul Nasrani

Naomi Nwosu-Stewart

Lindsey Oudsema

Linie Rand

Wendy Rockman

Meghan Ryan

Kathlyn Schwartz

Elyssa Shapiro Hessler

Katy Sherwood

Amy Singer

Nellie Sung

Lara Wynn


1077 Total Donors $ 500 Median Gift


3+ Consecutive Years Donors

253 New Donors

$2,897 Average Gift


5+ Consecutive Years Donors

$ 300 Median Alumni Gift

263 Alumni Parent Gifts 20 % Donors who Increased their Annual Gift

148 Grandparent & Alumni Grandparent Gifts

$233 Average Faculty/Staff Gift

$ 530K+ raised during $1.3M+ raised during (annual November challenge)


“Knowing there are more families than not who can’t afford independent evaluations and independent school tuition inspires us to support Windward’s generous tuition assistance program.”

In the 2023-2024 school year, a newly enrolled family supported the Windward Fund with an unrestricted $20,000 gift. Their transformational, first-year experience inspired them to make an additional $50,000 gift in the spring to the Windward Fund in support of expanding access through tuition assistance. Last year, Windward awarded over $8.6M to nearly 20% of families. This year, that number increases to over $9M.

In 2019, their 5-year-old son was a happy, active, curious, and thoughtful kindergartner. He made friends easily and loved sports, Pokémon, his siblings, and dogs. His parents noticed gradually increasing behavioral changes in first through third grades. Previously an eager and engaged student, he began to struggle in school. They leaned on his teachers and school specialists for guidance. At first, layering outside reading tutors for support seemed to help. In second grade, however, he found ways blend in, reading the same book over and over, and avoiding writing when possible. He quietly retreated from any spotlight or risk taking. He ceased being inquisitive at school, sat on the sidelines during hockey games, spent more time at home than riding bikes with neighborhood friends, and suddenly was too shy to order at his favorite restaurant.

By third grade, school avoidance became more overt. It took an hour and a half of encouraging to get him to school. He’d hold it together during the school day, but it was incredibly taxing. It affected his relationship with his siblings, his parents’ relationship with their other two children, and their relationship with each other. It was clear something was wrong, yet teachers and school administrators insisted he was “keeping up.” “Don’t discount ‘learned helplessness’ as the root of the problem,” his parents were told. Watching their son’s world shrink, they couldn’t stand by silently. They sought an independent neuropsychology evaluation, which made it clear their son was dyslexic. His strong intelligence and inherent curiosity helped him get by, but getting by wasn’t enough; like any parents, they wanted much more for him. They found Windward.

The results were nearly immediate. “Of course, we hoped and expected Windward to teach him to read, but it transformed him in ways we couldn’t anticipate. He’s engaged, he’s proud, and he’s inquisitive again. He has confidence and self-worth. He went from having a few trusted friends to many. He went from sitting on the sidelines to being the leading scorer on his hockey team. For us, it’s not about the goals, but about his willingness to put himself out there again and take risks.”

Today, he happily hops on the bus each morning. His reading and writing abilities accurately reflect his intellect. “Earlier this summer, some of his old neighborhood friends rang the doorbell and asked him to play. He jumped on his bike, and we watched him pedal down the block. We turned to each other and acknowledged that would never have happened without Windward. He hasn’t turned back.”

Not every family has the resources to seek independent evaluation or afford Windward. “When considering philanthropy and support, our focus is on children and access. We’ve sat on boards and supported organizations and programs that seek to improve the flawed foster care system. At Windward, we try to put ourselves in other parents’ shoes. We know how having an unhappy, frustrated child impacts and stresses the family dynamic. Knowing there are more families than not who can’t afford independent evaluations and independent school tuition inspires us to support Windward’s generous tuition assistance program.”

“Upon diagnosis, dyslexia felt like a stigma. Today our son feels pride. He’s eager to wear his Windward sweatshirt. The Windward Fund’s motto, We Are Windward! means community. We couldn’t be more proud to be a part of this one. For three or more years, we lost our son. At Windward, we got him back.”


Every spring at Windward, middle school students look forward to being inspired by our annual Dream Big speaker. The Dream Big: Your Dreams Are Your Future program began in 2011. The idea for the program was brought to Windward by Leslie Breck, then WPA president and now alumni parent. Leslie’s son, Thomas ’16, attended the School for six years. As a parent, she recognized that Windward families often experience uncertainty about their child or sibling’s future. She noticed that Thomas’s siblings, with whom he had previously attended school, didn’t quite understand this new school Thomas was attending and what the outcome would be. As a result, she sought to create an event that removed stigma and mystery about what would come next. She wanted families to know that their children would go on to be successful individuals—regardless of their learning disability—and that Windward would help them on this journey.

Leslie’s idea came to fruition in 2011 and continues today as a partnership between the Windward Parents Association and the alumni office. In its earlier years, the program featured famous individuals with language-based learning disabilities. In 2020, it transitioned to exclusively feature alumni speakers, as it was clear Windward needs not look any further than its own alumni for success stories. When asked what she loves most about the program, Leslie said, “It is great to see kids ask questions, be engaged, see someone like them be successful, and think, ‘look what I can do.’ That’s the best part of it.” This is exactly what occurs every spring thanks to Leslie’s idea and the Breck family’s continued generosity.

Windward is incredibly grateful to the Breck family for continuing to impact the student experience long after their time here. When asked why they continue to support this program twelve years after Thomas graduated, Leslie recalled how Windward teacher Betsy Hooper inspired a confidence in Thomas that he carries with him today and said, “Windward is the greatest thing that ever happened to him. The fact that Thomas could go on to higher education, do well, and have confidence is worth a lot, and I’m loyal to Windward because of it.” Thanks to their loyalty, families at Windward have confidence in what lies ahead, and our students will always dream big.

Scott Rudin ‘03, Creative Director, Ralph Lauren and 2024 Dream Big Speaker


Thanks to an incredibly generous gift from a recent alumni family, the Windward Institute received funding through the establishment of a $1M Early Literacy Endowment to support a new reading screenings program in perpetuity.

In April 2024, The Windward Institute launched a reading screening pilot at Yonkers Public Library, with the goal of scaling the project over time thanks to this transformative gift.

The reading screenings are offered free of charge by the Windward Institute at select sites with available interpreters to help ESL families. Families sign up in advance and each child is screened individually for early word reading and language skills. Program facilitators score and evaluate screenings onsite and discuss results directly with families. An accompanying curated resource kit is given to families which includes free information tailored to the student’s results. This kit, combined with discussion of the student’s results, empowers families to understand their child’s literacy development and obtain resources they can use to build skills and advocate for their child in school.

This school year the WI aims to provide in person screenings in at least three communities in NYC and Westchester County working with the public library system as a partner. If a demand for virtual screenings arises, these may be offered as well. This initiative is an exciting step forward for the WI, expanding its reach to impact the greater learning disability population.

The alumni family who established this endowment did so anonymously. “It’s not about us; it’s about making a difference for students who struggle. We had been looking for a project to invest in that could truly have an impact and we found that with the good work that’s happening at the Windward Institute”.

When asked the motivation for establishing the fund, the family shared that their experience was one of late identification for their children, after years of knowing something was amiss but being assured otherwise. This experience inspired them to seek ways to help families in all districts find out about dyslexia before frustration and despair set in. “We hope these screenings will be a resource to many. We’re excited to see the results of this exciting project”. We are too!



The Galst name is known and revered at Windward. Jonathan Galst has multiple connections to the School. He and his wife, Judi, are alumni parents; their eldest son, Zachary, was enrolled at Windward in middle school. Jonathan’s mother, Sandi Galst, was a Windward educator for the better part of a decade.

Sandi Galst was a passionate educator who cared deeply about people and was known for her expertise in decoding. Prior to joining Windward as a reading specialist, she worked tirelessly with her partner in education, Judy Wilson, co-authoring a two-volume book, Vowel Power, that helped children learn to read.

When Sandi died of cancer in 2000, Jonathan reached out to the Windward development team to see what he and his siblings could do to keep their mom’s passion for teaching (and learning) alive. After some discussion, it was decided to establish The Sandi Galst Faculty Education Fund which provides financial assistance to a teacher to further their education.

Fast forward a quarter century and The Sandi Galst Faculty Education Fund is still going strong. Each year around Thanksgiving, Jonathan reaches out to longtime supporters of the Fund to invite their continued commitment. This coming year will mark the 25th anniversary of Sandi’s death, and Jonathan has some big plans to celebrate this milestone year, including making an additional gift to a recipient to help pay for a dyslexia certificate through the Rose Institute at Manhattanville College. Jon shares, “Our list is aging a bit! We plan to reenergize our efforts in this special year and really make an impact.”

Reflecting on the experience all these years, Jonathan notes, “I never saw myself as a fundraiser but here we are! Seriously, I wish we had spoken about planned giving and the future while Mom was healthy. Once she became sick, it became more difficult to discuss her wishes. I do know she would have loved that one of her grandsons was able to benefit from Windward’s approach to learning. And I think she would be proud that we are continuing to help future generations of teachers.”

When asked about what We are Windward! means to him, he answers simply: “Contributing to others in memory of my mother is important to me. It keeps her spirit alive.”

“Windward is a game changer for families. We have complete confidence in its process, faculty, and leadership.”


Current Windward parents Lauren and Danny Levy have four children; three are Windward students. Over their family’s six years at Windward, the Levys have faithfully, generously, and consistently shown their trust and support for every aspect of the Windward community. They serve as Windward Fund co-chairs and 1926 Society donors, making annual, unrestricted gifts to the Windward Fund at the highest levels of philanthropy.

“We first became part of the Windward family when our daughter Jordana joined as a third grader. Like many parents, we were concerned when we noticed our happy 7-year-old, who loved school, beginning to struggle academically. As the curriculum at her previous school became more demanding, her daily experience became entirely different, affecting various aspects of her life, both academically and socially, which was heartbreaking for us.

Tutoring sessions after school, in place of beloved activities, took up all the time she would otherwise spend participating in extracurricular activities and being with her friends. Joining Windward changed all that almost immediately, and we witnessed a remarkable transformation. Today, as an eighth grader, she is happy, engaged, and self-driven. Not only has she been provided with all the academic tools needed to succeed, but she has also found that being a member of Windward’s championship girls’ basketball team has expanded her social circle and taught her valuable lessons in teamwork and leadership.

Max, who arrived at Windward as a second grader, has a similar success story. Today, he is a Windward fifth grader, thriving academically and socially, with an ever-growing group of friends.

Ronny joined Windward in the seventh grade this year. We knew early on that Ronny would benefit from a Windward education but had to advocate for it because his challenges weren’t being recognized. Ronny was keeping up, and he was social. Earlier assessments, conducted both in and out of his previous school, didn’t support such dramatic intervention. Last year, we took matters into our own hands, obtained another independent neuropsychological evaluation, and applied to Windward.

Despite a longer journey to reach Windward, Ronny has embraced Windward’s supportive environment and is already showing signs of transformation. His enthusiasm for learning and engagement at home have been a source of pride for our entire family.

It’s seemingly small things that hint at transformation, but every Windward parent knows they are pivotal moments. Homework used to be a constant struggle and a significant source of stress. In his very first week at Windward, Ronny came home and enthusiastically headed to his room to complete his homework, feeling confident about it. At the dinner table, he is now talkative and engaged about school, sharing anecdotes and information about his day and what he has already learned. Seeing Ronny and Jordana prepare their lunches together each night is an unexpected joy”. Windward is a game changer for families. We have complete confidence in its process, faculty, and leadership. We can never repay the School for what it has done for our family. It is beyond our wildest expectations. When you experience firsthand the transformation, it’s not difficult to support Windward philanthropically.”


Thank you to our most loyal community members who faithfully continue to make Windward a philanthropic priority by giving to any of the School’s general or restricted funds and campaigns for 10 consecutive years or more, including this fiscal year.


Kathleen & Ernest Abrahamson

Adele Barracca

Ronnie Berish

Alice & Arthur Cohen

Mindy & Andrew Feldman

Devon Fredericks & Eli Zabar

Marilyn Hunt

Andrea & Jeffrey Kaminsky

Elinor & John Klem

Barbara & Samuel Landau

Leslyn & Donald Rigoni

Judith & Leslie Schreyer

Sandra & Donald Schwarz

Andrea & Jeffrey Stewart

Jane & Kevin Stokes

Charlotte & Benjamin Sullivan, Jr.

Maureen Sweeney

Lynn Roberts & Mark Wolfson


Anne & Mark Ellman

Adrienne & Thomas Flanagan

Beth & Barney Foltman

Lori & Mark Garbin

Elyse & Chris Karow

Melissa & Scott Klein

Evelyn Poy

Sandra Mayer & James Roberts

Lisa & Stuart Sternberg

Kim & David Wagman

Windward Parents Association

Leslie & Peter Zuckerwise


Francesca Allen

Craig Allison

Lauryn Belgrove

Sharon & Benjy Berger

Leslie & Theodore Breck

Valerie Brennan

Kelly Burke

Maureen Carmody

Viva Hardigg &

Beverly R. Carter IV

Lois Kohn-Claar & Gary Claar

Gina & Peter D’Avanzo

Betsy & Michael Duffy

Joellen & Alexander Finnie

Joann Galst

Judith & Jonathan Galst

Kristin & Michael Galvin

Mark Goldberg

Susan & Jeffrey Goldenberg

Amy & Edward Hogan, Jr.

Annie Cardelús & Tim Jones

Stephanie & Mitchell Katz

Clare & John Kelly

Lindsay Kennedy

Carly Lillo

Donna Mark

Ann & Gordon McKee III

Lisa & Gregg Michell

Shannon Nicholls

Kathy & Brian O’Hare

Alexis & Peter Pochna

Suzanne & James Raved

Gerri & Jay Russell

Susan & Thomas Salice

Amy & David Sass

Lisa Sheptin

Roberta Solar & Robert Schumeister

Laura Trifiletti

Misty Tsapatsaris

Brooke Wachtel

Patricia & Russell Wolff

Eileen & Donald Wolmer


Melissa Angelillo

Elizabeth Weisman & Robert Anhouse

Janine Bartnett

Michelle & Tom Coleman

Elizabeth Crain & Jonathan Breckenridge

Carrie Curtin

Diane LaPointe & Robert Dolan

Tanya Ehrlich

Patricia Gay

Jill & Lloyd Harris

Lynn & John Hillman

Marjorie Horwitz

Nyla & Gerhard Isele

Alicia Kempin

Elizabeth & Charles Lynch

Staci & Steven Marlowe

Jennifer & Micah Martino

Jennifer & Charles McDonnell III

Colleen McGlynn

Jessica McGowan

Kate Mehl

Melanie & Robert Melillo

Nicole & Michael Mesard

What do the symbols mean?


Former Trustee

Janice Meyer & Michael Jamison

Margaret & Patrick Patalino

Jenny Price

Katina Dorton & Ward Ricke

Mary Pat Draddy & Jonathan Rosenshine

Juliana & Brad Sage

Sally Salzer

Wendy & Jeffrey Schwartz

Jessica Sorna

Katrina Froman & Steve Stuart

Chris Sullivan ‘08

Michelle & Brian Taub

Andrea Tolliver

Judy & Joel Weisman

Judith & Leonard Wilson

Windward Parents Association

M. Magdalena & Lisandro Miguens

Jodi & Stuart Zgodny

Hilary & Matthew Ziffer


Thank you to our generous donors who made contributions to the Windward Fund, as well as monetary gifts, fund-a-need donations, and sponsorships in support of Kaleidoscope: The Windward School Benefit at a Leadership Level ($3,000+). Recognition and gratitude for additional support of Kaleidoscope, and endowed and Capital giving can be found later in this report.



Anonymous (2)

Bezos Family Foundation

Lisa & Mark Bezos

Julie & David Friedland

Susan & Jeffrey Goldenberg

Stephanie & Aaron Goldman

Goldman Sachs Gives

Sloan & David Greenspan

Gabriela & John Hearst

Lauren & Daniel Levy

Sarah & Michael London

Stacey & Rich Schutzer

Schwab Charitable Fund

Christine & Stephen A. Schwarzman

Dorothy & Craig Stapleton

Allison & Joshua Zegen


$25,000 – $49,999


Monica Tadros & John Athas

Meredith Gotlin & Reed Brodsky

Amanda & Jonathan Eilian

The Fiszel Family Foundation

The Frankfort Family

Meredith & Ben Jenkins

Elizabeth & Douglas Lake

Olivia & Oskar Lewnowski

Petra & Michael Miebach

National Philanthropic Trust

Monique & George Newmark

Susan & Marko


Patricia & Russell Wolff


$15,000 – $24,999

Anonymous (3)

Margaret Bartlett

Mackenzie & Stephen Bartlett

Ingrid & Justin Bateman

Jorrie & Marc Bruffett

Lauren & Richard Chung

Sandra & James Clark

Michelle & Tom Coleman

Michelle Coppola

Michelle & Shane Coppola

Beth & Daniel Demba

Molly McNairy & Peter Deschenes

Devon Fredericks & Eli Zabar

Helaine & Ari Gendason

Brooke & Edouard Gerschel

Susan & Jeffry Grabel

Carrie & Howard Hersch

Martine Beamon & Eddie Joyce

Amy & Peter Kazanoff

Dana Finesilver & Robert Lewin

Staci & Steven Marlowe

Lexie & Mark Maruszewski

Jill & Christian McCourtney

Tracy & Ted McCourtney

Christine & Wes Miller

Paramus MRI LLC

Amy & Kenneth Pollinger

Kirstin & James Powers

Kimeran Daley & Samuel Reinhart

June & Paul Rossetti

David Saperstein

Hillary Schafer & Mark Shafir

Grace & Guy Shanon

Alexandra Shiva & Jonathan Sherman

Amy & Mortimer Singer

Amerika & Bradd Williamson

Jodi & Adam Zotkow


$10,000 – $14,999

Marcos Alvarado

Dana & Eric Birnbaum

Jessica & Thomas Blouin

Nina & Chip Brian

Tamar & Yehudah


Melissa & Stephen Burnazian

Ann Field & David Byrd

Casey & Dana Carey

Wendy & Lee Chaikin

Kara & Hawley Chester

Anne & Jacob Citrin

Natasha Esch & Matthew Coffin

Michael Cummins

John Daily

Courtney Smith & Graham Duncan

What do the symbols mean?

5+ years or more consecutive giving to the Windward Fund Trustee Former Trustee

Kelly Dunne

Rebecca & Gerald Esposito

Julie & Jonas Fajgenbaum

Shirin von Wulffen & Frederic Fekkai

Pamela & Thomas Frame

Kay & John Garrett

Alejandra & Richard Gere

Amy Chiang & Danton Goei

Suzanne & Alex Golten

Christine & Doug Harmon

Hilary & Peter Hatch

Kerrys & Leland Hensch

Iroquois Avenue Foundation

Elissa & William Johnson

Stephanie & Mitchell Katz

Jill & Andrew Kirby

Kathleen & Rainer Kirchgaessner

Heather & Daniel Kolb

Kathryn von Matthiessen & Ronald Kornreich

Suzanne & Douglas Lake, Sr.

Allison & David Lorber

Jennifer & Mark Lotke

Elizabeth & Charles Lynch

Mary Grace Lynch ‘24

Susan Lynch

Anthony Lyons

MasterCard International

Dolly & Charles Mayer

Elizabeth Melhado ‘08

Peter Melhado

Hilary & Jordan Merson

Joan Gerhart Mollerus & Michael Mollerus

Alice & Sean Murphy

New York Football Giants, Inc.

Cynthia O’Leary

Lindsay & Robert Oudsema

Marcie & Jordan Pantzer

Maria & Steven Reed

Joanna & Matthew Rego

Yael & Joshua Rosen

Cindy & Scott Roskind

Mona & Kyri Sarantakos

Haley & Matthew Satnick

Caroline & Richard Sberlati

Sein Chew & Isaac Souede

Jan Sterling

Colleen & Graves Tompkins

Julia & Hans Utsch

Tess & Rohan Virmani

The Walker Family

Emily Walsh ‘16

Chrissy & Christopher Ward

Anike & Mike Wariebi

Cynthia & David Wassong

Sara & Bret Wiener

Lara & Andrew Wynn

Sylvia & Bervan Yeh


$5,000 – $9,999

Anonymous (5)

The Aaronson Family

Dana Coppolino & Adam Abensohn

Kathleen & Ernest


Nina Dhawer & Drew Ackert

Camilla Sacrini & Renzo Arcoria

Rachael & Simon Bachleda

Jasmine & Michael Barr

Amy & J.P. Berkery

Karyn & Andrew Bhak

Eryn & Mike Bingle

Jill Ammerata & Peter Calatozzo

She Zhen Li & Frank Chan

Bridget & Michael Capasso

Suzanne & Russell Carpentieri

Laura & Fredrick Chapey, Jr.

Ashley MacNeill & Joel Charlebois

Elizabeth & Mark Clyman

Brooke & Peter Cohen

Robbie & Peter Cohen-Millstein

Barbara & Thomas Cole

Britt & Brian Collins

Brett Condron

The Crandall Family

Evan Cygler ‘06

Gina & Peter D’Avanzo

Jessica Lee & Paul Davis

Mary & Jason Dillow

Erin & Michael Dodds

Claire Pedersen & Derek Dostal

Catherine Zeta-Jones & Michael Douglas

Gail Edelstein

Masayo Hashimoto & Yiannes Einhorn

Erika & Travis Feehan

Dolya & Evan Fleck

Stephanie & Dan Fougere

Funds for the Future

Nadia & John Gagnier

Maria & Carlos Garza

Amanda & Alexandre Gaudelet

Isabel Lo & Ryan Geraghty

Alana & Stephen Giagni

Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Page & Arthur Gosnell

Maria & Jordan Jacobs

Johanne & Jean-Baptiste Home

The Joelson Foundation

Shelley & Luke Johnson

Michelle Kassner

Susan & Robert Kempler

Diane & Matthew Kissner

Daniel Kolb

Hilary & Mo Koyfman

Danielle & Stephen Krupa

Janice Rego & Samish Kumar

Karen Kiehl & Peter Labbat

Sara & Paul Leand

Jennifer & Christopher Leary

Kelly Brewer & Bill Lewis

Victoria & John Linnartz

Bridie & John Loverro

Elizabeth & Matthew Lucey

Nessa Kennedy Madden & Michael Madden

Ellen Shultz & Richard Marsden

Cathy & George McClelland

Jennifer & Charles

McDonnell III

Christine Baker McGrath & Tom McGrath

Elizabeth & Richard Miller

Christina Favilla-Morey & Michael Morey

Jaime & Brian Morris

Payson & Grant Murray

National Christian Foundation

Allison & James Nelson

Denis J. O’Leary, III ‘06

Zibby & Kyle Owens

Allyson & Chris Pachios

Elizabeth Philipp & David Pettker

Stacey & Daniel Philips

Dina & Shawn Rabin

Briony & Luke Raymond

Janet & J. Howland


Michele & Jeffrey Rosenberg

Mary Pat Draddy & Jonathan Rosenshine

Allison & Eric Rosenzweig

Dorothy Sawyer

Andrea & Philip Schlakman

Sara & Taylor Senatore

Salima & Paul Sheppard

David Sigal & Brad Hoylman-Sigal

Ellen & Gerald Sigal

Ariel & Lewis Silberman

Randy Slifka

Lindsay & Peter Snedeker

Jessie & Craig Spain

Lori & Kenneth Squire

St. Louis Community Foundation

Wendy Stapleton

Lauren & Christopher Starr

Lauren & Richard Steinberg

Andrea & Jeffrey Stewart

The Barr Fund

Anna & Christopher Toomey

Peggy Segal & David Topper

Lizzy Topper ‘17

Fawn & Michael Vollero

Kim & David Wagman

Anne & John Waldron

Brady Waldron ‘24

Howard Ward

Nina W. Werblow Charitable Trust

Paige Nelson & Robert Wiesenthal

Krista & Jamie Williamson

Youth Foundation Inc.

Hilary & Matthew Ziffer


$3,000 – $4,999

Anonymous (3)

Lisa & Duncan Bagshaw

Mataya King & Jonathan Beathe

Brenda & Michael Benn

Sharon & Benjy Berger

Melissa & Jeffrey Bergson

Sarah & Eric Beyrich

Michelle Breyer

Robert Cignarella

Olivia Serafini-Sauli & Justin Cohen

Michelle Humi-DeFunis & Bension DeFunis

Mary & Antonio Diaz-Albertini

Jesse & James Eisenberg

Betty & Roger Frankel

Rita & David Godin

Sara A. Berg & D. Justin Griffith

Ingrid & Gardner W. Heidrick III

Brandy & Sean Hendelman

The Holland Family

Katayoun Akbari & Kamal Jafarnia

Stephanie & James Kearney

Sam Leavitt ‘07

Janet & Adam Lichtenstein

Kathy & Marc Lorber

Carolyn & William Mattson

Janice Meyer & Michael Jamison

Jennifer & Matthew Miller

Christy Counts & Benjamin Morton

Helen Zalantis & James Nacos

Casey & Ryan Parrish

Linie & Joseph Rand

Shelley & Ken Rapp

Stephanie & Tyler Robbins

Kristen & Steve Rodgers

Emily & Robert Rosenberg

Ayesha & Billal Sikander

Pam & Henry Smith III

Wendy & Tim Van Patten

Leah & Russell Viault

Allison Ross & Daniel Waldman

Kathy & Michael Weber

Dale & Richard Weil

Grace Wagner Wilson & Rowan Wilson

Windward Parents Association



$500 – $2,999

High school graduating classes 2011–2024

Matthew Bloom ‘13

Thomas Bonomo ‘26

Willa Bradshaw ‘23

Thomas Breck ‘16

Charlie Costello ‘29

Will Hamdan ‘21

Sunny Santomero ‘21

Reed Switzer ‘19

Daniel Tanenbaum ‘16

Mal Warner ‘17

Harry Zimmerman ‘12




Virginia & John Cocke

Michelle Humi-DeFunis & Bension DeFunis

Thayer & Daniel Fox

Kerrys & Leland Hensch

Suzanne Ruta

Cathy & Mark Weiss


Anonymous (5)

Libby & Greg Alkalay

Michelle & Maurice Arlos

Brenda & Michael Benn

Lindsay & Martin Bennett

Anne Black & Teymour Farman-Farmaian

Sarah & James Claypool

Natasha Esch & Matthew Coffin

Michelle Humi-DeFunis & Bension DeFunis

Gregory Dietz ‘09

Jillian Moo-Young & Konrad Duchek

Caroline & Barrett Einaugler

Masayo Hashimoto & Yiannes Einhorn

Rebecca & Paul Eisenberg

Eve & Scott Helfstein

Kerrys & Leland Hensch

Jennifer & Bryan Kaplan

Virginia Knudsen

Jaimee & Mark Oberfest

Alyssa & David Small

Sein Chew & Isaac Souede


Anonymous (2)

Lisa Baitsell

Leslie & Theodore Breck

Thomas Breck ‘16

Kathryn Kelly Dwyer & Brian Dwyer

Goldman Sachs Gives

Adam & Beth Lane

Alexis & Benjamin Langsfeld

Julie Liebman

Roberta Solar & Robert Schumeister


Anonymous (5)

Susan & Edward Adams

Lisa Baitsell

Amy & J.P. Berkery

Amy & Dean Bernstein

Lisa & Mark Bezos

Steven Chillrud

Britt & Brian Collins

Thomas Comerford

Gregory Dietz ‘09

Ruth DiRoma

Dorothy Dunne

Masayo Hashimoto & Yiannes Einhorn

Erika & Travis Feehan

Elizabeth Giddens & Dan Fennessey

Marcio Baptista & Thomas Fiorella Jr.

Julie & David Friedland

Alice Friedman ‘09

Alisa & Seth Gershman

Susan & Jeffrey Goldenberg

Goldman Sachs Gives

Shelley & Luke Johnson

Susan Karches

Stephanie & James Kearney

Kathleen Kearney

Ivy & Seth Keslow

Amy & Randall Kessler

Kathryn von Matthiessen & Ronald Kornreich

Alexis & Benjamin Langsfeld

Sam Leavitt ‘07

Tommy Levinsohn ‘18

Jeannine Giacovelli-Mazzeo & Arturo Mazzeo

Simi Mir and Paul Nasrani

Jaimee & Mark Oberfest

John Ongaro ‘09

Barry Ostrer

Francesca & Michael Paccetti

Leslie & Joseph Pragay

Maria & Juan Reino

Robert Reino ‘20

Sandra Rosenblatt

Saloni & Sandip Singh

Denise & Boris Slusarev

MaryRose Sorrento ‘13

Olivia & Roberto Soto Ruiz

Rita & Arthur Stahl

Linda Sceles-Straubel & Mark Straubel



Goldman Sachs Gives

Will Hamdan ‘21

Elissa & William Johnson

Kathryn von Matthiessen & Ronald Kornreich

Adam & Beth Lane

The Frank Pace, Jr. Foundation Inc.

Kristen & Steve Rodgers

Stacey & Rich Schutzer

Yale University School of Medicine



$1,000 – $2,999

Anonymous (13)

Wendy Rockman & Jason Adelman

Amanda & Edward Allen

Nina & Nick Alvarez

Sofia Alvarez

Ameriprise Financial

Anheuser-Busch Inbev

Rosanne & Peter Aresty

Michelle & Maurice Arlos

Maureen Brady Atinsky & Lawrence Atinsky

Elizabeth & Christopher Ayala

Leah & Christian Backenstrass

Karina & Leigh Bass

Bernhard Bauer & Walter Kelly

Cindy & William Berg

Amy & Dean Bernstein

Kristin & Darren Beylouni

Anne Black & Teymour Farman-Farmaian

Karen & David Blumenthal

Molly & Michael Bogdan

Elizabeth & David Boutry

Leslie & Theodore Breck

Malaika Amon & Anthony Bregman

Stacey & Adam Brodbar

Marian & James Brodsky


Meg Bruno

Rachel & Gregory Bullis

Rhian Horgan & Garrett Camporine

Lauri & David Carey

Virginia Carroll & Bobby Carroll ‘04

Cristina & Daniel Casey

Renee McCormick & William Cavanagh

Suzanne Chamberlain

Muoi Trinh & Martin Chen

The Cipolla Family

Sarah & James Claypool

Virginia & John Cocke

Christina & Duncan Cocroft

Sarah & John Collins

Tara & Anthony Coniglio

Sharon Elghanayan Corzine & Jon Corzine

Christine & Kevin Costello

Elizabeth Crain & Jonathan Breckenridge

Erica Attonito & Robert Crowe

CVS Health Political Action Committee

Happy & Craig Daily

Catherine & Richard D’Albert

Kristin & Christoffer Davidsson

Loren & Michael Dinger

Jessica & Christopher Dooley

Sarah Driansky

Diane & George Dumigan

Rebecca & Paul Eisenberg

Anne & Mark Ellman

Endeavour Capital Advisors Inc.

Gretchen & Adam Englander

Adrienne & Thomas Flanagan

Beth & Barney Foltman

Angel Francis

Michael Freedman

Tara Matzan-Fried & Matthew Fried ‘87

Irma Friedman

Debra Fromer

Camille & Ross Galin

Susan & Joseph Garofoli

Rose & John Garrett

Ashley & Steven Gautier-Winther

Dolly Geary & Jack Geary

Annie Lee & Steven Gee

Jane & Joseph Gelsi

Myra & Manny Genn

Stacey Shurgin & Ruth Genn

Alisa & Seth Gershman

Elaine & Thomas Giannetti

Deane & John Gilliam

Rachel & Brian Gingold

Kathleen & David Glaymon

Lucy Godman & Brent Duncan

Kimberly & Scott Goodwin

Gramercy Park Foundation Inc.

Meredith Mele & Chris Grassi

Elizabeth & Nelson Griggs

Erin Posner & Philippe Guerra

Lisa & Timothy Harkness

Kerry & Belgrave Henderson

Lilia & Thomas Hess

Whitney & Brian Hill

Lynn & John Hillman

Eileen & Mark Hojnacki

Elisabeth Zeche & Bradley Honan

Patricia Hong

Annette & Richard Horvath

Michele & Christopher Iavarone

Jennifer & Bryan Kaplan

Lauren & Nicholas Kaplan

Elyse & Chris Karow

Daniele & Brian Kass

Ivy & Seth Keslow

Elinor & John Klem

Adam Korngold ‘00

Simina & Stephen Kroculick

Holly Rudnick Kurtzberg & Joel Kurtzberg

Linda Landis

Emilie & Trevor Langeloh

Alexis & Benjamin Langsfeld

Judy Langsfeld

Lauren & Tomas Larsson

Kathleen & James Lavallee

Michal & Alan LaVine

Lisa Fishman & Sam Lehr

Larisa & Michael Leventon

Meredith & Ian Levine

Terri & John Liftin

Wendie & Fernando Lopez and Family

Erica & Fred Losen

Stacey & Terrence Lowenberg

Lauren & Evan Machowsky

Allison Leff & Daniel Macklowitz

Katy Bray & Jeff Maier

Margaret Jones & Ivan Marshalleck

Susan & Christopher Matsko

Tracy & John Mayo-Smith

Maura Rainey McCormack & John McCormack

Karin McCormick

Susan & Laurence McGrath

Danielle & David McMahan

Jacqueline Cirillo & Richard Meisenberg

Nicole & Michael Mesard

Carolyn & Gerald Miceli

Marisa Sellitti & Johnny Miller

Ilana & Ari Milstein

Marcy & Marcelo Modica

Hayley & Lawrence Morrison

Jason Mott

Jessica & Jeremy Murphy

Lisa Murray

Leslie & Curt Myers

Rebecca & Edward Nejat

Kathy & Brian O’Hare

David Olk

Lauren Mcfarland & James O’Neill

Ferial Ounadjela-Visser

Susan & Brice Palmer

Joel Parodneck ‘90

Ali Pawlowsky ‘03

Cortney & David Peretz

Dawn & Daniel Pettersson

Sylvia Stein & Mark Philips

Alexis & Peter Pochna

Robin & Brian Potash

Jenny Price

Carla Coelho & Odilon Queiroz

Rosann & Dean Redfern

Leslyn & Donald Rigoni

Debby Robbins

Joanna & Charles Roberson

Lisa & Jason Roberts

Jana & Brad Romine

Ross & C. Tanner Rose

Sandra Rosenblatt

Andrea Ross

Susan & Burke Ross

Molly & Randy Rothstein

Robin & Mark Rubenstein

Melissa & Joshua Rubinson

Gerri & Jay Russell

Vicki Samson

Kathryn & Alan Sanzenbacher

Marlyse Haward & Alexander Sawyer

Judith & Leslie Schreyer

Howard Schulder

Nell Shanahan & Adam Schwartz

Constance Young & Gary Schwartz

Jodi & Michael Schwartz

Laura Bauman ‘02 & Avi Shalem

Marybeth & Gregory Sheppard

Saloni & Sandip Singh

Denise & Boris Slusarev

Alyssa & David Small

Jenny & Jon Steingart

Danielle Morris & Daniel Stern

Jane & Kevin Stokes

Katrina Froman & Steve Stuart

Maureen Sweeney

Anne Whittaker & Jesse Terry

Linda Hsu & Cesar Trevino

Heather & Gaurang Trivedi

Katherine Hix & Pat Varbaro

Andrea & Michael Vitale

Jenna & Jonathan Walsh

Rhonda & Thomas Walsh

Lauren & Scott Weinstein

Denise Corsi-Weiss & Michael Weiss

Sara & Bradley Werner

Jennifer Weyburn

Brooke & N. Daniel Zarkowsky

M. Magdalena & Lisandro Miguens

Jana & Ricky Zinn

Nancy Steinhaus Zisson ‘61 & Bill Zisson


$500 – $999

Anonymous (5)

Kate Young & Keith Abrahamsson

Allison & Aaron Abrahms

Jessica & Troy Atkinson

Paola & Jim Ayer

Lyn & Peter Beardsley

Jamie & Mark Benjamin

Ronnie Berish

Natasha & Thomas Blair

Ashley Anne & Matthew Bloom ‘13

Marjorie De La Cruz Boben & Sam Boben

The Boulan Family

Carolyn & Robert Brown

Sharon & Anthony Carpenito

Mara Miller & Jesse Carrier

John Michael Cassetta

Amy & Matthew Cordone

Heather & David Costabile

Daphne & Patrick Daddino

Sue & Rob Dailey

Mitzi & Jason Davis

Nicole DiNapoli ‘94

Jillian Moo-Young & Konrad Duchek

Dara & Paul Endres

Laurie & David Feinstein

Mindy & Andrew Feldman

Elizabeth Giddens & Dan Fennessey

Lisa & Ross Fieldston

Laura & Wyatt Flores

Catherine & Evrard Fraise

Shane & Michael Franciscovich

The Frankfort Family

Jana & David Friedman

Ellen & Robert Fullerton

Nanci & Stuart Gelb

Kimberly & Zachry Gladney

Andi & Marc Glogoff

Daniela Fechheimer Goldin & Daniel Goldin

Ronit Setton & Benjamin Hershkowitz

Kristi Stangeland & Peter Hinman

Amy & Edward Hogan, Jr.

The Holden Family

Colleen & John Iodice

Nyla & Gerhard Isele

Kate & Jonathan Kaplan

Susan Karches

Samantha & Guy Kearsley

Clare & John Kelly

Amy & Randall Kessler

James M. Klancnik, Jr. & Nicole Eustace

Eleonore Kopera

Michelle & Seth Kruglak

Robin & Adam Leader

Elizabeth & James Lindstrom

Anita & Michael Liss

Pam Lardinois & Daron Lundeen

Jeannine Giacovelli-Mazzeo & Arturo Mazzeo

McLaughlin Family Foundation

Victoria & Gregory McLaughlin

Catherine Berzolla & Michael-Joseph Mercanti-Anthony

Marissa & Ryan Miller

Vanessa Ruta & Rickie Mohan

J.P. Morgan Chase

Ilia Edwards-Novelo & Milo Novelo

Jaimee & Mark Oberfest

Kendal O’Leary ‘07

Ann & Harry Oppenheimer

Britta & Russell Pemberton

Toby & Bradford Peters

The Freud/ Pincus Family

Mai Plath ‘87

Karen Ralph

Carol & Victor Raskin

Luce & James Reiss

Leah Belsky & Timothy Reuter

Jessica Mendelowitz & Aaron Rickles

Sandra Mayer & James Roberts


Samantha & Gerard Rocco

Christina von Riesenfelder & Kevin Roe

Hilary & Wilbur Ross

David Salant

Regina & Michael Salemo

Denise & Camillo

Santomero III

Angela & David Schultz

Jessica & Stephen Schutzman

Jessica & Jeremy Shell

Amy Bressler & Eric Shuffler

Catherine Lisi & Scott Sorokin

Melissa Stewart

Rebecca & Marc Strongin

Charlotte & Benjamin Sullivan, Jr.

Michelle & Brian Taub

Elissa & David Tauber

United Way of Metropolitan Chicago

Melissa Whitworth Vincent & Roger Vincent

Madlyn Wagner

Molly O’Brien Watkins

Allison Nied & Stewart Whitman

Snejana Sevak-Wizman & Thierry Wizman

Yale University School of Medicine

Rachel Coan & Stephen Zeche

Debra Zeplin


up to $499

Anonymous (47)

Kevin Abernathy

Bisrat Abraham

Joumana Abu-Shaheen

Ruth & Jack Ackert

Susan & Edward Adams

Lauren Adessa

Marcelle Agus

Christina & Jack Alfandary

Libby & Greg Alkalay

Francesca Allen

Craig Allison

Luis Almendarez

Benjamin Alpert ‘18

Debra & Daniel Alpert

Lindsay & Peter Ambler

Carter Anatole ‘12

Jodi & Mark Anatole

Melissa Angelillo

Elizabeth Weisman &

Robert Anhouse

Laura Anker ‘00

Dori Auslander

Joanne & Jim Bach

Lisa Baitsell

Sharon Ballen

Paul Ballou

Mindee Barham & Brooke Wiese

Adele Barracca

Losseni Barry

Janine Bartnett

Emily Bass

Stephanie & Edward Batesky

Jack Batesky ‘24

Julie Becker

Lauryn Belgrove

Robin Bello

Alexandra Bennett

Amy & Fred Bennett

Lindsay & Martin Bennett

Gina & Donald Benz

Erin & Ian Berger

Nicole Berkowitz

Laura & Louis Berlin

Nancy Berlin

Kara & Mark Bernstein

Lauren & Mark Bernstein

Nadya Bhagwan

Melinda Biberaj

Christelle Bidwell

Helaine Billings

Maria Boccasini

John Bosee

Ciaran Bossom

Shannon & Rick Boyce, Jr.

Heather Perrin-Boyle & Kevin Boyle

Patricia Brady

Allyson Braunschweig

Valerie Brennan

Timothy Brosnan

Cynthia & John Brown

Lindsey Brown

Joanne Barton & Nathan Brown

Elyce & Steve Brown

Sarah Brown

Carolina & Freidy Builes

Kelly Burke

Hunter Burnard

Liz Burns

Nora Byrne

Alison Campbell

Celeste Campbell

Joela & Celeste Campbell

Barbara Cantatore

Angeline Carelli

Sarah Carpenito ‘29

Viva Hardigg & Beverly R. Carter IV

Nomi Kleinman & Dan Cayer

Eric Chaikin

Nancy & John Chamberlain

Tiffani & Reggie Chambers

Christine & Jeremy Chase

Lois & Peter Chianese

Martha Child

Steven Chillrud

Juliana Chiodo ‘12

Norma & Ben Cirlin

Deborah & Bruce Clark

Julie Clarke

Alice & Arthur Cohen

Ellen Brooks & Marshall Cohen

Lauren Coleman

Ellen Colton


Thomas Comerford

Christa & James Condon

Maya Coniglio ‘24

Sue & Ed Corbett

Emily Cordone

Tanya Corrin

Alexis Costanzo

Kathryn Court

Louis Cox

Amanda Cozza

Moira Crabtree

William Cranch

Carrie Curtin

Lara Damashek

Michelle & Philip D’Ambrosio

Matthew D’Amelio

Ellery Davis

Abby DeLuca

Marsha & Ernie Demba

Maria & John Desiderio

DIAGEO North America

Julianna DiBattista

Georgette & Emerson Dickman

Gregory Dietz ‘09

Kimberly Dietz

Dina DiGiacomo

Robert DiPietro

Ruth DiRoma

Tieyin Doherty-Weinraub

Diane LaPointe & Robert Dolan

Helene & Joseph Dooley

Angela Dirks & Ronald Dooley

Suzanne & Dennis Dowd

Betsy & Michael Duffy

Ryaneileen Duffy

Tristes Dunn

Dorothy Dunne

Kathryn Kelly Dwyer & Brian Dwyer

Elizabeth Dwyer

Kristen & Christopher Eberhard

Brian Egan

Webb Egerton

The Egloff Family

Tanya Ehrlich

Caroline & Barrett Einaugler

Franco Encarnation

William Ernest

Christine Estela

Katie & Erik Fagan

Patricia Farano

Edit & Charles Farkas

Sheila Farkas

Abigail Wise & Kevin Fedigan

Veronica Mestre & Jarett Feldman ‘00

Robin & Stuart Feldman

Heather & Brett Fialkoff

Ida & Jason Fields

Joellen & Alexander Finnie

Thomas Fiorella Jr. & Marcio Baptista

Karina & Francis FitzPatrick

Linda & Jonathan Flaxer

Jane & Phillip Fontana

Kathleen & Robert Fontanella

Toni Ford

Kristen Kidder & Cory Forman

Katherine Fowler Ernest

Thayer & Daniel Fox

Megan Franco

Franklin Templeton Global

Aaron Fraser

Lacey Fraser

Alexandra Frelinghuysen

Phyllis & Gerald Friedland

Alice Friedman ‘09

Melissa & David Friedman

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Friel Jr.

Lauren Fulco

Kristin & Michael Galvin

Lori & Mark Garbin

Claribet Garcia

Patricia Gay

The Gaynor Family

Scott Gellman

Katy Gemelli

Olivia Gennusa

Lucille Genova

Katherine & Michael Geoghegan

Sonya Giacobbe

Give Lively Foundation Inc.

Diana Glogau

Wendy & Bernard Gold

Mark Goldberg

Ellen & Shepard Goldfein

Stacy Gonzalez

Google Inc.

Wendy & Steven Gottfried

Ruby & Joseph Gottlieb

Marie & George Goward

Katherine Gramajo

Ariadne & Jonathan Green

Judith & Frank Greenberg

Joyce & Shelley Greenhaus

Elsa Guedes

Marilyn Guenther

Wendy & Rolando Guerra

Martha Iwamoto & Danny Haddad

Nicole Halper-Weiss

Nicole & Nathaniel Hanby

Nadeen Bonilla-Hanif & Leakat Hanif

Diane Happas

Emily Harris

Jill & Lloyd Harris

Maria Harris

Wendy & Douglas Hart

Paula Hawkey

Elizabeth & Adam Haymson

April Heck

Eve & Scott Helfstein

Eleanor Henry

Louise & William Herman

Nicole Hertz

Barbara Higgins

Constance & Jeffrey Hirsch

Emily Hodulik ‘22

Kelly & Stephen Hodulik

Janet & Eric Honick

Isabel Honigman

Marilyn Hunt

ToniAnn Hutchison

Shirley Hwang

Rose & Sal Inguanti

Tara Iodice

Judith Isenberg

Spela Sterle & Jordan Jan

Alicia Kaczor

Andrea & Jeffrey Kaminsky

Laurie Slosberg Kaminsky & Howard Kaminsky

Allyson Kapadia

Ali & Roger Karshan

Tracy Grey & Rintaro Kawai

Kathleen Kearney

Darcy Kelley

Alicia Kempin

Isabel Kennedy

Kristopher Kennedy

Lindsay Kennedy

Meghan Kennedy

Meredith & Ryan Kent

Maureen Kerwin

Julie & Keith Kettell

Laura Kirk

Danielle & Jeffrey Klein

Carrie & David Kleiner

Susan Klope

Kameil Grant-Knight & Barry Knight

Mary Tyler Knowles

Kristin & Peter Knowles

Virginia Knudsen

Elicia Weinstein & Barry Krosser

Barbara & Samuel Landau

The Landegger Charitable Foundation Inc

Caitlin Lasher

Kate & Albert Laverge

Gail Cirlin-Lazerus & Erik Lazerus

Paul Lennihan

Rachel Leone

Joanne & Barry Levin

Leslie & Jason Levin

Tommy Levinsohn ‘18

Tracey Levy ‘02

Julie Liebman

Carly Lillo

Beckham Lindon

Pinks & Martin London

Lesley & Todd Lowe

Lisa Lucente

Vicki & Stephen Lurie

Caroline MacLachlan

Samantha Magistro

Surri Gray & Krishnan Maheswaran

Heather & Russell Mahland

Ruthanne Mahoney & Bruce Boehmcke

Paige & Stephen Maire

Donna & Peter Malik

Anna Maloratsky

Lisa & J. Matthew Mannix

Michael Marcantonio

Kara & Dan Margolis

Stephanie Marin

Donna Mark

Lisa & Jesse Mark

Lauren Marlowe ‘23

Taylor Marlowe ‘25

Jennifer & Micah Martino

Betty & Michael Maslin

Gina Mastrogiovanni

Towanda Mathurin

The McCormick Family

Kim McCrea

Robin McDonough

Maureen McElhinney

Mary McGee

Joan McGettigan

Colleen McGlynn

Jessica McGowan

Anne McGroarty

Ann & Gordon McKee III

Corey McMahon

Emily & Craig Meisner

Melanie & Robert Melillo

Kate Merker

Merrill Lynch & Co.

Danielle & Scott Meyer

Mary & Trevor Miele

Lia Milton

Carrie Minio

Laura Monardo

Debra Mongello

Kayla Morales

Keisha Morris

Laura Morgan-Moscahlades & George Moscahlades

Kerri-Lynn Orsini-Mulhearn & Patrick Mulhearn

Gresida Mundija

Elizabeth & Kevin Murphy

Caitlin Murray

Maureen & Daniel Muse

Stephanie Myhal

Simi Mir & Paul Nasrani

Lauren Naughton

Sarah Nauman

Arlene Nesbitt Gibbons

New York Life Insurance

Shannon Nicholls

Jenny Nichols

Emilie Murphy & A. Byron Nimocks, III

Angelo Nobile

Sarah Nordgren

Jacqueline Burke Nugent & Winston Nugent

Diana Oakley

Katie O’Neill

John Ongaro ‘09

Lesley & John Osborn, Sr.

Barry Ostrer

Francesca & Michael Paccetti

Harold Pachios

Luanne Pachios

Robin Palley

Arielle Papadam

Janie Papernik

Julie Parelli

Carole Parkey

Danielle Passno

Margaret & Patrick Patalino

Samantha Payne

Jane Fife & Kai Pearson

Jillian Peden

Arthemio Perez

Sarah & Marc Persily

Julie & Michael Petrizzo

Jillian Piazza

Dev Pillette

B. Steven Polikoff

Molly Powers

Evelyn Poy

Leslie & Joseph Pragay

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Helen Prichett

Christopher Prigg

Anne Cunningham & David Pugh

Maria & Bailey Puntereri

Alexa Reghenzani-Quigley & Sean Quigley

Carolyn & Bruce Quinn

Ruba Rabah

Carol & Robert Rabinowitz

Rouba & Roger Rached

Harri Ramkishun

Jocelyn Raposa ‘27

Teresa Blume & Michael Raposa

Suzanne & James Raved

Maria & Juan Reino

Robert Reino ‘20

Sarah Rendell

Katina Dorton & Ward Ricke

Allison Riesel ‘99

Olivia Risoleo

Cynthia Robinson

Rocket Club Math

Kristen Mulvihill & David Rohde

Matt Rollings

Stefanie & Darryl Romanoff

Allison Rosen

Tami Amiri & Richard Rosenfeld

Christopher Rosenman

Douglas Rosenman

Eric Ruberte

Michael & Erin Russo

Suzanne Ruta

Meghan Ryan

The Sabol Family

Juliana & Brad Sage

Barbara & David Salz

Sally Salzer

Vicky & Mike Sandefur

Yojairy Sands

Beatrice Santos

Amy & David Sass

Felicia & Scott Schaen

Nancy & Robert Schantz

Joan & Stuart Schapiro

Benjamin Schlechter ‘95

Kelly Schmidt

Zeynep & Thomas Schoenwaelder

Carol Schofield

Nina Ben-Avi Schreiber ‘74 & Marc Schreiber

Kathlyn & Jarrod Schwartz

Wendy & Jeffrey Schwartz

Sandra & Donald Schwarz

Elizabeth Ikle & Todd Sell

Jennifer Levine & Venkatraman Seshan

Anita Shendalman

Jessica Sheptin

Lisa Sheptin

John Sheridan

Catherine & Michael Shultz

Jamie Simon

Gayle & Matthew Slonim

Roberta Solar & Robert Schumeister

Jessica Sorna

MaryRose Sorrento ‘13

Olivia & Roberto Soto Ruiz

Michelle Spino Andruss

Lori & Robert Squillante

Elyssa Sroka

Cecile St. Hilaire

Rita & Arthur Stahl

Karen & David Stanfield

Cortney Stanley

Elly Steiker-Pearl

Carla Stein

Sherry Van Mindeno-Stein & Seymour Stein

Jeanne & Jim Stephens

Naomi Nwosu-Stewart & Phillip Stewart

Linda Sceles-Straubel & Mark Straubel

Sylvia Strauss

Tamar & Peter Stubbs

Valeska Stupak

Chris Sullivan ‘08

Beth Davidoff & Sean Sullivan

Clare & David Svedlow

Sandy Takishita

Doretta & Neil Tarangioli

Hannah Tenenbaum

Angela Thielke

Sandra & David Tica

Abigail Tinari

Gonzalo Tlazalo Amador

Andrea Tolliver

Adele & Russell Tombline

Laura Trifiletti

Sameera & Christian Troesch

Misty Tsapatsaris

Sheila Tudisco

Maureen Curtin-Tyler & Paul Tyler

Lara & Benjamin Ufer

Charles Van Deventer

Sherry Van Mindeno-Stein

Kerri Vanadia

Anne & William Varcasio

Kristina Vazquez

Ashley Vega

John Vermette

Carolyn Vollero

Lynn & George Vos

W.N.J. Trucking, Inc.

Brooke Wachtel

Jennifer & Steven Warner

Billur Weigell

Betsy & Stanley Weiner

Anna & Daniel Weiser

Judy & Joel Weisman

Cathy & Mark Weiss

Wells Fargo

Cynthia Wendt

Dawn Whidden

Michael Wolff ‘20

Lynn Roberts & Mark Wolfson

Ellen Schwartz Wylie & Gordon Wylie

Elaine Yudkovitz

Beth Zamerski

Alexandra Zelesky

Barbara & Terry Zemetis

Jodi & Stuart Zgodny

Jacqueline Zitzmann

Leslie & Peter Zuckerwise

Deborah & Stephen Zumpano




60% Participation

Grade Agents: Lara Wynn, Sara Berg

Jennifer Liang & Mark Arezzi

Mackenzie & Stephen Bartlett

Julie Becker

Meredith Gotlin & Reed Brodsky

Melissa & Stephen Burnazian

Mara Miller & Jesse Carrier

Olivia Serafini-Sauli & Justin Cohen

Catherine & Richard D’Albert

Elizabeth Giddens & Dan Fennessey

Sara A. Berg & D. Justin Griffith

Martha Iwamoto & Danny Haddad

Hilary & Peter Hatch

Johanne & Jean-Baptiste


Spela Sterle & Jordan Jan

Elissa & William Johnson

Sarah & Michael London

Wendie & Fernando Lopez & Family

Allison & David Lorber

Jennifer & Mark Lotke

Marisa Sellitti & Johnny Miller

Vanessa Ruta & Rickie Mohan

Christina von Riesenfelder & Kevin Roe

Kristen Mulvihill & David Rohde

Michele & Jeffrey Rosenberg

Alexandra Shiva & Jonathan Sherman

David Sigal & Brad Hoylman-Sigal

Gayle & Matthew Slonim

Lauren & Christopher Starr

Charles Van Deventer

Amerika & Bradd Williamson

Lara & Andrew Wynn

Sylvia & Bervan Yeh

Jana & Ricky Zinn

Jodi & Adam Zotkow



67% Participation

Grade Agents:

Amy Kazanoff, Amy Chiang

Kate Young & Keith Abrahamsson

Nina Dhawer & Drew Ackert

Monica Tadros & John Athas

Maureen Brady Atinsky & Lawrence Atinsky

Nina & Chip Brian

Stacey & Adam Brodbar

Meredith Gotlin & Reed Brodsky

Joanne Barton & Nathan Brown

Wendy & Lee Chaikin

Sandra & James Clark

Julie & Jonas Fajgenbaum

Brooke & Edouard Gerschel

Kimberly & Zachry Gladney

Amy Chiang & Danton Goei

Stephanie & Aaron Goldman

Jose Goncalves

Martine Beamon & Eddie Joyce

Amy & Peter Kazanoff

Eleonore Kopera

Janice Rego & Samish Kumar

Lauren & Daniel Levy

Samantha Magistro

Danielle & David McMahan

Christine & Wes Miller

Helen Zalantis & James Nacos

Monique & George Newmark

Lauren Mcfarland & James O’Neill

Paulo Pacheco

Rouba & Roger Rached

Joanna & Matthew Rego

Kimeran Daley & Samuel Reinhart

Haley & Matthew Satnick

Jennifer Levine & Venkatraman Seshan

Lori & Kenneth Squire

Danielle Morris & Daniel Stern

Wendy & Tim Van Patten

Kathy & Michael Weber

Dale & Richard Weil

Paige Nelson & Robert Wiesenthal



63% Participation

Grade Agents:

Lauren Chung, Kathleen Kirchgaessner, Tene Morris, Paul Nasrani

Bisrat Abraham

Rachael & Simon Bachleda

Ciaran Bossom

Kara & Hawley Chester

Lauren & Richard Chung

Masayo Hashimoto & Yiannes Einhorn

Dara & Paul Endres

Erika & Travis Feehan

Jodisue Rosen & Scott Feldman

Rita & David Godin

Daniela Fechheimer Goldin & Daniel Goldin

Nadeen Bonilla-Hanif & Leakat Hanif

Kerrys & Leland Hensch

Elisabeth Zeche & Bradley Honan

Lauren & Nicholas Kaplan

Kathleen & Rainer Kirchgaessner

Romy Silver-Kohn & Jesse Kohn

Alexis & Benjamin Langsfeld

Sarah & Michael London

Lesley & Todd Lowe

Anna Maloratsky

Ellen Shultz & Richard Marsden

Nicole & Michael Mesard

Simi Mir & Paul Nasrani

Elizabeth Philipp & David Pettker

Lisa & Jason Roberts

Zeynep & Thomas Schoenwaelder

Salima & Paul Sheppard

Alyssa & David Small

Lori & Kenneth Squire

Adele & Russell Tombline

Rhonda & Thomas Walsh

Grace Wagner Wilson & Rowan Wilson

Snejana Sevak-Wizman & Thierry Wizman

Christine & Hugh Wynne

Michal Gilon-Yanai & Itai Yanai

Jana & Ricky Zinn



62% Participation

Grade Agents:

Naomi Nwosu-Stewart, Beth Demba, Amy Singer

Nina Dhawer & Drew Ackert

Jasmine & Michael Barr

Ingrid & Justin Bateman

Dana & Eric Birnbaum

Jill Ammerata & Peter Calatozzo

Laura & Michael Carrocci

Elizabeth & Mark Clyman

Michelle Coppola

Beth & Daniel Demba

Maimouna & Vinzenz Feller

Rita & David Godin

Meredith Mele & Chris Grassi

Eve & Scott Helfstein

Katayoun Akbari & Kamal Jafarnia

Jennifer & Bryan Kaplan

Amy & Peter Kazanoff

Samantha & Guy Kearsley

Simina & Stephen Kroculick

Danielle & Stephen Krupa

Janet & Adam Lichtenstein

Anita & Michael Liss

Allison & David Lorber

Margaret Jones & Ivan Marshalleck

Hilary & Jordan Merson

Mary & Trevor Miele

Jennifer & Matthew Miller

Rebecca & Edward Nejat

Susan & Brice Palmer

Emily & Robert Rosenberg

David Saperstein

Sara & Taylor Senatore

Laura Bauman ‘02 & Avi Shalem

Amy & Mortimer Singer

Naomi Nwosu-Stewart & Phillip Stewart

Cynthia & David Wassong

Lara & Andrew Wynn



49% Participation

Grade Agents: Seth Alter, Lauren Levy

Dana Coppolino & Adam Abensohn

Josephine & Seth Alter

Marcos Alvarado

Camilla Sacrini & Renzo Arcoria

Anne Black & Teymour Farman-Farmaian

Muoi Trinh & Martin Chen

Molly McNairy & Peter Deschenes

Claire Pedersen & Derek Dostal

Erika & Travis Feehan

The Frankfort Family

Maria & Carlos Garza

Carrie & Howard Hersch

Laura Kirk

Hilary & Mo Koyfman

Lauren & Tomas Larsson

Lauren & Daniel Levy

Dana Finesilver & Robert Lewin

Kate Merker

Carrie & Matthew Papillo

Danielle Passno

Caroline & Richard Sberlati

Ayesha & Billal Sikander

Cecile St. Hilaire

Megan Flynn & Derek Sun



69% Participation

Grade Agents:

Bernhard Bauer, Stephen Maire, Isabel Lo

Michelle & Maurice Arlos

Bernhard Bauer & Walter Kelly

Melissa & Jeffrey Bergson

Rachel & Gregory Bullis

Tiffany Callaghan ‘98 & Michael Callaghan

Joela & Celeste Campbell

Rhian Horgan & Garrett Camporine

Laura & Michael Carrocci

Sarah & James Claypool

Robert DiPietro

The Fiszel Family

Ashley & Steven Gautier-Winther

Isabel Lo & Ryan Geraghty

Meredith Mele & Chris Grassi

Gabriela & John Hearst

Laura & Alan Isenberg

The Kushnick Family

Emilie & Trevor Langeloh

Paige & Stephen Maire

Susan & Brice Palmer

Melissa & Joshua Rubinson

Randy Slifka

Colleen & Graves Tompkins

Lauren & Scott Weinstein

Allison & Joshua Zegen



74% Participation

Grade Agents:

Michelle Breyer, Peter Malik

Mataya King & Jonathan Beathe

Michelle Breyer

Lili & Howard Buffett

Jessica Lee & Paul Davis

Jillian Moo-Young & Konrad Duchek

Nadia & John Gagnier

Annie Lee & Steven Gee

Maria & Jordan Jacobs

Stephanie & James Kearney

Sarah & Michael London

Stacey & Terrence Lowenberg

Donna & Peter Malik

Stephanie & Tyler Robbins

Laura Bauman ‘02 & Avi Shalem

Anne Whittaker & Jesse Terry

Linda Hsu & Cesar Trevino

Sara & Bradley Werner



100% Participation

Lindsay & David Friedman

Bethany Lampland & Brian Meyer

Grace & Guy Shanon




42% Participation

Natasha Esch & Matthew Coffin

Kathryn Kelly Dwyer & Brian Dwyer

Rachel & Brian Gingold

Gail Cirlin-Lazerus & Erik Lazerus

Robin & Brian Potash



42% Participation

Grade Agent: Liz Boutry

Libby & Greg Alkalay

Paola & Jim Ayer

Sarah & Eric Beyrich

Jennifer & Gregory Bieber

Elizabeth & David Boutry

Heather Perrin-Boyle & Kevin Boyle

Tamar & Yehudah Buchweitz

Casey & Dana Carey

Suzanne Chamberlain

Virginia & John Cocke

Michelle Humi-DeFunis & Bension DeFunis

Nicole DiNapoli ‘94

Angela Dirks & Ronald Dooley

The Egloff Family

Jesse & James Eisenberg

Rebecca & Paul Eisenberg

Stephanie & Dan Fougere

Tara Matzan-Fried & Matthew Fried ‘87

Kathleen & David Glaymon

Erin Posner & Philippe Guerra

Kerry & Belgrave Henderson

Eileen & Mark Hojnacki

James M. Klancnik, Jr. & Nicole Eustace

Kathryn von Matthiessen & Ronald Kornreich

Michelle & Seth Kruglak

Elizabeth & Douglas Lake

Nessa Kennedy Madden & Michael Madden

Christine Baker McGrath & Tom McGrath

Marcy & Marcelo Modica

Laura Morgan-Moscahlades & George Moscahlades

Allyson & Chris Pachios

Britta & Russell Pemberton

Regina & Michael Salemo

Marlyse Haward & Alexander Sawyer

Anna & Christopher Toomey

Madlyn Wagner



37% Participation

Grade Agents: Linie Rand, Towanda Mathurin, Claribet Garcia, Katy Sherwood

Karina & Leigh Bass

Lindsay & Martin Bennett

Marjorie De La Cruz Boben & Sam Boben

The Boulan Family

Elyce & Steve Brown

Sandra Feeney-Charles & Anthony Charles

Britt & Brian Collins

Christa & James Condon

Brett Condron

Amy & Matthew Cordone

Sharon & David Emmets

Claribet Garcia

Amanda & Alexandre Gaudelet

Katy Gemelli

Helaine & Ari Gendason

Elizabeth & Adam Haymson

Lilia & Thomas Hess

Carrie & David Kleiner

Elizabeth & Douglas Lake

Kelly Brewer & Bill Lewis

Laura & William Manuel

Towanda Mathurin

Carolyn & William Mattson

Christine & Wes Miller

Jaime & Brian Morris

Christy Counts & Benjamin Morton

Allison & James Nelson

Jacqueline Burke Nugent & Winston Nugent

Arthemio Perez

Toby & Bradford Peters

Linie & Joseph Rand

Joanna & Charles Roberson

Nell Shanahan & Adam Schwartz

Jodi & Michael Schwartz

Elissa & David Tauber

Sandra & David Tica

Kerri Vanadia

Kristina Vazquez

Anike & Mike Wariebi

Brooke & N. Daniel Zarkowsky


42% Participation

Grade Agent:

Bish McDonnell

The Aaronson Family

Alexandra & Carson Baker

Carolyn & Robert Brown

Cristina & Daniel Casey

Ashley MacNeill & Joel Charlebois

The Cipolla Family

Loren & Michael Dinger

Erin & Michael Dodds

Jessica & Christopher Dooley

Shirin von Wulffen & Frederic Fekkai

Laura & Wyatt Flores

Pamela & Thomas Frame

Jana & David Friedman

Lisa & Ryan Fuller

Kristin & Michael Galvin

Alana & Stephen Giagni

Courtney & Brenton Greer

Elizabeth & Nelson Griggs

Nicole & Nathaniel Hanby

Eileen & Mark Hojnacki

Suzie & Peter Jellinek

Meredith & Ryan Kent

Heather & Daniel Kolb

Adam & Beth Lane

Meredith & Ian Levine

Olivia & Oskar Lewnowski

Katy Bray & Jeff Maier

Jennifer & Charles McDonnell III

Emily & Craig Meisner

Kristin & Ben Mickelson

Christina Favilla-Morey & Michael Morey

Jessica & Jeremy Murphy

Elizabeth & Kevin Murphy

Payson & Grant Murray

Jaimee & Mark Oberfest

Allison & Eric Rosenzweig

Olivia & Roberto Soto Ruiz

Adele & Russell Tombline

Leah & Russell Viault

Jenna & Jonathan Walsh


50% Participation

Grade Agents:

Kameil Grant-Knight,

Susan Matsko, Liz Haymson, Wendy Rockman

Wendy Rockman & Jason Adelman

Elizabeth & Christopher Ayala

Amy & Fred Bennett

Erin & Ian Berger

Kristin & Darren Beylouni

Maria Boccasini

Carolina & Freidy Builes

Adiaha Campbell

Liz & Stephen Chbosky

Robbie & Peter


Kristin & Christoffer Davidsson

Mary & Antonio Diaz-Albertini

Abigail & David Dowd

Rebecca & Gerald Esposito

Veronica Mestre & Jarett Feldman ‘00

Lisa & Ross Fieldston

Dolya & Evan Fleck

The Gaynor Family

Alejandra & Richard Gere

Wendy & Rolando Guerra

Christine & Doug Harmon

Elizabeth & Adam Haymson

Brandy & Sean Hendelman

Constance & Jeffrey Hirsch

The Holden Family

The Holland Family

Michele & Christopher Iavarone

Jill & Andrew Kirby

Kameil Grant-Knight & Barry Knight

Kristin & Peter Knowles

Kate & Albert Laverge

Sara & Paul Leand

Elizabeth & James Lindstrom

Elizabeth & Matthew Lucey

Pam Lardinois & Daron Lundeen

Allison Leff & Daniel Macklowitz

Kimberly & Christian Matarese

Susan & Christopher Matsko

Jeannine Giacovelli-Mazzeo & Arturo Mazzeo

Christine & Wes Miller

Eileen & Jeff Murray

Maureen & Daniel Muse

Francesca & Michael Paccetti

Britta & Russell Pemberton

Toby & Bradford Peters

Kirstin & James Powers

Yael & Joshua Rosen

Kathryn & Alan Sanzenbacher

Mona & Kyri Sarantakos

Ariel & Lewis Silberman

Ronni & Dennis Stetsenko

Tamar & Peter Stubbs

Fawn & Michael Vollero



48% Participation

Grade Agents:

Kathlyn Schwartz, Lindsay Oudsema, Meghan Ryan, Anne Citrin

Laura & Louis Berlin

Alexandra & David Braunstein

Jorrie & Marc Bruffett

Casey & Dana Carey

Anne & Jacob Citrin

The Crandall Family

Kristin & Christoffer Davidsson

Mary & Jason Dillow

Sarah Driansky

Sharon & David Emmets

William Ernest

Adrienne Jones-Faulkner & Aubrey Faulkner

Katherine Fowler Ernest

Wendi Hoeben Thompson

Maryam & Luis Jimenez

Ivy & Seth Keslow

Nicole & Paul Kohloff

Kathleen & James Lavallee

Lauren & Evan Machowsky

Jennifer & Micah Martino

Jill & Christian McCourtney

Kristi & Matthew McNeill

Danielle & Scott Meyer

Kerri-Lynn Orsini-Mulhearn & Patrick Mulhearn

Gina Auletta & Jonah Nishiura

David Olk

Lindsay & Robert Oudsema

Chelsey & Michael Pajak

Cortney & David Peretz

Dawn & Daniel Pettersson

Mai Plath ‘87

Siri & Jason Price

Maria & Bailey Puntereri

Dina & Shawn Rabin

Molly & Randy Rothstein

Meghan Ryan

Tracy & Richard Schock

Kathlyn & Jarrod Schwartz

Marybeth & Gregory Sheppard

Jessie & Craig Spain

Beth Davidoff & Sean Sullivan

Laura & Peter Treadway

Tess & Rohan Virmani

Fawn & Michael Vollero



38% Participation

Amanda & Edward Allen

Nina & Nick Alvarez

Jessica & Troy Atkinson

Lisa & Duncan Bagshaw

Brenda & Michael Benn

Amy & Dean Bernstein

Bridgett & Jason Brown

Bridget & Michael Capasso

Katie & Erik Fagan

Laurie & David Feinstein

Ida & Jason Fields

Kristen Kidder & Cory Forman

Nicole & Nathaniel Hanby

Kelly & Tim Helstein

The Holland Family

Lisa Varley McCool & Joseph McCool

Jill & Christian McCourtney

Catherine Berzolla & Michael-Joseph Mercanti-Anthony

Francesca & Michael Paccetti

Casey & Ryan Parrish

Jana & Brad Romine

Felicia & Scott Schaen

Angela & David Schultz

Karen & David Stanfield

Rebecca & Marc Strongin

Kristina Vazquez

Allison Ross & Daniel Waldman

Chrissy & Christopher Ward


54% Participation

Grade Agent: Michelle Humi-DeFunis

Erica Attonito & Robert Crowe

Michelle Humi-DeFunis & Bension DeFunis

Kay & John Garrett

Bridie & John Loverro

Ferial Ounadjela-Visser

Dina & Shawn Rabin

Leah Belsky & Timothy Reuter

Jessica & Stephen Schutzman

Elizabeth Ikle & Todd Sell

Hillary Schafer & Mark Shafir

Lindsay & Peter Snedeker

Clare & David Svedlow

Lara & Benjamin Ufer

Jessica Shapiro-Weill & Marc Weill

Sara & Bret Wiener



44% Participation

Christi Peltier & David Hein

Briony & Luke Raymond

Sameera & Christian Troesch

Melissa Whitworth Vincent & Roger Vincent


Allison & Aaron Abrahms

Susan & Edward Adams

Christina & Jack Alfandary

Debra & Daniel Alpert

Jodi & Mark Anatole

Elizabeth Weisman & Robert Anhouse

Rosanne & Peter Aresty

Leah & Christian Backenstrass

Lisa Baitsell

Sharon Ballen

Mindee Barham & Brooke Wiese

Stephanie & Edward Batesky

Gina & Donald Benz

Sharon & Benjy Berger

Amy & J.P. Berkery

Lauren & Mark Bernstein

Lisa & Mark Bezos

Karyn & Andrew Bhak

Eryn & Mike Bingle

Natasha & Thomas Blair

Jessica & Thomas Blouin

Molly & Michael Bogdan

Shannon & Rick Boyce, Jr.

Leslie & Theodore Breck

Malaika Amon & Anthony Bregman

Cynthia & John Brown

Meg Bruno

Lauri & David Carey

Sharon & Anthony Carpenito

Suzanne & Russell Carpentieri

Viva Hardigg & Beverly R. Carter IV

Renee McCormick & William Cavanagh

Nomi Kleinman & Dan Cayer

Tiffani & Reggie Chambers

She Zhen Li & Frank Chan

Laura & Fredrick

Chapey, Jr.

Christine & Jeremy Chase

Lois & Peter Chianese

Steven Chillrud

Robert Cignarella

Deborah & Bruce Clark

Ellen Brooks & Marshall Cohen

Barbara & Thomas Cole

Michelle& Tom Coleman

Sarah & John Collins

Thomas Comerford

Tara & Anthony Coniglio

Michelle & Shane Coppola

Tanya Corrin

Heather & David Costabile

Christine & Kevin Costello

Elizabeth Crain & Jonathan Breckenridge

Michael Cummins

Sue & Rob Dailey

Happy & Craig Daily

Michelle & Philip D’Ambrosio

Gina & Peter D’Avanzo

Mitzi & Jason Davis

Christopher Dawson

Maria & John Desiderio

Ruth DiRoma

Diane LaPointe & Robert Dolan

Helene & Joseph Dooley

Catherine Zeta-Jones & Michael Douglas

Courtney Smith & Graham Duncan

Kelly Dunne

Wendy Eber-Fry & Eric Fry

Webb Egerton

Caroline & Barrett Einaugler

Anne & Mark Ellman

Gretchen & Adam Englander

Abigail Wise & Kevin Fedigan

Mindy & Andrew Feldman

Robin & Stuart Feldman

Heather & Brett Fialkoff

Tom Fiorella Jr. & Marcio Baptista

Karina & Francis FitzPatrick

Adrienne & Thomas Flanagan

Linda & Jonathan Flaxer

Barney & Beth Foltman

Kathleen & Robert Fontanella

Thayer & Daniel Fox

Catherine & Evrard Fraise

Shane & Michael Franciscovich

Devon Fredericks & Eli Zabar

Julie & David Friedland

Melissa & David Friedman

Debra Fromer

Ellen & Robert Fullerton

Camille & Ross Galin

Lori & Mark Garbin

Susan & Joseph Garofoli

Suzanne & Didier Gault

Dolly Geary & Jack Geary

Stacey Shurgin & Ruth Genn

Alisa & Seth Gershman

“ Our family has been lucky to have our daughter at a place like Windward and we’re always happy to help out with the Windward Fund. The place has changed all our lives.”
Alumni Parents ‘30 and former Windward Fund Co-Chairs

Elaine & Thomas Giannetti

Andi & Marc Glogoff

Wendy & Bernard Gold

Mark Goldberg

Susan & Jeffrey Goldenberg

Goldman Sachs Gives

Suzanne & Alex Golten

Kimberly & Scott Goodwin

Page & Arthur Gosnell

Wendy & Steven Gottfried

Ruby & Joseph Gottlieb

Ariadne & Jonathan Green

Joyce & Shelley Greenhaus

Sloan & David Greenspan

Lisa & Timothy Harkness

Jill & Lloyd Harris

Wendy & Douglas Hart

Ingrid & Gardner W. Heidrick III

Ronit Setton & Benjamin Hershkowitz

Barbara Higgins

Whitney & Brian Hill

Lynn & John Hillman

Kristi Stangeland & Peter Hinman

Kelly & Stephen Hodulik

Amy & Edward Hogan, Jr.

Janet & Eric Honick

Mark Hootnick

Nyla & Gerhard Isele

Meredith & Ben Jenkins

Shelley & Luke Johnson

Laurie Slosberg Kaminsky & Howard Kaminsky

Kate & Jonathan Kaplan

Elyse & Chris Karow

Ali & Roger Karshan

Michelle Kassner

Stephanie & Mitchell Katz

Tracy Grey & Rintaro Kawai

Kathleen Kearney

Clare & John Kelly

Susan & Robert Kempler

Amy & Randall Kessler

Julie & Keith Kettell

Danielle & Jeffrey Klein

Susan Klope

Elicia Weinstein & Barry Krosser

Holly Rudnick Kurtzberg & Joel Kurtzberg

Karen Kiehl & Peter Labbat

Anna & Eduardo Lansberg

Robin & Adam Leader

Jennifer & Christopher Leary

Lisa Fishman & Sam Lehr

Larisa & Michael Leventon

Leslie & Jason Levin

Terri & John Liftin

Victoria & John Linnartz

Erica & Fred Losen

Stephanie & David Luftig

Vicki & Stephen Lurie

Elizabeth & Charles Lynch

Anthony Lyons

Elizabeth & Daniel Magidson

Surri Gray & Krishnan Maheswaran

Heather & Russell Mahland

Ruthanne Mahoney & Bruce Boehmcke

Lisa & J. Matthew Mannix

Kara & Dan Margolis

Lisa & Jesse Mark

Staci & Steven Marlowe

Lexie & Mark Maruszewski

Dolly & Charles Mayer

Tracy & John Mayo-Smith

Maura Rainey McCormack & John McCormack

Susan & Laurence McGrath

Ann & Gordon McKee III

Corey McMahon

Kate Mehl

Jacqueline Cirillo & Richard Meisenberg

Peter Melhado

Melanie & Robert Melillo

Janice Meyer & Michael Jamison

Carolyn & Gerald Miceli

Petra & Michael Miebach

M. Magdalena & Lisandro Miguens

Elizabeth & Richard Miller

Marissa & Ryan Miller

Ilana & Ari Milstein

Joan Gerhart Mollerus & Michael Mollerus

Keisha Morris

Hayley & Lawrence Morrison

Alice & Sean Murphy

Leslie & Curt Myers

National Philanthropic Trust

Arlene Nesbitt Gibbons

Shannon Nicholls

Emilie Murphy & A. Byron Nimocks, III

Ilia Edwards-Novelo & Milo Novelo

Kathy & Brian O’Hare

Cynthia O’Leary

Lesley & John Osborn, Sr.

Zibby & Kyle Owens

Marcie & Jordan Pantzer

Helena & Barry Parkin

Joel Parodneck ‘90

Margaret & Patrick Patalino

Jane Fife & Kai Pearson

Sarah & Marc Persily

Julie & Michael Petrizzo

Stacey & Daniel Philips

Sylvia Stein & Mark Philips

The Freud/Pincus Family

B. Steven Polikoff

Amy & Kenneth Pollinger

Jenny Price

Anne Cunningham & David Pugh

Nancy Raider

Teresa Blume & Michael Raposa

Shelley & Ken Rapp

Suzanne & James Raved

Maria & Steven Reed

Maria & Juan Reino

Katina Dorton & Ward Ricke

Jessica Mendelowitz & Aaron Rickles

Leslyn & Donald Rigoni

Sandra Mayer & James Roberts

Janet & J. Howland


Samantha & Gerard Rocco

Kristen & Steve Rodgers

Stefanie & Darryl Romanoff

Tami Amiri & Richard Rosenfeld

Mary Pat Draddy & Jonathan Rosenshine

Cindy & Scott Roskind

The Sabol Family

Juliana & Brad Sage

Denise & Camillo Santomero III

Amy & David Sass

Joan & Stuart Schapiro

Andrea & Philip Schlakman

Judith & Leslie Schreyer

Stacey & Rich Schutzer

Constance Young & Gary Schwartz

Wendy & Jeffrey Schwartz

Christine & Stephen A. Schwarzman

Jessica & Jeremy Shell

Amy Bressler & Eric Shuffler

Saloni & Sandip Singh

Denise & Boris Slusarev

Susan & Marko


Catherine Lisi & Scott Sorokin

Lori & Robert Squillante

Rita & Arthur Stahl

Wendy Stapleton

Lauren & Richard Steinberg

Jenny & Jon Steingart

Lisa & Stuart Sternberg

Andrea & Jeffrey Stewart

Jane & Kevin Stokes

Linda Sceles-Straubel & Mark Straubel

Katrina Froman & Steve Stuart

Charlotte & Benjamin Sullivan, Jr.

Doretta & Neil Tarangioli

Michelle & Brian Taub

Peggy Segal & David Topper

Heather & Gaurang Trivedi

Maureen Curtin-Tyler & Paul Tyler

Katherine Hix & Pat Varbaro

Andrea & Michael Vitale

Lynn and George Vos

Brooke Wachtel

Kim & David Wagman

Brady, Anne & John Waldron

The Walker Family

Jennifer & Steven Warner

Molly O’Brien Watkins

Cathy & Mark Weiss

Denise Corsi-Weiss & Michael Weiss

Allison Nied & Stewart Whitman

Patricia & Russell Wolff

Lynn Roberts & Mark Wolfson

Ellen Schwartz Wylie & Gordon Wylie

Elaine Yudkovitz

Debra Zeplin

Jodi & Stuart Zgodny

Hilary & Matthew Ziffer




Grace Desiderio ‘19*

Denis J. O’Leary, III ‘06


Sofia Adams ‘25

Sonia Alexander ‘24*

Charlie Anhouse ‘23

Bryanna Archibald ‘20

Julia Barro ‘26

Jamie Beer ‘20

Jackson Beil ‘26

Lauren Blum ‘17

Brian Boehlert ‘05

Phoebe Brown ‘24*

Peter Burke ‘24

Olivia Carafano ‘26

Talia Cohen ‘22

Kylie Costabile ‘25

Brice Eber-Morris ‘21

Max Ellenberg ‘26

Stephen Flaxman ‘88

Elizabeth Garry ‘08

Bret Glasser ‘25

Madeline Goodman ‘19*

Mia Grasso ‘23

Grace Halvey ‘16*

Katie Harkness ‘17

Sophie Harris ‘24*

Elliot Kaitz ‘07*

Zachary Katz ‘14

Adam Kern ‘23

David Kern ‘25

Evan Lazarus ‘16

Lauren Marlow ‘23

Taylor Marlowe ‘25*

Forrest Mas ‘07

Nathaniel Miller ‘22*

Hampton Mills ‘07

Yona Nemirof ‘25*

Kendal O’Leary ‘07

John Ongaro ‘09

Joseph Orlando ‘12

Drew Peterson ‘20

Nate Rose ‘24*

Asher Rosenblatt ‘22

Zac Rosenblatt ‘24

Arielle Rusoff ‘18

Tyler Siden ‘24

Melissa Strauss ‘15

Daniel Tanenbaum ‘16*

Jamie Taub ‘23

Jacob Taurine Brodsky ‘23

Caroline Tepper ‘24*

Antonio Tirado ‘19

Emily Walsh ‘16*

Oliver Zabar ‘09

Tyler Ziffer ‘24

Harry Zimmerman ‘12*

* indicates Windward Fund Alumni Fundraising and Stewardship Committee Member


Nancy Steinhaus Zisson ‘61


Nina Ben-Avi Schreiber ‘74


Matt Fried ‘87

Mai Plath ‘87


Tiffany Duques Callaghan ‘98

Nicole DiNapoli ‘94

Joel Parodneck ‘90

Allison Riesel ‘99

Benjamin Schlechter ‘95


Laura Anker ‘00

Bobby Carroll ‘04

Evan Cygler ‘06

Gregory Dietz ‘09

Jarett Feldman ‘00

Alice Friedman ‘09

Adam Korngold ‘00

Sam Leavitt ‘07

Tracey Lemle Levy ‘02

Izzy Melhado ‘08

Denis J. O’Leary, III ‘06

Kendal O’Leary ‘07

John Ongaro ‘09

Ali Blaser Pawlowsky ‘03

Laura Bauman Shalem ‘02

Chris Sullivan ‘08

“ Volunteering as an Alumni Ambassador allows me to stay connected and give back to the School that supported me when I most needed it. It provides me with the opportunity to show what success looks like for a Windward student.”
Windward Alumna


and Alumni Ambassador


Benjamin Alpert ‘18

Carter Anatole ‘12

Matt Bloom ‘13

Thomas Breck ‘16

Juliana Killip Chiodo ‘12

Tommy Levinsohn ‘18

MaryRose Coratolo Sorrento ‘13

Reed Switzer ‘19

Daniel Tanenbaum ‘16

Lizzy Topper ‘17

Emily Walsh ‘16

Mal Warner ‘17

Harry Zimmerman ‘12


Jack Batesky ‘24

Thomas Bonomo ‘26

Willa Bradshaw ‘23

Sarah Carpenito ‘29

Charlie Costello ‘29

Maya Coniglio ‘24

John Haymson ‘27

Emily Hodulik ‘22

Mary Grace Lynch ‘24

Lauren Marlowe ‘23

Taylor Marlowe ‘25

Jocelyn Raposa ‘27

Robert Reino ‘20

Sunny Santomero ‘21

Brady Waldron ‘24

Michael Wolff ‘20



Kevin Abernathy

Benjamin Suniewick, WLS

Ruth & Jack Ackert

Farrah Ackert, MLS

Aiden Ackert, MMS

Lindsay & Peter Ambler

Kate Ambler, MLS

Sarah Ambler, MMS

Margaret Bartlett

Georgia Bartlett, MMS

Cindy & William Berg

Cooper Griffith, MMS

Nancy Berlin

Zoe Berlin, WLS

Karen & David Blumenthal

Scarlett Blumenthal, MMS

Patricia Brady

Addison Atinsky, MMS

Marian & James Brodsky

Lilah Brodsky, WLS

Liz Burns

Brendan McAndrew, WLS

Jack McAndrew ‘25

Ann Field & David Byrd

Caroline Garvey, WLS

Eric Chaikin

Katherine Chaikin, MMS

Nancy & John Chamberlain

Ryan Chamberlain, WLS

Norma & Ben Cirlin

Cole Lazerus, WLS

Christina & Duncan Cocroft

Miranda Lindstrom, WLS

Isabel Lindstrom ‘27

Brooke & Peter Cohen

Olivia Starr, MMS

Sue & Ed Corbett

Charlie Corbett, WLS

Marsha & Ernie Demba

Maddie Demba, MLS

Suzanne & Dennis Dowd

Zachary Dowd, WLS

“ The Windward School is helping my grandson in so many ways. I am happy to contribute what I can.”
Grandparent of 7th Grade Windward Student

Tracy & Ted McCourtney

Matthew McCourtney, WLS

Blake McCourtney WLS

Maureen McElhinney

Luke McCullagh, WLS

Debra Mongello

John Umbro, WLS

Ann & Harry Oppenheimer

Piper Schutzman, WLS

Harold Pachios

Charles Pachios, WLS

Diane & George Dumigan

Sasha Zemetis, WLS

Edit & Charles Farkas

Charles Haymson, WLS

Christopher Haymson, WLS

John Haymson ‘27

Sheila Farkas

Natalie Ghesquiere, MLS

Robin & Stuart Feldman

Julian Feldman, WLS

Jarett Feldman ‘00

David Feldman ‘04

Jane & Phillip Fontana

Zara Fontana, MLS

Betty & Roger Frankel

Piper Schutzman, WLS

The Frankfort Family

Gabe Frankfort, MLS

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Friel Jr.

John Knowles, WLS

Rose & John Garrett

Bell Garrett, WLS

Nanci & Stuart Gelb

Gray Rosenberg, MLS

Katherine & Michael Geoghegan

Lilly Keogh, WLS

Deane & John Gilliam

Grayson Allen, WLS

Ellen & Shepard Goldfein

Isabelle Holden, WLS

Marie & George Goward

Nathaniel Cashion, WLS

Susan & Jeffry Grabel

Charlotte Kirby, WLS

Marilyn Guenther

Annalise Clark, MMS

Rose & Sal Inguanti

Charley Inguanti, WLS

Judith Isenberg

Esme Isenberg, MLS

Virginia Knudsen

Clara Gaudelet, WLS

Daniel Kolb

Robert Kolb, WLS

Suzanne & Douglas Lake, Sr.

Lilly Lake, WLS

Dillon Lake WLS

Thomas Blouin Jr. ‘26

Linda Landis

Ava Birnbaum, MLS

Judy Langsfeld

Elliot Langsfeld, MMS

Olivia Langsfeld ‘27

Michal & Alan LaVine

Noam Taplitzky, MLS

Barbara & Art Lent

Oliver Lent, MLS

Joanne & Barry Levin

Noa Lorber, MLS

Lily Lorber MMS

Kathy & Marc Lorber

Noa Lorber, MLS

Lily Lorber MMS

Luanne Pachios

Charles Pachios, WLS

Robin Palley

Elliot Langsfeld, MMS

Olivia Langsfeld ‘27

Susan Platkin

Oren Rosenberger, WLS

Carol & Victor Raskin

Maddie Demba, MLS

Debby Robbins

Georgia Murray, WLS

James Murray ‘26

Cynthia Robinson

Hollan Nugent, WLS

Cheryl Greene & Gary Rosenberg

Bayla Rose

Wolman-Greene, MLS

Christopher Rosenman

Ruby Koyfman, MLS

Andrea Ross

Charles Pachios, WLS

Susan & Burke Ross

Charles Pachios, WLS

June & Paul Rossetti

Franklin Bruffett, WLS

Judy Rothstein

Caroline Rothstein, WLS

Robin & Mark Rubenstein

Beatrix Hatch, MMS

Suzanne Ruta

Tess Ruta, MMS

Barbara & David Salz

Sara Bennett, WLS

Vicki Samson

Zoe Bullis, MLS

Vicky & Mike Sandefur

Archer Berhalter, WLS

Dorothy Sawyer

Celine Sawyer, WLS

Nancy & Robert Schantz

Cora Ilisie, MLS

Alec Gould ‘22

Carol Schofield

Piper Gemelli, WLS

Howard Schulder

Hannah Kazanoff, MLS

Lillian Kazanoff MMS

Anita Shendalman

Jack Johnson, MMS

Catherine & Michael Shultz

James Marsden, MMS

Ellen & Gerald Sigal

Silvia Hoylman-Sigal, MMS

Pam & Henry Smith III

Whitney Dinger, WLS

Shelby Smith ‘21

Sein Chew & Isaac Souede

Zoe Berlin, WLS

Jeanne & Jim Stephens

Henry Fagan, WLS

Jan Sterling

Tyler Oudsema, WLS

Julia & Hans Utsch

Lilly Lake, WLS

Dillon Lake WLS

Anne & William Varcasio

Eli Schultz, WLS

Carolyn Vollero

Valentina Vollero, WLS

Justin Vollero WLS

Howard Ward

Lila Ward, WLS

Agnes & Louis Wong

Ryder Bossom, MMS

Rachel Coan & Stephen Zeche

Ben Honan, MMS

Barbara & Terry Zemetis

Sasha Zemetis, WLS

Deborah & Stephen Zumpano

Sofia Giusti, WLS


Marcelle Agus

Serena Agus ‘24

Keren Agus ‘16

Joanne & Jim Bach

Sam Subracko ‘27

Paul Ballou

Tucker Ballou ‘22

Amy & Andrew Berchuck

Elena Berchuck ‘30

Helaine Billings

Eli Kernis ‘13

Sharon Elghanayan Corzine

& Jon Corzine

Jackson Shell

Louis Cox

Nico Snyder ‘23

Moira Crabtree

Amy Sullivan ‘26

John Daily

Hollis Daily ‘26

Gail Edelstein

Alex Edelstein ‘22

Joellen & Alexander Finnie

Carissa Rocco ‘26

Joseph Rocco ‘20

Juliana Rocco ‘23

Phyllis & Gerald Friedland

Olivia Friedland ‘20

John Friedland ‘22

Irma Friedman

Harry Morrison ‘25

Jane & Joseph Gelsi

Luca Mazzeo ‘28

Myra & Manny Genn

Jonah Genn ‘27

Lucille Genova

Harrison Hall ‘26

Judith & Frank Greenberg

Sophie Harris ‘24

Kappie Griggs

Sam Griggs ‘26

Paula Hawkey

Henry Hawkey ‘28

Louise & William Herman

Arielle Kutler ‘20

Annette & Richard Horvath

Ben Horvath ‘23

Susan Karches

Brooke Berkery ‘31

Darcy Kelley

Adalay Shalov

Mary Tyler Knowles

Julien Sobezynski ‘27

Pinks & Martin London

Nick Mack ‘27

Susan Lynch

Michael Lynch ‘22

Mary Grace Lynch ‘24

Betty & Michael Maslin

Kyle Maslin ‘28

Cathy & George McClelland

Alex Hill ‘27

Karin McCormick

Charlotte Mannix ‘26

John Mannix ‘29

Victoria & Gregory McLaughlin

Tommy Bogdan ‘27

Kevin Bogdan ‘32

Carol & Robert Rabinowitz

Emma Rabinowitz ‘21

Luce & James Reiss

Simon Mabbott ‘23

Ross & C. Tanner Rose

Alexander Rose ‘30

Sandra Rosenblatt

Charlie Gershman ‘26

Hilary & Wilbur Ross

Hilary Geary ‘29

Sally Salzer

Charlie Salzer ‘08

David Saperstein

Samantha Coppola ‘17

Christine & Stephen A. Schwarzman

Phoebe Right ‘26

Dorothy & Craig Stapleton

Georgie Reyes ‘30

Sherry Van Mindeno-Stein & Seymour Stein

Lexi Eldridge ‘26

Sylvia Strauss

Alice Friedman ‘09

Maureen Sweeney

Luke Sweeney ‘16

Sandy Takishita

Max Miller ‘30

Judy & Joel Weisman

Charlie Anhouse ‘23

Nancy Steinhaus Zisson ‘61 & Bill Zisson

Zack Leader ‘25


Joumana Abu-Shaheen

Erika Adams

Lauren Adessa

Fran Allen

Craig Allison

Ariana Amin

Melissa Angelillo

Dori Auslander

Losseni Barry

Janine Bartnett

Peter Beardsley

Lauryn Belgrove

Robin Bello

Alexandra Bennett

Nicole Berkowitz

Nadya Bhagwan

Melinda Biberaj

Christelle Bidwell

Ashley Anne Bloom

Matt Bloom ‘13

John Bosee

Allyson Braunschweig

Valerie Brennan

Tim Brosnan

Lindsey Brown

Sarah Brown

Kelly Burke

Hunter Burnard

Nora Byrne

Alison Campbell

Barbara Cantatore

Angeline Carelli

Maureen Carmody

Ellen Colton

Alexis Costanzo

“ My favorite part of my job is telling my students how smart they are, not despite their disability, but independent from their disability. Their intelligence and their disability have nothing to do with each other.”
Windward Alumna ‘10 and Teacher

Kathryn Court

Amanda Cozza

Lara Damashek

Matthew D’Amelio

Ellery Davis

Abby DeLuca

Juli DiBattista

Kimberly Dietz

Dina DiGiacomo

Yinyin Doherty-Weinraub

Betsy Duffy

Ryaneileen Duffy

Tristes Dunn

Liz Dwyer

Chris Eberhard

Brian Egan

Tanya Ehrlich

Franco Encarnation

Christine Estela

Patricia Farano

Jane Fife

Joellen Finnie

Tom Fiorella Jr.

Beth Foltman

Angel Francis

Megan Franco

Aaron Fraser

Lacey Fraser

Mike Freedman

Alex Frelinghuysen

Lauren Fulco

Kristin Galvin

Pat Gay

Scott Gellman

Olivia Gennusa

Sonya Giacobbe

Lucy Godman

Stacy Gonzalez

Elsa Guedes

Nicole Halper-Weiss

Nicole Hanby

Diane Happas

Emily Harris

Eleanor Henry

Isabel Honigman

Marilyn Hunt

ToniAnn Hutchison

Shirley Hwang

Colleen Iodice

Tara Iodice

Alicia Kaczor

Andrea Kaminsky

Allyson Kapadia

Danny Kass

Alicia Kempin

Isabel Kennedy

Kristopher Kennedy

Lindsay Kennedy

Meghan Kennedy

Ivy Keslow

Diane Kissner

Paul Lennihan

Rachel Leone

Julie Liebman

Carly Lillo

Becky Lindon

Lisa Lucente

Caroline MacLachlan

Ruthanne Mahoney

Michael Marcantonio

Stephanie Marin

Donna Mark

Jen Martino

Gina Mastrogiovanni

Kim McCrea

Robin McDonough

Mary McGee

Joan McGettigan

Colleen McGlynn

Jessica McGowan

Anne McGroarty

Corey McMahon

Lisa Michell

Lia Milton

Carrie Minio

Laura Monardo

Kayla Morales

Jason Mott

Gresida Mundija

Caitlin Murray

Lisa Murray

Stephanie Myhal

Sarah Nauman

Jenny Nichols

Angelo Nobile

Sarah Nordgren

Diana Oakley

Katie O’Neill

Arielle Papadam

Janie Papernik

Julie Parelli

Carole Parkey

Sam Payne

Jillian Peden

Jillian Piazza

Dev Pillette

Alexis Pochna

Molly Powers

Evelyn Poy

Leslie Pragay

Helen Prichett

Christopher Prigg

Ruba Rabah

Karen Ralph

Harri Ramkishun

Olivia Risoleo

Matt Rollings

Allison Rosen

Jon Rosenshine

Eric Ruberte

Jay Russell

Erin Russo

Stephanie Ryalen

Yojairy Sands

Beatrice Santos

Kelly Schmidt

Sandy Schwarz

Jessica Sheptin

Lisa Sheptin

John Sheridan

Jamie Simon

Jessica Sorna

Ann Spataro

Michelle Spino Andruss

Lori Squillante

Elyssa Sroka

Cortney Stanley

Elly Steiker-Pearl

Carla Stein

Melissa Stewart

Valeska Stupak

Hannah Tenenbaum

Angela Thielke

Abby Tinari

Gonzalo Tlazalo Amador

Andrea Tolliver

Laura Trifiletti

Misty Tsapatsaris

Sheila Tudisco

Kara VanVoorhis

Ashley Vega

John Vermette

Billur Weigell

Anna Weiser

Elizabeth Weisman

Jamie Williamson

Dan Wilson

Beth Zamerski

Alli Zelesky

Jacqueline Zitzmann


Kathy Abrahamson

Adele Barracca

Emily Bass

Ronnie Berish

Kara Bernstein

Julie Clarke

Alice Cohen

Lauren Coleman

William Cranch

Carrie Curtin

Daphne Daddino

Dorothy Dunne

Toni Ford

Diana Glogau

Katie Gramajo

Maria Harris

April Heck

Nicole Hertz

Maureen Kerwin

Ellie Klem

Barbara Landau

Caitlin Lasher

Shannon Nicholls

Barry Ostrer

Carolyn Quinn

Sarah Rendell

Kristen Rodgers

Marc Schreiber

Roberta Solar

Maureen Sweeney

Betsy Weiner

Leslie Zuckerwise


Anonymous (4)

Luis Almendarez

Jamie & Mark Benjamin


John Michael Cassetta

Martha Child

Georgette & Emerson Dickman

Amanda & Jonathan Eilian

Patricia Hong

The McCormick Family

Lauren Naughton

Alexa Reghenzani-Quigley & Sean Quigley

Rosann & Dean Redfern

David Salant

Cynthia Wendt

Dawn Whidden

Windward Parents Association


American Endowment Foundation

Ameriprise Financial

Anheuser-Busch Inbev

Assured Guaranty Corp.

Bank of America Charitable Gift Foundation

Brookfield Properties FCM, LLC.

Chubb Group

Citizens Private Wealth


Continental Grain Company

CVS Health Political Action Committee

Davidson Kempner Capital Management

Davis Selected Advisors

Deloitte & Touche LLP

DIAGEO North America

Endeavour Capital Advisors Inc.

The Estee Lauder Companies Inc.

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

Franklin Templeton Global

Funds for the Future

Giles Enterprises, Inc.

Give Lively Foundation Inc.

Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Goldman Sachs Gives

Google Inc.

Gramercy Park Foundation Inc.

Guardian Life Insurance

Hearst Magazines

The Edward E. Hood, Jr. Foundation

Iroquois Avenue Foundation

L+M Development Partners, Inc.

Lone Pine Capital

Marsh & McLennan Companies

MasterCard International

McKinsey & Company

Merrill Lynch & Co.


Moody’s Corporation

J.P. Morgan Chase

Mount Holly Charitable Foundation

New York Football Giants, Inc.

New York Life Insurance

The Frank Pace, Jr. Foundation Inc.

Paramus MRI LLC

Pfizer Inc.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP


Prudential Securities, Inc.

Publicis Groupe

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Rocket Club Math

Leonard A. & Mary Jane Schafer Foundation

Ann and Murray Spain Foundation

Standard & Poor’s

Kevin Stokes Excavating Inc.

The Edouard R Gerschel Foundation


UnitedHealth Group

Verizon Business


W.N.J. Trucking, Inc.

Wells Fargo

Nina W. Werblow Charitable Trust

Wiley Publishing Inc.

Yale University School of Medicine

Youth Foundation Inc.

Ziff Davis



Dana & Eric Birnbaum

Meredith Gotlin & Reed Brodsky

Michelle and Tom Coleman

Beth & Daniel Demba

Jessica & Christopher Dooley

Anne & Mark Ellman

The Frankfort Family

Stephanie & Aaron Goldman

Elizabeth & John Halvey

Elissa & William Johnson

Annie Cardelús & Tim Jones

Sarah & Eric Lane

Sarah & Michael London

Staci & Steven Marlowe

Janice Meyer & Michael Jamison

Jenny Price

Joanna & Matthew Rego

Mary & David Rosewater

Haley & Matthew Satnick

Stacey & Rich Schutzer

Lori & Kenneth Squire

Cynthia & David Wassong

Jennifer Weyburn

Amerika & Bradd Williamson

Krista & Jamie Williamson

Windward Parents Association


Kathleen & Ernest Abrahamson

Ronnie Berish

Lois Kohn-Claar & Gary Claar

Elizabeth Galst

Myra & Gerald Galst

Joann Galst

Judith & Jonathan Galst

Marjorie Horwitz

Melissa & Scott Klein

Elinor & John Klem

Liz & Rich Rubinstein

Nancy & Ronald Rubinstein

Jane & Kevin Stokes

Judith & Leonard Wilson

Eileen & Donald Wolmer


Meredith Gotlin & Reed Brodsky

Cynthia & David Wassong


Mary & David Rosewater


Regina Salice McCrossan ‘09

Susan & Thomas Salice


Gail Ross


Ronnie Berish

Elinor & John Klem

“ Windward would not have been a possibility without tuition assistance. Windward changed our daughter’s trajectory from a struggling student who was developing low self-esteem to a voracious reader and young person who is confident about her abilities.”
Alumni Parent ‘30 and former Windward Fund Co-Chair


Meredith Gotlin & Reed Brodsky

Beth & Daniel Demba

The Frankfort Family

Elissa & William Johnson

We are honored to receive gifts in tribute or in memory of members of the Windward community. We are grateful to the generous donors listed below who have chosen to commemorate their family and friends by making a gift to The Windward School.



Keren Agus ‘16

Marcelle Agus

Serena Agus ‘24

Marcelle Agus

Grayson Allen ‘33

Amanda & Edward Allen

Deane & John Gilliam

Julianna Alter ‘32

Josephine & Seth Alter

Addison Atinsky ‘29

Patricia Brady

Rachel Ballen-Wilkins ‘07

Sharon Ballen

Sara Bennett ‘29

Barbara & David Salz

Elena Berchuck ‘30

Amy & Andrew Berchuck

Brooke Berkery ‘31

Susan Karches

Ashley Anne Fairbank Bloom

Ingrid & Justin Bateman

Kaili Builes ‘31

Carolina & Freidy Builes

Zoe Bullis ‘33

Vicki Samson

Katherine “Kitty” Chaikin ‘29

Eric Chaikin

Alexa Reghenzani-Quigley & Sean Quigley

Charles Corbett ‘32

Sue & Ed Corbett

Ellery Davis

Caitlin Lasher

Zachary Dowd ‘31

Suzanne & Dennis Dowd

Alexis Eldridge ‘26

Sherry Van Mindeno-Stein

Michael Ervin ‘26

Keisha Morris

Fox Fiszel ‘33

Rocket Club Math

Olivia Friedland ‘20

Phyllis & Gerald Friedland

Alice Friedman ‘09

Sylvia Strauss

Jonathan Galst

Elizabeth Galst

Caroline Garvey ‘32

Ann Field & David Byrd

Clara Gaudelet ‘29

Virginia Knudsen

Piper Gemelli ‘29

Carol Schofield

Charles Gershman ‘26

Alisa & Seth Gershman

Sandra Rosenblatt

Natalie Ghesquiere ‘32

Sheila Farkas

Sofia Giusti ‘28

Deborah & Stephen Zumpano

Michael Greenhaus ‘99

Joyce & Shelley Greenhaus

Cooper Griffith ‘28

Cindy & William Berg

Alayna Guerra ‘31

Wendy & Rolando Guerra

Henry Hawkey ‘28

Paula Hawkey

Thomas Hillman ‘20

Lynn & John Hillman

Charley Inguanti ‘33

Rose & Sal Inguanti

Lauren Naughton

Esme Isenberg ‘33

Judith Isenberg

Jack Johnson ‘28

Anita Shendalman

Eli Keslow ‘32

Ivy & Seth Keslow

Bryan Krosser ‘14

Elicia Weinstein & Barry Krosser

Arielle Kutler ‘20

Louise & William Herman

Gail Cirlin-Lazerus Gramercy Park Foundation Inc.

Cole Lazerus ‘27 Gramercy Park Foundation Inc.

Norma & Ben Cirlin

Erik Lazerus Gramercy Park Foundation Inc.

Nathaniel Levin ‘21

Leslie & Jason Levin

Hana Levy

Lauren & Daniel Levy

Leah Liss ‘31

Anita & Michael Liss

Founders of the Literacy Academy Collective

Akeela Azcuy

Ruth Genn

Ilia Edwards-Novelo

Emly Hellstrom

Jeannine Kiely

Naomi Pena

Freya Sakamoto

Myra & Manny Genn

Noa Lorber ‘31

Joanne & Barry Levin

Simon Mabbott ‘23

Luce & James Reiss

Nicholas Mack ‘27

Pinks & Martin London

Magnolia Mazzeo ‘31

Jane & Joseph Gelsi

Brendan McAndrew ‘28

Liz Burns

Max Mesard ‘30

Nicole & Michael Mesard

Charles Pachios ‘28

Andrea Ross

Molly Powers

Caitlin Lasher

Allison Soskel Rosen

Ingrid & Justin Bateman

Grayson Rosenberg ‘31

Nanci & Stuart Gelb

Eric Rosenzweig FCM, LLC.

Tess Ruta ‘28

Suzanne Ruta

Charles Salzer ‘08

Sally Salzer

Piper Schutzman ‘34

Betty & Roger Frankel

Ann & Harry Oppenheimer

Jonah Schwartz ‘29

Nell Shanahan &

Adam Schwartz

Milo Spain ‘32

Jessie & Craig Spain

Olivia Starr ‘28

Lauren & Christopher Starr

Brooke & Peter Cohen

Alexandra Steinberg ‘27

Lauren & Richard Steinberg

Richard Steinberg ‘27

Lauren & Richard Steinberg

Sophia Steinberg ‘25

Lauren & Richard Steinberg

Jamie Taub ‘23

Michelle & Brian Taub

Sydney Taub ‘26

Michelle & Brian Taub

John Umbro ‘32

Debra Mongello

Anthony Varbaro ‘17

Katherine Hix & Pat Varbaro

Justin Vollero ‘31

Carolyn Vollero

Valentina Vollero ‘32

Carolyn Vollero

William “Brady” Waldron ‘24

Anne & John Waldron

Brittany Walker ‘11

The Walker Family

Christopher Walker ‘14

The Walker Family

Anna Weiser

Elliot, Leo, Henry & Daniel Weiser

Patricia Wolff

Staci & Steven Marlowe

Rachel Wylie ‘15

Ellen Schwartz Wylie & Gordon Wylie

Hue Zemetis ‘30

Diane & George Dumigan

Sasha Zemetis ‘33

Diane & George Dumigan

Barbara & Terry Zemetis


Ryaneileen Duffy

Lindsay & Martin Bennett

Christopher Q. Eberhard

Sarah & Eric Lane

Barry Ostrer

Beth A. Foltman

Roberta Solar & Robert Schumeister

Danielle Gomez

Yale University School of Medicine

Nicole L. Halper-Weiss

Lindsay & Martin Bennett

“I always liked math and science, but I didn’t like to read. Now I like it... when it gets easier, it gets more fun.”
4th Grade Windward Student

Katherine L. Kaneko

Stephanie Ryalen & Edward Batesky

Jack Batesky ‘24

Margaret Manley

Stephanie Ryalen & Edward Batesky

Romina Pacheco

Joanna & Matthew Rego

Jillian Piazza

Ingrid & Justin Bateman

Allison Pugsley

Ingrid & Justin Bateman

Jonathan Rosenshine

Lisa Murray

Kara Schremser

Stephanie Ryalen & Edward Batesky

Jack Batesky ‘24

Jason Steiker

Elly Steiker-Pearl

Elly Steiker-Pearl

Joanna & Matthew Rego

Melissa Stewart

Jenny Nichols

Katherine Sullivan

Ingrid & Justin Bateman

The Windward School

Stefanie & Darryl Romanoff

Meredith Mele & Chris Grassi

Lindsay & Martin Bennett

Rebecca & Paul Eisenberg


Bruce Berlin

Nancy Berlin

Suzanne Brennan

Sandra & Donald Schwarz

Michael S. Bruno

Meg Bruno

Barbara Campbell

Joela and Celeste Campbell

Joy Cole ‘99

Barbara & Thomas Cole

Leopoldo Cordone

Rose & Sal Inguanti

Lauren Naughton

Michael DiRoma ‘03

Ruth DiRoma

Stewie Fife ‘20

Westchester Middle School

PE Department

Hunter Burnard

Marilyn Hunt

John Vermette

Patricia Farano

Marcie Ilene Fox

Janie Papernik

Sandi Galst

Elizabeth Galst

Alissa Hochman ‘15

Ronnie Berish

Marilyn Hunt

Deanna Hochman ‘20

Ronnie Berish

Marilyn Hunt

A. Donald Iklé

Elizabeth Ikle & Todd Sell

Lily Lorber

Joanne & Barry Levin

Ronen Levy

Lauren & Daniel Levy

Carole McCrea

Sandra & Donald Schwarz

Joseph Edward Thomas Moran

Dawn Whidden

Eli Morrison ‘33

Dana Coppolino & Adam Abensohn

Dwight Pemberton

Britta & Russell Pemberton

Dr. Ronald Sherman

Alexandra Shiva & Jonathan Sherman

Margaret Stanback

Susan Klope

Andrew Thompson

Wendi Hoeben Thompson

James E. Van Amburg

Kendal O’Leary ‘07

Clara Stella Voll-Linton

Sandra & Donald Schwarz

Norton Waltuch

Denise & Boris Slusarev

Eugene Weiss

Cathy & Mark Weiss


The Legacy Society includes donors who have made The Windward School part of their estate plan.

Laura Ballou

Estate of Eugene Boe

Lisa Brooke

Estate of Catherine D’Amato

Lorraine & Michael Dineen

Estate of Judi Duberstein

Karyn Feiner

Devon S. Fredericks

Leigh Garry

Marci & Jeffrey Garson

Estate of Georgia Gosnell

Susan & Bobby Kempler

Jeanne Ellen Kissell & Bill Kissell

Estate of Daniel Madden

Estate of Frank Mansell

Isabella & Frank Miceli

Debra Mitts-Smith & Marschall Smith

Estate of Tung Moy

Denis J. O’Leary

Maureen & John F. Powers

Michael Salzer

Debra Mitts-Smith & Marschall Smith

Estate of Degna Spoldi

Andrea Stewart


Camilla Sacrini & Renzo Arcoria

Dana & Eric Birnbaum

Laura & Fredrick Chapey, Jr.

Michael Cummins

Kelly Dunne

Johanne & Jean-Baptiste Home

Janice Rego & Samish Kumar

Anthony Lyons

Staci & Steven Marlowe

Maria & Steven Reed

Krista & Jamie Williamson


Ingrid & Justin Bateman

Elizabeth & David Boutry

Melissa & Stephen Burnazian

Jessica Lee & Paul Davis

The Frankfort Family

Stacey Shurgin & Ruth Genn

Stacey & Terrence Lowenberg

Denis J. O’Leary, III ‘06

Karina & Leigh Bass


Melissa & Jeffrey Bergson

Jill Ammerata & Peter Calatozzo

Virginia Carroll & Bobby Carroll ‘04

Elizabeth & Mark Clyman

Michelle Humi-DeFunis & Bension DeFunis

Irma Friedman

Maria & Carlos Garza

Lucy Godman & Brent Duncan

Kerry & Belgrave Henderson

Daniele & Brian Kass

Ivy & Seth Keslow

Simina & Stephen Kroculick

Wendie & Fernando Lopez & Family

Katy Bray & Jeff Maier

Christine Baker McGrath & Tom McGrath

Jennifer & Matthew Miller

Hayley & Lawrence Morrison

Jason Mott

Lisa Murray

Rebecca & Edward Nejat

Lauren Mcfarland & James O’Neill

Susan & Brice Palmer

Elizabeth Philipp & David Pettker

Alexis & Peter Pochna

Linie & Joseph Rand

Michele & Jeffrey Rosenberg

Mary Pat Draddy & Jonathan Rosenshine

Gerri & Jay Russell

Laura Bauman ‘02 & Avi Shalem

Up to $500

Jessica & Troy Atkinson

John Michael Cassetta

Daphne & Patrick Daddino

Nicole DiNapoli ‘94

Ilia Edwards-Novelo & Milo Novelo

David Salant

Rebecca & Marc Strongin

Harry Zimmerman ‘12


Marcelle Agus

Ingrid & Justin Bateman

Jamie & Mark Benjamin

Brenda & Michael Benn

Ashley Anne & Matthew Bloom ‘13

Sarah Brown

Jill Ammerata & Peter Calatozzo

Brooke & Peter Cohen

Michelle and Tom Coleman

Sharon Elghanayan Corzine & Jon Corzine

The Crandall Family

Georgette & Emerson Dickman

Jesse & James Eisenberg

Sheila Farkas

Adrienne Jones-Faulkner & Aubrey Faulkner

Veronica Mestre & Jarett Feldman ‘00

Marcio Baptista & Thomas Fiorella Jr.

Barney & Beth Foltman

The Frankfort Family

Lori & Mark Garbin

Myra & Manny Genn

Kathleen & David Glaymon

Ruby & Joseph Gottlieb

Nadeen Bonilla-Hanif & Leakat Hanif

Barbara Higgins

Patricia Hong

Michele & Christopher Iavarone

Rose & Sal Inguanti

Colleen & John Iodice

Meredith & Ben Jenkins

Kathleen & Rainer Kirchgaessner

Elizabeth & Douglas Lake

The Sharon Levine Foundation

Sarah & Michael London

Nessa Kennedy Madden & Michael Madden

Ellen Shultz & Richard Marsden

Kim McCrea

Christine Baker McGrath & Tom McGrath

Christine & Wes Miller

Angelo Nobile

Zibby & Kyle Owens

Jenny Price

Karen Ralph

Joanna & Matthew Rego

Kimeran Daley & Samuel Reinhart

Kristen Mulvihill & David Rohde

Cheryl Greene & Gary Rosenberg

Vicky & Mike Sandefur

Jessica & Jeremy Shell

Ayesha & Billal Sikander

Amy & Mortimer Singer

Alyssa & David Small

Susan & Marko Sonnenberg

Lauren & Christopher Starr

Maureen Sweeney

Sandra & David Tica

Colleen & Graves Tompkins

Anike & Mike Wariebi

Grace Wagner Wilson & Rowan Wilson

Patricia & Russell Wolff

Jana & Ricky Zinn



Rachael & Simon Bachleda

Brenda & Michael Benn

The Crandall Family

The Frankfort Family

Amy & Peter Kazanoff


Ingrid & Justin Bateman

Anne Black & Teymour Farman-Farmaian

Bridget & Michael Capasso

Anne & Jacob Citrin

Sharon & David Emmets

Maimouna & Vinzenz Feller

Christine & Doug Harmon

James N. Hauslein

Elizabeth & Douglas Lake

Nessa Kennedy Madden & Michael Madden

Staci & Steven Marlowe

Margaret Jones & Ivan Marshalleck

M. Magdalena & Lisandro Miguens

Maria & Steven Reed

Mona & Kyri Sarantakos

Stacey & Rich Schutzer

Hillary Schafer & Mark Shafir

Jennifer & Hal Shaftel

Lindsey & Robert Tennenbaum


Dana Coppolino & Adam Abensohn

Anna Allen

Josephine & Seth Alter

Anna & Nicholas Antonucci

Camilla Sacrini & Renzo Arcoria

Karla Farach Athanasopoulos & Dimitrios Athanasopoulos

Akeela & Eric Azcuy

Lisa & Duncan Bagshaw

Alexandra & Carson Baker

Karina & Leigh Bass

Melissa & Jeffrey Bergson

Elizabeth & David Boutry

Michelle Breyer

Lili & Howard Buffett

Melissa & Stephen Burnazian

Tova Friedman & Socrates Cabrera

Jill Ammerata & Peter Calatozzo

Jennifer & Silvio Cangianni

Casey & Dana Carey

Mary Beth & John Carroll

Thomas Carroll

Laura & Fredrick Chapey, Jr.

Sandra Feeney-Charles & Anthony Charles

Lauren & Richard Chung

Elizabeth & Mark Clyman

Amanda Fischer Cohen & Roger Cohen

Katie & Brandon Conovitz

Gina & Brian Cooney

Danielle & Roberto Cosentino

Christine & Kevin Costello

Michael Cummins

Jessica Lee & Paul Davis

Michelle Humi-DeFunis & Bension DeFunis

Beth & Daniel Demba

Nicole DiNapoli ‘94

Kelly Dunne

Ida & Jason Fields

Elizabeth Fontana

Irma Friedman

Joel Friedman

Josh Friedman

Clementina Gardner

Maria & Carlos Garza

Jessica & David Gasch

Helaine & Ari Gendason

Stacey Shurgin & Ruth Genn

Daniela Fechheimer Goldin & Daniel Goldin

Meredith Mele & Chris Grassi

Christi Peltier & David Hein

Linda & Jay Hellstrom

Kerry & Belgrave Henderson

Johanne & Jean-Baptiste Home

Lisa Cordone-Inguanti & Salvatore Inguanti

Arianna Ayers & Maxwell Janosky

Kristen & John Johnson

Elissa & William Johnson

Samantha & Guy Kearsley

Kathleen & Rainer Kirchgaessner

Kristin & Peter Knowles

Simina & Stephen Kroculick

Janice Rego & Samish Kumar

Lauren & Tomas Larsson

Law Offices of Regina Skyer & Associates LLP

Meredith & Ian Levine

Wendie and Fernando Lopez and Family

Allison & David Lorber

Jennifer & Mark Lotke

Stacey & Terrence Lowenberg

Elizabeth & Matthew Lucey

Diya & Sandeep Luke

Anthony Lyons

Jennifer & Ross MacDonald

Lauren & Evan Machowsky

Paige & Stephen Maire

Ellen Shultz & Richard Marsden

Susan & Christopher Matsko

Tracy & John Mayo-Smith

Lisa Varley McCool & Joseph McCool

Christine Baker McGrath & Tom McGrath

Lara & Corey Metz

Montserrat Serra-Janer & Sebastian Mignola

Jennifer & Matthew Miller

Jaime & Brian Morris

Hayley & Lawrence


Simi Mir and Paul Nasrani

Rebecca & Edward Nejat

Denis J. O’Leary, III ‘06

Lauren Mcfarland & James O’Neill

Lindsay & Robert Oudsema

Susan & Brice Palmer

Chris & Suki Parsons

Elizabeth Philipp & David Pettker

Robyn Watts & Nicholas Platt, Jr.

Dina & Shawn Rabin

Rouba & Roger Rached

Linie & Joseph Rand

Briony & Luke Raymond

Joanna & Matthew Rego

Christina von Riesenfelder & Kevin Roe

Kristen Mulvihill & David Rohde

Michele & Jeffrey


Emily & Robert Rosenberg

Samantha Sagui & Marc Rotter

Schwab Charitable Fund

Kathlyn & Jarrod Schwartz

Laura Bauman ‘02 & Avi Shalem

David Sigal & Brad Hoylman-Sigal

Ayesha & Billal Sikander

Saloni & Sandip Singh

Howard Sobel

Patrice & Rick Spector

Jessica & Andrew Stergiou

Rebecca & Marc Strongin

Allison & Stephen Sullens

Gina & Lou Switzer

Anne Whittaker & Jesse Terry

Noelle & John Umbro

Marisa Mayer & Fernando A. Villarreal

Tess & Rohan Virmani

Fawn & Michael Vollero

Kathleen Wallace

Anike & Mike Wariebi

Grace Wagner Wilson & Rowan Wilson

Snejana Sevak-Wizman & Thierry Wizman

Lara & Andrew Wynn

Young Alumni

Ages 21–30

Grace Desiderio ‘19

Grace Halvey ‘16

Laura Kehoe ‘12

Carly Litmanov ‘12

Taylor Matthews, Jr. ‘13

Lily Roberts ‘12

Heather Smith ‘18

Lindsey Squillante ‘11

Reed Switzer ‘19

Daniel Tanenbaum ‘16

Emily Walsh ‘16

Harry Zimmerman ‘12

Gifts in Kind & Son Steakeasy

ABC World News Tonight

Kate Young & Keith Abrahamsson

Elizabeth & Christopher Ayala

B Hull Photography

Ingrid & Justin Bateman

Erin & Ian Berger

Blade Airport Mobility Inc.

Nina & Chip Brian

Cakes by Glynis

Paige and V. Marc Cali III

Camp Canine NYC

Ci Siamo

Classic Kids Photography


Suzanne & Patrick Connolly

Michael Cummins

Tara DiLallo

Eric Dubourg

Kelly Dunne

Emerson Resort & Spa



Kerianne & Jim Flynn

Michelle Frey

Amanda & Alexandre Gaudelet

Joan & Peter Gilmore

Rita & David Godin

Lucy Godman & Brent Duncan

Susan & Jeffrey Goldenberg

David Gottlieb

Chris Grabenstein


Suzanne Graves

The Greenwich Hotel

Gabriela & John Hearst


Kristen & John Johnson

Elissa & William Johnson

Herb Karlitz

Lauren & Tomas Larsson

Live with Kelly and Mark

Sarah & Michael London



Anthony Lyons

Manhattan Athletics/Uptown Athletic Club

Mel’s Burger Bar

Romy Soleimani & Justin Meshberg

Alex Muscarella

Simi Mir and Paul Nasrani

New York Islanders

New York Mets

Zibby & Kyle Owens

Katherine Wang & Tony Park

Penguin Random House LLC

Gayle Perry

Angela & Robert Persico

Elizabeth Philipp & David Pettker

PIPS Restaurant

Pro Reps Performance Inc.

Briony & Luke Raymond

Joanna & Matthew Rego

Renwick Sport

Emily & Robert Rosenberg

Scott Rudin ‘03

Zeynep & Thomas Schoenwaelder

Howard Sobel

Lori & Kenneth Squire

Tiffany & Co.

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

ValeryJoseph Salon

Veronica Beard

Tanja Wechsler

Amerika & Bradd Williamson

Krista & Jamie Williamson

The Windward School

Zimmermann Madison Avenue

We would also like to thank the following community members for supporting Kaleidoscope by purchasing live and silent auction items, ads, and otherwise making the evening a great success:

Lisa & Duncan Bagshaw

Ingrid & Justin Bateman

Natalie Beamer

Brenda & Michael Benn

Jaimee & Matthew Bloom

Melissa & Stephen Burnazian

Melissa Hammel & Michael Burton

Jill Ammerata & Peter Calatozzo

Jennifer & Silvio Cangianni

Mary Beth & John Carroll

John Michael Cassetta

Gina & Anthony Celli

Laura & Fredrick Chapey, Jr.

Kara & Hawley Chester

Lauren & Richard Chung

Clarke Auction Gallery

Christine & Kevin Costello

The Crandall Family

Gina & Peter D’Avanzo

Betsy Duffy & Michael Duffy

Dolya & Evan Fleck

Alycia & Thomas Forbes

The Frankfort Family

Julie & David Friedland

Irma Friedman

Joel Friedman

Maria & Carlos Garza

Helaine & Ari Gendason

Stephanie & Aaron Goldman

Hope & Paul Griggs

James N. Hauslein

Anastassia Antonov & Adam Helfgott

Patricia Hong

Kristen & John Johnson

Daniele & Brian Kass

Amy & Peter Kazanoff

Ivy & Seth Keslow

Jeannine Kiely

Simina & Stephen Kroculick

Joan & Edward Lefferman

Lauren & Daniel Levy

Rachel Ufberg & Josh Lynn

Katy Bray & Jeff Maier

Ellen Shultz & Richard Marsden

Margaret Jones & Ivan Marshalleck

Christine Baker McGrath & Tom McGrath

Lara & Corey Metz

Jennifer & Matthew Miller

Hayley & Lawrence Morrison

Lindsay & Robert Oudsema

Susan & Brice Palmer

Chris & Suki Parsons

Sabrina Rodriguez & Stefan Pepe

Elizabeth Philipp & David Pettker

Amy & David Quinn

Dina & Shawn Rabin

Teresa Blume & Michael Raposa

Maria & Steven Reed

Joanna & Matthew Rego

Kimeran Daley & Samuel Reinhart

Emily & Robert Rosenberg

Mary Pat Draddy & Jonathan Rosenshine

Susan & Thomas Salice

Mona & Kyri Sarantakos

Caroline & Richard Sberlati

Stacey & Rich Schutzer

Nell Shanahan & Adam Schwartz

Jessica & Jeremy Shell

Saloni & Sandip Singh

Allison & Stephen Sullens

Elissa & David Tauber

Anna & Christopher Toomey

Noelle & John Umbro

Snejana Sevak-Wizman & Thierry Wizman

Patricia & Russell Wolff

Beth Zamerski

Jana & Ricky Zinn


On Sunday, June 9, 2024, 8th and 9th grade students, their families and friends gathered on Garry Field at the Westchester Middle School campus to acknowledge and celebrate the culmination of the students’ Windward journey and their remarkable achievements. These students, along with our departing students from additional grades, matriculated to the following independent and public schools:

American School of London

Archbishop Stepinac High School

Ardsley Middle School

The Asheville School

Bay Ridge Preparatory

Bedford Road School

Berkeley Carroll School

Birch Wathen Lenox School

Briarcliff High School

Briarcliff Middle School

Bronxville Elementary School

Brooklyn Friends School

Brunswick School

Churchill School

Clarkstown Middle School

The Collegiate School

Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School

The Community School

The Craig School

Dwight School

Dwight-Englewood School

Eagle Hill School

Eaglebrook School

Eastchester Elementary School

Eastern Middle School

Edgemont Junior High School

Ethical Culture Fieldston School

Fairfield Country Day School

Faith Christian Academy

Farragut Middle School

Fordham Preparatory School

The Forman School

Fox Lane High School

Fox Lane Middle School

Franklin School

The Frederick Gunn School

The Frisch School

Gateway School

Grace Church School

Greens Farms Academy

Greenwich Catholic School

Greenwich Country Day School

Greenwich High School

Greenwich Public Schools

Groves Academy

H.C. Crittenden Middle School

Yeshiva Har Torah

Harrison High School

The Harvey School

Hommocks Middle School

IMG Academy

Iona Preparatory

Irvington High School

Irvington Middle School

John Jay High School

John Jay Middle School

King School

Landmark School

The Leffell School

Loyola School


Mamaroneck High School

The Mary Louis Academy

Mary McDowell Friends School

The Masters School

Middlebrook Middle School

Middlesex Middle School

Millbrook School

Millenium High School

New Canaan Country School

New Canaan High School

Our Lady of Lourdes

Pelham Middle School

Poly Prep Country Day School

Rippowam Cisqua School

Riverdale Country School

Robert E. Bell Middle School

Rumsey Hall School

Rye Country Day School

Rye High School

Rye Middle School

Rye Neck MS

Sacred Heart Greenwich

Saddle River Day School

Saint Ann’s School

SAR High School

Saunders High School

Saxe Middle School

Scarsdale High School

Scarsdale Middle School

School of the Holy Child

Seven Bridges Middle School

Sleepy Hollow Middle School

SOAR Academy

Somers High School

South Orangetown Middle School

South Orange Middle School

St. Catherine’s British School - Greece

St. Luke’s School

Stamford High School

Stephen Gaynor School

Suffield Academy

Taft School

Talent Unlimited High School

Trevor Day School

Trinity-Pawling School

United Nations International School

Westchester Torah Academy

Westlake Middle School

White Plains Middle School

Wilderness School - Australia

Wooster School

Xavier High School

York Preparatory School





Joanna Hagan Rego Co-President

Lauren Larsson Lower School Vice President

Maureen Brady Atinsky Middle School Vice President

Kat Akbari

Lower School Representative

Kat Weber

Middle School Representative


Kathy Schwartz Co-President

Anne Citrin

Lower School Vice President

Christine Baker-McGrath Middle School Vice President

Valerie Robbins

Lower School Representative

Michelle Humi-DeFunis Middle School Representative

Heather Kolb

Recording Secretary

Amy Kazanoff Corresponding Secretary

Sandra Guenther Clark Treasurer




Grade 1: Lindsay Friedman

Grade 2: Laura Shalem & Sam Sagui

Grade 3: Molly Ott Ambler & Lauren Wiggins

Grade 4: Rachel Lustgarten & Melissa Frankfort

Grade 5: Rita Godin & Eve Helfstein

Grade 6: Lauren Kaplan & Anita Webster-Smith

Grade 7: Stephanie Goldman & Rachel Ufberg

Grade 8: Meredith Gotlin & Amanda Fischer Cohen


Back to School Picnic

Tara DiLallo

Nicole DiNapoli

Book Fair


Alaira Ashford


Debra Lang

Elizabeth Nace

Community Service


Anna Allen

Lauren Chung

Romy Silver-Kohn


Christine Baker-McGrath

Marcy Modica

Elizabeth Nace

Noelle Umbro


Grade 1: Elizabeth Nace

Grade 2 : Jessica Schutzman & Lara Ufer

Grade 3 Becca Strongin & Kelly Kessler

Grade 4: Lindsay Oudsema & Valerie Robbins

Grade 5: Briana Holden & Amy Bennett

Grade 6: Bridget Banta & Ali Rosenzweig

Grade 7: Dana Gramaglia & Elyce Brown

Grade 8: Regina Salemo & Christine Baker McGrath

Grade 9: Gail Cirlin-Lazerus & Hayley Morganstern

Faculty & Staff Appreciation


Dana Birnbaum

Allison Lorber

Lara Metz


Elyce Brown

Suzanne Chamberlain

Lindsay Oudsema

Gently Used Clothing


Kristi McNeill

Angela Schultz

Holiday Luncheon


Jaimee Bloom

Erika Feehan

Masayo Hashimoto

Lauren Kaplan

Jodi Zotkow


Kristin Davidsson

Stephanie Fougere

Kadi Lublin

Susan Matsko

Linie Rand

Liz Sagat

New Parent Mentoring


Erika Feehan

Silvia Franko

Photo Day


Lindsay Oudsema

Spring Fair

Danielle McMahon



Jasmine Barr


Tara DiLallo

Briana Holden




Development Office

(914) 949-6968 ext. 2281


Gifts up to $500 can be made @theWindward-School


Development Office

The Windward School 1275 Mamaroneck Avenue

White Plains, NY 10605


Making a gift in honor or memory of friends, family or Windward employees is a thoughtful way to contribute to the Windward Fund. Windward informs the acknowledged individual or the family of the individual with a written letter after the gift has been made.


If your company offers an employee matching gifts program, you can make the impact of your gift to Windward go even further. Please check with the Human Resources office of your company to determine if they do. Gifts made by corporations to match your gift will be credited to you and counted in your cumulative giving to the Windward Fund for that fiscal year.


Please visit our website or contact the Associate Director of Development, Melissa Stewart at (914) 949-6968 ext. 2847 for more information about donating stock.


Windward allows monthly, recurring gifts for donors to create a regular, ongoing donation schedule to fit their individual goals.



Lucy Godman

Chief Advancement Officer (914) 949-6968 ext. 2844

Meghan Kennedy

Associate Director of Development (914) 949-6968 ext. 2255

Evelyn Poy

Associate Director of Development (914) 949-6968 ext. 2272

Melissa Stewart

Associate Director of Development| Windward Fund Director (914) 949-6968 ext. 2847

Jenny Nichols

Associate Director of Development (212) 222-8628 ext. 3342

Michelle Spino Andruss Alumni Relations Director (914) 949-6968 ext. 2270

Tom Fiorella

Development Windward Fund Associate and WPA Liaison – Manhattan (212) 222-8628 ext. 3140

Lisa Lucente

Development Special Events Associate and WPA Liaison – Westchester (914) 949-6968 ext. 2233

Christelle Bidwell

Development Operations Associate (914) 949-6968 ext. 2281

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