3 minute read
Referral Service
Run It By Tamara
by Tamara Jacobson, Compassionate Care Referral Service
QFrom a grandson concerned about his grandfather’s dementia-driven behaviors – “Is there a place that will accept him with his memory issues and inappropriate sexual comments?”
AUnfortunately, dementia can block filters in the brain allowing him to make comments or do things unlike the person you once knew. Depending on whether his behaviors are limited to talk, or if he has angry outbursts for example, will determine placement options. The protection of other residents is always a first priority at facilities. The good news is some places do specialize in this difficult consequence of dementia. Doctors can help with medication management so don’t hesitate to reach out.
There is something so encouraging and comforting just sharing our concerns with one another. I look forward to hearing from you! — Tamara Jacobson
If you would like to submit a question and ‘Run IT By Tamara’ regarding senior care issues, please email: CCRS@netscape.com or call 208-660-9982
Your Only Locally Owned Referral Service
QFrom an adult daughter who is curious how I coordinate with other senior care related services – “Do you work with others in the community who can help me with my mom who lives with me?’”
AAbsolutely, North Idaho excels at this close knit purpose of doing what’s best for our senior and disabled community. Part of that is working together and knowing who excels at what. Serving on the board of Senior Companions for instance, would lead me to question if Mom was lonely when you are at work and would benefit from a weekly visitor. Is daycare something you are looking for if she cannot be left alone? I know of numerous resources through experience and time spent searching for solutions for families. Home Health and in-home services can also be discussed to make both your lives richer.
QFrom a couple in their 70’s who decided to sell their home and are wondering what a good next step would be – “We really don’t know what’s out there for housing for us. Where do we start?”
AYou are wise to know when to sell and to think ahead intentionally! Let’s have a conversation regarding goals and any health issues to lead us to some possibilities. We will cover topics like downsizing, transportation needs, social activities, meal prep, proximity to medical offices and hospitals to name a few. An appointment with an Eldercare lawyer is always a good step for financial planning so we know your budget. I look forward to getting to know you and your preferences so together we can start that search.
A personal approach to evaluating senior care choices to fit your needs and budget. NO FEES. NO PRESSURE. Tamara Jacobson

Senior Care Consultant (208) 660-9982
Tamara Jacobson, is a Senior Care Consultant and founder of Compassionate Care Referral Services, Inc., CompassionateCareReferral.com Tamara formed the company as a way to connect area seniors and services in a personal but professional manner. Straight forward comparisons are discussed to fit the individuality of her clients.
by Jan Noyes, Associate Ombudsman Area Agency on Aging of North Idaho
9o-year-old Margaret, tiny and thin as a twig and perpetually cold, was lying in bed with her patchwork quilt pulled up tight under her chin. She and Janet, a volunteer ombudsman, had been visiting for a while at a local nursing home when Margaret said, almost in a whisper, “I don’t like to complain, but all my life I’ve taken showers. They give me baths here and I’m afraid I’ll drown in that big bathtub. And when I get out, I’m always so cold.”

Together we can help you find solutions to issues facing aging adults!
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