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Fall Parking Tips
Summer is fading and fall is upon us. Those who have been MAC members for more than a few years know this is the time when activity at the club picks up leading toward the busy holidays. More activity at the club translates to more demand for parking. The member parking garage has 526 parking spaces which, for the most part, are for member use only. While nearly all members who use the parking garage do so without incident, there are some parking rules that need to be reinforced from time to time so that everyone has a positive parking experience.
Parking & Leaving the Premises
Per Club Rules, the member garage is for member use while visiting the club or for MAC-sanctioned off-site activities. By rule, members can also park in the garage while attending events at Providence Park, though guests of members must park in the overflow parking areas during stadium events. Members cannot park in the member garage and then go to school or work, even if they will be using the club before or afterward. The spirit of this rule is to keep as many spaces available as possible for members using MAC facilities.
Parking Larger Vehicles
Portland City code requires parking spaces to be at least 8.5 feet wide and 16 feet in depth. Any spaces shorter than 16 feet in depth are considered compact spaces. The member garage has several compact-only spaces due to their shorter stall depth. Many larger SUVs and trucks are longer than what these compact spaces can accommodate and thus should not park in them.
It’s recommended that larger SUVs and trucks use the spaces on the ramps since most of those are 16 feet deep and present less of a chance of the vehicle sticking out into the driving lanes and becoming a hazard. MAC also has oversized vehicle spaces on Southwest 19th Avenue between Southwest Main and Madison Streets. There are also three oversized parking spaces on the surface lot across from Providence Park on Southwest 20th Avenue. They are on the south side of the lot, up against the Portland Towers garages, and are marked for MAC oversized vehicle parking.