The Wise Sloth Table of Contents

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The Wise Sloth Table of Contents

Introduction 

Introduction from the E-book that explains a bit

Give me a MacArthur Fellowship so I can open an intellectual monastery

Why someone should sponsor The Wise Sloth

What I'm going to do once I'm rich

The Wise Sloth: A collection of the 92 best blogs from this site up to July 2012

Visit The Wise Sloth Institute

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Highway to the Thunderdome! 

Highway to the Thunderdome!

State of the Union (short political comics) 

The Land Lord

Taxation Without Representation

Some are more equal than others

Life after George Washington

Basic Training Explained

The Officer Corps explained

The back end of the S.O.P.A. issue

7 Steps to becoming a billionaire (a response to people who say protesters should just get jobs)

Americans getting hand outs

Intervention with a Pop Star: Part 1

Intervention with a Pop Star: Part 2

The Equality Myth

The Tent Issue

Veterans protesting in Oakland

Protesting in America

Political Campaign Finance 101

economics 101

University 101

Written film script version of State of the Union

Occupy LOL Street 

Occupy LOL Street: A Brave New Village

Occupy LOL Street: The Butterfly Effect

Occupy LOL Street: A For Anonymous

Occupy LOL Street: The People's Party

Occupy LOL Street and the Constitutional Convention

Occupy LOL Street and the Plight of the Homeless

Occupy LOL Street: The LOL Cats Save Christmas

Occupy LOL Street: The Freedom Flotilla

Occupy LOL Street: The Burden of Responsibility

Occupy LOL Street: The Guilded Age

Occupy LOL Street: The Wizard of LULZ

Occupy LOL Street: Adventures in Lobbying

Illustrated Parables 

A Brief History of the Working Class

A Story About a Girl Who Opens a Secular Monastery (illustrated)

A Story About Marijuana Prohibition

A Story About Reddit Island

A Story About the Power of Voting

A Story About Serving in the U.S. Military

A Story About Net Neutrality

A Story About Cairo, Illinois

A Story About Collaborating With Anonymous Internet Users

Comics About Religion 

The Island of Mana: Part 1

This was your life: part 1

This was your life: part 2

Two Conservative Ladies 

Two Conservative Ladies

Two Conservative Ladies #2

Two Conservative Ladies #3

Two Conservative Ladies #4

Two Conservative Ladies #5

Two Conservative Ladies #6

Two Conservative Ladies #7

Two Conservative Ladies # 8

Two Conservative Ladies #9

An open letter to conservative America

An open letter to liberal America

Two Conservative Ladies: The sketch comedy script

Two Positive Ladies 

Two Positive Ladies #1

Two Positive Ladies #2

Two Positive Ladies #3

Two Positive Ladies #4

Two Positive Ladies #5

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth 

How to make your own deep thoughts memes

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth # 1

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth # 2

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth # 3

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth # 4

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth #5

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth #6

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth #7

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth #8

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth #9

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth #10

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth #11

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth #12

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth #13

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth #14

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth #15

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth #16

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth #17

Deep Thoughts by The Wise Sloth #18 Chapter 2: Economics and Business

A sustainable economic model

7 reasons minnimum wage should be higher

The injustice of employee contracts

What it's like to be poor

We need to do more to help people get the job that's right for them

Why do so many small businesses fail?

Collapse is the product of unsustainability. Sustainability is the product of sustainability.

Stop treating people like shit and they'll start giving a fuck

The legacy of a billionaire

A novel approach to taxing the rich

The housing market is a crime against humanity

Business changes the world

Professionalism is a straitjacket

The fundamental problem with the economy

The letter i'll never send my ceo

Cost/benefit analysis of economic oppression

7 ways worker's rights need to improve

On finding someone to blame for the economic crisis

On Obama's platform of change and how it inspired the american culture

If you can't buy salvation on credit then buy a bunker

The economy needs a love stimulus

Being a conspiracy theorist is good business

The cash register is a ballot box. one dollar equals one vote

Here i just bitch about how expensive everything is

Here i bitch about how expensive everything is again

You can tell who your friends are by who gives you the friend discount

On economic slavery

An argument to socialize the banks

Why your boss sucks

Life Path Flow Chart

But does it have to be so hard to retire?

An ode to first world problems

What's the difference between expensive wine and cheap wine?

Chapter 3: Education 

The Alphabits Analogy (Why it's bad to be stupid)

They're giving away free super powers at the library

1 way to improve college education

The quality of our leaders reflects the quality of our higher education system

The Glass Ceiling of Higher Education

Using art to educate large, anonymous groups of people

How do you create an intelligent society?

The entry i submitted to Google's 10x100 contest

Media for smart people

Silver Bullets and Butterfly Wings

School and work should be fun, and it can be. Chapter 4: Military

The War Debt

American soldiers aren't heroes, they're victims

You can support the ucmj or the troops but not both

Parallels between the stanford prison experiment and student leaders in military tech school

Objectively quantifying the heroism of the troops

5 reasons not to join the united states military

Everything i learned about military strategy i learned from playing real time strategy games

An overdue critique of the military caste system

Lessons civilians can learn from the military

The military is a cult

Why I can't salute the flag

State of the Troops Address on the 10th Anniversary of September 11th

10 Reasons teachers are better leaders than military officers

An open letter to the U.S. military

Chapter 5: Mythology 

14 reasons i'm extremely hesitant to debate christians

15 signs your church is a cult

How believers can witness to nonbelievers

Christians. You believe in science.

10 signs you should stop pretending to be a christian

Christianity is mythology or a hamburger is a hamburger

10 reasons christianity will drive you insane

7 ways the bible will make you an immoral person

11 ways christianity ruins society

Disproving the bible with sex

How christianity was largely responsible for the holocaust

Is god a lover or a fighter?

Religion 101 final exam

Prophets and cognitive dissonance

10 ways to be a better christian witness on the internet

Holding christians accountable

Religious darwinism

The power of prayer

This was your life

The Dali Lama may be nice, but he still pretends to be a mythological being

A more realistic take on the 10 commandments

On traditional christian-american values

What is sin?

It's time to stop celebrating Easter

It's time to stop celebrating Christmas

The christmas test

The christmas spirit

Why not have christmas on march 25th?

Christmas deniers and holocaust deniers

The reason for the season

Inequality Appreciation Day Chapter 6: Philosophy/Ethics

What is philosophy?

Reading for truth

The cosmic perspective

Ode to Humanity

The value of life

The value of knowledge

Your ability to think obligates you to

Life is an existential dilemma: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4

My secular theory on ethics

Ethics without religion -you're already doing it

Another attempt at explaining my secular theory on ethics

The danger in telling people life has no meaning

Cost/benefit analysis of hedonism

Why I like strip clubs

Life is war

How to solve a problem using a team

We have never raised an entire generation of adults, ever

11 ways mainstream academic philosophy has come to resemble religion

My prediction on the legalization of euthenasia

Morality in american culture

Why it's important to know the meaning of life

On passing moral judgement on drug users

The tao of booze

How to think critically

My theory on sexual morality

7 steps to becoming a genius

Ignorance will take its toll

America is a philosophical wasteland

Why i don't like strip clubs

The importance of intellectual standards

Asking penetrating questions about sexual morality

The virtue of immorality

Sometimes villains are heroes

What is a pseudo-intellectual?

If chivalry isn't dead then kill it

When is forgiveness justified?

The rise of the vagrant intellectuals

The american burqa

An agnostic take on god

An agnostic take on pascal's wager

Sanity, reality, truth, religion and science

An agnostic take on intelligent design

Agnostic nihilism

Agnostic atheism

The science of thought

On atheists misusing the celestial teapot analogy

Where do atheists get their morals?

Reason vs faith: part 1, part 2

Should reason be considered a legal religion?

On legislating morality

Virtue is reason, which is based on knowledge that can obsolesce

Should you let friends borrow money? Chapter 7: Politics and World Issues

Stop talking about guns and start talking about poverty

Things Obama won't change in his next four years as president

Conservative Americans, you don't need to overthrow your government to make the world a better place.

Americans, you're not represented in the 2012 presidential election

Why I kind of hope Romney wins in 2012

Why I'm not sure if we need another big Occupy Wall Street style protest

Why Obamacare made me face palm

Why you should not have faith in your government

An American Expat Visits the "Occupy Auckland" protest.

The Issue of Race in the #Occupy movement

An intervention with the police

Predictions on the Occupy Wall St. Protest

Thoughts on police who beat up protesters

Change Begets Change. Dollars Beget Dollars.

The Big Conspiracy Theory

Cost/Benefit Analysis of Terrorism

A better way to riot

The psychology behind the game theory of revolution

Borders are inhumane

What do you get for your taxes?

A Discussion about Osama Bin Laden's life, death and what it means for the future

Corruption reform

The value of voting in america

Should police enforce unjust laws?

We need to talk about utopia

Why stop with just making drugs illegal?

A theory on improving the political election process

10 solutions to most of america's problems

6 steps to change america

The 28th amendment

The lazy man's guide to political reform

How to orchestrate a nonviolent revolution

A vote to criminalize sin is a vote to legalize oppression

My theory on accountability laws

America is a pc. europe is a mac

Ethnocentric fear of globalization is natural (dumb, but natural) and will run its course

What i would change if i were king: part 1, part 2

8 reasons to legalize marijuana you've already heard

Why prostitution should be legal

Why gambling should be legal Chapter 8: Pop Culture

Why you should boycott pop culture

Why the movie, "Brave" made me facepalm and Hollywood needs an intervention

Why did "Full House" and "Saved by the Bell" exist?

Morality in The Hunger Games

Milestones in the decline of american pop culture

Why do rappers get away with glorifying counter productive behaviour?

10 things gangsta rappers and cowboys have in common

6 reasons not to let your children read/watch twilight

10 signs you're a sheeple

Cost/benefit analysis of internet trolling

Why i hate valentine day

You reveal how stupid you are when you type "lol"

My trainspotting-esque rant about life in america

We need to talk about this pants situation.

13 Things I won't say Chapter 9: Saving the world

So you want to save the world: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4

How to change the world: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5

Don't ask what your country can do for you

Intellectual monastery designs

Solutions for the 47%

Things I wish someone would invent

An open letter to Gen X

3 simple steps that would make a big difference in saving America

Thoughts on saving the world

Why the world sucks and how to save it

ppgrade your culture

Give me an evil genius grant

Why the world won't change much on its own

Change comes from within

Dude, where's my culture?

10 mistakes the future generation won't make

How to create utopia

Rambling business proposal for project cairo

The importance of arguing

Give to charity by donating dividends

Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery

How are heroes made?

Join the romantic liberation movement

Real Life Activism Quest Card Deck Template

My entry in the $300 house contest (I lost)

How to bootstrap a commune

How much complaining is too much? Chapter 10: Self -Help/Inspirational

My advice to the younger generation

It's not cool to be stupid.

Stages of a relationship

Stages of friendship

Signs you're old...but not necessarily mature

Signs you're mature...but not necessarily old

Demotivational inspiration

You might be depressed because the system sucks, not because you suck

What i learned about life from working in IT: part 1, part 2, part 3

the game of life

an essay about you

on you being a winner

the paradox of responsibility

you don't have to go around the world to experience something new

my theory on responsibility

on just saying, "fuck it."

my theory on aggregate happiness and immediate karma

on the inherent limits of professional therapy

you're going to die of cancer

Some relationship advice

The cost/benefit analysis of being fake to impress people

People are important. Chapter: 11 An Old Man From Jersey Explains....

These are short stories, which are precursors to the comics. 

the electoral college

game theory (sort of)




growing up

right and wrong

republicans and democrats


the chicken and the egg

These are comics, which are loosely based on the short stories. 

An Old Man From Jersey Explains: Free Will

An Old Man From Jersey Explains: Growing Up

An Old Man From Jersey Explains: Life

An Old Man From Jersey Explains: The Chicken and the Egg

An Old Man From Jersey Explains: Religion

An Old Man From Jersey Explains: Philosophy

And Old Man From Jersey Explains: The Social Contract

This is a film script for 6 of the Old Man From Jersey episodes. 

An Old Man From Jersey Explains Life (6 Short Film Scripts) Chapter 12: Generally Pessimistic Observations on Society

The life of an apple thinner

Predictions for 2013

A brief history of bad parenting

It's the stress, stupid.

on sheltering children

When will life be less stressful?

Predictions on the New Atheist movement

Meta Atheists V.S. Pop Atheists

Problems we accept are part of life but don't have to

adulthood is a lie

on being a kidult

no action is an island

warning: we were raised to be stupid

why you should not live in suburbia

why women like assholes

6 accurate and 4 inaccurate ways to judge people

10 reasons you're surrounded by idiots

10 ways people get dumber as they get older

why you shouldn't support professional sports

sometimes dumbasses are smarter than you

there are two kinds of people in this world: thinkers and bullshitters

on failing to question the importance of your complaint

should we really be happy?

i hate parent ego

on the topic of being the man of the house

we all wear glass masks

on how we subjugate children

love is stupid Chapter 13: How-To

how to be cool

how to write deep thought memes

how to go down on a girl

10 tips to follow when contacting your computer help desk

how to pick up chicks

how to become an expert at anything

how to have a successful relationship

how to get over a broken heart

how to take advice

how to operate a secular monastery

how to build a floating island Chapter 14: Writing/Creativity

How to write 

Writing The Wise Sloth Way

the wise sloth formula plot template

Formula Plot Storyboard

Notes on writing sitcoms using a formula plot template

4 simple formula plot templates

a parable about how to tell a story

how to write a story

Does substance abuse make you a better writer?

16 tips to overcoming writer's block

10 reasons why writers should blog

predictions on the future of publishing

why using proper grammar is important in life

understanding and communication 101

11 things I learned about blogging from blogging on myspace

Why you shouldn't mock aspiring writers

If you think I'm a closed minded hypocrite who over-generalizes things, read this.

Short Stories 

TL;DR Story Time: Sweet As, Bro

TL;DR Story Time: The Paris, TX PTA

TL;DR Story Time: The Ents

TL;DR Story Time: One Night in December

TL;DR Story Time: The People's Pyramid

TL:DR Story Time: The Prisoner's Tale

The 36 Adventures of Captain Buigardo: A choose your own adventure formula plot template writing prompt

How do you eat an elephant?"

Pros 

a biker looks at social conformity

a biker looks at bad weather

a biker looks at the road

a biker explains why we ride

a biker wonders again why he rides

a biker looks at crying

Unfinished Novels: 

The Unfinished: A post apocalyptic psychological thriller

Cycle 5

Vulgarocracy: A post-apocalyptic Tale

pictures i drew over the years

the warhol effect


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