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diagnose patient led to understanding how physical symptoms, as had by our fictitious Jane, could be eliminated.
But, how do you fix something without knowing the cause? Dr Nedley has narrowed over 100 causes of depression down to 10 categories. One night a week for eight weeks in a Program in Sandpoint, ID, (and by Zoom), he teaches, in-depth by video, about the causes of depression and the lifestyle tools which overcome the symptoms and empower the person. He covers what contributes to depression & anxiety, emotional wounds, grief and loss, addictions, what we can change about ourselves, enhancing the production of important neurotransmitters, and coping with stress and loneliness. After the video, the groups participate with a trained facilitator in-person and on Zoom utilizing the books purchased earlier, to tailor those tools into what works best for them.
This educational program has continued Spring and Fall in Sandpoint since 2012. It is meant to be supportive to any medical treatments already being provided to the participant. A local mental health professional has said, “This program made my job easier.” Participants from Idaho, Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Connecticut, Colorado, and Maryland say they feel better and have hope.
ust think positive.” If Jane heard that one more time she was going to explode! Didn’t anyone understand what it’s like to feel depressed or anxious? She was trying the best she could; working a job while taking care of people depending on her. Her head was foggy half the time, she had headaches, was forgetful, and gaining weight.
Does this sound familiar? Currently in the United States, anxiety statistics have surpassed depression. Suicide rates have increased even in North Idaho. And mental health services are overwhelmed. Here’s how a local non-profit program called Nedley Depression & Anxiety Recovery can help.
The program was developed almost 30 years ago to educate people with the tools to take charge of their life with simple, but effective lifestyle changes. No gimmicks. We all know that exercise is good for us. And drinking water, and sunshine, and on and on. But Dr. Neil Nedley created a program, strongly backed by research, that is structured for success. Dr. Nedley is a practicing Internal Medicine physician in Weimar, CA and President of Weimar College. His specialty in Gastroenterology and the difficult-to-
Life is often challenging for caregivers who forget to take care of themselves; for busy parents and overloaded teenagers, and the professional with deadlines. Not to mention, those who have lost a loved one, made a recent move, or suffered financial loss. Isn’t it time to take charge of your life and enjoy it?
Contact Sandee Woehler, RN, Community Assoc. Director 208-2903547 for coming Spring & Fall program dates, questions, and to register for Zoom. OR Email: drnedleyprograms@gmail.com. Sessions are held at 1327 Superior St, Sandpoint, ID 83864.
TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE in so many ways... better health, better relationships, overcome depression and anxiety. Dr Neil Nedley has an 8-week community program at 1327 Superior St, Sandpoint, or by ZOOM. Call Sandee (208-290-3547) to register for ZOOM and for Spring & Fall Program dates.